From 6ec598218ce6585f25859d8d27ff3a6c7ee44ab1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: s_ranjbar <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 11:43:11 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] feat: pv calculation code added and tested

 hub/helpers/                      |   3 +-
 hub/imports/results/ | 203 +++++++++-------                                       |  57 ++++-
 .../          |  75 ++++++
 pv_assessment/         | 225 ++++++++++++++++++
 pv_assessment/             | 222 +++++++++++++++++                         | 129 ++++++++++
 7 files changed, 822 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 pv_assessment/
 create mode 100644 pv_assessment/
 create mode 100644 pv_assessment/
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/hub/helpers/ b/hub/helpers/
index fda9a4e3..10f25ab8 100644
--- a/hub/helpers/
+++ b/hub/helpers/
@@ -317,7 +317,8 @@ LATENT = 'Latent'
 LITHIUMION = 'Lithium Ion'
 NICD = 'NiCd'
 LEADACID = 'Lead Acid'
+THERMAL = 'thermal'
+ELECTRICAL = 'electrical'
 # Geometry
 EPSILON = 0.0000001
diff --git a/hub/imports/results/ b/hub/imports/results/
index 350c85fa..319e1047 100644
--- a/hub/imports/results/
+++ b/hub/imports/results/
@@ -1,103 +1,126 @@
 import csv
 from pathlib import Path
+from hub.helpers.monthly_values import MonthlyValues
+import hub.helpers.constants as cte
 class ArchetypeBasedDemand:
-    def __init__(self, city, base_path):
- = city
-        self.archetype_csv_path = Path(base_path)
-        self.archetype_data = self._load_archetype_data()
+  def __init__(self, city, base_path):
+ = city
+    self.archetype_csv_path = Path(base_path)
+    self.archetype_data = self._load_archetype_data()
-    def _load_archetype_data(self):
-        archetype_data = {}
-        with open(self.archetype_csv_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csv_file:
-            csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
-            csv_reader.fieldnames = [field.strip() for field in csv_reader.fieldnames]
-            for row in csv_reader:
-                standardized_row = {key.strip(): value.strip() for key, value in row.items()}
-                usage = standardized_row['Usage']
-                vintage = standardized_row['Vintage']
-                full_key = f"{usage} {vintage}"
+  def _load_archetype_data(self):
+    archetype_data = {}
+    with open(self.archetype_csv_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8-sig') as csv_file:
+      csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
+      csv_reader.fieldnames = [field.strip() for field in csv_reader.fieldnames]
+      for row in csv_reader:
+        standardized_row = {key.strip(): value.strip() for key, value in row.items()}
+        usage = standardized_row['Usage']
+        vintage = standardized_row['Vintage']
+        full_key = f"{usage} {vintage}"
-                # Initialize the archetype entry if not present
-                if full_key not in archetype_data:
-                    # Initialize dictionaries for each demand type with empty lists
-                    archetype_data[full_key] = {
-                        'Heating': [],
-                        'Cooling': [],
-                        'DHW': [],
-                        'Equipment': [],
-                        'Lighting': [],
-                    }
+        # Initialize the archetype entry if not present
+        if full_key not in archetype_data:
+          # Initialize dictionaries for each demand type with empty lists
+          archetype_data[full_key] = {
+            'Heating': [],
+            'Cooling': [],
+            'DHW': [],
+            'Equipment': [],
+            'Lighting': [],
+          }
-                # Append the demand values to the lists
-                archetype_data[full_key]['Heating'].append(float(standardized_row['Heating']))
-                archetype_data[full_key]['Cooling'].append(float(standardized_row['Cooling']))
-                archetype_data[full_key]['DHW'].append(float(standardized_row['DHW']))
-                archetype_data[full_key]['Equipment'].append(float(standardized_row['Equipment']))
-                archetype_data[full_key]['Lighting'].append(float(standardized_row['Lighting']))
-        return archetype_data
+        # Append the demand values to the lists
+        archetype_data[full_key]['Heating'].append(float(standardized_row['Heating']))
+        archetype_data[full_key]['Cooling'].append(float(standardized_row['Cooling']))
+        archetype_data[full_key]['DHW'].append(float(standardized_row['DHW']))
+        archetype_data[full_key]['Equipment'].append(float(standardized_row['Equipment']))
+        archetype_data[full_key]['Lighting'].append(float(standardized_row['Lighting']))
+    return archetype_data
-    def _get_archetype_key(self, building):
-        function = building.function.lower()
-        year = building.year_of_construction
-        height = building.eave_height
-        adjacency = building.adjacency.lower()
+  def _get_archetype_key(self, building):
+    function = building.function.lower()
+    year = building.year_of_construction
+    height = building.eave_height
+    adjacency = building.adjacency.lower()
-        if function in ['residential', 'multifamily house', 'single family house']:
-            if height < 6 and adjacency == 'detached':
-                usage = 'Single Family'
-            elif height < 6 and adjacency == 'attached':
-                usage = 'Row house'
-            elif 6 <= height <= 10 and adjacency == 'detached':
-                usage = 'Duplex/triplex'
-            elif 6 <= height <= 10 and adjacency == 'attached':
-                usage = 'Small MURBs'
-            elif 10 < height <= 15:
-                usage = 'Medium MURBs'
-            elif 15 < height:
-                usage = 'Large MURBs'
-            else:
-                usage = "No Archetype!"
-        elif function in ['office', 'office and administration']:
-            usage = 'Office'
-        elif function in ['commercial', 'retail shop without refrigerated food', 'retail shop with refrigerated food',
-                          'stand alone retail', 'strip mall']:
-            if adjacency == 'attached':
-                usage = 'Commercial attached'
-            else:
-                usage = 'Commercial detached'
-        else:
-            usage = "No Archetypes yet"
+    if function in ['residential', 'multifamily house', 'single family house']:
+      if height < 6 and adjacency == 'detached':
+        usage = 'Single Family'
+      elif height < 6 and adjacency == 'attached':
+        usage = 'Row house'
+      elif 6 <= height <= 10 and adjacency == 'detached':
+        usage = 'Duplex/triplex'
+      elif 6 <= height <= 10 and adjacency == 'attached':
+        usage = 'Small MURBs'
+      elif 10 < height <= 15:
+        usage = 'Medium MURBs'
+      elif 15 < height:
+        usage = 'Large MURBs'
+      else:
+        usage = "No Archetype!"
+    elif function in ['office', 'office and administration']:
+      usage = 'Office'
+    elif function in ['commercial', 'retail shop without refrigerated food', 'retail shop with refrigerated food',
+                      'stand alone retail', 'strip mall']:
+      if adjacency == 'attached':
+        usage = 'Commercial attached'
+      else:
+        usage = 'Commercial detached'
+    else:
+      usage = "No Archetypes yet"
-        if year <= 1947:
-            vintage = 'Pre 1947'
-        elif 1947 < year <= 1983:
-            vintage = '1947-1983'
-        elif 1983 < year <= 2010:
-            vintage = '1984-2010'
-        else:
-            vintage = 'Post 2010'
+    if year <= 1947:
+      vintage = 'Pre 1947'
+    elif 1947 < year <= 1983:
+      vintage = '1947-1983'
+    elif 1983 < year <= 2010:
+      vintage = '1984-2010'
+    else:
+      vintage = 'Post 2010'
-        if usage:
-            archetype_key = f"{usage} {vintage}"
-            return archetype_key
-        else:
-            return None
+    if usage:
+      archetype_key = f"{usage} {vintage}"
+      return archetype_key
+    else:
+      return None
-    def _assign_demands(self, building, demand, area):
-        building.heating_demand = {'hour': [value * area for value in demand['Heating']]}
-        building.cooling_demand = {'hour': [value * area for value in demand['Cooling']]}
-        building.domestic_hot_water_heat_demand = {'hour': [value * area for value in demand['DHW']]}
-        building.appliances_electrical_demand = {'hour': [value * area for value in demand['Equipment']]}
-        building.lighting_electrical_demand = {'hour': [value * area for value in demand['Lighting']]}
+  def _assign_demands(self, building, demand, area):
+    hourly_heating_demand = [value * area for value in demand['Heating']]
+    building.heating_demand = {cte.HOUR: hourly_heating_demand,
+                               cte.MONTH: MonthlyValues.get_total_month(hourly_heating_demand),
+                               cte.YEAR: [sum(hourly_heating_demand)]
+                               }
+    hourly_cooling_demand = [value * area for value in demand['Cooling']]
+    building.cooling_demand = {cte.HOUR: hourly_cooling_demand,
+                               cte.MONTH: MonthlyValues.get_total_month(hourly_cooling_demand),
+                               cte.YEAR: [sum(hourly_cooling_demand)]
+                               }
+    hourly_dhw_demand = [value * area for value in demand['DHW']]
+    building.domestic_hot_water_heat_demand = {cte.HOUR: hourly_dhw_demand,
+                                               cte.MONTH: MonthlyValues.get_total_month(hourly_dhw_demand),
+                                               cte.YEAR: [sum(hourly_dhw_demand)]
+                                               }
+    hourly_appliance_demand = [value * area for value in demand['Equipment']]
+    building.appliances_electrical_demand = {cte.HOUR: hourly_appliance_demand,
+                                             cte.MONTH: MonthlyValues.get_total_month(hourly_appliance_demand),
+                                             cte.YEAR: [sum(hourly_appliance_demand)]
+                                             }
+    hourly_lighting_demand = [value * area for value in demand['Lighting']]
+    building.lighting_electrical_demand = {cte.HOUR: hourly_lighting_demand,
+                                           cte.MONTH: MonthlyValues.get_total_month(hourly_lighting_demand),
+                                           cte.YEAR: [sum(hourly_lighting_demand)]
+                                           }
-    def enrich(self):
-        for building in
-            archetype_key = self._get_archetype_key(building)
-            print(archetype_key)
-            if archetype_key and archetype_key in self.archetype_data:
-                demand = self.archetype_data[archetype_key]
-                area = building.thermal_zones_from_internal_zones[0].total_floor_area
-                self._assign_demands(building, demand, area)
-            else:
-                print(f"No archetype found for building: {} with key: {archetype_key}")
+  def enrich(self):
+    for building in
+      archetype_key = self._get_archetype_key(building)
+      print(archetype_key)
+      if archetype_key and archetype_key in self.archetype_data:
+        demand = self.archetype_data[archetype_key]
+        area = building.thermal_zones_from_internal_zones[0].total_floor_area
+        self._assign_demands(building, demand, area)
+      else:
+        print(f"No archetype found for building: {} with key: {archetype_key}")
diff --git a/ b/
index 519a5958..0065ec49 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,26 @@
+from hub.imports.energy_systems_factory import EnergySystemsFactory
 from hub.imports.geometry_factory import GeometryFactory
 from hub.helpers.dictionaries import Dictionaries
 from hub.imports.construction_factory import ConstructionFactory
 from hub.imports.results_factory import ResultFactory
+from hub.exports.exports_factory import ExportsFactory
+import subprocess
+from pathlib import Path
+from hub.imports.weather_factory import WeatherFactory
+from pv_assessment.electricity_demand_calculator import HourlyElectricityDemand
+from pv_assessment.pv_system_assessment import PvSystemAssessment
+from pv_assessment.solar_calculator import SolarCalculator
 input_file = "data/cmm_test_corrected.geojson"
 demand_file = "data/energy_demand_data.csv"
+# Define specific paths for outputs from SRA (Simplified Radiosity Algorith) and PV calculation processes
+output_path = (Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'out_files').resolve()
+output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+sra_output_path = output_path / 'sra_outputs'
+sra_output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+pv_assessment_path = output_path / 'pv_outputs'
+pv_assessment_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
 city = GeometryFactory(
@@ -15,5 +30,45 @@ city = GeometryFactory(
 ConstructionFactory('nrcan', city).enrich()
+WeatherFactory('epw', city).enrich()
 ResultFactory('archetypes', city, demand_file).enrich()
+# Export the city data in SRA-compatible format to facilitate solar radiation assessment
+ExportsFactory('sra', city, sra_output_path).export()
+# Run SRA simulation using an external command, passing the generated SRA XML file path as input
+sra_path = (sra_output_path / f'{}_sra.xml').resolve()['sra', str(sra_path)])
+# Enrich city data with SRA simulation results for subsequent analysis
+ResultFactory('sra', city, sra_output_path).enrich()
+# # Initialize solar calculation parameters (e.g., azimuth, altitude) and compute irradiance and solar angles
+tilt_angle = 37
+solar_parameters = SolarCalculator(city=city,
+                                   surface_azimuth_angle=180,
+                                   tilt_angle=tilt_angle,
+                                   standard_meridian=-75)
+solar_angles = solar_parameters.solar_angles  # Obtain solar angles for further analysis
+solar_parameters.tilted_irradiance_calculator()  # Calculate the solar radiation on a tilted surface
+# Assignation of Energy System Archetypes to Buildings
+#TODO this needs to be modified. We should either use the existing percentages or assign systems based on building
+# functions
+for building in city.buildings:
+  building.energy_systems_archetype_name = 'Grid Tied PV System'
+EnergySystemsFactory('montreal_future', city).enrich()
+for building in city.buildings:
+  electricity_demand = HourlyElectricityDemand(building).calculate()
+  PvSystemAssessment(building=building,
+                     pv_system=None,
+                     battery=None,
+                     electricity_demand=electricity_demand,
+                     tilt_angle=tilt_angle,
+                     solar_angles=solar_angles,
+                     pv_installation_type='rooftop',
+                     simulation_model_type='explicit',
+                     module_model_name=None,
+                     inverter_efficiency=0.95,
+                     system_catalogue_handler=None,
+                     roof_percentage_coverage=0.75,
+                     facade_coverage_percentage=0,
+                     csv_output=False,
+                     output_path=pv_assessment_path).enrich()
diff --git a/pv_assessment/ b/pv_assessment/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..961f5d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pv_assessment/
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+import hub.helpers.constants as cte
+class HourlyElectricityDemand:
+  def __init__(self, building):
+    self.building = building
+  def calculate(self):
+    hourly_electricity_consumption = []
+    energy_systems = self.building.energy_systems
+    appliance = self.building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.HOUR] if self.building.appliances_electrical_demand else 0
+    lighting = self.building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.HOUR] if self.building.lighting_electrical_demand else 0
+    elec_heating = 0
+    elec_cooling = 0
+    elec_dhw = 0
+    if cte.HEATING in self.building.energy_consumption_breakdown[cte.ELECTRICITY]:
+      elec_heating = 1
+    if cte.COOLING in self.building.energy_consumption_breakdown[cte.ELECTRICITY]:
+      elec_cooling = 1
+    if cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER in self.building.energy_consumption_breakdown[cte.ELECTRICITY]:
+      elec_dhw = 1
+    heating = None
+    cooling = None
+    dhw = None
+    if elec_heating == 1:
+      for energy_system in energy_systems:
+        if cte.HEATING in energy_system.demand_types:
+          for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
+            if generation_system.fuel_type == cte.ELECTRICITY:
+              if cte.HEATING in generation_system.energy_consumption:
+                heating = generation_system.energy_consumption[cte.HEATING][cte.HOUR]
+              else:
+                if len(energy_system.generation_systems) > 1:
+                  heating = [x / 2 for x in self.building.heating_consumption[cte.HOUR]]
+                else:
+                  heating = self.building.heating_consumption[cte.HOUR]
+    if elec_dhw == 1:
+      for energy_system in energy_systems:
+        if cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER in energy_system.demand_types:
+          for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
+            if generation_system.fuel_type == cte.ELECTRICITY:
+              if cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER in generation_system.energy_consumption:
+                dhw = generation_system.energy_consumption[cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER][cte.HOUR]
+              else:
+                if len(energy_system.generation_systems) > 1:
+                  dhw = [x / 2 for x in self.building.domestic_hot_water_consumption[cte.HOUR]]
+                else:
+                  dhw = self.building.domestic_hot_water_consumption[cte.HOUR]
+    if elec_cooling == 1:
+      for energy_system in energy_systems:
+        if cte.COOLING in energy_system.demand_types:
+          for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
+            if cte.COOLING in generation_system.energy_consumption:
+              cooling = generation_system.energy_consumption[cte.COOLING][cte.HOUR]
+            else:
+              if len(energy_system.generation_systems) > 1:
+                cooling = [x / 2 for x in self.building.cooling_consumption[cte.HOUR]]
+              else:
+                cooling = self.building.cooling_consumption[cte.HOUR]
+    for i in range(8760):
+      hourly = 0
+      if isinstance(appliance, list):
+        hourly += appliance[i]
+      if isinstance(lighting, list):
+        hourly += lighting[i]
+      if heating is not None:
+        hourly += heating[i]
+      if cooling is not None:
+        hourly += cooling[i]
+      if dhw is not None:
+        hourly += dhw[i]
+      hourly_electricity_consumption.append(hourly)
+    return hourly_electricity_consumption
diff --git a/pv_assessment/ b/pv_assessment/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..de83b4fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pv_assessment/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+import math
+import csv
+import hub.helpers.constants as cte
+from pv_assessment.electricity_demand_calculator import HourlyElectricityDemand
+from hub.catalog_factories.energy_systems_catalog_factory import EnergySystemsCatalogFactory
+from hub.helpers.monthly_values import MonthlyValues
+class PvSystemAssessment:
+  def __init__(self, building=None, pv_system=None, battery=None, electricity_demand=None, tilt_angle=None,
+               solar_angles=None, pv_installation_type=None, simulation_model_type=None, module_model_name=None,
+               inverter_efficiency=None, system_catalogue_handler=None, roof_percentage_coverage=None,
+               facade_coverage_percentage=None, csv_output=False, output_path=None):
+    """
+    :param building:
+    :param tilt_angle:
+    :param solar_angles:
+    :param simulation_model_type:
+    :param module_model_name:
+    :param inverter_efficiency:
+    :param system_catalogue_handler:
+    :param roof_percentage_coverage:
+    :param facade_coverage_percentage:
+    """
+    self.building = building
+    self.electricity_demand = electricity_demand
+    self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle
+    self.solar_angles = solar_angles
+    self.pv_installation_type = pv_installation_type
+    self.simulation_model_type = simulation_model_type
+    self.module_model_name = module_model_name
+    self.inverter_efficiency = inverter_efficiency
+    self.system_catalogue_handler = system_catalogue_handler
+    self.roof_percentage_coverage = roof_percentage_coverage
+    self.facade_coverage_percentage = facade_coverage_percentage
+    self.pv_hourly_generation = None
+    self.t_cell = None
+    self.results = {}
+    self.csv_output = csv_output
+    self.output_path = output_path
+    if pv_system is not None:
+      self.pv_system = pv_system
+    else:
+      for energy_system in self.building.energy_systems:
+        for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
+          if generation_system.system_type == cte.PHOTOVOLTAIC:
+            self.pv_system = generation_system
+    if battery is not None:
+      self.battery = battery
+    else:
+      for energy_system in self.building.energy_systems:
+        for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
+          if generation_system.system_type == cte.PHOTOVOLTAIC and generation_system.energy_storage_systems is not None:
+            for storage_system in generation_system.energy_storage_systems:
+              if storage_system.type_energy_stored == cte.ELECTRICAL:
+                self.battery = storage_system
+  @staticmethod
+  def explicit_model(pv_system, inverter_efficiency, number_of_panels, irradiance, outdoor_temperature):
+    inverter_efficiency = inverter_efficiency
+    stc_power = float(pv_system.standard_test_condition_maximum_power)
+    stc_irradiance = float(pv_system.standard_test_condition_radiation)
+    cell_temperature_coefficient = float(pv_system.cell_temperature_coefficient) / 100 if (
+        pv_system.cell_temperature_coefficient is not None) else None
+    stc_t_cell = float(pv_system.standard_test_condition_cell_temperature)
+    nominal_condition_irradiance = float(pv_system.nominal_radiation)
+    nominal_condition_cell_temperature = float(pv_system.nominal_cell_temperature)
+    nominal_t_out = float(pv_system.nominal_ambient_temperature)
+    g_i = irradiance
+    t_out = outdoor_temperature
+    t_cell = []
+    pv_output = []
+    for i in range(len(g_i)):
+      t_cell.append((t_out[i] + (g_i[i] / nominal_condition_irradiance) *
+                     (nominal_condition_cell_temperature - nominal_t_out)))
+      pv_output.append((inverter_efficiency * number_of_panels * (stc_power * (g_i[i] / stc_irradiance) *
+                                                                  (1 - cell_temperature_coefficient *
+                                                                   (t_cell[i] - stc_t_cell)))))
+    return pv_output
+  def rooftop_sizing(self, roof):
+    pv_system = self.pv_system
+    if self.module_model_name is not None:
+      self.system_assignation()
+    # System Sizing
+    module_width = float(pv_system.width)
+    module_height = float(pv_system.height)
+    roof_area = roof.perimeter_area
+    pv_module_area = module_width * module_height
+    available_roof = (self.roof_percentage_coverage * roof_area)
+    # Inter-Row Spacing
+    winter_solstice = self.solar_angles[(self.solar_angles['AST'].dt.month == 12) &
+                                        (self.solar_angles['AST'] == 21) &
+                                        (self.solar_angles['AST'].dt.hour == 12)]
+    solar_altitude = winter_solstice['solar altitude'].values[0]
+    solar_azimuth = winter_solstice['solar azimuth'].values[0]
+    distance = ((module_height * math.sin(math.radians(self.tilt_angle)) * abs(
+      math.cos(math.radians(solar_azimuth)))) / math.tan(math.radians(solar_altitude)))
+    distance = float(format(distance, '.2f'))
+    # Calculation of the number of panels
+    space_dimension = math.sqrt(available_roof)
+    space_dimension = float(format(space_dimension, '.2f'))
+    panels_per_row = math.ceil(space_dimension / module_width)
+    number_of_rows = math.ceil(space_dimension / distance)
+    total_number_of_panels = panels_per_row * number_of_rows
+    total_pv_area = total_number_of_panels * pv_module_area
+    roof.installed_solar_collector_area = total_pv_area
+    return panels_per_row, number_of_rows
+  def system_assignation(self):
+    generation_units_catalogue = EnergySystemsCatalogFactory(self.system_catalogue_handler).catalog
+    catalog_pv_generation_equipments = [component for component in
+                                        generation_units_catalogue.entries('generation_equipments') if
+                                        component.system_type == 'photovoltaic']
+    selected_pv_module = None
+    for pv_module in catalog_pv_generation_equipments:
+      if self.module_model_name == pv_module.model_name:
+        selected_pv_module = pv_module
+    if selected_pv_module is None:
+      raise ValueError("No PV module with the provided model name exists in the catalogue")
+    for energy_system in self.building.energy_systems:
+      for idx, generation_system in enumerate(energy_system.generation_systems):
+        if generation_system.system_type == cte.PHOTOVOLTAIC:
+          new_system = selected_pv_module
+          # Preserve attributes that exist in the original but not in the new system
+          for attr in dir(generation_system):
+            # Skip private attributes and methods
+            if not attr.startswith('__') and not callable(getattr(generation_system, attr)):
+              if not hasattr(new_system, attr):
+                setattr(new_system, attr, getattr(generation_system, attr))
+          # Replace the old generation system with the new one
+          energy_system.generation_systems[idx] = new_system
+  def grid_tied_system(self):
+    if self.electricity_demand is not None:
+      electricity_demand = self.electricity_demand
+    else:
+      electricity_demand = [demand / cte.WATTS_HOUR_TO_JULES for demand in
+                            HourlyElectricityDemand(self.building).calculate()]
+    rooftops_pv_output = [0] * len(electricity_demand)
+    facades_pv_output = [0] * len(electricity_demand)
+    rooftop_number_of_panels = 0
+    if 'rooftop' in self.pv_installation_type.lower():
+      for roof in self.building.roofs:
+        if roof.perimeter_area > 40:
+          np, ns = self.rooftop_sizing(roof)
+          single_roof_number_of_panels = np * ns
+          rooftop_number_of_panels += single_roof_number_of_panels
+          if self.simulation_model_type == 'explicit':
+            single_roof_pv_output = self.explicit_model(pv_system=self.pv_system,
+                                                        inverter_efficiency=self.inverter_efficiency,
+                                                        number_of_panels=single_roof_number_of_panels,
+                                                        irradiance=roof.global_irradiance_tilted[cte.HOUR],
+                                                        outdoor_temperature=self.building.external_temperature[
+                                                          cte.HOUR])
+            for i in range(len(rooftops_pv_output)):
+              rooftops_pv_output[i] += single_roof_pv_output[i]
+    total_hourly_pv_output = [rooftops_pv_output[i] + facades_pv_output[i] for i in range(8760)]
+    imported_electricity = [0] * 8760
+    exported_electricity = [0] * 8760
+    for i in range(len(electricity_demand)):
+      transfer = total_hourly_pv_output[i] - electricity_demand[i]
+      if transfer > 0:
+        exported_electricity[i] = transfer
+      else:
+        imported_electricity[i] = abs(transfer)
+    results = {'building_name':,
+               'total_floor_area_m2': self.building.thermal_zones_from_internal_zones[0].total_floor_area,
+               'roof_area_m2': self.building.roofs[0].perimeter_area, 'rooftop_panels': rooftop_number_of_panels,
+               'rooftop_panels_area_m2': self.building.roofs[0].installed_solar_collector_area,
+               'yearly_rooftop_ghi_kW/m2': self.building.roofs[0].global_irradiance[cte.YEAR][0] / 1000,
+               f'yearly_rooftop_tilted_radiation_{self.tilt_angle}_degree_kW/m2':
+                 self.building.roofs[0].global_irradiance_tilted[cte.YEAR][0] / 1000,
+               'yearly_rooftop_pv_production_kWh': sum(rooftops_pv_output) / 1000,
+               'yearly_total_pv_production_kWh': sum(total_hourly_pv_output) / 1000,
+               'specific_pv_production_kWh/kWp': sum(rooftops_pv_output) / (
+                   float(self.pv_system.standard_test_condition_maximum_power) * rooftop_number_of_panels),
+               'hourly_rooftop_poa_irradiance_W/m2': self.building.roofs[0].global_irradiance_tilted[cte.HOUR],
+               'hourly_rooftop_pv_output_W': rooftops_pv_output, 'T_out': self.building.external_temperature[cte.HOUR],
+               'building_electricity_demand_W': electricity_demand,
+               'total_hourly_pv_system_output_W': total_hourly_pv_output, 'import_from_grid_W': imported_electricity,
+               'export_to_grid_W': exported_electricity}
+    return results
+  def enrich(self):
+    system_archetype_name = self.building.energy_systems_archetype_name
+    archetype_name = '_'.join(system_archetype_name.lower().split())
+    if 'grid_tied' in archetype_name:
+      self.results = self.grid_tied_system()
+    hourly_pv_output = self.results['total_hourly_pv_system_output_W']
+    self.building.pv_generation[cte.HOUR] = hourly_pv_output
+    self.building.pv_generation[cte.MONTH] = MonthlyValues.get_total_month(hourly_pv_output)
+    self.building.pv_generation[cte.YEAR] = [sum(hourly_pv_output)]
+    if self.csv_output:
+      self.save_to_csv(self.results, self.output_path, f'{}_pv_system_analysis.csv')
+  @staticmethod
+  def save_to_csv(data, output_path, filename='rooftop_system_results.csv'):
+    # Separate keys based on whether their values are single values or lists
+    single_value_keys = [key for key, value in data.items() if not isinstance(value, list)]
+    list_value_keys = [key for key, value in data.items() if isinstance(value, list)]
+    # Check if all lists have the same length
+    list_lengths = [len(data[key]) for key in list_value_keys]
+    if not all(length == list_lengths[0] for length in list_lengths):
+      raise ValueError("All lists in the dictionary must have the same length")
+    # Get the length of list values (assuming all lists are of the same length, e.g., 8760 for hourly data)
+    num_rows = list_lengths[0] if list_value_keys else 1
+    # Open the CSV file for writing
+    with open(output_path / filename, mode='w', newline='') as csv_file:
+      writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
+      # Write single-value data as a header section
+      for key in single_value_keys:
+        writer.writerow([key, data[key]])
+      # Write an empty row for separation
+      writer.writerow([])
+      # Write the header for the list values
+      writer.writerow(list_value_keys)
+      # Write each row for the lists
+      for i in range(num_rows):
+        row = [data[key][i] for key in list_value_keys]
+        writer.writerow(row)
diff --git a/pv_assessment/ b/pv_assessment/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..126e9d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pv_assessment/
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+import math
+import pandas as pd
+from datetime import datetime
+import hub.helpers.constants as cte
+from hub.helpers.monthly_values import MonthlyValues
+class SolarCalculator:
+  def __init__(self, city, tilt_angle, surface_azimuth_angle, standard_meridian=-75,
+               solar_constant=1366.1, maximum_clearness_index=1, min_cos_zenith=0.065, maximum_zenith_angle=87):
+    """
+    A class to calculate the solar angles and solar irradiance on a tilted surface in the City
+    :param city: An object from the City class -> City
+    :param tilt_angle: tilt angle of surface -> float
+    :param surface_azimuth_angle: The orientation of the surface. 0 is North -> float
+    :param standard_meridian: A standard meridian is the meridian whose mean solar time is the basis of the time of day
+    observed in a time zone -> float
+    :param solar_constant: The amount of energy received by a given area one astronomical unit away from the Sun. It is
+    constant and must not be changed
+    :param maximum_clearness_index: This is used to calculate the diffuse fraction of the solar irradiance -> float
+    :param min_cos_zenith: This is needed to avoid unrealistic values in tilted irradiance calculations -> float
+    :param maximum_zenith_angle: This is needed to avoid negative values in tilted irradiance calculations -> float
+    """
+ = city
+    self.location_latitude = city.latitude
+    self.location_longitude = city.longitude
+    self.location_latitude_rad = math.radians(self.location_latitude)
+    self.surface_azimuth_angle = surface_azimuth_angle
+    self.surface_azimuth_rad = math.radians(surface_azimuth_angle)
+    self.tilt_angle = tilt_angle
+    self.tilt_angle_rad = math.radians(tilt_angle)
+    self.standard_meridian = standard_meridian
+    self.longitude_correction = (self.location_longitude - standard_meridian) * 4
+    self.solar_constant = solar_constant
+    self.maximum_clearness_index = maximum_clearness_index
+    self.min_cos_zenith = min_cos_zenith
+    self.maximum_zenith_angle = maximum_zenith_angle
+    timezone_offset = int(-standard_meridian / 15)
+    self.timezone = f'Etc/GMT{"+" if timezone_offset < 0 else "-"}{abs(timezone_offset)}'
+    self.eot = []
+    self.ast = []
+    self.hour_angles = []
+    self.declinations = []
+    self.solar_altitudes = []
+    self.solar_azimuths = []
+    self.zeniths = []
+    self.incidents = []
+    self.i_on = []
+    self.i_oh = []
+    self.times = pd.date_range(start='2023-01-01', end='2023-12-31 23:00', freq='h', tz=self.timezone)
+    self.solar_angles = pd.DataFrame(index=self.times)
+    self.day_of_year = self.solar_angles.index.dayofyear
+  def solar_time(self, datetime_val, day_of_year):
+    b = (day_of_year - 81) * 2 * math.pi / 364
+    eot = 9.87 * math.sin(2 * b) - 7.53 * math.cos(b) - 1.5 * math.sin(b)
+    self.eot.append(eot)
+    # Calculate Local Solar Time (LST)
+    lst_hour = datetime_val.hour
+    lst_minute = datetime_val.minute
+    lst_second = datetime_val.second
+    lst = lst_hour + lst_minute / 60 + lst_second / 3600
+    # Calculate Apparent Solar Time (AST) in decimal hours
+    ast_decimal = lst + eot / 60 + self.longitude_correction / 60
+    ast_hours = int(ast_decimal) % 24  # Adjust hours to fit within 0–23 range
+    ast_minutes = round((ast_decimal - ast_hours) * 60)
+    # Ensure ast_minutes is within valid range
+    if ast_minutes == 60:
+      ast_hours += 1
+      ast_minutes = 0
+    elif ast_minutes < 0:
+      ast_minutes = 0
+    ast_time = datetime(year=datetime_val.year, month=datetime_val.month,,
+                        hour=ast_hours, minute=ast_minutes)
+    self.ast.append(ast_time)
+    return ast_time
+  def declination_angle(self, day_of_year):
+    declination = 23.45 * math.sin(math.radians(360 / 365 * (284 + day_of_year)))
+    declination_radian = math.radians(declination)
+    self.declinations.append(declination)
+    return declination_radian
+  def hour_angle(self, ast_time):
+    hour_angle = ((ast_time.hour * 60 + ast_time.minute) - 720) / 4
+    hour_angle_radian = math.radians(hour_angle)
+    self.hour_angles.append(hour_angle)
+    return hour_angle_radian
+  def solar_altitude(self, declination_radian, hour_angle_radian):
+    solar_altitude_radians = math.asin(math.cos(self.location_latitude_rad) * math.cos(declination_radian) *
+                                       math.cos(hour_angle_radian) + math.sin(self.location_latitude_rad) *
+                                       math.sin(declination_radian))
+    solar_altitude = math.degrees(solar_altitude_radians)
+    self.solar_altitudes.append(solar_altitude)
+    return solar_altitude_radians
+  def zenith(self, solar_altitude_radians):
+    solar_altitude = math.degrees(solar_altitude_radians)
+    zenith_degree = 90 - solar_altitude
+    zenith_radian = math.radians(zenith_degree)
+    self.zeniths.append(zenith_degree)
+    return zenith_radian
+  def solar_azimuth_analytical(self, hourangle, declination, zenith):
+    numer = (math.cos(zenith) * math.sin(self.location_latitude_rad) - math.sin(declination))
+    denom = (math.sin(zenith) * math.cos(self.location_latitude_rad))
+    if math.isclose(denom, 0.0, abs_tol=1e-8):
+      cos_azi = 1.0
+    else:
+      cos_azi = numer / denom
+    cos_azi = max(-1.0, min(1.0, cos_azi))
+    sign_ha = math.copysign(1, hourangle)
+    solar_azimuth_radians = sign_ha * math.acos(cos_azi) + math.pi
+    solar_azimuth_degrees = math.degrees(solar_azimuth_radians)
+    self.solar_azimuths.append(solar_azimuth_degrees)
+    return solar_azimuth_radians
+  def incident_angle(self, solar_altitude_radians, solar_azimuth_radians):
+    incident_radian = math.acos(math.cos(solar_altitude_radians) *
+                                math.cos(abs(solar_azimuth_radians - self.surface_azimuth_rad)) *
+                                math.sin(self.tilt_angle_rad) + math.sin(solar_altitude_radians) *
+                                math.cos(self.tilt_angle_rad))
+    incident_angle_degrees = math.degrees(incident_radian)
+    self.incidents.append(incident_angle_degrees)
+    return incident_radian
+  def dni_extra(self, day_of_year, zenith_radian):
+    i_on = self.solar_constant * (1 + 0.033 * math.cos(math.radians(360 * day_of_year / 365)))
+    i_oh = i_on * max(math.cos(zenith_radian), self.min_cos_zenith)
+    self.i_on.append(i_on)
+    self.i_oh.append(i_oh)
+    return i_on, i_oh
+  def clearness_index(self, ghi, i_oh):
+    k_t = ghi / i_oh
+    k_t = max(0, k_t)
+    k_t = min(self.maximum_clearness_index, k_t)
+    return k_t
+  def diffuse_fraction(self, k_t, zenith):
+    if k_t <= 0.22:
+      fraction_diffuse = 1 - 0.09 * k_t
+    elif k_t <= 0.8:
+      fraction_diffuse = (0.9511 - 0.1604 * k_t + 4.388 * k_t ** 2 - 16.638 * k_t ** 3 + 12.336 * k_t ** 4)
+    else:
+      fraction_diffuse = 0.165
+    if zenith > self.maximum_zenith_angle:
+      fraction_diffuse = 1
+    return fraction_diffuse
+  def radiation_components_horizontal(self, ghi, fraction_diffuse, zenith):
+    diffuse_horizontal = ghi * fraction_diffuse
+    dni = (ghi - diffuse_horizontal) / math.cos(math.radians(zenith))
+    if zenith > self.maximum_zenith_angle or dni < 0:
+      dni = 0
+    return diffuse_horizontal, dni
+  def radiation_components_tilted(self, diffuse_horizontal, dni, incident_angle):
+    beam_tilted = dni * math.cos(math.radians(incident_angle))
+    beam_tilted = max(beam_tilted, 0)
+    diffuse_tilted = diffuse_horizontal * ((1 + math.cos(math.radians(self.tilt_angle))) / 2)
+    total_radiation_tilted = beam_tilted + diffuse_tilted
+    return total_radiation_tilted
+  def solar_angles_calculator(self, csv_output=False):
+    for i in range(len(self.times)):
+      datetime_val = self.times[i]
+      day_of_year = self.day_of_year[i]
+      declination_radians = self.declination_angle(day_of_year)
+      ast_time = self.solar_time(datetime_val, day_of_year)
+      hour_angle_radians = self.hour_angle(ast_time)
+      solar_altitude_radians = self.solar_altitude(declination_radians, hour_angle_radians)
+      zenith_radians = self.zenith(solar_altitude_radians)
+      solar_azimuth_radians = self.solar_azimuth_analytical(hour_angle_radians, declination_radians, zenith_radians)
+      self.incident_angle(solar_altitude_radians, solar_azimuth_radians)
+      self.dni_extra(day_of_year=day_of_year, zenith_radian=zenith_radians)
+    self.solar_angles['DateTime'] = self.times
+    self.solar_angles['AST'] = self.ast
+    self.solar_angles['hour angle'] = self.hour_angles
+    self.solar_angles['eot'] = self.eot
+    self.solar_angles['declination angle'] = self.declinations
+    self.solar_angles['solar altitude'] = self.solar_altitudes
+    self.solar_angles['zenith'] = self.zeniths
+    self.solar_angles['solar azimuth'] = self.solar_azimuths
+    self.solar_angles['incident angle'] = self.incidents
+    self.solar_angles['extraterrestrial normal radiation (Wh/m2)'] = self.i_on
+    self.solar_angles['extraterrestrial radiation on horizontal (Wh/m2)'] = self.i_oh
+    if csv_output:
+      self.solar_angles.to_csv('solar_angles_new.csv')
+  def tilted_irradiance_calculator(self):
+    if self.solar_angles.empty:
+      self.solar_angles_calculator()
+    for building in
+      for roof in building.roofs:
+        hourly_tilted_irradiance = []
+        roof_ghi = roof.global_irradiance[cte.HOUR]
+        for i in range(len(roof_ghi)):
+          k_t = self.clearness_index(ghi=roof_ghi[i], i_oh=self.i_oh[i])
+          fraction_diffuse = self.diffuse_fraction(k_t, self.zeniths[i])
+          diffuse_horizontal, dni = self.radiation_components_horizontal(ghi=roof_ghi[i],
+                                                                         fraction_diffuse=fraction_diffuse,
+                                                                         zenith=self.zeniths[i])
+          hourly_tilted_irradiance.append(int(self.radiation_components_tilted(diffuse_horizontal=diffuse_horizontal,
+                                                                               dni=dni,
+                                                                               incident_angle=self.incidents[i])))
+        roof.global_irradiance_tilted[cte.HOUR] = hourly_tilted_irradiance
+        roof.global_irradiance_tilted[cte.MONTH] = (MonthlyValues.get_total_month(
+          roof.global_irradiance_tilted[cte.HOUR]))
+        roof.global_irradiance_tilted[cte.YEAR] = [sum(roof.global_irradiance_tilted[cte.MONTH])]
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccc21670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+This project aims to assign energy systems archetype names to Montreal buildings.
+The random assignation is based on statistical information extracted from different sources, being:
+- For residential buildings:
+  - SHEU 2015:
+- For non-residential buildings:
+  - Montreal dataportal:
+  -
+import json
+import random
+from hub.city_model_structure.building import Building
+energy_systems_format = 'montreal_future'
+# parameters:
+residential_systems_percentage = {
+  'Central Hydronic Air and Gas Source Heating System with Unitary Split Cooling and Air Source HP DHW and Grid Tied PV': 100,
+  'Central Hydronic Air and Electricity Source Heating System with Unitary Split Cooling and Air Source HP DHW and Grid Tied PV': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Ground and Gas Source Heating System with Unitary Split Cooling and Air Source HP DHW and Grid Tied PV': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Ground and Electricity Source Heating System with Unitary Split Cooling and Air Source HP DHW '
+  'and Grid Tied PV': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Water and Gas Source Heating System with Unitary Split Cooling and Air Source HP DHW and Grid Tied PV': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Water and Electricity Source Heating System with Unitary Split Cooling and Air Source HP DHW '
+  'and Grid Tied PV': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Air and Gas Source Heating System with Unitary Split and Air Source HP DHW': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Air and Electricity Source Heating System with Unitary Split and Air Source HP DHW': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Ground and Gas Source Heating System with Unitary Split and Air Source HP DHW': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Ground and Electricity Source Heating System with Unitary Split and Air Source HP DHW': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Water and Gas Source Heating System with Unitary Split and Air Source HP DHW': 0,
+  'Central Hydronic Water and Electricity Source Heating System with Unitary Split and Air Source HP DHW': 0,
+  'Grid Tied PV System': 0,
+  'system 1 gas': 0,
+  'system 1 gas grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 1 electricity': 0,
+  'system 1 electricity grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 2 gas': 0,
+  'system 2 gas grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 2 electricity': 0,
+  'system 2 electricity grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 3 and 4 gas': 0,
+  'system 3 and 4 gas grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 3 and 4 electricity': 0,
+  'system 3 and 4 electricity grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 6 gas': 0,
+  'system 6 gas grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 6 electricity': 0,
+  'system 6 electricity grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 8 gas': 0,
+  'system 8 gas grid tied pv': 0,
+  'system 8 electricity': 0,
+  'system 8 electricity grid tied pv': 0,
+non_residential_systems_percentage = {'system 1 gas': 0,
+                                      'system 1 electricity': 0,
+                                      'system 2 gas': 0,
+                                      'system 2 electricity': 0,
+                                      'system 3 and 4 gas': 39,
+                                      'system 3 and 4 electricity': 36,
+                                      'system 5 gas': 0,
+                                      'system 5 electricity': 0,
+                                      'system 6 gas': 13,
+                                      'system 6 electricity': 12,
+                                      'system 8 gas': 0,
+                                      'system 8 electricity': 0}
+def _retrieve_buildings(path, year_of_construction_field=None,
+                        function_field=None, function_to_hub=None, aliases_field=None):
+  _buildings = []
+  with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as json_file:
+    _geojson = json.loads(
+    for feature in _geojson['features']:
+      _building = {}
+      year_of_construction = None
+      if year_of_construction_field is not None:
+        year_of_construction = int(feature['properties'][year_of_construction_field])
+      function = None
+      if function_field is not None:
+        function = feature['properties'][function_field]
+        if function_to_hub is not None:
+          # use the transformation dictionary to retrieve the proper function
+          if function in function_to_hub:
+            function = function_to_hub[function]
+      building_name = ''
+      building_aliases = []
+      if 'id' in feature:
+        building_name = feature['id']
+      if aliases_field is not None:
+        for alias_field in aliases_field:
+          building_aliases.append(feature['properties'][alias_field])
+      _building['year_of_construction'] = year_of_construction
+      _building['function'] = function
+      _building['building_name'] = building_name
+      _building['building_aliases'] = building_aliases
+      _buildings.append(_building)
+  return _buildings
+def call_random(_buildings: [Building], _systems_percentage):
+  _buildings_with_systems = []
+  _systems_distribution = []
+  _selected_buildings = list(range(0, len(_buildings)))
+  random.shuffle(_selected_buildings)
+  total = 0
+  maximum = 0
+  add_to = 0
+  for _system in _systems_percentage:
+    if _systems_percentage[_system] > 0:
+      number_of_buildings = round(_systems_percentage[_system] / 100 * len(_selected_buildings))
+      _systems_distribution.append({'system': _system, 'number': _systems_percentage[_system],
+                                    'number_of_buildings': number_of_buildings})
+      if number_of_buildings > maximum:
+        maximum = number_of_buildings
+        add_to = len(_systems_distribution) - 1
+      total += number_of_buildings
+  missing = 0
+  if total != len(_selected_buildings):
+    missing = len(_selected_buildings) - total
+  if missing != 0:
+    _systems_distribution[add_to]['number_of_buildings'] += missing
+  _position = 0
+  for case in _systems_distribution:
+    for i in range(0, case['number_of_buildings']):
+      _buildings[_selected_buildings[_position]].energy_systems_archetype_name = case['system']
+      _position += 1
+  return _buildings