Contents from the hub persistence API

This commit is contained in:
Ruben Sanchez 2023-10-24 11:47:35 -04:00
commit a296769361
18 changed files with 1405 additions and 0 deletions

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## Database Persistence ##
The persistence package includes classes to store different class objects in a Postgres database.
### models ###
This defines models for all class objects that we want to persist. It is used for Object Relation Mapping (ORM)
of the class objects to database table columns
### repositories ###
This defines repository classes that contain CRUD methods for database operations. The constructor of all repositories requires
The database name to connect to and the application environment (PROD or TEST). Tests use a different database
from the production environment, which is why this is necessary. An example is shown below
from hub.persistence import CityRepo
# instantiate city repo for hub production database
city_repo = CityRepo(db_name='hub', app_env='PROD')
All database operations are conducted with the production database (*PROD*) named *hub* in the example above
### config_db ##
This Python file is a configuration class that contains variables that map to configuration parameters in a .env file.
It also contains a method ``def conn_string()`` which returns the connection string to a Postgres database.
### Base ##
This class has a constructor that establishes a database connection and returns a reference for database-related CRUD operations.
### Database Configuration Parameter ###
A .env file (or environment variables) with configuration parameters described below are needed to establish a database connection:
# production database credentials
# test database credentials
### Database Related Unit Test
Unit tests that involve database operations require a Postgres database to be set up.
The tests connect to the database server using the default postgres user (*postgres*).
NB: You can provide any credentials for the test to connect to postgres, just make sure
the credentials are set in your .env file as explained above in *Database Configuration Parameters* section
When the tests are run, a **test_db** database is created and then the required tables for
the test. Before the tests run, the *test_db* is deleted to ensure that each test starts
on a clean slate

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Persistence (Postgresql) configuration
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
Models = declarative_base()
class Configuration:
Configuration class to hold common persistence configuration
def __init__(self, db_name: str, dotenv_path: str, app_env='TEST'):
:param db_name: database name
:param app_env: application environment, test or production
:param dotenv_path: the absolute path to dotenv file
# load environmental variables
if not Path(dotenv_path).exists():
error_message = f'dotenv file doesn\'t exists at {dotenv_path}'
raise FileNotFoundError(error_message)
self._db_name = db_name
self._db_host = os.getenv(f'{app_env}_DB_HOST')
self._db_user = os.getenv(f'{app_env}_DB_USER')
self._db_pass = os.getenv(f'{app_env}_DB_PASSWORD')
self._db_port = os.getenv(f'{app_env}_DB_PORT')
self.hub_token = os.getenv('HUB_TOKEN')
except KeyError as err:
logging.error('Error with credentials: %s', err)
def connection_string(self):
Returns a connection string postgresql
:return: connection string
if self._db_pass:
return f'postgresql://{self._db_user}:{self._db_pass}@{self._db_host}:{self._db_port}/{self._db_name}'
return f'postgresql://{self._db_user}@{self._db_host}:{self._db_port}/{self._db_name}'
def db_user(self):
retrieve the configured username
return self._db_user
def db_name(self):
retrieve the configured database name
return self._db_name

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DBFactory performs read related operations
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project CoderPeter Yefi
import json
from typing import Dict
from hub.persistence.repositories.application import Application
from import City
from hub.persistence.repositories.city_object import CityObject
from hub.persistence.repositories.simulation_results import SimulationResults
from hub.persistence.repositories.user import User
from hub.persistence.repositories.user import UserRoles
class DBControl:
DBFactory class
def __init__(self, db_name, app_env, dotenv_path):
self._city = City(db_name=db_name, dotenv_path=dotenv_path, app_env=app_env)
self._application = Application(db_name=db_name, app_env=app_env, dotenv_path=dotenv_path)
self._user = User(db_name=db_name, app_env=app_env, dotenv_path=dotenv_path)
self._city_object = CityObject(db_name=db_name, app_env=app_env, dotenv_path=dotenv_path)
self._simulation_results = SimulationResults(db_name=db_name, dotenv_path=dotenv_path, app_env=app_env)
def application_info(self, application_uuid) -> Application:
Retrieve the application info for the given uuid from the database
:param application_uuid: the uuid for the application
:return: Application
return self._application.get_by_uuid(application_uuid)
def user_info(self, name, password, application_id) -> User:
Retrieve the user info for the given name and password and application_id from the database
:param name: the username
:param password: the user password
:param application_id: the application id
:return: User
return self._user.get_by_name_application_id_and_password(name, password, application_id)
def user_login(self, name, password, application_uuid) -> User:
Retrieve the user info from the database
:param name: the username
:param password: the user password
:param application_uuid: the application uuid
:return: User
return self._user.get_by_name_application_uuid_and_password(name, password, application_uuid)
def cities_by_user_and_application(self, user_id, application_id) -> [City]:
Retrieve the cities belonging to the user and the application from the database
:param user_id: User id
:param application_id: Application id
:return: [City]
return self._city.get_by_user_id_and_application_id(user_id, application_id)
def building(self, name, user_id, application_id, scenario) -> CityObject:
Retrieve the building from the database
:param name: Building name
:param user_id: User id
:param application_id: Application id
:param scenario: Scenario
cities = self._city.get_by_user_id_application_id_and_scenario(user_id, application_id, scenario)
for city in cities:
result = self.building_info(name, city[0].id)
if result is not None:
return result
return None
def building_info(self, name, city_id) -> CityObject:
Retrieve the building info from the database
:param name: Building name
:param city_id: City ID
:return: CityObject
return self._city_object.get_by_name_or_alias_and_city(name, city_id)
def buildings_info(self, request_values, city_id) -> [CityObject]:
Retrieve the buildings info from the database
:param request_values: Building names
:param city_id: City ID
:return: [CityObject]
buildings = []
for name in request_values['names']:
buildings.append(self.building_info(name, city_id))
return buildings
def results(self, user_id, application_id, request_values, result_names=None) -> Dict:
Retrieve the simulation results for the given cities from the database
:param user_id: the user id owning the results
:param application_id: the application id owning the results
:param request_values: dictionary containing the scenario and building names to grab the results
:param result_names: if given, filter the results to the selected names
if result_names is None:
result_names = []
results = {}
for scenario in request_values['scenarios']:
for scenario_name in scenario.keys():
result_sets = self._city.get_by_user_id_application_id_and_scenario(
if result_sets is None:
for result_set in result_sets:
city_id = result_set[0].id
results[scenario_name] = []
for building_name in scenario[scenario_name]:
_building = self._city_object.get_by_name_or_alias_and_city(building_name, city_id)
if _building is None:
city_object_id =
_ = self._simulation_results.get_simulation_results_by_city_id_city_object_id_and_names(
for value in _:
values = json.loads(value.values)
values["building"] = building_name
return results
def persist_city(self, city: City, pickle_path, scenario, application_id: int, user_id: int):
Creates a city into the database
:param city: City to be stored
:param pickle_path: Path to save the pickle file
:param scenario: Simulation scenario name
:param application_id: Application id owning this city
:param user_id: User who create the city
return identity_id
return self._city.insert(city, pickle_path, scenario, application_id, user_id)
def update_city(self, city_id, city):
Update an existing city in the database
:param city_id: the id of the city to update
:param city: the updated city object
return self._city.update(city_id, city)
def persist_application(self, name: str, description: str, application_uuid: str):
Creates information for an application in the database
:param name: name of application
:param description: the description of the application
:param application_uuid: the uuid of the application to be created
return self._application.insert(name, description, application_uuid)
def update_application(self, name: str, description: str, application_uuid: str):
Update the application information stored in the database
:param name: name of application
:param description: the description of the application
:param application_uuid: the uuid of the application to be created
return self._application.update(application_uuid, name, description)
def add_simulation_results(self, name, values, city_id=None, city_object_id=None):
Add simulation results to the city or to the city_object to the database
:param name: simulation and simulation engine name
:param values: simulation values in json format
:param city_id: city id or None
:param city_object_id: city object id or None
return self._simulation_results.insert(name, values, city_id, city_object_id)
def create_user(self, name: str, application_id: int, password: str, role: UserRoles):
Creates a new user in the database
:param name: the name of the user
:param application_id: the application id of the user
:param password: the password of the user
:param role: the role of the user
return self._user.insert(name, password, role, application_id)
def update_user(self, user_id: int, name: str, password: str, role: UserRoles):
Updates a user in the database
:param user_id: the id of the user
:param name: the name of the user
:param password: the password of the user
:param role: the role of the user
return self._user.update(user_id, name, password, role)
def get_by_name_and_application(self, name: str, application: int):
Retrieve a single user from the database
:param name: username
:param application: application accessing hub
return self._user.get_by_name_and_application(name, application)
def delete_user(self, user_id):
Delete a single user from the database
:param user_id: the id of the user to delete
def delete_city(self, city_id):
Deletes a single city from the database
:param city_id: the id of the city to get
def delete_results_by_name(self, name, city_id=None, city_object_id=None):
Deletes city object simulation results from the database
:param name: simulation name
:param city_id: if given, delete delete the results for the city with id city_id
:param city_object_id: if given, delete delete the results for the city object with id city_object_id
self._simulation_results.delete(name, city_id=city_id, city_object_id=city_object_id)
def delete_application(self, application_uuid):
Deletes a single application from the database
:param application_uuid: the id of the application to get

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Database setup
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi
import logging
from hub.persistence.repository import Repository
from hub.persistence.models import Application
from hub.persistence.models import City
from hub.persistence.models import CityObject
from hub.persistence.models import User
from hub.persistence.models import UserRoles
from hub.persistence.models import SimulationResults
from hub.persistence.repositories.user import User as UserRepository
from hub.persistence.repositories.application import Application as ApplicationRepository
class DBSetup:
Creates a Persistence database structure
def __init__(self, db_name, app_env, dotenv_path, admin_password, application_uuid):
Creates database tables a default admin user and a default admin app with the given password and uuid
:param db_name: database name
:param app_env: application environment type [TEST|PROD]
:param dotenv_path: .env file path
:param admin_password: administrator password for the application uuid
:application_uuid: application uuid
repository = Repository(db_name=db_name, app_env=app_env, dotenv_path=dotenv_path)
# Create the tables using the models
Application.__table__.create(bind=repository.engine, checkfirst=True)
User.__table__.create(bind=repository.engine, checkfirst=True)
City.__table__.create(bind=repository.engine, checkfirst=True)
CityObject.__table__.create(bind=repository.engine, checkfirst=True)
SimulationResults.__table__.create(bind=repository.engine, checkfirst=True)
self._user_repo = UserRepository(db_name=db_name, app_env=app_env, dotenv_path=dotenv_path)
self._application_repo = ApplicationRepository(db_name=db_name, app_env=app_env, dotenv_path=dotenv_path)
application_id = self._create_admin_app(self._application_repo, application_uuid)
self._create_admin_user(self._user_repo, admin_password, application_id)
def _create_admin_app(application_repo, application_uuid):
name = 'AdminTool'
description = 'Admin tool to control city persistence and to test the API v1.4''Creating default admin tool application...')
application = application_repo.insert(name, description, application_uuid)
if isinstance(application, dict):
msg = f'Created Admin tool with application_uuid: {application_uuid}'
def _create_admin_user(user_repo, admin_password, application_id):
password = admin_password'Creating default admin user...')
user = user_repo.insert('Administrator', password, UserRoles.Admin, application_id)
if isinstance(user, dict):
else:'Created Admin user')

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Models package
from .application import Application
from .city import City
from .city_object import CityObject
from .simulation_results import SimulationResults
from .user import User, UserRoles

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Model representation of an application
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Guille Gutierrez
import datetime
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Sequence
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID
from hub.persistence.configuration import Models
class Application(Models):
A model representation of an application
__tablename__ = 'application'
id = Column(Integer, Sequence('application_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
name = Column(String, nullable=False)
description = Column(String, nullable=False)
application_uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), nullable=False)
created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
updated = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
def __init__(self, name, description, application_uuid): = name
self.description = description
self.application_uuid = application_uuid

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Model representation of a City
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi
import datetime
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Sequence, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
from hub.persistence.configuration import Models
class City(Models):
"""A model representation of a city
__tablename__ = 'city'
id = Column(Integer, Sequence('city_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
pickle_path = Column(String, nullable=False)
name = Column(String, nullable=False)
scenario = Column(String, nullable=False)
application_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False)
user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=True)
hub_release = Column(String, nullable=False)
created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
updated = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
def __init__(self, pickle_path, name, scenario, application_id, user_id, hub_release):
self.pickle_path = str(pickle_path) = name
self.scenario = scenario
self.application_id = application_id
self.user_id = user_id
self.hub_release = hub_release

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Model representation of a city object
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Guille Gutierrez
import datetime
import logging
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Sequence, ForeignKey, Float
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
from hub.city_model_structure.building import Building
from hub.persistence.configuration import Models
class CityObject(Models):
A model representation of an application
__tablename__ = 'city_object'
id = Column(Integer, Sequence('city_object_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
city_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=False)
name = Column(String, nullable=False)
aliases = Column(String, nullable=True)
type = Column(String, nullable=False)
year_of_construction = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
function = Column(String, nullable=True)
usage = Column(String, nullable=True)
volume = Column(Float, nullable=False)
area = Column(Float, nullable=False)
total_heating_area = Column(Float, nullable=False)
wall_area = Column(Float, nullable=False)
windows_area = Column(Float, nullable=False)
roof_area = Column(Float, nullable=False)
total_pv_area = Column(Float, nullable=False)
system_name = Column(String, nullable=False)
created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
updated = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
def __init__(self, city_id, building: Building):
self.city_id = city_id =
self.aliases = building.aliases
self.type = building.type
self.year_of_construction = building.year_of_construction
self.function = building.function
self.usage = building.usages_percentage
self.volume = building.volume
self.area = building.floor_area
self.roof_area = sum(roof.solid_polygon.area for roof in building.roofs)
self.total_pv_area = sum(roof.solid_polygon.area * roof.solar_collectors_area_reduction_factor for roof in building.roofs)
storeys = building.storeys_above_ground
wall_area = 0
window_ratio = 0
if storeys is None:
storeys = building.max_height / building.average_storey_height
for internal_zone in building.internal_zones:
for thermal_zone in internal_zone.thermal_zones_from_internal_zones:
for thermal_boundary in thermal_zone.thermal_boundaries:
window_ratio = thermal_boundary.window_ratio
except TypeError:
storeys = 0
'building %s has no storey height so heating area, storeys and window ratio cannot be calculated',
self.total_heating_area = building.floor_area * storeys
for wall in building.walls:
wall_area += wall.solid_polygon.area
self.wall_area = wall_area
self.windows_area = wall_area * window_ratio
system_name = building.energy_systems_archetype_name
if system_name is None:
system_name = ''
self.system_name = system_name

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Model representation of simulation results
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Guille Gutierrez
import datetime
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Sequence, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import DateTime
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from hub.persistence.configuration import Models
class SimulationResults(Models):
A model representation of an application
__tablename__ = 'simulation_results'
id = Column(Integer, Sequence('simulation_results_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
city_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=True)
city_object_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('', ondelete='CASCADE'), nullable=True)
name = Column(String, nullable=False)
values = Column(JSONB, nullable=False)
created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
updated = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
def __init__(self, name, values, city_id=None, city_object_id=None): = name
self.values = values
self.city_id = city_id
self.city_object_id = city_object_id

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Model representation of a User
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi
import datetime
import enum
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Sequence
from sqlalchemy import DateTime, Enum
from hub.persistence.configuration import Models
class UserRoles(enum.Enum):
User roles enum
Admin = 'Admin'
Hub_Reader = 'Hub_Reader'
class User(Models):
A model representation of a city
__tablename__ = 'user'
id = Column(Integer, Sequence('user_id_seq'), primary_key=True)
name = Column(String, nullable=False)
password = Column(String, nullable=False)
role = Column(Enum(UserRoles), nullable=False, default=UserRoles.Hub_Reader)
application_id = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
updated = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
def __init__(self, name, password, role, application_id): = name
self.password = password
self.role = role
self.application_id = application_id

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Repositories Package

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Application repository with database CRUD operations
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Guille Gutierrez
import datetime
import logging
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from hub.persistence.repository import Repository
from hub.persistence.models import Application as Model
class Application(Repository):
Application repository
_instance = None
def __init__(self, db_name: str, dotenv_path: str, app_env: str):
super().__init__(db_name, dotenv_path, app_env)
def __new__(cls, db_name, dotenv_path, app_env):
Implemented for a singleton pattern
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(Application, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def insert(self, name: str, description: str, application_uuid: str):
Inserts a new application
:param name: Application name
:param description: Application description
:param application_uuid: Unique identifier for the application
:return: Identity id
application = self.get_by_uuid(application_uuid)
if application is not None:
raise SQLAlchemyError('application already exists')
except TypeError:
application = Model(name=name, description=description, application_uuid=application_uuid)
with Session(self.engine) as session:
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('An error occurred while creating application %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def update(self, application_uuid: str, name: str, description: str):
Updates an application
:param application_uuid: the application uuid of the application to be updated
:param name: the application name
:param description: the application description
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
Model.application_uuid == application_uuid
).update({'name': name, 'description': description, 'updated': datetime.datetime.utcnow()})
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while updating application %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def delete(self, application_uuid: str):
Deletes an application with the application_uuid
:param application_uuid: The application uuid
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
session.query(Model).filter(Model.application_uuid == application_uuid).delete()
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while deleting application %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def get_by_uuid(self, application_uuid: str) -> Model:
Fetch Application based on the application uuid
:param application_uuid: the application uuid
:return: Application with the provided application_uuid
with Session(self.engine) as session:
result_set = session.execute(select(Model).where(
Model.application_uuid == application_uuid)
return result_set[0]
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching application by application_uuid %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
except TypeError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching application, empty result %s', err)
raise TypeError from err

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City repository with database CRUD operations
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi
import datetime
import logging
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from import City as CityHub
from hub.persistence.repository import Repository
from hub.persistence.models import City as Model
from hub.persistence.models import CityObject
from hub.version import __version__
class City(Repository):
City repository
_instance = None
def __init__(self, db_name: str, dotenv_path: str, app_env: str):
super().__init__(db_name, dotenv_path, app_env)
def __new__(cls, db_name, dotenv_path, app_env):
Implemented for a singleton pattern
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(City, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def insert(self, city: CityHub, pickle_path, scenario, application_id, user_id: int):
Inserts a city
:param city: The complete city instance
:param pickle_path: Path to the pickle
:param scenario: Simulation scenario name
:param application_id: Application id owning the instance
:param user_id: User id owning the instance
:return: Identity id
db_city = Model(
with Session(self.engine) as session:
for building in city.buildings:
db_city_object = CityObject(,
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('An error occurred while creating a city %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def update(self, city_id: int, city: CityHub):
Updates a city name (other updates makes no sense)
:param city_id: the id of the city to be updated
:param city: the city object
:return: None
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
with Session(self.engine) as session:
session.query(Model).filter( == city_id).update({'name':, 'updated': now})
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while updating city %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def delete(self, city_id: int):
Deletes a City with the id
:param city_id: the city id
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
session.query(CityObject).filter(CityObject.city_id == city_id).delete()
session.query(Model).filter( == city_id).delete()
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def get_by_user_id_application_id_and_scenario(self, user_id, application_id, scenario) -> [Model]:
Fetch city based on the user who created it
:param user_id: the user id
:param application_id: the application id
:param scenario: simulation scenario name
:return: [ModelCity]
with Session(self.engine) as session:
result_set = session.execute(select(Model).where(Model.user_id == user_id,
Model.application_id == application_id,
Model.scenario == scenario
return result_set
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city by name %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def get_by_user_id_and_application_id(self, user_id, application_id) -> [Model]:
Fetch city based on the user who created it
:param user_id: the user id
:param application_id: the application id
:return: ModelCity
with Session(self.engine) as session:
result_set = session.execute(
select(Model).where(Model.user_id == user_id, Model.application_id == application_id)
return [r[0] for r in result_set]
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city by name %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err

repositories/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
City Object repository with database CRUD operations
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Guille Gutierrez
import datetime
import logging
from sqlalchemy import select, or_
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from hub.city_model_structure.building import Building
from hub.persistence.repository import Repository
from hub.persistence.models import CityObject as Model
class CityObject(Repository):
City object repository
_instance = None
def __init__(self, db_name: str, dotenv_path: str, app_env: str):
super().__init__(db_name, dotenv_path, app_env)
def __new__(cls, db_name, dotenv_path, app_env):
Implemented for a singleton pattern
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(CityObject, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def insert(self, city_id: int, building: Building):
Inserts a new city object
:param city_id: city id for the city owning this city object
:param building: the city object (only building for now) to be inserted
return Identity id
city_object = self.get_by_name_or_alias_and_city(, city_id)
if city_object is not None:
raise SQLAlchemyError(f'A city_object named {} already exists in that city')
city_object = Model(city_id=city_id,
with Session(self.engine) as session:
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('An error occurred while creating city_object %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def update(self, city_id: int, building: Building):
Updates an application
:param city_id: the city id of the city owning the city object
:param building: the city object
:return: None
object_usage = ''
for internal_zone in building.internal_zones:
for usage in internal_zone.usages:
object_usage = f'{object_usage}{}_{usage.percentage} '
object_usage = object_usage.rstrip()
with Session(self.engine) as session:
session.query(Model).filter( ==, Model.city_id == city_id).update(
'alias': building.alias,
'object_type': building.type,
'year_of_construction': building.year_of_construction,
'function': building.function,
'usage': object_usage,
'volume': building.volume,
'area': building.floor_area,
'updated': datetime.datetime.utcnow()})
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while updating city object %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def delete(self, city_id: int, name: str):
Deletes an application with the application_uuid
:param city_id: The id for the city owning the city object
:param name: The city object name
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
session.query(Model).filter(Model.city_id == city_id, == name).delete()
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while deleting application %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def get_by_name_or_alias_and_city(self, name, city_id) -> Model:
Fetch a city object based on name and city id
:param name: city object name
:param city_id: a city identifier
:return: [CityObject] with the provided name or alias belonging to the city with id city_id
# search by name first
with Session(self.engine) as session:
city_object = session.execute(select(Model).where( == name, Model.city_id == city_id)).first()
if city_object is not None:
return city_object[0]
# name not found, so search by alias instead
city_objects = session.execute(
select(Model).where(Model.aliases.contains(name), Model.city_id == city_id)
for city_object in city_objects:
aliases = city_object[0].aliases.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(',')
for alias in aliases:
if alias == name:
# force the name as the alias
city_object[0].name = name
return city_object[0]
return None
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city object by name and city: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
except IndexError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city object by name and city, empty result %s', err)
raise IndexError from err

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
Simulation results repository with database CRUD operations
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Guille Gutierrez
import datetime
import logging
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from hub.persistence.repository import Repository
from hub.persistence.models import City
from hub.persistence.models import CityObject
from hub.persistence.models import SimulationResults as Model
class SimulationResults(Repository):
Simulation results repository
_instance = None
def __init__(self, db_name: str, dotenv_path: str, app_env: str):
super().__init__(db_name, dotenv_path, app_env)
def __new__(cls, db_name, dotenv_path, app_env):
Implemented for a singleton pattern
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(SimulationResults, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def insert(self, name: str, values: str, city_id=None, city_object_id=None):
Inserts simulations results linked either with a city as a whole or with a city object
:param name: results name
:param values: the simulation results in json format
:param city_id: optional city id
:param city_object_id: optional city object id
:return: Identity id
if city_id is not None:
_ = self._get_city(city_id)
_ = self._get_city_object(city_object_id)
simulation_result = Model(name=name,
with Session(self.engine) as session:
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('An error occurred while creating city_object %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def update(self, name: str, values: str, city_id=None, city_object_id=None):
Updates simulation results for a city or a city object
:param name: The simulation results tool and workflow name
:param values: the simulation results in json format
:param city_id: optional city id
:param city_object_id: optional city object id
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
if city_id is not None:
session.query(Model).filter( == name, Model.city_id == city_id).update(
'values': values,
'updated': datetime.datetime.utcnow()
elif city_object_id is not None:
session.query(Model).filter( == name, Model.city_object_id == city_object_id).update(
'values': values,
'updated': datetime.datetime.utcnow()
raise NotImplementedError('Missing either city_id or city_object_id')
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while updating city object %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def delete(self, name: str, city_id=None, city_object_id=None):
Deletes an application with the application_uuid
:param name: The simulation results tool and workflow name
:param city_id: The id for the city owning the simulation results
:param city_object_id: the id for the city_object owning these simulation results
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
if city_id is not None:
session.query(Model).filter( == name, Model.city_id == city_id).delete()
elif city_object_id is not None:
session.query(Model).filter( == name, Model.city_object_id == city_object_id).delete()
raise NotImplementedError('Missing either city_id or city_object_id')
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while deleting application: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def _get_city(self, city_id) -> City:
Fetch a city object based city id
:param city_id: a city identifier
:return: [City] with the provided city_id
with Session(self.engine) as session:
return session.execute(select(City).where( == city_id)).first()
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city by city_id: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def _get_city_object(self, city_object_id) -> [CityObject]:
Fetch a city object based city id
:param city_object_id: a city object identifier
:return: [CityObject] with the provided city_object_id
with Session(self.engine) as session:
return session.execute(select(CityObject).where( == city_object_id)).first()
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city by city_id: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def get_simulation_results_by_city_id_city_object_id_and_names(self, city_id, city_object_id, result_names=None) -> [Model]:
Fetch the simulation results based in the city_id or city_object_id with the given names or all
:param city_id: the city id
:param city_object_id: the city object id
:param result_names: if given filter the results
:return: [SimulationResult]
with Session(self.engine) as session:
result_set = session.execute(select(Model).where(or_(
Model.city_id == city_id,
Model.city_object_id == city_object_id
results = [r[0] for r in result_set]
if not result_names:
return results
filtered_results = []
for result in results:
if in result_names:
return filtered_results
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching city by city_id: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err

repositories/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
User repository with database CRUD operations
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi
import datetime
import logging
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from hub.helpers.auth import Auth
from hub.persistence.repository import Repository
from hub.persistence.models import User as Model, Application as ApplicationModel, UserRoles
class User(Repository):
User class
_instance = None
def __init__(self, db_name: str, dotenv_path: str, app_env: str):
super().__init__(db_name, dotenv_path, app_env)
def __new__(cls, db_name, dotenv_path, app_env):
Implemented for a singleton pattern
if cls._instance is None:
cls._instance = super(User, cls).__new__(cls)
return cls._instance
def insert(self, name: str, password: str, role: UserRoles, application_id: int):
Inserts a new user
:param name: username
:param password: user password
:param role: user rol [Admin or Hub_Reader]
:param application_id: user application id
:return: Identity id
user = self.get_by_name_and_application(name, application_id)
if user is not None:
raise SQLAlchemyError(f'A user named {} already exists for that application')
except TypeError:
user = Model(name=name, password=Auth.hash_password(password), role=role, application_id=application_id)
with Session(self.engine) as session:
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('An error occurred while creating user %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def update(self, user_id: int, name: str, password: str, role: UserRoles):
Updates a user
:param user_id: the id of the user to be updated
:param name: the name of the user
:param password: the password of the user
:param role: the role of the user
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
session.query(Model).filter( == user_id).update({
'name': name,
'password': Auth.hash_password(password),
'role': role,
'updated': datetime.datetime.utcnow()
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while updating user: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def delete(self, user_id: int):
Deletes a user with the id
:param user_id: the user id
:return: None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
session.query(Model).filter( == user_id).delete()
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching user: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
def get_by_name_and_application(self, name: str, application_id: int) -> Model:
Fetch user based on the email address
:param name: Username
:param application_id: User application name
:return: User matching the search criteria or None
with Session(self.engine) as session:
user = session.execute(
select(Model).where( == name, Model.application_id == application_id)
return user[0]
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching user by name and application: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
except TypeError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching user, empty result %s', err)
raise TypeError from err
def get_by_name_application_id_and_password(self, name: str, password: str, application_id: int) -> Model:
Fetch user based on the name, password and application id
:param name: Username
:param password: User password
:param application_id: Application id
:return: User
with Session(self.engine) as session:
user = session.execute(
select(Model).where( == name, Model.application_id == application_id)
if user:
if Auth.check_password(password, user[0].password):
return user[0]
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching user by name: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
raise ValueError('Unauthorized')
def get_by_name_application_uuid_and_password(self, name: str, password: str, application_uuid: str) -> Model:
Fetch user based on the email and password
:param name: Username
:param password: User password
:param application_uuid: Application uuid
:return: User
with Session(self.engine) as session:
application = session.execute(
select(ApplicationModel).where(ApplicationModel.application_uuid == application_uuid)
return self.get_by_name_application_id_and_password(name, password, application[0].id)
except SQLAlchemyError as err:
logging.error('Error while fetching user by name: %s', err)
raise SQLAlchemyError from err
except ValueError as err:
raise ValueError from err

22 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Base repository class to establish db connection
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group
Project Coder Peter Yefi
import logging
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from hub.persistence.configuration import Configuration
class Repository:
Base repository class to establish db connection
def __init__(self, db_name, dotenv_path: str, app_env='TEST'):
self.configuration = Configuration(db_name, dotenv_path, app_env)
self.engine = create_engine(self.configuration.connection_string)
except ValueError as err:
logging.error('Missing value for credentials: %s', err)