1457 lines
46 KiB
1457 lines
46 KiB
Provides GLTF 2.0 exports of trimesh.Trimesh objects
as GL_TRIANGLES, and trimesh.Path2D/Path3D as GL_LINES
import json
import base64
import collections
import numpy as np
from .. import util
from .. import visual
from .. import rendering
from .. import resources
from .. import transformations
from ..constants import log, tol
# magic numbers which have meaning in GLTF
# most are uint32's of UTF-8 text
_magic = {"gltf": 1179937895,
"json": 1313821514,
"bin": 5130562}
# GLTF data type codes: little endian numpy dtypes
_dtypes = {5120: "<i1",
5121: "<u1",
5122: "<i2",
5123: "<u2",
5125: "<u4",
5126: "<f4"}
# a string we can use to look up numpy dtype : GLTF dtype
_dtypes_lookup = {v[1:]: k for k, v in _dtypes.items()}
# GLTF data formats: numpy shapes
_shapes = {
"SCALAR": 1,
"VEC2": (2),
"VEC3": (3),
"VEC4": (4),
"MAT2": (2, 2),
"MAT3": (3, 3),
"MAT4": (4, 4)}
# a default PBR metallic material
_default_material = {
"pbrMetallicRoughness": {
"baseColorFactor": [0, 0, 0, 0],
"metallicFactor": 0,
"roughnessFactor": 0}}
# specify dtypes with forced little endian
float32 = np.dtype("<f4")
uint32 = np.dtype("<u4")
uint8 = np.dtype("<u1")
def export_gltf(scene,
Export a scene object as a GLTF directory.
This puts each mesh into a separate file (i.e. a `buffer`)
as opposed to one larger file.
scene : trimesh.Scene
Scene to be exported
export : dict
Format: {file name : file data}
# if we were passed a bare Trimesh or Path3D object
if (not util.is_instance_named(scene, "Scene")
and hasattr(scene, "scene")):
scene = scene.scene()
# create the header and buffer data
tree, buffer_items = _create_gltf_structure(
# store files as {name : data}
files = {}
if merge_buffers:
views = _build_views(buffer_items)
buffer_name = "gltf_buffer.bin"
buffer_data = bytes().join(buffer_items)
buffers = [{
"uri": buffer_name,
"byteLength": len(buffer_data)}
files[buffer_name] = buffer_data
# make one buffer per buffer_items
buffers = [None] * len(buffer_items)
# A bufferView is a slice of a file
views = [None] * len(buffer_items)
# create the buffer views
for i, item in enumerate(buffer_items):
views[i] = {
"buffer": i,
"byteOffset": 0,
"byteLength": len(item)}
buffer_data = _byte_pad(bytes().join(buffer_items[i: i + 2]))
buffer_name = "gltf_buffer_{}.bin".format(i)
buffers[i] = {
"uri": buffer_name,
"byteLength": len(buffer_data)}
files[buffer_name] = buffer_data
tree["buffers"] = buffers
tree["bufferViews"] = views
# dump tree with compact separators
files["model.gltf"] = util.jsonify(
tree, separators=(',', ':')).encode("utf-8")
return files
def export_glb(scene, extras=None, include_normals=None):
Export a scene as a binary GLTF (GLB) file.
scene: trimesh.Scene
Input geometry
extras : JSON serializable
Will be stored in the extras field
include_normals : bool
Include vertex normals in output file?
exported : bytes
Exported result in GLB 2.0
# if we were passed a bare Trimesh or Path3D object
if (not util.is_instance_named(scene, "Scene") and
hasattr(scene, "scene")):
# generate a scene with just that mesh in it
scene = scene.scene()
tree, buffer_items = _create_gltf_structure(
# A bufferView is a slice of a file
views = _build_views(buffer_items)
# combine bytes into a single blob
buffer_data = bytes().join(buffer_items)
# add the information about the buffer data
tree["buffers"] = [{"byteLength": len(buffer_data)}]
tree["bufferViews"] = views
# export the tree to JSON for the header
content = util.jsonify(tree, separators=(',', ':'))
# add spaces to content, so the start of the data
# is 4 byte aligned as per spec
content += (4 - ((len(content) + 20) % 4)) * " "
content = content.encode("utf-8")
# make sure we didn't screw it up
assert (len(content) % 4) == 0
# the initial header of the file
header = _byte_pad(
np.array([_magic["gltf"], # magic, turns into glTF
2, # GLTF version
# length is the total length of the Binary glTF
# including Header and all Chunks, in bytes.
len(content) + len(buffer_data) + 28,
# contentLength is the length, in bytes,
# of the glTF content (JSON)
# magic number which is 'JSON'
# the header of the binary data section
bin_header = _byte_pad(
np.array([len(buffer_data), 0x004E4942],
exported = bytes().join([header,
return exported
def load_gltf(file_obj=None,
Load a GLTF file, which consists of a directory structure
with multiple files.
file_obj : None or file-like
Object containing header JSON, or None
resolver : trimesh.visual.Resolver
Object which can be used to load other files by name
merge_primitives : bool
If True, each GLTF 'mesh' will correspond to a single Trimesh object
**mesh_kwargs : dict
Passed to mesh constructor
kwargs : dict
Arguments to create scene
# see if we've been passed the GLTF header file
tree = json.loads(util.decode_text(file_obj.read()))
except BaseException:
# otherwise header should be in 'model.gltf'
data = resolver['model.gltf']
# old versions of python/json need strings
tree = json.loads(util.decode_text(data))
# use the URI and resolver to get data from file names
buffers = [_uri_to_bytes(uri=b['uri'], resolver=resolver)
for b in tree['buffers']]
# turn the layout header and data into kwargs
# that can be used to instantiate a trimesh.Scene object
kwargs = _read_buffers(header=tree,
return kwargs
def load_glb(file_obj,
Load a GLTF file in the binary GLB format into a trimesh.Scene.
Implemented from specification:
file_obj : file- like object
Containing GLB data
resolver : trimesh.visual.Resolver
Object which can be used to load other files by name
merge_primitives : bool
If True, each GLTF 'mesh' will correspond to a single Trimesh object
kwargs : dict
Kwargs to instantiate a trimesh.Scene
# save the start position of the file for referencing
# against lengths
start = file_obj.tell()
# read the first 20 bytes which contain section lengths
head_data = file_obj.read(20)
head = np.frombuffer(head_data, dtype="<u4")
# check to make sure first index is gltf
# and second is 2, for GLTF 2.0
if head[0] != _magic["gltf"] or head[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("file is not GLTF 2.0")
# overall file length
# first chunk length
# first chunk type
length, chunk_length, chunk_type = head[2:]
# first chunk should be JSON header
if chunk_type != _magic["json"]:
raise ValueError("no initial JSON header!")
# uint32 causes an error in read, so we convert to native int
# for the length passed to read, for the JSON header
json_data = file_obj.read(int(chunk_length))
# convert to text
if hasattr(json_data, "decode"):
json_data = util.decode_text(json_data)
# load the json header to native dict
header = json.loads(json_data)
# read the binary data referred to by GLTF as 'buffers'
buffers = []
while (file_obj.tell() - start) < length:
# the last read put us past the JSON chunk
# we now read the chunk header, which is 8 bytes
chunk_head = file_obj.read(8)
if len(chunk_head) != 8:
# double check to make sure we didn't
# read the whole file
chunk_length, chunk_type = np.frombuffer(
chunk_head, dtype="<u4")
# make sure we have the right data type
if chunk_type != _magic["bin"]:
raise ValueError("not binary GLTF!")
# read the chunk
chunk_data = file_obj.read(int(chunk_length))
if len(chunk_data) != chunk_length:
raise ValueError("chunk was not expected length!")
# turn the layout header and data into kwargs
# that can be used to instantiate a trimesh.Scene object
kwargs = _read_buffers(header=header,
return kwargs
def _uri_to_bytes(uri, resolver):
Take a URI string and load it as a
a filename or as base64.
uri : string
Usually a filename or something like:
resolver : trimesh.visual.Resolver
A resolver to load referenced assets
data : bytes
Loaded data from URI
# see if the URI has base64 data
index = uri.find('base64,')
if index < 0:
# string didn't contain the base64 header
# so return the result from the resolver
return resolver[uri]
# we have a base64 header so strip off
# leading index and then decode into bytes
return base64.b64decode(uri[index + 7:])
def _mesh_to_material(mesh, metallic=0.0, rough=0.0):
Create a simple GLTF material for a mesh using the most
commonly occurring color in that mesh.
mesh: trimesh.Trimesh
Mesh to create a material from
material: dict
In GLTF material format
# just get the most commonly occurring color
color = mesh.visual.main_color
except BaseException:
color = np.array([100, 100, 100, 255], dtype=np.uint8)
# convert uint color to 0.0-1.0 float color
color = color.astype(float32) / np.iinfo(color.dtype).max
material = {
"pbrMetallicRoughness": {
"baseColorFactor": color.tolist(),
"metallicFactor": metallic,
"roughnessFactor": rough}}
return material
def _create_gltf_structure(scene,
Generate a GLTF header.
scene : trimesh.Scene
Input scene data
extras : JSON serializable
Will be stored in the extras field
include_normals : bool
Include vertex normals in output file?
tree : dict
Contains required keys for a GLTF scene
buffer_items : list
Contains bytes of data
# we are defining a single scene, and will be setting the
# world node to the 0-index
tree = {
"scene": 0,
"scenes": [{"nodes": [0]}],
"asset": {"version": "2.0",
"generator": "https://github.com/mikedh/trimesh"},
"accessors": [],
"meshes": [],
"images": [],
"textures": [],
"samplers": [{}],
"materials": [],
if scene.has_camera:
tree["cameras"] = [_convert_camera(scene.camera)]
# collect extras from passed arguments and metadata
collected = {}
# start with scene metadata
if 'extras' in scene.metadata:
# override with passed extras
if extras is not None:
# fail here if data isn't json compatible
# only export the extras if there is something there
if len(collected) > 0:
tree['extras'] = collected
except BaseException:
log.warning('failed to export extras!', exc_info=True)
# grab the flattened scene graph in GLTF's format
nodes = scene.graph.to_gltf(scene=scene)
# store materials as {hash : index} to avoid duplicates
mat_hashes = {}
# store data from geometries
buffer_items = []
# loop through every geometry
for name, geometry in scene.geometry.items():
if util.is_instance_named(geometry, "Trimesh"):
# add the mesh
elif util.is_instance_named(geometry, "Path"):
# add Path2D and Path3D objects
# cull empty or unpopulated fields
# check keys that might be empty so we can remove them
check = ['textures', 'samplers', 'materials', 'images']
for key in check:
if len(tree[key]) == 0:
# in unit tests compare our header against the schema
if tol.strict:
return tree, buffer_items
def _append_mesh(mesh,
Append a mesh to the scene structure and put the
data into buffer_items.
mesh : trimesh.Trimesh
Source geometry
name : str
Name of geometry
tree : dict
Will be updated with data from mesh
Will have buffer appended with mesh data
include_normals : bool
Include vertex normals in export or not
mat_hashes : dict
Which materials have already been added
# return early from empty meshes to avoid crashing later
if len(mesh.faces) == 0:
log.warning('skipping empty mesh!')
# meshes reference accessor indexes
# mode 4 is GL_TRIANGLES
"name": name,
"primitives": [{
"attributes": {"POSITION": len(tree["accessors"]) + 1},
"indices": len(tree["accessors"]),
"mode": 4}]})
# if units are defined, store them as an extra
# the GLTF spec says everything is implicit meters
# we're not doing that as our unit conversions are expensive
# although that might be better, implicit works for 3DXML
# https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/extensions
if mesh.units is not None and 'meter' not in mesh.units:
tree["meshes"][-1]["extras"] = {"units": str(mesh.units)}
# accessors refer to data locations
# mesh faces are stored as flat list of integers
"bufferView": len(buffer_items),
"componentType": 5125,
"count": len(mesh.faces) * 3,
"max": [int(mesh.faces.max())],
"min": [0],
"type": "SCALAR"})
# convert mesh data to the correct dtypes
# faces: 5125 is an unsigned 32 bit integer
# the vertex accessor
"bufferView": len(buffer_items),
"componentType": 5126,
"count": len(mesh.vertices),
"type": "VEC3",
"byteOffset": 0,
"max": mesh.vertices.max(axis=0).tolist(),
"min": mesh.vertices.min(axis=0).tolist()})
# vertices: 5126 is a float32
# make sure nothing fell off the truck
assert len(buffer_items) >= tree['accessors'][-1]['bufferView']
# check to see if we have vertex or face colors
if mesh.visual.kind in ['vertex', 'face']:
# make sure colors are RGBA, this should always be true
vertex_colors = mesh.visual.vertex_colors
# add the reference for vertex color
"COLOR_0"] = len(tree["accessors"])
# convert color data to bytes
color_data = _byte_pad(vertex_colors.astype(uint8).tobytes())
# the vertex color accessor data
"bufferView": len(buffer_items),
"componentType": 5121,
"normalized": True,
"count": len(vertex_colors),
"type": "VEC4",
"byteOffset": 0})
# the actual color data
elif hasattr(mesh.visual, 'material'):
# append the material and then set from returned index
tree["meshes"][-1]["primitives"][0]["material"] = _append_material(
# if mesh has UV coordinates defined export them
has_uv = (hasattr(mesh.visual, 'uv') and
mesh.visual.uv is not None and
len(mesh.visual.uv) == len(mesh.vertices))
if has_uv:
# add the reference for UV coordinates
"TEXCOORD_0"] = len(tree["accessors"])
# slice off W if passed
uv = mesh.visual.uv.copy()[:, :2]
# reverse the Y for GLTF
uv[:, 1] = 1.0 - uv[:, 1]
# convert UV coordinate data to bytes and pad
uv_data = _byte_pad(uv.astype(float32).tobytes())
# add an accessor describing the blob of UV's
"bufferView": len(buffer_items),
"componentType": 5126,
"count": len(mesh.visual.uv),
"type": "VEC2",
"byteOffset": 0})
# immediately add UV data so bufferView indices are correct
if (include_normals or (include_normals is None and
'vertex_normals' in mesh._cache.cache)):
# add the reference for vertex color
"NORMAL"] = len(tree["accessors"])
normal_data = _byte_pad(mesh.vertex_normals.astype(
# the vertex color accessor data
"bufferView": len(buffer_items),
"componentType": 5126,
"count": len(mesh.vertices),
"type": "VEC3",
"byteOffset": 0})
# the actual color data
# for each attribute with a leading underscore, assign them to trimesh
# vertex_attributes
for key in mesh.vertex_attributes:
attribute_name = key
# Application specific attributes must be prefixed with an underscore
if not key.startswith("_"):
attribute_name = "_" + key
tree["meshes"][-1]["primitives"][0]["attributes"][attribute_name] = len(
attribute_data = _byte_pad(mesh.vertex_attributes[key].tobytes())
accessor = {
"bufferView": len(buffer_items),
"count": len(mesh.vertex_attributes[key])
def _build_views(buffer_items):
views = []
# create the buffer views
current_pos = 0
for current_item in buffer_items:
{"buffer": 0,
"byteOffset": current_pos,
"byteLength": len(current_item)})
current_pos += len(current_item)
return views
def _build_accessor(array):
shape = array.shape
data_type = "SCALAR"
if len(shape) == 2:
vec_length = shape[1]
if vec_length > 4:
raise ValueError("The GLTF spec does not support vectors larger than 4")
if vec_length > 1:
data_type = "VEC%d" % vec_length
data_type = "SCALAR"
if len(shape) == 3:
if shape[2] not in [2, 3, 4]:
raise ValueError("Matrix types must have 4, 9 or 16 components")
data_type = "MAT%d" % shape[2]
# get the array data type as a str, stripping off endian
lookup = array.dtype.str[-2:]
# map the numpy dtype to a GLTF code (i.e. 5121)
componentType = _dtypes_lookup[lookup]
accessor = {
"componentType": componentType,
"type": data_type,
"byteOffset": 0}
if len(shape) < 3:
accessor["max"] = array.max(axis=0).tolist()
accessor["min"] = array.min(axis=0).tolist()
return accessor
def _byte_pad(data, bound=4):
GLTF wants chunks aligned with 4 byte boundaries.
This function will add padding to the end of a
chunk of bytes so that it aligns with the passed
boundary size.
data : bytes
Data to be padded
bound : int
Length of desired boundary
padded : bytes
Result where: (len(padded) % bound) == 0
bound = int(bound)
if len(data) % bound != 0:
# extra bytes to pad with
count = bound - (len(data) % bound)
# bytes(count) only works on Python 3
pad = (' ' * count).encode('utf-8')
# combine the padding and data
result = bytes().join([data, pad])
# we should always divide evenly
if (len(result) % bound) != 0:
raise ValueError(
'byte_pad failed! ori:{} res:{} pad:{} req:{}'.format(
len(data), len(result), count, bound))
return result
return data
def _append_path(path, name, tree, buffer_items):
Append a 2D or 3D path to the scene structure and put the
data into buffer_items.
path : trimesh.Path2D or trimesh.Path3D
Source geometry
name : str
Name of geometry
tree : dict
Will be updated with data from path
Will have buffer appended with path data
# convert the path to the unnamed args for
# a pyglet vertex list
vxlist = rendering.path_to_vertexlist(path)
"name": name,
"primitives": [{
"attributes": {"POSITION": len(tree["accessors"])},
"mode": 1, # mode 1 is GL_LINES
"material": len(tree["materials"])}]})
# if units are defined, store them as an extra:
# https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/tree/master/extensions
if path.units is not None and 'meter' not in path.units:
tree["meshes"][-1]["extras"] = {"units": str(path.units)}
"bufferView": len(buffer_items),
"componentType": 5126,
"count": vxlist[0],
"type": "VEC3",
"byteOffset": 0,
"max": path.vertices.max(axis=0).tolist(),
"min": path.vertices.min(axis=0).tolist()})
# TODO add color support to Path object
# this is just exporting everying as black
# data is the second value of the fourth field
# which is a (data type, data) tuple
def _parse_materials(header, views, resolver=None):
Convert materials and images stored in a GLTF header
and buffer views to PBRMaterial objects.
header : dict
Contains layout of file
views : (n,) bytes
Raw data
materials : list
List of trimesh.visual.texture.Material objects
import PIL.Image
except ImportError:
log.warning("unable to load textures without pillow!")
return None
# load any images
images = None
if "images" in header:
# images are referenced by index
images = [None] * len(header["images"])
# loop through images
for i, img in enumerate(header["images"]):
# get the bytes representing an image
if 'bufferView' in img:
blob = views[img["bufferView"]]
elif 'uri' in img:
# will get bytes from filesystem or base64 URI
blob = _uri_to_bytes(uri=img['uri'], resolver=resolver)
log.warning('unable to load image from: {}'.format(
# i.e. 'image/jpeg'
# mime = img['mimeType']
# load the buffer into a PIL image
images[i] = PIL.Image.open(util.wrap_as_stream(blob))
except BaseException:
log.error("failed to load image!", exc_info=True)
# store materials which reference images
materials = []
if "materials" in header:
for mat in header["materials"]:
# flatten key structure so we can loop it
loopable = mat.copy()
# this key stores another dict of crap
if "pbrMetallicRoughness" in loopable:
# add keys of keys to top level dict
# save flattened keys we can use for kwargs
pbr = {}
for k, v in loopable.items():
if not isinstance(v, dict):
pbr[k] = v
elif "index" in v:
# get the index of image for texture
idx = header["textures"][v["index"]]["source"]
# store the actual image as the value
pbr[k] = images[idx]
# create a PBR material object for the GLTF material
return materials
def _read_buffers(header, buffers, mesh_kwargs, merge_primitives=False, resolver=None):
Given a list of binary data and a layout, return the
kwargs to create a scene object.
header : dict
With GLTF keys
buffers : list of bytes
Stored data
passed : dict
Kwargs for mesh constructors
kwargs : dict
Can be passed to load_kwargs for a trimesh.Scene
# split buffer data into buffer views
views = [None] * len(header["bufferViews"])
for i, view in enumerate(header["bufferViews"]):
if "byteOffset" in view:
start = view["byteOffset"]
start = 0
end = start + view["byteLength"]
views[i] = buffers[view["buffer"]][start:end]
assert len(views[i]) == view["byteLength"]
# load data from buffers into numpy arrays
# using the layout described by accessors
access = [None] * len(header['accessors'])
for index, a in enumerate(header["accessors"]):
# number of items
count = a['count']
# what is the datatype
dtype = _dtypes[a["componentType"]]
# basically how many columns
per_item = _shapes[a["type"]]
# use reported count to generate shape
shape = np.append(count, per_item)
# number of items when flattened
# i.e. a (4, 4) MAT4 has 16
per_count = np.abs(np.product(per_item))
if 'bufferView' in a:
# data was stored in a buffer view so get raw bytes
data = views[a["bufferView"]]
# is the accessor offset in a buffer
if "byteOffset" in a:
start = a["byteOffset"]
# otherwise assume we start at first byte
start = 0
# length is the number of bytes per item times total
length = np.dtype(dtype).itemsize * count * per_count
# load the bytes data into correct dtype and shape
access[index] = np.frombuffer(
data[start:start + length], dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
# a "sparse" accessor should be initialized as zeros
access[index] = np.zeros(
count * per_count, dtype=dtype).reshape(shape)
# load images and textures into material objects
materials = _parse_materials(
header, views=views, resolver=resolver)
mesh_prim = collections.defaultdict(list)
# load data from accessors into Trimesh objects
meshes = collections.OrderedDict()
for index, m in enumerate(header["meshes"]):
metadata = {}
# try loading units from the GLTF extra
metadata['units'] = str(m["extras"]["units"])
except BaseException:
# GLTF spec indicates the default units are meters
metadata['units'] = 'meters'
for j, p in enumerate(m["primitives"]):
# if we don't have a triangular mesh continue
# if not specified assume it is a mesh
if "mode" in p and p["mode"] != 4:
log.warning('skipping primitive with mode {}!'.format(p['mode']))
# store those units
kwargs = {"metadata": {}}
# get vertices from accessors
kwargs["vertices"] = access[p["attributes"]["POSITION"]]
# get faces from accessors
if 'indices' in p:
kwargs["faces"] = access[p["indices"]].reshape((-1, 3))
# indices are apparently optional and we are supposed to
# do the same thing as webGL drawArrays?
kwargs['faces'] = np.arange(
dtype=np.int64).reshape((-1, 3))
# do we have UV coordinates
if "material" in p:
if materials is None:
log.warning('no materials! `pip install pillow`')
uv = None
if "TEXCOORD_0" in p["attributes"]:
# flip UV's top- bottom to move origin to lower-left:
# https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF/issues/1021
uv = access[p["attributes"]["TEXCOORD_0"]].copy()
uv[:, 1] = 1.0 - uv[:, 1]
# create a texture visual
kwargs["visual"] = visual.texture.TextureVisuals(
uv=uv, material=materials[p["material"]])
# create a unique mesh name per- primitive
if "name" in m:
name = m["name"]
name = "GLTF_geometry"
# make name unique across multiple meshes
if name in meshes:
name += "_{}".format(util.unique_id())
# each primitive gets it's own Trimesh object
if len(m["primitives"]) > 1:
name += "_{}".format(j)
custom_attrs = [attr for attr in p["attributes"]
if attr.startswith("_")]
if len(custom_attrs):
vertex_attributes = {}
for attr in custom_attrs:
vertex_attributes[attr] = access[p["attributes"][attr]]
kwargs["vertex_attributes"] = vertex_attributes
kwargs["process"] = False
meshes[name] = kwargs
# sometimes GLTF "meshes" come with multiple "primitives"
# by default we return one Trimesh object per "primitive"
# but if merge_primitives is True we combine the primitives
# for the "mesh" into a single Trimesh object
if merge_primitives:
# if we are only returning one Trimesh object
# replace `mesh_prim` with updated values
mesh_prim_replace = dict()
mesh_pop = []
for mesh_index, names in mesh_prim.items():
if len(names) <= 1:
mesh_prim_replace[mesh_index] = names
# use the first name
name = names[0]
# remove the other meshes after we're done looping
# collect the meshes
# TODO : use mesh concatenation with texture support
current = [meshes[n] for n in names]
v_seq = [p['vertices'] for p in current]
f_seq = [p['faces'] for p in current]
v, f = util.append_faces(v_seq, f_seq)
if 'metadata' in meshes[names[0]]:
metadata = meshes[names[0]]['metadata']
metadata = {}
meshes[name] = {
'vertices': v,
'faces': f,
'metadata': metadata,
'process': False}
mesh_prim_replace[mesh_index] = [name]
# avoid altering inside loop
mesh_prim = mesh_prim_replace
# remove outdated meshes
[meshes.pop(p, None) for p in mesh_pop]
# make it easier to reference nodes
nodes = header["nodes"]
# nodes are referenced by index
# save their string names if they have one
# node index (int) : name (str)
names = {}
for i, n in enumerate(nodes):
if "name" in n:
if n["name"] in names.values():
names[i] = n["name"] + "_{}".format(util.unique_id())
names[i] = n["name"]
names[i] = str(i)
# make sure we have a unique base frame name
base_frame = "world"
if base_frame in names:
base_frame = str(int(np.random.random() * 1e10))
names[base_frame] = base_frame
# visited, kwargs for scene.graph.update
graph = collections.deque()
# unvisited, pairs of node indexes
queue = collections.deque()
if 'scene' in header:
# specify the index of scenes if specified
scene_index = header['scene']
# otherwise just use the first index
scene_index = 0
# start the traversal from the base frame to the roots
for root in header["scenes"][scene_index]["nodes"]:
# add transform from base frame to these root nodes
queue.append([base_frame, root])
# go through the nodes tree to populate
# kwargs for scene graph loader
while len(queue) > 0:
# (int, int) pair of node indexes
a, b = queue.pop()
# dict of child node
# parent = nodes[a]
child = nodes[b]
# add edges of children to be processed
if "children" in child:
queue.extend([[b, i] for i in child["children"]])
# kwargs to be passed to scene.graph.update
kwargs = {"frame_from": names[a], "frame_to": names[b]}
# grab matrix from child
# parent -> child relationships have matrix stored in child
# for the transform from parent to child
if "matrix" in child:
kwargs["matrix"] = np.array(
child["matrix"], dtype=np.float64).reshape((4, 4)).T
# if no matrix set identity
kwargs["matrix"] = np.eye(4)
# Now apply keyword translations
# GLTF applies these in order: T * R * S
if "translation" in child:
kwargs["matrix"] = np.dot(
if "rotation" in child:
# GLTF rotations are stored as (4,) XYZW unit quaternions
# we need to re- order to our quaternion style, WXYZ
quat = np.reshape(child["rotation"], 4)[[3, 0, 1, 2]]
# add the rotation to the matrix
kwargs["matrix"] = np.dot(
kwargs["matrix"], transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat))
if "scale" in child:
# add scale to the matrix
kwargs["matrix"] = np.dot(
np.diag(np.concatenate((child['scale'], [1.0]))))
if "mesh" in child:
geometries = mesh_prim[child["mesh"]]
# if the node has a mesh associated with it
if len(geometries) > 1:
# append root node
# put primitives as children
for i, geom_name in enumerate(geometries):
# save the name of the geometry
kwargs["geometry"] = geom_name
# no transformations
kwargs["matrix"] = np.eye(4)
kwargs['frame_from'] = names[b]
# if we have more than one primitive assign a new UUID
# frame name for the primitives after the first one
frame_to = '{}_{}'.format(
names[b], util.unique_id(length=6))
kwargs['frame_to'] = frame_to
# append the edge with the mesh frame
kwargs["geometry"] = geometries[0]
if 'name' in child:
kwargs['frame_to'] = names[b]
# if the node doesn't have any geometry just add
# kwargs for load_kwargs
result = {"class": "Scene",
"geometry": meshes,
"graph": graph,
"base_frame": base_frame}
# load any extras into scene.metadata
return result
def _parse_extras(header):
Load any GLTF "extras" into scene.metadata['extras'].
header : dict
GLTF header
kwargs : dict
Includes metadata
if 'extras' not in header:
return {}
return {'metadata': {'extras': dict(header['extras'])}}
except BaseException:
log.warning('failed to load extras', exc_info=True)
return {}
def _convert_camera(camera):
Convert a trimesh camera to a GLTF camera.
camera : trimesh.scene.cameras.Camera
Trimesh camera object
gltf_camera : dict
Camera represented as a GLTF dict
result = {
"name": camera.name,
"type": "perspective",
"perspective": {
"aspectRatio": camera.fov[0] / camera.fov[1],
"yfov": np.radians(camera.fov[1]),
"znear": float(camera.z_near)}}
return result
def _append_image(img, tree, buffer_items):
Append a PIL image to a GLTF2.0 tree.
img : PIL.Image
Image object
tree : dict
GLTF 2.0 format tree
buffer_items : (n,) bytes
Binary blobs containing data
index : int or None
The index of the image in the tree
None if image append failed for any reason
# probably not a PIL image so exit
if not hasattr(img, 'format'):
return None
# don't re-encode JPEGs
if img.format == 'JPEG':
# no need to mangle JPEGs
save_as = 'JPEG'
# for everything else just use PNG
save_as = 'png'
# get the image data into a bytes object
with util.BytesIO() as f:
img.save(f, format=save_as)
data = f.read()
# append buffer index and the GLTF-acceptable mimetype
'bufferView': len(buffer_items),
'mimeType': 'image/{}'.format(save_as.lower())})
# append data so bufferView matches
# index is length minus one
return len(tree['images']) - 1
def _append_material(mat, tree, buffer_items, mat_hashes):
Add passed PBRMaterial as GLTF 2.0 specification JSON
serializable data:
- images are added to `tree['images']`
- texture is added to `tree['texture']`
- material is added to `tree['materials']`
mat : trimesh.visual.materials.PBRMaterials
Source material to convert
tree : dict
GLTF header blob
buffer_items : (n,) bytes
Binary blobs with various data
mat_hashes : dict
Which materials have already been added
Stored as { hashed : material index }
index : int
Index at which material was added
# materials are hashable
hashed = hash(mat)
# check stored material indexes to see if material
# has already been added
if mat_hashes is not None and hashed in mat_hashes:
return mat_hashes[hashed]
# convert passed input to PBR if necessary
if hasattr(mat, 'to_pbr'):
as_pbr = mat.to_pbr()
as_pbr = mat
# a default PBR metallic material
result = {"pbrMetallicRoughness": {}}
# try to convert base color to (4,) float color
result['baseColorFactor'] = visual.color.to_float(
except BaseException:
result['emissiveFactor'] = as_pbr.emissiveFactor.reshape(3).tolist()
except BaseException:
# if name is defined, export
if isinstance(as_pbr.name, str):
result['name'] = as_pbr.name
# if alphaMode is defined, export
if isinstance(as_pbr.alphaMode, str):
result['alphaMode'] = as_pbr.alphaMode
# if doubleSided is defined, export
if isinstance(as_pbr.doubleSided, bool):
result['doubleSided'] = as_pbr.doubleSided
# if scalars are defined correctly export
if isinstance(as_pbr.metallicFactor, float):
result['metallicFactor'] = as_pbr.metallicFactor
if isinstance(as_pbr.roughnessFactor, float):
result['roughnessFactor'] = as_pbr.roughnessFactor
# which keys of the PBRMaterial are images
image_mapping = {
'baseColorTexture': as_pbr.baseColorTexture,
'emissiveTexture': as_pbr.emissiveTexture,
'normalTexture': as_pbr.normalTexture,
'occlusionTexture': as_pbr.occlusionTexture,
'metallicRoughnessTexture': as_pbr.metallicRoughnessTexture}
for key, img in image_mapping.items():
if img is None:
# try adding the base image to the export object
index = _append_image(
# if the image was added successfully it will return index
# if it failed for any reason, it will return None
if index is not None:
# add a reference to the base color texture
result[key] = {'index': len(tree['textures'])}
# add an object for the texture
tree['textures'].append({'source': index, 'sampler': 0})
# for our PBRMaterial object we flatten all keys
# however GLTF would like some of them under the
# "pbrMetallicRoughness" key
pbr_subset = ['baseColorTexture',
# move keys down a level
for key in pbr_subset:
if key in result:
result["pbrMetallicRoughness"][key] = result.pop(key)
# if we didn't have any PBR keys remove the empty key
if len(result['pbrMetallicRoughness']) == 0:
# which index are we inserting material at
index = len(tree['materials'])
# add the material to the data structure
# add the material index in-place
mat_hashes[hashed] = index
return index
def validate(header):
Validate a GLTF 2.0 header against the schema.
Returns result from:
`jsonschema.validate(header, schema=get_schema())`
header : dict
Populated GLTF 2.0 header
err : jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError
If the tree is an invalid GLTF2.0 header
# a soft dependency
import jsonschema
# will do the reference replacement
schema = get_schema()
# validate the passed header against the schema
return jsonschema.validate(header, schema=schema)
def get_schema():
Get a copy of the GLTF 2.0 schema with references resolved.
schema : dict
A copy of the GLTF 2.0 schema without external references.
# replace references
from ..schemas import resolve
# get zip resolver to access referenced assets
from ..resolvers import ZipResolver
# get a blob of a zip file including the GLTF 2.0 schema
blob = resources.get('gltf_2_schema.zip', decode=False)
# get the zip file as a dict keyed by file name
archive = util.decompress(util.wrap_as_stream(blob), 'zip')
# get a resolver object for accessing the schema
resolver = ZipResolver(archive)
# get a loaded dict from the base file
unresolved = json.loads(util.decode_text(
# remove references to other files in the schema
schema = resolve(unresolved,
return schema
# exporters
_gltf_loaders = {"glb": load_glb,
"gltf": load_gltf}