
454 lines
17 KiB

import numpy as np
import collections
import json
from .. import util
from .. import visual
from .. import transformations as tf
import networkx as nx
except BaseException as E:
# create a dummy module which will raise the ImportError
# or other exception only when someone tries to use networkx
from ..exceptions import ExceptionModule
nx = ExceptionModule(E)
def load_XAML(file_obj, *args, **kwargs):
Load a 3D XAML file.
file_obj : file object
Open, containing XAML file
result : dict
kwargs for a trimesh constructor, including:
vertices: (n,3) np.float64, points in space
faces: (m,3) np.int64, indices of vertices
face_colors: (m,4) np.uint8, RGBA colors
vertex_normals: (n,3) np.float64, vertex normals
def element_to_color(element):
Turn an XML element into a (4,) np.uint8 RGBA color
if element is None:
return visual.DEFAULT_COLOR
hexcolor = int(element.attrib['Color'].replace('#', ''), 16)
opacity = float(element.attrib['Opacity'])
rgba = [(hexcolor >> 16) & 0xFF,
(hexcolor >> 8) & 0xFF,
(hexcolor & 0xFF),
opacity * 0xFF]
rgba = np.array(rgba, dtype=np.uint8)
return rgba
def element_to_transform(element):
Turn an XML element into a (4,4) np.float64
transformation matrix.
matrix = next(element.iter(
tag=ns + 'MatrixTransform3D')).attrib['Matrix']
matrix = np.array(matrix.split(),
dtype=np.float64).reshape((4, 4)).T
return matrix
except StopIteration:
# this will be raised if the MatrixTransform3D isn't in the passed
# elements tree
return np.eye(4)
# read the file and parse XML
file_data =
root = etree.XML(file_data)
# the XML namespace
ns = root.tag.split('}')[0] + '}'
# the linked lists our results are going in
vertices = []
faces = []
colors = []
normals = []
# iterate through the element tree
# the GeometryModel3D tag contains a material and geometry
for geometry in root.iter(tag=ns + 'GeometryModel3D'):
# get the diffuse and specular colors specified in the material
color_search = './/{ns}{color}Material/*/{ns}SolidColorBrush'
diffuse = geometry.find(color_search.format(ns=ns,
specular = geometry.find(color_search.format(ns=ns,
# convert the element into a (4,) np.uint8 RGBA color
diffuse = element_to_color(diffuse)
specular = element_to_color(specular)
# to get the final transform of a component we'll have to traverse
# all the way back to the root node and save transforms we find
current = geometry
transforms = collections.deque()
# when the root node is reached its parent will be None and we stop
while current is not None:
# element.find will only return elements that are direct children
# of the current element as opposed to element.iter,
# which will return any depth of child
transform_element = current.find(ns + 'ModelVisual3D.Transform')
if transform_element is not None:
# we are traversing the tree backwards, so append new
# transforms to the left of the deque
# we are going from the lowest level of the tree to the highest
# this avoids having to traverse any branches that don't have
# geometry
current = current.getparent()
if len(transforms) == 0:
# no transforms in the tree mean an identity matrix
transform = np.eye(4)
elif len(transforms) == 1:
# one transform in the tree we can just use
transform = transforms.pop()
# multiple transforms we apply all of them in order
transform = util.multi_dot(transforms)
# iterate through the contained mesh geometry elements
for g in geometry.iter(tag=ns + 'MeshGeometry3D'):
c_normals = np.array(g.attrib['Normals'].replace(',', ' ').split(),
dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 3))
c_vertices = np.array(
',', ' ').split(), dtype=np.float64).reshape(
(-1, 3))
# bake in the transform as we're saving
c_vertices = tf.transform_points(c_vertices, transform)
c_faces = np.array(
',', ' ').split(), dtype=np.int64).reshape(
(-1, 3))
# save data to a sequence
colors.append(np.tile(diffuse, (len(c_faces), 1)))
# compile the results into clean numpy arrays
result = dict()
result['vertices'], result['faces'] = util.append_faces(vertices,
result['face_colors'] = np.vstack(colors)
result['vertex_normals'] = np.vstack(normals)
return result
def load_3DXML(file_obj, *args, **kwargs):
Load a 3DXML scene into kwargs. 3DXML is a CAD format
that can be exported from Solidworks
file_obj : file object
Open and containing 3DXML data
kwargs : dict
Can be passed to
archive = util.decompress(file_obj, file_type='zip')
# a dictionary of file name : lxml etree
as_etree = {}
for k, v in archive.items():
# wrap in try statement, as sometimes 3DXML
# contains non- xml files, like JPG previews
as_etree[k] = etree.XML(
except etree.XMLSyntaxError:
# move the file object back to the file start
# the file name of the root scene
root_file = as_etree['Manifest.xml'].find('{*}Root').text
# the etree of the scene layout
tree = as_etree[root_file]
# index of root element of directed acyclic graph
root_id = tree.find('{*}ProductStructure').attrib['root']
# load the materials library from the materials elements
colors = {}
material_tree = as_etree['CATMaterialRef.3dxml']
for MaterialDomain in material_tree.iter('{*}MaterialDomain'):
material_id = MaterialDomain.attrib['id']
material_file = MaterialDomain.attrib['associatedFile'].split(
rend = as_etree[material_file].find(
diffuse = rend.find("{*}Attr[@Name='DiffuseColor']")
# specular = rend.find("{*}Attr[@Name='SpecularColor']")
# emissive = rend.find("{*}Attr[@Name='EmissiveColor']")
rgb = (np.array(json.loads(
diffuse.attrib['Value'])) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
colors[material_id] = rgb
# copy indexes for instances of colors
for MaterialDomainInstance in material_tree.iter(
instance = MaterialDomainInstance.find('{*}IsInstanceOf')
# colors[b.attrib['id']] = colors[instance.text]
for aggregate in MaterialDomainInstance.findall('{*}IsAggregatedBy'):
colors[aggregate.text] = colors[instance.text]
# references which hold the 3DXML scene structure as a dict
# element id : {key : value}
references = collections.defaultdict(dict)
# the 3DXML can specify different visual properties for occurrences
view = tree.find('{*}DefaultView')
for ViewProp in view.iter('{*}DefaultViewProperty'):
color = ViewProp.find('{*}GraphicProperties/' +
if (color is None or
'RGBAColorType' not in color.attrib.values()):
rgba = np.array([color.attrib[i]
for i in ['red',
rgba = (rgba * 255).astype(np.uint8)
for occurrence in ViewProp.findall('{*}OccurenceId/{*}id'):
reference_id = occurrence.text.split('#')[-1]
references[reference_id]['color'] = rgba
# geometries will hold meshes
geometries = dict()
# get geometry
for ReferenceRep in tree.iter(tag='{*}ReferenceRep'):
# the str of an int that represents this meshes unique ID
part_id = ReferenceRep.attrib['id']
# which part file in the archive contains the geometry we care about
part_file = ReferenceRep.attrib['associatedFile'].split(':')[-1]
# load actual geometry
mesh_faces = []
mesh_colors = []
mesh_normals = []
mesh_vertices = []
# the geometry is stored in a Rep
for Rep in as_etree[part_file].iter('{*}Rep'):
faces = Rep.find('{*}Faces/{*}Face')
vertices = Rep.find('{*}VertexBuffer/{*}Positions')
if faces is None or vertices is None:
# these are vertex normals
normals = Rep.find('{*}VertexBuffer/{*}Normals')
material = Rep.find('{*}SurfaceAttributes/' +
'{*}MaterialApplication/' +
(material_file, material_id) = material.attrib['id'].split(
# triangle strips, sequence of arbitrary length lists
# np.fromstring is substantially faster than np.array(i.split())
# inside the list comprehension
strips = [np.fromstring(i, sep=' ', dtype=np.int64)
for i in faces.attrib['strips'].split(',')]
# convert strips to (m,3) int
# they mix delimiters like we couldn't figure it out from the
# shape :(
# load vertices into (n, 3) float64
vertices.text.replace(',', ' '),
sep=' ',
dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 3)))
# load vertex normals into (n, 3) float64
normals.text.replace(',', ' '),
sep=' ',
dtype=np.float64).reshape((-1, 3)))
# store the material information as (m,3) uint8 FACE COLORS
(len(mesh_faces[-1]), 1)))
# save each mesh as the kwargs for a trimesh.Trimesh constructor
# aka, a Trimesh object can be created with trimesh.Trimesh(**mesh)
# this avoids needing trimesh- specific imports in this IO function
mesh = dict()
mesh['faces']) = util.append_faces(mesh_vertices,
mesh['vertex_normals'] = np.vstack(mesh_normals)
mesh['face_colors'] = np.vstack(mesh_colors)
# as far as I can tell, all 3DXML files are exported as
# implicit millimeters (it isn't specified in the file)
mesh['metadata'] = {'units': 'mm'}
mesh['class'] = 'Trimesh'
geometries[part_id] = mesh
references[part_id]['geometry'] = part_id
# a Reference3D maps to a subassembly or assembly
for Reference3D in tree.iter('{*}Reference3D'):
references[Reference3D.attrib['id']] = {
'name': Reference3D.attrib['name'],
'type': 'Reference3D'}
# a node that is the connectivity between a geometry and the Reference3D
for InstanceRep in tree.iter('{*}InstanceRep'):
current = InstanceRep.attrib['id']
instance = InstanceRep.find('{*}IsInstanceOf').text
aggregate = InstanceRep.find('{*}IsAggregatedBy').text
references[current].update({'aggregate': aggregate,
'instance': instance,
'type': 'InstanceRep'})
# an Instance3D maps basically to a part
for Instance3D in tree.iter('{*}Instance3D'):
matrix = np.eye(4)
relative = Instance3D.find('{*}RelativeMatrix')
if relative is not None:
relative = np.array(relative.text.split(),
# rotation component
matrix[:3, :3] = relative[:9].reshape((3, 3)).T
# translation component
matrix[:3, 3] = relative[9:]
current = Instance3D.attrib['id']
name = Instance3D.attrib['name']
instance = Instance3D.find('{*}IsInstanceOf').text
aggregate = Instance3D.find('{*}IsAggregatedBy').text
references[current].update({'aggregate': aggregate,
'instance': instance,
'matrix': matrix,
'name': name,
'type': 'Instance3D'})
# turn references into directed graph for path finding
graph = nx.DiGraph()
for k, v in references.items():
# IsAggregatedBy points up to a parent
if 'aggregate' in v:
graph.add_edge(v['aggregate'], k)
# IsInstanceOf indicates a child
if 'instance' in v:
graph.add_edge(k, v['instance'])
# the 3DXML format is stored as a directed acyclic graph that needs all
# paths from the root to a geometry to generate the tree of the scene
paths = []
for geometry_id in geometries.keys():
# the name of the root frame
root_name = references[root_id]['name']
# create a list of kwargs to send to the scene.graph.update function
# start with a transform from the graphs base frame to our root name
graph_kwargs = [{'frame_to': root_name,
'matrix': np.eye(4)}]
# we are going to collect prettier geometry names as we traverse paths
geom_names = {}
# loop through every simple path and generate transforms tree
# note that we are flattening the transform tree here
for path_index, path in enumerate(paths):
name = ''
if 'name' in references[path[-3]]:
name = references[path[-3]]['name']
geom_names[path[-1]] = name
# we need a unique node name for our geometry instance frame
# due to the nature of the DAG names specified by the file may not
# be unique, so we add an Instance3D name then append the path ids
node_name = name + '#' + ':'.join(path)
# pull all transformations in the path
matrices = [references[i]['matrix']
for i in path if 'matrix' in references[i]]
if len(matrices) == 0:
matrix = np.eye(4)
elif len(matrices) == 1:
matrix = matrices[0]
matrix = util.multi_dot(matrices)
graph_kwargs.append({'matrix': matrix,
'frame_from': root_name,
'frame_to': node_name,
'geometry': path[-1]})
# remap geometry names from id numbers to the name string
# we extracted from the 3DXML tree
geom_final = {}
for key, value in geometries.items():
if key in geom_names:
geom_final[geom_names[key]] = value
# change geometry names in graph kwargs in place
for kwarg in graph_kwargs:
if 'geometry' not in kwarg:
kwarg['geometry'] = geom_names[kwarg['geometry']]
# create the kwargs for load_kwargs
result = {'class': 'Scene',
'geometry': geom_final,
'graph': graph_kwargs}
return result
def print_element(element):
Pretty- print an lxml.etree element.
element : etree element
pretty = etree.tostring(
element, pretty_print=True).decode('utf-8')
return pretty
from lxml import etree
_xml_loaders = {'xaml': load_XAML,
'3dxml': load_3DXML}
except ImportError:
_xml_loaders = {}