196 lines
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196 lines
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Provide methods for quickly hashing and comparing meshes.
import numpy as np
from . import util
from .constants import tol
# how many significant figures to use for each field of the identifier
id_sigfig = np.array([5, # area
10, # euler number
5, # area/volume ratio
2, # convex/mesh area ratio
2, # convex area/volume ratio
3]) # max radius squared / area
def identifier_simple(mesh):
Return a basic identifier for a mesh, consisting of properties
that have been hand tuned to be somewhat robust to rigid
transformations and different tesselations.
mesh : trimesh.Trimesh
Source geometry
identifier : (6,) float
Identifying values of the mesh
# verify the cache once
# don't check hashes during identifier as we aren't
# changing any data values of the mesh inside block
# if we did change values in cache block things would break
with mesh._cache:
# pre-allocate identifier so indexes of values can't move around
# like they might if we used hstack or something else
identifier = np.zeros(6, dtype=np.float64)
# avoid thrashing the cache unnecessarily
mesh_area = mesh.area
# start with properties that are valid regardless of watertightness
# note that we're going to try to make all parameters relative
# to area so other values don't get blown up at weird scales
identifier[0] = mesh_area
# avoid divide-by-zero later
if mesh_area < tol.merge:
mesh_area = 1.0
# topological constant and the only thing we can really
# trust in this fallen world
identifier[1] = mesh.euler_number
# if we have a watertight mesh include volume and inertia
if mesh.is_volume:
# side length of a cube ratio
# 1.0 for cubes, different values for other things
identifier[2] = (((mesh_area / 6.0) ** (1.0 / 2.0)) /
(mesh.volume ** (1.0 / 3.0)))
# save vertices for radius calculation
vertices = mesh.vertices - mesh.center_mass
# we are going to special case radially symmetric meshes
# to replace their surface area with ratio of their
# surface area to a primitive sphere or cylinder surface area
# this is because tessellated curved surfaces are really rough
# to reliably hash as they are very sensitive to floating point
# and tessellation error. By making area proportionate to a fit
# primitive area we are able to reliably hash at more sigfigs
if mesh.symmetry == 'radial':
# cylinder height
h = np.dot(vertices, mesh.symmetry_axis).ptp()
# section radius summed per row then overall max
R2 = np.dot((np.dot(vertices, mesh.symmetry_section.T)
** 2), [1, 1]).max()
# area of a cylinder primitive
area = (2 * np.pi * (R2**.5) * h) + (2 * np.pi * R2)
# replace area in this case with area ratio
identifier[0] = mesh_area / area
elif mesh.symmetry == 'spherical':
# handle a spherically symmetric mesh
R2 = np.dot((vertices ** 2), [1, 1, 1]).max()
area = 4 * np.pi * R2
identifier[0] = mesh_area / area
# if we don't have a watertight mesh add information about the
# convex hull which is slow to compute and unreliable
# get the hull area and volume
hull = mesh.convex_hull
hull_area = hull.area
hull_volume = hull.volume
except BaseException:
# in-plane or single point geometry has no hull
hull_area = 6.0
hull_volume = 1.0
# just what we're looking for in a hash but hey
identifier[3] = mesh_area / hull_area
# cube side length ratio for the hull
identifier[4] = (((hull_area / 6.0) ** (1.0 / 2.0)) /
(hull_volume ** (1.0 / 3.0)))
# calculate maximum mesh radius
vertices = mesh.vertices - mesh.centroid
# add in max radius^2 to area ratio
R2 = np.dot((vertices ** 2), [1, 1, 1]).max()
identifier[5] = R2 / mesh_area
return identifier
def identifier_hash(identifier, sigfig=None):
Hash an identifier array to a specified number of
significant figures.
identifier : (n,) float
Vector of properties
sigfig : (n,) int
Number of sigfigs per property
md5 : str
MD5 hash of identifier
if sigfig is None:
sigfig = id_sigfig
# convert identifier to integers and order of magnitude
as_int, multiplier = util.sigfig_int(identifier, sigfig)
# make all scales positive
if (multiplier < 0).any():
multiplier += np.abs(multiplier.min())
hashable = (as_int * (10 ** multiplier)).astype(np.int64)
md5 = util.md5_object(hashable)
return md5
def face_ordering(mesh):
Return the size-order of every face in the input mesh.
Triangles can be considered by the length order:
[small edge, medium edge, large edge] (SML)
[small edge, large edge, medium edge] (SLM)
This function returns [-1, 0, 1], depending on whether
the triangle is SML or SLM, and 0 if M == L.
The reason this is useful as it as a rare property that is
invariant to translation and rotation but changes when a
mesh is reflected or inverted. It is NOT invariant to
different tesselations of the same surface.
mesh : trimesh.Trimesh
Source geometry to calculate ordering on
order : (len(mesh.faces), ) int
Is each face SML (-1), SLM (+1), or M==L (0)
# the length of each edge in faces
norms = mesh.edges_unique_length[
mesh.edges_unique_inverse].reshape((-1, 3))
# the per- row index of the shortest edge
small = norms.argmin(axis=1)
# the ordered index for the medium and large edge norm
# arranged to reference flattened norms for indexing
MLidx = np.column_stack((small + 1, small + 2)) % 3
MLidx += (np.arange(len(small)) * 3).reshape((-1, 1))
# subtract the two largest edge lengths from each other
diff = np.subtract(*norms.reshape(-1)[MLidx.T])
# mark by sign but keep zero values zero
order = np.zeros(len(norms), dtype=np.int64)
order[diff < tol.merge] = -1
order[diff > tol.merge] = 1
return order