
192 lines
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Functions for fitting and minimizing nspheres:
circles, spheres, hyperspheres, etc.
import numpy as np
from . import util
from . import convex
from .constants import log, tol
# scipy is a soft dependency
from scipy import spatial
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
except BaseException as E:
# raise the exception when someone tries to use it
from . import exceptions
leastsq = exceptions.closure(E)
spatial = exceptions.ExceptionModule(E)
import psutil
def _MAX_MEMORY():
# if we have psutil check actual free memory when called
return psutil.virtual_memory().free / 2.0
except ImportError:
def _MAX_MEMORY():
# use a hardcoded best guess estimate
return 1e9
def minimum_nsphere(obj):
Compute the minimum n- sphere for a mesh or a set of points.
Uses the fact that the minimum n- sphere will be centered at one of
the vertices of the furthest site voronoi diagram, which is n*log(n)
but should be pretty fast due to using the scipy/qhull implementations
of convex hulls and voronoi diagrams.
obj : (n, d) float or trimesh.Trimesh
Points or mesh to find minimum bounidng nsphere
center : (d,) float
Center of fitted n- sphere
radius : float
Radius of fitted n-sphere
# reduce the input points or mesh to the vertices of the convex hull
# since we are computing the furthest site voronoi diagram this reduces
# the input complexity substantially and returns the same value
points = convex.hull_points(obj)
# we are scaling the mesh to a unit cube
# this used to pass qhull_options 'QbB' to Voronoi however this had a bug somewhere
# to avoid this we scale to a unit cube ourselves inside this function
points_origin = points.min(axis=0)
points_scale = points.ptp(axis=0).min()
points = (points - points_origin) / points_scale
# if all of the points are on an n-sphere already the voronoi
# method will fail so we check a least squares fit before
# bothering to compute the voronoi diagram
fit_C, fit_R, fit_E = fit_nsphere(points)
# return fit radius and center to global scale
fit_R = (((points - fit_C)**2).sum(axis=1).max() ** .5) * points_scale
fit_C = (fit_C * points_scale) + points_origin
if fit_E < 1e-6:
log.debug('Points were on an n-sphere, returning fit')
return fit_C, fit_R
# calculate a furthest site voronoi diagram
# this will fail if the points are ALL on the surface of
# the n-sphere but hopefully the least squares check caught those cases
# , qhull_options='QbB Pp')
voronoi = spatial.Voronoi(points, furthest_site=True)
# find the maximum radius^2 point for each of the voronoi vertices
# this is worst case quite expensive but we have taken
# convex hull to reduce n for this operation
# we are doing comparisons on the radius squared then rooting once
# cdist is massivly faster than looping or tiling methods
# although it does create a very large intermediate array
# first, get an order of magnitude memory size estimate
# a float64 would be 8 bytes per entry plus overhead
memory_estimate = len(voronoi.vertices) * len(points) * 9
if memory_estimate > _MAX_MEMORY():
raise MemoryError
radii_2 = spatial.distance.cdist(
voronoi.vertices, points,
except MemoryError:
# log the MemoryError
log.warning('MemoryError: falling back to slower check!')
# fall back to a potentially very slow list comprehension
radii_2 = np.array([((points - v) ** 2).sum(axis=1).max()
for v in voronoi.vertices])
# we want the smallest sphere so take the min of the radii
radii_idx = radii_2.argmin()
# return voronoi radius and center to global scale
radius_v = np.sqrt(radii_2[radii_idx]) * points_scale
center_v = (voronoi.vertices[radii_idx] *
points_scale) + points_origin
if radius_v > fit_R:
return fit_C, fit_R
return center_v, radius_v
def fit_nsphere(points, prior=None):
Fit an n-sphere to a set of points using least squares.
points : (n, d) float
Points in space
prior : (d,) float
Best guess for center of nsphere
center : (d,) float
Location of center
radius : float
Mean radius across circle
error : float
Peak to peak value of deviation from mean radius
# make sure points are numpy array
points = np.asanyarray(points, dtype=np.float64)
# create ones so we can dot instead of using slower sum
ones = np.ones(points.shape[1])
def residuals(center):
# do the axis sum with a dot
# this gets called a LOT so worth optimizing
radii_sq = - center) ** 2, ones)
# residuals are difference between mean
# use our sum mean vs .mean() as it is slightly faster
return radii_sq - (radii_sq.sum() / len(radii_sq))
if prior is None:
guess = points.mean(axis=0)
guess = np.asanyarray(prior)
center_result, return_code = leastsq(residuals,
if not (return_code in [1, 2, 3, 4]):
raise ValueError('Least square fit failed!')
radii = util.row_norm(points - center_result)
radius = radii.mean()
error = radii.ptp()
return center_result, radius, error
def is_nsphere(points):
Check if a list of points is an nsphere.
points : (n, dimension) float
Points in space
check : bool
True if input points are on an nsphere
center, radius, error = fit_nsphere(points)
check = error < tol.merge
return check