B 1 MUL 149.1 264.1 B 2 MUL 259.1 190.1 B 3 MUL 296.1 160.1 289.2 298.1 83.1 B 4 MUL 252.1 79.1 151.1 B 5 MUL 79.1 205.1 B 6 MUL 33.1 178.1 B 7 MUL 162.1 260.1 B 8 MUL 171.1 297.1 B 9 MUL 176.1 79.1 169.1 B 10 MUL 176.1 79.1 170.1 B 11 MUL 255.1 40.1 B 12 MUL 176.1 164.1 B 13 MUL 304.1 231.1 256.1 B 14 MUL 245.1 233.1 299.1 B 15 MUL 282.1 153.1 B 16 MUL 79.1 192.1 B 17 MUL 252.1 176.1 79.1 195.1 B 18 MUL 304.1 13.1 B 19 MUL 281.1 89.1 84.1 81.1 B 20 MUL 202.1 258.1 B 21 MUL 261.1 199.1 B 22 MUL 146.1 263.1 B 23 MUL 252.1 79.1 186.1 B 24 MUL 252.1 189.1 B 25 MUL 242.1 175.1 B 26 MUL 283.1 193.1 148.1 B 27 MUL 252.1 155.1 B 28 MUL 289.1 257.1 B 29 MUL 252.1 176.1 79.1 163.1 B 30 MUL 253.1 88.1 B 31 MUL 240.1 161.1 B 32 MUL 286.1 145.1 144.1 B 33 MUL 241.1 200.1 B 34 MUL 194.1 262.1 B 35 MUL 252.1 176.1 201.1 B 36 MUL 172.1 76.1 B 37 MUL 252.1 176.1 198.1 B 38 MUL 295.1 86.1 B 39 MUL 302.1 157.1 B 40 MUL 79.1 281.1 B 41 MUL 281.1 85.1 84.1 81.1 B 42 MUL 176.1 166.1 B 61 NOP 72.1 B 62 NOP 30.1 B 63 NOP 80.1 B 64 NOP 38.1 B 65 NOP 71.1 B 66 NOP 80.1 B 67 NOP 68.1 B 68 NOP 289.2 B 69 NOP 11.1 B 70 NOP 279.1 B 71 NOP 176.1 B 72 NOP 71.1 B 73 NOP 287.1 B 74 NOP 38.1 B 75 SUM 28.1 39.1 B 76 SUM 176.1 229.1 B 77 SUM 224.1 277.1 B 78 SUM 197.1 280.2 B 79 SUM 8.1 14.1 20.1 B 80 SUM 75.1 227.1 B 81 SUM 18.1 303.1 B 82 SUM 67.1 226.1 B 83 SUM 177.1 223.1 B 84 SUM 294.1 254.1 B 85 SUM 1.1 27.1 21.1 42.1 34.1 16.1 37.1 4.1 10.1 29.1 196.1 B 86 SUM 230.1 234.1 B 87 SUM 69.1 225.1 B 88 SUM 69.1 228.1 B 89 SUM 22.1 24.1 2.1 12.1 7.1 5.1 35.1 23.1 9.1 17.1 179.1 B 144 CONST P 144 $FuelEF % Constant value B 145 CONST P 145 300 % Constant value B 146 CONST P 146 $b1 % Constant value B 147 CONST P 147 $HPDisactivationTemperature % Constant value B 148 CONST P 148 $FuelPrice % Constant value B 149 CONST P 149 $a1 % Constant value B 150 CONST P 150 $FuelLHV % Constant value B 151 CONST P 151 $a8 % Constant value B 152 CONST P 152 $HPNominalCapacity % Constant value B 153 CONST P 153 $TemperatureDifference % Constant value B 154 CONST P 154 2 % Constant value B 155 CONST P 155 $a2 % Constant value B 156 CONST P 156 2 % Constant value B 157 CONST P 157 $BuildingSuppTemp % Constant value B 158 CONST P 158 $AuxHeaterEfficiency % Constant value B 159 CONST P 159 5 % Constant value B 160 CONST P 160 $Cp % Constant value B 161 CONST P 161 $ElecGridEF % Constant value B 162 CONST P 162 $b5 % Constant value B 163 CONST P 163 $a10 % Constant value B 164 CONST P 164 $b4 % Constant value B 165 CONST P 165 $HPReactivationTemperature % Constant value B 166 CONST P 166 $a4 % Constant value B 167 CONST P 167 2 % Constant value B 168 CONST P 168 9 % Constant value B 169 CONST P 169 $b9 % Constant value B 170 CONST P 170 $a9 % Constant value B 171 CONST P 171 $LowestPossibleLoadFlow % Constant value B 172 CONST P 172 $Cp % Constant value B 173 CONST P 173 2 % Constant value B 174 CONST P 174 $HPNominalCapacity % Constant value B 175 CONST P 175 $ElectricityPrice % Constant value B 176 CONST P 176 $HPSupTemp % Constant value B 177 CONST P 177 $BuildingSuppTemp % Constant value B 178 CONST P 178 $Cp % Constant value B 179 CONST P 179 $b11 % Constant value B 180 CONST P 180 40 % Constant value B 181 CONST P 181 0 % Constant value B 182 CONST P 182 $Cp % Constant value B 183 CONST P 183 $TemperatureDifference % Constant value B 184 CONST P 184 2 % Constant value B 185 CONST P 185 0 % Constant value B 186 CONST P 186 $b8 % Constant value B 187 CONST P 187 $MaximumHPEnergyInput % Constant value B 188 CONST P 188 12 % Constant value B 189 CONST P 189 $b2 % Constant value B 190 CONST P 190 $b3 % Constant value B 191 CONST P 191 2 % Constant value B 192 CONST P 192 $a6 % Constant value B 193 CONST P 193 300 % Constant value B 194 CONST P 194 $a5 % Constant value B 195 CONST P 195 $b10 % Constant value B 196 CONST P 196 $a11 % Constant value B 197 CONST P 197 10 % Constant value B 198 CONST P 198 $a7 % Constant value B 199 CONST P 199 $a3 % Constant value B 200 CONST P 200 7.13 % Constant value B 201 CONST P 201 $b7 % Constant value B 202 CONST P 202 $HighestPossibleLoadFlow % Constant value B 203 CONST P 203 12 % Constant value B 204 CONST P 204 $MaximumHPEnergyInput % Constant value B 205 CONST P 205 $b6 % Constant value B 206 CONST P 206 8000 % Constant value B 207 CONST P 207 0.38 % Constant value B 208 CUMC 301.2 19.1 B 209 CUMC 301.3 31.1 32.1 B 210 CUMC 301.3 25.1 26.1 B 211 CUMC 301.2 25.1 26.1 B 212 CUMC 301.4 19.1 B 213 CUMC 301.3 305.1 B 214 CUMC 301.3 19.1 B 215 CUMC 301.2 31.1 32.1 B 216 CUMC 301.2 305.1 B 217 SCREEN 249.1 P 217 '*' % Format 'Total Electricity Cost in a Year (CAD)' % Headline B 218 SCREEN 246.1 P 218 '*' % Format 'Total CO2 Emissions from Auxiliary Heater (g)' % Headline B 219 SCREEN 247.1 P 219 '*' % Format 'Total Fossil Fuel consumption in a Year (m3)' % Headline B 220 SCREEN 251.1 P 220 '*' % Format 'Total Cost of the Auxiliary Heater Fuel in a Year (CAD)' % Headline B 221 SCREEN 235.1 P 221 '*' % Format 'HP Seasonal COP' % Headline B 222 SCREEN 248.1 P 222 '*' % Format 'Total CO2 Emissions from Electricity Grid (g)' % Headline B 223 CHS 289.1 B 224 CHS 243.1 B 225 CHS 62.1 B 226 CHS 74.1 B 227 CHS 183.1 B 228 CHS 234.1 B 229 CHS 70.1 B 230 CHS 11.1 B 231 GE 287.1 165.1 P 231 0 % Error tolerance B 232 GE 287.1 147.1 P 232 0 % Error tolerance B 233 GE 245.1 171.1 P 233 0 % Error tolerance B 234 DIV 265.1 15.1 B 235 DIV 250.1 250.2 B 236 DIV 204.1 152.1 B 237 DIV 3.1 158.1 B 238 DIV 41.1 19.1 B 239 DIV 306.1 36.1 B 240 DIV 19.1 188.1 B 241 DIV 187.1 174.1 B 242 DIV 19.1 203.1 B 243 DIV 187.1 6.1 B 244 DIV 237.1 150.1 B 245 DIV 239.1 281.1 B 246 CUM 32.1 B 247 CUM 305.1 B 248 CUM 31.1 B 249 CUM 25.1 B 250 CUM 41.1 19.1 B 251 CUM 26.1 B 252 HXS 77.1 33.1 300.2 207.1 P 252 1 % Mode 5000 % Overall heat transfer coefficient 1007 % Specific heat of side 1 fluid 1007 % Specific heat of side 2 fluid B 253 GT 69.1 234.1 B 254 GT 301.2 168.1 B 255 GT 41.1 185.1 B 256 GT 278.1 181.1 B 257 GT 289.1 157.1 B 258 GT 245.1 202.1 B 259 EXPG 176.1 154.1 B 260 EXPG 79.1 156.1 B 261 EXPG 176.1 173.1 B 262 EXPG 79.1 184.1 B 263 EXPG 252.1 191.1 B 264 EXPG 252.1 167.1 B 265 READ P 265 1 % Number of values to be read per record 0 % Number of records to be skipped on the first call $HeatingDemand % File name '*' % Fortran format B 266 READ P 266 1 % Number of values to be read per record 0 % Number of records to be skipped on the first call $WaterTemperature % File name '*' % Fortran format B 267 WRITE 208.1 208.2 P 267 2 % Mode $fileOut8 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 268 WRITE 210.1 210.2 210.3 P 268 2 % Mode $fileOut7 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 269 WRITE 301.1 301.2 301.3 301.4 301.5 41.1 265.1 11.1 234.1 30.1 87.1 65.1 64.1 73.1 289.2 289.1 244.1 285.1 68.1 75.1 80.1 74.1 66.1 82.1 63.1 62.1 287.4 288.2 288.1 287.1 287.2 287.3 287.4 287.5 19.1 238.1 280.2 25.1 26.1 31.1 32.1 P 269 2 % Mode $fileOut1 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 270 WRITE 213.1 213.2 P 270 2 % Mode $fileOut9 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 271 WRITE 301.1 301.2 301.3 212.1 212.2 P 271 2 % Mode $fileOut10 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 272 WRITE 209.1 209.2 209.3 P 272 2 % Mode $fileOut2 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 273 WRITE 211.1 211.2 211.3 P 273 2 % Mode $fileOut3 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 274 WRITE 214.1 214.2 P 274 2 % Mode $fileOut6 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 275 WRITE 216.1 216.2 P 275 2 % Mode $fileOut4 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 276 WRITE 215.1 215.2 215.3 P 276 2 % Mode $fileOut5 % File name '*' % Fortran format B 277 DELAY 252.1 P 277 10 % Initial value B 278 DELAY 41.1 P 278 0 % Initial value B 279 DELAY 288.1 P 279 25 % Initial value B 280 GENGT2 308.1 308.3 308.4 308.5 308.7 308.8 301.1 301.2 301.3 301.4 P 280 45.5 % Latitude -73.62 % Longitude -5 % UTC Time zone 1 % Variance factor of the Gordon Reddy correlation 0 % Year-to-year variability 0.3 % Autocorrelation coefficient lag one 0.171 % Autocorrelation coefficient lag two 4711 % Initialisation of random number generator 2 % Maximum allowed mean temperature deviation 100 % Maximum number of iterations B 281 INT 236.1 B 282 ATT 182.1 P 282 1000 % Attenuation factor a B 283 ATT 244.1 P 283 $FuelDensity % Attenuation factor a B 284 ATT 244.1 P 284 $FuelDensity % Attenuation factor a B 285 ATT 3.1 P 285 1000 % Attenuation factor a B 286 ATT 244.1 P 286 $FuelDensity % Attenuation factor a B 287 TANKST 61.1 62.1 66.1 74.1 78.1 307.1 P 287 $TESCapacity % Tank volume 4 % Number of temperature nodes $TESDiameter % Tank diameter $Cp % Specfic heat of fluid $Rhow % Fluid density 0 % Overall heat-loss coefficient 1 % Effective heat conductivity 30 % Initial tank temperature B 288 MIXER % Point 11 287.4 30.1 63.1 82.1 B 289 MIXER % Point 5 65.1 87.1 73.1 64.1 B 294 LT 301.2 159.1 B 295 LT 11.1 234.1 B 296 LT 11.1 234.1 B 297 LT 245.1 171.1 B 298 LT 289.1 180.1 B 299 LE 245.1 202.1 P 299 0 % Error tolerance B 300 UBHLOSS 206.1 266.1 P 300 400 % bp1 0.5 % bp2 0.05 % bp3 3 % bp4 4200 % bp5 1000 % bp6 5 % bp7 20 % bp8 300 % bp9 B 301 CLOCK P 301 $StartYear % Start year $StartMonth % Start month $StartDay % Start day $StartHour % Start hour $StartMinute % Start minute $StartSecond % Start second $EndYear % End year $EndMonth % End month $EndDay % End day $EndHour % End hour $EndMinute % End minute $EndSecond % End second 5 % Increment 'm' % Unit B 302 INV 257.1 B 303 INV 231.1 B 304 INV 232.1 B 305 GAIN 284.1 P 305 300 % Gain factor g B 306 GAIN 204.1 P 306 1000 % Gain factor g B 307 SOY 301.1 301.2 301.3 301.4 301.5 301.6 B 308 MTM2 301.2 P 308 'Montreal' % Location