
260 lines
8.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from .. import util
import numpy as np
class HeaderError(Exception):
# the exception raised if an STL file object doesn't match its header
# define a numpy datatype for the data section of a binary STL file
# everything in STL is always Little Endian
# this works natively on Little Endian systems, but blows up on Big Endians
# so we always specify byteorder
_stl_dtype = np.dtype([('normals', '<f4', (3)),
('vertices', '<f4', (3, 3)),
('attributes', '<u2')])
# define a numpy datatype for the header of a binary STL file
_stl_dtype_header = np.dtype([('header', np.void, 80),
('face_count', '<i4')])
def load_stl(file_obj, **kwargs):
Load an STL file from a file object.
file_obj : open file-like object
Containing STL data
loaded : dict
kwargs for a Trimesh constructor with keys:
vertices: (n,3) float, vertices
faces: (m,3) int, indexes of vertices
face_normals: (m,3) float, normal vector of each face
# save start of file obj
file_pos = file_obj.tell()
# check the file for a header which matches the file length
# if that is true, it is almost certainly a binary STL file
# if the header doesn't match the file length a HeaderError will be
# raised
return load_stl_binary(file_obj)
except HeaderError:
# move the file back to where it was initially
# try to load the file as an ASCII STL
# if the header doesn't match the file length a HeaderError will be
# raised
return load_stl_ascii(file_obj)
def load_stl_binary(file_obj):
Load a binary STL file from a file object.
file_obj : open file- like object
Containing STL data
loaded: kwargs for a Trimesh constructor with keys:
vertices: (n,3) float, vertices
faces: (m,3) int, indexes of vertices
face_normals: (m,3) float, normal vector of each face
# the header is always 84 bytes long, we just reference the dtype.itemsize
# to be explicit about where that magical number comes from
header_length = _stl_dtype_header.itemsize
header_data =
if len(header_data) < header_length:
raise HeaderError('Binary STL shorter than a fixed header!')
header = np.frombuffer(header_data,
except BaseException:
raise HeaderError('Binary header incorrect type')
# save the header block as a string
# there could be any garbage in there so wrap in try
metadata = {'header': util.decode_text(
except BaseException:
metadata = {}
# now we check the length from the header versus the length of the file
# data_start should always be position 84, but hard coding that felt ugly
data_start = file_obj.tell()
# this seeks to the end of the file
# position 0, relative to the end of the file 'whence=2', 2)
# we save the location of the end of the file and seek back to where we
# started from
data_end = file_obj.tell()
# the binary format has a rigidly defined structure, and if the length
# of the file doesn't match the header, the loaded version is almost
# certainly going to be garbage.
len_data = data_end - data_start
len_expected = header['face_count'] * _stl_dtype.itemsize
# this check is to see if this really is a binary STL file.
# if we don't do this and try to load a file that isn't structured properly
# we will be producing garbage or crashing hard
# so it's much better to raise an exception here.
if len_data != len_expected:
raise HeaderError(
'Binary STL has incorrect length in header: {} vs {}'.format(
len_data, len_expected))
blob = np.frombuffer(, dtype=_stl_dtype)
# all of our vertices will be loaded in order
# so faces are just sequential indices reshaped.
faces = np.arange(header['face_count'] * 3).reshape((-1, 3))
# there are two bytes per triangle saved for anything
# which is sometimes used for face color
result = {'vertices': blob['vertices'].reshape((-1, 3)),
'face_normals': blob['normals'].reshape((-1, 3)),
'faces': faces,
'face_attributes': {'stl': blob['attributes']},
'metadata': metadata}
return result
def load_stl_ascii(file_obj):
Load an ASCII STL file from a file object.
file_obj : open file- like object
Containing input data
loaded : dict
kwargs for a Trimesh constructor with keys:
vertices: (n,3) float, vertices
faces: (m,3) int, indexes of vertices
face_normals: (m,3) float, normal vector of each face
# the first line is the header
header = file_obj.readline()
# make sure header is a string, not bytes
if hasattr(header, 'decode'):
header = util.decode_text(header)
except BaseException:
header = ''
# save header to metadata
metadata = {'header': header}
# read all text into one string
text =
# try to convert bytes to string
text = util.decode_text(text)
# split by endsolid keyword
text = text.lower().split('endsolid')[0]
# create array of splits
blob = np.array(text.strip().split())
# there are 21 'words' in each face
face_len = 21
# length of blob should be multiple of face_len
if (len(blob) % face_len) != 0:
raise HeaderError('Incorrect length STL file!')
face_count = int(len(blob) / face_len)
# this offset is to be added to a fixed set of tiled indices
offset = face_len * np.arange(face_count).reshape((-1, 1))
normal_index = np.tile([2, 3, 4], (face_count, 1)) + offset
vertex_index = np.tile([8, 9, 10,
12, 13, 14,
16, 17, 18], (face_count, 1)) + offset
# faces are groups of three sequential vertices
faces = np.arange(face_count * 3).reshape((-1, 3))
face_normals = blob[normal_index].astype('<f8')
vertices = blob[vertex_index.reshape((-1, 3))].astype('<f8')
return {'vertices': vertices,
'faces': faces,
'metadata': metadata,
'face_normals': face_normals}
def export_stl(mesh):
Convert a Trimesh object into a binary STL file.
mesh: Trimesh object
export: bytes, representing mesh in binary STL form
header = np.zeros(1, dtype=_stl_dtype_header)
header['face_count'] = len(mesh.faces)
packed = np.zeros(len(mesh.faces), dtype=_stl_dtype)
packed['normals'] = mesh.face_normals
packed['vertices'] = mesh.triangles
export = header.tostring()
export += packed.tostring()
return export
def export_stl_ascii(mesh):
Convert a Trimesh object into an ASCII STL file.
mesh : trimesh.Trimesh
export : str
Mesh represented as an ASCII STL file
# move all the data that's going into the STL file into one array
blob = np.zeros((len(mesh.faces), 4, 3))
blob[:, 0, :] = mesh.face_normals
blob[:, 1:, :] = mesh.triangles
# create a lengthy format string for the data section of the file
format_string = 'facet normal {} {} {}\nouter loop\n'
format_string += 'vertex {} {} {}\n' * 3
format_string += 'endloop\nendfacet\n'
format_string *= len(mesh.faces)
# concatenate the header, data, and footer
export = 'solid \n'
export += format_string.format(*blob.reshape(-1))
export += 'endsolid'
return export
_stl_loaders = {'stl': load_stl,
'stl_ascii': load_stl}