The file `` is essentially a replica from MEB workflow. It constructs a city and then allows the user to apply characteristics to that given city.
The difference is in the implementation of MatSimEngine. This engine should create the following files:
- facilities.xml
- network.xml
- population.xml
- config.xml
Facilities and network are quite simple as the facilities file can be built from our city object and the network file can be built using a matsim utility along with OpenStreetMaps data. The population file must be generated via other ways and the config file can be generated once the first 3 files are created.
Additionally, it may be interesting to include public transport in the simulation. This is a potentially simple task. Montreal offers the GTFS files for its public transport for free and the project [PT2MATSim]( allows you to create the MatSim xml files from the initial GTFS files.
The repository also has the code to visualize these results. It's a very basic implementation, but it basically uses matplotlib and nx to plot the network and how much traffic exists on a given link at a given time.