5 datasets found

Organizations: CERC Formats: CSV

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  • Transportation in Montreal Tweets

    Database Description This database captures a comprehensive set of attributes related to tweets about transportation in Montreal. Each entry in the database represents a single...
  • Census tract boundaries

    "Census tract boundaries" contains geometric boundaries of census tract geographic units. The dataset has been retrieved from the CERC data storage using pycitylayers.
  • Property Assessment Units

    Property Assessment Units (Unités d'évaluation foncière" in French) contains Vector geospatial data of property divisions within the Montreal agglomeration, providing general...
  • BIXI Stations

    "BIXI Stations" lists stations within the BIXI Montréal self-service bicycle network, providing information on their geographic positions, available bicycles, and terminals....
  • Comptages Vehicules Cyclistes Pietons

    Count of Motor Vehicles, Cyclists, and Pedestrians at Montreal Intersections Counts of vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians are available for most intersections equipped with...
You can also access this registry using the API (see API Docs).