! File generated by DesignBuilder - 2021-11-04 - 7:32:03 PM
! Source file: D:\AUC Drive\0_PhD 2021\Mitacs\Dompark\3D Model\DB\Model\Test Orientation\Ideal Load.dsb

! Geometry convention template : External measurements
! Zone geometry and surface areas : 2-Outer
! Zone volume calculation method : 1-Inner
! Zone floor area calculation method : 1-Inner
! Window to wall ratio method : 1-Inner

Version, 9.5;                               !- Version Identifier

Site:Location,Dompark V3 (15-06:15-06)  (15-06:15-06),  !- Location Name
   45.47,                                         !- Latitude
   -73.74,                                        !- Longitude
   -5,                                            !- Time Zone
   32;                                            !- Elevation {m}

Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface,           !- Annual ground temperatures - 1 value for each month
   18,                                            !- Jan ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Feb ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Mar ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Apr ground temperature
   18,                                            !- May ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Jun ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Jul ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Aug ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Sep ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Oct ground temperature
   18,                                            !- Nov ground temperature
   18;                                            !- Dec ground temperature

Site:GroundTemperature:Deep,                      !- Annual ground temperatures - 1 value for each month
   14,                                            !- Jan deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Feb deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Mar deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Apr deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- May deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Jun deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Jul deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Aug deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Sep deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Oct deep ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Nov deep ground temperature
   14;                                            !- Dec deep ground temperature

Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow,                   !- Annual ground temperatures - 1 value for each month
   14,                                            !- Jan shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Feb shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Mar shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Apr shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- May shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Jun shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Jul shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Aug shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Sep shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Oct shallow ground temperature
   14,                                            !- Nov shallow ground temperature
   14;                                            !- Dec shallow ground temperature

Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod,            !- Annual ground temperatures - 1 value for each month
   -1.50,                                         !- January FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   -6.19,                                         !- Februry FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   -7.46,                                         !- March FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   -6.35,                                         !- April FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   -0.03,                                         !- May FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   7.05,                                          !- June FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   13.71,                                         !- July FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   18.53,                                         !- August FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   19.94,                                         !- September FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   17.67,                                         !- October FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   12.21,                                         !- November FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}
   5.33;                                          !- December FCfactorMethod ground temperature {C}

Site:GroundReflectance,                           !- Annual ground reflectances - 1 value for each month
   0.2,                                           !- Jan ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Feb ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Mar ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Apr ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- May ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Jun ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Jul ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Aug ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Sep ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Oct ground reflectance
   0.2,                                           !- Nov ground reflectance
   0.2;                                           !- Dec ground reflectance

   2.0,                                           !- Ground Reflected Solar Modifier
   2.0;                                           !- Daylighting Ground Reflected Solar Modifier

    Run Period 1,            !- Name
    1,                       !- Begin Month
    1,                       !- Begin Day of Month
    ,                        !- Begin Year
    12,                      !- End Month
    31,                      !- End Day of Month
    ,                        !- End Year
    Tuesday,                 !- Day of Week for Start Day
    Yes,                     !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
    Yes,                     !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
    No,                      !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
    Yes,                     !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
    Yes;                     !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators

   No,                                           !- Do the zone sizing calculation
   No,                                           !- Do the system sizing calculation
   No,                                            !- Do the plant sizing calculation
   No,                                           !- Do the design day calculation
   Yes;                                            !- Do the weather file calculation

SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Summer Design Day in Dompark V3 (15-06:15-06) Jun,  !- Design Day Name
   6,                                             !- Month
   15,                                            !- Day of Month
   SummerDesignDay,                               !- Day Type -- used for schedules
   31.6,                                          !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
   11.4,                                          !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule
   WetBulb,                                       !- Humidity Condition Type
   22.7,                                          !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb{C}
   ,                                              !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Enthalpy Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range
   100941.2,                                      !- Barometric Pressure {N/M**2}
   0,                                             !- Wind Speed {m/s}
   0,                                             !- Wind Direction {Degrees N=0, S=180}
   No,                                            !- Rain Indicator
   No,                                            !- Snow on ground indicator
   Yes,                                           !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   ASHRAEClearSky,                                !- Solar Model Indicator
   ,                                              !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
   0.98;                                          !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.2}

SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Summer Design Day in Dompark V3 (15-06:15-06) Jul,  !- Design Day Name
   7,                                             !- Month
   15,                                            !- Day of Month
   SummerDesignDay,                               !- Day Type -- used for schedules
   32,                                            !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
   10.4,                                          !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule
   WetBulb,                                       !- Humidity Condition Type
   24.3,                                          !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb{C}
   ,                                              !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Enthalpy Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range
   100941.2,                                      !- Barometric Pressure {N/M**2}
   0,                                             !- Wind Speed {m/s}
   0,                                             !- Wind Direction {Degrees N=0, S=180}
   No,                                            !- Rain Indicator
   No,                                            !- Snow on ground indicator
   Yes,                                           !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   ASHRAEClearSky,                                !- Solar Model Indicator
   ,                                              !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
   0.98;                                          !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.2}

SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Summer Design Day in Dompark V3 (15-06:15-06) Aug,  !- Design Day Name
   8,                                             !- Month
   15,                                            !- Day of Month
   SummerDesignDay,                               !- Day Type -- used for schedules
   31.6,                                          !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
   10.3,                                          !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule
   WetBulb,                                       !- Humidity Condition Type
   23.3,                                          !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb{C}
   ,                                              !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Enthalpy Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range
   100941.2,                                      !- Barometric Pressure {N/M**2}
   0,                                             !- Wind Speed {m/s}
   0,                                             !- Wind Direction {Degrees N=0, S=180}
   No,                                            !- Rain Indicator
   No,                                            !- Snow on ground indicator
   Yes,                                           !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   ASHRAEClearSky,                                !- Solar Model Indicator
   ,                                              !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
   0.98;                                          !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.2}

SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Summer Design Day in Dompark V3 (15-06:15-06) Sep,  !- Design Day Name
   9,                                             !- Month
   15,                                            !- Day of Month
   SummerDesignDay,                               !- Day Type -- used for schedules
   29.8,                                          !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
   11.1,                                          !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
   ,                                              !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule
   WetBulb,                                       !- Humidity Condition Type
   21.4,                                          !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb{C}
   ,                                              !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Enthalpy Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb
   ,                                              !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range
   100941.2,                                      !- Barometric Pressure {N/M**2}
   0,                                             !- Wind Speed {m/s}
   0,                                             !- Wind Direction {Degrees N=0, S=180}
   No,                                            !- Rain Indicator
   No,                                            !- Snow on ground indicator
   Yes,                                           !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
   ASHRAEClearSky,                                !- Solar Model Indicator
   ,                                              !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
   ,                                              !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
   0.98;                                          !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.2}

Timestep, 2;                                      !- Timesteps/hour

   1,                                             !- Minimum System Time Step (0=same as zone time step)
   20;                                            !- Maximum HVAC Iterations (1=min, 20=default)

ScheduleTypeLimits, Any Number;                         ! Not limited
ScheduleTypeLimits, Fraction,     0.0, 1.0, CONTINUOUS;
ScheduleTypeLimits, Temperature,  -60, 200, CONTINUOUS;
ScheduleTypeLimits, Control Type,   0,   4, DISCRETE;
ScheduleTypeLimits, On/Off,         0,   1, DISCRETE;

      On,                                         ! Name
      Any Number,                                 ! Type
      Through: 12/31,                             ! Type
      For: AllDays,                               ! All days in year
      Until: 24:00,                               ! All hours in day

      Off,                                        ! Name
      Any Number,                                 ! Type
      Through: 12/31,                             ! Type
      For: AllDays,                               ! All days in year
      Until: 24:00,                               ! All hours in day

      Work efficiency,                            ! Name
      Any Number,                                 ! Type
      Through: 12/31,                             ! Type
      For: AllDays,                               ! All days in year
      Until: 24:00,                               ! All hours in day

      OpaqueShade,                                ! Name
      Any Number,                                 ! Type
      Through: 12/31,                             ! Type
      For: AllDays,                               ! All days in year
      Until: 24:00,                               ! All hours in day
    Zone Comfort Control Type Sched,              !- Name
    Control Type,                                 !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,                               !- Field 1
    For: AllDays,                                 !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,                                 !- Field 3
    4;                                            !- Field 4

    Design Days Only,                             !- Name
    Any Number,                                   !- Schedule Type Limits Name
    Through: 12/31,                               !- Field 1
    For: SummerDesignDay WinterDesignDay,         !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,                                 !- Field 3
    1,                                            !- Field 4
    For: AllOtherDays,                            !- Field 2
    Until: 24:00,                                 !- Field 3
! off heating day
Schedule:Day:Hourly,  0, Any Number,

! off cooling day
Schedule:Day:Hourly,  50, Any Number,

! used in seasonal schedules
Schedule:Day:Hourly,  Off, Fraction,

Schedule:Week:Daily, Off,

! -------------------- Control type schedules (for heating & cooling) ----------------------

Schedule:Day:Hourly, Summer Control Type Day Sch, Control Type,

Schedule:Day:Hourly, Winter Control Type Day Sch, Control Type,

Schedule:Day:Hourly, Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool, Control Type,

Schedule:Day:Hourly, Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat, Control Type,

Schedule:Week:Daily, Summer Control Type Week Sch,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch,Summer Control Type Day Sch;

Schedule:Week:Daily, Winter Control Type Week Sch,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch,Winter Control Type Day Sch;

Schedule:Week:Daily, Summer Control Type Week Sch - cool,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,
   Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool,Summer Control Type Day Sch - cool;

Schedule:Week:Daily, Winter Control Type Week Sch - heat,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,
   Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat,Winter Control Type Day Sch - heat;

!IRTMaterial; !- Name

!IRTSurface,  !- Name
!IRTMaterial; !- Outside Layer

LinearBridgingLayer,                  ! Material Name
Rough,                                ! Roughness
0.6267 ,                              ! Resistance {M**2K/W} will give Total Resistance 1
0.0100000 ,                           ! Thermal Absorptance
0.0100000 ,                           ! Solar Absorptance
0.0100000 ;                           ! Visible Absorptance

LinearBridgingConstruction,           !- Name
LinearBridgingLayer;                  !- Layer

Through: 31 Dec,
For: SummerDesignDay WinterDesignDay,
Until: 24:00, 0.0,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0.5;

      OnWinterDesignDay,                          ! Name
      Any Number,                                 
      Through: 12/31,                             
      For: WinterDesignDay,                       ! All days in year
      Until: 24:00, 1,
      For: AllOtherDays,
      Until: 24:00, 0;     

      OnSummerDesignDay,                          ! Name
      Any Number,                                 
      Through: 12/31,                             
      For: SummerDesignDay,                       ! All days in year
      Until: 24:00, 1,
      For: AllOtherDays,
      Until: 24:00, 0;     

! Schedule: On 24/7
On 24/7, 
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,   
Until: 24:00,   1 ;

! Schedule: Office_OpenOff_Occ
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 07:00, 0,
Until: 08:00, 0.25,
Until: 09:00, 0.5,
Until: 12:00, 1,
Until: 14:00, 0.75,
Until: 17:00, 1,
Until: 18:00, 0.5,
Until: 19:00, 0.25,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: Ware_Plant_Occ
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 09:00, 0,
Until: 17:00, 0.01,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Saturday, 
Until: 09:00, 0,
Until: 17:00, 0.01,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Sunday Holidays,
Until: 09:00, 0,
Until: 17:00, 0.01,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: Ware_Plant_Equip
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 07:00, 0.25852,
Until: 20:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0.25852,
For: Saturday, 
Until: 07:00, 0.25852,
Until: 20:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0.25852,
For: Sunday Holidays,
Until: 07:00, 0.25852,
Until: 20:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0.25852,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: Ware_Plant_Light
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 09:00, 0,
Until: 17:00, 0.01,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Saturday, 
Until: 09:00, 0,
Until: 17:00, 0.01,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Sunday Holidays,
Until: 09:00, 0,
Until: 17:00, 0.01,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: TM59_Default_Light
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay Weekends,
Until: 18:00, 0,
Until: 23:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: TM59_Living/Kitchen_Occ
Through: 31 Dec,
For: WinterDesignDay,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 09:00, 0,
Until: 22:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations
Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations, 
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,   
Until: 24:00,   0.1370 ;

! Schedule: Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip
Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays WinterDesignDay SummerDesignDay,
Until: 07:00, 0.05394,
Until: 20:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0.05394,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0.05394,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0.05394,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light
Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays WinterDesignDay SummerDesignDay,
Until: 07:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

! Schedule: Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ
Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays WinterDesignDay SummerDesignDay,
Until: 07:00, 0,
Until: 08:00, 0.25,
Until: 09:00, 0.5,
Until: 12:00, 1,
Until: 14:00, 0.75,
Until: 17:00, 1,
Until: 18:00, 0.5,
Until: 19:00, 0.25,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

WindowMaterial:Gas,1002,                          !- AIR 13MM
   Air,                                           !- Gas type (Air - Argon - Krypton - Xenon - SF6 - Custom)
    .013;                                         !- Thickness {m}

WindowMaterial:Gas,Half thickness 1002,           !- AIR 13MM
   Air,                                           !- Gas type (Air - Argon - Krypton - Xenon - SF6 - Custom)
    .0065;                                        !- Thickness {m}

WindowMaterial:Glazing,3,                         !- Generic CLEAR 6MM
   SpectralAverage,                               !- Optical data type {SpectralAverage or Spectral}
   ,                                              !- Name of spectral data set when Optical Data Type = Spectral
   .006,                                          !- Thickness {m}
   .775,                                          !- Solar transmittance at normal incidence
   .071,                                          !- Solar reflectance at normal incidence: front side
   .071,                                          !- Solar reflectance at normal incidence: back side
   .881,                                          !- Visible transmittance at normal incidence
   .080,                                          !- Visible reflectance at normal incidence: front side
   .080,                                          !- Visible reflectance at normal incidence: back side
   .0,                                            !- IR transmittance at normal incidence
   .84,                                           !- IR emissivity: front side
   .84,                                           !- IR emissivity: back side
   .9,                                            !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
   1;                                             !- Dirt Correction Factor for Solar and Visible Transmittance

WindowMaterial:Glazing,17,                        !- Generic BLUE 6MM
   SpectralAverage,                               !- Optical data type {SpectralAverage or Spectral}
   ,                                              !- Name of spectral data set when Optical Data Type = Spectral
   .006,                                          !- Thickness {m}
   .480,                                          !- Solar transmittance at normal incidence
   .050,                                          !- Solar reflectance at normal incidence: front side
   .050,                                          !- Solar reflectance at normal incidence: back side
   .570,                                          !- Visible transmittance at normal incidence
   .060,                                          !- Visible reflectance at normal incidence: front side
   .060,                                          !- Visible reflectance at normal incidence: back side
   .0,                                            !- IR transmittance at normal incidence
   .84,                                           !- IR emissivity: front side
   .84,                                           !- IR emissivity: back side
   .9,                                            !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
   1;                                             !- Dirt Correction Factor for Solar and Visible Transmittance
! Urea Formaldehyde Foam- thickness 0.1327
Material, Urea Formaldehyde Foam_.1327,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .1327,                                         !- Thickness {m}
   0.04,                                          !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   10,                                            !- Density {kg/m3}
   1400,                                          !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.6,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.6;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Cast Concrete- thickness 0.1
Material, Cast Concrete_.1,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .1,                                            !- Thickness {m}
   1.13,                                          !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   2000,                                          !- Density {kg/m3}
   1000,                                          !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.6,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.6;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Floor/Roof Screed- thickness 0.07
Material, Floor/Roof Screed_.07,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .07,                                           !- Thickness {m}
   0.41,                                          !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   1200,                                          !- Density {kg/m3}
   840,                                           !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.73,                                          !- Solar Absorptance
   0.73;                                          !- Visible Absorptance

! Timber Flooring- thickness 0.03
Material, Timber Flooring_.03,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .03,                                           !- Thickness {m}
   0.14,                                          !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   650,                                           !- Density {kg/m3}
   1200,                                          !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.78,                                          !- Solar Absorptance
   0.78;                                          !- Visible Absorptance

! Cast Concrete (Dense)- thickness 0.1
Material, Cast Concrete (Dense)_.1,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .1,                                            !- Thickness {m}
   1.4,                                           !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   2100,                                          !- Density {kg/m3}
   840,                                           !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.6,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.6;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Gypsum Plasterboard- thickness 0.025
Material, Gypsum Plasterboard_.025,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .025,                                          !- Thickness {m}
   0.25,                                          !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   900,                                           !- Density {kg/m3}
   1000,                                          !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.5,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.5;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Brick- thickness 0.25
Material, Brick_.25,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .25,                                           !- Thickness {m}
   0.72,                                          !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   1920,                                          !- Density {kg/m3}
   840,                                           !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.6,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.6;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Board insulation (Glass fiber board)- thickness 0.051
Material, Board insulation (Glass fiber board)_.051,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .051,                                          !- Thickness {m}
   0.036,                                         !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   160,                                           !- Density {kg/m3}
   840,                                           !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.7,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.7;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Metal deck- thickness 0.01
Material, Metal deck_.01,
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .01,                                           !- Thickness {m}
   45.28,                                         !- Conductivity {w/m-K}
   7824,                                          !- Density {kg/m3}
   500,                                           !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.7,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.7;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Project ground floor
Construction, Project ground floor,
   Urea Formaldehyde Foam_.1327,                  !- .1327m
   Cast Concrete_.1,                              !- .1m
   Floor/Roof Screed_.07,                         !- .07m
   Timber Flooring_.03;                           !- .03m

! <Previous reversed>
Construction, Project ground floor_Rev,
   Timber Flooring_.03,                           !- .03m
   Floor/Roof Screed_.07,                         !- .07m
   Cast Concrete_.1,                              !- .1m
   Urea Formaldehyde Foam_.1327;                  !- .1327m

! Project internal floor_Reversed
Construction, Project internal floor_Reversed,
   Cast Concrete (Dense)_.1;                      !- .1m

! <Previous reversed>
Construction, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev,
   Cast Concrete (Dense)_.1;                      !- .1m

! Special material to represent an R-value for the next construction
Material:NoMass, 5_RVAL_2,                        !- Material name - Air gap 10mm
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .15,                                           !- Resistance {m2-K/w}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.7,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.7;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Project partition
Construction, Project partition,
   Gypsum Plasterboard_.025,                      !- .025m
   5_RVAL_2,                                      !- R-value
   Gypsum Plasterboard_.025;                      !- .025m

! Special material to represent an R-value for the next construction
Material:NoMass, 6_RVAL_2,                        !- Material name - Air gap 10mm
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .15,                                           !- Resistance {m2-K/w}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.7,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.7;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! <Previous reversed>
Construction, Project partition_Rev,
   Gypsum Plasterboard_.025,                      !- .025m
   6_RVAL_2,                                      !- R-value
   Gypsum Plasterboard_.025;                      !- .025m

! Special material to represent an R-value for the next construction
Material:NoMass, 7_RVAL_2,                        !- Material name - Air gap 7mm
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .13,                                           !- Resistance {m2-K/w}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.7,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.7;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! Dompark Wall
Construction, Dompark Wall,
   Brick_.25,                                     !- .25m
   7_RVAL_2,                                      !- R-value
   Brick_.25;                                     !- .25m

! Special material to represent an R-value for the next construction
Material:NoMass, 8_RVAL_2,                        !- Material name - Air gap 7mm
   Rough,                                         !- Roughness
   .13,                                           !- Resistance {m2-K/w}
   0.9,                                           !- Thermal Emittance
   0.7,                                           !- Solar Absorptance
   0.7;                                           !- Visible Absorptance

! <Previous reversed>
Construction, Dompark Wall_Rev,
   Brick_.25,                                     !- .25m
   8_RVAL_2,                                      !- R-value
   Brick_.25;                                     !- .25m

! Dompark Roof
Construction, Dompark Roof,
   Board insulation (Glass fiber board)_.051,     !- .051m
   Metal deck_.01;                                !- .01m

! Dompark Roof Vegetation
Construction, Dompark Roof Vegetation,
   Board insulation (Glass fiber board)_.051,     !- .051m
   Metal deck_.01;                                !- .01m

! <Previous reversed>
Construction, Dompark Roof_Rev,
   Metal deck_.01,                                !- .01m
   Board insulation (Glass fiber board)_.051;     !- .051m

! Project internal floor
Construction, Project internal floor,
   Cast Concrete (Dense)_.1;                      !- .1m

! <Previous reversed>
Construction, Project internal floor_Rev,
   Cast Concrete (Dense)_.1;                      !- .1m

Construction,Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,        !- Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - Material layer names follow:
   17,                                            !- Generic BLUE 6MM
   1002,                                          !- AIR 13MM
   3;                                             !- Generic CLEAR 6MM

   ConductionTransferFunction,                    !- Heat Balance Algorithm: CTF or CondFD
   2000,                                          !- Max Surface Temperature Limit
   0.00000001,                                    !- Minimum Surface Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient
   1000;                                          !- Maximum Surface Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient

ShadowCalculation, PolygonClipping, Periodic, 20,  15000, SutherlandHodgman, , SimpleSkyDiffuseModeling;  !- Interval between shading calcs

SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Inside,TARP;           !- Inside Convection Algorithm
SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Outside,DOE-2;         !- Outside Convection Algorithm
ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial, All, , 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0;

Building, Building,                               !- Building Name
   0,                                             !- North Axis
   Suburbs,                                       !- Terrain
    .04,                                          !- Loads Convergence Tolerance
    .4,                                           !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance
   FullExterior,                                  !- Solar Distribution
   100,                                           !- Maximum number of warmup days
   10;                                            !- Minimum number of warmup days

GlobalGeometryRules, LowerLeftCorner, CounterClockWise, Relative;  !- Surface order is specified as viewed from outside the zone

! Building C_1st - zone_40_space
Zone, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    5479.4259,                                    !- Zone volume
    998.8017,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1544,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1544,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1544,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1544,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.21765,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      7.610314,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Ground floor - 1065.819 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 1065.819m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.6043386426,-47.6095854555, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 0,             !- Vertex 3
      -25.9055258435,-26.5152635804, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Ceiling - 1065.819 m2, Surface Area: 1065.8193
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Floor_0_0_10000,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -75.14296878,-24.53054268, 5.486,           !- Vertex 1
      -39.60433864,-47.60958546, 5.486,           !- Vertex 2
      -25.90552584,-26.51526358, 5.486,           !- Vertex 3
      -61.44414366,-3.43620183, 5.486;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Ceiling - 1065.819 m2, Surface Area: 1065.8193 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Floor_0_0_10000,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.60433864,-47.60958546, 5.486,           !- Vertex 1
      -75.14296878,-24.53054268, 5.486,           !- Vertex 2
      -61.44414366,-3.43620183, 5.486,            !- Vertex 3
      -25.90552584,-26.51526358, 5.486;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Partition - 137.984 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Building B_2nd, Airbnb), Surface Area: 122.6919
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Partition_4_0_10001,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Partition - 137.984 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Building B_2nd, Airbnb), Surface Area: 122.6919 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Partition_4_0_10001,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Partition - 137.984 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Building B_2nd, Airbnb), Surface Area: 15.2925
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Partition_2_1_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Partition_4_0_10002,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 5.486,       !- Vertex 3
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 5.486;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Partition - 137.984 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Building B_2nd, Airbnb), Surface Area: 15.2925 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Partition_4_0_10002,   !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Partition_2_1_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 5.486,       !- Vertex 3
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 5.486;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Wall - 232.469 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 232.469m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.9055258435,-26.5152635804, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 0,             !- Vertex 2
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 5.486,         !- Vertex 3
      -25.9055258435,-26.5152635804, 5.486;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 6.614m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -40.7475090039,-16.8767613841, 1.940382, !- Vertex 1
         -43.0998596763,-15.3491261026, 1.940382, !- Vertex 2
         -43.0998596763,-15.3491261026, 4.298382, !- Vertex 3
         -40.7475090039,-16.8767613841, 4.298382; !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Wall - 137.985 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 137.985m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 0,             !- Vertex 1
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 5.486,       !- Vertex 3
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 5.486;         !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_1st, zone_40_space, Wall - 232.469 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 232.469m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -39.6043386426,-47.6095854555, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -39.6043386426,-47.6095854555, 5.486,       !- Vertex 3
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 5.486;       !- Vertex 4

! Building B_1st - Corridor
Zone, BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    4622.9528,                                    !- Zone volume
    947.7148,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingBX1st:Corridor,         !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1563,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1563,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1563,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1563,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingBX1st:Corridor General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX1st:Corridor#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingBX1st:Corridor Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX1st:Corridor#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX1st:Corridor Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.027323,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX1st:Corridor Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      6.420768,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Ground floor - 974.027 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 974.027m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor_GroundFloor_0_0_0,   !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 0,            !- Vertex 3
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 0;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 974.027 m2, Surface Area: 974.0272
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_0,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10003,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.95098061,-66.95800594, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
      -14.95134599,-72.80243449, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       34.48501236, 3.32287518, 4.878,            !- Vertex 3
       25.48538056, 9.16730418, 4.878;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 974.027 m2, Surface Area: 974.0272 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10003,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.95134599,-72.80243449, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
      -23.95098061,-66.95800594, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       25.48538056, 9.16730418, 4.878,            !- Vertex 3
       34.48501236, 3.32287518, 4.878;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Partition - 442.771 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_45_space), Surface Area: 442.7713
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Partition_5_0_10004,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 0,             !- Vertex 2
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 4.878,         !- Vertex 3
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Partition - 442.771 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_45_space), Surface Area: 442.7713 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Partition_5_0_10004,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 0,             !- Vertex 1
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 4.878;         !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Wall - 52.345 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 52.345m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Wall_3_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Partition - 442.771 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_47_space), Surface Area: 442.7713
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Partition_2_0_10005,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Partition - 442.771 m2 (Building B_1st, zone_47_space), Surface Area: 442.7713 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Partition_2_0_10005,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, Corridor, Wall - 52.345 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 52.345m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0_0_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX1st:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -22.3338374612,-68.008190532, .54,       !- Vertex 1
         -20.596975033,-69.1361216964, .54,       !- Vertex 2
         -20.596975033,-69.1361216964, 4.1178,    !- Vertex 3
         -22.3338374612,-68.008190532, 4.1178;    !- Vertex 4

! Building B_1st - zone_45_space
Zone, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    9775.862,                                     !- Zone volume
    2004.0717,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1570,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1570,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1570,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1570,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      2.172414,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      13.577586,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building B_1st, zone_45_space, Ground floor - 2091.319 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 2091.319m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      5,                                          !- Number vertices
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 0,            !- Vertex 3
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 0,             !- Vertex 4
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 0;            !- Vertex 5

   ! Building B_1st, zone_45_space, Ceiling - 2091.319 m2, Surface Area: 2091.3187
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Floor_0_0_10006,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      5,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.95134599,-72.80243449, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
       4.52886079,-85.45302325, 4.878,            !- Vertex 2
       52.90514619,-10.96009577, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
       39.3000502, .19595316, 4.878,              !- Vertex 4
       34.48501236, 3.32287518, 4.878;            !- Vertex 5

   ! Building B_1st, zone_45_space, Ceiling - 2091.319 m2, Surface Area: 2091.3187 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Floor_0_0_10006,      !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      5,                                          !- Number vertices
       4.52886079,-85.45302325, 4.878,            !- Vertex 1
      -14.95134599,-72.80243449, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       34.48501236, 3.32287518, 4.878,            !- Vertex 3
       39.3000502, .19595316, 4.878,              !- Vertex 4
       52.90514619,-10.96009577, 4.878;           !- Vertex 5

   ! Building B_1st, zone_45_space, Wall - 433.277 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 433.277m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 26 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_25_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         26,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          43.2693859419,-25.7978614884, .54,      !- Vertex 1
          44.3973188148,-24.06099763, .54,        !- Vertex 2
          44.3973188148,-24.06099763, 4.1178,     !- Vertex 3
          43.2693859419,-25.7978614884, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_45_space, Wall - 85.825 m2 - 39.4°, Surface Area: 85.825m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 0,             !- Vertex 2
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 4.878,         !- Vertex 3
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_45_space, Wall - 28.006 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 28.006m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 0,             !- Vertex 1
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 4.878;         !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_45_space, Wall - 113.304 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 113.304m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 9.481m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_6_0_0_0_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -6.5218670263,-78.2765997821, .54,       !- Vertex 1
         -4.2993405247,-79.7199247479, .54,       !- Vertex 2
         -4.2993405247,-79.7199247479, 4.1178,    !- Vertex 3
         -6.5218670263,-78.2765997821, 4.1178;    !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_6_0_0_1_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -12.5671076274,-74.3507763205, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -10.8302457863,-75.4787071036, .54,      !- Vertex 2
         -10.8302457863,-75.4787071036, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
         -12.5671076274,-74.3507763205, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

! Building B_1st - zone_47_space
Zone, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    10108.7005,                                   !- Zone volume
    2072.3043,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1578,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1578,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1578,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1578,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      2.246378,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      14.039862,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Ground floor - 2148.132 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 2148.132m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -43.798890131,-54.0686283315, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       5.6374733435, 22.0566853349, 0,            !- Vertex 3
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 0;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Ceiling - 2148.132 m2, Surface Area: 2148.1322
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Floor_0_0_10007,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -43.79889013,-54.06862833, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
      -23.95098061,-66.95800594, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       25.48538056, 9.16730418, 4.878,            !- Vertex 3
       5.63747334, 22.05668533, 4.878;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Ceiling - 2148.132 m2, Surface Area: 2148.1322 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Floor_0_0_10007,       !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.95098061,-66.95800594, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
      -43.79889013,-54.06862833, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       5.63747334, 22.05668533, 4.878,            !- Vertex 3
       25.48538056, 9.16730418, 4.878;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Wall - 115.442 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 115.442m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       5.6374733435, 22.0566853349, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       5.6374733435, 22.0566853349, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Wall - 442.771 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 282.511m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_4_1_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       5.637473341, 22.0566853311, 0,             !- Vertex 1
      -25.9055241279,-26.5152646979, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -25.9055241279,-26.5152646979, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       5.637473341, 22.0566853311, 4.878;         !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 16 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_4_1_0_0_0_17_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_4_1_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         16,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -.2670045632, 12.9645879172, .54,        !- Vertex 1
         -1.3949419609, 11.2277168741, .54,       !- Vertex 2
         -1.3949419609, 11.2277168741, 4.1178,    !- Vertex 3
         -.2670045632, 12.9645879172, 4.1178;     !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Wall - 442.771 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 37.568m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_4_1_1,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.6043382409,-47.6095857183, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -43.7988901307,-54.0686283311, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -43.7988901307,-54.0686283311, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -39.6043382409,-47.6095857183, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 2 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_4_1_1_0_1_12_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_4_1_1,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         2,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -41.9915296759,-51.2855376693, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -43.1194609082,-53.0223992187, .54,      !- Vertex 2
         -43.1194609082,-53.0223992187, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
         -41.9915296759,-51.2855376693, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_1st, zone_47_space, Wall - 115.442 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 115.442m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -43.798890131,-54.0686283315, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -43.798890131,-54.0686283315, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 5 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_5_0_0_0_0_4_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         5,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -33.3887891524,-60.8290240471, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -31.6519267158,-61.956955217, .54,       !- Vertex 2
         -31.6519267158,-61.956955217, 4.1178,    !- Vertex 3
         -33.3887891524,-60.8290240471, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_1st - zone_50_space
Zone, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    487.771,                                      !- Zone volume
    99.994,                                       !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1611,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1611,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1611,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1611,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .108394,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .67746,                                     !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Ground floor - 118.804 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 118.804m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 0,           !- Vertex 3
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Ceiling - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Floor_0_0_10008,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       28.16599034, 19.46308373, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
       16.07521553, 27.31492382, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Ceiling - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Floor_0_0_10008,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       16.07521553, 27.31492382, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
       28.16599034, 19.46308373, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space), Surface Area: 70.3242
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_8_0_10009,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space), Surface Area: 70.3242 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_8_0_10009,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Wall - 70.324 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.324m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_50_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

! Building A_1st - zone_48_space
Zone, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    6286.2943,                                    !- Zone volume
    1288.7032,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1618,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1618,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1618,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1618,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.396954,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      8.730964,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Ground floor - 1326.452 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 1326.452m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523899, 55.9638404536, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155268, 70.4432461744, 0,           !- Vertex 3
       45.7980287582, 28.5985160112, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Ceiling - 1326.452 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4516
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Floor_0_0_10010,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.04025239, 55.96384045, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
       36.3949874, 14.11911116, 4.878,            !- Vertex 2
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Ceiling - 1326.452 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4516 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Floor_0_0_10010,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949874, 14.11911116, 4.878,            !- Vertex 1
      -28.04025239, 55.96384045, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_1st, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10011,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_1st, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10011, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_1st, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7778
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_8_0_10012,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_1st, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7778 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_8_0_10012, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_1st, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_4_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_7_0_10013,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_1st, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_7_0_10013, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Wall - 27.330 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 13.7197
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_5_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_0_10014,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Wall - 27.330 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 13.7197 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_0_10014,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_5_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Wall - 27.330 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 13.610m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Wall_5_1_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_51_space), Surface Area: 70.4998
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_6_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_Partition_2_0_10015,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_51_space), Surface Area: 70.4998 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_Partition_2_0_10015,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Partition_6_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Wall - 158.761 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 158.761m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Wall_7_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Wall_7_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Wall_7_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -10.5843277957, 44.6278317462, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -8.8474661183, 43.499900711, .54,        !- Vertex 2
         -8.8474661183, 43.499900711, 4.1178,     !- Vertex 3
         -10.5843277957, 44.6278317462, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Wall - 47.863 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 47.863m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Wall_9_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 3 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Wall_9_0_0_0_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace_Wall_9_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         3,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          28.5251916942, 19.2298156694, .54,      !- Vertex 1
          30.262055745, 18.1018830929, .54,       !- Vertex 2
          30.262055745, 18.1018830929, 4.1178,    !- Vertex 3
          28.5251916942, 19.2298156694, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_1st - Corridor
Zone, BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    3549.3656,                                    !- Zone volume
    727.6272,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX1st:Corridor,         !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1629,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1629,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1629,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1629,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX1st:Corridor General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:Corridor#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX1st:Corridor Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:Corridor#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:Corridor Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .788748,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:Corridor Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      4.929674,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ground floor - 785.346 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 113.814m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_GroundFloor_0_0_0,   !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       56.2346927686, 24.7929083467, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142184, 27.9267405805, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552053, 44.5157741468, 0,           !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375125, 41.3819399025, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ground floor - 785.346 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 131.376m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_GroundFloor_0_0_1,   !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495068, 72.6313504291, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -23.0003348948, 76.2487359881, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -12.227294519, 92.8377634171, 0,            !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095033, 89.2203785887, 0;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ground floor - 785.346 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 186.901m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_GroundFloor_0_0_2,   !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073163, 8.2230624068, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       36.3949874058, 14.1191111506, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287573, 28.5985160162, 0,           !- Vertex 3
       54.8771456936, 22.7024694899, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ground floor - 785.346 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 218.488m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_GroundFloor_0_0_3,   !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       54.8771456936, 22.7024694899, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155264, 70.4432461691, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -17.2796654001, 72.5336898501, 0,           !- Vertex 3
       56.2346927759, 24.7929083513, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ground floor - 785.346 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 134.767m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_GroundFloor_0_0_4,   !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523916, 55.9638404529, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213585, 59.6788859021, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -23.0003348914, 76.2487359856, 0,           !- Vertex 3
      -17.279665403, 72.5336898521, 0;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 113.8143
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_0,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10016,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.409014217, 27.926740584, 4.878,         !- Vertex 1
       56.2346927713, 24.7929083475, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375196, 41.3819399004, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552124, 44.5157741447, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 113.8143 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10016,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       56.2346927713, 24.7929083475, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       51.409014217, 27.926740584, 4.878,         !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552124, 44.5157741447, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375196, 41.3819399004, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 3.0958
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_1,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10017,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.19063523, 56.0615001979, 4.878,         !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523952, 55.9638404469, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155328, 70.443246165, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -18.787599484, 70.540906629, 4.878;         !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 3.0958 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10017,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_1,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523952, 55.9638404469, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.19063523, 56.0615001979, 4.878,         !- Vertex 2
      -18.787599484, 70.540906629, 4.878,         !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155328, 70.443246165, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 191.9513
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_2,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10018,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.787599484, 70.540906629, 4.878,         !- Vertex 1
       45.7980287572, 28.5985160035, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       47.1555766774, 30.6889551673, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495106, 72.6313504332, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 191.9513 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10018,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_2,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.7980287572, 28.5985160035, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -18.787599484, 70.540906629, 4.878,         !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495106, 72.6313504332, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       47.1555766774, 30.6889551673, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 213.8845
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_3,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10019,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873907, 14.1191111596, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       45.47410731, 8.223062411, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       56.2346927679, 24.7929083447, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       47.1555766756, 30.6889551646, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 213.8845 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10019,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_3,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.47410731, 8.223062411, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
       36.3949873907, 14.1191111596, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       47.1555766756, 30.6889551646, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       56.2346927679, 24.7929083447, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 262.5998
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_4,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10020,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213612, 59.678885896, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -28.19063523, 56.0615001963, 4.878,         !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 4.878,             !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945155, 92.8377634188, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 262.5998 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10020,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_4,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.19063523, 56.0615001963, 4.878,         !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213612, 59.678885896, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945155, 92.8377634188, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 4.878;             !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_49_space), Surface Area: 400.392
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Partition_5_0_10021,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_49_space), Surface Area: 400.392 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Partition_5_0_10021,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_49_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Partition_4_0_10022,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_49_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Partition_4_0_10022,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Wall - 32.399 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 32.399m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 2 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         2,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -7.0334105088, 89.4648162228, .54,       !- Vertex 1
         -8.7702716124, 90.592746838, .54,        !- Vertex 2
         -8.7702716124, 90.592746838, 4.1178,     !- Vertex 3
         -7.0334105088, 89.4648162228, 4.1178;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 192.864 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_74_space), Surface Area: 192.8636
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Partition_2_0_10023,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 192.864 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_74_space), Surface Area: 192.8636 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Partition_2_0_10023,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_5_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 33.273 m2 (Additional Buildings, zone_73_space), Surface Area: 33.2734
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_6_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_0_10024,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 33.273 m2 (Additional Buildings, zone_73_space), Surface Area: 33.2734 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_0_10024,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_6_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402523926, 55.9638404554, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Wall - 52.807 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 52.807m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_10_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_11_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_11_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_11_0_0,      !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          51.5132348779, 17.5225019088, .54,      !- Vertex 1
          52.6411661263, 19.2593634478, .54,      !- Vertex 2
          52.6411661263, 19.2593634478, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
          51.5132348779, 17.5225019088, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Wall - 28.068 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 28.068m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Wall_12_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_49_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_13_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Partition_2_0_10025,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 0,           !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 0,            !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_49_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Partition_2_0_10025,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:Corridor_Partition_13_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 0,            !- Vertex 1
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 0,           !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

! Building A_1st - zone_49_space
Zone, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    7635.5692,                                    !- Zone volume
    1565.3073,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1644,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1644,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1644,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1644,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.696793,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      10.604957,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_1st, zone_49_space, Ground floor - 1623.578 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 1623.578m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142184, 27.9267405805, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495085, 72.6313504302, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 0,            !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_49_space, Ceiling - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5779
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Floor_0_0_10026,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
       62.18205521, 44.51577415, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 4.878;             !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_49_space, Ceiling - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5779 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Floor_0_0_10026,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 4.878,             !- Vertex 3
       62.18205521, 44.51577415, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_49_space, Wall - 400.392 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 400.392m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 24 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_0_0_23_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         24,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          43.3443048289, 56.7491503957, .54,      !- Vertex 1
          41.6074431382, 57.8770813922, .54,      !- Vertex 2
          41.6074431382, 57.8770813922, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
          43.3443048289, 56.7491503957, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_1st - zone_51_space
Zone, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    476.5593,                                     !- Zone volume
    97.6956,                                      !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1651,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1651,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1651,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1651,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .105902,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .661888,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_1st, zone_51_space, Ground floor - 116.297 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 116.297m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 0,            !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_51_space, Ceiling - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2973
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Floor_0_0_10027,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
      -11.22045087, 45.04093486, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
      -23.34142216, 52.91238477, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_51_space, Ceiling - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2973 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Floor_0_0_10027,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 4.878,           !- Vertex 1
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 4.878,           !- Vertex 2
      -23.34142216, 52.91238477, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
      -11.22045087, 45.04093486, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_51_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_51_space, Wall - 70.500 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.500m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_51_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

! Building A_1st - zone_74_space
Zone, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    2911.4479,                                    !- Zone volume
    596.8528,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1658,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1658,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1658,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1658,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .646988,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      4.043678,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Ground floor - 633.907 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 633.907m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213605, 59.6788859049, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 0,          !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Ceiling - 633.907 m2, Surface Area: 633.9073
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Floor_0_0_10028,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -47.20740468, 68.4111333, 4.878,            !- Vertex 1
      -33.76092136, 59.6788859, 4.878,            !- Vertex 2
      -12.22729452, 92.83776342, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
      -25.6737786, 101.57001094, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Ceiling - 633.907 m2, Surface Area: 633.9073 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Floor_0_0_10028,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.76092136, 59.6788859, 4.878,            !- Vertex 1
      -47.20740468, 68.4111333, 4.878,            !- Vertex 2
      -25.6737786, 101.57001094, 4.878,           !- Vertex 3
      -12.22729452, 92.83776342, 4.878;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Wall - 78.209 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 78.209m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 0,          !- Vertex 2
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 4.878,      !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.181m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -15.9916182987, 95.2823434866, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -17.2061222631, 96.0710514615, .54,      !- Vertex 2
         -17.2061222631, 96.0710514615, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
         -15.9916182987, 95.2823434866, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_1_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -12.9403430471, 93.3008224746, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -14.6772041507, 94.4287530898, .54,      !- Vertex 2
         -14.6772041507, 94.4287530898, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
         -12.9403430471, 93.3008224746, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.140m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_2_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -20.5977378883, 98.2735920623, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -21.8025369158, 99.0559975785, .54,      !- Vertex 2
         -21.8025369158, 99.0559975785, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
         -20.5977378883, 98.2735920623, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.203m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_3_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -18.2852601874, 96.7718517157, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -19.5049092786, 97.5639009745, .54,      !- Vertex 2
         -19.5049092786, 97.5639009745, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
         -18.2852601874, 96.7718517157, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 0,          !- Vertex 1
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 4.878;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 8 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_7_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         8,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -42.9392000933, 74.9835922617, .54,      !- Vertex 1
         -44.0671311864, 73.2467306219, .54,      !- Vertex 2
         -44.0671311864, 73.2467306219, 4.1178,   !- Vertex 3
         -42.9392000933, 74.9835922617, 4.1178;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Partition - 78.209 m2 (Additional Buildings, zone_73_space), Surface Area: 78.2094
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Partition_5_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_0_10029,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 4.878,       !- Vertex 3
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 4.878;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Partition - 78.209 m2 (Additional Buildings, zone_73_space), Surface Area: 78.2094 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_0_10029,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace_Partition_5_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 4.878,        !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609213597, 59.6788859044, 4.878;       !- Vertex 4

! Additional Buildings - zone_73_space
Zone, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    10080.6045,                                   !- Zone volume
    1033.2723,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,  !- Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Ware_Plant_Occ,                             !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .106071429,                                !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1678,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1678,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1678,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  162;                         !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1678,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Ware_Plant_Light,                           !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Ware_Plant_Equip,                           !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      48.35,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      2.240134,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Ware_Plant_Occ,                             !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      14.00084,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Ground floor - 1105.215 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 71.419m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -31.7718267048, 45.0536176566, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -37.1281410331, 48.5320488529, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -31.0377465696, 57.9104339032, 0,           !- Vertex 3
      -25.6814317384, 54.4320021775, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Ground floor - 1105.215 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 391.436m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_1,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -32.0462496783, 20.9969193322, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -48.1979903976, 31.4859756619, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -37.1281410331, 48.5320488529, 0,           !- Vertex 3
      -20.9764075424, 38.0429904808, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Ground floor - 1105.215 m2 (Ground), Surface Area: 642.360m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_GroundFloor_0_0_2,  !- Surface name
      Floor, Project ground floor,                !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Ground, ,                                   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -49.1836212411, 29.9682372588, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -65.3532724121, 40.4689382574, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -47.2074046861, 68.4111332954, 0,           !- Vertex 3
      -31.0377465673, 57.9104339067, 0;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Roof - 1105.215 m2, Surface Area: 34.891m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Roof_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -65.353272415, 40.4689382516, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
      -49.1836212423, 29.9682372556, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -48.1979904001, 31.4859756595, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -64.3676479622, 41.9866673073, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Roof - 1105.215 m2, Surface Area: 261.626m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Roof_1_0_1,  !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -42.841676142, 28.0075467425, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
      -32.0462496797, 20.9969193321, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -20.9764075436, 38.0429904805, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -31.7718267041, 45.0536176592, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Roof - 1105.215 m2, Surface Area: 808.697m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Roof_1_0_2,  !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -64.3676479643, 41.98666731, 9.756,         !- Vertex 1
      -42.841676142, 28.0075467425, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
      -25.6814317386, 54.4320021689, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -47.2074046798, 68.4111332968, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Partition - 250.405 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Building A_1st, Corridor, Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Building A_2nd, Corridor, Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 13.7197
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_3_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_5_0_10030,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.6814317396, 54.4320021742, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -25.6814317396, 54.4320021742, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Partition - 250.405 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Building A_1st, Corridor, Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Building A_2nd, Corridor, Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 13.7197 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_5_0_10030,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_3_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -25.6814317396, 54.4320021742, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -25.6814317396, 54.4320021742, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Partition - 250.405 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Building A_1st, Corridor, Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Building A_2nd, Corridor, Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 33.2734
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_4_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10031,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Partition - 250.405 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Building A_1st, Corridor, Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Building A_2nd, Corridor, Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 33.2734 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10031, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_4_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402533727, 55.9638389462, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Partition - 250.405 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Building A_1st, Corridor, Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Building A_2nd, Corridor, Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 78.2094
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_5_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Partition_5_0_10032,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Partition - 250.405 m2 (Building A_1st, zone_48_space, Building A_1st, Corridor, Building A_1st, zone_74_space, Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Building A_2nd, Corridor, Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 78.2094 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Partition_5_0_10032,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Partition_2_5_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609220472, 59.6788848456, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -47.2074046834, 68.411133298, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Wall - 325.043 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 325.043m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -65.3532724132, 40.4689382544, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -65.3532724132, 40.4689382544, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Wall - 188.097 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 188.097m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -65.3532724132, 40.4689382544, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -49.1836212411, 29.9682372588, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -49.1836212411, 29.9682372588, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -65.3532724132, 40.4689382544, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Wall - 17.655 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 17.655m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -49.1836212411, 29.9682372588, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -48.1979903994, 31.4859756591, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -48.1979903994, 31.4859756591, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -49.1836212411, 29.9682372588, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Wall - 187.888 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 187.888m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -48.1979903994, 31.4859756591, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -32.046249677, 20.9969193356, 0,            !- Vertex 2
      -32.046249677, 20.9969193356, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
      -48.1979903994, 31.4859756591, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Wall - 198.292 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 198.292m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Wall_7_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -32.046249677, 20.9969193356, 0,            !- Vertex 1
      -20.9764075411, 38.0429904838, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -20.9764075411, 38.0429904838, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -32.046249677, 20.9969193356, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Wall - 125.580 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 125.580m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Wall_8_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -20.9764075411, 38.0429904838, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -31.7718267002, 45.0536176575, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -31.7718267002, 45.0536176575, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -20.9764075411, 38.0429904838, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Additional Buildings, zone_73_space, Wall - 109.096 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 109.096m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace_Wall_9_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,          !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -31.7718267002, 45.0536176575, 0,           !- Vertex 1
      -25.6814317398, 54.4320021744, 0,           !- Vertex 2
      -25.6814317398, 54.4320021744, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -31.7718267002, 45.0536176575, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

! Building A_4th - zone_71_space
Zone, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    466.7899,                                     !- Zone volume
    97.6957,                                      !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1714,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1714,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1714,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1714,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .103731,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .648319,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Floor - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2973
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10033,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 14.634,          !- Vertex 1
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 14.634,          !- Vertex 2
      -23.3414221587, 52.9123847692, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508774, 45.0409348648, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Floor - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2973 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10033,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 14.634,          !- Vertex 1
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 14.634,          !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204508774, 45.0409348648, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414221587, 52.9123847692, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Ceiling - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2974
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Floor_0_0_10034,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 1
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 2
      -11.22044927, 45.04093734, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.34142021, 52.91238777, 19.511999;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Ceiling - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2974 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Floor_0_0_10034,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 1
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 2
      -23.34142021, 52.91238777, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 3
      -11.22044927, 45.04093734, 19.511999;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_68_space), Surface Area: 70.4998
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_5_0_10035,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_68_space), Surface Area: 70.4998 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_5_0_10035,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Wall - 70.500 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.500m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_71_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_4th - zone_68_space
Zone, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    6150.3805,                                    !- Zone volume
    1287.2293,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1721,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1721,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1721,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1721,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.366751,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      8.542195,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Floor - 1326.451 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4514
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10036,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876553, 14.1191115531, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402502992, 55.9638436695, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 14.634,          !- Vertex 3
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 14.634;          !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Floor - 1326.451 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4514 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10036,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402502992, 55.9638436695, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876553, 14.1191115531, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 14.634,          !- Vertex 3
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 14.634;          !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Ceiling - 1326.451 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4514
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Floor_0_0_10037,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503, 55.96384367, 19.511999,        !- Vertex 1
       36.39498766, 14.11911155, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 2
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 3
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 19.511999;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Ceiling - 1326.451 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4514 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Floor_0_0_10037,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.39498766, 14.11911155, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402503, 55.96384367, 19.511999,        !- Vertex 2
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 3
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 19.511999;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_4th, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7777
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_8_0_10038,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_4th, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7777 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_8_0_10038, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_4th, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2172
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_7_0_10039,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_4th, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2172 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_7_0_10039, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Wall - 27.330 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 27.330m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Wall - 158.761 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 158.761m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Wall_6_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -2.2337707556, 39.204920169, 15.174,     !- Vertex 1
         -.4969091275, 38.0769890579, 15.174,     !- Vertex 2
         -.4969091275, 38.0769890579, 18.7518,    !- Vertex 3
         -2.2337707556, 39.204920169, 18.7518;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_70_space), Surface Area: 70.3241
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_7_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Partition_2_0_10040,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_70_space), Surface Area: 70.3241 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Partition_2_0_10040,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_7_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Wall - 47.863 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 47.863m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Wall_8_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 3 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Wall_8_0_0_0_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Wall_8_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         3,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          28.52519217, 19.2298164135, 15.174,     !- Vertex 1
          30.2620561716, 18.1018837611, 15.174,   !- Vertex 2
          30.2620561716, 18.1018837611, 18.7518,  !- Vertex 3
          28.52519217, 19.2298164135, 18.7518;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_4th, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_9_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10041,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_68_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_4th, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10041, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace_Partition_9_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

! Building A_4th - Corridor
Zone, BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    3363.7005,                                    !- Zone volume
    703.9977,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX4th:Corridor,         !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1732,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1732,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1732,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1732,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX4th:Corridor General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:Corridor#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX4th:Corridor Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:Corridor#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:Corridor Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .747489,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:Corridor Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      4.671806,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 186.901
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10042,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073128, 8.2230624102, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876587, 14.1191115488, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287582, 28.5985160057, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       54.8771456845, 22.7024694851, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 186.901 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10042,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876587, 14.1191115488, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073128, 8.2230624102, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
       54.8771456845, 22.7024694851, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       45.7980287582, 28.5985160057, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 204.1458
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_1,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10043,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       50.0514673852, 25.8363011109, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155298, 70.4432461632, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -17.2796654066, 72.5336898463, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142245, 27.9267405818, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 204.1458 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10043,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_1,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155298, 70.4432461632, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       50.0514673852, 25.8363011109, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142245, 27.9267405818, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -17.2796654066, 72.5336898463, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 128.1564
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_2,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10044,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       54.8771456831, 22.7024694877, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       50.0514673852, 25.8363011109, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552059, 44.5157741517, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375107, 41.3819399038, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 128.1564 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10044,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_2,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       50.0514673852, 25.8363011109, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       54.8771456831, 22.7024694877, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375107, 41.3819399038, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552059, 44.5157741517, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 131.3759
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_3,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10045,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495091, 72.631350426, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
      -23.0003348974, 76.2487359845, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945177, 92.8377634228, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095016, 89.2203785949, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 131.3759 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10045,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_3,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.0003348974, 76.2487359845, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495091, 72.631350426, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095016, 89.2203785949, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945177, 92.8377634228, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 134.7667
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_4,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10046,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503009, 55.9638436693, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609191046, 59.6788893697, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -23.0003348974, 76.2487359845, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -17.2796654088, 72.5336898512, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 134.7667 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10046,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_4,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609191046, 59.6788893697, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402503009, 55.9638436693, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -17.2796654088, 72.5336898512, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -23.0003348974, 76.2487359845, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 113.8143
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_0,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10047,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405807, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       56.234692765, 24.7929083468, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375093, 41.3819399023, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       62.1820553547, 44.5157743815, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 113.8143 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10047,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       56.234692765, 24.7929083468, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405807, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       62.1820553547, 44.5157743815, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375093, 41.3819399023, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 3.0958
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_1,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10048,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.1906331379, 56.0615034164, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402503031, 55.9638436654, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155336, 70.4432461639, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -18.7875994774, 70.5409066232, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 3.0958 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10048,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_1,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503031, 55.9638436654, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -28.1906331379, 56.0615034164, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -18.7875994774, 70.5409066232, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155336, 70.4432461639, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 191.9513
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_2,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10049,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.7875994774, 70.5409066232, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       45.7980287605, 28.5985160088, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       47.1555766751, 30.6889551643, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495031, 72.6313504268, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 191.9513 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10049,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_2,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.7980287605, 28.5985160088, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -18.7875994774, 70.5409066232, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495031, 72.6313504268, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       47.1555766751, 30.6889551643, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 213.8845
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_3,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10050,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876666, 14.1191115483, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073089, 8.22306241, 19.511999,      !- Vertex 2
       56.2346927647, 24.7929083451, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       47.1555766724, 30.688955165, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 213.8845 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10050,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_3,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073089, 8.22306241, 19.511999,      !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876666, 14.1191115483, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       47.1555766724, 30.688955165, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       56.2346927647, 24.7929083451, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 262.5998
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_4,       !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10051,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609191146, 59.67888937, 19.511999,     !- Vertex 1
      -28.1906331339, 56.0615034204, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -6.65700721, 89.22038212, 19.511999,        !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272920516, 92.8377672166, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Ceiling - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 262.5998 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Floor_0_0_10051,     !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_4,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.1906331339, 56.0615034204, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609191146, 59.67888937, 19.511999,     !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272920516, 92.8377672166, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -6.65700721, 89.22038212, 19.511999;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_69_space), Surface Area: 400.3919
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Partition_4_0_10052,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_69_space), Surface Area: 400.3919 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Partition_4_0_10052,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_69_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Partition_3_0_10053,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_69_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Partition_3_0_10053,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Wall - 32.399 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 32.399m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.053m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -10.0371496486, 91.4154721778, 15.174,   !- Vertex 1
         -11.6905428976, 92.4891982555, 15.174,   !- Vertex 2
         -11.6905428976, 92.4891982555, 18.7518,  !- Vertex 3
         -10.0371496486, 91.4154721778, 18.7518;  !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0_1_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -7.0334081935, 89.4648197648, 15.174,    !- Vertex 1
         -8.770269243, 90.5927504632, 15.174,     !- Vertex 2
         -8.770269243, 90.5927504632, 18.7518,    !- Vertex 3
         -7.0334081935, 89.4648197648, 18.7518;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 3 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0_0_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         3,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -20.0274774849, 80.8265349614, 15.174,   !- Vertex 1
         -21.1554089957, 79.0896727463, 15.174,   !- Vertex 2
         -21.1554089957, 79.0896727463, 18.7518,  !- Vertex 3
         -20.0274774849, 80.8265349614, 18.7518;  !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Wall - 33.273 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 33.273m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_6_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Wall - 52.807 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 52.807m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_10_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_11_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Wall - 28.068 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 28.068m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Wall_12_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_69_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_13_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Partition_5_0_10054,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_4th, zone_69_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Partition_5_0_10054,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:Corridor_Partition_13_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

! Building A_4th - zone_69_space
Zone, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    7479.0378,                                    !- Zone volume
    1565.3075,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1747,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1747,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1747,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1747,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.662008,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      10.387553,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_4th, zone_69_space, Floor - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5779
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10055,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 14.634,          !- Vertex 1
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 14.634,          !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 14.634,            !- Vertex 3
       62.18205521, 44.51577415, 14.634;          !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_69_space, Floor - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5779 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10055,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 14.634,          !- Vertex 1
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 14.634,          !- Vertex 2
       62.18205521, 44.51577415, 14.634,          !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 14.634;            !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_69_space, Ceiling - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5781
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Floor_0_0_10056,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 1
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 2
       62.18205536, 44.51577438, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 3
      -6.65700721, 89.22038212, 19.511999;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_69_space, Ceiling - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5781 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Floor_0_0_10056,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 1
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 2
      -6.65700721, 89.22038212, 19.511999,        !- Vertex 3
       62.18205536, 44.51577438, 19.511999;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_69_space, Wall - 400.392 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 400.392m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 24 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_23_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         24,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          4.1673563763, 82.1909585611, 15.174,    !- Vertex 1
          2.4304905883, 83.3188923367, 15.174,    !- Vertex 2
          2.4304905883, 83.3188923367, 18.7518,   !- Vertex 3
          4.1673563763, 82.1909585611, 18.7518;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_4th - zone_70_space
Zone, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    477.7715,                                     !- Zone volume
    99.9941,                                      !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1754,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1754,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1754,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1754,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .106171,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .663572,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_4th, zone_70_space, Floor - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10057,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 14.634,          !- Vertex 1
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 14.634,          !- Vertex 2
       16.07521553, 27.31492382, 14.634,          !- Vertex 3
       28.1659903375, 19.4630837316, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_70_space, Floor - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10057,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 14.634,          !- Vertex 1
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 14.634,          !- Vertex 2
       28.1659903375, 19.4630837316, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       16.07521553, 27.31492382, 14.634;          !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_70_space, Ceiling - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Reversed,   !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Floor_0_0_10058,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 1
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 2
       28.16599083, 19.46308449, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 3
       16.07521636, 27.3149251, 19.511999;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_70_space, Ceiling - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Floor_0_0_10058,!- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor_Reversed_Rev, !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 1
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 19.511999,       !- Vertex 2
       16.07521636, 27.3149251, 19.511999,        !- Vertex 3
       28.16599083, 19.46308449, 19.511999;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_70_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_70_space, Wall - 70.324 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.324m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 14.634,       !- Vertex 2
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 3
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 19.511999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_4th, zone_70_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 14.634,       !- Vertex 1
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 3
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 19.511999;    !- Vertex 4

! Building C_2nd - zone_41_space
Zone, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    7476.9607,                                    !- Zone volume
    994.2767,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1770,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1770,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1770,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1770,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.661547,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      10.384668,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building C_2nd, zone_41_space, Roof - 1065.819 m2, Surface Area: 1065.819m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Roof_1_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 13.106,      !- Vertex 1
      -39.6043386426,-47.6095854555, 13.106,      !- Vertex 2
      -25.9055258435,-26.5152635804, 13.106,      !- Vertex 3
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 13.106;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_2nd, zone_41_space, Wall - 191.659 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 122.6919
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Partition_4_0_10059,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 5.486,       !- Vertex 1
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 5.486,       !- Vertex 2
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 10.364,      !- Vertex 3
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 10.364;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_2nd, zone_41_space, Wall - 191.659 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 122.6919 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Partition_4_0_10059,   !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 5.486,       !- Vertex 1
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 5.486,       !- Vertex 2
      -39.6043386435,-47.6095854569, 10.364,      !- Vertex 3
      -25.9055258451,-26.5152635828, 10.364;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_2nd, zone_41_space, Wall - 191.659 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 68.967m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_2_1_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.6043386402,-47.6095854519, 10.364,      !- Vertex 1
      -25.9055258472,-26.5152635861, 10.364,      !- Vertex 2
      -25.9055258418,-26.5152635777, 13.106,      !- Vertex 3
      -39.6043386402,-47.6095854519, 13.106;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_2nd, zone_41_space, Wall - 322.897 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 322.897m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.9055258435,-26.5152635804, 5.486,       !- Vertex 1
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 5.486,         !- Vertex 2
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 13.106,        !- Vertex 3
      -25.9055258435,-26.5152635804, 13.106;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 6.614m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -44.2082752312,-14.6293122041, 9.04,     !- Vertex 1
         -46.5606253082,-13.1016773094, 9.04,     !- Vertex 2
         -46.5606253082,-13.1016773094, 11.398,   !- Vertex 3
         -44.2082752312,-14.6293122041, 11.398;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_2nd, zone_41_space, Wall - 191.659 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 191.659m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 5.486,         !- Vertex 1
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 5.486,       !- Vertex 2
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 13.106,      !- Vertex 3
      -61.4441436608,-3.436201828, 13.106;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 8.369m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -64.6249709303,-8.3342462962, 9.04,      !- Vertex 1
         -66.5579853628,-11.3108274954, 9.04,     !- Vertex 2
         -66.5579853628,-11.3108274954, 11.398,   !- Vertex 3
         -64.6249709303,-8.3342462962, 11.398;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building C_2nd, zone_41_space, Wall - 322.897 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 322.897m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 5.486,       !- Vertex 1
      -39.6043386426,-47.6095854555, 5.486,       !- Vertex 2
      -39.6043386426,-47.6095854555, 13.106,      !- Vertex 3
      -75.1429687837,-24.5305426801, 13.106;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 6.614m2 X 7 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_5_0_0_0_0_6_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         7,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -56.7676404392,-36.4636134594, 9.04,     !- Vertex 1
         -54.4152895465,-37.9912470981, 9.04,     !- Vertex 2
         -54.4152895465,-37.9912470981, 11.398,   !- Vertex 3
         -56.7676404392,-36.4636134594, 11.398;   !- Vertex 4

! Building B_2nd - Corridor
Zone, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    5104.3919,                                    !- Zone volume
    947.7148,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,         !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1789,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1789,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1789,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1789,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX2nd:Corridor#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX2nd:Corridor#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.134309,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      7.089433,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building B_2nd, Corridor, Roof - 974.027 m2, Surface Area: 974.027m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Roof_1_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 10.364,       !- Vertex 1
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 10.364,      !- Vertex 2
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 497.959 m2 (Building B_2nd, Airbnb 2), Surface Area: 497.9589
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Partition_5_0_10060,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 4.878,         !- Vertex 2
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 10.364,        !- Vertex 3
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 497.959 m2 (Building B_2nd, Airbnb 2), Surface Area: 497.9589 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Partition_5_0_10060,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 4.878,         !- Vertex 1
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -14.951345991,-72.8024344921, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       34.4850123576, 3.322875176, 10.364;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Corridor, Wall - 58.869 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 58.869m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Wall_3_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 497.959 m2 (Building B_2nd, Airbnb), Surface Area: 497.9589
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Partition_2_0_10061,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 10.364,      !- Vertex 3
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 497.959 m2 (Building B_2nd, Airbnb), Surface Area: 497.9589 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Partition_2_0_10061,   !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       25.4853805639, 9.1673041784, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.9509806095,-66.9580059446, 10.364;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Corridor, Wall - 58.869 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 58.869m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 10.364,      !- Vertex 3
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0_0_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX2nd:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -22.3338374612,-68.008190532, 5.526,     !- Vertex 1
         -20.596975033,-69.1361216964, 5.526,     !- Vertex 2
         -20.596975033,-69.1361216964, 9.1038,    !- Vertex 3
         -22.3338374612,-68.008190532, 9.1038;    !- Vertex 4

! Building B_2nd - Airbnb 2
Zone, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    10793.9304,                                   !- Zone volume
    2004.0717,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,          !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      TM59_Living/Kitchen_Occ,                    !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .0188,                                     !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1796,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1796,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1796,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  130;                         !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1796,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 General lighting,!- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      TM59_Default_Light,                         !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      5,                                          !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      2.398651,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      TM59_Living/Kitchen_Occ,                    !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      14.99157,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      22,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb 2, Roof - 2091.319 m2, Surface Area: 2091.319m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Roof_1_0_0,           !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      5,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 10.364,      !- Vertex 1
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 10.364,       !- Vertex 2
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 10.364,        !- Vertex 4
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 10.364;       !- Vertex 5

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb 2, Wall - 487.281 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 487.281m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_2_0_0,           !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 26 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_25_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_2_0_0,        !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         26,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          32.3797663067,-42.5664008502, 5.526,    !- Vertex 1
          33.5076976382,-40.8295393653, 5.526,    !- Vertex 2
          33.5076976382,-40.8295393653, 9.1038,   !- Vertex 3
          32.3797663067,-42.5664008502, 9.1038;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb 2, Wall - 96.522 m2 - 39.4°, Surface Area: 96.522m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_3_0_0,           !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 4.878,         !- Vertex 2
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 10.364,        !- Vertex 3
       52.905146187,-10.9600957663, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb 2, Wall - 31.497 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 31.497m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_4_0_0,           !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 4.878,         !- Vertex 1
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       34.4850123579, 3.3228751764, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       39.3000502025, .1959531592, 10.364;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb 2, Wall - 127.426 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 127.426m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_6_0_0,           !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,                      !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       4.5288607911,-85.4530232524, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
      -14.9513459895,-72.8024344897, 10.364;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 9.481m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_6_0_0_0_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_6_0_0,        !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -6.5218670263,-78.2765997821, 5.526,     !- Vertex 1
         -4.2993405247,-79.7199247479, 5.526,     !- Vertex 2
         -4.2993405247,-79.7199247479, 9.1038,    !- Vertex 3
         -6.5218670263,-78.2765997821, 9.1038;    !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_6_0_0_1_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2_Wall_6_0_0,        !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -12.5671076274,-74.3507763205, 5.526,    !- Vertex 1
         -10.8302457863,-75.4787071036, 5.526,    !- Vertex 2
         -10.8302457863,-75.4787071036, 9.1038,   !- Vertex 3
         -12.5671076274,-74.3507763205, 9.1038;   !- Vertex 4

! Building B_2nd - Airbnb
Zone, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    11161.4311,                                   !- Zone volume
    2072.3043,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,           !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      TM59_Living/Kitchen_Occ,                    !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .0188,                                     !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1804,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1804,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1804,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  130;                         !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1804,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb General lighting, !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      TM59_Default_Light,                         !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      5,                                          !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      2.480318,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      TM59_Living/Kitchen_Occ,                    !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      15.501988,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      22,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb, Roof - 2148.132 m2, Surface Area: 2148.132m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Roof_1_0_0,            !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -43.798890131,-54.0686283315, 10.364,       !- Vertex 1
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 10.364,       !- Vertex 2
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       5.6374733435, 22.0566853349, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb, Wall - 129.831 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 129.831m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_3_0_0,            !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       5.6374733435, 22.0566853349, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       5.6374733435, 22.0566853349, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
       25.4853805619, 9.1673041753, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb, Wall - 497.959 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 317.724m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_4_0_0,            !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       5.637473341, 22.0566853311, 4.878,         !- Vertex 1
      -25.9055241224,-26.5152646895, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -25.9055241224,-26.5152646895, 10.364,      !- Vertex 3
       5.637473341, 22.0566853311, 10.364;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 16 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_17_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_4_0_0,         !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         16,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -9.332964772,-.9957646669, 5.526,        !- Vertex 1
         -10.4608960044,-2.7326262163, 5.526,     !- Vertex 2
         -10.4608960044,-2.7326262163, 9.1038,    !- Vertex 3
         -9.332964772,-.9957646669, 9.1038;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb, Wall - 497.959 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 42.251m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_4_0_1,            !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -39.6043382355,-47.6095857099, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -43.7988901307,-54.0686283311, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -43.7988901307,-54.0686283311, 10.364,      !- Vertex 3
      -39.6043382355,-47.6095857099, 10.364;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 2 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_4_0_1_0_1_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_4_0_1,         !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         2,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -40.2191030692,-48.5562404091, 5.526,    !- Vertex 1
         -41.3470343015,-50.2931019585, 5.526,    !- Vertex 2
         -41.3470343015,-50.2931019585, 9.1038,   !- Vertex 3
         -40.2191030692,-48.5562404091, 9.1038;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building B_2nd, Airbnb, Wall - 129.831 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 129.831m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_5_0_0,            !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,                       !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -43.798890131,-54.0686283315, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -23.950980609,-66.9580059439, 10.364,       !- Vertex 3
      -43.798890131,-54.0686283315, 10.364;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 5 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_5_0_0_0_0_4_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb_Wall_5_0_0,         !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         5,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -36.0638110151,-59.0918452842, 5.526,    !- Vertex 1
         -34.3269485786,-60.219776454, 5.526,     !- Vertex 2
         -34.3269485786,-60.219776454, 9.1038,    !- Vertex 3
         -36.0638110151,-59.0918452842, 9.1038;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_5th - zone_56_space
Zone, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    526.189,                                      !- Zone volume
    97.6957,                                      !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1836,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1836,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1836,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1836,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .116931,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .730818,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_5th, zone_56_space, Roof - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.297m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Roof_1_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_56_space, Partition - 79.287 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_53_space), Surface Area: 79.287
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_5_0_10062,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_56_space, Partition - 79.287 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_53_space), Surface Area: 79.287 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_5_0_10062,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204492675, 45.0409373366, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414202057, 52.9123877719, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_56_space, Wall - 44.145 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 44.145m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_56_space, Wall - 79.287 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 79.287m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_56_space, Wall - 44.145 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 44.145m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_5th - zone_53_space
Zone, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    6933.0172,                                    !- Zone volume
    1287.2293,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1843,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1843,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1843,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1843,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.54067,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      9.629191,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Roof - 1326.451 m2, Surface Area: 1326.451m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Roof_1_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287582, 28.5985160112, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155268, 70.4432461744, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 421.491 m2 (Building A_5th, Corridor), Surface Area: 421.4906
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_8_0_10063,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 421.491 m2 (Building A_5th, Corridor), Surface Area: 421.4906 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_8_0_10063, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 94.714 m2 (Building A_5th, Corridor), Surface Area: 94.7142
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_7_0_10064,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 94.714 m2 (Building A_5th, Corridor), Surface Area: 94.7142 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_7_0_10064, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402503055, 55.9638436633, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Wall - 30.736 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 30.736m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -23.3414202083, 52.9123877736, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Wall - 178.549 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 178.549m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204492655, 45.0409373353, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Wall_6_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Wall_6_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -2.2337707556, 39.204920169, 20.051999,  !- Vertex 1
         -.4969091275, 38.0769890579, 20.051999,  !- Vertex 2
         -.4969091275, 38.0769890579, 23.6298,    !- Vertex 3
         -2.2337707556, 39.204920169, 23.6298;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 79.089 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_55_space), Surface Area: 79.0894
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_7_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Partition_2_0_10065,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 79.089 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_55_space), Surface Area: 79.0894 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Partition_2_0_10065,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_7_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       16.0752163687, 27.3149251015, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       28.1659908304, 19.4630844871, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Wall - 53.828 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 53.828m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Wall_8_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 3 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Wall_8_0_0_0_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Wall_8_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         3,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          28.52519217, 19.2298164135, 20.051999,  !- Vertex 1
          30.2620561716, 18.1018837611, 20.051999,!- Vertex 2
          30.2620561716, 18.1018837611, 23.6298,  !- Vertex 3
          28.52519217, 19.2298164135, 23.6298;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 94.714 m2 (Building A_5th, Corridor), Surface Area: 94.7142
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_9_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10066,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_53_space, Partition - 94.714 m2 (Building A_5th, Corridor), Surface Area: 94.7142 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_9_0_10066, !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace_Partition_9_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       36.3949876574, 14.1191115548, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

! Building A_5th - Corridor
Zone, BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    3791.7318,                                    !- Zone volume
    703.9977,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX5th:Corridor,         !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1854,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1854,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1854,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1854,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX5th:Corridor General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:Corridor#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX5th:Corridor Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:Corridor#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:Corridor Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .842607,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:Corridor Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      5.266294,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Roof - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 117.765m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Roof_1_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609191124, 59.6788893698, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402502989, 55.963843666, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155294, 70.4432461764, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -24.3578851745, 74.1582918836, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Roof - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 191.951m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Roof_1_0_1,          !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.7875994718, 70.540906633, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 1
       45.798028753, 28.5985160091, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 2
       47.1555766707, 30.6889551626, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495094, 72.6313504222, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Roof - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 147.931m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Roof_1_0_2,          !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -24.3578851786, 74.1582918845, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
      -18.7875994718, 70.540906633, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570072171, 89.2203821153, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272920547, 92.837767218, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Roof - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 113.814m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Roof_1_0_3,          !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142169, 27.9267405789, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
       56.2346927629, 24.7929083479, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375026, 41.3819399064, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       62.1820553562, 44.51577438, 24.997999;     !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Roof - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 213.885m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Roof_1_0_4,          !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876607, 14.1191115514, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073071, 8.2230624009, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 2
       56.2346927629, 24.7929083479, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       47.1555766708, 30.6889551664, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Partition - 450.297 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_54_space), Surface Area: 450.2973
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Partition_4_0_10067,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Partition - 450.297 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_54_space), Surface Area: 450.2973 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Partition_4_0_10067,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Partition - 108.514 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_54_space), Surface Area: 108.5139
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Partition_3_0_10068,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Partition - 108.514 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_54_space), Surface Area: 108.5139 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Partition_3_0_10068,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570072081, 89.2203821204, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Wall - 36.437 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 36.437m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -7.0334081935, 89.4648197648, 20.051999, !- Vertex 1
         -8.770269243, 90.5927504632, 20.051999,  !- Vertex 2
         -8.770269243, 90.5927504632, 23.6298,    !- Vertex 3
         -7.0334081935, 89.4648197648, 23.6298;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.053m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0_1_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_4_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -10.0371496486, 91.4154721778, 20.051999,!- Vertex 1
         -11.6905428976, 92.4891982555, 20.051999,!- Vertex 2
         -11.6905428976, 92.4891982555, 23.6298,  !- Vertex 3
         -10.0371496486, 91.4154721778, 23.6298;  !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Wall - 216.902 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 216.902m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272920547, 92.8377672166, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 5 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0_0_0_4_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_5_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         5,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -23.4038882425, 75.6273183324, 20.051999,!- Vertex 1
         -24.5318197479, 73.8904561257, 20.051999,!- Vertex 2
         -24.5318197479, 73.8904561257, 23.6298,  !- Vertex 3
         -23.4038882425, 75.6273183324, 23.6298;  !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Wall - 37.421 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 37.421m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_6_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402503035, 55.9638436665, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609191117, 59.6788893678, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Wall - 59.389 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 59.389m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_10_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
       36.3949876556, 14.119111552, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Wall - 216.902 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 216.902m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_11_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Wall - 31.566 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 31.566m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Wall_12_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Partition - 108.514 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_54_space), Surface Area: 108.5139
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_13_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Partition_5_0_10069,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, Corridor, Partition - 108.514 m2 (Building A_5th, zone_54_space), Surface Area: 108.5139 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Partition_5_0_10069,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX5th:Corridor_Partition_13_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
       62.182055355, 44.5157743736, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

! Building A_5th - zone_54_space
Zone, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    8430.7463,                                    !- Zone volume
    1565.3075,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1869,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1869,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1869,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1869,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.873499,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      11.70937,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_5th, zone_54_space, Roof - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.578m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Roof_1_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495085, 72.6313504302, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142184, 27.9267405805, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 2
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_54_space, Wall - 450.297 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 450.297m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570072089, 89.2203821193, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
       62.1820553576, 44.5157743776, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 24 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_23_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         24,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          23.7284466499, 69.4878386306, 20.051999,!- Vertex 1
          21.991583227, 70.6157708704, 20.051999, !- Vertex 2
          21.991583227, 70.6157708704, 23.6298,   !- Vertex 3
          23.7284466499, 69.4878386306, 23.6298;  !- Vertex 4

! Building A_5th - zone_55_space
Zone, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    538.568,                                      !- Zone volume
    99.9941,                                      !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1876,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1876,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1876,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1876,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .119682,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .748011,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_5th, zone_55_space, Roof - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.804m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Roof_1_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 1
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 2
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_55_space, Wall - 45.209 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 45.209m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       16.0752163648, 27.3149251041, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_55_space, Wall - 79.089 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 79.089m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 1
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 2
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 24.997999,    !- Vertex 3
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 24.997999;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_5th, zone_55_space, Wall - 45.209 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 45.209m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 19.511999,    !- Vertex 1
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 19.511999,   !- Vertex 2
       28.1659908309, 19.4630844868, 24.997999,   !- Vertex 3
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 24.997999;    !- Vertex 4

! Building A_3rd - zone_63_space
Zone, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    6150.3826,                                    !- Zone volume
    1287.2295,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1909,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1909,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1909,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1909,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.366752,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      8.542198,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Floor - 1326.452 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4516
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10070,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949874, 14.11911116, 9.756,            !- Vertex 1
      -28.04025239, 55.96384045, 9.756,           !- Vertex 2
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Floor - 1326.452 m2, Surface Area: 1326.4516 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10070,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.04025239, 55.96384045, 9.756,           !- Vertex 1
       36.3949874, 14.11911116, 9.756,            !- Vertex 2
       45.79802876, 28.59851601, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
      -18.63721553, 70.44324617, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_3rd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_12_0_10071,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_3rd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_12_0_10071,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_3rd, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7778
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_11_0_10072,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_3rd, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7778 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_11_0_10072,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_3rd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_4_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_10_0_10073,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_3rd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_10_0_10073,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Wall - 27.330 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 27.330m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523899, 55.9638404536, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402523899, 55.9638404536, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_66_space), Surface Area: 70.4998
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_6_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Partition_2_0_10074,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_66_space), Surface Area: 70.4998 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Partition_2_0_10074,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_6_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Wall - 158.761 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 158.761m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Wall_7_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Wall_7_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Wall_7_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -5.0296923, 41.0206096821, 10.296,       !- Vertex 1
         -3.2928258841, 39.8926755697, 10.296,    !- Vertex 2
         -3.2928258841, 39.8926755697, 13.8738,   !- Vertex 3
         -5.0296923, 41.0206096821, 13.8738;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_65_space), Surface Area: 70.3242
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_8_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Partition_2_0_10075,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_65_space), Surface Area: 70.3242 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Partition_2_0_10075,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Partition_8_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_63_space, Wall - 47.863 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 47.863m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Wall_9_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 3 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Wall_9_0_0_0_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace_Wall_9_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         3,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          34.1174211193, 15.5981798248, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
          35.8542827883, 14.470248795, 10.296,    !- Vertex 2
          35.8542827883, 14.470248795, 13.8738,   !- Vertex 3
          34.1174211193, 15.5981798248, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

! Building A_3rd - Corridor
Zone, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    3459.8687,                                    !- Zone volume
    724.1249,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,         !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1920,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1920,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1920,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1920,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:Corridor#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:Corridor#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .76886,                                     !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      4.805373,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 186.901
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10076,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073029, 8.2230624116, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
       36.394987398, 14.119111164, 9.756,         !- Vertex 2
       45.798028761, 28.5985160102, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       54.877145683, 22.702469493, 9.756;         !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 186.901 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10076,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.394987398, 14.119111164, 9.756,         !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073029, 8.2230624116, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
       54.877145683, 22.702469493, 9.756,         !- Vertex 3
       45.798028761, 28.5985160102, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 204.1458
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_1,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10077,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       50.0514673882, 25.8363011155, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155291, 70.4432461642, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -17.2796654061, 72.5336898473, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       51.409014222, 27.9267405782, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 204.1458 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10077,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_1,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155291, 70.4432461642, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       50.0514673882, 25.8363011155, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       51.409014222, 27.9267405782, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
      -17.2796654061, 72.5336898473, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 128.1564
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_2,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10078,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       54.8771456863, 22.7024694926, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       50.0514673882, 25.8363011155, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552079, 44.515774157, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375075, 41.381939901, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 128.1564 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10078,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_2,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       50.0514673882, 25.8363011155, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       54.8771456863, 22.7024694926, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375075, 41.381939901, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552079, 44.515774157, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 131.3759
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_3,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10079,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495086, 72.631350427, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
      -23.0003348966, 76.2487359859, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945157, 92.8377634235, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570094999, 89.2203785952, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 131.3759 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10079,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_3,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.0003348966, 76.2487359859, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495086, 72.631350427, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570094999, 89.2203785952, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945157, 92.8377634235, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 134.7667
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_4,         !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10080,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523929, 55.9638404505, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213598, 59.6788858998, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -23.0003348966, 76.2487359859, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -17.2796654083, 72.5336898522, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Floor - 785.346 m2, Surface Area: 134.7667 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Ceiling_1_0_10080,   !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Floor_0_0_4,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213598, 59.6788858998, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523929, 55.9638404505, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -17.2796654083, 72.5336898522, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.0003348966, 76.2487359859, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_2_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_2_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          51.5132348779, 17.5225019088, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
          52.6411661263, 19.2593634478, 10.296,   !- Vertex 2
          52.6411661263, 19.2593634478, 13.8738,  !- Vertex 3
          51.5132348779, 17.5225019088, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Wall - 28.068 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 28.068m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_3_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_64_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Partition_5_0_10081,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_64_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Partition_5_0_10081,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_64_space), Surface Area: 400.392
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Partition_4_0_10082,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_64_space), Surface Area: 400.392 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Partition_4_0_10082,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_5_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_64_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_6_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Partition_3_0_10083,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_64_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Partition_3_0_10083,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_6_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Wall - 32.399 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 32.399m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_7_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 2 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_7_0_0_0_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_7_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         2,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -10.0371520574, 91.4154684919, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
         -11.7740143435, 92.543399875, 10.296,    !- Vertex 2
         -11.7740143435, 92.543399875, 13.8738,   !- Vertex 3
         -10.0371520574, 91.4154684919, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 192.864 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_76_space), Surface Area: 192.8636
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_8_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Partition_2_0_10084,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Partition - 192.864 m2 (Building A_3rd, zone_76_space), Surface Area: 192.8636 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Partition_2_0_10084,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Partition_8_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Wall - 33.273 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 33.273m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_9_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213605, 59.6788859049, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523899, 55.9638404536, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402523899, 55.9638404536, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609213605, 59.6788859049, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, Corridor, Wall - 52.807 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 52.807m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor_Wall_13_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

! Building A_3rd - zone_66_space
Zone, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    466.7898,                                     !- Zone volume
    97.6956,                                      !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1935,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1935,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1935,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1935,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .103731,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .648319,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_66_space, Floor - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2973
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10085,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 9.756,           !- Vertex 1
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 9.756,           !- Vertex 2
      -23.34142216, 52.91238477, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
      -11.22045087, 45.04093486, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_66_space, Floor - 116.297 m2, Surface Area: 116.2973 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10085,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.72402849, 46.16376154, 9.756,           !- Vertex 1
      -15.60306235, 38.29231409, 9.756,           !- Vertex 2
      -11.22045087, 45.04093486, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
      -23.34142216, 52.91238477, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_66_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_66_space, Wall - 70.500 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.500m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_66_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

! Building A_3rd - zone_64_space
Zone, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    7479.0385,                                    !- Zone volume
    1565.3073,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1942,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1942,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1942,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1942,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.662009,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      10.387553,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_64_space, Floor - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5779
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10086,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 9.756,           !- Vertex 1
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 9.756,           !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 9.756,             !- Vertex 3
       62.18205521, 44.51577415, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_64_space, Floor - 1623.578 m2, Surface Area: 1623.5779 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10086,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.43004951, 72.63135043, 9.756,           !- Vertex 1
       51.40901422, 27.92674058, 9.756,           !- Vertex 2
       62.18205521, 44.51577415, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095, 89.22037859, 9.756;             !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_64_space, Wall - 400.392 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 400.392m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 24 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_23_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         24,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          4.167354418, 82.1909555505, 10.296,     !- Vertex 1
          2.4304885676, 83.3188892484, 10.296,    !- Vertex 2
          2.4304885676, 83.3188892484, 13.8738,   !- Vertex 3
          4.167354418, 82.1909555505, 13.8738;    !- Vertex 4

! Building A_3rd - zone_65_space
Zone, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    477.7716,                                     !- Zone volume
    99.994,                                       !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1949,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1949,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1949,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1949,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .106171,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .663572,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_65_space, Floor - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10087,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 9.756,           !- Vertex 1
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 9.756,           !- Vertex 2
       16.07521553, 27.31492382, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
       28.16599034, 19.46308373, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_65_space, Floor - 118.804 m2, Surface Area: 118.8042 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10087,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.58696409, 20.40360321, 9.756,           !- Vertex 1
       23.67772507, 12.55177038, 9.756,           !- Vertex 2
       28.16599034, 19.46308373, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
       16.07521553, 27.31492382, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_65_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_65_space, Wall - 70.324 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.324m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 9.756,        !- Vertex 2
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 14.634,       !- Vertex 3
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_65_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 9.756,        !- Vertex 1
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 14.634;       !- Vertex 4

! Building A_3rd - zone_76_space
Zone, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    2813.2376,                                    !- Zone volume
    588.7898,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1956,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1956,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1956,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1956,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .625164,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      3.907274,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_76_space, Floor - 633.907 m2, Surface Area: 633.9073
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,    !- Surface name
      Floor, Project internal floor,              !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10088,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.76092136, 59.6788859, 9.756,            !- Vertex 1
      -47.20740468, 68.4111333, 9.756,            !- Vertex 2
      -25.6737786, 101.57001094, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
      -12.22729452, 92.83776342, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_76_space, Floor - 633.907 m2, Surface Area: 633.9073 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Ceiling_1_0_10088,  !- Surface name
      Ceiling, Project internal floor_Rev,        !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Floor_0_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -47.20740468, 68.4111333, 9.756,            !- Vertex 1
      -33.76092136, 59.6788859, 9.756,            !- Vertex 2
      -12.22729452, 92.83776342, 9.756,           !- Vertex 3
      -25.6737786, 101.57001094, 9.756;           !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_76_space, Roof - 633.907 m2, Surface Area: 633.907m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Roof_1_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Roof, Dompark Roof,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 14.634,      !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213605, 59.6788859049, 14.634,      !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 14.634;     !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_76_space, Wall - 78.209 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 78.209m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 9.756,      !- Vertex 2
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 14.634,     !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.181m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -15.9916182987, 95.2823434866, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
         -17.2061222631, 96.0710514615, 10.296,   !- Vertex 2
         -17.2061222631, 96.0710514615, 13.8738,  !- Vertex 3
         -15.9916182987, 95.2823434866, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.140m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_1_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -20.5977378883, 98.2735920623, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
         -21.8025369158, 99.0559975785, 10.296,   !- Vertex 2
         -21.8025369158, 99.0559975785, 13.8738,  !- Vertex 3
         -20.5977378883, 98.2735920623, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.203m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_2_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -18.2852601874, 96.7718517157, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
         -19.5049092786, 97.5639009745, 10.296,   !- Vertex 2
         -19.5049092786, 97.5639009745, 13.8738,  !- Vertex 3
         -18.2852601874, 96.7718517157, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_3_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -12.9403430471, 93.3008224746, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
         -14.6772041507, 94.4287530898, 10.296,   !- Vertex 2
         -14.6772041507, 94.4287530898, 13.8738,  !- Vertex 3
         -12.9403430471, 93.3008224746, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_76_space, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 9.756,      !- Vertex 1
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 14.634;     !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 8 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_7_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         8,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -28.0994191518, 97.8348518989, 10.296,   !- Vertex 1
         -29.2273502449, 96.0979902591, 10.296,   !- Vertex 2
         -29.2273502449, 96.0979902591, 13.8738,  !- Vertex 3
         -28.0994191518, 97.8348518989, 13.8738;  !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_3rd, zone_76_space, Wall - 78.209 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 78.209m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 9.756,       !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213605, 59.6788859049, 9.756,       !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609213605, 59.6788859049, 14.634,      !- Vertex 3
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 14.634;      !- Vertex 4

! Building A_2nd - zone_58_space
Zone, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    6157.424,                                     !- Zone volume
    1288.7032,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 1989,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 1989,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 1989,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 1989,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.368316,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      8.551978,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_2nd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_12_0_10089,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_2nd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_12_0_10089,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_2_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       36.3949873959, 14.1191111523, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       45.798028758, 28.5985160109, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_2nd, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7778
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_11_0_10090,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 374.778 m2 (Building A_2nd, Corridor), Surface Area: 374.7778 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_11_0_10090,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_3_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       45.7980287593, 28.5985160105, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155284, 70.4432461755, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_2nd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_4_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_10_0_10091,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 84.217 m2 (Building A_2nd, Corridor), Surface Area: 84.2173 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_10_0_10091,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -18.6372155244, 70.4432461781, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -28.0402523915, 55.9638404512, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Wall - 27.330 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 13.610m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
      -25.6814306389, 54.4320038691, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_61_space), Surface Area: 70.4998
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_6_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Partition_2_0_10092,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 70.500 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_61_space), Surface Area: 70.4998 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Partition_2_0_10092,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_6_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -23.341422162, 52.9123847664, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508714, 45.0409348555, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Wall - 158.761 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 158.761m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Wall_7_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Wall_7_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Wall_7_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -5.0296923, 41.0206096821, 5.418,        !- Vertex 1
         -3.2928258841, 39.8926755697, 5.418,     !- Vertex 2
         -3.2928258841, 39.8926755697, 8.9958,    !- Vertex 3
         -5.0296923, 41.0206096821, 8.9958;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_60_space), Surface Area: 70.3242
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_8_0_0,!- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Partition_2_0_10093,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Partition - 70.324 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_60_space), Surface Area: 70.3242 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Partition_2_0_10093,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Partition_8_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       16.0752155311, 27.3149238187, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       28.165990336, 19.4630837328, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_58_space, Wall - 47.863 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 47.863m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Wall_9_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 3 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Wall_9_0_0_0_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace_Wall_9_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         3,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          34.1174211193, 15.5981798248, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
          35.8542827883, 14.470248795, 5.418,     !- Vertex 2
          35.8542827883, 14.470248795, 8.9958,    !- Vertex 3
          34.1174211193, 15.5981798248, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_2nd - Corridor
Zone, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    3476.6029,                                    !- Zone volume
    727.6272,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,         !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 2000,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 2000,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 2000,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 2000,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:Corridor#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:Corridor#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .772578,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      4.828615,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_2_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 4 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_2_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         4,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          47.1038760441, 10.7326857911, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
          48.2318072924, 12.46954733, 5.418,      !- Vertex 2
          48.2318072924, 12.46954733, 8.9958,     !- Vertex 3
          47.1038760441, 10.7326857911, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Wall - 28.068 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 28.068m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_3_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       67.0077375066, 41.3819399017, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_59_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Partition_5_0_10094,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_59_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Partition_5_0_10094,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_4_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       62.1820552079, 44.5157741472, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142194, 27.926740582, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_59_space), Surface Area: 400.392
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Partition_4_0_10095,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 400.392 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_59_space), Surface Area: 400.392 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Partition_4_0_10095,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_5_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       51.4090142149, 27.9267405827, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495104, 72.6313504314, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_59_space), Surface Area: 96.4876
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_6_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Partition_3_0_10096,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 96.488 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_59_space), Surface Area: 96.4876 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Partition_3_0_10096,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_6_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -17.4300495074, 72.6313504318, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095011, 89.2203785896, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Wall - 32.399 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 32.399m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_7_0_0,          !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 2 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_7_0_0_0_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_7_0_0,       !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         2,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -10.0371520574, 91.4154684919, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
         -11.7740143435, 92.543399875, 5.418,     !- Vertex 2
         -11.7740143435, 92.543399875, 8.9958,    !- Vertex 3
         -10.0371520574, 91.4154684919, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 192.864 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 192.8636
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_8_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition_Rev,                !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Partition_2_0_10097,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Partition - 192.864 m2 (Building A_2nd, zone_75_space), Surface Area: 192.8636 <Other side>
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface reverse definition
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Partition_2_0_10097,  !- Surface name
      Wall, Project partition,                    !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Surface, BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Partition_8_0_0,   !- Outside Face Environment
      NoSun,                                      !- Sun Exposure
      NoWind,                                     !- Wind Exposure
      0,                                          !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -12.2272945235, 92.8377634151, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -33.7609213579, 59.6788859089, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, Corridor, Wall - 52.807 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 52.807m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor_Wall_13_0_0,         !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:Corridor,                     !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       45.4741073073, 8.2230624073, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       36.3949873979, 14.1191111552, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

! Building A_2nd - zone_61_space
Zone, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    466.7898,                                     !- Zone volume
    97.6956,                                      !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 2015,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 2015,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 2015,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 2015,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .103731,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .648319,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_61_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -23.3414221615, 52.912384766, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_61_space, Wall - 70.500 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.500m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -27.7240284881, 46.1637615351, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_61_space, Wall - 39.252 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 39.252m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -11.2204508746, 45.0409348576, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -15.6030623484, 38.2923140871, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

! Building A_2nd - zone_59_space
Zone, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    7479.0385,                                    !- Zone volume
    1565.3073,                                    !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 2022,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 2022,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 2022,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 2022,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      1.662009,                                   !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      10.387553,                                  !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_59_space, Wall - 400.392 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 400.392m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
      -6.6570095018, 89.2203785885, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       62.1820552073, 44.5157741463, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 24 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Wall_2_0_0_0_0_23_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace_Wall_2_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         24,                                      !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
          51.6948606242, 51.3262368905, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
          49.9579989252, 52.4541678924, 5.418,    !- Vertex 2
          49.9579989252, 52.4541678924, 8.9958,   !- Vertex 3
          51.6948606242, 51.3262368905, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

! Building A_2nd - zone_60_space
Zone, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    477.7716,                                     !- Zone volume
    99.994,                                       !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 2029,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 2029,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 2029,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 2029,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .106171,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .663572,                                    !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_60_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       16.0752155304, 27.3149238192, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_60_space, Wall - 70.324 m2 - 213.0°, Surface Area: 70.324m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 4.878,        !- Vertex 2
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 9.756,        !- Vertex 3
       11.5869640914, 20.4036032051, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_60_space, Wall - 40.199 m2 - 123.0°, Surface Area: 40.199m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace_Wall_5_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 4.878,        !- Vertex 1
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
       28.1659903397, 19.4630837304, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
       23.677725067, 12.5517703768, 9.756;        !- Vertex 4

! Building A_2nd - zone_75_space
Zone, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
   0,                                             !- Relative North (to building)
   0,                                             !- X Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Y Origin (M)
   0,                                             !- Z Origin (M)
   1 ,                                            !- Zone Type
   1,                                             !- Zone multiplier
   ,                                              !- Zone ceiling height - Let EnergyPlus work it out
    2851.7626,                                    !- Zone volume
    596.8528,                                     !- Floor Area
   TARP,                                          !- Zone inside convection algorithm
   ,                                              !- Zone outside convection algorithm
   Yes;                                           !- Part Of Total Floor Area

   PEOPLE, People BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,    !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Office_OpenOff_Occ,                         !- Number of People SCHEDULE Name
      People/Area,                                !- Number of People Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Number of People
       .111,                                      !- People per Zone Floor Area
      ,                                           !- Zone Floor Area per Person
       .3,                                        !- radiant fraction
      AutoCalculate,                              !- User Specified Sensible Fraction
      Activity Schedule 2036,                     !- Activity level SCHEDULE Name (units W/person, real)
      .0000000382,                                !- CO2 generation rate per unit of activity level (units m3/s-W
      No,                                         !- Enable ASHRAE 55 comfort warnings
      ZoneAveraged,                               !- MRT Calculation Type
      ,                                           !- no particular surface is weighted
      Work efficiency,                            !- Work Efficiency SCHEDULE Name (0.0-1.0,real)
      ClothingInsulationSchedule,                 !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
      ,                                           !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
      Clothing Schedule 2036,                     !- Clothing Insulation SCHEDULE Name (real)
      Default Air Velocity for Comfort Calculations;  !- Air Velocity SCHEDULE Name (units m/s, real)

   Schedule:Compact, Activity Schedule 2036,      !- activity schedule W/person
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  110.7;                       !- Constant value

   Schedule:Compact, Clothing Schedule 2036,      !- Clothing schedule clo
      Any Number,                                 !- Type
      Through: 4/1,                               !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1,                           !- Constant value
      Through: 9/30,                              !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  .5,                          !- Constant value
      Through: 12/31,                             !- Type
      For: AllDays,                               !- All days in year
      Until: 24:00,  1;                           !- Constant value

   Lights, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace General lighting,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Light,               !- Lighting SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design lighting Level (W)
      10,                                         !- Watts per Zone Area {W/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Return Air Fraction
      .42,                                        !- Radiant fraction
      .18,                                        !- Fraction Visible
      1,                                          !- Fraction Replaceable
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace#GeneralLights;  !- LightsEndUseKey

   ! Equipment gain 1
   OtherEquipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Equipment gain 1,  !- Name
      Electricity,                                !- Fuel Type
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Equip,               !- Equipment SCHEDULE Name
      Watts/Area,                                 !- Design Level calculation method
      ,                                           !- Design Equipment Level (W)
      11.77,                                      !- Watts per Zone Area {watts/m2}
      ,                                           !- Watts per Person {watts/person}
      0,                                          !- Latent fraction
      .2,                                         !- Radiant fraction
      0,                                          !- Fraction Lost
      0,                                          !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate
      ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT#BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace#05;  !- End-use category

   ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Infiltration,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      On 24/7,                                    !- Infiltration SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      .633725,                                    !- Design Volume Flow Rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0;                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient

   ZoneVentilation:DesignFlowRate, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Nat Vent,  !- Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Dompark Office_OpenOff_Occ,                 !- Natural Ventilation SCHEDULE Name
      Flow/zone,                                  !- Design Volume Flow Rate calculation method
      3.960781,                                   !- Natural ventilation rate (m3/s)
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per area {m3/s/m2}
      ,                                           !- Volume Flow Rate per person {m3/s/person}
      ,                                           !- Air Changes Per Hour
      NATURAL,                                    !- Vent type - no fan energy
      0,                                          !- Pressure rise (Pa)
      1,                                          !- Total efficiency (0-1)
      1,                                          !- Constant Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Temperature Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Term Coefficient
      0,                                          !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
      24,                                         !- Minimum indoor temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum Indoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum Indoor Temperature Schedule Name
      0,                                          !- Max temperature difference for operation
      ,                                           !- Delta Temperature Schedule Name
      -100,                                       !- Minimum outdoor Temperature (degC)
      ,                                           !- Minimum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      100,                                        !- Maximum outdoor Temperature {C}
      ,                                           !- Maximum outdoor Temperature Schedule Name
      40;                                         !- Maximum WindSpeed {m/s}

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_75_space, Wall - 78.209 m2 - 33.0°, Surface Area: 78.209m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 4.878,       !- Vertex 1
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 4.878,      !- Vertex 2
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 9.756,      !- Vertex 3
      -12.2272945211, 92.8377634188, 9.756;       !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.181m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_0_0_3_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -15.9916182987, 95.2823434866, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
         -17.2061222631, 96.0710514615, 5.418,    !- Vertex 2
         -17.2061222631, 96.0710514615, 8.9958,   !- Vertex 3
         -15.9916182987, 95.2823434866, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.140m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_1_0_2_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -20.5977378883, 98.2735920623, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
         -21.8025369158, 99.0559975785, 5.418,    !- Vertex 2
         -21.8025369158, 99.0559975785, 8.9958,   !- Vertex 3
         -20.5977378883, 98.2735920623, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 5.203m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_2_0_1_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -18.2852601874, 96.7718517157, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
         -19.5049092786, 97.5639009745, 5.418,    !- Vertex 2
         -19.5049092786, 97.5639009745, 8.9958,   !- Vertex 3
         -18.2852601874, 96.7718517157, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0_3_0_0_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_3_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         1,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -12.9403430471, 93.3008224746, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
         -14.6772041507, 94.4287530898, 5.418,    !- Vertex 2
         -14.6772041507, 94.4287530898, 8.9958,   !- Vertex 3
         -12.9403430471, 93.3008224746, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

   ! Building A_2nd, zone_75_space, Wall - 192.864 m2 - 303.0°, Surface Area: 192.864m2
   BuildingSurface:Detailed,                      !- Surface
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,     !- Surface name
      Wall, Dompark Wall,                         !- Class and Construction Name
      BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,                !- Zone Name
      Outdoors, ,                                 !- Outside Face Environment
      SunExposed,                                 !- Sun Exposure
      WindExposed,                                !- Wind Exposure
      AutoCalculate,                              !- View Factor to Ground
      4,                                          !- Number vertices
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 4.878,      !- Vertex 1
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 4.878,       !- Vertex 2
      -47.2074046832, 68.4111332979, 9.756,       !- Vertex 3
      -25.6737786045, 101.5700109388, 9.756;      !- Vertex 4

      ! Window, 7.410m2 X 8 
      FenestrationSurface:Detailed, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_4_0_0_0_0_7_Win,  !- Window name
         Window,                                  !- Class
         Dbl Blue 6mm/13mm Air - 1001,            !- Construction Name
         BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace_Wall_4_0_0,  !- Base surface
         ,                                        !- corresponding other window subsurface
         AutoCalculate,                           !- View Factor to Ground
         1,                                       !- Frame divider name
         8,                                       !- Multiplier
         4,                                       !- Number vertices
         -31.6587747005, 92.3539247811, 5.418,    !- Vertex 1
         -32.7867061802, 90.6170625459, 5.418,    !- Vertex 2
         -32.7867061802, 90.6170625459, 8.9958,   !- Vertex 3
         -31.6587747005, 92.3539247811, 8.9958;   !- Vertex 4

! Shading data - building component blocks

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1, 
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,   
Until: 24:00, 0;

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 1 (1),  !- Area = 369.21698m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -97.0777225069, 3.1925157175, 0,               !- Vertex 1
   -114.8590275314, 16.035529741, 0,              !- Vertex 2
   -105.0035070652, 29.6800246926, 0,             !- Vertex 3
   -87.2200165651, 16.8361332132, 0;              !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 2 (2),  !- Area = 523.86404m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -127.5009114998,-1.4665517146, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -132.4041732435, 20.742077164, 0,              !- Vertex 2
   -118.7662353401, 39.6199736819, 0,             !- Vertex 3
   -105.0035070652, 29.6800246926, 0;             !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 3 (3),  !- Area = 1424.73347m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -113.4240450199,-65.2257226479, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -131.5540569208,-64.1159219785, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -147.6530571936,-.3657219338, 0,               !- Vertex 3
   -132.4041732401, 20.7420771644, 0;             !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 4 (4),  !- Area = 902.70933m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -82.2521694974,-86.1637273341, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -126.6742367921,-83.4394516287, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -131.5540569178,-64.1159219813, 0,             !- Vertex 3
   -81.0901456154,-67.2049923424, 0;              !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 5 (5),  !- Area = 563.68788m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -109.1657209444,-84.5131977863, 19.5,          !- Vertex 1
   -82.252169494,-86.1637273283, 19.5,            !- Vertex 2
   -81.0901456194,-67.2049923413, 19.5,           !- Vertex 3
   -113.4240450147,-65.2257226438, 19.5;          !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 6 (6),  !- Area = 1329.15092m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -126.6742367905,-83.4394516219, 19.5,          !- Vertex 1
   -109.1657209444,-84.5131977863, 19.5,          !- Vertex 2
   -127.5009114956,-1.4665517005, 19.5,           !- Vertex 3
   -142.2266582587,-21.853641149, 19.5;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 7 (7),  !- Area = 672.71163m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -142.2266582601,-21.8536411504, 19.5,          !- Vertex 1
   -114.8590275302, 16.035529745, 19.5,           !- Vertex 2
   -128.6225870387, 25.9766216761, 19.5,          !- Vertex 3
   -147.6530571924,-.3657219358, 19.5;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 8 (8),  !- Area = 654.9734m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -128.6225870405, 25.9766216727, 19.5,          !- Vertex 1
   -97.0777225028, 3.1925157164, 19.5,            !- Vertex 2
   -87.2200165641, 16.836133215, 19.5,            !- Vertex 3
   -118.7662353389, 39.6199736858, 19.5;          !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 9 (9),  !- Area = 758.81496m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -87.2200165584, 16.8361332156, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -118.7662353445, 39.619973685, 0,              !- Vertex 2
   -118.7662353445, 39.619973685, 19.5,           !- Vertex 3
   -87.2200165584, 16.8361332156, 19.5;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 10 (10),  !- Area = 961.90643m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -118.7662353445, 39.619973685, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -147.6530571941,-.3657219367, 0,               !- Vertex 2
   -147.6530571941,-.3657219367, 19.5,            !- Vertex 3
   -118.7662353445, 39.619973685, 19.5;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 11 (11),  !- Area = 1670.79335m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -147.6530571941,-.3657219367, 0,               !- Vertex 1
   -126.6742367898,-83.4394516326, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -126.6742367898,-83.4394516326, 19.5,          !- Vertex 3
   -147.6530571941,-.3657219367, 19.5;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 12 (12),  !- Area = 867.85773m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -126.6742367898,-83.4394516326, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -82.2521694963,-86.1637273357, 0,              !- Vertex 2
   -82.2521694963,-86.1637273357, 19.5,           !- Vertex 3
   -126.6742367898,-83.4394516326, 19.5;          !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 13 (13),  !- Area = 370.38911m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -82.2521694963,-86.1637273357, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -81.0901456154,-67.2049923424, 0,              !- Vertex 2
   -81.0901456154,-67.2049923424, 19.5,           !- Vertex 3
   -82.2521694963,-86.1637273357, 19.5;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 14 (14),  !- Area = 631.69122m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -81.0901456154,-67.2049923424, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -113.4240450188,-65.2257226479, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -113.4240450188,-65.2257226479, 19.5,          !- Vertex 3
   -81.0901456154,-67.2049923424, 19.5;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 15 (15),  !- Area = 1273.24549m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -113.4240450188,-65.2257226479, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -127.500911498,-1.4665517099, 0,               !- Vertex 2
   -127.500911498,-1.4665517099, 19.5,            !- Vertex 3
   -113.4240450188,-65.2257226479, 19.5;          !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 16 (16),  !- Area = 421.01041m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -127.500911498,-1.4665517099, 0,               !- Vertex 1
   -114.8590275287, 16.0355297438, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -114.8590275287, 16.0355297438, 19.5,          !- Vertex 3
   -127.500911498,-1.4665517099, 19.5;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 17 (17),  !- Area = 427.72076m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -114.8590275287, 16.0355297438, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -97.0777225028, 3.1925157164, 0,               !- Vertex 2
   -97.0777225028, 3.1925157164, 19.5,            !- Vertex 3
   -114.8590275287, 16.0355297438, 19.5;          !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 1 - Surface 18 (18),  !- Area = 328.22773m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 1,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -97.0777225028, 3.1925157164, 0,               !- Vertex 1
   -87.2200165584, 16.8361332156, 0,              !- Vertex 2
   -87.2200165584, 16.8361332156, 19.5,           !- Vertex 3
   -97.0777225028, 3.1925157164, 19.5;            !- Vertex 4

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2, 
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,   
Until: 24:00, 0;

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 1 (19),  !- Area = 123.38498m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -20.7503080188, 119.6708286042, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -28.8302662333, 124.8731239432, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -21.8815194045, 135.6701513203, 0,             !- Vertex 3
   -13.801943961, 130.466228755, 0;               !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 2 (20),  !- Area = 194.39435m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   5 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    10.5225693618, 93.4716766545, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    4.2289232425, 97.4858135135, 0,               !- Vertex 2
    2.8797277282, 102.489585209, 0,               !- Vertex 3
    10.584959903, 114.5875932311, 0,              !- Vertex 4
    20.0745855538, 108.4615566651, 0;             !- Vertex 5

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 3 (21),  !- Area = 480.14058m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   5 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    20.0745855538, 108.4615566651, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -.9728883644, 122.0487728092, 0,               !- Vertex 2
   -.426971106, 125.4624570516, 0,                !- Vertex 3
    7.7533758553, 138.1631542842, 0,              !- Vertex 4
    29.8948332626, 123.8723696148, 0;             !- Vertex 5

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 4 (22),  !- Area = 432.41003m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -9.0212685355, 112.1190658579, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -20.7503080146, 119.6708286059, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -3.9754332891, 145.7332921853, 0,              !- Vertex 3
    7.7533758525, 138.1631542851, 0;              !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 5 (23),  !- Area = 203.19689m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   5 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -13.8019439635, 130.4662287495, 9.6,           !- Vertex 1
   -2.0707452621, 122.9103552839, 9.6,            !- Vertex 2
   -.4269710998, 125.4624570543, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
    2.17945399, 141.7607366557, 9.6,              !- Vertex 4
   -3.975433295, 145.7332921756, 9.6;             !- Vertex 5

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 6 (24),  !- Area = 302.48703m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -28.8302662304, 124.8731239482, 9.6,           !- Vertex 1
   -9.0212685307, 112.1190658558, 9.6,            !- Vertex 2
   -2.0707452621, 122.9103552839, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
   -21.8815194042, 135.6701513186, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 7 (25),  !- Area = 323.81582m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -.9728883674, 122.0487728058, 9.6,             !- Vertex 1
    10.5849599073, 114.587593227, 9.6,            !- Vertex 2
    20.4010891706, 129.9999270697, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
    2.1794539943, 141.7607366572, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 8 (26),  !- Area = 400.8302m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   5 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    4.228923239, 97.4858135146, 9.6,              !- Vertex 1
    10.5225693615, 93.4716766537, 9.6,            !- Vertex 2
    29.8948332625, 123.8723696043, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
    20.4010891729, 129.9999270643, 9.6,           !- Vertex 4
    2.8797277276, 102.4895852098, 9.6;            !- Vertex 5

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 9 (27),  !- Area = 346.06459m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    10.5225693614, 93.4716766586, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    29.8948332589, 123.8723696037, 0,             !- Vertex 2
    29.8948332589, 123.8723696037, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
    10.5225693614, 93.4716766586, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 10 (28),  !- Area = 71.6621m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    4.2289232403, 97.4858135108, 0,               !- Vertex 1
    10.5225693614, 93.4716766586, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    10.5225693614, 93.4716766586, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
    4.2289232403, 97.4858135108, 9.6;             !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 11 (29),  !- Area = 49.75177m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    2.8797277276, 102.4895852098, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    4.2289232403, 97.4858135108, 0,               !- Vertex 2
    4.2289232403, 97.4858135108, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
    2.8797277276, 102.4895852098, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 12 (30),  !- Area = 137.6964m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    10.5849599049, 114.5875932287, 0,             !- Vertex 1
    2.8797277276, 102.4895852098, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    2.8797277276, 102.4895852098, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
    10.5849599049, 114.5875932287, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 13 (31),  !- Area = 132.06651m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -.9728883621, 122.0487728068, 0,               !- Vertex 1
    10.5849599049, 114.5875932287, 0,             !- Vertex 2
    10.5849599049, 114.5875932287, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
   -.9728883621, 122.0487728068, 9.6;             !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 14 (32),  !- Area = 33.18778m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -.4269711028, 125.4624570544, 0,               !- Vertex 1
   -.9728883621, 122.0487728068, 0,               !- Vertex 2
   -.9728883621, 122.0487728068, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
   -.4269711028, 125.4624570544, 9.6;             !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 15 (33),  !- Area = 152.36747m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -9.0212685318, 112.1190658575, 0,              !- Vertex 1
   -.4269711028, 125.4624570544, 0,               !- Vertex 2
   -.4269711028, 125.4624570544, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
   -9.0212685318, 112.1190658575, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 16 (34),  !- Area = 226.17372m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -28.8302662366, 124.8731239434, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -9.0212685318, 112.1190658575, 0,              !- Vertex 2
   -9.0212685318, 112.1190658575, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
   -28.8302662366, 124.8731239434, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 17 (35),  !- Area = 123.26224m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -21.8815194042, 135.6701513203, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -28.8302662366, 124.8731239434, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -28.8302662366, 124.8731239434, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
   -21.8815194042, 135.6701513203, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 18 (36),  !- Area = 92.26012m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -13.8019439621, 130.4662287534, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -21.8815194042, 135.6701513203, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -21.8815194042, 135.6701513203, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
   -13.8019439621, 130.4662287534, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 19 (37),  !- Area = 174.29845m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
   -3.97543329, 145.7332921815, 0,                !- Vertex 1
   -13.8019439621, 130.4662287534, 0,             !- Vertex 2
   -13.8019439621, 130.4662287534, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
   -3.97543329, 145.7332921815, 9.6;              !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 2 - Surface 20 (38),  !- Area = 386.99967m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 2,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    29.8948332589, 123.8723696037, 0,             !- Vertex 1
   -3.97543329, 145.7332921815, 0,                !- Vertex 2
   -3.97543329, 145.7332921815, 9.6,              !- Vertex 3
    29.8948332589, 123.8723696037, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3, 
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,   
Until: 24:00, 0;

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 1 (39),  !- Area = 161.18515m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    72.8741192204, 87.8452133732, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    57.0031298292, 98.0344933578, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    61.6204248568, 105.2249804121, 0,             !- Vertex 3
    77.4910194753, 95.0395251233, 0;              !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 2 (40),  !- Area = 1099.72786m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    78.1695166399, 53.308069154, 0,               !- Vertex 1
    42.8486699436, 75.9918341909, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    57.0031298292, 98.0344933578, 0,              !- Vertex 3
    92.3243713012, 75.3580231083, 0;              !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 3 (41),  !- Area = 605.54208m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    58.7243032528, 65.7961800824, 9.6,            !- Vertex 1
    78.1695166443, 53.3080691504, 9.6,            !- Vertex 2
    92.3243712991, 75.3580231117, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
    72.8741192239, 87.8452133711, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 4 (42),  !- Area = 655.37093m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    42.8486699452, 75.9918341937, 9.6,            !- Vertex 1
    58.7243032528, 65.7961800824, 9.6,            !- Vertex 2
    77.491019476, 95.0395251244, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
    61.6204248574, 105.2249804086, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 5 (43),  !- Area = 251.54205m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    78.1695166422, 53.3080691545, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    92.3243713012, 75.3580231083, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    92.3243713012, 75.3580231083, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
    78.1695166422, 53.3080691545, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 6 (44),  !- Area = 402.98456m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    42.8486699472, 75.9918341904, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    78.1695166422, 53.3080691545, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    78.1695166422, 53.3080691545, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
    42.8486699472, 75.9918341904, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 7 (45),  !- Area = 333.51616m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    61.6204248582, 105.2249804056, 0,             !- Vertex 1
    42.8486699472, 75.9918341904, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    42.8486699472, 75.9918341904, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
    61.6204248582, 105.2249804056, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 8 (46),  !- Area = 181.03556m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    77.491019476, 95.0395251244, 0,               !- Vertex 1
    61.6204248582, 105.2249804056, 0,             !- Vertex 2
    61.6204248582, 105.2249804056, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
    77.491019476, 95.0395251244, 9.6;             !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 9 (47),  !- Area = 82.06394m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    72.8741192239, 87.845213371, 0,               !- Vertex 1
    77.491019476, 95.0395251244, 0,               !- Vertex 2
    77.491019476, 95.0395251244, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
    72.8741192239, 87.845213371, 9.6;             !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 3 - Surface 10 (48),  !- Area = 221.89133m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 3,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    92.3243713012, 75.3580231083, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    72.8741192239, 87.845213371, 0,               !- Vertex 2
    72.8741192239, 87.845213371, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
    92.3243713012, 75.3580231083, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 4, 
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,   
Until: 24:00, 0;

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 4 - Surface 1 (49),  !- Area = 236.11185m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 4,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    113.6385408792, 50.4614790332, 0,             !- Vertex 1
    100.481934923, 51.1508875777, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    101.4177930821, 69.0532707681, 0,             !- Vertex 3
    114.5743990383, 68.35274273, 0;               !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 4 - Surface 2 (50),  !- Area = 236.11185m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 4,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    100.481934923, 51.1508875777, 9.6,            !- Vertex 1
    113.6385408792, 50.4614790332, 9.6,           !- Vertex 2
    114.5743990383, 68.35274273, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
    101.4177930821, 69.0532707681, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 4 - Surface 3 (51),  !- Area = 171.99095m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 4,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    113.6385408792, 50.4614790332, 0,             !- Vertex 1
    114.5743990383, 68.35274273, 0,               !- Vertex 2
    114.5743990383, 68.35274273, 9.6,             !- Vertex 3
    113.6385408792, 50.4614790332, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 4 - Surface 4 (52),  !- Area = 126.4767m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 4,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    100.481934923, 51.1508875777, 0,              !- Vertex 1
    113.6385408792, 50.4614790332, 0,             !- Vertex 2
    113.6385408792, 50.4614790332, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
    100.481934923, 51.1508875777, 9.6;            !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 4 - Surface 5 (53),  !- Area = 172.09755m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 4,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    101.4177930821, 69.0532707681, 0,             !- Vertex 1
    100.481934923, 51.1508875777, 0,              !- Vertex 2
    100.481934923, 51.1508875777, 9.6,            !- Vertex 3
    101.4177930821, 69.0532707681, 9.6;           !- Vertex 4

Shading:Building:Detailed, Building 1 - Component block 4 - Surface 6 (54),  !- Area = 126.48233m2, Transmission = 0
   Transmittance schedule for Building 1 - Component block 4,   !- Transmittance schedule
   4 ,                                            !- Number of vertices
    114.5743990383, 68.35274273, 0,               !- Vertex 1
    101.4177930821, 69.0532707681, 0,             !- Vertex 2
    101.4177930821, 69.0532707681, 9.6,           !- Vertex 3
    114.5743990383, 68.35274273, 9.6;             !- Vertex 4

WindowProperty:FrameAndDivider, 1,                !- Frame/divider name
   0.04,                                          !- Frame width
   0.0,                                           !- Frame outside projection
   0.0,                                           !- Frame inside projection
   9.5,                                           !- Frame Conductance
   1.0,                                           !- Ratio of frame-edge glass conductance to centre of glass conductance
   0.5,                                           !- Frame Solar Absorptance
   0.5,                                           !- Frame Visible Absorptance
   0.9,                                           !- Frame Thermal Emissivity
   DividedLite,                                   !- Divider Type
   0.020,                                         !- Divider Width
   1,                                             !- Number of Horzontal Dividers
   1,                                             !- Number of Vertical Dividers
   0.0,                                           !- Divider Outside Projection
   0.0,                                           !- Divider Inside Projection
   9.5,                                           !- Divider Conductance
   1.0,                                           !- Ratio of divider-edge glass conductance to centre of glass conductance
   0.5,                                           !- Divider Solar Absorptance
   0.5,                                           !- Divider Visible Absorptance
   0.9,                                           !- Divider Thermal Emissivity
   0.5,                                           !- Outside Reveal Solar Absorptance
   0.0,                                           !- Inside Sill Depth
   0.5,                                           !- Inside Sill Solar Absorptance
   0.0,                                           !- Inside Reveal Depth
   0.5;                                           !- Inside Reveal Solar Absorptance

Schedule:Year, Zone Control Type Sched, Control Type,  !- Control types schedule
   Winter Control Type Week Sch, 1, 1, 3, 31,     !- End winter
   Summer Control Type Week Sch, 4, 1, 9, 30,     !- Summer
   Winter Control Type Week Sch, 10, 1, 12, 31;   !- Start winter

! Zone Building C_1st - zone_40_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Thermostat, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace,BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Equipment, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Zone, Node BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingCX1st:ZoneX40Xspace In;

! Zone Building B_1st - zone_45_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Thermostat, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace,BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Equipment, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Zone, Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX45Xspace In;

! Zone Building B_1st - zone_47_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Thermostat, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace,BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Equipment, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Zone, Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingBX1st:ZoneX47Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_1st - zone_50_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX50Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_1st - zone_48_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX48Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_1st - zone_49_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX49Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_1st - zone_51_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX51Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_1st - zone_74_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX1st:ZoneX74Xspace In;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Ware_Plant_Cool
AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Saturday, 
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Sunday Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Ware_Plant_Cool
AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Saturday, 
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Sunday Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Thermostat, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace,AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Equipment, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Inlets, , Node AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Zone, Node AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace In,     !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   None,                                          !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace Inlets,
   Node AdditionalBuildings:ZoneX73Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_4th - zone_71_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX71Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_4th - zone_68_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX68Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_4th - zone_69_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX69Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_4th - zone_70_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX4th:ZoneX70Xspace In;

! Zone Building C_2nd - zone_41_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Thermostat, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace,BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Equipment, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Zone, Node BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingCX2nd:ZoneX41Xspace In;

! Zone Building B_2nd - Airbnb 2 heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  21;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Dwell_DomLounge_Cool
BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 14:00, 100,
Until: 23:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 14:00, 100,
Until: 23:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 14:00, 100,
Until: 23:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Dwell_DomLounge_Cool
BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 14:00, 0,
Until: 23:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 14:00, 0,
Until: 23:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 14:00, 0,
Until: 23:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Thermostat, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2,BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Equipment, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Inlets, , Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Zone, Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 In,                 !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Heating Availability Sch,!- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Cooling Availability Sch,!- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 Inlets,
   Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb2 In;

! Zone Building B_2nd - Airbnb heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  21,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  21;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Dwell_DomLounge_Cool
BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 14:00, 100,
Until: 23:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 14:00, 100,
Until: 23:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 14:00, 100,
Until: 23:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Dwell_DomLounge_Cool
BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 14:00, 0,
Until: 23:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 14:00, 0,
Until: 23:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 14:00, 0,
Until: 23:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Thermostat, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb,BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Equipment, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Inlets, , Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Zone, Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb In,                  !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Heating Availability Sch, !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Cooling Availability Sch, !- Cooling availability schedule
   None,                                          !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb Inlets,
   Node BuildingBX2nd:Airbnb In;

! Zone Building A_5th - zone_56_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX56Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_5th - zone_53_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX53Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_5th - zone_54_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX54Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_5th - zone_55_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX5th:ZoneX55Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_3rd - zone_63_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX63Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_3rd - zone_66_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX66Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_3rd - zone_64_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX64Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_3rd - zone_65_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX65Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_3rd - zone_76_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  20,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  20;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX3rd:ZoneX76Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_2nd - zone_58_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX58Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_2nd - zone_61_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX61Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_2nd - zone_59_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX59Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_2nd - zone_60_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX60Xspace In;

! Zone Building A_2nd - zone_75_space heating set point schedule data
Schedule:Compact, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule ,  !- Heating schedule (on)
Any Number,
Through: 3/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
Through: 9/30,
For: Weekdays Weekends SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  0,
Through: 12/31,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: WinterDesignDays,
Until: 24:00,  18,
For: AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00,  18;

! Modified schedule: On 24/7
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Heating Availability Sch,
Any Number,
Through: 12/31,
For: AllDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Cooling SP Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 100,
Until: 19:00,  25,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 100,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 100;

! Modified schedule: Office_OpenOff_Cool
BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,
Through: 31 Dec,
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay,
Until: 05:00, 0,
Until: 19:00, 1,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Weekends,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: Holidays,
Until: 24:00, 0,
For: WinterDesignDay AllOtherDays,
Until: 24:00, 0;

ZoneControl:Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Thermostat, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,  !- ZoneControl:Thermostat Name
   Zone Control Type Sched,
   ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace;

ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, Dual Setpoint - Zone BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Heating Setpoint Schedule,BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Cooling SP Sch;

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Equipment, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Inlets, , Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Zone, Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Out;

ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Equipment,
   SequentialLoad, ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Ideal Loads Air, 1, 1, On 24/7, On 24/7;

ZoneHVAC:IdealLoadsAirSystem, BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Ideal Loads Air,   !- Ideal Loads Air Name
   ,                                              !- Availability Schedule Name
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace In,           !- Zone Supply Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- Zone Exhaust Air Node Name
   ,                                              !- System Inlet Air Node Name
   50,                                            !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Temperature {C}
   12,                                            !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Temperature {C}
   0.0157,                                        !- Maximum Heating Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   0.0077,                                        !- Minimum Cooling Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kg-H2O/kg-air}
   ,                                              !- Heating Limit
   0,                                             !- Maximum Heating Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Sensible Heating Capacity
   NoLimit,                                       !- Cooling Limit
   ,                                              !- Maximum Cooling Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
   ,                                              !- Maximum Total Cooling Capacity
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Heating Availability Sch,  !- Heating Availability Schedule
   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Cooling Availability Sch,  !- Cooling availability schedule
   Humidistat,                                    !- Dehumidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Cooling Sensible Heat Ratio
   None,                                          !- Humidification Control Type
   ,                                              !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
   ,                                              !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
   ,                                              !- Demand Controlled Ventilation Type
   NoEconomizer,                                  !- Outdoor Air Economizer Type
   ,                                              !- Heat Recovery Type
   ,                                              !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
   ;                                              !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness

   BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace Inlets,
   Node BuildingAX2nd:ZoneX75Xspace In;

   1.25,                                          !- Heating Sizing Factor
   1.15,                                          !- Cooling Sizing Factor
   2;                                             !- Time steps in averaging window