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1.5 MiB
!The DOE Prototype Building Models were developed by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), under contract with the U.S.
!Department of Energy (DOE). These building models were derived from DOE's Commercial Reference Building Models with modifications
!based on input from the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 committee, the Advanced Energy Design Guide series, and building industry experts. The
!prototypes models were developed to quantify energy saving impacts from newly published editions of ASHRAE Standard 90.1, 189.1, IECC,
!and other energy codes and standards. The basic building descriptions can be found in the Scorecards posted at www.energycodes.gov
!website. The recommended citation of the prototype models is
!DOE and PNNL. 2020. Commercial Prototype Building Models, Richland, WA, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Available at https://www.energycodes.gov/development/commercial/prototype_models.
!Detailed descriptions of the prototype model development and addenda modeling strategies can be found in the following reports:
!DOE, 2020. Preliminary Energy Savings Analysis: ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2019. Report prepared by Zhang, J., M. Rosenberg, J.
!Lerond, Y. Xie, Nambia, C., Y. Chen, R. Hart, M. Halverson, D. Maddox, and S. Goel, Richland, WA, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
!Zhang, J., Y. Chen, Y. Xie, M. Rosenberg, R. Hart. Energy and Energy Cost Savings Analysis of the 2018 IECC for Commercial Buildings.
!2018. PNNL-28125. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
!DOE. 2017. Energy Savings Analysis: ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016. Prepared by Athalye, R.A, M.A. Halverson, M.I. Rosenberg, B. Liu,
!J. Zhang, R. Hart, V.V. Mendon, S. Goel, Y. Chen, Y. Xie, and M. Zhao, Richland, WA, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. https://www.energycodes.gov/sites/default/files/documents/02202018_Standard_90.1-2016_Determination_TSD.pdf.
!Zhang, J., Y. Xie, R.A. Athalye, J. Zhuge, M. Rosenberg, R. Hart, and B. Liu. Energy and Energy Cost Savings Analysis of the 2015 IECC
!for Commercial Buildings. 2015. PNNL-24269 Rev. 1. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National
!Laboratory. https://www.energycodes.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2015_IECC_Commercial_Analysis.pdf.
!Halverson M.A., M.I. Rosenberg, W. Wang, J. Zhang, V.V. Mendon, R.A. Athalye, Y. Xie, R. Hart, S. Goel, 2014. ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard
!90.1-2013 Determination of Energy Savings: Quantitative Analysis, PNNL-23479. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. https://www.energycodes.gov/sites/default/files/documents/901-2013_finalCommercialDeterminationQuantitativeAnalysis_TSD_0.pdf.
!Goel S., R.A. Athalye, W. Wang, J. Zhang, M.I. Rosenberg, Y. Xie, and R. Hart, et al. 2014. Enhancements to ASHRAE Standard 90.1
!Prototype Building Models. PNNL-23269. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. https://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-23269.pdf.
!Zhang J., R.A. Athalye, R. Hart, M.I. Rosenberg, Y. Xie, S. Goel, and V.V. Mendon, et al. 2013. Energy and Energy Cost Savings Analysis
!of the IECC for Commercial Buildings. PNNL-22760. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. http://www.pnnl.gov/main/publications/external/technical_reports/PNNL-22760.pdf.
!Thornton B.A., M.I. Rosenberg, E.E. Richman, W. Wang, Y. Xie, J. Zhang, H. Cho, VV Mendon, R.A. Athalye, and B. Liu. 2011. Achieving
!the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010. PNNL-20405. Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National
!Laboratory. https://www.energycodes.gov/sites/default/files/documents/BECP_Energy_Cost_Savings_STD2010_May2011_v00.pdf.
! WeatherFile: USA_MN_Rochester.Intl.AP.726440_TMY3.epw
! GPARM parameters as input:
! Case = ASHRAE901_Hospital_STD2019_Rochester
! SelectedCase =
! basement_tempt = Zone6A_nonres_R10_Hospital_Rochester_STD2016_out.idf
! annual_run = no
! avg_oa_tempt_ip = 43.475
! maxdiff_oa_tempt_ip = 60.3
! ext_wall_type = MassWall
! res_ext_wall_ufactor = 0.403156673
! nonres_ext_wall_ufactor = 0.45426104
! roof_type = MetalDeckRoof
! nonres_roof_ufactor = 0.181704416
! roof_emissivity = 0.9
! roof_solar_absorp = 0.7
! res_window = Window_U_0.38_SHGC_0.41
! nonres_window = Window_U_0.38_SHGC_0.41
! res_east_window = Window_U_0.42_SHGC_0.40
! nonres_east_window = Window_U_0.42_SHGC_0.40
! sidelighting_control = yes_AY
! exterior_lights_watts = 9863
! cc_sa_humidity = 0.0085
! condenser_pump_head = 148556.6249
! chilledwater_pump_head = 44761.27683
! chilledwater_pump_secondary_head = 134283.8305
! LPD1_Office = 6.888902667
! LPD2_ER = 15.06947458
! LPD3_Record = 8.794114811
! LPD4_Corridor = 7.642376396
! LPD5_NurseStn_Lobby1 = 11.17293901
! LPD6_OR = 24.32643754
! LPD7_IC = 13.45488802
! LPD8_NursStn = 12.59377519
! LPD9_NurseStn_Lobby2 = 10.46252093
! LPD10_Patient_Room = 7.319459084
! LPD11_Physical_Therapy = 9.795158479
! LPD12_Lab = 14.31600085
! LPD13_Radiology = 10.11807579
! LPD14_Dining = 4.305564167
! LPD15_Kitchen = 11.73266235
! avg_oa_tempt = 6.375
! maxdiff_oa_tempt = 33.5
! infil = 0.00056896
! oa_basement = 0.000368277
! oa_exam = 0.002370219
! oa_office1_flr1 = 0.00048257
! oa_lobby = 0.000338645
! oa_corridor = 0.000304781
! oa_nurse = 0.000338645
! oa_or = 0.003555179
! oa_ic = 0.002370237
! oa_patient = 0.002370237
! oa_therapy = 0.000380976
! oa_lab = 0.001168327
! oa_radiology = 0.000380976
! oa_dining = 0.001295319
! oa_kitchen = 0.00080005
! oa_office_flr5 = 0.00048257
! tsa_exam = 0.01422212
! tsa_or = 0.017776903
! tsa_ic = 0.007111113
! tsa_patient = 0.007111113
! SAT_reset_switch = Yes
! SAT_reset_T = 15.6
! Economizer_NoHumidification = DifferentialDryBulb
! economizer_lockout = LockoutWithHeating
! eco_max_temp_limit = na
! heating_damper_act = ReverseWithLimits
! add_ck_vav_1 = Yes
! add_ck_vav_2 = Yes
! basement_mdp = 0.2
! corridor_flr_1_mdp = 0.2
! corridor_flr_2_mdp = 0.2
! er_nursestn_lobby_flr_1_mdp = 0.2
! icu_nursestn_lobby_flr_2_mdp = 0.2
! lobby_records_flr_1_mdp = 0.2
! office1_mult4_flr_1_mdp = 0.2
! or_nursestn_lobby_flr_2_mdp = 0.2
! corridor_flr_5_mdp = 0.2
! corridor_nw_flr_3_mdp = 0.2
! corridor_nw_flr_4_mdp = 0.2
! corridor_se_flr_3_mdp = 0.2
! corridor_se_flr_4_mdp = 0.2
! dining_flr_5_mdp = 0.2
! nursestn_lobby_flr_3_mdp = 0.2
! nursestn_lobby_flr_4_mdp = 0.2
! nursestn_lobby_flr_5_mdp = 0.2
! office1_flr_5_mdp = 0.2
! office2_mult5_flr_5_mdp = 0.2
! office3_flr_5_mdp = 0.2
! office4_mult6_flr_5_mdp = 0.2
! phystherapy_flr_3_mdp = 0.2
! radiology_flr_4_mdp = 0.2
! vav_1_oaf = autosize
! vav_2_oaf = autosize
! Transfer_Air = kitchen_only
! bsmt_new = National_Hospital_ASHRAE901_STD2016_Zone6A_nonres_MN-Rochester-MN_out.idf
! osc_key_wall = surfPropOthSdCoefBasementAvgWall
! osc_key_floor = surfPropOthSdCoefBasementAvgFloor
! orientation = -90
! minSysAirFlowRatio = 0.5
! VAVReheat_flag = yes
! VAVReheat_minAirFrac = 0.5
! PumpCurve_flag = pump_ride_on_curve
! pv_generator = no
! pv_surface_area = 0
! STD189_overhang = no
! overhang_pf_ew_TBD = 0
! swh_et = 0.802764686
! swh_ua = 15.60100708
! ext_lgt_sch = Exterior_Lgt_ALWAYS_ON
! VAV_1_ERV = Yes
! VAV_2_ERV = No
! VAV_ICU_ERV_power = 1539.37265225
! VAV_PATRMS_ERV_power = 3273.229555
! VAV_1_ERV_power = 3154.26375
! VAV_2_ERV_power = 3263.9695
! VAV_ER_ERV_power = 713.572987
! VAV_OR_ERV_power = 1614.071075
! VAV_LABS_ERV_power = 493.9029
! transformer_size = 500000
! transformer_eff = 0.991
! freezer_power = 555
! refrigerator_power = 470
! swh_et_booster = 1
! swh_ua_booster = 1.053159296
! swh_et_laundry = 0.803988738
! swh_ua_laundry = 11.25413987
! pipe_heat_loss = 17147.66
! evap_fan_power_case1 = 19.71428571
! evap_fan_power_case2 = 19.14285714
! walkin_lighting_sch = walkin_occ_lght_sch
! add_as = yes
! preheatcoil_exists = yes
! AddendumAF_TowerFan = Yes
! kitchen_exh_fan_power = 1219
! skip_EMSprogram = yes
! BoilerAM = Yes
! Wfile_TMY3 = USA_MN_Rochester.Intl.AP.726440_TMY3.epw
! loadProfile = No
! addendum_DI = yes
! addendum_DV = yes
! receptacle_ctrl_occ_reduction_frac = 0.974001829
! receptacle_ctrl_unocc_reduction_frac = 0.873170566
! OR_VAV_zone_mdp = 0.2
! HOTW_ST_Reset = No
! CHW_ST_Reset = No
! CodeName = ASHRAE90.1_STD2019
! CZ_City_Old = Burlington
! CZ_Label = 6A
! con_swingdoor_r = 0.475963827
! con_overheaddoor_r = 0.567741935
! CHW_deltaT = 8.33
! HOTW_PumpCurve_flag = pump_ride_on_curve
! nonres_window_u_factor = 0.34
! nonres_window_shgc = 0.38
! nonresLSG = 1.1
! res_window_u_factor = 0.34
! res_window_shgc = 0.38
! resLSG = 1.1
! nonres_east_window_u_factor = 0.34
! nonres_east_window_shgc = 0.38
! nonres_eastLSG = 1.1
! res_east_window_u_factor = 0.34
! res_east_window_shgc = 0.38
! res_eastLSG = 1.1
! AnalysisPurpose = ProgressIndicator
! AnalysisCodeName = ASHRAE901
! AnalysisCodeYear = 2019
! AnalysisAmendment = NoneAmend
! AnalysisPrototype = Hospital
! AnalysisScope = National
! AnalysisState = National
! AnalysisClimateZone = 6A
! AnalysisCity = USA_MN_Rochester
! var_Ffactor_IP = 0.51
! var_Cfactor_IP = 0.092
! cop_walkin_freezer = 2.3
! cop_walkin_cooler = 6.93
! specify overhang_pf for 1891 codes
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: VERSION ===========
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BUILDING ===========
Hospital, !- Name
-90, !- North Axis {deg}
City, !- Terrain
0.0400, !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
0.2000, !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
FullInteriorAndExterior, !- Solar Distribution
25, !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
6; !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: TIMESTEP IN HOUR ===========
1, !- Minimum System Timestep {minutes}
20; !- Maximum HVAC Iterations
AverageOverDaysInFrequency, !- Calculation Method
30; !- Calculation Frequency
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUN CONTROL ===========
Yes, !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
Yes, !- Do System Sizing Calculation
Yes, !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
No, !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
YES; !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUNPERIOD ===========
, !- Name
1, !- Begin Month
1, !- Begin Day of Month
, !- Begin Year
12, !- End Month
31, !- End Day of Month
, !- End Year
Sunday, !- Day of Week for Start Day
No, !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
No, !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
No, !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
Yes, !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
Yes; !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
! US National Holidays
New Years Day, !- Name
January 1, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Veterans Day, !- Name
November 11, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Christmas, !- Name
December 25, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Independence Day, !- Name
July 4, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
MLK Day, !- Name
3rd Monday in January, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Presidents Day, !- Name
3rd Monday in February, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Memorial Day, !- Name
Last Monday in May, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Labor Day, !- Name
1st Monday in September, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Columbus Day, !- Name
2nd Monday in October, !- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
Thanksgiving, !- Name
4th Thursday in November,!- Start Date
1, !- Duration {days}
Holiday; !- Special Day Type
! Daylight Saving Period in US
2nd Sunday in March, !- Start Date
1st Sunday in November; !- End Date
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LOCATION ===========
! Site:Location and design-day objects created by:
! ../../_p.bin/ddy2idf /projects/bigsim/weather/EnergyPlus/tmy3.new/all/USA_MN_Rochester.Intl.AP.726440_TMY3.ddy
Rochester International Arpt_MN_USA Design_Conditions, !- Site:Location Name
43.90, !- Latitude {N+ S-}
-92.50, !- Longitude {W- E+}
-6.00, !- Time Zone Relative to GMT {GMT+/-}
398.00; !- Elevation {m}
Rochester International Arpt Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB, !- Name
1, !- Month
21, !- Day of Month
WinterDesignDay,!- Day Type
-26.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
0.0, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
-26.2, !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
, !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
, !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
, !- Daily WetBulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
96634., !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
5.7, !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 6.71 m/s (15 mph)
310, !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
No, !- Rain {Yes/No}
No, !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
No, !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
, !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
, !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
0.00; !- Clearness {0.0 to 1.1}
Rochester International Arpt Ann Clg .4% Condns DB=>MWB, !- Name
7, !- Month
21, !- Day of Month
SummerDesignDay,!- Day Type
31.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
10.6, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {C}
DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Schedule Name
Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
23.1, !- Wetbulb at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
, !- Humidity Indicating Day Schedule Name
, !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
, !- Daily WetBulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
96634., !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
6.7, !- Wind Speed {m/s} design conditions vs. traditional 3.35 m/s (7mph)
200, !- Wind Direction {Degrees; N=0, S=180}
No, !- Rain {Yes/No}
No, !- Snow on ground {Yes/No}
No, !- Daylight Savings Time Indicator
ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator
, !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
, !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
0.404, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub)
2.226; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud)
Correlation, !- Calculation Method
, !- Temperature Schedule Name
6.375, !- Annual average outdoor air temperature {C}
33.5; !- Maximum difference in monthly average outdoor air temperatures {C}
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod ===========
7.4, !- January Ground Temperature {C}
-0.0, !- February Ground Temperature {C}
-7.6, !- March Ground Temperature {C}
-12.6, !- April Ground Temperature {C}
-7.7, !- May Ground Temperature {C}
0.3, !- June Ground Temperature {C}
7.0, !- July Ground Temperature {C}
14.2, !- August Ground Temperature {C}
19.2, !- September Ground Temperature {C}
20.9, !- October Ground Temperature {C}
20.0, !- November Ground Temperature {C}
15.4; !- December Ground Temperature {C}
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:REGULAR-R ===========
Opaque Door panel_con, !- Name
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.475963827, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Overhead Door_con Panel, !- Name
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.567741935, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONSTRUCTION ===========
Swinging Door_con, !- Name
Opaque Door panel_con; !- Outside Layer
Overhead Door_con, !- Name
Overhead Door_con Panel; !- Outside Layer
!- =========== Opaque Constructions ===========
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:REGULAR ===========
Std Wood 6inch, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
0.15, !- Thickness {m}
0.12, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
540.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
1210, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
0.9000000, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7000000, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7000000; !- Visible Absorptance
AC02 Acoustic Ceiling, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
1.2700000E-02, !- Thickness {m}
5.7000000E-02, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
288.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
1339.000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
0.9000000, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7000000, !- Solar Absorptance
0.2000000; !- Visible Absorptance
F07 25mm stucco, !- Name
Smooth, !- Roughness
0.0254, !- Thickness {m}
0.72, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
1856, !- Density {kg/m3}
840, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
F08 Metal surface, !- Name
Smooth, !- Roughness
0.0008, !- Thickness {m}
45.28, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
7824, !- Density {kg/m3}
500; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
F08 Metal roof surface, !- Name
Smooth, !- Roughness
0.0008, !- Thickness {m}
45.28, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
7824, !- Density {kg/m3}
500, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
0.9, !- Absorptance:Thermal
0.7; !- Absorptance:Solar
F12 Asphalt shingles, !- Name
VeryRough, !- Roughness
0.0032, !- Thickness {m}
0.04, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
1120, !- Density {kg/m3}
1260, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
0.9, !- Absorptance:Thermal
0.7; !- Absorptance:Solar
F13 Built-up roofing, !- Name
Rough, !- Roughness
0.0095, !- Thickness {m}
0.16, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
1120, !- Density {kg/m3}
1460, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
0.9, !- Absorptance:Thermal
0.7; !- Absorptance:Solar
G01 13mm gypsum board, !- Name
Smooth, !- Roughness
0.0127, !- Thickness {m}
0.1600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
800.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
1090.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
0.9000, !- Absorptance:Thermal
0.7000, !- Absorptance:Solar
0.5000; !- Absorptance:Visible
G01 16mm gypsum board, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
0.0159, !- Thickness {m}
0.16, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
800, !- Density {kg/m3}
1090; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
G02 16mm plywood, !- Name
Smooth, !- Roughness
0.0159, !- Thickness {m}
0.12, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
544, !- Density {kg/m3}
1210; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
M14 150mm heavyweight concrete roof, !- Name
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.1524, !- Thickness {m}
2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
2322, !- Density {kg/m3}
832; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
100mm Normalweight concrete wall, !- Name - based on 90.1-2004 Appendix-Table A3-1B
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
2322, !- Density {kg/m3}
832; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
200mm Normalweight concrete wall, !- Name - based on 90.1-2004 Appendix-Table A3-1B
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.2032, !- Thickness {m}
2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
2322, !- Density {kg/m3}
832; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Name - based on 90.1-2004 Appendix-Table A3-1B
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
2322, !- Density {kg/m3}
832; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
150mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Name - based on 90.1-2004 Appendix-Table A3-1B
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.1524, !- Thickness {m}
2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
2322, !- Density {kg/m3}
832; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
200mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Name - based on 90.1-2004 Appendix-Table A3-1B
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.2032, !- Thickness {m}
2.31, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
2322, !- Density {kg/m3}
832; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
M10 200mm concrete block wall, !- Name
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.2032, !- Thickness {m}
0.72, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
800, !- Density {kg/m3}
832; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
M10 200mm concrete block basement wall, !- Name
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.2032, !- Thickness {m}
1.326, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
1842, !- Density {kg/m3}
912; !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Name
VeryRough, !- Roughness
0.21648, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.8; !- Visible Absorptance
Air_Wall_Material, !- Name
Rough, !- Roughness
0.2079491, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7; !- Solar Absorptance
Nonres_Roof_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Absorptance:Thermal
0.7, !- Absorptance:Solar
0.7; !- Absorptance:Visible
Res_Roof_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Semiheated_Roof_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Nonres_Exterior_Wall_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Res_Exterior_Wall_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Semiheated_Exterior_Wall_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Nonres_Floor_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Res_Floor_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Semiheated_Floor_Insulation, !- Name
MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
!- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
Std Opaque Door Panel, !- Name
MediumRough, !- Roughness
0.123456790123457, !- (corresponds to default RSI-0.12327 or R-0.7) Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
0.7, !- Solar Absorptance
0.7; !- Visible Absorptance
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONSTRUCTION ===========
InteriorFurnishings, !- Name
Std Wood 6inch; !- Outside Layer
Air_Wall, !- Name
Air_Wall_Material; !- Outside Layer
DropCeiling, !- Name
AC02 Acoustic Ceiling; !- Outside Layer
OpaqueDoor, !- Name
Std Opaque Door Panel; !- Outside Layer
AtticRoofDeck, !- Name
F12 Asphalt shingles, !- Outside Layer
G02 16mm plywood; !- Layer 2
int_wall, !- Name
G01 13mm gypsum board, !- Outside Layer
G01 13mm gypsum board; !- Layer 2
ext_slab_8in_with_carpet,!- Name
200mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Outside Layer
CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2
ext_slab_8in, !- Name
200mm Normalweight concrete floor; !- Outside Layer
ext_slab_6in_with_carpet,!- Name
150mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Outside Layer
CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2
ext_slab_6in, !- Name
150mm Normalweight concrete floor; !- Outside Layer
int_slab_floor, !- Name
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Outside Layer
CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2
int_slab_ceiling, !- Name
CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Outside Layer
100mm Normalweight concrete floor; !- Layer 2
basement_wall, !- Name
M10 200mm concrete block basement wall; !- Outside Layer
int_wood_floor, !- Name
AC02 Acoustic Ceiling, !- Outside Layer
G02 16mm plywood, !- Layer 2
CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 3
ext_soffit_floor, !- Name
G02 16mm plywood; !- Outside Layer
nonres_roof, !- Name
F13 Built-up roofing, !- Outside Layer
Nonres_Roof_Insulation, !- Layer #2
F08 Metal surface; !- Layer #3
res_roof, !- Name
F13 Built-up roofing, !- Outside Layer
Res_Roof_Insulation, !- Layer #2
F08 Metal surface; !- Layer #3
semiheated_roof, !- Name
F13 Built-up roofing, !- Outside Layer
Semiheated_Roof_Insulation, !- Layer #2
F08 Metal surface; !- Layer #3
nonres_ext_wall, !- Name
200mm Normalweight concrete wall, !- Outside Layer
Nonres_Exterior_Wall_Insulation, !- Layer #2
G01 13mm gypsum board; !- Layer #3
res_ext_wall, !- Name
200mm Normalweight concrete wall, !- Outside Layer
Res_Exterior_Wall_Insulation, !- Layer #2
G01 13mm gypsum board; !- Layer #3
semiheated_ext_wall, !- Name
200mm Normalweight concrete wall, !- Outside Layer
Semiheated_Exterior_Wall_Insulation, !- Layer #2
G01 13mm gypsum board; !- Layer #3
nonres_floor, !- Name
Nonres_Floor_Insulation, !- Outside Layer
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Layer #1
CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer #2
res_floor, !- Name
Res_Floor_Insulation, !- Outside Layer
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Layer #1
CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer #2
semiheated_floor, !- Name
Semiheated_Floor_Insulation, !- Outside Layer
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Layer #1
CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer #2
nonres_floor_ceiling, !- Name - reverse ordered layers for nonres_floor
CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Outside Layer
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Layer #1
Nonres_Floor_Insulation; !- Layer #2
res_floor_ceiling, !- Name - reverse ordered layers for res_floor
CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Outside Layer
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Layer #1
Res_Floor_Insulation; !- Layer #2
semiheated_floor_ceiling, !- Name - reverse ordered layers for semiheated_floor
CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Outside Layer
100mm Normalweight concrete floor, !- Layer #1
Semiheated_Floor_Insulation; !- Layer #2
Nonres Window Glazing Layer, !- Name
1.9306084, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
0.38, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
0.418; !- Visible Transmittance
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Name
Nonres Window Glazing Layer; !- Outside Layer
Nonres East Glazing Layer, !- Name
1.9306084, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
0.38, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
0.418; !- Visible Transmittance
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Name
Nonres East Glazing Layer; !- Outside Layer
!- Res Windows
Res Window Glazing Layer, !- Name
1.9306084, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
0.38, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
0.418; !- Visible Transmittance
ResWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Name
Res Window Glazing Layer; !- Outside Layer
Res East Glazing Layer, !- Name
1.9306084, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
0.38, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
0.418; !- Visible Transmittance
ReseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Name
Res East Glazing Layer; !- Outside Layer
Basement_Wall_North_Cfactor, !- Name
0.522376, !- C-Factor
2.439; !- Height
Basement_Wall_East_Cfactor, !- Name
0.522376, !- C-Factor
2.439; !- Height
Basement_Wall_South_Cfactor, !- Name
0.522376, !- C-Factor
2.439; !- Height
Basement_Wall_West_Cfactor, !- Name
0.522376, !- C-Factor
2.439; !- Height
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE ===========
Basement, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
2.4390, !- Ceiling Height {m}
9120.2700, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
4.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
4.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
4.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
5.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
59.5000, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
6294.9200, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2428.7900, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
5273.9500, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
OR1_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
237.9100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
5.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
237.9100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
OR3_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
237.9100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
OR4_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
951.7000, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
5.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
89.2100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
6.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
89.2100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ICU_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2637.6300, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2854.5100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2428.7900, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
4322.2400, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
89.2100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
148.7100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
86.2600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
148.7100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
89.2100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2081.8200, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
86.2600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
3866.2500, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Lab_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
1129.4300, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2418.8800, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2418.8800, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
89.2100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
148.7100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
86.2600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
148.7100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
89.2100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2081.8200, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
10.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
86.2600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
118.9600, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
3866.2200, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Lab_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
1129.4300, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2418.8800, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2418.8800, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Dining_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2974.0400, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
4441.2300, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
3965.3700, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Office1_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
297.5000, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
5.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
297.4100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Office3_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
297.4100, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
6.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
59.5000, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Name
0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
1, !- Type
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4.2683, !- Ceiling Height {m}
2141.3200, !- Volume {m3}
autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
, !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
, !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
YES; !- Part of Total Floor Area
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SURFACEGEOMETRY ===========
ULC, !- Starting Vertex Position
CCW, !- Vertex Entry Direction
Relative; !- Coordinate System
Basement_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Basement_Wall_North_Cfactor, !- Construction Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Basement_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Basement_Wall_East_Cfactor, !- Construction Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Basement_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Basement_Wall_South_Cfactor, !- Construction Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Basement_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Basement_Wall_West_Cfactor, !- Construction Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
GroundFCfactorMethod, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Basement_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
ext_slab_8in_with_carpet,!- Construction Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,-2.4390; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Basement_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Basement_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
45.7200,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
45.7200,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
45.7200,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
45.7200,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
45.7200,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
45.7200,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
45.7200,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
45.7200,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
45.7200,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
45.7200,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
45.7200,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
45.7200,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Ceiling,!- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,9.1440,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,9.1440,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,9.1440,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,9.1440,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,9.1440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,9.1440,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,9.1440,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,9.1440,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,9.1440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,9.1440,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,9.1440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,9.1440,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,53.3400,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Ceiling,!- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Ceiling,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
45.7200,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
45.7200,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
45.7200,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
45.7200,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
45.7200,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
45.7200,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
45.7200,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
45.7200,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
45.7200,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
45.7200,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
45.7200,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
45.7200,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
21.3415,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
21.3415,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
21.3415,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
21.3415,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_3_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_3_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
21.3415,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
21.3415,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
21.3415,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
21.3415,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,15.2400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,15.2400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,15.2400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,15.2400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_3_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_3_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_3_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_3_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
21.3415,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
21.3415,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
21.3415,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
21.3415,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,15.2400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,15.2400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,15.2400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,15.2400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_East,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,13.7160,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,13.7160,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,39.6240,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,39.6240,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,39.6240,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
70.1040,39.6240,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
70.1040,13.7160,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
64.0080,13.7160,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,39.6240,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,39.6240,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,39.6240,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,39.6240,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,13.7160,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,13.7160,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_3_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_3_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,39.6240,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,39.6240,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_2_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
64.0080,13.7160,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,13.7160,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,13.7160,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,13.7160,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
64.0080,4.5720,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
64.0080,13.7160,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,13.7160,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
70.1040,39.6240,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
64.0080,39.6240,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
64.0080,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
OR1_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR1_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR1_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR1_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR1_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR1_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR1_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR1_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR1_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR1_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,41.1480,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,41.1480,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,41.1480,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,41.1480,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,41.1480,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,41.1480,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,41.1480,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,41.1480,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,41.1480,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,41.1480,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,41.1480,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,41.1480,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR3_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR3_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR3_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR3_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR3_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR3_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR3_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR3_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR3_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR3_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR3_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR4_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR4_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,22.8600,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,22.8600,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR4_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,47.2440,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR4_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR4_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,47.2440,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,47.2440,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
24.3840,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
24.3840,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
24.3840,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
24.3840,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
24.3840,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
24.3840,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
24.3840,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
24.3840,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
24.3840,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
24.3840,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
24.3840,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
24.3840,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,44.1960,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,44.1960,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,44.1960,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,44.1960,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,44.1960,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,44.1960,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,44.1960,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,44.1960,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,44.1960,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,44.1960,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,44.1960,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,44.1960,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,21.3415,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,21.3415,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,21.3415,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,21.3415,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,21.3415,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,21.3415,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,21.3415,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,21.3415,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,21.3415,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,21.3415,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_2_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_2_Wall_East,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_2_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_2_Wall_West,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
60.9600,16.7640,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
70.1040,16.7640,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,4.2683; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,22.8600,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_3_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_3_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,16.7640,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,16.7640,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,16.7640,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,16.7640,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,22.8600,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
48.7680,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,16.7640,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,16.7640,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,16.7640,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,16.7640,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,4.2683, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,16.7640,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,16.7640,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
60.9600,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
48.7680,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
48.7680,22.8600,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_3_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_1_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
0.0, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_1_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_3_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_3_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
6, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_3_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_3_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
6, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_4_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5820,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_2_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_3_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_3_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_3_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_3_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_4_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_4_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_3_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_4_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_5_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_3_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
0.0, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5820,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_3_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_3_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_3_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_3_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_4_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_4_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Wall_3_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_5_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_1_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,8.5366, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,8.9920,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,8.9920,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,8.9920,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,8.9920,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.4840,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.4840,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.1960,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
44.1960,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
44.1960,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Radiology_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Radiology_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Radiology_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Radiology_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,8.9920,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,8.9920,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,8.9920,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,8.9920,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,8.9920,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.0960,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
6.0960,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
6.0960,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_3_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_1_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
0.0, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
39.6240,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_1_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5280,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_3_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,33.5280,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_3_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
6, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,33.5280,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,33.5280,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_3_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_3_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
6, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5280,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
15.2400,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
15.2400,33.5280,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_4_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5820,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,19.8120,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,19.8120,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_2_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_3_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_3_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_3_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_3_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,4.5720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_4_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_4_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
39.6240,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
65.5320,4.5720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
60.9600,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_3_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_4_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_5_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Radiology_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_3_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
0.0, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,33.5820,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
res_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_3_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_3_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_3_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_3_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.5320,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_4_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Lab_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,33.5820,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_4_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Wall_3_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
60.9600,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
60.9600,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_5_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_1_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.9560,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,12.8049, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.5720,10.6680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Name
Ceiling, !- Surface Type
int_slab_ceiling, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
10, !- Number of Vertices
4.5720,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,10.6680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.5320,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
65.5320,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
39.6240,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
28.9560,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
28.9560,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 9 {m}
4.5720,48.7680,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 10 {m}
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Dining_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Dining_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_South,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Dining_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_1_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_1_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_South,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_North,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Kitchen_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Kitchen_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.1040,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Kitchen_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.1040,22.8600,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.1040,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_2_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_South,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,7.6220,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,7.6220,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_North,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_North,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,7.6220,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,7.6220,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,7.6220,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,7.6220,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,7.6220,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,15.2400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,15.2400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,7.6220,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,15.2400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,7.6200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,7.6200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,15.2400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,15.2400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,15.2400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,15.2400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,15.2400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,7.6220,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,15.2400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,15.2400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,7.6220,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,7.6220,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,7.6220,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,15.2400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,7.6200,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,7.6200,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,15.2400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_North,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,45.7200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,45.7200,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office3_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,45.7200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.0000,45.7200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.0000,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,45.7200,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,45.7200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_South,!- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_South,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,45.7200,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,45.7200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,45.7200,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,45.7200,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.0000,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.0000,45.7200,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,45.7200,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
12.1920,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
12.1920,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
12.1920,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
12.1920,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
12.1920,48.7680,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
12.1920,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
12.1920,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
12.1920,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,48.7680,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
12.1920,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
12.1920,48.7680,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
12.1920,48.7680,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
12.1920,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_1_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
Air_Wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_1_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
15.2400,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_1_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
27.4320,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
27.4320,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_2_South, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
nonres_ext_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Floor, !- Name
Floor, !- Surface Type
int_slab_floor, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
27.4320,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
27.4320,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,17.0732; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_2_North, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_2_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
27.4320,48.7680,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
27.4320,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_2_East, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Kitchen_Flr_5_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_1_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_1_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,48.7680,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.1440,0.0000,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Wall, !- Surface Type
int_wall, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
Corridor_Flr_5_Wall_2_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
4, !- Number of Vertices
27.4320,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
27.4320,53.3400,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
27.4320,48.7680,17.0732, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
27.4320,48.7680,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_5_Ceiling, !- Name
Roof, !- Surface Type
nonres_roof, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
8, !- Number of Vertices
9.1440,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
15.2400,0.0000,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.2400,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.6240,42.6720,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
39.6240,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 5 {m}
27.4320,53.3400,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 6 {m}
27.4320,48.7680,21.3415, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 7 {m}
9.1440,48.7680,21.3415; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 8 {m}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
6.405,0.0000,2.1340, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
6.405,0.0000,0.9140, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
8.835,0.0000,0.9140, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
8.835,0.0000,2.1340; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_West, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_1_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,52.3400,2.1340, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,52.3400,0.9140, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,1.0000,0.9140, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,1.0000,2.1340; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_East_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Wall_1_East, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104,14.2020,2.1340, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104,14.2020,0.9140, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104,39.1380,0.9140, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104,39.1380,2.1340; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
28.682,53.3400,6.4010, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
28.682,53.3400,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
24.658,53.3400,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
24.658,53.3400,6.4010; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
5.730,53.3400,6.4010, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
5.730,53.3400,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.366,53.3400,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.366,53.3400,6.4010; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,53.0660,6.4010, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,53.0660,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,49.0420,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,49.0420,6.4010; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,48.4940,6.4010, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,48.4940,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,44.4700,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,44.4700,6.4010; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,20.9360,6.4010, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,20.9360,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,0.4000,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,0.4000,6.4010; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
40.195,0.0000,6.4010, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
40.195,0.0000,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
69.533,0.0000,5.1820, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
69.533,0.0000,6.4010; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.898,0.0000,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.898,0.0000,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
43.922,0.0000,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
43.922,0.0000,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104,0.2740,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104,0.2740,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104,4.2980,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104,4.2980,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.941,0.0000,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.941,0.0000,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
69.647,0.0000,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
69.647,0.0000,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104,4.8370,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104,4.8370,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104,8.7260,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104,8.7260,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
69.647,53.3400,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
69.647,53.3400,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.941,53.3400,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.941,53.3400,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Wall_East,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104,49.0420,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104,49.0420,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104,53.0660,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104,53.0660,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
43.922,53.3400,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
43.922,53.3400,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.898,53.3400,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.898,53.3400,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.366,0.0000,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.366,0.0000,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
5.730,0.0000,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
5.730,0.0000,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,4.2980,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,4.2980,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,0.2740,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,0.2740,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,8.7260,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,8.7260,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,4.8370,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,4.8370,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
5.730,53.3400,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
5.730,53.3400,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.366,53.3400,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.366,53.3400,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Wall_West,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,53.0660,10.6680, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,53.0660,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,49.0420,9.4490, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,49.0420,10.6680; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
39.898,0.0000,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
39.898,0.0000,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
43.922,0.0000,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
43.922,0.0000,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104,0.2740,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104,0.2740,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104,4.2980,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104,4.2980,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
62.941,0.0000,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
62.941,0.0000,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
69.647,0.0000,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
69.647,0.0000,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104,4.8370,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104,4.8370,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104,8.7260,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104,8.7260,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
69.647,53.3400,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
69.647,53.3400,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
62.941,53.3400,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
62.941,53.3400,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Wall_East,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104,49.0420,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104,49.0420,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104,53.0660,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104,53.0660,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
43.922,53.3400,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
43.922,53.3400,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
39.898,53.3400,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
39.898,53.3400,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.366,0.0000,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.366,0.0000,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
5.730,0.0000,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
5.730,0.0000,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,4.2980,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,4.2980,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,0.2740,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,0.2740,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,8.7260,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,8.7260,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,4.8370,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,4.8370,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
5.730,53.3400,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
5.730,53.3400,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.366,53.3400,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.366,53.3400,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Wall_West,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,53.0660,14.9350, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,53.0660,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,49.0420,13.7160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,49.0420,14.9350; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
40.195,0.0000,19.2020, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
40.195,0.0000,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
69.533,0.0000,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
69.533,0.0000,19.2020; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonreseastWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_South,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.549,0.0000,19.2020, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.549,0.0000,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
8.595,0.0000,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
8.595,0.0000,19.2020; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,7.1630,19.2020, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,7.1630,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,0.4570,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,0.4570,19.2020; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,14.7830,19.2020, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,14.7830,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,8.0770,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,8.0770,19.2020; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_North,!- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
8.595,53.3400,19.2020, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
8.595,53.3400,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.549,53.3400,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.549,53.3400,19.2020; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
0.000,52.8830,19.2020, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
0.000,52.8830,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
0.000,46.1770,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
0.000,46.1770,19.2020; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
NonresWindow_U_0.34_SHGC_0.38, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
1.0000, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
11.883,53.3400,19.2020, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
11.883,53.3400,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
9.453,53.3400,17.9830, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
9.453,53.3400,19.2020; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104000000000,7.359108108820,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104000000000,7.359108108820,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104000000000,8.273508108820,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104000000000,8.273508108820,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_East_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104000000000,2.758813671662,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104000000000,2.758813671662,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104000000000,3.673213671662,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104000000000,3.673213671662,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_South_Door2, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
35.953443675091,0.000000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
35.953443675091,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
36.867843675091,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
36.867843675091,0.000000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_North_Door2, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
31.965236137530,53.340000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
31.965236137530,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
31.050836137530,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
31.050836137530,53.340000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_1_South_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_1_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
3.585870154051,0.000000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
3.585870154051,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
4.500270154051,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
4.500270154051,0.000000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_South_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
27.053267114353,0.000000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
27.053267114353,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
27.967667114353,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
27.967667114353,0.000000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_North_Door1, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
26.374663905857,53.340000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
26.374663905857,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
25.460263905857,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
25.460263905857,53.340000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_North_Door3, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
3.754282444979,53.340000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
3.754282444979,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
2.839882444979,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
2.839882444979,53.340000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
42.288205250969,0.000000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
42.288205250969,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
43.202605250969,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
43.202605250969,0.000000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_South_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
65.379246485980,0.000000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
65.379246485980,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
66.293646485980,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
66.293646485980,0.000000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_East_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
70.104000000000,49.786049019517,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
70.104000000000,49.786049019517,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
70.104000000000,50.700449019517,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
70.104000000000,50.700449019517,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_North_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
66.434946561573,53.340000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
66.434946561573,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
65.520546561573,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
65.520546561573,53.340000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North_Door, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
44.446456441754,53.340000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
44.446456441754,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
43.532056441754,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
43.532056441754,53.340000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_South_Door1, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
31.496618875192,0.000000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
31.496618875192,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
32.411018875192,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
32.411018875192,0.000000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_North_Door1, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
37.530463591957,53.340000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
37.530463591957,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
36.616063591957,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
36.616063591957,53.340000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_North_Door2, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Swinging Door_con, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
16.509001079618,53.340000000000,2.133600000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
16.509001079618,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
15.594601079618,53.340000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
15.594601079618,53.340000000000,2.133600000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_South_RollDoor, !- Name
Door, !- Surface Type
Overhead Door_con, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Wall_2_South, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
, !- Multiplier
4, !- Number of Vertices
22.483082864735,0.000000000000,2.438400000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
22.483082864735,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
25.531082864734,0.000000000000,0.000000000000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
25.531082864734,0.000000000000,2.438400000000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
Basement_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
7478.6947; !- Surface Area {m2}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
27.8709; !- Surface Area {m2}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
2949.6212; !- Surface Area {m2}
Corridor_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
1138.0622; !- Surface Area {m2}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
2471.2209; !- Surface Area {m2}
OR1_Flr_2_InternalMass_1,!- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
111.4836; !- Surface Area {m2}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
111.4836; !- Surface Area {m2}
OR3_Flr_2_InternalMass_1,!- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
111.4836; !- Surface Area {m2}
OR4_Flr_2_InternalMass_1,!- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
445.9346; !- Surface Area {m2}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
41.8064; !- Surface Area {m2}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
41.8064; !- Surface Area {m2}
ICU_Flr_2_InternalMass_1,!- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
1235.9289; !- Surface Area {m2}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
1337.5356; !- Surface Area {m2}
Corridor_Flr_2_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
1138.0622; !- Surface Area {m2}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
2025.2863; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
41.8064; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom2_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
69.6773; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
40.4165; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom4_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
69.6773; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
41.8064; !- Surface Area {m2}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
975.4819; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom6_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
40.4165; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom8_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
1811.6093; !- Surface Area {m2}
Lab_Flr_3_InternalMass_1,!- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
529.5473; !- Surface Area {m2}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
1133.4171; !- Surface Area {m2}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
1133.4171; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
41.8064; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom2_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
69.6773; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
40.4165; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom4_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
69.6773; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
41.8064; !- Surface Area {m2}
Radiology_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
975.4819; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom6_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
40.4165; !- Surface Area {m2}
PatRoom8_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
55.7418; !- Surface Area {m2}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
1811.6093; !- Surface Area {m2}
Lab_Flr_4_InternalMass_1,!- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
529.5473; !- Surface Area {m2}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
1133.4171; !- Surface Area {m2}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
1133.4171; !- Surface Area {m2}
Dining_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
1393.5456; !- Surface Area {m2}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
2081.0281; !- Surface Area {m2}
Kitchen_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
1858.0608; !- Surface Area {m2}
Office1_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
139.3911; !- Surface Area {m2}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
139.3546; !- Surface Area {m2}
Office3_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
139.3546; !- Surface Area {m2}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
27.8709; !- Surface Area {m2}
Corridor_Flr_5_InternalMass_1, !- Name
InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
1003.3528; !- Surface Area {m2}
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULETYPE ===========
Any Number; !- Name
Fraction, !- Name
0.0, !- Lower Limit Value
1.0, !- Upper Limit Value
Continuous; !- Numeric Type
Temperature, !- Name
-60, !- Lower Limit Value
200, !- Upper Limit Value
Continuous; !- Numeric Type
On/Off, !- Name
0, !- Lower Limit Value
1, !- Upper Limit Value
Discrete; !- Numeric Type
Control Type, !- Name
0, !- Lower Limit Value
4, !- Upper Limit Value
Discrete; !- Numeric Type
Humidity, !- Name
10, !- Lower Limit Value
90, !- Upper Limit Value
Continuous; !- Numeric Type
Number; !- Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:COMPACT ===========
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
Labs_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
Labs_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch,!- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
Hours_of_operation, !- Name
on/off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 3
Exterior_Lgt_ALWAYS_ON, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
ALWAYS_ON, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 3
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 3
HVACOperationSchd, !- Name
on/off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 3
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 8:00,0.4806, !- Field 3
Until: 16:00,0.86508, !- Field 4
Until: 24:00,0.4806, !- Field 5
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 7
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 9
For: Saturday, !- Field 10
Until: 8:00,0.4806, !- Field 11
Until: 18:00,0.76896, !- Field 12
Until: 24:00,0.4806, !- Field 13
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.4806, !- Field 15
Until: 16:00,0.67284, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00,0.4806; !- Field 17
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 8:00,0.39, !- Field 3
Until: 16:00,0.702, !- Field 4
Until: 24:00,0.39, !- Field 5
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 7
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 9
For: Saturday, !- Field 10
Until: 8:00,0.39, !- Field 11
Until: 18:00,0.624, !- Field 12
Until: 24:00,0.39, !- Field 13
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.39, !- Field 15
Until: 16:00,0.546, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00,0.39; !- Field 17
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 8:00,0.5, !- Field 3
Until: 16:00,0.9, !- Field 4
Until: 24:00,0.5, !- Field 5
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 7
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 9
For: Saturday, !- Field 10
Until: 8:00,0.5, !- Field 11
Until: 18:00,0.8, !- Field 12
Until: 24:00,0.5, !- Field 13
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.5, !- Field 15
Until: 16:00,0.7, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00,0.5; !- Field 17
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 3
Until: 8:00,0.4775, !- Field 4
Until: 16:00,0.8595, !- Field 5
Until: 22:00,0.2865, !- Field 6
Until: 23:00,0.3, !- Field 7
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 8
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 10
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 11
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 12
For: Saturday, !- Field 13
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.191, !- Field 15
Until: 18:00,0.382, !- Field 16
Until: 19:00,0.0955, !- Field 17
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 18
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 19
Until: 8:00,0.05, !- Field 20
Until: 16:00,0.0955, !- Field 21
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 22
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 3
Until: 8:00,0.485, !- Field 4
Until: 16:00,0.873, !- Field 5
Until: 22:00,0.291, !- Field 6
Until: 23:00,0.3, !- Field 7
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 8
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 10
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 11
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 12
For: Saturday, !- Field 13
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.194, !- Field 15
Until: 18:00,0.388, !- Field 16
Until: 19:00,0.097, !- Field 17
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 18
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 19
Until: 8:00,0.05, !- Field 20
Until: 16:00,0.097, !- Field 21
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 22
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 8:00,0.49, !- Field 3
Until: 16:00,0.882, !- Field 4
Until: 24:00,0.49, !- Field 5
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 7
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 9
For: Saturday, !- Field 10
Until: 8:00,0.49, !- Field 11
Until: 18:00,0.784, !- Field 12
Until: 24:00,0.49, !- Field 13
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.49, !- Field 15
Until: 16:00,0.686, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00,0.49; !- Field 17
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 8:00,0.485, !- Field 3
Until: 16:00,0.873, !- Field 4
Until: 24:00,0.485, !- Field 5
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 7
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 9
For: Saturday, !- Field 10
Until: 8:00,0.485, !- Field 11
Until: 18:00,0.776, !- Field 12
Until: 24:00,0.485, !- Field 13
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.485, !- Field 15
Until: 16:00,0.679, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00,0.485; !- Field 17
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 3
Until: 8:00,0.447984375, !- Field 4
Until: 16:00,0.806371875, !- Field 5
Until: 22:00,0.268790625, !- Field 6
Until: 23:00,0.3, !- Field 7
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 8
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 10
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 11
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 12
For: Saturday, !- Field 13
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.17919375, !- Field 15
Until: 18:00,0.3583875, !- Field 16
Until: 19:00,0.089596875, !- Field 17
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 18
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 19
Until: 8:00,0.05, !- Field 20
Until: 16:00,0.089596875, !- Field 21
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 22
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 3
Until: 8:00,0.40595, !- Field 4
Until: 16:00,0.73071, !- Field 5
Until: 22:00,0.24357, !- Field 6
Until: 23:00,0.3, !- Field 7
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 8
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 10
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 11
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 12
For: Saturday, !- Field 13
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.16238, !- Field 15
Until: 18:00,0.32476, !- Field 16
Until: 19:00,0.08119, !- Field 17
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 18
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 19
Until: 8:00,0.05, !- Field 20
Until: 16:00,0.08119, !- Field 21
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 22
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 3
Until: 8:00,0.39, !- Field 4
Until: 16:00,0.702, !- Field 5
Until: 22:00,0.234, !- Field 6
Until: 23:00,0.3, !- Field 7
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 8
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 10
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 11
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 12
For: Saturday, !- Field 13
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 14
Until: 8:00,0.156, !- Field 15
Until: 18:00,0.312, !- Field 16
Until: 19:00,0.078, !- Field 17
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 18
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 19
Until: 8:00,0.05, !- Field 20
Until: 16:00,0.078, !- Field 21
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 22
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 3
Until: 8:00,0.5, !- Field 4
Until: 16:00,0.9, !- Field 5
Until: 23:00,0.3, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 7
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 9
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 11
For: Saturday, !- Field 12
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 13
Until: 8:00,0.2, !- Field 14
Until: 18:00,0.4, !- Field 15
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 16
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 17
Until: 8:00,0.05, !- Field 18
Until: 16:00,0.1, !- Field 19
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 20
walkin_occ_lght_SCH, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 3
Until: 8:00,0.26, !- Field 5
Until: 16:00,0.468, !- Field 7
Until: 23:00,0.156, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 11
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 13
Until: 24:00,1, !- Field 14
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00,0, !- Field 17
For: Saturday, !- Field 19
Until: 7:00,0.1, !- Field 20
Until: 8:00,0.104, !- Field 22
Until: 18:00,0.208, !- Field 24
Until: 24:00,0.1, !- Field 26
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 28
Until: 8:00,0.05, !- Field 29
Until: 16:00,0.052, !- Field 31
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 33
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0.0, !- Field 3
Until: 08:00,0.1, !- Field 5
Until: 09:00,0.5, !- Field 7
Until: 17:00,0.8, !- Field 9
Until: 18:00,0.5, !- Field 11
Until: 20:00,0.3, !- Field 13
Until: 22:00,0.2, !- Field 15
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 17
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 19
Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 20
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 22
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 23
For: Saturday, !- Field 25
Until: 07:00,0.0, !- Field 26
Until: 08:00,0.1, !- Field 28
Until: 09:00,0.3, !- Field 30
Until: 17:00,0.4, !- Field 32
Until: 19:00,0.1, !- Field 34
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 36
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 38
Until: 08:00,0.0, !- Field 39
Until: 16:00,0.05, !- Field 41
Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 43
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0.4, !- Field 3
Until: 08:00,0.5, !- Field 5
Until: 09:00,0.6, !- Field 7
Until: 17:00,0.8, !- Field 9
Until: 18:00,0.6, !- Field 11
Until: 20:00,0.5, !- Field 13
Until: 24:00,0.4, !- Field 15
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 17
Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 18
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 20
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 21
For: Saturday, !- Field 23
Until: 07:00,0.4, !- Field 24
Until: 08:00,0.5, !- Field 26
Until: 17:00,0.6, !- Field 28
Until: 19:00,0.5, !- Field 30
Until: 24:00,0.4, !- Field 32
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 34
Until: 08:00,0.4, !- Field 35
Until: 16:00,0.6, !- Field 37
Until: 24:00,0.4; !- Field 39
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0.3492682264, !- Field 3
Until: 08:00,0.6818012803, !- Field 5
Until: 16:00,0.8766016461, !- Field 7
Until: 22:00,0.5844010974, !- Field 9
Until: 23:00,0.5239023396, !- Field 11
Until: 24:00,0.3492682264, !- Field 13
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 15
Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 16
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 18
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 19
For: Saturday, !- Field 21
Until: 07:00,0.3492682264, !- Field 22
Until: 08:00,0.4870009145, !- Field 24
Until: 18:00,0.63310118885, !- Field 26
Until: 24:00,0.3492682264, !- Field 28
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 30
Until: 08:00,0.2619511698, !- Field 31
Until: 16:00,0.3492682264, !- Field 33
Until: 24:00,0.2619511698; !- Field 35
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0.40, !- Field 3
Until: 08:00,0.70, !- Field 5
Until: 16:00,0.90, !- Field 7
Until: 23:00,0.60, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,0.40, !- Field 11
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 13
Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 14
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 16
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 17
For: Saturday, !- Field 19
Until: 07:00,0.40, !- Field 20
Until: 08:00,0.50, !- Field 22
Until: 18:00,0.65, !- Field 24
Until: 24:00,0.40, !- Field 26
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 28
Until: 08:00,0.40, !- Field 29
Until: 16:00,0.60, !- Field 31
Until: 24:00,0.40; !- Field 33
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.00, !- Field 3
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,0.20, !- Field 6
For: Weekdays, !- Field 8
Until: 07:00,0.2, !- Field 9
Until: 08:00,0.5, !- Field 11
Until: 09:00,0.75, !- Field 13
Until: 10:00,1.00, !- Field 15
Until: 11:00,1.00, !- Field 17
Until: 12:00,1.00, !- Field 19
Until: 13:00,0.75, !- Field 21
Until: 14:00,1.00, !- Field 23
Until: 15:00,1.00, !- Field 25
Until: 16:00,1.00, !- Field 27
Until: 17:00,1.00, !- Field 29
Until: 18:00,1.00, !- Field 31
Until: 19:00,0.52, !- Field 33
Until: 20:00,0.52, !- Field 35
Until: 21:00,0.52, !- Field 37
Until: 22:00,0.28, !- Field 39
Until: 24:00,0.2, !- Field 41
For: Saturday, !- Field 43
Until: 07:00,0.2, !- Field 44
Until: 08:00,0.4, !- Field 46
Until: 09:00,0.46, !- Field 48
Until: 10:00,0.70, !- Field 50
Until: 11:00,0.70, !- Field 52
Until: 12:00,0.70, !- Field 54
Until: 13:00,0.51, !- Field 56
Until: 14:00,0.51, !- Field 58
Until: 15:00,0.51, !- Field 60
Until: 16:00,0.51, !- Field 62
Until: 17:00,0.51, !- Field 64
Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 66
Until: 24:00,0.2, !- Field 68
For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 70
Until: 08:00,0.2, !- Field 71
Until: 16:00,0.4, !- Field 73
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 75
ELEV_LIGHT_FAN_SCH_24_7, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.00, !- Field 3
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,0.20, !- Field 6
For: Weekdays, !- Field 8
Until: 07:00,0.2, !- Field 9
Until: 08:00,0.5, !- Field 11
Until: 09:00,1.00, !- Field 13
Until: 10:00,1.00, !- Field 15
Until: 11:00,1.00, !- Field 17
Until: 12:00,1.00, !- Field 19
Until: 13:00,1.00, !- Field 21
Until: 14:00,1.00, !- Field 23
Until: 15:00,1.00, !- Field 25
Until: 16:00,1.00, !- Field 27
Until: 17:00,1.00, !- Field 29
Until: 18:00,1.00, !- Field 31
Until: 19:00,0.52, !- Field 33
Until: 20:00,0.52, !- Field 35
Until: 21:00,0.52, !- Field 37
Until: 22:00,0.28, !- Field 39
Until: 24:00,0.2, !- Field 41
For: Saturday, !- Field 43
Until: 07:00,0.2, !- Field 44
Until: 08:00,0.4, !- Field 46
Until: 09:00,0.46, !- Field 48
Until: 10:00,0.70, !- Field 50
Until: 11:00,0.70, !- Field 52
Until: 12:00,0.70, !- Field 54
Until: 13:00,0.51, !- Field 56
Until: 14:00,0.51, !- Field 58
Until: 15:00,0.51, !- Field 60
Until: 16:00,0.51, !- Field 62
Until: 17:00,0.51, !- Field 64
Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 66
Until: 24:00,0.2, !- Field 68
For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 70
Until: 08:00,0.2, !- Field 71
Until: 16:00,0.4, !- Field 73
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 75
Dishwashing Booster Water Inlet Temp Schedule, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
THROUGH: 12/31, !- Field 1
FOR: AllDays, !- Field 2
UNTIL: 24:00,60.00; !- Field 3
Dishwashing Booster Setpoint Temp Schedule, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
THROUGH: 12/31, !- Field 1
FOR: AllDays, !- Field 2
UNTIL: 24:00,82.22; !- Field 3
Laundry Setpoint Temp Schedule, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
THROUGH: 12/31, !- Field 1
FOR: AllDays, !- Field 2
UNTIL: 24:00,82.22; !- Field 3
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
THROUGH: 12/31, !- Field 1
FOR: AllDays, !- Field 2
UNTIL: 08:00,0.00, !- Field 3
UNTIL: 15:00,1.00, !- Field 5
UNTIL: 24:00,0.00; !- Field 7
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0.00, !- Field 3
Until: 08:00,0.17, !- Field 5
Until: 09:00,0.58, !- Field 7
Until: 10:00,0.66, !- Field 9
Until: 11:00,0.78, !- Field 11
Until: 12:00,0.82, !- Field 13
Until: 13:00,0.71, !- Field 15
Until: 14:00,0.82, !- Field 17
Until: 15:00,0.78, !- Field 19
Until: 16:00,0.74, !- Field 21
Until: 17:00,0.63, !- Field 23
Until: 18:00,0.41, !- Field 25
Until: 21:00,0.18, !- Field 27
Until: 22:00,0.1, !- Field 29
Until: 24:00,0.00, !- Field 31
For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 33
Until: 07:00,0.00, !- Field 34
Until: 08:00,0.01, !- Field 36
Until: 09:00,0.2, !- Field 38
Until: 10:00,0.28, !- Field 40
Until: 12:00,0.3, !- Field 42
Until: 14:00,0.24, !- Field 44
Until: 17:00,0.23, !- Field 46
Until: 19:00,0.10, !- Field 48
Until: 24:00,0.00, !- Field 50
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 52
Until: 08:00,0.00, !- Field 53
Until: 16:00,0.01, !- Field 55
Until: 24:00,0.00; !- Field 57
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0.3, !- Field 3
Until: 08:00,0.5, !- Field 5
Until: 09:00,0.58, !- Field 7
Until: 10:00,0.66, !- Field 9
Until: 11:00,0.78, !- Field 11
Until: 12:00,0.82, !- Field 13
Until: 13:00,0.71, !- Field 15
Until: 14:00,0.82, !- Field 17
Until: 15:00,0.78, !- Field 19
Until: 16:00,0.74, !- Field 21
Until: 17:00,0.63, !- Field 23
Until: 18:00,0.41, !- Field 25
Until: 21:00,0.35, !- Field 27
Until: 24:00,0.30, !- Field 29
For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 31
Until: 08:00,0.3, !- Field 32
Until: 09:00,0.4, !- Field 34
Until: 10:00,0.5, !- Field 36
Until: 17:00,0.6, !- Field 38
Until: 18:00,0.5, !- Field 40
Until: 24:00,0.3, !- Field 42
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 44
Until: 08:00,0.3, !- Field 45
Until: 09:00,0.4, !- Field 47
Until: 10:00,0.5, !- Field 49
Until: 17:00,0.6, !- Field 51
Until: 18:00,0.5, !- Field 53
Until: 24:00,0.3; !- Field 55
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,120.; !- Field 3
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 3
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 04/30, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 3
Through: 09/30, !- Field 5
For: AllDays, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,0.5, !- Field 7
Through: 12/31, !- Field 9
For: AllDays, !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 11
fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.25, !- Field 3
For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,0.25, !- Field 6
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,0.25; !- Field 9
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 3
PlantOnSched, !- Name
On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 3
ReheatCoilAvailSched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 3
CoolingCoilAvailSched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 3
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: ALLDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,21.; !- Field 3
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,24.0; !- Field 3
Humidity Setpoint Schedule, !- Name
Humidity, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,50, !- Field 3
For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,50, !- Field 6
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 8
Until: 24:00,50; !- Field 9
MinOA_Sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 3
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 06:00,0.00, !- Field 3
Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,0.00, !- Field 7
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
Until: 06:00,0.00, !- Field 10
Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 12
Until: 24:00,0.00, !- Field 14
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 16
Until: 06:00,0.00, !- Field 17
Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 19
Until: 24:00,0.00, !- Field 21
For: Saturday, !- Field 23
Until: 06:00,0.00, !- Field 24
Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 26
Until: 24:00,0.00, !- Field 28
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 30
Until: 24:00,0.00; !- Field 31
OR_MinSA_Sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
Until: 09:00,0.2, !- Field 3 This is changed to a PARM variable because 2015 IECC has 30pct minimum MDP and 90.1-2010 has 20pct minimum.
Until: 18:00,1.0, !- Field 5
Until: 24:00,0.2, !- Field 7
For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 10
For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 12
Until: 24:00,0.2, !- Field 13
For: Saturday, !- Field 15
Until: 09:00,0.2, !- Field 16
Until: 17:00,1.0, !- Field 18
Until: 24:00,0.2, !- Field 20
For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 22
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 23
VAV_ER_OAminOAFracSchedule, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.3300; !- Field 3
VAV_OR_OAminOAFracSchedule, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.3300; !- Field 3
VAV_ICU_OAminOAFracSchedule, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.3300; !- Field 3
VAV_PATRMS_OAminOAFracSchedule, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.3300; !- Field 3
VAV_LABS_OAminOAFracSchedule, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,1.0000; !- Field 3
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Name
Control Type, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,4; !- Field 3
Cool-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch,!- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,12.8; !- Field 3
Heat-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch,!- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,12.8; !- Field 3
CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,6.7; !- Field 3
HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,82; !- Field 3
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
OR1_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
OR3_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
OR4_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
Radiology_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
Lab_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Latent fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,55; !- Field 3
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_CaseDefrost2aDaySched, !- Name
ON/OFF, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For:AllDays, !- Field 2
Interpolate:Average, !- Field 3
Until: 11:00,0, !- Field 4
Until: 11:20,1, !- Field 6
Until: 23:00,0, !- Field 8
Until: 23:20,1, !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,0; !- Field 12
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_CaseDripDown2aDaySched, !- Name
ON/OFF, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For:AllDays, !- Field 2
Interpolate:Average, !- Field 3
Until: 11:00,0, !- Field 4
Until: 11:30,1, !- Field 6
Until: 23:00,0, !- Field 8
Until: 23:30,1, !- Field 10
Until: 24:00,0; !- Field 12
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_WalkInStockingSched, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: Tuesday Friday, !- Field 2
Until: 4:00,0.0, !- Field 3
Until: 5:00,725.0, !- Field 5
Until: 6:00,417.0, !- Field 7
Until: 7:00,290.0, !- Field 9
Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 11
For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 13
Until: 4:00,0.0, !- Field 14
Until: 5:00,125.0, !- Field 16
Until: 6:00,117.0, !- Field 18
Until: 7:00,90.0, !- Field 20
Until: 19:00,0.0, !- Field 22
Until: 20:00,125.0, !- Field 24
Until: 21:00,117.0, !- Field 26
Until: 22:00,90.0, !- Field 28
Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 30
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_CaseCreditReduxSched, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For:AllDays, !- Field 2
Interpolate:No, !- Field 3
Until: 7:00,0.2, !- Field 4
Until: 21:00,0.4, !- Field 6
Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 8
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASE_CaseStockingSched, !- Name
Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For:AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 6:00,0.0, !- Field 3
Until: 7:00,50.0, !- Field 5
Until: 9:00,70.0, !- Field 7
Until: 10:00,80.0, !- Field 9
Until: 11:00,70.0, !- Field 11
Until: 13:00,50.0, !- Field 13
Until: 14:00,80.0, !- Field 15
Until: 15:00,90.0, !- Field 17
Until: 16:00,80.0, !- Field 19
Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 21
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0, !- Field 3
Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 5
!- Per 90.1-2010 G3.1.3.11, the tower shall be controlled to maintain a 70F leaving water temperature
!- where weather permits, floating up to leaving water temperature at design conditions.
Tower-Loop-Temp-Schedule,!- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,21.1; !- Field 3
SHWSys1-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60; !- Field 3
SHWSys1 Water Heater Setpoint Temperature Schedule, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
SHWSys1 Water Heater Ambient Temperature Schedule, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,22.0; !- Field 3
VAV_SAT_SCH, !- Name
Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,12.8; !- Field 3
MinRelHumSetSch, !- Name
Humidity, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,40; !- Field 3
MinRelHumSetSch_addDI, !- Name
Humidity, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,30; !- Field 3
MinRelHumSetSch_addDI_ICU, !- Name
Humidity, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,35; !- Field 3
MaxRelHumSetSch, !- Name
Humidity, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 24:00,60; !- Field 3
VAV_1 Max OA Fraction, !- Name
, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
1.0; !- Hourly Value
VAV_2 Max OA Fraction, !- Name
, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
1.0; !- Hourly Value
Heat Recovery Chiller Setpoint,
Dummy Water Heater Setpoint,
10.0; !- Low enough to ensure that the burner doesn't turn on
Bypass Heat Exchanger Status,
Any Number,
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PEOPLE ===========
Basement, !- Name
Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
100.5885, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.9976, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.9976, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.9976, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.9976, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.9976, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.05, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
21.1586, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
6.1228, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
17.7269, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
OR1_Flr_2, !- Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
2.9988, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
2.9988, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
OR3_Flr_2, !- Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
2.9988, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
OR4_Flr_2, !- Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
11.9956, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.1244, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.4994, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.1244, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ICU_Flr_2, !- Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
33.2462, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
9.5946, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
6.1228, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
14.528, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.1244, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.8744, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.0873, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.8744, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.1244, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
26.2404, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.4994, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.0873, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.4994, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
12.9952, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Lab_Flr_3, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
14.2446, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
6.0978, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
6.0978, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.1244, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.8744, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.0873, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.8744, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.1244, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
26.2404, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.4994, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.0873, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.4994, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
12.9952, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Lab_Flr_4, !- Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
14.2446, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
6.0978, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
6.0978, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Dining_Flr_5, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
74.9725, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
14.9279, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
49.9818, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Office1_Flr_5, !- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.2498, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.2483, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Office3_Flr_5, !- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.2483, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
1.05, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_OCC_EXTD_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
People, !- Number of People Calculation Method
5.3981, !- Number of People
, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
, !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
ClothingInsulationSchedule, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method
, !- Clothing Insulation Calculation Method Schedule Name
CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIGHTS ===========
Basement_Lights, !- Name
Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
6.888902667, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXAM_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
15.06947458, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
15.06947458, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXAM_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
15.06947458, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
15.06947458, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
15.06947458, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
6.888902667, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
8.794114811, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Corridor_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.642376396, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Lights, !- Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
11.17293901, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
OR1_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
24.32643754, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
24.32643754, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
OR3_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
24.32643754, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
OR4_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
24.32643754, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
13.45488802, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Lights,!- Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
13.45488802, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
13.45488802, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ICU_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
13.45488802, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
12.59377519,!- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Corridor_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.642376396, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Lights, !- Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_NURSEFLR234_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
10.46252093, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Lights,!- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
9.795158479, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_NURSEFLR234_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
10.46252093, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Lab_Flr_3_Lights, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
14.31600085, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Lights,!- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.642376396, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Lights,!- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.642376396, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Radiology_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
10.11807579, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.319459084, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_NURSEFLR234_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
10.46252093, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Lab_Flr_4_Lights, !- Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
14.31600085, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Lights,!- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.642376396, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Lights,!- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.642376396, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Dining_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
4.305564167,!- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
10.46252093, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Kitchen_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_LIGHT_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
11.73266235, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Office1_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
6.888902667, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
6.888902667, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Office3_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
6.888902667, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
6.888902667, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Corridor_Flr_5_Lights, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
, !- Lighting Level {W}
7.642376396, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
LightsWired, !- End-Use Subcategory
No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
Basement_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
30176.5332, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
449.8365, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
1199.5641, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
449.8365, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
1199.5641, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
599.9803, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
164.9958, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
1592.7955, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
18076.9806, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
OR1_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip,!- Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
2399.1281, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
2399.1281, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
OR3_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip,!- Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
2399.1281, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
OR4_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip,!- Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
9596.5124, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
674.7548, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
899.6730, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
674.7548, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ICU_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip,!- Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
19947.8932, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
14391.8825, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
11331.4767, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
449.8365, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom2_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
749.7275, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
434.8813, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom4_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
749.7275, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
449.8365, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
7872.1391, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom6_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
599.7820, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
434.8813, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom8_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
599.7820, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
10135.9539, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Lab_Flr_3_MiscPlug_Equip,!- Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
11395.8585, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
449.8365, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom2_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
749.7275, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
434.8813, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom4_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
749.7275, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
449.8365, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Radiology_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
52499.8946, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom6_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
599.7820, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
434.8813, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
PatRoom8_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
599.7820, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
10135.9539, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Lab_Flr_4_MiscPlug_Equip,!- Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
11395.8585, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Dining_Flr_5_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
7497.2753, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
11643.3522, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Kitchen_Flr_5_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
74972.7533, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
Cooking; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office1_Flr_5_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
749.9243, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
749.7275, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office3_Flr_5_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
749.7275, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_MiscPlug_Equip, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
149.9455, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
MiscPlug; !- End-Use Subcategory
Elevators, !- Name
Electricity, !- Fuel Use Type
BLDG_ELEVATORS, !- Schedule Name
162962.637362637, !- Design Level {W}
ElevatorLift; !- End-Use Subcategory
Elevators_Lights_Fan, !- Name
Electricity, !- Fuel Use Type
501, !- Design Level {W}
ElevatorLightsFan; !- End-Use Subcategory
Kitchen_Flr_5_Reach-in-Freezer, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Always_on, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
555, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.2500, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
ReachInFreezer; !- End-Use Subcategory
Kitchen_Flr_5_Reach-in-Refrigerator, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Always_on, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
470, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Watts per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.2500, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
ReachInRefrigerator; !- End-Use Subcategory
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: GAS EQUIPMENT ===========
Kitchen_Flr_5_MiscPlugGas_Equip, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
BLDG_EQUIP_EXTD_SCH, !- Schedule Name
EquipmentLevel, !- Design Level Calculation Method
149945.5066, !- Design Level {W}
, !- Power per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
, !- Power per Person {W/person}
0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
, !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
Cooking; !- End-Use Subcategory
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: EXTERIORLIGHTS ===========
Exterior_Lights, !- Name
Exterior_Lgt_ALWAYS_ON, !- Schedule Name
9863, !- Design Level {W}
AstronomicalClock, !- Control Option
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office1_Flr_5_DaylCtrl, !- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
SplitFlux, !- Daylighting Method
, !- Availability Schedule Name
Continuousoff, !- Lighting Control Type
0.2, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
1.0, !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
Office1_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1,!- Glare Calculation Daylighting Reference Point Name
270.0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
22.0, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
, !- DElight Gridding Resolution {m2}
Office1_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1,!- Daylighting Reference Point 1 Name
0.56, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 1
377, !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 1 {lux}
Office1_Flr_5_DaylRefPt2,!- Daylighting Reference Point 2 Name
0.21, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 2
377; !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 2 {lux}
Office1_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1,!- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
6.096000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
2.859000, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
17.835200; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
Office1_Flr_5_DaylRefPt2,!- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
2.859000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
5.183600, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
17.835200; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
Office3_Flr_5_DaylCtrl, !- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
SplitFlux, !- Daylighting Method
, !- Availability Schedule Name
Continuousoff, !- Lighting Control Type
0.2, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
1.0, !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
Office3_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1,!- Glare Calculation Daylighting Reference Point Name
0.0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
22.0, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
, !- DElight Gridding Resolution {m2}
Office3_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1,!- Daylighting Reference Point 1 Name
0.56, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 1
377.0, !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 1 {lux}
Office3_Flr_5_DaylRefPt2,!- Daylighting Reference Point 2 Name
0.21, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 2
377.0; !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 2 {lux}
Office3_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1,!- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
6.096000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
50.481000, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
17.835200; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
Office3_Flr_5_DaylRefPt2,!- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
2.859000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
48.158400, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
17.835200; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_DaylCtrl, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
SplitFlux, !- Daylighting Method
, !- Availability Schedule Name
Continuousoff, !- Lighting Control Type
0.2, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
1.0, !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_DaylRefPt1, !- Glare Calculation Daylighting Reference Point Name
270.0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
22.0, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
, !- DElight Gridding Resolution {m2}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_DaylRefPt1, !- Daylighting Reference Point 1 Name
0.15, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 1
269; !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 1 {lux}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_DaylRefPt1, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
2.859000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
26.670000, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
0.762000; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_DaylCtrl, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
SplitFlux, !- Daylighting Method
, !- Availability Schedule Name
Continuousoff, !- Lighting Control Type
0.2, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
1.0, !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Glare Calculation Daylighting Reference Point Name
0.0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
22.0, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
, !- DElight Gridding Resolution {m2}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Daylighting Reference Point 1 Name
0.94, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 1
377.0; !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 1 {lux}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
10.668000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
50.481000, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
17.835200; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_DaylCtrl, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
SplitFlux, !- Daylighting Method
, !- Availability Schedule Name
Continuousoff, !- Lighting Control Type
0.2, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
1.0, !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Glare Calculation Daylighting Reference Point Name
0.0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
22.0, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
, !- DElight Gridding Resolution {m2}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Daylighting Reference Point 1 Name
0.47, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 1
377.0; !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 1 {lux}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
2.859000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
11.430000, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
17.835200; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
Dining_Flr_5_DaylCtrl, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
SplitFlux, !- Daylighting Method
, !- Availability Schedule Name
Continuousoff, !- Lighting Control Type
0.2, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous or ContinuousOff Dimming Control
3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
1.0, !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
Dining_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Glare Calculation Daylighting Reference Point Name
0.0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
22.0, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
, !- DElight Gridding Resolution {m2}
Dining_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Daylighting Reference Point 1 Name
0.19, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Reference Point 1
215.0; !- Illuminance Setpoint at Reference Point 1 {lux}
Dining_Flr_5_DaylRefPt1, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
54.864000, !- X-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
2.859024, !- Y-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
17.835200; !- Z-Coordinate of Reference Point {m}
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: INFILTRATION ===========
Basement_Infiltration, !- Name
Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.224, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Lobby_Records_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Corridor_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1_Infiltration, !- Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
OR1_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
OR3_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
OR4_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ICU_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Corridor_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2_Infiltration, !- Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom2_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom4_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PhysTherapy_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom6_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom8_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Lab_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Corridor_SE_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Corridor_NW_Flr_3_Infiltration, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom2_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom4_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Radiology_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom6_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
PatRoom8_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Lab_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Corridor_SE_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Corridor_NW_Flr_4_Infiltration, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.00056896, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Dining_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.000140134848, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
5.1718464e-05, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Kitchen_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.000124488448, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Office1_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.000288235136, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.000181043072, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Office3_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.000288235136, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.000274636992, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
Corridor_Flr_5_Infiltration, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
INFIL_SCH_PNNL, !- Schedule Name
Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
7.6582016e-05, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
0.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
0.2240, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING PARAMETERS ===========
1.0, !- Heating Sizing Factor
1.0, !- Cooling Sizing Factor
6; !- Timesteps in Averaging Window
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE SIZING ===========
Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Basement, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Basement, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000368277, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.01422212, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370219, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ER_Trauma1_Flr_1,!- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.01422212, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA ER_Trauma1_Flr_1,!- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370219, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.01422212, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370219, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ER_Trauma2_Flr_1,!- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.01422212, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA ER_Trauma2_Flr_1,!- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370219, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.01422212, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370219, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Corridor_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Corridor_Flr_1, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA OR1_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.017776903, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA OR1_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.003555179, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.017776903, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.003555179, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA OR3_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.017776903, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA OR3_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.003555179, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA OR4_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.017776903, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA OR4_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.003555179, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ICU_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA ICU_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Corridor_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Corridor_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000380976, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Lab_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA Lab_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.001168327, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Radiology_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Radiology_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000380976,!- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.007111113, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.002370237, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Lab_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA Lab_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.001168327, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Dining_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Dining_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.001295319, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDayWithLimit, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
1.88354224873518, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
SZ DSOA Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00202742887606986, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Office1_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Office1_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Office3_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Office3_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
40.0, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
SZ DSOA Corridor_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
, !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
0.0, !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
0.0, !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
, !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution;!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name
SZ DSOA Corridor_Flr_5, !- Name
Flow/Area, !- Outdoor Air Method
, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
0.0; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
VAV_Zone_AirDistribution, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
, !- Zone Secondary Recirculation Fraction {dimensionless}
0.6; !- Minimum Zone Ventilation Efficiency {dimensionless}
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:SYSTEM ===========
VAV_1, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
4.3265, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.3000, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8000, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8000, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8000, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
Coincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
VAV_ER, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
1.0000, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
NonCoincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
VAV_OR, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
1.000, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
NonCoincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
VAV_ICU, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
1.0000, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
NonCoincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
VAV_PATRMS, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.5, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
NonCoincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
VAV_2, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
4.4794, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.3000, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8000, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8000, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8000, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
Coincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
VAV_LABS, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
1.0000, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
NonCoincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
CAV_KITCHEN, !- AirLoop Name
Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
1.0000, !- Central Heating Maximum System Air Flow Ratio
7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
12.8, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
NonCoincident, !- Type of Zone Sum to Use
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
0.008, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
DesignDay, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Cooling Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Cooling Capacity {m3/s-W}
DesignDay, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Method
0.0, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Heating Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Fraction of Autosized Cooling Supply Air Flow Rate
, !- Heating Supply Air Flow Rate Per Unit Heating Capacity {m3/s-W}
ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PLANT SIZING ===========
SHWSys1, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
Heating, !- Loop Type
60, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
5.0; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
HeatSys1, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
Heating, !- Loop Type
48.89, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
13.89; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
CoolSys1_Supply, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
Cooling, !- Loop Type
7.22, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
8.33; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
CoolSys1_Demand, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
Cooling, !- Loop Type
7.22, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
8.33; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
!- Design Loop Exit Temperature: Per 90.1-2010 G3.1.3.13, condenser water design supply temperature shall be
!- 85F or 10F approaching design wet-bulb temperature, whichever is lower, with a design temperature rise of 10F (range temperature).
!- Loop Design Temperature Difference: Per 90.1-2010 G3.1.3.13, design temperature rise of 10F (range temperature).
!- Sizing Option: new inputs after V8.3. We choose coincident to be aligned with system sizing. Default (leaving blank) is noncoincident.
!- Zone Timesteps in Averaging Window: alignment with system inputs for Timesteps in Averaging Window.
!- Coincident Sizing Factor Mode: GlobalCoolingSizingFactor aligns with the system level sizing parameter inputs.
TowerWaterSys, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
Condenser, !- Loop Type
29.4444444444444, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
5.55555555555556, !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
Coincident, !- Sizing Option
6, !- Zone Timesteps in Averaging Window
GlobalCoolingSizingFactor; !- Coincident Sizing Factor Mode
Heat Recovery Water Loop,!- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
Heating, !- Loop Type
48.89, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
13.89; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}";
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
Cooling, !- Loop Type
7.22, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
8.33; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Humidistat, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
MinRelHumSetSch_addDI, !- Humidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
MaxRelHumSetSch; !- Dehumidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Humidistat, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
MinRelHumSetSch_addDI, !- Humidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
MaxRelHumSetSch; !- Dehumidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
ICU_Flr_2 Humidistat, !- Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
MinRelHumSetSch_addDI_ICU, !- Humidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
MaxRelHumSetSch; !- Dehumidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3 Humidistat, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
MinRelHumSetSch_addDI, !- Humidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
MaxRelHumSetSch; !- Dehumidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Humidistat, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
MinRelHumSetSch_addDI, !- Humidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
MaxRelHumSetSch; !- Dehumidifying Relative Humidity Setpoint Schedule Name
!- Set of chiller curves based on Dick Lord's study dated January 17, 2010...
!- Hospital and Large Office have water cooled chillers...Hence set of water cooled chillers to be used in these prototypes...
!- Large Office will follow 90.1-2010 Path B in the PI case whereas Hospital will follow Path A based on the discussion with the SWG
!- Changed the min. chiller condenser fluid entering temperature to 64 F (17.78 deg C) for water cooled chillers based on Dick's email dated June 4, 2010
!- and 55 F (12.7 deg C) for air cooled chillers
!- based on email string and energyplus support clarification dated June 1, 2010...also changed the upper limit for air cooled chillers to 125 F (51.67 deg C)
!- and the water cooled chillers to 115 F (46.11 deg C) later the same day...
! Temporary changes to address Dick's wrong PLR curves. On Oct. 27, 2010
! Water cooled chiller PLR curve comes from E+ data library "ReformEIRChiller Carrier 19FA 5651kW/5.50COP/Vanes EIRFPLR"
! Air-cooled chiller PLR comes from the original curve before addendum M.
!- Water cooled chillers: Positive Displacement chillers...
!- 90.1-2004 and 2007 Baseline curves...
WC_PD_2004_CAPFT, !- Name
0.9061150, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0292277, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0003647, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0009709, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0000905, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0002527, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_2004_EIRFT, !- Name
0.3617105, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-0.0229833, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0009519, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0131889, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0003752, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0007059, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_LT75_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_75TO150_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_150TO300_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_GT300_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
!- 90.1-2010 Path A curves...
WC_PD_LT150_2010_PA_CAPFT, !- Name
0.9061150, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0292277, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0003647, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0009709, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0000905, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0002527, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_LT150_2010_PA_EIRFT, !- Name
0.3617105, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-0.0229833, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0009519, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0131889, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0003752, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0007059, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_GT150_2010_PA_CAPFT, !- Name
0.9061150, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0292277, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0003647, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0009709, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0000905, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0002527, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_GT150_2010_PA_EIRFT, !- Name
0.3773115, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-0.0229032, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0016504, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0118156, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0004345, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0010132, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_LT75_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_75TO150_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_150TO300_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_GT300_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
!- 90.1-2010 Path B curves..
WC_PD_2010_PB_CAPFT, !- Name
0.9061171, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0292267, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0003665, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0009698, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0000907, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0002535, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_2010_PB_EIRFT, !- Name
0.3617782, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-0.0230016, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0009672, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0131801, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0003761, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0007121, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_LT75_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_75TO150_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_150TO300_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_PD_GT300_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
!- Water cooled chillers: Centrifugal Chillers...
!- 90.1-2004 Baseline curves...
WC_Cent_LT150_2004_CAPFT, !- Name
0.7446451, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0114858, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0000148, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0224010, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0006880, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0009839, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_LT150_2004_EIRFT, !- Name
0.7728770, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0221010, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0000799, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0070045, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0004763, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0010612, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_GT150_2004_CAPFT, !- Name
0.7600172, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0147432, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0002144, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0207218, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0006425, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0008007, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_GT150_2004_EIRFT, !- Name
0.6772577, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0117857, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0001967, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0014414, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0003005, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0006807, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_LT150_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_150TO300_2004_EIRFPLR,!- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_GT300_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
!- 90.1-2010 Path A curves...
WC_Cent_2010_PA_CAPFT, !- Name
0.7600172, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0147432, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0002144, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0207218, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0006425, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0008007, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_2010_PA_EIRFT, !- Name
0.6772577, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0117857, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0001967, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0014414, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0003005, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0006807, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_LT150_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_150TO300_2010_PA_EIRFPLR,!- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_300TO600_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_GT600_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
!- 90.1-2010 Path B curves...
WC_Cent_2010_PB_CAPFT, !- Name
0.5362340, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.005581, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0013654, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0488966, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0012018, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0010523, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_2010_PB_EIRFT, !- Name
1.0821822, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0042977, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0013182, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0260781, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0008256, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0006013, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
17.78, !- Minimum Value of y
46.11; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_LT150_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_150TO300_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_300TO600_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
WC_Cent_GT600_2010_PB_EIRFPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
!- Air cooled chillers...
!- 90.1-2004 Baseline curves...
AC_2004_CAPFT, !- Name
1.0433811, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0407077, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0004506, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0041514, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0000886, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0003467, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
12.7, !- Minimum Value of y
51.67; !- Maximum Value of y
AC_2004_EIRFT, !- Name
0.5961915, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-0.0099496, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0007888, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0004506, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0004875, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0007623, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
12.7, !- Minimum Value of y
51.67; !- Maximum Value of y
AC_LT150_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
0.1410, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.6550, !- Coefficient2 x
0.2030, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
1.0000; !- Maximum Value of x
AC_GT150_2004_EIRFPLR, !- Name
0.1410, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.6550, !- Coefficient2 x
0.2030, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
1.0000; !- Maximum Value of x
!- 90.1-2010 Path A curves...
AC_2010_PA_CAPFT, !- Name
1.0433825, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0407073, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0004506, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0041514, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0000886, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0003467, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
12.7, !- Minimum Value of y
51.67; !- Maximum Value of y
AC_2010_PA_EIRFT, !- Name
0.5961907, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-0.0099493, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0007888, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0004506, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0004875, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0007623, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
12.7, !- Minimum Value of y
51.67; !- Maximum Value of y
AC_LT150_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
0.1410, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.6550, !- Coefficient2 x
0.2030, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
1.0000; !- Maximum Value of x
AC_GT150_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Name
0.1410, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.6550, !- Coefficient2 x
0.2030, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
1.0000; !- Maximum Value of x
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CURVE:BIQUADRATIC ===========
!***** Following curve is from Dick Lord's Chiller Model study for ASHRAE 2007 baseline *****
ChillerCentCapFT, !- Name
0.7446451, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0114858, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0000148, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0224010, !- Coefficient4 y
-0.0006880, !- Coefficient5 y**2
0.0009839, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
24.0000, !- Minimum Value of y
35.0000; !- Maximum Value of y
!***** Following curve is from Dick Lord's Chiller Model study for ASHRAE 2007 baseline *****
ChillerCentEIRFT, !- Name
0.7728770, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0221010, !- Coefficient2 x
-0.0000799, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-0.0070045, !- Coefficient4 y
0.0004763, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-0.0010612, !- Coefficient6 x*y
5.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
10.0000, !- Maximum Value of x
24.0000, !- Minimum Value of y
35.0000; !- Maximum Value of y
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CURVE:BICUBIC ===========
!***** Following curve is from Dick Lord's Chiller Model study for ASHRAE 2007 baseline *****
ChillerCentEIRPLR, !- Name
-1.360532E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
8.642703E-03, !- Coefficient2 x
3.855583E-06, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1.024034E+00, !- Coefficient4 y
6.047444E-02, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-8.947860E-03, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
5.706602E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
31.13, !- Minimum Value of x
36.52, !- Maximum Value of x
0.19, !- Minimum Value of y
1.03; !- Maximum Value of y
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CURVE:CUBIC ===========
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZERSingleShelfHorizontal_LatentEnergyMult, !- Name
0.0236, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0006, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0000, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000, !- Coefficient4 x**3
-35.0, !- Minimum Value of x
20.0; !- Maximum Value of x
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASEMultiShelfVertical_LatentEnergyMult, !- Name
0.026526281, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.001078032, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0000602558, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.00000123732, !- Coefficient4 x**3
-35.0, !- Minimum Value of x
20.0; !- Maximum Value of x
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CURVE:QUADRATIC ===========
RACK1_RackCOPfTCurve, !- Name
1.7603, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-0.0377, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0004, !- Coefficient3 x**2
10.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
35.0000; !- Maximum Value of x
RACK1_RackCondFanCurve2, !- Name
0.0000, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0286, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0000, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
35.0000; !- Maximum Value of x
RACK2_RackCOPfTCurve, !- Name
1.0000, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0000, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0000, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.0000, !- Minimum Value of x
50.0000; !- Maximum Value of x
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: NODELIST ===========
Basement Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Basement VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
OR1_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
OR3_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
OR4_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ICU_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Lab_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Radiology_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Lab_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Dining_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes,!- Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Node;!- Node 1 Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Exhaust Nodes, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Exhaust Fan Node; !- Node 1 Name
Office1_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Office3_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
VAV_1_OANode List, !- Name
VAV_1_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
VAV_ER_OANode List, !- Name
VAV_ER_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
VAV_OR_OANode List, !- Name
VAV_OR_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
VAV_ICU_OANode List, !- Name
VAV_ICU_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS_OANode List, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
VAV_2_OANode List, !- Name
VAV_2_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
VAV_LABS_OANode List, !- Name
VAV_LABS_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OANode List, !- Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OAInlet Node;!- Node 1 Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BRANCHLIST ===========
VAV_1 Air Loop Branches, !- Name
VAV_1 Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
VAV_ER Air Loop Branches,!- Name
VAV_ER Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
VAV_OR Air Loop Branches,!- Name
VAV_OR Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
VAV_ICU Air Loop Branches, !- Name
VAV_ICU Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS Air Loop Branches, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
VAV_2 Air Loop Branches, !- Name
VAV_2 Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
VAV_LABS Air Loop Branches, !- Name
VAV_LABS Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN Air Loop Branches, !- Name
CAV_KITCHEN Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Branches, !- Name
SHWSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 3 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Branches, !- Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Branch 4 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Branch 5 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Branch 6 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Branch 7 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Branch 8 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Branch 9 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Branch 10 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Branch 11 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Branch 12 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Branch 13 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Branch 14 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Branch 15 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Branch 16 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Branch 17 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Branch 18 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Branch 19 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Branch 20 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Branch 21 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Branch 22 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Branch 23 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Branch 24 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Branch 25 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Branch 26 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Branch 27 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Branch 28 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Branch 29 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Branch 30 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Branch 31 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Branch 32 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 33 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Branches,!- Name
HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 3 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Branches,!- Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Branch 4 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Branch 5 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Branch 6 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Branch 7 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Branch 8 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Branch 9 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Branch 10 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Branch 11 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Branch 12 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Branch 13 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Branch 14 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Branch 15 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Branch 16 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Branch 17 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Branch 18 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Branch 19 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Branch 20 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Branch 21 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Branch 22 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Branch 23 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Branch 24 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Branch 25 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Branch 26 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Branch 27 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Branch 28 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Branch 29 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Branch 30 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Branch 31 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 31, !- Branch 32 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 32, !- Branch 33 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 33, !- Branch 34 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 34, !- Branch 35 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 35, !- Branch 36 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 36, !- Branch 37 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 37, !- Branch 38 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 38, !- Branch 39 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 39, !- Branch 40 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 40, !- Branch 41 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 41, !- Branch 42 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 42, !- Branch 43 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 43, !- Branch 44 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 44, !- Branch 45 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 45, !- Branch 46 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 46, !- Branch 47 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 47, !- Branch 48 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 48, !- Branch 49 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 49, !- Branch 50 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 50, !- Branch 51 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 51, !- Branch 52 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 52, !- Branch 53 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 53, !- Branch 54 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 54, !- Branch 55 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 55, !- Branch 56 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 56, !- Branch 57 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 57, !- Branch 58 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 58, !- Branch 59 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 59, !- Branch 60 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 60, !- Branch 61 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 61, !- Branch 62 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 62, !- Branch 63 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 63, !- Branch 64 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 64, !- Branch 65 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 65, !- Branch 66 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 66, !- Branch 67 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 67, !- Branch 68 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Branch 69 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 70 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Branches,!- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 4 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 5 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Branches,!- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Branch 4 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Branch 5 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Branch 6 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Branch 7 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Branch 8 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Branch 9 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 10 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Branches, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 4 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 5 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Branches, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 3, !- Branch Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch, !- Branch 4 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 5 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Branches, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Supply Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Side Bypass, !- Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Branches, !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Demand Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Side Bypass, !- Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONNECTORLIST ===========
Heat Recovery Supply Side Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Supply Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
Heat Recovery Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
Heat Recovery Demand Side Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
Heat Recovery Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Supply Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
SHWSys1 Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Demand Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
SHWSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
HeatSys1 Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
HeatSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Supply Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Demand Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BRANCH ===========
VAV_1 Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_1_OA, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_1_CoolC, !- Component 2 Name
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 3 Object Type
VAV_1_HeatC, !- Component 3 Name
VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 4 Object Type
VAV_1_Fan, !- Component 4 Name
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ER_OA, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_OA-VAV_ER HumidifierNode, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Humidifier:Steam:Electric, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_ER Humidifier, !- Component 2 Name
VAV_ER_OA-VAV_ER HumidifierNode, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Humidifier-VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Electric, !- Component 3 Object Type
VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Component 3 Name
VAV_ER Humidifier-VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 4 Object Type
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 4 Name
VAV_ER ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ER_CoolCNode, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 5 Object Type
VAV_ER_CoolC, !- Component 5 Name
VAV_ER ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ER_CoolCNode, !- Component 5 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_CoolC-VAV_ER_HeatCNode, !- Component 5 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 6 Object Type
VAV_ER_HeatC, !- Component 6 Name
VAV_ER_CoolC-VAV_ER_HeatCNode, !- Component 6 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Component 6 Outlet Node Name
Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 7 Object Type
VAV_ER_Fan, !- Component 7 Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Component 7 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 7 Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_OR_OA, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_OA-VAV_OR HumidifierNode, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Humidifier:Steam:Electric, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_OR Humidifier, !- Component 2 Name
VAV_OR_OA-VAV_OR HumidifierNode, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Humidifier-VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Electric, !- Component 3 Object Type
VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Component 3 Name
VAV_OR Humidifier-VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 4 Object Type
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 4 Name
VAV_OR ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_OR_CoolCNode, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 5 Object Type
VAV_OR_CoolC, !- Component 5 Name
VAV_OR ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_OR_CoolCNode, !- Component 5 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_CoolC-VAV_OR_HeatCNode, !- Component 5 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 6 Object Type
VAV_OR_HeatC, !- Component 6 Name
VAV_OR_CoolC-VAV_OR_HeatCNode, !- Component 6 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Component 6 Outlet Node Name
Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 7 Object Type
VAV_OR_Fan, !- Component 7 Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Component 7 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 7 Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU_OA, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Humidifier:Steam:Electric, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_ICU Humidifier, !- Component 2 Name
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Humidifier-VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Electric, !- Component 3 Object Type
VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Component 3 Name
VAV_ICU Humidifier-VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 4 Object Type
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 4 Name
VAV_ICU ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ICU_CoolCNode, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 5 Object Type
VAV_ICU_CoolC, !- Component 5 Name
VAV_ICU ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ICU_CoolCNode, !- Component 5 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_CoolC-VAV_ICU_HeatCNode, !- Component 5 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 6 Object Type
VAV_ICU_HeatC, !- Component 6 Name
VAV_ICU_CoolC-VAV_ICU_HeatCNode, !- Component 6 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Component 6 Outlet Node Name
Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 7 Object Type
VAV_ICU_Fan, !- Component 7 Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Component 7 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 7 Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_OA, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Humidifier:Steam:Electric, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier, !- Component 2 Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Electric, !- Component 3 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Component 3 Name
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 4 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 4 Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_CoolCNode, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 5 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC, !- Component 5 Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_CoolCNode, !- Component 5 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC-VAV_PATRMS_HeatCNode, !- Component 5 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 6 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC, !- Component 6 Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC-VAV_PATRMS_HeatCNode, !- Component 6 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Component 6 Outlet Node Name
Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 7 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_Fan, !- Component 7 Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Component 7 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 7 Outlet Node Name
VAV_2 Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_2_OA, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_2_CoolC, !- Component 2 Name
VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 3 Object Type
VAV_2_HeatC, !- Component 3 Name
VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 4 Object Type
VAV_2_Fan, !- Component 4 Name
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS_OA, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_OA-VAV_LABS HumidifierNode, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Humidifier:Steam:Electric, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_LABS Humidifier, !- Component 2 Name
VAV_LABS_OA-VAV_LABS HumidifierNode, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Humidifier-VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Electric, !- Component 3 Object Type
VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Component 3 Name
VAV_LABS Humidifier-VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 4 Object Type
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC,!- Component 4 Name
VAV_LABS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_LABS_CoolCNode, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 5 Object Type
VAV_LABS_CoolC, !- Component 5 Name
VAV_LABS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_LABS_CoolCNode, !- Component 5 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_CoolC-VAV_LABS_HeatCNode, !- Component 5 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 6 Object Type
VAV_LABS_HeatC, !- Component 6 Name
VAV_LABS_CoolC-VAV_LABS_HeatCNode, !- Component 6 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Component 6 Outlet Node Name
Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 7 Object Type
VAV_LABS_Fan, !- Component 7 Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Component 7 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 7 Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_OA, !- Component 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA-CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCNode, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 2 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC, !- Component 2 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA-CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCNode, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC-CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 3 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC, !- Component 3 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC-CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
Fan:ConstantVolume, !- Component 4 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_Fan, !- Component 4 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pump:ConstantSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Pump, !- Component 1 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Pump-SHWSys1 Water HeaterNodeviaConnector; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterHeater:Mixed, !- Component 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Water Heater, !- Component 1 Name
SHWSys1 Pump-SHWSys1 Water HeaterNode, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Mixer-SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-SHWSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat,!- Component 1 Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat,!- Component 1 Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat, !- Component 1 Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Mixer-SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pump:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Pump, !- Component 1 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
WaterHeater:Mixed, !- Component 2 Object Type
Dummy Water Heater, !- Component 2 Name
HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
Dummy Water Heater Use Side Outlet Node; !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Boiler:HotWater, !- Component 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Boiler, !- Component 1 Name
HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNode, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Mixer-HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-HeatSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Basement VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 31, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 32, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 33, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 34, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 35, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 36, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 37, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 38, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 39, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 40, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 41, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 42, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 43, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 44, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 45, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 46, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 47, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 48, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 49, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 50, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 51, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 52, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 53, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 54, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 55, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_1_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 56, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ER_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ER_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 57, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_OR_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_OR_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 58, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ICU_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 59, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 60, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_2_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_2_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 61, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_LABS_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 62, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 63, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 64, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 65, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 66, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 67, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC,!- Component 1 Name
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Mixer-HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNodeviaConnector; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pump:ConstantSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Pump, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Pump Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller1Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 2 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller1, !- Component 2 Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller1Node, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 1; !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pump:ConstantSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Pump, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Pump Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller2Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 2 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller2, !- Component 2 Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller2Node, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 2; !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Mixer-CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pump:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Pump Secondary, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump Secondary-CoolSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_1_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_1_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ER_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ER_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_OR_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_OR_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ICU_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_2_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_2_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
VAV_LABS_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCDemand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Mixer-CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
HeaderedPumps:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Pump, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTowerNodeviaConnector; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
CoolingTower:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys CoolTower 1, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTower1Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Outlet Node 1; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
CoolingTower:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys CoolTower 2, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTower2Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Outlet Node 2; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer-TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe-TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller1, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller2, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Water Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer-TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Supply Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid, !- Component 1 Object Type
Bypass Heat Exchanger , !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Exchanger Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Exchanger Supply Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Demand Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid, !- Component 1 Object Type
Bypass Heat Exchanger , !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Exchanger Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Exchanger Demand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Side Bypass, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Bypass, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Bypass Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Side Bypass, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Bypass, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Pipe Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Pipe , !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Pipe Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe , !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid, !- Component 2 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger, !- Component 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe Outlet Node, !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger Outlet; !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Pipe , !- Component 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Pipe Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Side Branches, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Equipment Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 3 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Side Branches, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Load Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 3 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pump:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Pump, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Pump Inlet, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Pump Outlet; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Equipment Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Chiller:Electric:EIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Inlet, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Outlet; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Pipe Inlet, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Pipe Outlet; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Pipe Inlet, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Pipe Outlet; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Pipe Inlet, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Pipe Outlet; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Load Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger Demand Side Inlet, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger Demand Side Outlet; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Side Branches, !- Name
Heat Recovery Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
Dummy Water Heater Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 3 Name
Heat Recovery Demand Side Branches, !- Name
Heat Recovery Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Branch, !- Branch 3 Name
Heat Recovery Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 3, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Chiller:Electric:EIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Condenser Inlet, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Condenser Outlet; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pump:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Circ Pump, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Pump Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Dummy Water Heater Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
WaterHeater:Mixed, !- Component 1 Object Type
Dummy Water Heater, !- Component 1 Name
Dummy Water Heater Source Side Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Dummy Water Heater Source Side Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Supply Exit Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Inlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Inlet Pipe,!- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Demand Entrance Pipe Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Chiller:Electric:EIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Inlet Node,!- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Bypass, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Outlet Branch, !- Name
, !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
Heat Recovery Demand Exit Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Demand Outlet Node; !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Splitter, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Equipment Branch; !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Splitter, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Load Branch; !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Mixer, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Equipment Branch; !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Mixer, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Load Branch; !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Connectors, !- Name
Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PIPE ===========
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
SHWSys1 Supply Mixer-SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-SHWSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
SHWSys1 Demand Mixer-SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
HeatSys1 Supply Mixer-HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-HeatSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
HeatSys1 Demand Mixer-HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Pipe, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNodeviaConnector; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Mixer-CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Mixer-CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer-TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe-TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer; !- Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer-TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Bypass, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Bypass, !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Pipe, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Pipe , !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Pipe , !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe , !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet, !- Name
Heat Recovery Supply Exit Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Inlet Pipe,!- Name
Heat Recovery Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Demand Entrance Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Bypass, !- Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Outlet Pipe, !- Name
Heat Recovery Demand Exit Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Pipe Inlet, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Pipe Outlet; !- Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Pipe Inlet, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Pipe Outlet; !- Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Pipe Inlet, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Pipe Outlet; !- Outlet Node Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PLANT LOOP ===========
SHWSys1, !- Name
WATER, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
SHWSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
60.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
10.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
SHWSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Branches, !- Plant Side Branch List Name
SHWSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Demand Branches, !- Demand Side Branch List Name
SHWSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
Optimal; !- Load Distribution Scheme
HeatSys1, !- Name
WATER, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
HeatSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
100.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
10.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Branches,!- Plant Side Branch List Name
HeatSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Demand Branches,!- Demand Side Branch List Name
HeatSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
Optimal; !- Load Distribution Scheme
CoolSys1_Supply, !- Name
WATER, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
CoolSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
98.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
1.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Branches, !- Plant Side Branch List Name
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Pipe Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Branches, !- Demand Side Branch List Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
UniformLoad; !- Load Distribution Scheme
CoolSys1_Demand, !- Name
Water, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
CoolSys1 Sec Loop Operation, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
98, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
1, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
autosize, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Pipe Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Branches, !- Plant Side Branch List Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Branches, !- Demand Side Branch List Name
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
UniformLoad; !- Load Distribution Scheme
Heat Recovery Water Loop,!- Name
Water, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
Heat Recovery Loop Operation, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
50, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
10, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
autosize, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
Heat Recovery Supply Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Supply Side Branches, !- Plant Side Branch List Name
Heat Recovery Supply Side Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
Heat Recovery Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Demand Side Branches, !- Demand Side Branch List Name
Heat Recovery Demand Side Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
Optimal; !- Load Distribution Scheme
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop, !- Name
Water, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Operation, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Outlet, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
50, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
1, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
autosize, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
autocalculate, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Pump Inlet, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Outlet Pipe Outlet, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Side Branches, !- Plant Side Branch List Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Supply Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Inlet Pipe Inlet, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Outlet Pipe Outlet, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Side Branches, !- Demand Side Branch List Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Demand Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
Optimal; !- Load Distribution Scheme
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONDENSER LOOP ===========
!- Minimum and maximum Loop Temperatures are relaxed and not used to set the control or sizing limits.
TowerWaterSys, !- Name
Water, !- Fluid Type
, !- User Defined Fluid Type
TowerWaterSys Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Condenser Equipment Operation Scheme Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node, !- Condenser Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
80.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
5.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Condenser Loop Volume {m3}
TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Node, !- Condenser Side Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node, !- Condenser Side Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Branches, !- Condenser Side Branch List Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Connectors, !- Condenser Side Connector List Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Branches, !- Condenser Demand Side Branch List Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Connectors, !- Condenser Demand Side Connector List Name
SequentialLoad; !- Load Distribution Scheme
SHWSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Operation Scheme,!- Control Scheme 1 Name
PlantOnSched; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
HeatSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
PlantOnSched; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
CoolSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
PlantOnSched; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
CoolSys1 Sec Loop Operation, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Sec Operation Scheme, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
PlantOnSched; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Loop Operation, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
Dummy Water Heater Only, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
PlantOnSched; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Operation, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
PlantOnSched; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
TowerWaterSys Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys Operation Scheme, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
PlantOnSched; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Chiller, !- Name
0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
100000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
Heat Recovery Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
CoolSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Name
0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
944335.99, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
CoolSys1 Equipment List 1, !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
944335.99, !- Load Range 2 Lower Limit {W}
100000000000000, !- Load Range 2 Upper Limit {W}
CoolSys1 Equipment List 2; !- Range 2 Equipment List Name
CoolSys1 Sec Operation Scheme, !- Name
0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
944335.99, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
CoolSys1 HeatExchanger; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
TowerWaterSys Operation Scheme, !- Name
0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
944335.99, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
TowerWaterSys Equipment List 1, !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
944335.99, !- Load Range 2 Lower Limit {W}
100000000000000, !- Load Range 2 Upper Limit {W}
TowerWaterSys Equipment List 2; !- Range 2 Equipment List Name
SHWSys1 Operation Scheme,!- Name
0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
1000000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
SHWSys1 Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
HeatSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Name
0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
1000000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
HeatSys1 Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
Dummy Water Heater Only, !- Name
0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
1000000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
Heat Recovery Plant Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
SHWSys1 Equipment List, !- Name
WaterHeater:Mixed, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
SHWSys1 Water Heater; !- Equipment 1 Name
HeatSys1 Equipment List, !- Name
Boiler:HotWater, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
HeatSys1 Boiler; !- Equipment 1 Name
CoolSys1 Equipment List 1, !- Name
Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller1; !- Equipment 1 Name
CoolSys1 Equipment List 2, !- Name
Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller1, !- Equipment 1 Name
Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Equipment 2 Object Type
CoolSys1 Chiller2; !- Equipment 2 Name
CoolSys1 HeatExchanger, !- Name
HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
Bypass Heat Exchanger ; !- Equipment 1 Name
Heat Recovery Plant Equipment List, !- Name
WaterHeater:Mixed, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
Dummy Water Heater; !- Equipment 1 Name
Heat Recovery Equipment List, !- Name
Chiller:Electric:EIR, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
Heat Recovery Chiller; !- Equipment 1 Name
Bypass Heat Exchanger , !- Name
HeatExchanger:FluidToFluid, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
Bypass Heat Exchanger ; !- Equipment 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Equipment List 1, !- Name
CoolingTower:VariableSpeed, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys CoolTower 1; !- Equipment 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Equipment List 2, !- Name
CoolingTower:VariableSpeed, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
TowerWaterSys CoolTower 1, !- Equipment 1 Name
CoolingTower:VariableSpeed, !- Equipment 2 Object Type
TowerWaterSys CoolTower 2; !- Equipment 2 Name
Heat Recovery Supply Splitter, !- Name
Heat Recovery Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
Dummy Water Heater Branch; !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Splitter, !- Name
Heat Recovery Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Splitter, !- Name
SHWSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Splitter, !- Name
SHWSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Outlet Branch 4 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Outlet Branch 5 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Outlet Branch 6 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Outlet Branch 7 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Outlet Branch 8 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Outlet Branch 9 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Outlet Branch 10 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Outlet Branch 11 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Outlet Branch 12 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Outlet Branch 13 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Outlet Branch 14 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Outlet Branch 15 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Outlet Branch 16 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Outlet Branch 17 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Outlet Branch 18 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Outlet Branch 19 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Outlet Branch 20 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Outlet Branch 21 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Outlet Branch 22 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Outlet Branch 23 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Outlet Branch 24 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Outlet Branch 25 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Outlet Branch 26 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Outlet Branch 27 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Outlet Branch 28 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Outlet Branch 29 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Outlet Branch 30 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 31 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Name
HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Name
HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Outlet Branch 4 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Outlet Branch 5 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Outlet Branch 6 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Outlet Branch 7 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Outlet Branch 8 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Outlet Branch 9 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Outlet Branch 10 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Outlet Branch 11 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Outlet Branch 12 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Outlet Branch 13 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Outlet Branch 14 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Outlet Branch 15 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Outlet Branch 16 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Outlet Branch 17 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Outlet Branch 18 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Outlet Branch 19 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Outlet Branch 20 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Outlet Branch 21 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Outlet Branch 22 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Outlet Branch 23 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Outlet Branch 24 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Outlet Branch 25 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Outlet Branch 26 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Outlet Branch 27 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Outlet Branch 28 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Outlet Branch 29 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Outlet Branch 30 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 31, !- Outlet Branch 31 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 32, !- Outlet Branch 32 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 33, !- Outlet Branch 33 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 34, !- Outlet Branch 34 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 35, !- Outlet Branch 35 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 36, !- Outlet Branch 36 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 37, !- Outlet Branch 37 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 38, !- Outlet Branch 38 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 39, !- Outlet Branch 39 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 40, !- Outlet Branch 40 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 41, !- Outlet Branch 41 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 42, !- Outlet Branch 42 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 43, !- Outlet Branch 43 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 44, !- Outlet Branch 44 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 45, !- Outlet Branch 45 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 46, !- Outlet Branch 46 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 47, !- Outlet Branch 47 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 48, !- Outlet Branch 48 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 49, !- Outlet Branch 49 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 50, !- Outlet Branch 50 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 51, !- Outlet Branch 51 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 52, !- Outlet Branch 52 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 53, !- Outlet Branch 53 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 54, !- Outlet Branch 54 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 55, !- Outlet Branch 55 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 56, !- Outlet Branch 56 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 57, !- Outlet Branch 57 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 58, !- Outlet Branch 58 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 59, !- Outlet Branch 59 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 60, !- Outlet Branch 60 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 61, !- Outlet Branch 61 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 62, !- Outlet Branch 62 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 63, !- Outlet Branch 63 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 64, !- Outlet Branch 64 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 65, !- Outlet Branch 65 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 66, !- Outlet Branch 66 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 67, !- Outlet Branch 67 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 68 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Splitter,!- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Splitter,!- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Outlet Branch 4 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Outlet Branch 5 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Outlet Branch 6 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Outlet Branch 7 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 8; !- Outlet Branch 8 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Splitter, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Splitter, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 3, !- Outlet Branch Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Splitter, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Supply Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Side Bypass; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Splitter, !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Demand Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Side Bypass; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONNECTOR:MIXER ===========
Heat Recovery Supply Mixer, !- Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
Dummy Water Heater Branch; !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Mixer, !- Name
Heat Recovery Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
Heat Recovery Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Mixer, !- Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Name
SHWSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Inlet Branch 4 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Inlet Branch 5 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Inlet Branch 6 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Inlet Branch 7 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Inlet Branch 8 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Inlet Branch 9 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Inlet Branch 10 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Inlet Branch 11 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Inlet Branch 12 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Inlet Branch 13 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Inlet Branch 14 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Inlet Branch 15 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Inlet Branch 16 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Inlet Branch 17 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Inlet Branch 18 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Inlet Branch 19 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Inlet Branch 20 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Inlet Branch 21 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Inlet Branch 22 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Inlet Branch 23 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Inlet Branch 24 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Inlet Branch 25 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Inlet Branch 26 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Inlet Branch 27 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Inlet Branch 28 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Inlet Branch 29 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Inlet Branch 30 Name
SHWSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 31 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Mixer, !- Name
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Name
HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Inlet Branch 4 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Inlet Branch 5 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Inlet Branch 6 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Inlet Branch 7 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Inlet Branch 8 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Inlet Branch 9 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Inlet Branch 10 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Inlet Branch 11 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Inlet Branch 12 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Inlet Branch 13 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Inlet Branch 14 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Inlet Branch 15 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Inlet Branch 16 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Inlet Branch 17 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Inlet Branch 18 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Inlet Branch 19 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Inlet Branch 20 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 21, !- Inlet Branch 21 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 22, !- Inlet Branch 22 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 23, !- Inlet Branch 23 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 24, !- Inlet Branch 24 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 25, !- Inlet Branch 25 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 26, !- Inlet Branch 26 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 27, !- Inlet Branch 27 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 28, !- Inlet Branch 28 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 29, !- Inlet Branch 29 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 30, !- Inlet Branch 30 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 31, !- Inlet Branch 31 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 32, !- Inlet Branch 32 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 33, !- Inlet Branch 33 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 34, !- Inlet Branch 34 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 35, !- Inlet Branch 35 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 36, !- Inlet Branch 36 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 37, !- Inlet Branch 37 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 38, !- Inlet Branch 38 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 39, !- Inlet Branch 39 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 40, !- Inlet Branch 40 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 41, !- Inlet Branch 41 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 42, !- Inlet Branch 42 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 43, !- Inlet Branch 43 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 44, !- Inlet Branch 44 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 45, !- Inlet Branch 45 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 46, !- Inlet Branch 46 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 47, !- Inlet Branch 47 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 48, !- Inlet Branch 48 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 49, !- Inlet Branch 49 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 50, !- Inlet Branch 50 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 51, !- Inlet Branch 51 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 52, !- Inlet Branch 52 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 53, !- Inlet Branch 53 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 54, !- Inlet Branch 54 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 55, !- Inlet Branch 55 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 56, !- Inlet Branch 56 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 57, !- Inlet Branch 57 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 58, !- Inlet Branch 58 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 59, !- Inlet Branch 59 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 60, !- Inlet Branch 60 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 61, !- Inlet Branch 61 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 62, !- Inlet Branch 62 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 63, !- Inlet Branch 63 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 64, !- Inlet Branch 64 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 65, !- Inlet Branch 65 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 66, !- Inlet Branch 66 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 67, !- Inlet Branch 67 Name
HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 68 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Supply Side Mixer, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Demand Side Mixer, !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Inlet Branch 4 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Inlet Branch 5 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Inlet Branch 6 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Inlet Branch 7 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 8; !- Inlet Branch 8 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 3, !- Inlet Branch Name
TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Mixer, !- Name
CoolSys1 Supply Demand Side Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Supply Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Supply Side Bypass; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Mixer, !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
CoolSys1 Heat Exchanger Demand Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
CoolSys1 Demand Side Bypass; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: AIRLOOPHVAC ===========
VAV_1, !- Name
VAV_1_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_1 Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_1 Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
VAV_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
VAV_ER, !- Name
VAV_ER_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_ER Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_ER Air Loop Branches,!- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
VAV_OR, !- Name
VAV_OR_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_OR Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_OR Air Loop Branches,!- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
VAV_ICU, !- Name
VAV_ICU_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_ICU Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_ICU Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
VAV_PATRMS_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_PATRMS Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_PATRMS Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
VAV_2, !- Name
VAV_2_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_2 Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_2 Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
VAV_2 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
VAV_2 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
VAV_LABS, !- Name
VAV_LABS_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_LABS Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_LABS Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
CAV_KITCHEN_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
CAV_KITCHEN Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
CAV_KITCHEN Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
, !- Connector List Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
VAV_1_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_1_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
VAV_1_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 2 Name
VAV_1_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_1_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
VAV_ER_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
VAV_ER_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 2 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 3 Object Type
VAV_ER_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 3 Name
VAV_ER_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_ER_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
VAV_OR_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
VAV_OR_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 2 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 3 Object Type
VAV_OR_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 3 Name
VAV_OR_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_OR_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
VAV_ICU_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
VAV_ICU_CoolC_Controller,!- Controller 2 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 3 Object Type
VAV_ICU_HeatC_Controller;!- Controller 3 Name
VAV_ICU_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 2 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 3 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 3 Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_OA_Controller;!- Controller 1 Name
VAV_2_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_2_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
VAV_2_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 2 Name
VAV_2_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_2_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
VAV_LABS_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
VAV_LABS_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 2 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 3 Object Type
VAV_LABS_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 3 Name
VAV_LABS_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 2 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA_Controllers, !- Name
Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
VAV_1_OA_Equipment, !- Name
HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_1 OA Heat Recovery, !- Component 1 Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_1_OAMixing Box; !- Component 2 Name
VAV_ER_OA_Equipment, !- Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ER_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_OR_OA_Equipment, !- Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_OR_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ICU_OA_Equipment, !- Name
HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent, !- Component 1 Object Type
ICU OA Heat Recovery, !- Component 1 Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_ICU_OAMixing Box; !- Component 2 Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA_Equipment, !- Name
HeatExchanger:AirToAir:SensibleAndLatent, !- Component 1 Object Type
PATRMS OA Heat Recovery, !- Component 1 Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 2 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS_OAMixing Box; !- Component 2 Name
VAV_2_OA_Equipment, !- Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_2_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_LABS_OA_Equipment, !- Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA_Equipment,!- Name
OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN_OAMixing Box;!- Component 1 Name
VAV_1_OA, !- Name
VAV_1_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_1_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
VAV_1 Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
VAV_ER_OA, !- Name
VAV_ER_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_ER_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
VAV_ER Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
VAV_OR_OA, !- Name
VAV_OR_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_OR_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
VAV_OR Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
VAV_ICU_OA, !- Name
VAV_ICU_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_ICU_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
VAV_ICU Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
VAV_PATRMS Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
VAV_2_OA, !- Name
VAV_2_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_2_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
VAV_2 Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
VAV_LABS_OA, !- Name
VAV_LABS_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
VAV_LABS_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
VAV_LABS Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA_Equipment,!- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
CAV_KITCHEN Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTSIDE AIR NODE ===========
RACK1_condenserInlet; !- Name
RACK2_condenserInlet; !- Name
TowerWaterSys CoolTower OA ref Node; !- Name
Dummy Water Heater OA Node; !- Name
VAV_1_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
VAV_ER_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
VAV_OR_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
VAV_ICU_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
VAV_PATRMS_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
VAV_2_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
VAV_LABS_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
CAV_KITCHEN_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTDOORAIR:MIXER ===========
VAV_1_OAMixing Box, !- Name
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_1 Heat Recovery Outlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_1_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ER_OAMixing Box, !- Name
VAV_ER_OA-VAV_ER HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_ER_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ER_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_OR_OAMixing Box, !- Name
VAV_OR_OA-VAV_OR HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_OR_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_OR_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ICU_OAMixing Box, !- Name
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
ICU Heat Recovery Outlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ICU_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OAMixing Box, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
PATRMS Heat Recovery Outlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OARelief Node,!- Relief Air Stream Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_2_OAMixing Box, !- Name
VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_2_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_2_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_LABS_OAMixing Box, !- Name
VAV_LABS_OA-VAV_LABS HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_LABS_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_LABS_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OAMixing Box,!- Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA-CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OAInlet Node,!- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_1 Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
VAV_ER Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
VAV_OR Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
VAV_ICU Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
VAV_PATRMS Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
VAV_2 Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
VAV_LABS Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
CAV_KITCHEN Availability Manager, !- Name
Always_On, !- Applicability Schedule Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
FixedRunTime, !- Cycling Run Time Control Type
1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
VAV_1 Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
VAV_1 Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
VAV_ER Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
VAV_ER Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
VAV_OR Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
VAV_OR Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
VAV_ICU Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
VAV_2 Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
VAV_2 Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
VAV_LABS Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN Availability Manager List, !- Name
AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
CoolSys1 Loop Plant Demand Inlet Setpoint Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
SHWSys1 Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
SHWSys1-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
SHWSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
HeatSys1 Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
60.0, !- Setpoint at Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
-6.7, !- Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
48.89, !- Setpoint at Outdoor High Temperature {C}
10, !- Outdoor High Temperature {C}
HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Setpoint Schedule, !- Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Outlet; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Setpoint Schedule,
CoolSys1 Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
8.89, !- Setpoint at Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
12.78, !- Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
6.7, !- Setpoint at Outdoor High Temperature {C}
21.11, !- Outdoor High Temperature {C}
CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
TowerWaterSystem Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Tower-Loop-Temp-Schedule,!- Schedule Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER SAT setpoint, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_SAT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR SAT setpoint, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_SAT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU SAT setpoint, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_SAT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS SAT setpoint, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_SAT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS SAT setpoint, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_SAT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
CAV_KITCHEN SAT setpoint - Htg, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
12.8, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Control Zone Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Node, !- Zone Inlet Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
CAV_KITCHEN SAT setpoint - Coil Htg, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
CAV_KITCHEN SAT setpoint - Clg, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
12.8, !- Minimum Supply Air Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Maximum Supply Air Temperature {C}
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Control Zone Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Node, !- Zone Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
CAV_KITCHEN SAT setpoint - Coil Clg, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC-CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Setpoint, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Heat Recovery Chiller Setpoint, !- Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
Dummy Water Heater Setpoint, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Dummy Water Heater Setpoint, !- Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_1 Supply Air Temperature Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
15.6, !- Setpoint at Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
10, !- Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Setpoint at Outdoor High Temperature {C}
21.1, !- Outdoor High Temperature {C}
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_2 Supply Air Temperature Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
15.6, !- Setpoint at Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
10, !- Outdoor Low Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Setpoint at Outdoor High Temperature {C}
21.1, !- Outdoor High Temperature {C}
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_CoolCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ER_CoolCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_OR_CoolCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ICU_CoolCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_LABS_CoolCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER Humidifier HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_ER, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_ER Humidifier-VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR Humidifier HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_OR, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_OR Humidifier-VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU Humidifier HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_ICU, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_ICU Humidifier-VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS Humidifier HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_LABS, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_LABS Humidifier-VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER_CoolC HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_ER, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_ER_CoolC-VAV_ER_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR_CoolC HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_OR, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_OR_CoolC-VAV_OR_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU_CoolC HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_ICU, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_ICU_CoolC-VAV_ICU_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC-VAV_PATRMS_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS_CoolC HUMRAT setpoint, !- Name
VAV_LABS, !- HVAC Air Loop Name
, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_LABS_CoolC-VAV_LABS_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_1_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_1_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_1_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode;!- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER_CoolC SAT Manager,!- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER_CoolC-VAV_ER_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER_HeatC SAT Manager,!- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ER_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER_OA-VAV_ER HumidifierNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR_CoolC SAT Manager,!- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR_CoolC-VAV_OR_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR_HeatC SAT Manager,!- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_OR_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR_OA-VAV_OR HumidifierNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_CoolC-VAV_ICU_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_ICU_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC-VAV_PATRMS_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_2_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_2_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_2_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode;!- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_CoolC-VAV_LABS_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_LABS_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_OA-VAV_LABS HumidifierNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA-CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
ICU Heat Exhchanger Supply Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
-99, !- Minimum Setpoint Temperature {C}
99, !- Maximum Setpoint Temperature {C}
0.00001, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
1.0, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ICU_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Stream Node Name
ICU Heat Recovery Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
PATRMS Heat Exhchanger Supply Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
-99, !- Minimum Setpoint Temperature {C}
99, !- Maximum Setpoint Temperature {C}
0.00001, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
1.0, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Stream Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Stream Node Name
PATRMS Heat Recovery Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_1 Heat Exhchanger Supply Air Temp Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
-99, !- Minimum Setpoint Temperature {C}
99, !- Maximum Setpoint Temperature {C}
0.00001, !- Minimum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
1.0, !- Maximum Setpoint Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Reference Setpoint Node Name
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Stream Node Name
VAV_1_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Stream Node Name
VAV_1 Heat Recovery Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_PATRMS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_CoolCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_ER ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ER_CoolCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_OR ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_OR_CoolCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_ICU ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ICU_CoolCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_LABS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_LABS_CoolCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_1_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_1_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_1_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_ER_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
TemperatureAndHumidityRatio, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_ER_CoolC-VAV_ER_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_ER_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_ER_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_OR_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
TemperatureAndHumidityRatio, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_OR_CoolC-VAV_OR_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_OR_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_OR_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_ICU_CoolC_Controller,!- Name
TemperatureAndHumidityRatio, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_ICU_CoolC-VAV_ICU_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_ICU_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_ICU_HeatC_Controller,!- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
TemperatureAndHumidityRatio, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC-VAV_PATRMS_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_2_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_2_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_2_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_2_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_LABS_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
TemperatureAndHumidityRatio, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_LABS_CoolC-VAV_LABS_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_LABS_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_LABS_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Reverse, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC-CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
Normal, !- Action
Flow, !- Actuator Variable
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
VAV_1_OA_Controller, !- Name
VAV_1_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_1_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s} !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
DifferentialDryBulb, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C} !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
MinOA_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
BLDG_OA_FRAC_SCH, !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_1 Max OA Fraction, !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_1_DCV, !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
, !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
, !- High Humidity Control
, !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
, !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
, !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
BypassWhenOAFlowGreaterThanMinimum; !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
!- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
VAV_ER_OA_Controller, !- Name
VAV_ER_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
VAV_ER_OA-VAV_ER HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_ER_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
MinOA_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_ER_OAminOAFracSchedule; !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_OR_OA_Controller, !- Name
VAV_OR_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
VAV_OR_OA-VAV_OR HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_OR_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
MinOA_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_OR_OAminOAFracSchedule; !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_ICU_OA_Controller, !- Name
VAV_ICU_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_ICU_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
MinOA_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_ICU_OAminOAFracSchedule, !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
, !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
, !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
, !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
, !- High Humidity Control
, !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
, !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
, !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
BypassWhenOAFlowGreaterThanMinimum; !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
VAV_PATRMS_OA_Controller, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
MinOA_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_PATRMS_OAminOAFracSchedule, !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
, !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
, !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
, !- Time of Day Economizer Control Schedule Name
, !- High Humidity Control
, !- Humidistat Control Zone Name
, !- High Humidity Outdoor Air Flow Ratio
, !- Control High Indoor Humidity Based on Outdoor Humidity Ratio
BypassWhenOAFlowGreaterThanMinimum; !- Heat Recovery Bypass Control Type
VAV_2_OA_Controller, !- Name
VAV_2_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_2_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
0, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s} !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
DifferentialDryBulb, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C} !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
MinOA_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
BLDG_OA_FRAC_SCH, !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_2 Max OA Fraction, !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_2_DCV; !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
VAV_LABS_OA_Controller, !- Name
VAV_LABS_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
VAV_LABS_OA-VAV_LABS HumidifierNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
VAV_LABS_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
MinOA_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
VAV_LABS_OAminOAFracSchedule; !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA_Controller, !- Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA-CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCNode, !- Mixed Air Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
DifferentialDryBulb, !- Economizer Control Type
ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C} !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
LockoutWithHeating, !- Lockout Type, !- Lockout Type
FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH; !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
Basement, !- Zone Name
Basement Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Basement Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Basement Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Basement Return Air Node;!- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
Corridor_Flr_1 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Corridor_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR1_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
OR1_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
OR1_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Air Node,!- Zone Air Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR3_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
OR3_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
OR3_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR4_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
OR4_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
OR4_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
ICU_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ICU_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ICU_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
Corridor_Flr_2 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Corridor_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Lab_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Lab_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Lab_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Radiology_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Radiology_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Radiology_Flr_4 Air Node,!- Zone Air Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Lab_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Lab_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Lab_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Dining_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Dining_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes,!- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
Dining_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Dining_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Exhaust Nodes, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Office1_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Office1_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
Office1_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Office1_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Office3_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Office3_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
Office3_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Office3_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Equipment,!- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Zone Return Air Node or NodeList Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE EQUIPMENT LIST ===========
Basement Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Basement VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box,!- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Corridor_Flr_1 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
OR1_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
OR3_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
OR4_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ICU_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Corridor_Flr_2 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Lab_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Radiology_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Lab_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Dining_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Dining_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Kitchen_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Kitchen_Flr_5 Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:Uncontrolled, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
Kitchen_Flr_5 CAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Office1_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Office1_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Office3_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Office3_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Equipment, !- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Corridor_Flr_5 Equipment,!- Name
SequentialLoad, !- Load Distribution Scheme
Fan:ZoneExhaust, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 2 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 2 Name
2, !- Zone Equipment 2 Cooling Sequence
2; !- Zone Equipment 2 Heating or No-Load Sequence
Basement VAV Box, !- Name
Basement VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Basement VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box,!- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box,!- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box, !- Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box, !- Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
RACK1, !- Name
OUTDOORS, !- Heat Rejection Location
2.3, !- Design Compressor Rack COP {W/W}
RACK1_RackCOPfTCurve, !- Compressor Rack COP Function of Temperature Curve Name
1000.0000, !- Design Condenser Fan Power {W}
RACK1_RackCondFanCurve2, !- Condenser Fan Power Function of Temperature Curve Name
AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Inlet Node Name
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Outlet Node Name
, !- Water-Cooled Loop Flow Type
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Outlet Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Maximum Water Outlet Temperature {C}
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Minimum Water Inlet Temperature {C}
, !- Evaporative Condenser Availability Schedule Name
, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
, !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Design Evaporative Condenser Water Pump Power {W}
, !- Evaporative Water Supply Tank Name
RACK1_condenserInlet, !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
LowTempRefrigeration, !- End-Use Subcategory
RACK1CaseList; !- Refrigeration Case Name or WalkIn Name or CaseAndWalkInList Name
RACK1CaseList, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER; !- Case or WalkIn 1 Name
RACK2, !- Name
OUTDOORS, !- Heat Rejection Location
6.93, !- Design Compressor Rack COP {W/W}
RACK2_RackCOPfTCurve, !- Compressor Rack COP Function of Temperature Curve Name
1000.0000, !- Design Condenser Fan Power {W}
, !- Condenser Fan Power Function of Temperature Curve Name
AirCooled, !- Condenser Type
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Inlet Node Name
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Outlet Node Name
, !- Water-Cooled Loop Flow Type
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Outlet Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Maximum Water Outlet Temperature {C}
, !- Water-Cooled Condenser Minimum Water Inlet Temperature {C}
, !- Evaporative Condenser Availability Schedule Name
, !- Evaporative Condenser Effectiveness {dimensionless}
, !- Evaporative Condenser Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
, !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Design Evaporative Condenser Water Pump Power {W}
, !- Evaporative Water Supply Tank Name
RACK2_condenserInlet, !- Condenser Air Inlet Node Name
MedTempRefrigeration, !- End-Use Subcategory
RACK2CaseList; !- Refrigeration Case Name or WalkIn Name or CaseAndWalkInList Name
RACK2CaseList, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASE; !- Case or WalkIn 1 Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CASE:REFRIGERATED ===========
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
23.8800, !- Rated Ambient Temperature {C}
55.0000, !- Rated Ambient Relative Humidity {percent}
734.0000, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity per Unit Length {W/m}
0.1000, !- Rated Latent Heat Ratio
0.4000, !- Rated Runtime Fraction
10.9800, !- Case Length {m}
-23.0000, !- Case Operating Temperature {C}
CaseTemperatureMethod, !- Latent Case Credit Curve Type
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZERSingleShelfHorizontal_LatentEnergyMult, !- Latent Case Credit Curve Name
19.71428571, !- Standard Case Fan Power per Unit Length {W/m}
19.71428571, !- Operating Case Fan Power per Unit Length {W/m}
33.0000, !- Standard Case Lighting Power per Unit Length {W/m}
, !- Installed Case Lighting Power per Unit Length {W/m}
walkin_occ_lght_sch, !- Case Lighting Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fraction of Lighting Energy to Case
0.0000, !- Case Anti-Sweat Heater Power per Unit Length {W/m}
0.0000, !- Minimum Anti-Sweat Heater Power per Unit Length {W/m}
NONE, !- Anti-Sweat Heater Control Type
0.0, !- Humidity at Zero Anti-Sweat Heater Energy {percent}
0.0, !- Case Height {m}
0.0000, !- Fraction of Anti-Sweat Heater Energy to Case
364.0000, !- Case Defrost Power per Unit Length {W/m}
ELECTRIC, !- Case Defrost Type
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_CaseDefrost2aDaySched, !- Case Defrost Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_CaseDripDown2aDaySched, !- Case Defrost Drip-Down Schedule Name
, !- Defrost Energy Correction Curve Type
, !- Defrost Energy Correction Curve Name
0.0000, !- Under Case HVAC Return Air Fraction
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_WalkInStockingSched, !- Refrigerated Case Restocking Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:1_WALKINFREEZER_CaseCreditReduxSched; !- Case Credit Fraction Schedule Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
23.8800, !- Rated Ambient Temperature {C}
55.0000, !- Rated Ambient Relative Humidity {percent}
886.5000, !- Rated Total Cooling Capacity per Unit Length {W/m}
0.0800, !- Rated Latent Heat Ratio
0.8500, !- Rated Runtime Fraction
8.9300, !- Case Length {m}
2.0000, !- Case Operating Temperature {C}
CaseTemperatureMethod, !- Latent Case Credit Curve Type
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASEMultiShelfVertical_LatentEnergyMult, !- Latent Case Credit Curve Name
19.14285714, !- Standard Case Fan Power per Unit Length {W/m}
19.14285714, !- Operating Case Fan Power per Unit Length {W/m}
40.0000, !- Standard Case Lighting Power per Unit Length {W/m}
, !- Installed Case Lighting Power per Unit Length {W/m}
walkin_occ_lght_sch, !- Case Lighting Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fraction of Lighting Energy to Case
0.0000, !- Case Anti-Sweat Heater Power per Unit Length {W/m}
0.0000, !- Minimum Anti-Sweat Heater Power per Unit Length {W/m}
NONE, !- Anti-Sweat Heater Control Type
0.0, !- Humidity at Zero Anti-Sweat Heater Energy {percent}
0.0, !- Case Height {m}
0.2000, !- Fraction of Anti-Sweat Heater Energy to Case
0.0000, !- Case Defrost Power per Unit Length {W/m}
NONE, !- Case Defrost Type
, !- Case Defrost Schedule Name
, !- Case Defrost Drip-Down Schedule Name
, !- Defrost Energy Correction Curve Type
, !- Defrost Energy Correction Curve Name
0.0500, !- Under Case HVAC Return Air Fraction
Kitchen_Flr_5_Case:2_SELFCONTAINEDDISPLAYCASE_CaseStockingSched; !- Refrigerated Case Restocking Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 CAV Box, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Node,!- Zone Supply Air Node Name
AUTOSIZE; !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Scheduled, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR_MinSA_Sched, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Scheduled, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR_MinSA_Sched, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Scheduled, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR_MinSA_Sched, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Scheduled, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR_MinSA_Sched, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
1.0000, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Basement VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Basement VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Basement VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.44, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Basement VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Basement VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.15, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.52, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.609, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.241, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.19, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.645, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.236, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.263, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.295, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.567, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.567, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.066, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.275, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.5, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.505, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.674, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.221, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.186, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.276, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.159, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.137, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Component, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
0.332, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
, !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
ReverseWithLimits, !- Damper Heating Action
, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
0.5, !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
40; !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
Basement Thermostat, !- Name
Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Basement DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Thermostat, !- Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
OR1_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
OR1_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
OR3_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
OR3_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
OR4_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
OR4_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ICU_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
ICU_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ICU_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Thermostat, !- Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Lab_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Thermostat, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom2_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom4_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Radiology_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Radiology_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom6_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
PatRoom8_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Lab_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Lab_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Thermostat, !- Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Dining_Flr_5 Thermostat, !- Name
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Dining_Flr_5 DualSPSched;!- Control 1 Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Thermostat, !- Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Thermostat,!- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Kitchen_Flr_5 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Office1_Flr_5 Thermostat,!- Name
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Office1_Flr_5 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Thermostat, !- Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Office3_Flr_5 Thermostat,!- Name
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Office3_Flr_5 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Thermostat, !- Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Thermostat, !- Name
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
Corridor_Flr_5 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
Basement DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Corridor_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
OR1_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
OR3_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
OR4_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ICU_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Corridor_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Radiology_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Dining_Flr_5 DualSPSched,!- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Office1_Flr_5 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Office3_Flr_5 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
Corridor_Flr_5 DualSPSched, !- Name
HtgSetP_Sch, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
ClgSetP_Sch; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
VAV_1, !- Name
VAV_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_1 Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ER, !- Name
VAV_ER Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ER Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_OR, !- Name
VAV_OR Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_OR Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ICU, !- Name
VAV_ICU Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_2, !- Name
VAV_2 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_2 Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_LABS, !- Name
VAV_LABS Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_1 Return Air Path, !- Name
VAV_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_1 Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ER Return Air Path, !- Name
VAV_ER Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ER Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_OR Return Air Path, !- Name
VAV_OR Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_OR Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_ICU Return Air Path, !- Name
VAV_ICU Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_ICU Return Air Mixer;!- Component 1 Name
VAV_PATRMS Return Air Path, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_PATRMS Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_2 Return Air Path, !- Name
VAV_2 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_2 Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_LABS Return Air Path,!- Name
VAV_LABS Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
VAV_LABS Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
CAV_KITCHEN Return Air Path, !- Name
CAV_KITCHEN Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
CAV_KITCHEN Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
VAV_1 Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
VAV_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Basement VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 4 Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 5 Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 6 Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 7 Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node; !- Outlet 8 Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
VAV_ER Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 4 Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Inlet Node; !- Outlet 5 Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
VAV_OR Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node; !- Outlet 4 Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
VAV_ICU Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Inlet Node; !- Outlet 4 Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 4 Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 5 Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 6 Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 7 Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 8 Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 9 Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 10 Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 11 Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 12 Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 13 Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 14 Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 15 Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node; !- Outlet 16 Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
VAV_2 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 4 Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 5 Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 6 Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 7 Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 8 Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 9 Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 10 Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 11 Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 12 Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 13 Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 14 Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Inlet Node; !- Outlet 15 Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
VAV_LABS Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Inlet Node, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Inlet Node; !- Outlet 2 Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
CAV_KITCHEN Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Inlet Nodes; !- Outlet 1 Node Name
VAV_1 Return Air Mixer, !- Name
VAV_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
Basement Return Air Node,!- Inlet 1 Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 4 Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 5 Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 6 Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 7 Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 8 Node Name
VAV_ER Return Air Mixer, !- Name
VAV_ER Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 4 Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 5 Node Name
VAV_OR Return Air Mixer, !- Name
VAV_OR Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 4 Node Name
VAV_ICU Return Air Mixer,!- Name
VAV_ICU Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 4 Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Return Air Mixer, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 4 Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 5 Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 6 Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 7 Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 8 Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 9 Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 10 Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 11 Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 12 Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 13 Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 14 Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 15 Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 16 Node Name
VAV_2 Return Air Mixer, !- Name
VAV_2 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 4 Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 5 Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 6 Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 7 Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 8 Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 9 Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 10 Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 11 Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 12 Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 13 Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 14 Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 15 Node Name
VAV_LABS Return Air Mixer, !- Name
VAV_LABS Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 Return Air Node, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 2 Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Return Air Mixer, !- Name
CAV_KITCHEN Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Return Air Node; !- Inlet 1 Node Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BOILER:SIMPLE ===========
HeatSys1 Boiler, !- Name
NATURALGAS, !- Fuel Type
1470129.16, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
0.8125, !- Nominal Thermal Efficiency
LeavingBoiler, !- Efficiency Curve Temperature Evaluation Variable
HeatSys1 Boiler Efficiency Curve, !- Normalized Boiler Efficiency Curve Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.0, !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
1.2, !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
1.0, !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNode, !- Boiler Water Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Boiler Water Outlet Node Name
95.0, !- Water Outlet Upper Temperature Limit {C}
LeavingSetpointModulated;!- Boiler Flow Mode
HeatSys1 Boiler Setpoint Manager, !- Name
Temperature, !- Control Variable
HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
HeatSys1 Boiler Efficiency Curve, !- Name
1.0, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.0, !- Coefficient2 x
0.0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0, !- Minimum Value of x
1; !- Maximum Value of x
Heat Recovery Chiller, !- Name
129842.5275, !- Reference Capacity {W}
4.47, !- Reference COP {W/W}
6.67, !- Reference Leaving Chilled Water Temperature {C}
23.88, !- Reference Entering Condenser Fluid Temperature {C}
0.00569211009519065, !- Reference Chilled Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
autosize, !- Reference Condenser Fluid Flow Rate {m3/s}
Lp2LpChlr_CAP_FT, !- Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
Lp2LpChlr_EIR_FT, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
Lp2LpChlr_PLR, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio Curve Name
0.1, !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
1, !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
1, !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
0.2, !- Minimum Unloading Ratio
Heat Recovery Chiller Inlet, !- Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Outlet, !- Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Condenser Inlet, !- Condenser Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Condenser Outlet, !- Condenser Outlet Node Name
WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
, !- Condenser Fan Power Ratio {W/W}
1, !- Fraction of Compressor Electric Consumption Rejected by Condenser
2, !- Leaving Chilled Water Lower Temperature Limit {C}
NotModulated, !- Chiller Flow Mode
autosize, !- Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Inlet Node, !- Heat Recovery Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Outlet Node, !- Heat Recovery Outlet Node Name
1, !- Sizing Factor
, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
2, !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Basin Heater Operating Schedule Name
, !- Condenser Heat Recovery Relative Capacity Fraction
, !- Heat Recovery Inlet High Temperature Limit Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Chiller HR Outlet Node, !- Heat Recovery Leaving Temperature Setpoint Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
Lp2LpChlr_PLR, !- Name
0.02297712, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.90150452, !- Coefficient2 x
0.07551826, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0, !- Minimum Value of x
1, !- Maximum Value of x
, !- Minimum Curve Output
, !- Maximum Curve Output
Dimensionless, !- Input Unit Type for X
Dimensionless; !- Output Unit Type
Lp2LpChlr_CAP_FT, !- Name
0.91244573, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0.033950641, !- Coefficient2 x
0.000258828, !- Coefficient3 x**2
-.002545924, !- Coefficient4 y
-.0000833545, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-.000263086, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0, !- Minimum Value of x
999, !- Maximum Value of x
0, !- Minimum Value of y
999, !- Maximum Value of y
, !- Minimum Curve Output
, !- Maximum Curve Output
Dimensionless, !- Input Unit Type for X
Dimensionless, !- Input Unit Type for Y
Dimensionless; !- Output Unit Type
Lp2LpChlr_EIR_FT, !- Name
0.685706383, !- Coefficient1 Constant
-.010880034, !- Coefficient2 x
0.000383057, !- Coefficient3 x**2
0.00988623, !- Coefficient4 y
0.000357473, !- Coefficient5 y**2
-.000441863, !- Coefficient6 x*y
0, !- Minimum Value of x
999, !- Maximum Value of x
0, !- Minimum Value of y
999, !- Maximum Value of y
, !- Minimum Curve Output
, !- Maximum Curve Output
Dimensionless, !- Input Unit Type for X
Dimensionless, !- Input Unit Type for Y
Dimensionless; !- Output Unit Type
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR ===========
CoolSys1 Chiller1, !- Name
927446.625, !- Reference Capacity {W}
5.33, !- Reference COP {W/W}
6.6700, !- Reference Leaving Chilled Water Temperature {C}
34.4444, !- Reference Leaving Condenser Water Temperature {C}
0.0270079, !- Reference Chilled Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AutoSize, !- Reference Condenser Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
WC_PD_GT150_2010_PA_CAPFT, !- Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
WC_PD_GT150_2010_PA_EIRFT, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
LeavingCondenserWaterTemperature, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio Curve Type
WC_PD_150to300_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio Curve Name
0.1000, !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
1.0000, !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
1.0000, !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
0.1000, !- Minimum Unloading Ratio
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller1Node, !- Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 1, !- Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Water Inlet Node, !- Condenser Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Water Outlet Node, !- Condenser Outlet Node Name
, !- Fraction of Compressor Electric Consumption Rejected by Condenser
5.0000, !- Leaving Chilled Water Lower Temperature Limit {C}
ConstantFlow, !- Chiller Flow Mode Type
0.0000; !- Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
CoolSys1 Chiller2, !- Name
927446.625, !- Reference Capacity {W}
5.33, !- Reference COP {W/W}
6.6700, !- Reference Leaving Chilled Water Temperature {C}
34.4444, !- Reference Leaving Condenser Water Temperature {C}
0.0270079, !- Reference Chilled Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AutoSize, !- Reference Condenser Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
WC_PD_GT150_2010_PA_CAPFT, !- Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
WC_PD_GT150_2010_PA_EIRFT, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
LeavingCondenserWaterTemperature, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio Curve Type
WC_PD_150to300_2010_PA_EIRFPLR, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio Curve Name
0.1000, !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
1.0000, !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
1.0000, !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
0.1000, !- Minimum Unloading Ratio
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller2Node, !- Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 2, !- Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Water Inlet Node, !- Condenser Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Water Outlet Node, !- Condenser Outlet Node Name
, !- Fraction of Compressor Electric Consumption Rejected by Condenser
5.0000, !- Leaving Chilled Water Lower Temperature Limit {C}
ConstantFlow, !- Chiller Flow Mode Type
0.0000; !- Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: WATER HEATER:MIXED ===========
SHWSys1 Water Heater, !- Name
2.271247, !- Tank Volume {m3}
SHWSys1 Water Heater Setpoint Temperature Schedule, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
2.0, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
82.2222, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
175842.64, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
, !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
, !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
NATURALGAS, !- Heater Fuel Type
0.802764686, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
, !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
17147.66, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
NATURALGAS, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
0.8, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
17147.66, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
NATURALGAS, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
zone, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
BASEMENT, !- Ambient Temperature Zone Name
, !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
15.60100708, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
, !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
15.60100708, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
, !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
, !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
SHWSys1 Pump-SHWSys1 Water HeaterNode, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
1.0, !- Use Side Effectiveness
, !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
, !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
1.0, !- Source Side Effectiveness
AUTOSIZE, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
1.5; !- Indirect Water Heating Recovery Time {hr}
SWH DishWashing Booster, !- Name
0.02271247, !- Tank Volume {m3}
Dishwashing Booster Setpoint Temp Schedule, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
2.00000005298191, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
82.2222244003673, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
3000, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
0, !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
, !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
Electricity, !- Heater Fuel Type
1, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
, !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
Electricity, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
Zone, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
KITCHEN_FLR_5, !- Ambient Temperature Zone Name
, !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
1.053159296, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
, !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
1.053159296, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
, !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
3.659231E-5, !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
Dishwashing Booster Water Inlet Temp Schedule; !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
SWH Laundry, !- Name
1.1356235, !- Tank Volume {m3}
Laundry Setpoint Temp Schedule, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
2.00000005298191, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
82.2222244003673, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
87921.32, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
0, !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
, !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
NaturalGas, !- Heater Fuel Type
0.803988738, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
, !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
NaturalGas, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
0, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
Zone, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
BASEMENT, !- Ambient Temperature Zone Name
, !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
11.25413987, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
, !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
11.25413987, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
, !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
1.766525E-4, !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
LAUNDRY_SWH_SCH, !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
; !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
Dummy Water Heater, !- Name
0.0189271, !- Tank Volume {m3}
Dummy Water Heater Setpoint, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
0, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
50, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
CYCLE, !- Heater Control Type
0, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
, !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
, !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
Electricity, !- Heater Fuel Type
1, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
, !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
, !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
Outdoors, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Ambient Temperature Zone Name
Dummy Water Heater OA Node, !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
0, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
0, !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
0, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
0, !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
, !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
, !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
Dummy Water Heater Use Side Outlet Node, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
1.0, !- Use Side Effectiveness
Dummy Water Heater Source Side Inlet Node, !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
Dummy Water Heater Source Side Outlet Node, !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
1.0, !- Source Side Effectiveness
autosize, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
autosize; !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
!- Design Outdoor Air Wet-Bulb Temperature from the EPW file
!- Design Range Temperature is set to 10 deltaF per 90.1-2010 G3.1.3.13
!- Design Approach Temperature. Per 90.1-2010 G3.1.3.13, condenser water design supply temperature shall be
!- 85F or 10F approaching design wet-bulb temperature, whichever is lower, with a design temperature rise of 10F (range temperature).
!- Therefore, we use Design Approach Temperature to set condenser water design supply temperature, i.e. Design Approach Temperature = min(10F, (85 - Design OA WbT from EPW))
TowerWaterSys CoolTower 1, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTower1Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Outlet Node 1, !- Water Outlet Node Name
CoolToolsCrossFlow, !- Model Type
, !- Model Coefficient Name
24.9, !- Design Inlet Air Wet-Bulb Temperature {C}
4.54444444444444, !- Design Approach Temperature {deltaC}
5.55555555555556, !- Design Range Temperature {deltaC}
0.03686516, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
autosize, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
13113.1748080111, !- Design Fan Power {W}
Tower_Fan_Curve, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Air Flow Rate Ratio Curve Name
0.2, !- Minimum Air Flow Rate Ratio
0.125, !- Fraction of Tower Capacity in Free Convection Regime
, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
, !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Basin Heater Operating Schedule Name
, !- Evaporation Loss Mode
, !- Evaporation Loss Factor {percent/K}
, !- Drift Loss Percent {percent}
, !- Blowdown Calculation Mode
, !- Blowdown Concentration Ratio
, !- Blowdown Makeup Water Usage Schedule Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
4, !- Number of Cells
MaximalCell, !- Cell Control !- Cell Control
, !- Cell Minimum Water Flow Rate Fraction
, !- Cell Maximum Water Flow Rate Fraction
1.000; !- Sizing Factor
TowerWaterSys CoolTower 2, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTower2Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Outlet Node 2, !- Water Outlet Node Name
CoolToolsCrossFlow, !- Model Type
, !- Model Coefficient Name
24.9, !- Design Inlet Air Wet-Bulb Temperature {C}
4.54444444444444, !- Design Approach Temperature {deltaC}
5.55555555555556, !- Design Range Temperature {deltaC}
0.03686516, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
autosize, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
13113.1748080111, !- Design Fan Power {W}
Tower_Fan_Curve, !- Fan Power Ratio Function of Air Flow Rate Ratio Curve Name
0.2, !- Minimum Air Flow Rate Ratio
0.125, !- Fraction of Tower Capacity in Free Convection Regime
, !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
, !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
, !- Basin Heater Operating Schedule Name
, !- Evaporation Loss Mode
, !- Evaporation Loss Factor {percent/K}
, !- Drift Loss Percent {percent}
, !- Blowdown Calculation Mode
, !- Blowdown Concentration Ratio
, !- Blowdown Makeup Water Usage Schedule Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
4, !- Number of Cells
MaximalCell, !- Cell Control
, !- Cell Minimum Water Flow Rate Fraction
, !- Cell Maximum Water Flow Rate Fraction
1.000; !- Sizing Factor
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PUMP:VARIABLE SPEED ===========
SHWSys1 Pump, !- Name
SHWSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
SHWSys1 Pump-SHWSys1 Water HeaterNodeviaConnector, !- Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
29891, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
0.30, !- Motor Efficiency
0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
Intermittent; !- Pump Control Type
HeatSys1 Pump, !- Name
HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector, !- Outlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
179352, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
0.909, !- Motor Efficiency
0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
0,0.0205, 0.4101,0.5753, !- VariableSpeed Pump Curve Coefficients
0, !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Pump, !- Name
CoolSys1 Chiller1 Pump Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller1Node, !- Outlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
44761.27683, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
0.909, !- Motor Efficiency
0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
; !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Pump, !- Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2 Pump Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 Chiller2Node, !- Outlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
44761.27683, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
0.909, !- Motor Efficiency
0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
; !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
CoolSys1 Pump Secondary, !- Name
CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Pump Secondary-CoolSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Design Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
134283.8305, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
autosize, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
0.909, !- Motor Efficiency
0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
0,0.0205, 0.4101,0.5753, !- VariableSpeed Pump Curve Coefficients
0, !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Heat Recovery Circ Pump, !- Name
Heat Recovery Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Pump Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Design Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
0, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
0, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
1, !- Motor Efficiency
0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
1, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
0, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
0, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
0, !- Design Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
INTERMITTENT; !- Pump Control Type
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Pump, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Pump Inlet, !- Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Pump Outlet, !- Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Design Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
44761.27683, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
autosize, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
0.909, !- Motor Efficiency
0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
0,0.0205, 0.4101,0.5753, !- VariableSpeed Pump Curve Coefficients
0, !- Design Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Intermittent; !- Pump Control Type
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PUMP:CONSTANT SPEED ===========
TowerWaterSys Pump, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTowerNodeviaConnector, !- Outlet Node Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Total Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
4, !- Number of Pumps in Bank
SEQUENTIAL, !- Flow Sequencing Control Scheme
148556.6249, !- Design Pump Head {Pa}
autosize, !- Design Power Consumption {W}
0.909, !- Motor Efficiency
0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
0.0216, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
-0.0325, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
1.0095, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
0, !- Minimum Flow Rate Fraction
Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
; !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: COIL:COOLING:WATER ===========
VAV_1_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_1_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
VAV_ER_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_ER_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ER_CoolCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_CoolC-VAV_ER_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
VAV_OR_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_OR_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_OR_CoolCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_CoolC-VAV_OR_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
VAV_ICU_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_ICU_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ICU_CoolCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_CoolC-VAV_ICU_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_PATRMS_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_CoolCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC-VAV_PATRMS_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
VAV_2_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_2_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
VAV_LABS_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
VAV_LABS_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_LABS_CoolCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_CoolC-VAV_LABS_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
8.89, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_OA-CAV_KITCHEN_CoolCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC-CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: COIL:HEATING:WATER ===========
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Name
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_CoolCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
NominalCapacity, !- Performance Input Method
autosize, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
0.5; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Name
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ER_CoolCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
NominalCapacity, !- Performance Input Method
autosize, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
0.5; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Name
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_OR_CoolCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
NominalCapacity, !- Performance Input Method
autosize, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
0.5; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC, !- Name
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ICU_CoolCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
NominalCapacity, !- Performance Input Method
autosize, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
0.5; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC,!- Name
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch,!- Availability Schedule Name
, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_LABS_CoolCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
NominalCapacity, !- Performance Input Method
autosize, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
0.5; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Name
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Efficiency
10000000, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Name
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Efficiency
10000000, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
VAV_ER Humidifier-VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ER_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Name
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Efficiency
10000000, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
VAV_OR Humidifier-VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_OR_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Name
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Efficiency
10000000, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
VAV_ICU Humidifier-VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_ICU_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatC, !- Name
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Efficiency
10000000, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
VAV_LABS Humidifier-VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS ExtraElecHeatC-VAV_LABS_ExtraWaterHeatCNode; !- Temperature Setpoint Node Name
Basement VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Basement VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Basement VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Lobby_Records_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ER_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_1 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom1_Mult5_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom2_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
IC_PatRoom3_Mult6_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ICU_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
ICU_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
OR_NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_2 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_3 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_SE_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_NW_Flr_4 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 VAV Box Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_1_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40.0, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_ER_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_ER_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_ER_CoolC-VAV_ER_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_OR_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_OR_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR_CoolC-VAV_OR_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_ICU_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_ICU_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_CoolC-VAV_ICU_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_PATRMS_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_CoolC-VAV_PATRMS_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_2_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_2_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_LABS_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
VAV_LABS_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_CoolC-VAV_LABS_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_CoolC-CAV_KITCHEN_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
48.89, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
12.8, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
35, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
40, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
VAV_ER Humidifier, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
3.72E-5, !- Rated Capacity {m3/s}
100000, !- Rated Power {W}
0, !- Rated Fan Power {W}
0, !- Standby Power {W}
VAV_ER_OA-VAV_ER HumidifierNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Humidifier-VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_OR Humidifier, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
3.72E-5, !- Rated Capacity {m3/s}
100000, !- Rated Power {W}
0, !- Rated Fan Power {W}
0, !- Standby Power {W}
VAV_OR_OA-VAV_OR HumidifierNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Humidifier-VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Humidifier, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
3.72E-5, !- Rated Capacity {m3/s}
100000, !- Rated Power {W}
0, !- Rated Fan Power {W}
0, !- Standby Power {W}
VAV_ICU_OA-VAV_ICU HumidifierNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Humidifier-VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
3.72E-5, !- Rated Capacity {m3/s}
100000, !- Rated Power {W}
0, !- Rated Fan Power {W}
0, !- Standby Power {W}
VAV_PATRMS_OA-VAV_PATRMS HumidifierNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Humidifier, !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
3.72E-5, !- Rated Capacity {m3/s}
100000, !- Rated Power {W}
0, !- Rated Fan Power {W}
0, !- Standby Power {W}
VAV_LABS_OA-VAV_LABS HumidifierNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Humidifier-VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatCNode; !- Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_1_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.61425, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1389.42, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Fraction, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
0.25, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.945, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
0.0408, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
0.088, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
-0.0729, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
0.9437, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
VAV_2_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.6175, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1389.42, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Fraction, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
0.25, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.95, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
0.0408, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
0.088, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
-0.0729, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
0.9437, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
VAV_ER_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.6045, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1314.72, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Fraction, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
0.25, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.93, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
0.0408, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
0.088, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
-0.0729, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
0.9437, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
VAV_ER_HeatC-VAV_ER_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
VAV_OR_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.61165, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1389.42, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
FixedFlowRate, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
0, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.941, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
0.0408, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
0.088, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
-0.0729, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
0.9437, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
VAV_OR_HeatC-VAV_OR_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
VAV_ICU_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.6045, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1389.42, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Fraction, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
0.25, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.93, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
0.0408, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
0.088, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
-0.0729, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
0.9437, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
VAV_ICU_HeatC-VAV_ICU_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
VAV_PATRMS_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.61425, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1389.42, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
FixedFlowRate, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
0, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.945, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
0.0408, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
0.088, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
-0.0729, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
0.9437, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC-VAV_PATRMS_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
VAV_LABS_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.59605, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1389.42, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Fraction, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
0.25, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.917, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
0.18984763, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
0.31447014, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
0.49568211, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
VAV_LABS_HeatC-VAV_LABS_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
CAV_KITCHEN_Fan, !- Name
HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.61425, !- Fan Total Efficiency
1018.41, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.945, !- Motor Efficiency
1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
CAV_KITCHEN_HeatC-CAV_KITCHEN_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE EXHAUST FAN ===========
Kitchen_Flr_5 Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
0.16, !- Fan Total Efficiency
124.5, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
3.39802159631503, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Kitchen_Flr_5 Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 Exhaust Fan Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General, !- End-Use Subcategory
, !- Flow Fraction Schedule Name
, !- System Availability Manager Coupling Mode
, !- Minimum Zone Temperature Limit Schedule Name
Kitchen Exhaust Fan Balanced Exhaust Fraction Schedule; !- Balanced Exhaust Fraction Schedule Name Balanced Exhaust Fraction Schedule Name
Kitchen Exhaust Fan Balanced Exhaust Fraction Schedule, !- Name
Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
For: AllDays, !- Field 2
Until: 07:00,0, !- Field 3
Until: 24:00,0.445694444444444; !- Field 5
Dining_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fan Total Efficiency
0, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
0.902363512799215, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Dining_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Dining_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fan Total Efficiency
0, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
0.352072793173752, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
NurseStn_Lobby_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office1_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fan Total Efficiency
0, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
0.0335082685192177, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office1_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office1_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fan Total Efficiency
0, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
0.0335082685192177, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office3_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fan Total Efficiency
0, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
0.0335082685192177, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office3_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office3_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fan Total Efficiency
0, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
0.00660726421505701, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
Corridor_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan, !- Name
Kitchen_Exhaust_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
1.0000, !- Fan Total Efficiency
0, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
0.152910971834177, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
Corridor_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
Corridor_Flr_5 Dummy Exhaust Fan Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
General; !- End-Use Subcategory
ICU OA Heat Recovery, !- Name
Always_On, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Nominal Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.70, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 100% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 100% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.70, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 75% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 75% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.75, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 100% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 100% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.75, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 75% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 75% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
VAV_ICU_OAInlet Node, !- Supply Air Inlet Node Name
ICU Heat Recovery Outlet Node, !- Supply Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_ICU_OARelief Node, !- Exhaust Air Inlet Node Name
ICU Heat Recovery Secondary Outlet Node, !- Exhaust Air Outlet Node Name
1539.37265225, !- Nominal Electric Power {W}
Yes, !- Supply Air Outlet Temperature Control
Rotary, !- Heat Exchanger Type
ExhaustOnly, !- Frost Control Type
-23.3, !- Threshold Temperature {C}
0.167, !- Initial Defrost Time Fraction {dimensionless}
1.44; !- Rate of Defrost Time Fraction Increase {1/K}
PATRMS OA Heat Recovery, !- Name
Always_On, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Nominal Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.70, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 100% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 100% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.70, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 75% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 75% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.75, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 100% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 100% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.75, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 75% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 75% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
VAV_PATRMS_OAInlet Node, !- Supply Air Inlet Node Name
PATRMS Heat Recovery Outlet Node, !- Supply Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_PATRMS_OARelief Node,!- Exhaust Air Inlet Node Name
PATRMS Heat Recovery Secondary Outlet Node, !- Exhaust Air Outlet Node Name
3273.229555, !- Nominal Electric Power {W}
Yes, !- Supply Air Outlet Temperature Control
Rotary, !- Heat Exchanger Type
ExhaustOnly, !- Frost Control Type
-23.3, !- Threshold Temperature {C}
0.167, !- Initial Defrost Time Fraction {dimensionless}
1.44; !- Rate of Defrost Time Fraction Increase {1/K}
VAV_1 OA Heat Recovery, !- Name
Always_On, !- Availability Schedule Name
AUTOSIZE, !- Nominal Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
0.70, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 100% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 100% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.70, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 75% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 75% Heating Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.75, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 100% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 100% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.75, !- Sensible Effectiveness at 75% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
0.60, !- Latent Effectiveness at 75% Cooling Air Flow {dimensionless}
VAV_1_OAInlet Node, !- Supply Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Heat Recovery Outlet Node, !- Supply Air Outlet Node Name
VAV_1_OARelief Node, !- Exhaust Air Inlet Node Name
VAV_1 Heat Recovery Secondary Outlet Node, !- Exhaust Air Outlet Node Name
3154.26375, !- Nominal Electric Power {W}
Yes, !- Supply Air Outlet Temperature Control
Rotary, !- Heat Exchanger Type
ExhaustOnly, !- Frost Control Type
-23.3, !- Threshold Temperature {C}
0.167, !- Initial Defrost Time Fraction {dimensionless}
1.44; !- Rate of Defrost Time Fraction Increase {1/K}
Tower_Fan_Curve, !- Name
0, !- Coefficient1 Constant
0, !- Coefficient2 x
0, !- Coefficient3 x**2
1, !- Coefficient4 x**3
0.0, !- Minimum Value of x
1.0; !- Maximum Value of x
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger, !- Name
Bypass Heat Exchanger Status, !- Availability Schedule Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger Demand Side Inlet, !- Loop Demand Side Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger Demand Side Outlet, !- Loop Demand Side Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Loop Demand Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
CoolSys1 Demand Supply Side Inlet Pipe Outlet Node, !- Loop Supply Side Inlet Node Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Heat Exchanger Outlet, !- Loop Supply Side Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Loop Supply Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
Ideal, !- Heat Exchange Model Type
autosize, !- Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
UncontrolledOn, !- Control Type
, !- Heat Exchanger Setpoint Node Name
, !- Minimum Temperature Difference to Activate Heat Exchanger {deltaC}
LoopToLoop, !- Heat Transfer Metering End Use Type
, !- Component Override Loop Supply Side Inlet Node Name
, !- Component Override Loop Demand Side Inlet Node Name
Loop, !- Component Override Cooling Control Temperature Mode
1; !- Sizing Factor
Bypass Heat Exchanger , !- Name
ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
CoolSys1 Exchanger Supply Inlet Node, !- Loop Demand Side Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Exchanger Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Demand Side Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Loop Demand Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
CoolSys1 Exchanger Demand Inlet Node, !- Loop Supply Side Inlet Node Name
CoolSys1 Exchanger Demand Outlet Node, !- Loop Supply Side Outlet Node Name
autosize, !- Loop Supply Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
Ideal, !- Heat Exchange Model Type
autosize, !- Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
UncontrolledOn, !- Control Type
, !- Heat Exchanger Setpoint Node Name
0.01, !- Minimum Temperature Difference to Activate Heat Exchanger {deltaC}
LoopToLoop, !- Heat Transfer Metering End Use Type
, !- Component Override Loop Supply Side Inlet Node Name
, !- Component Override Loop Demand Side Inlet Node Name
Loop, !- Component Override Cooling Control Temperature Mode
1; !- Sizing Factor
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: WATER USE EQUIPMENT ===========
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat,!- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat,!- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
2.11111111111111E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
OR1_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
2.11111111111111E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
2.11111111111111E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
OR3_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
6.30555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
OR4_Flr_2, !- Zone Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
2.11111111111111E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3, !- Zone Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
1.05555555555556E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
2.11111111111111E-6, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_4, !- Zone Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat, !- Name
WaterUse, !- End-Use Subcategory
6.059182e-5, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
BLDG_SWH_EXTD_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub catHot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5, !- Zone Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
ER_Exam1_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat,!- Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
ER_Trauma1_Flr_1 sub cat;!- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
ER_Exam3_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat,!- Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
ER_Trauma2_Flr_1 sub cat;!- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat, !- Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
ER_Triage_Mult4_Flr_1 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
OR1_Flr_2 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
OR2_Mult5_Flr_2 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
OR3_Flr_2 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat, !- Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
OR4_Flr_2 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom2_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom4_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PhysTherapy_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom6_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom8_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat, !- Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
Lab_Flr_3 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom1_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom2_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom3_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom4_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom5_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
Radiology_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom6_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom7_Mult10_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
PatRoom8_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat, !- Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
Lab_Flr_4 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat, !- Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
, !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
, !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
Kitchen_Flr_5 sub cat; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
!No PV for this case
T_OA, !- Name
, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Patrms_FanMassFlow, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Patrms_Humidifier_Status,!- Name
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Humidifier Water Volume Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Patrms_HeatC_Status, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS_HeatC, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Heating Coil Heating Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Patrms_AfterHumidifier_Temp, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS Humidifier-VAV_PATRMS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Patrms_AfterElecHeatC_Temp, !- Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ER_FanMassFlow, !- Name
VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ER_Humidifier_Status, !- Name
VAV_ER Humidifier, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Humidifier Water Volume Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ER_HeatC_Status, !- Name
VAV_ER_HeatC, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Heating Coil Heating Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ER_AfterHumidifier_Temp, !- Name
VAV_ER Humidifier-VAV_ER_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ER_AfterElecHeatC_Temp, !- Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
OR_FanMassFlow, !- Name
VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
OR_Humidifier_Status, !- Name
VAV_OR Humidifier, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Humidifier Water Volume Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
OR_HeatC_Status, !- Name
VAV_OR_HeatC, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Heating Coil Heating Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
OR_AfterHumidifier_Temp, !- Name
VAV_OR Humidifier-VAV_OR_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
OR_AfterElecHeatC_Temp, !- Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ICU_FanMassFlow, !- Name
VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ICU_Humidifier_Status, !- Name
VAV_ICU Humidifier, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Humidifier Water Volume Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ICU_HeatC_Status, !- Name
VAV_ICU_HeatC, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Heating Coil Heating Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ICU_AfterHumidifier_Temp,!- Name
VAV_ICU Humidifier-VAV_ICU_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
ICU_AfterElecHeatC_Temp, !- Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
LABS_FanMassFlow, !- Name
VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
LABS_Humidifier_Status, !- Name
VAV_LABS Humidifier, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Humidifier Water Volume Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
LABS_HeatC_Status, !- Name
VAV_LABS_HeatC, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Heating Coil Heating Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
LABS_AfterHumidifier_Temp, !- Name
VAV_LABS Humidifier-VAV_LABS_ExtraElecHeatCNode, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
LABS_AfterElecHeatC_Temp,!- Name
System Node Temperature; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
HotWaterDemand, !- Name
HeatSys1, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Plant Supply Side Heating Demand Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Inlet,
System Node Temperature;
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_SP,!- Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_PATRMS_CoolCNode, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- Name
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
VAV_ER ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ER_CoolCNode, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Status,!- Name
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
VAV_OR ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_OR_CoolCNode, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Status,!- Name
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
VAV_ICU ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_ICU_CoolCNode, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- Name
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
VAV_LABS ExtraWaterHeatC-VAV_LABS_CoolCNode, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
System Node Setpoint, !- Actuated Component Type
Temperature Setpoint; !- Actuated Component Control Type
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- Name
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_Sch, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Sch,!- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Compact, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
BypassHXStatus, !- Name
Bypass Heat Exchanger Status, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Constant, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
HRC_SPM_Reset, !- Name
Heat Recovery Chiller Bypass Loop Setpoint Schedule, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Constant, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Patrms_Main_Manager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
Patrms_Main; !- Program Name 1
ER_Main_Manager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
ER_Main; !- Program Name 1
OR_Main_Manager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
OR_Main; !- Program Name 1
ICU_Main_Manager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
ICU_Main; !- Program Name 1
LABS_Main_Manager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
LABS_Main; !- Program Name 1
BypassHXStatus_Manager, !- Name
AfterPredictorBeforeHVACManagers, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
BypassHXStatus_Prg; !- Program Name 1
Patrms_Main, !- Name
IF Patrms_Humidifier_Status > 0, !- Program Line 1
SET Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 1, !- Program Line 2
SET Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = Patrms_AfterHumidifier_Temp + 0.36, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
IF T_OA < 10 && Patrms_HeatC_Status >0, !- <none>
SET HeatGain = 3 * (Patrms_FanDesignMass/1.2) *2118, !- <none>
SET FlowRate = (Patrms_FanMassFlow/1.2)*2118, !- <none>
SET Patrms_PreheatDeltaT = HeatGain/(1.08*FlowRate), !- <none>
SET Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 1, !- <none>
SET Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = Patrms_AfterElecHeatC_Temp + Patrms_PreheatDeltaT, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
ER_Main, !- Name
IF ER_Humidifier_Status > 0, !- Program Line 1
SET ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 1, !- Program Line 2
SET ER_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = ER_AfterHumidifier_Temp + 0.36, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET ER_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
IF T_OA < 10 && ER_HeatC_Status >0, !- <none>
SET HeatGain = 3 * (ER_FanDesignMass/1.2) *2118, !- <none>
SET FlowRate = (ER_FanMassFlow/1.2)*2118, !- <none>
SET ER_PreheatDeltaT = HeatGain/(1.08*FlowRate), !- <none>
SET ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 1, !- <none>
SET ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = ER_AfterElecHeatC_Temp + ER_PreheatDeltaT, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
OR_Main, !- Name
IF OR_Humidifier_Status > 0, !- Program Line 1
SET OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 1, !- Program Line 2
SET OR_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = OR_AfterHumidifier_Temp + 0.36, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET OR_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
IF T_OA < 10 && OR_HeatC_Status >0, !- <none>
SET HeatGain = 8.5 * (OR_FanDesignMass/1.2) *2118, !- <none>
SET FlowRate = (OR_FanMassFlow/1.2)*2118, !- <none>
SET OR_PreheatDeltaT = HeatGain/(1.08*FlowRate), !- <none>
SET OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 1, !- <none>
SET OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = OR_AfterElecHeatC_Temp + OR_PreheatDeltaT, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
ICU_Main, !- Name
IF ICU_Humidifier_Status > 0, !- Program Line 1
SET ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 1, !- Program Line 2
SET ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = ICU_AfterHumidifier_Temp + 0.36, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
IF T_OA < 10 && ICU_HeatC_Status >0, !- <none>
SET HeatGain = 3 * (ICU_FanDesignMass/1.2) *2118, !- <none>
SET FlowRate = (ICU_FanMassFlow/1.2)*2118, !- <none>
SET ICU_PreheatDeltaT = HeatGain/(1.08*FlowRate), !- <none>
SET ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 1, !- <none>
SET ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = ICU_AfterElecHeatC_Temp + ICU_PreheatDeltaT, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
LABS_Main, !- Name
IF LABS_Humidifier_Status > 0, !- Program Line 1
SET LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 1, !- Program Line 2
SET LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = LABS_AfterHumidifier_Temp + 0.36, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
IF T_OA < 10 && LABS_HeatC_Status >0, !- <none>
SET HeatGain = 3 * (LABS_FanDesignMass/1.2) *2118, !- <none>
SET FlowRate = (LABS_FanMassFlow/1.2)*2118, !- <none>
SET LABS_PreheatDeltaT = HeatGain/(1.08*FlowRate), !- <none>
SET LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 1, !- <none>
SET LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = LABS_AfterElecHeatC_Temp + LABS_PreheatDeltaT, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status = 0, !- <none>
SET LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP = NULL, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
EnergyManagementSystem:Program, ! HtRecChlr
BypassHXStatus_Prg, !- Name
SET HLOAD = HotWaterDemand / (129842.5275 * ((1/4.47) + 1)), ! HtRecChlr EMS HR Chiller Condenser Capacity
SET HLOAD = CHWR - (HLOAD * 8.33),
SET HRC_SPM_Reset = @Min HLOAD 14.44;
HLOAD; !- Erl Variable 1 Name
Patrms_PreheatDeltaT; !- Erl Variable 1 Name
ER_PreheatDeltaT; !- Erl Variable 1 Name
OR_PreheatDeltaT; !- Erl Variable 1 Name
ICU_PreheatDeltaT; !- Erl Variable 1 Name
LABS_PreheatDeltaT; !- Erl Variable 1 Name
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- Name
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_SP,!- Name
Patrms_ExtraElecHeatC_SP,!- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
Patrms_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
Patrms_PreheatDeltaT, !- Name
Patrms_PreheatDeltaT, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Status,!- Name
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_Status,!- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
ER_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
ER_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ER_PreheatDeltaT, !- Name
ER_PreheatDeltaT, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Status,!- Name
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_Status,!- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
OR_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
OR_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
OR_PreheatDeltaT, !- Name
OR_PreheatDeltaT, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- Name
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
ICU_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
ICU_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
ICU_PreheatDeltaT, !- Name
ICU_PreheatDeltaT, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- Name
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- Name
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_Status, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- Name
LABS_ExtraElecHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- Name
LABS_ExtraWaterHeatC_SP, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
LABS_PreheatDeltaT, !- Name
LABS_PreheatDeltaT, !- EMS Variable Name
Averaged, !- Type of Data in Variable
SystemTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
; !- Units
Patrms_FanDesignMass, !- Name
VAV_PATRMS_Fan, !- Internal Data Index Key Name
Fan Maximum Mass Flow Rate; !- Internal Data Type
ER_FanDesignMass, !- Name
VAV_ER_Fan, !- Internal Data Index Key Name
Fan Maximum Mass Flow Rate; !- Internal Data Type
OR_FanDesignMass, !- Name
VAV_OR_Fan, !- Internal Data Index Key Name
Fan Maximum Mass Flow Rate; !- Internal Data Type
ICU_FanDesignMass, !- Name
VAV_ICU_Fan, !- Internal Data Index Key Name
Fan Maximum Mass Flow Rate; !- Internal Data Type
LABS_FanDesignMass, !- Name
VAV_LABS_Fan, !- Internal Data Index Key Name
Fan Maximum Mass Flow Rate; !- Internal Data Type
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:VARIABLE ===========
!Output:Variable,*,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,Hourly;
!Output:Variable,*,Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
!Output:Variable,*,Heating Coil Heating Energy,hourly; !- HVAC Sum J ! the total amount of heat transfer taking place in the coil
!Output:Variable,*,Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy,hourly; !- HVAC Sum J ! Energy removed from air loop by Cooling Coils. total amount of heat transfer taking place in the coil
!Output:Variable,*,Pump Mass Flow Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average ! the water outlet mass flow rate
!Output:Variable,*,Fan Air Mass Flow Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average ! the amount of outdoor air entering the zone
!Output:Variable,*,Air System Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average ! average outdoor air mass flow rate introduced by the outdoor air controller
!Output:Variable,*,Boiler Heating Energy,hourly; !- HVAC Sum J ! the heating output (load) of the boiler
!Output:Variable,*,Chiller Evaporator Cooling Energy,hourly; !- HVAC Sum J ! the evaporator heat transfer which is the cooling delivered by the chiller
!! Heating coils named as XXX_EXTRAWATERHEATC are dummy heating coils to capture heat transfer from the preheating coil to the bypass air when the air handling units are in the cooling mode.
!! Heating coils named as XXX_ EXTRAELECHEATC are dummy heating coils to capture heat transfer from the electric steam humidifier airstream in the air handling units.
!! The modeling strategy is documented in Section Addendum 90.1-2010as Humidification System Requirements in the “ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2013 Determination of Energy Savings: Quantitative Analysis" report.
!! Fans named as XXXDUMMY EXHAUST FAN are dummy exhaust fans in the source zone of the
!! The modeling strategy is documented in Section B.1.2.4 Addendum u: Expands Use of Transfer Air in the "Energy Savings Analysis: ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2016" report.
!! Additional output variables that can be useful to review the mechancial equipment load profiles
!! Utility and Submeter
! Output:Meter,Electricity:Facility,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Gas:Facility,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,InteriorLights:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,ExteriorLights:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,InteriorEquipment:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,ExteriorEquipment:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Fans:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Pumps:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Heating:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Cooling:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,HeatRejection:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Humidifier:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,HeatRecovery:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,DHW:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Cogeneration:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Refrigeration:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,WaterSystems:Electricity,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,InteriorLights:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,ExteriorLights:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,InteriorEquipment:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,ExteriorEquipment:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Fans:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Pumps:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Heating:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Cooling:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,HeatRejection:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Humidifier:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,HeatRecovery:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,DHW:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Cogeneration:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,Refrigeration:Gas,Hourly;
! Output:Meter,WaterSystems:Gas,Hourly;
!! Site
! Output:Variable,MinOA_Sched,Schedule Value,Hourly;
!! Outdoor Air
! Output:Variable,VAV_1_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_2_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ER_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_OR_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ICU_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_PATRMS_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_LABS_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,CAV_KITCHEN_OAInlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
!! Return Air
! Output:Variable,VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ER Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_OR Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ER Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_OR Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ER Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_OR Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Inlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
!! Supply Air
! Output:Variable,VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ER Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_OR Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_ICU Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_PATRMS Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,VAV_LABS Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,CAV_KITCHEN Supply Equipment Outlet Node,System Node Wetbulb Temperature,Hourly;
!! Coil Load
! Output:Variable,*,Air System Cooling Coil Total Cooling Energy,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,*,Air System Heating Coil Total Heating Energy,Hourly;
! Output:Variable,*,Chiller Evaporator Cooling Rate,Hourly;
!! Plants
! Output:Variable,*,Boiler Heating Rate,Hourly;
!! SHW
! Output:Variable,*,Water Heater Heating Rate,Hourly; ! The average heating rate supplied by the heater element or burner.
!! Fan and Pump
! Output:Variable,*,Fan Electric Power,hourly; !- HVAC Average W
! Output:Variable,*,Pump Electric Power,hourly; !- HVAC Average W
! Output:Variable,*,Humidifier Electric Power,hourly; !- HVAC Average W
!! additional variables added on 07 29 2016
! Output:Variable,*,Water Heater Heating Rate,hourly; !- HVAC Average W
! Output:Variable,*,Chiller Condenser Heat Transfer Energy,hourly; !- HVAC Sum J
! Output:Variable,*,Chiller Condenser Inlet Temperature,hourly; !- HVAC Average C
! Output:Variable,*,Chiller Condenser Outlet Temperature,hourly; !- HVAC Average C
! Output:Variable,*,Pump Shaft Power,hourly; !- HVAC Average W
! Output:Variable,*,Pump Outlet Temperature,hourly; !- HVAC Average C
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: REPORT ===========
!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: REPORT:TABLE:STYLE ===========
CommaAndHTML; !- Column Separator
0.556, !- Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
0.556; !- Tolerance for Time Cooling Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
AllSummaryAndMonthly, !- Report 1 Name
Standard62.1Summary; !- Report 2 Name
NameHolderMonthlySummary TaskPurpose ProgressIndicator, !- Name ProgressIndicator,ForDetermination2019, ...
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary CodeName ASHRAE901, !- Name ASHRAE901, ASHRAE1891, IECC, Title24, ORSC, IGCC, ...
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary CodeYear 2019, !- Name all years for ASHRAE90.1, IECC, ASHRAE189.1
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary CodeAmendment NoneAmend, !- Name StateAmend,EEM, NoneAmend for national or state without amendment
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary PrototypeName Hospital, !- Name 16 Prototypes
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary TaskScope National, !- Name National, State, City
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary State National, !- Name National for national analysis, NewYork, Utah,... for state analysis, or city name for city analysis. Spell out the name of the state without space between words
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary ClimateZone 6A, !- Name 0-8
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
NameHolderMonthlySummary RepresentCity USA_MN_Rochester, !- Name representative city like Honolulu for national, for each state, for city analysis. this is not the city of the weather file. The weather city will be extracted from epw file
3, !- Digits After Decimal
Site Outdoor Air Drybulb, !- Variable or Meter 1 Name
SumOrAverage, !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 1
Heating:Gas, !- Variable or Meter 2 Name
SumOrAverage; !- Aggregation Type for Variable or Meter 2
VAV_1_DCV, !- Name
BLDG_OA_FRAC_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
Yes, !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
VentilationRateProcedure,!- System Outdoor Air Method
, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
Basement, !- Zone 1 Name
CM DSOA Basement, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
CM DSZAD Basement, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 1
Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Zone 2 Name
CM DSOA Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 2
CM DSZAD Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 2
Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Zone 3 Name
CM DSOA Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 3
CM DSZAD Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 3
Corridor_Flr_1, !- Zone 4 Name
CM DSOA Corridor_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 4
CM DSZAD Corridor_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 4
Er_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Zone 5 Name
CM DSOA Er_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 5
CM DSZAD Er_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 5
Icu_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2,!- Zone 6 Name
CM DSOA Icu_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 6
CM DSZAD Icu_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 6
Corridor_Flr_2, !- Zone 7 Name
CM DSOA Corridor_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 7
CM DSZAD Corridor_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 7
Or_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Zone 8 Name
CM DSOA Or_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 8
CM DSZAD Or_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2; !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 8
CM DSZAD Basement, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Corridor_Flr_1, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Er_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Icu_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Corridor_Flr_2, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Or_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSOA Basement, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000368277; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Office1_Mult4_Flr_1, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Lobby_Records_Flr_1, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Corridor_Flr_1, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Er_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_1, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Icu_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Corridor_Flr_2, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Or_Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_2, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
VAV_2_DCV, !- Name
BLDG_OA_FRAC_SCH, !- Availability Schedule Name
Yes, !- Demand Controlled Ventilation
VentilationRateProcedure,!- System Outdoor Air Method
, !- Zone Maximum Outdoor Air Fraction {dimensionless}
Phystherapy_Flr_3, !- Zone 1 Name
CM DSOA Phystherapy_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 1
CM DSZAD Phystherapy_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 1
Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Zone 2 Name
CM DSOA Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 2
CM DSZAD Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 2
Corridor_Se_Flr_3, !- Zone 3 Name
CM DSOA Corridor_Se_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 3
CM DSZAD Corridor_Se_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 3
Corridor_Nw_Flr_3, !- Zone 4 Name
CM DSOA Corridor_Nw_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 4
CM DSZAD Corridor_Nw_Flr_3, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 4
Radiology_Flr_4, !- Zone 5 Name
CM DSOA Radiology_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 5
CM DSZAD Radiology_Flr_4,!- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 5
Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Zone 6 Name
CM DSOA Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 6
CM DSZAD Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 6
Corridor_Se_Flr_4, !- Zone 7 Name
CM DSOA Corridor_Se_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 7
CM DSZAD Corridor_Se_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 7
Corridor_Nw_Flr_4, !- Zone 8 Name
CM DSOA Corridor_Nw_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 8
CM DSZAD Corridor_Nw_Flr_4, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 8
Dining_Flr_5, !- Zone 9 Name
CM DSOA Dining_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 9
CM DSZAD Dining_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 9
Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Zone 10 Name
CM DSOA Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 10
CM DSZAD Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 10
Office1_Flr_5, !- Zone 11 Name
CM DSOA Office1_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 11
CM DSZAD Office1_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 11
Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Zone 12 Name
CM DSOA Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 12
CM DSZAD Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 12
Office3_Flr_5, !- Zone 13 Name
CM DSOA Office3_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 13
CM DSZAD Office3_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 13
Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Zone 14 Name
CM DSOA Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 14
CM DSZAD Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 14
Corridor_Flr_5, !- Zone 15 Name
CM DSOA Corridor_Flr_5, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name 15
CM DSZAD Corridor_Flr_5; !- Design Specification Zone Air Distribution Object Name 15
CM DSZAD Phystherapy_Flr_3, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Corridor_Se_Flr_3, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Corridor_Nw_Flr_3, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Radiology_Flr_4,!- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Corridor_Se_Flr_4, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Corridor_Nw_Flr_4, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Dining_Flr_5, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Office1_Flr_5, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Office3_Flr_5, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSZAD Corridor_Flr_5, !- Name
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Cooling Mode {dimensionless}
1, !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness in Heating Mode {dimensionless}
; !- Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Schedule Name
CM DSOA Phystherapy_Flr_3, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000380976; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_3, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Corridor_Se_Flr_3, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Corridor_Nw_Flr_3, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Radiology_Flr_4, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000380976;!- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_4, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Corridor_Se_Flr_4, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Corridor_Nw_Flr_4, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Dining_Flr_5, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.001295319; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Nursestn_Lobby_Flr_5, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000338645; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Office1_Flr_5, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Office2_Mult5_Flr_5, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Office3_Flr_5, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Office4_Mult6_Flr_5, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.00048257; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
CM DSOA Corridor_Flr_5, !- Name
Sum, !- Outdoor Air Method
0.00000001, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
0.000304781; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
Facility_Int_LTG, !- Name
, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
InteriorLights:Electricity; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Wired_LTG; !- Erl Variable 1 Name
Transformer_Load_Prog, !- Name
SET Wired_LTG = Facility_Int_LTG*0.022; !- Program Line 1
Transformer_Load_Prog_Manager, !- Name
AfterPredictorAfterHVACManagers, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
Transformer_Load_Prog; !- Program Name 1
Wired_LTG, !- Name
Wired_LTG, !- EMS Variable Name
Summed, !- Type of Data in Variable
ZoneTimeStep, !- Update Frequency
, !- EMS Program or Subroutine Name
J; !- Units
Wired_LTG_Electricity, !- Name
Electricity, !- Fuel Type
, !- Key Name 1
Wired_LTG; !- Output Variable or Meter Name 1
Transformer 1, !- Name
Always_On, !- Availability Schedule Name
PowerInFromGrid, !- Transformer Usage
, !- Zone Name
, !- Radiative Fraction
500000, !- Rated Capacity {VA}
3, !- Phase
Aluminum, !- Conductor Material
150, !- Full Load Temperature Rise {C}
0.1, !- Fraction of Eddy Current Losses
NominalEfficiency, !- Performance Input Method
, !- Rated No Load Loss {W}
, !- Rated Load Loss {W}
0.991, !- Nameplate Efficiency
0.35, !- Per Unit Load for Nameplate Efficiency
75, !- Reference Temperature for Nameplate Efficiency {C}
, !- Per Unit Load for Maximum Efficiency
Yes, !- Consider Transformer Loss for Utility Cost
Wired_LTG_Electricity, !- Meter 1 Name
InteriorEquipment:Electricity; !- Meter 2 Name
Tower_PumpMassFlow, !- Name
TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Node, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Chiller1_Status, !- Name
CoolSys1 Chiller1, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Chiller Electric Power; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
Chiller2_Status, !- Name
CoolSys1 Chiller2, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Chiller Electric Power; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
SensedCurveInput, !- Name
Tower_Fan_Curve, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Performance Curve Input Variable 1 Value; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
SensedCurveValue, !- Name
Tower_Fan_Curve, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Performance Curve Output Value; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
TowerCurveOutput, !- Name
Tower_Fan_Curve, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Curve, !- Actuated Component Type
Curve Result; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ChangTowerFlow, !- Name
IF Chiller1_Status > 0 && Chiller2_Status == 0 && SensedCurveInput > 0.2, !- Program Line 1
IF (0.5 * SensedCurveInput) > 0.2, !- Program Line 2
SET AirInput = 0.5 * SensedCurveInput, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET AirInput = 0.2, !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
SET TowerCurveOutput = 2* (AirInput^3), !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET TowerCurveOutput = SensedCurveValue, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
ChangeTowerFlow_Manager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
ChangTowerFlow; !- Program Name 1
BoilerType, !- Erl Variable 1 Name
CapRated, !- Erl Variable 2 Name
EtRated, !- Erl Variable 3 Name
PLRx, !- <none>
Ecx, !- <none>
SkinLossRate; !- <none>
BoilerPLR, !- Name
HeatSys1 Boiler, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Boiler Part Load Ratio; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
BoilerCurve, !- Name
HEATSYS1 BOILER EFFICIENCY CURVE, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Curve, !- Actuated Component Type
Curve Result; !- Actuated Component Control Type
EnergyManagementSystem:Program, ! Addendum AM
SET CapRated = 1470129.16, ! EMS Bolier Nominal Capacity {W}.
SET EtRated = 0.8125, ! EMS Boiler Nominal Thermal Efficiency. overriden by script
SET CapRated = (CapRated *3.412)/1000, !Change from W to MBH
SET SkinLossRate = 0.02,
SET BoilerType = 1,
IF BoilerType == 1,
IF CapRated >10000,
SET PLRx = 0.2,
ELSEIF CapRated >5000,
SET PLRx = 0.25,
ELSEIF CapRated >1000,
SET PLRx = 0.33,
SET BoilerType = 2,
SET PLRx = 0.2,
SET PLRx = 0.2,
IF BoilerType == 1,
SET CurveX = 0.975 + 0.305 * PLRx - 0.527 * (PLRx^2) + 0.249 * (PLRx^3),
SET CurveX = 0.907 + 0.320 * PLRx - 0.420 * (PLRx^2) + 0.193 * (PLRx^3),
SET LoadX = CapRated * PLRx,
SET Etx = CurveX * EtRated,
SET InputEx = LoadX/Etx,
SET SkinEx = CapRated * SkinLossRate,
SET Ecx = (LoadX + SkinEx)/InputEx;
SetBoilerCurve, !- Name
IF BoilerPLR >= PLRx, !- Program Line 1
IF BoilerType == 1, !- Program Line 2
SET BoilerCurve = 0.975 + 0.305*BoilerPLR - 0.527*(BoilerPLR^2) + 0.249*(BoilerPLR^3), !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET BoilerCurve = 0.907 + 0.320*BoilerPLR - 0.420*(BoilerPLR^2) + 0.193*(BoilerPLR^3), !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
IF BoilerPLR == 0, !- <none>
SET BoilerCurve = NULL, !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
IF BoilerPLR <0.05, !- <none>
SET BoilerCurve = (0.05/(0.05 + SkinLossRate)) * (Ecx/EtRated), !- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET BoilerCurve = (BoilerPLR/(BoilerPLR + SkinLossRate)) * (Ecx/EtRated), !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
ENDIF, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
BoilerParManager, !- Name
BeginNewEnvironment, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
SetBoilerPar; !- Program Name 1
BoilerCurveManager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
SetBoilerCurve; !- Program Name 1
Chiller2PumpDesignFlow, !- Name
COOLSYS1 CHILLER2 PUMP, !- Internal Data Index Key Name
Pump Maximum Mass Flow Rate; !- Internal Data Type
Chiller2PumpStatus, !- Name
COOLSYS1 CHILLER2 PUMP, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Plant Component Pump:ConstantSpeed, !- Actuated Component Type
On/Off Supervisory; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Chiller1PumpFlow, !- Name
COOLSYS1 CHILLER1 PUMP, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Pump, !- Actuated Component Type
Pump Mass Flow Rate; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Chiller2PumpFlow, !- Name
COOLSYS1 CHILLER2 PUMP, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Pump, !- Actuated Component Type
Pump Mass Flow Rate; !- Actuated Component Control Type
Chiller2Status, !- Name
COOLSYS1 CHILLER2, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Plant Component Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Actuated Component Type
On/Off Supervisory; !- Actuated Component Control Type
ChillerPlantDemandLoad, !- Name
CoolSys1_Supply, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Plant Supply Side Cooling Demand Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
EnergyManagementSystem:Program, ! Addendum DV
PlantPump_EMS_Program, !- Name
IF ChillerPlantDemandLoad < 927446.625, ! Addendum DV EMS Chiller Capacity. Will be overriden by sizing script.
SET Chiller2PumpStatus = 0, !- Program Line 2
SET Chiller2Status = 0, !- <none>
SET Chiller2PumpFlow = 0,!- <none>
ELSE, !- <none>
SET Chiller2PumpStatus = 1, !- <none>
SET Chiller2Status = 1, !- <none>
SET Chiller2PumpFlow = Chiller2PumpDesignFlow, !- <none>
ENDIF; !- <none>
PlantPump_EMS_Program Manager, !- Name
InsideHVACSystemIterationLoop, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
PlantPump_EMS_Program; !- Program Name 1
VAV_1_OA_VRP, !- Name
VAV_1, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Air System Outdoor Air Mechanical Ventilation Requested Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
VAV_1_OA, !- Name
VAV_1, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Air System Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
VAV_1_MAX_OA_FRAC, !- Name
VAV_1 Max OA Fraction, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Constant, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
VAV_1_MAX_OA_FRAC_Prog_Manager,!- Name
AfterPredictorAfterHVACManagers, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
VAV_1_MAX_OA_FRAC; !- Program Name 1
VAV_1_MAX_OA_FRAC, !- Name
IF VAV_1_OA > VAV_1_OA_VRP, !- Program Line 1
SET VAV_1_MAX_OA_FRAC = NULL, !- Program Line 2
ELSE, !- A4
ELSE, !- A7
ENDIF, !- A9
ENDIF; !- A10
VAV_2_OA_VRP, !- Name
VAV_2, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Air System Outdoor Air Mechanical Ventilation Requested Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
VAV_2_OA, !- Name
VAV_2, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
Air System Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
VAV_2_MAX_OA_FRAC, !- Name
VAV_2 Max OA Fraction, !- Actuated Component Unique Name
Schedule:Constant, !- Actuated Component Type
Schedule Value; !- Actuated Component Control Type
VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode, !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Index Key Name
System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate; !- Output:Variable or Output:Meter Name
VAV_2_MAX_OA_FRAC_Prog_Manager,!- Name
AfterPredictorAfterHVACManagers, !- EnergyPlus Model Calling Point
VAV_2_MAX_OA_FRAC; !- Program Name 1
VAV_2_MAX_OA_FRAC, !- Name
IF VAV_2_OA > VAV_2_OA_VRP, !- Program Line 1
SET VAV_2_MAX_OA_FRAC = NULL, !- Program Line 2
ELSE, !- A4
ELSE, !- A7
ENDIF, !- A9
ENDIF; !- A10