
443 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import copy
import numpy as np
from .util import is_ccw
from .. import util
from .. import grouping
from .. import constants
import networkx as nx
except BaseException as E:
# create a dummy module which will raise the ImportError
# or other exception only when someone tries to use networkx
from ..exceptions import ExceptionModule
nx = ExceptionModule(E)
def vertex_graph(entities):
Given a set of entity objects generate a networkx.Graph
that represents their vertex nodes.
entities : list
Objects with 'closed' and 'nodes' attributes
graph : networkx.Graph
Graph where node indexes represent vertices
closed : (n,) int
Indexes of entities which are 'closed'
graph = nx.Graph()
closed = []
for index, entity in enumerate(entities):
if entity.closed:
return graph, np.array(closed)
def vertex_to_entity_path(vertex_path,
Convert a path of vertex indices to a path of entity indices.
vertex_path : (n,) int
Ordered list of vertex indices representing a path
graph : nx.Graph
Vertex connectivity
entities : (m,) list
Entity objects
vertices : (p, dimension) float
Vertex points in space
entity_path : (q,) int
Entity indices which make up vertex_path
def edge_direction(a, b):
Given two edges, figure out if the first needs to be
reversed to keep the progression forward.
[1,0] [1,2] -1 1
[1,0] [2,1] -1 -1
[0,1] [1,2] 1 1
[0,1] [2,1] 1 -1
a : (2,) int
b : (2,) int
a_direction : int
b_direction : int
if a[0] == b[0]:
return -1, 1
elif a[0] == b[1]:
return -1, -1
elif a[1] == b[0]:
return 1, 1
elif a[1] == b[1]:
return 1, -1
msg = 'edges not connected!'
msg += '\nvertex_path: {}'.format(vertex_path)
msg += '\nentity_path: {}'.format(entity_path)
msg += '\nentity[a]: {}'.format(entities[ea].points)
msg += '\nentity[b]: {}'.format(entities[eb].points)
return None, None
if vertices is None or vertices.shape[1] != 2:
ccw_direction = 1
ccw_check = is_ccw(vertices[np.append(vertex_path,
ccw_direction = (ccw_check * 2) - 1
# make sure vertex path is correct type
vertex_path = np.asanyarray(vertex_path, dtype=np.int64)
# we will be saving entity indexes
entity_path = []
# loop through pairs of vertices
for i in np.arange(len(vertex_path) + 1):
# get two wrapped vertex positions
vertex_path_pos = np.mod(np.arange(2) + i, len(vertex_path))
vertex_index = vertex_path[vertex_path_pos]
entity_index = graph.get_edge_data(*vertex_index)['entity_index']
# remove duplicate entities and order CCW
entity_path = grouping.unique_ordered(entity_path)[::ccw_direction]
# check to make sure there is more than one entity
if len(entity_path) == 1:
# apply CCW reverse in place if necessary
if ccw_direction < 0:
index = entity_path[0]
return entity_path
# traverse the entity path and reverse entities in place to
# align with this path ordering
round_trip = np.append(entity_path, entity_path[0])
round_trip = zip(round_trip[:-1], round_trip[1:])
for ea, eb in round_trip:
da, db = edge_direction(entities[ea].end_points,
if da is not None:
entity_path = np.array(entity_path)
return entity_path
def closed_paths(entities, vertices):
Paths are lists of entity indices.
We first generate vertex paths using graph cycle algorithms,
and then convert them to entity paths.
This will also change the ordering of entity.points in place
so a path may be traversed without having to reverse the entity.
entities : (n,) entity objects
Entity objects
vertices : (m, dimension) float
Vertex points in space
entity_paths : sequence of (n,) int
Ordered traversals of entities
# get a networkx graph of entities
graph, closed = vertex_graph(entities)
# add entities that are closed as single- entity paths
entity_paths = np.reshape(closed, (-1, 1)).tolist()
# look for cycles in the graph, or closed loops
vertex_paths = np.array(nx.cycles.cycle_basis(graph))
# loop through every vertex cycle
for vertex_path in vertex_paths:
# a path has no length if it has fewer than 2 vertices
if len(vertex_path) < 2:
# convert vertex indices to entity indices
entity_paths = np.array(entity_paths)
return entity_paths
def discretize_path(entities, vertices, path, scale=1.0):
Turn a list of entity indices into a path of connected points.
entities : (j,) entity objects
Objects like 'Line', 'Arc', etc.
vertices: (n, dimension) float
Vertex points in space.
path : (m,) int
Indexes of entities
scale : float
Overall scale of drawing used for
numeric tolerances in certain cases
discrete : (p, dimension) float
Connected points in space that lie on the
path and can be connected with line segments.
# make sure vertices are numpy array
vertices = np.asanyarray(vertices)
path_len = len(path)
if path_len == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot discretize empty path!')
if path_len == 1:
# case where we only have one entity
discrete = np.asanyarray(entities[path[0]].discrete(
# run through path appending each entity
discrete = []
for i, entity_id in enumerate(path):
# the current (n, dimension) discrete curve of an entity
current = entities[entity_id].discrete(vertices, scale=scale)
# check if we are on the final entity
if i >= (path_len - 1):
# if we are on the last entity include the last point
# slice off the last point so we don't get duplicate
# points from the end of one entity and the start of another
# stack all curves to one nice (n, dimension) curve
discrete = np.vstack(discrete)
# make sure 2D curves are are counterclockwise
if vertices.shape[1] == 2 and not is_ccw(discrete):
# reversing will make array non c- contiguous
discrete = np.ascontiguousarray(discrete[::-1])
return discrete
class PathSample:
def __init__(self, points):
# make sure input array is numpy
self._points = np.array(points)
# find the direction of each segment
self._vectors = np.diff(self._points, axis=0)
# find the length of each segment
self._norms = util.row_norm(self._vectors)
# unit vectors for each segment
nonzero = self._norms >
self._unit_vec = self._vectors.copy()
self._unit_vec[nonzero] /= self._norms[nonzero].reshape((-1, 1))
# total distance in the path
self.length = self._norms.sum()
# cumulative sum of section length
# note that this is sorted
self._cum_norm = np.cumsum(self._norms)
def sample(self, distances):
# return the indices in cum_norm that each sample would
# need to be inserted at to maintain the sorted property
positions = np.searchsorted(self._cum_norm, distances)
positions = np.clip(positions, 0, len(self._unit_vec) - 1)
offsets = np.append(0, self._cum_norm)[positions]
# the distance past the reference vertex we need to travel
projection = distances - offsets
# find out which dirction we need to project
direction = self._unit_vec[positions]
# find out which vertex we're offset from
origin = self._points[positions]
# just the parametric equation for a line
resampled = origin + (direction * projection.reshape((-1, 1)))
return resampled
def truncate(self, distance):
Return a truncated version of the path.
Only one vertex (at the endpoint) will be added.
position = np.searchsorted(self._cum_norm, distance)
offset = distance - self._cum_norm[position - 1]
if offset < constants.tol_path.merge:
truncated = self._points[:position + 1]
vector = util.unitize(np.diff(self._points[np.arange(2) + position],
vector *= offset
endpoint = self._points[position] + vector
truncated = np.vstack((self._points[:position + 1],
assert (
axis=0)).sum() -
distance) < constants.tol_path.merge
return truncated
def resample_path(points,
Given a path along (n,d) points, resample them such that the
distance traversed along the path is constant in between each
of the resampled points. Note that this can produce clipping at
corners, as the original vertices are NOT guaranteed to be in the
new, resampled path.
ONLY ONE of count or step can be specified
Result can be uniformly distributed (np.linspace) by specifying count
Result can have a specific distance (np.arange) by specifying step
points: (n, d) float
Points in space
count : int,
Number of points to sample evenly (aka np.linspace)
step : float
Distance each step should take along the path (aka np.arange)
resampled : (j,d) float
Points on the path
points = np.array(points, dtype=np.float)
# generate samples along the perimeter from kwarg count or step
if (count is not None) and (step is not None):
raise ValueError('Only step OR count can be specified')
if (count is None) and (step is None):
raise ValueError('Either step or count must be specified')
sampler = PathSample(points)
if step is not None and step_round:
if step >= sampler.length:
return points[[0, -1]]
count = int(np.ceil(sampler.length / step))
if count is not None:
samples = np.linspace(0, sampler.length, count)
elif step is not None:
samples = np.arange(0, sampler.length, step)
resampled = sampler.sample(samples)
check = util.row_norm(points[[0, -1]] - resampled[[0, -1]])
assert check[0] < constants.tol_path.merge
if count is not None:
assert check[1] < constants.tol_path.merge
return resampled
def split(self):
Split a Path2D into multiple Path2D objects where each
one has exactly one root curve.
self : trimesh.path.Path2D
Input geometry
split : list of trimesh.path.Path2D
Original geometry as separate paths
# avoid a circular import by referencing class of self
Path2D = type(self)
# save the results of the split to an array
split = []
# get objects from cache to avoid a bajillion
# cache checks inside the tight loop
paths = self.paths
discrete = self.discrete
polygons_closed = self.polygons_closed
enclosure_directed = self.enclosure_directed
for root_index, root in enumerate(self.root):
# get a list of the root curve's children
connected = list(enclosure_directed[root].keys())
# add the root node to the list
# store new paths and entities
new_paths = []
new_entities = []
for index in connected:
path = paths[index]
# add a path which is just sequential indexes
new_paths.append(np.arange(len(path)) +
# save the entity indexes
# store the root index from the original drawing
metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.metadata)
metadata['split_2D'] = root_index
# we made the root path the last index of connected
new_root = np.array([len(new_paths) - 1])
# prevents the copying from nuking our cache
with self._cache:
# create the Path2D
# add back expensive things to the cache
{'paths': new_paths,
'polygons_closed': polygons_closed[connected],
'discrete': discrete[connected],
'root': new_root})
# set the cache ID
return np.array(split)