2023-10-26 10:07:46 -04:00
Test db factory
SPDX - License - Identifier : LGPL - 3.0 - or - later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi peteryefi @gmail.com
import distutils . spawn
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import unittest
from pathlib import Path
from unittest import TestCase
import sqlalchemy . exc
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy . exc import ProgrammingError
import hub . helpers . constants as cte
from hub . exports . energy_building_exports_factory import EnergyBuildingsExportsFactory
from hub . exports . exports_factory import ExportsFactory
from hub . helpers . data . montreal_function_to_hub_function import MontrealFunctionToHubFunction
from hub . imports . construction_factory import ConstructionFactory
from hub . imports . energy_systems_factory import EnergySystemsFactory
from hub . imports . geometry_factory import GeometryFactory
from hub . imports . results_factory import ResultFactory
from hub . imports . usage_factory import UsageFactory
from hub . imports . weather_factory import WeatherFactory
from cerc_persistence . db_control import DBControl
from cerc_persistence . models import City , Application , CityObject , SimulationResults
from cerc_persistence . models import User , UserRoles
from cerc_persistence . repository import Repository
class Control :
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
_skip_test = False
_skip_reason = ' PostgreSQL not properly installed in host machine '
def __init__ ( self ) :
: return : None
self . _skip_test = False
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Create test database.
2023-11-20 11:10:22 -05:00
dotenv_path = Path ( " {} /.local/etc/hub/.env " . format ( os . path . expanduser ( ' ~ ' ) ) ) . resolve ( )
2023-12-16 13:13:07 -05:00
print ( dotenv_path )
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
if not dotenv_path . exists ( ) :
self . _skip_test = True
self . _skip_reason = f ' .env file missing at { dotenv_path } '
dotenv_path = str ( dotenv_path )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Check if database exists.
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
repository = Repository ( db_name = ' test_db ' , app_env = ' TEST ' , dotenv_path = dotenv_path )
try :
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
engine = create_engine ( repository . configuration . connection_string )
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
connection = engine . connect ( )
connection . close ( )
except ProgrammingError :
logging . info ( ' Database does not exist. Nothing to delete ' )
except sqlalchemy . exc . OperationalError as operational_error :
self . _skip_test = True
self . _skip_reason = f ' { operational_error } '
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Create tables if they don't exist.
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
Application . __table__ . create ( bind = repository . engine , checkfirst = True )
User . __table__ . create ( bind = repository . engine , checkfirst = True )
City . __table__ . create ( bind = repository . engine , checkfirst = True )
CityObject . __table__ . create ( bind = repository . engine , checkfirst = True )
SimulationResults . __table__ . create ( bind = repository . engine , checkfirst = True )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Generate files for the persistence tests.
2023-11-28 13:28:26 -05:00
city_file = ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' tests_data/test.geojson ' ) . resolve ( )
2023-11-29 13:55:16 -05:00
output_path = ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' tests_outputs ' ) . resolve ( )
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
self . _city = GeometryFactory ( ' geojson ' ,
city_file ,
height_field = ' citygml_me ' ,
year_of_construction_field = ' ANNEE_CONS ' ,
aliases_field = [ ' ID_UEV ' , ' CIVIQUE_DE ' , ' NOM_RUE ' ] ,
function_field = ' CODE_UTILI ' ,
function_to_hub = MontrealFunctionToHubFunction ( ) . dictionary ) . city
ConstructionFactory ( ' nrcan ' , self . _city ) . enrich ( )
UsageFactory ( ' nrcan ' , self . _city ) . enrich ( )
WeatherFactory ( ' epw ' , self . _city ) . enrich ( )
ExportsFactory ( ' sra ' , self . _city , output_path ) . export ( )
sra_file = str ( ( output_path / f ' { self . _city . name } _sra.xml ' ) . resolve ( ) )
subprocess . run ( [ self . sra , sra_file ] , stdout = subprocess . DEVNULL )
ResultFactory ( ' sra ' , self . _city , output_path ) . enrich ( )
for building in self . _city . buildings :
building . energy_systems_archetype_name = ' system 1 gas pv '
EnergySystemsFactory ( ' montreal_custom ' , self . _city ) . enrich ( )
EnergyBuildingsExportsFactory ( ' insel_monthly_energy_balance ' , self . _city , output_path ) . export ( )
_insel_files = glob . glob ( f ' { output_path } /*.insel ' )
for insel_file in _insel_files :
subprocess . run ( [ self . insel , str ( insel_file ) ] , stdout = subprocess . DEVNULL )
ResultFactory ( ' insel_monthly_energy_balance ' , self . _city , output_path ) . enrich ( )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Create test application and user.
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self . _database = DBControl (
db_name = repository . configuration . db_name ,
app_env = ' TEST ' ,
dotenv_path = dotenv_path )
self . _application_uuid = ' b9e0ce80-1218-410c-8a64-9d9b7026aad8 '
2023-11-20 11:10:22 -05:00
self . _application_id = self . _database . persist_application (
' test ' ,
' test ' ,
self . application_uuid
self . _user_id = self . _database . create_user ( ' test ' , self . _application_id , ' test ' , UserRoles . Admin )
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
2023-11-28 13:28:26 -05:00
self . _pickle_path = ( Path ( __file__ ) . parent / ' tests_data/pickle_path.bz2 ' ) . resolve ( )
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
def database ( self ) :
return self . _database
def application_uuid ( self ) :
return self . _application_uuid
def application_id ( self ) :
return self . _application_id
def user_id ( self ) :
return self . _user_id
def skip_test ( self ) :
return self . _skip_test
def insel ( self ) :
return distutils . spawn . find_executable ( ' insel ' )
def sra ( self ) :
return distutils . spawn . find_executable ( ' sra ' )
def skip_insel_test ( self ) :
return self . insel is None
def skip_reason ( self ) :
return self . _skip_reason
def message ( self ) :
return self . _skip_reason
def city ( self ) :
return self . _city
def pickle_path ( self ) :
return self . _pickle_path
2023-10-26 10:07:46 -04:00
control = Control ( )
class TestDBFactory ( TestCase ) :
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2023-12-09 19:50:06 -05:00
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_test , control . skip_reason )
2023-12-09 19:31:07 -05:00
def test_create_city ( self ) :
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
control . city . name = " Montreal "
city_id = control . database . persist_city (
control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
control . city . name ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
2023-12-09 19:31:07 -05:00
# Check the city was updated
cities = control . database . cities_by_user_and_application (
control . user_id ,
control . application_id )
for updated_city in cities :
if updated_city . id == city_id :
self . assertEqual ( updated_city . name , control . city . name )
# Tear down after test
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control . database . delete_city ( city_id )
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_test , control . skip_reason )
2023-12-09 19:31:07 -05:00
def test_update_city ( self ) :
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Create and update city name
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city_id = control . database . persist_city ( control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
control . city . name ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
2023-12-09 19:31:07 -05:00
# Update city
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control . city . name = " Ottawa "
2023-12-09 19:31:07 -05:00
control . city . pickle_path = " new_pickle_path "
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
control . database . update_city ( city_id , control . city )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Check the city was updated
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cities = control . database . cities_by_user_and_application (
control . user_id ,
2023-12-09 19:31:07 -05:00
control . application_id )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
for updated_city in cities :
if updated_city . id == city_id :
self . assertEqual ( updated_city . name , control . city . name )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Delete extra city created
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
control . database . delete_city ( city_id )
2023-12-09 19:31:07 -05:00
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_test , control . skip_reason )
def test_get_deleted_city ( self ) :
control . city . name = " Montreal "
city_id = control . database . persist_city (
control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
control . city . name ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
control . database . delete_city ( city_id )
# Check the city was deleted properly
cities = control . database . cities_by_user_and_application (
control . user_id ,
control . application_id )
city_id_found = False
for updated_city in cities :
if updated_city . id == city_id :
city_id_found = True
self . assertTrue ( not city_id_found , " The city_id was not deleted successfully " )
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_test , control . skip_reason )
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_insel_test , ' insel is not installed ' )
def test_save_results ( self ) :
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# Create city
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
city_id = control . database . persist_city ( control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
' current status ' ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Create city objects
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city_objects_id = [ ]
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
expected_results = { }
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
for building in control . city . buildings :
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
building_info = control . database . building_info ( building . name , city_id )
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
if cte . MONTH not in building . cooling_demand :
print ( f ' building { building . name } not calculated ' )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
monthly_cooling_peak_load = building . cooling_peak_load [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_cooling_peak_load = building . cooling_peak_load [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_heating_peak_load = building . heating_peak_load [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_heating_peak_load = building . heating_peak_load [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_lighting_peak_load = building . lighting_peak_load [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_lighting_peak_load = building . lighting_peak_load [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_appliances_peak_load = building . appliances_peak_load [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_appliances_peak_load = building . appliances_peak_load [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_cooling_demand = building . cooling_demand [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_cooling_demand = building . cooling_demand [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_heating_demand = building . heating_demand [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_heating_demand = building . heating_demand [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_lighting_electrical_demand = building . lighting_electrical_demand [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_lighting_electrical_demand = building . lighting_electrical_demand [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_appliances_electrical_demand = building . appliances_electrical_demand [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_appliances_electrical_demand = building . appliances_electrical_demand [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_domestic_hot_water_heat_demand = building . domestic_hot_water_heat_demand [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_domestic_hot_water_heat_demand = building . domestic_hot_water_heat_demand [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_heating_consumption = building . heating_consumption [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_heating_consumption = building . heating_consumption [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_cooling_consumption = building . cooling_consumption [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_cooling_consumption = building . cooling_consumption [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_domestic_hot_water_consumption = building . domestic_hot_water_consumption [ cte . MONTH ]
yearly_domestic_hot_water_consumption = building . _domestic_hot_water_consumption [ cte . YEAR ]
monthly_distribution_systems_electrical_consumption = building . distribution_systems_electrical_consumption [
cte . MONTH ]
yearly_distribution_systems_electrical_consumption = building . distribution_systems_electrical_consumption [
cte . YEAR ]
monthly_on_site_electrical_production = [ x * cte . WATTS_HOUR_TO_JULES
for x in building . onsite_electrical_production [ cte . MONTH ] ]
yearly_on_site_electrical_production = [ x * cte . WATTS_HOUR_TO_JULES
for x in building . onsite_electrical_production [ cte . YEAR ] ]
building_expected_results = { cte . INSEL_MEB : {
' monthly_cooling_peak_load ' : monthly_cooling_peak_load ,
' yearly_cooling_peak_load ' : yearly_cooling_peak_load ,
' monthly_heating_peak_load ' : monthly_heating_peak_load ,
' yearly_heating_peak_load ' : yearly_heating_peak_load ,
' monthly_lighting_peak_load ' : monthly_lighting_peak_load ,
' yearly_lighting_peak_load ' : yearly_lighting_peak_load ,
' monthly_appliances_peak_load ' : monthly_appliances_peak_load ,
' yearly_appliances_peak_load ' : yearly_appliances_peak_load ,
' monthly_cooling_demand ' : monthly_cooling_demand ,
' yearly_cooling_demand ' : yearly_cooling_demand ,
' monthly_heating_demand ' : monthly_heating_demand ,
' yearly_heating_demand ' : yearly_heating_demand ,
' monthly_lighting_electrical_demand ' : monthly_lighting_electrical_demand ,
' yearly_lighting_electrical_demand ' : yearly_lighting_electrical_demand ,
' monthly_appliances_electrical_demand ' : monthly_appliances_electrical_demand ,
' yearly_appliances_electrical_demand ' : yearly_appliances_electrical_demand ,
' monthly_domestic_hot_water_heat_demand ' : monthly_domestic_hot_water_heat_demand ,
' yearly_domestic_hot_water_heat_demand ' : yearly_domestic_hot_water_heat_demand ,
' monthly_heating_consumption ' : monthly_heating_consumption ,
' yearly_heating_consumption ' : yearly_heating_consumption ,
' monthly_cooling_consumption ' : monthly_cooling_consumption ,
' yearly_cooling_consumption ' : yearly_cooling_consumption ,
' monthly_domestic_hot_water_consumption ' : monthly_domestic_hot_water_consumption ,
' yearly_domestic_hot_water_consumption ' : yearly_domestic_hot_water_consumption ,
' monthly_distribution_systems_electrical_consumption ' : monthly_distribution_systems_electrical_consumption ,
' yearly_distribution_systems_electrical_consumption ' : yearly_distribution_systems_electrical_consumption ,
' monthly_on_site_electrical_production ' : monthly_on_site_electrical_production ,
' yearly_on_site_electrical_production ' : yearly_on_site_electrical_production
2023-11-28 13:50:06 -05:00
} }
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
expected_results [ building . name ] = building_expected_results [ cte . INSEL_MEB ]
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
db_building_id = building_info . id
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
city_objects_id . append ( db_building_id )
control . database . add_simulation_results (
cte . INSEL_MEB ,
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
building_expected_results ,
city_object_id = db_building_id )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Verify 17 city objects have been created
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
self . assertEqual ( 17 , len ( city_objects_id ) , ' wrong number of results ' )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
# Verify results have been saved
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
scenario_name = " current status "
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
request_values = {
" scenarios " : [
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
scenario_name : list ( expected_results . keys ( ) )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
} ,
results = control . database . results ( control . user_id , control . application_id , request_values )
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
for result in results [ scenario_name ] :
2023-12-11 17:06:15 -05:00
self . assertEqual ( expected_results [ result [ ' building ' ] ] , result [ cte . INSEL_MEB ] ,
f " building ' { result [ ' building ' ] } ' saved results does not match expected results " )
2023-12-06 11:47:27 -05:00
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
for _id in city_objects_id :
2023-12-06 15:27:39 -05:00
control . database . delete_results_by_name ( cte . INSEL_MEB , city_object_id = _id )
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
control . database . delete_city ( city_id )
2023-12-11 17:06:15 -05:00
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_test , control . skip_reason )
def test_get_building ( self ) :
# Insert two cities with same buildings but different city names
control . city . name = ' Montreal '
mtl_city_id = control . database . persist_city (
control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
control . city . name ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
control . city . name = ' Ottawa '
ott_city_id = control . database . persist_city (
control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
control . city . name ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
# Retrieve building from database
test_building = control . city . buildings [ 0 ]
city_object = control . database . building ( test_building . name , control . user_id , control . application_id , ' Montreal ' )
self . assertEqual ( city_object . name , test_building . name , " City name does not match " )
city_object = control . database . building_info ( test_building . name , mtl_city_id )
self . assertEqual ( city_object . name , test_building . name , " City name does not match " )
city_object = control . database . building_info_in_cities ( test_building . name , [ mtl_city_id , ott_city_id ] )
self . assertEqual ( city_object . name , test_building . name , " City name does not match " )
city_objects = control . database . buildings_info ( control . user_id , control . application_id , [ control . city . buildings [ 0 ] . name , control . city . buildings [ 1 ] . name ] )
2023-12-16 13:13:07 -05:00
self . assertEqual ( len ( city_objects ) , 4 , " Found {} city objects but expected 4 " . format ( len ( city_objects ) ) )
for city_obj in city_objects :
self . assertTrue ( city_obj . name == control . city . buildings [ 0 ] . name or city_obj . name == control . city . buildings [ 1 ] . name , " City object name does not match any expected value. Obtained {} instead. " . format ( city_obj . name ) )
2023-12-11 17:06:15 -05:00
control . database . delete_city ( mtl_city_id )
control . database . delete_city ( ott_city_id )
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_test , control . skip_reason )
def test_get_non_existing_building ( self ) :
# Create and delete cities
control . city . name = ' Montreal '
mtl_city_id = control . database . persist_city (
control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
control . city . name ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
control . city . name = ' Ottawa '
ott_city_id = control . database . persist_city (
control . city ,
control . pickle_path ,
control . city . name ,
control . application_id ,
control . user_id )
control . database . delete_city ( mtl_city_id )
control . database . delete_city ( ott_city_id )
# Retrieve building from database
test_building = control . city . buildings [ 0 ]
result = control . database . building ( test_building . name , control . user_id , control . application_id , ' Montreal ' )
self . assertIsNone ( result , " City object exists. " )
result = control . database . building_info ( test_building . name , mtl_city_id )
self . assertIsNone ( result , " City object exists. " )
result = control . database . building_info_in_cities ( test_building . name , [ mtl_city_id , ott_city_id ] )
self . assertIsNone ( result , " City object exists. " )
city_objects = control . database . buildings_info ( control . user_id , control . application_id ,
[ control . city . buildings [ 0 ] . name , control . city . buildings [ 1 ] . name ] )
2023-12-16 13:13:07 -05:00
self . assertEqual ( len ( city_objects ) , 0 , " Found a city object with given values " )
2023-12-11 17:06:15 -05:00
2023-11-13 13:53:52 -05:00
@unittest.skipIf ( control . skip_test , control . skip_reason )
def tearDownClass ( cls ) :
control . database . delete_application ( control . application_uuid )
control . database . delete_user ( control . user_id )
os . unlink ( control . pickle_path )