4 datasets found

Organizations: CERC Tags: bicycle

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  • MTL Trajet_routes

    Trip trajectory dataset of city Montreal conducted using mobile phone MTL Trajet_routes 2016 MTL Trajet routes 2017
  • BIXI trip history (2021, 2022)

    BIXI trip history (2021) ("Historique des déplacements" in French) contains detailed information about trips taken using the BIXI Montréal self-service bicycle network in 2021....
  • BIXI Stations

    "BIXI Stations" lists stations within the BIXI Montréal self-service bicycle network, providing information on their geographic positions, available bicycles, and terminals....
  • Comptages Vehicules Cyclistes Pietons

    Count of Motor Vehicles, Cyclists, and Pedestrians at Montreal Intersections Counts of vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians are available for most intersections equipped with...
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