from __future__ import print_function import inspect import types import sys import operator as op from collections import namedtuple import warnings import re from jedi._compatibility import unicode, is_py3, builtins, \ py_version, force_unicode from jedi.inference.compiled.getattr_static import getattr_static ALLOWED_GETITEM_TYPES = (str, list, tuple, unicode, bytes, bytearray, dict) MethodDescriptorType = type(str.replace) # These are not considered classes and access is granted even though they have # a __class__ attribute. NOT_CLASS_TYPES = ( types.BuiltinFunctionType, types.CodeType, types.FrameType, types.FunctionType, types.GeneratorType, types.GetSetDescriptorType, types.LambdaType, types.MemberDescriptorType, types.MethodType, types.ModuleType, types.TracebackType, MethodDescriptorType ) if is_py3: NOT_CLASS_TYPES += ( types.MappingProxyType, types.SimpleNamespace, types.DynamicClassAttribute, ) # Those types don't exist in typing. MethodDescriptorType = type(str.replace) WrapperDescriptorType = type(set.__iter__) # `object.__subclasshook__` is an already executed descriptor. object_class_dict = type.__dict__["__dict__"].__get__(object) ClassMethodDescriptorType = type(object_class_dict['__subclasshook__']) _sentinel = object() # Maps Python syntax to the operator module. COMPARISON_OPERATORS = { '==': op.eq, '!=':, 'is': op.is_, 'is not': op.is_not, '<':, '<=': op.le, '>':, '>=':, } _OPERATORS = { '+': op.add, '-': op.sub, } _OPERATORS.update(COMPARISON_OPERATORS) ALLOWED_DESCRIPTOR_ACCESS = ( types.FunctionType, types.GetSetDescriptorType, types.MemberDescriptorType, MethodDescriptorType, WrapperDescriptorType, ClassMethodDescriptorType, staticmethod, classmethod, ) def safe_getattr(obj, name, default=_sentinel): try: attr, is_get_descriptor = getattr_static(obj, name) except AttributeError: if default is _sentinel: raise return default else: if isinstance(attr, ALLOWED_DESCRIPTOR_ACCESS): # In case of descriptors that have get methods we cannot return # it's value, because that would mean code execution. # Since it's an isinstance call, code execution is still possible, # but this is not really a security feature, but much more of a # safety feature. Code execution is basically always possible when # a module is imported. This is here so people don't shoot # themselves in the foot. return getattr(obj, name) return attr SignatureParam = namedtuple( 'SignatureParam', 'name has_default default default_string has_annotation annotation annotation_string kind_name' ) def shorten_repr(func): def wrapper(self): r = func(self) if len(r) > 50: r = r[:50] + '..' return r return wrapper def create_access(inference_state, obj): return inference_state.compiled_subprocess.get_or_create_access_handle(obj) def load_module(inference_state, dotted_name, sys_path): temp, sys.path = sys.path, sys_path try: __import__(dotted_name) except ImportError: # If a module is "corrupt" or not really a Python module or whatever. print('Module %s not importable in path %s.' % (dotted_name, sys_path), file=sys.stderr) return None except Exception: # Since __import__ pretty much makes code execution possible, just # catch any error here and print it. import traceback print("Cannot import:\n%s" % traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) return None finally: sys.path = temp # Just access the cache after import, because of #59 as well as the very # complicated import structure of Python. module = sys.modules[dotted_name] return create_access_path(inference_state, module) class AccessPath(object): def __init__(self, accesses): self.accesses = accesses # Writing both of these methods here looks a bit ridiculous. However with # the differences of Python 2/3 it's actually necessary, because we will # otherwise have a accesses attribute that is bytes instead of unicode. def __getstate__(self): return self.accesses def __setstate__(self, value): self.accesses = value def create_access_path(inference_state, obj): access = create_access(inference_state, obj) return AccessPath(access.get_access_path_tuples()) def _force_unicode_decorator(func): return lambda *args, **kwargs: force_unicode(func(*args, **kwargs)) def get_api_type(obj): if inspect.isclass(obj): return u'class' elif inspect.ismodule(obj): return u'module' elif inspect.isbuiltin(obj) or inspect.ismethod(obj) \ or inspect.ismethoddescriptor(obj) or inspect.isfunction(obj): return u'function' # Everything else... return u'instance' class DirectObjectAccess(object): def __init__(self, inference_state, obj): self._inference_state = inference_state self._obj = obj def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.get_repr()) def _create_access(self, obj): return create_access(self._inference_state, obj) def _create_access_path(self, obj): return create_access_path(self._inference_state, obj) def py__bool__(self): return bool(self._obj) def py__file__(self): try: return self._obj.__file__ except AttributeError: return None def py__doc__(self): return force_unicode(inspect.getdoc(self._obj)) or u'' def py__name__(self): if not _is_class_instance(self._obj) or \ inspect.ismethoddescriptor(self._obj): # slots cls = self._obj else: try: cls = self._obj.__class__ except AttributeError: # happens with numpy.core.umath._UFUNC_API (you get it # automatically by doing `import numpy`. return None try: return force_unicode(cls.__name__) except AttributeError: return None def py__mro__accesses(self): return tuple(self._create_access_path(cls) for cls in self._obj.__mro__[1:]) def py__getitem__all_values(self): if isinstance(self._obj, dict): return [self._create_access_path(v) for v in self._obj.values()] return self.py__iter__list() def py__simple_getitem__(self, index): if type(self._obj) not in ALLOWED_GETITEM_TYPES: # Get rid of side effects, we won't call custom `__getitem__`s. return None return self._create_access_path(self._obj[index]) def py__iter__list(self): if not hasattr(self._obj, '__getitem__'): return None if type(self._obj) not in ALLOWED_GETITEM_TYPES: # Get rid of side effects, we won't call custom `__getitem__`s. return [] lst = [] for i, part in enumerate(self._obj): if i > 20: # Should not go crazy with large iterators break lst.append(self._create_access_path(part)) return lst def py__class__(self): return self._create_access_path(self._obj.__class__) def py__bases__(self): return [self._create_access_path(base) for base in self._obj.__bases__] def py__path__(self): paths = getattr(self._obj, '__path__', None) # Avoid some weird hacks that would just fail, because they cannot be # used by pickle. if not isinstance(paths, list) \ or not all(isinstance(p, (bytes, unicode)) for p in paths): return None return paths @_force_unicode_decorator @shorten_repr def get_repr(self): builtins = 'builtins', '__builtin__' if inspect.ismodule(self._obj): return repr(self._obj) # Try to avoid execution of the property. if safe_getattr(self._obj, '__module__', default='') in builtins: return repr(self._obj) type_ = type(self._obj) if type_ == type: return type.__repr__(self._obj) if safe_getattr(type_, '__module__', default='') in builtins: # Allow direct execution of repr for builtins. return repr(self._obj) return object.__repr__(self._obj) def is_class(self): return inspect.isclass(self._obj) def is_function(self): return inspect.isfunction(self._obj) or inspect.ismethod(self._obj) def is_module(self): return inspect.ismodule(self._obj) def is_instance(self): return _is_class_instance(self._obj) def ismethoddescriptor(self): return inspect.ismethoddescriptor(self._obj) def get_qualified_names(self): def try_to_get_name(obj): return getattr(obj, '__qualname__', getattr(obj, '__name__', None)) if self.is_module(): return () name = try_to_get_name(self._obj) if name is None: name = try_to_get_name(type(self._obj)) if name is None: return () return tuple(force_unicode(n) for n in name.split('.')) def dir(self): return list(map(force_unicode, dir(self._obj))) def has_iter(self): try: iter(self._obj) return True except TypeError: return False def is_allowed_getattr(self, name, unsafe=False): # TODO this API is ugly. if unsafe: # Unsafe is mostly used to check for __getattr__/__getattribute__. # getattr_static works for properties, but the underscore methods # are just ignored (because it's safer and avoids more code # execution). See also GH #1378. # Avoid warnings, see comment in the next function. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.simplefilter("always") try: return hasattr(self._obj, name), False except Exception: # Obviously has an attribute (propably a property) that # gets executed, so just avoid all exceptions here. return False, False try: attr, is_get_descriptor = getattr_static(self._obj, name) except AttributeError: return False, False else: if is_get_descriptor and type(attr) not in ALLOWED_DESCRIPTOR_ACCESS: # In case of descriptors that have get methods we cannot return # it's value, because that would mean code execution. return True, True return True, False def getattr_paths(self, name, default=_sentinel): try: # Make sure no warnings are printed here, this is autocompletion, # warnings should not be shown. See also GH #1383. with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.simplefilter("always") return_obj = getattr(self._obj, name) except Exception as e: if default is _sentinel: if isinstance(e, AttributeError): # Happens e.g. in properties of # PyQt4.QtGui.QStyleOptionComboBox.currentText # -> just set it to None raise # Just in case anything happens, return an AttributeError. It # should not crash. raise AttributeError return_obj = default access = self._create_access(return_obj) if inspect.ismodule(return_obj): return [access] try: module = return_obj.__module__ except AttributeError: pass else: if module is not None: try: __import__(module) # For some modules like _sqlite3, the __module__ for classes is # different, in this case it's sqlite3. So we have to try to # load that "original" module, because it's not loaded yet. If # we don't do that, we don't really have a "parent" module and # we would fall back to builtins. except ImportError: pass module = inspect.getmodule(return_obj) if module is None: module = inspect.getmodule(type(return_obj)) if module is None: module = builtins return [self._create_access(module), access] def get_safe_value(self): if type(self._obj) in (bool, bytes, float, int, str, unicode, slice) or self._obj is None: return self._obj raise ValueError("Object is type %s and not simple" % type(self._obj)) def get_api_type(self): return get_api_type(self._obj) def get_array_type(self): if isinstance(self._obj, dict): return 'dict' return None def get_key_paths(self): def iter_partial_keys(): # We could use list(keys()), but that might take a lot more memory. for (i, k) in enumerate(self._obj.keys()): # Limit key listing at some point. This is artificial, but this # way we don't get stalled because of slow completions if i > 50: break yield k return [self._create_access_path(k) for k in iter_partial_keys()] def get_access_path_tuples(self): accesses = [create_access(self._inference_state, o) for o in self._get_objects_path()] return [(access.py__name__(), access) for access in accesses] def _get_objects_path(self): def get(): obj = self._obj yield obj try: obj = obj.__objclass__ except AttributeError: pass else: yield obj try: # Returns a dotted string path. imp_plz = obj.__module__ except AttributeError: # Unfortunately in some cases like `int` there's no __module__ if not inspect.ismodule(obj): yield builtins else: if imp_plz is None: # Happens for example in `(_ for _ in []).send.__module__`. yield builtins else: try: yield sys.modules[imp_plz] except KeyError: # __module__ can be something arbitrary that doesn't exist. yield builtins return list(reversed(list(get()))) def execute_operation(self, other_access_handle, operator): other_access = other_access_handle.access op = _OPERATORS[operator] return self._create_access_path(op(self._obj, other_access._obj)) def get_annotation_name_and_args(self): """ Returns Tuple[Optional[str], Tuple[AccessPath, ...]] """ if sys.version_info < (3, 5): return None, () name = None args = () if safe_getattr(self._obj, '__module__', default='') == 'typing': m = re.match(r'typing.(\w+)\[', repr(self._obj)) if m is not None: name = import typing if sys.version_info >= (3, 8): args = typing.get_args(self._obj) else: args = safe_getattr(self._obj, '__args__', default=None) return name, tuple(self._create_access_path(arg) for arg in args) def needs_type_completions(self): return inspect.isclass(self._obj) and self._obj != type def _annotation_to_str(self, annotation): if isinstance(annotation, type): return str(annotation.__name__) return str(annotation) def get_signature_params(self): return [ SignatureParam(, has_default=p.default is not p.empty, default=self._create_access_path(p.default), default_string=repr(p.default), has_annotation=p.annotation is not p.empty, annotation=self._create_access_path(p.annotation), annotation_string=self._annotation_to_str(p.annotation), kind_name=str(p.kind) ) for p in self._get_signature().parameters.values() ] def _get_signature(self): obj = self._obj if py_version < 33: raise ValueError("inspect.signature was introduced in 3.3") try: return inspect.signature(obj) except (RuntimeError, TypeError): # Reading the code of the function in Python 3.6 implies there are # at least these errors that might occur if something is wrong with # the signature. In that case we just want a simple escape for now. raise ValueError def get_return_annotation(self): try: o = self._obj.__annotations__.get('return') except AttributeError: return None if o is None: return None try: # Python 2 doesn't have typing. import typing except ImportError: pass else: try: o = typing.get_type_hints(self._obj).get('return') except Exception: pass return self._create_access_path(o) def negate(self): return self._create_access_path(-self._obj) def get_dir_infos(self): """ Used to return a couple of infos that are needed when accessing the sub objects of an objects """ tuples = dict( (force_unicode(name), self.is_allowed_getattr(name)) for name in self.dir() ) return self.needs_type_completions(), tuples def _is_class_instance(obj): """Like inspect.* methods.""" try: cls = obj.__class__ except AttributeError: return False else: # The isinstance check for cls is just there so issubclass doesn't # raise an exception. return cls != type and isinstance(cls, type) and not issubclass(cls, NOT_CLASS_TYPES)