!-Generator IDFEditor 1.50 !-Option SortedOrder !-NOTE: All comments with '!-' are ignored by the IDFEditor and are generated automatically. !- Use '!' comments if they need to be retained when using the IDFEditor. !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: VERSION =========== Version,9.2; !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIMULATIONCONTROL =========== SimulationControl, Yes, !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation No, !- Do System Sizing Calculation No, !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation Yes, !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods Yes; !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BUILDING =========== Building, Building 1, !- Name , !- North Axis {deg} , !- Terrain , !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value , !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC} , !- Solar Distribution , !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days ; !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SHADOWCALCULATION =========== ShadowCalculation, AverageOverDaysInFrequency, !- Calculation Method 20, !- Calculation Frequency 15000; !- Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SURFACECONVECTIONALGORITHM:INSIDE =========== SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Inside,TARP; !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SURFACECONVECTIONALGORITHM:OUTSIDE =========== SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Outside,DOE-2; !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: HEATBALANCEALGORITHM =========== HeatBalanceAlgorithm,ConductionTransferFunction,200; !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONEAIRHEATBALANCEALGORITHM =========== ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm, ThirdOrderBackwardDifference; !- Algorithm !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONEAIRCONTAMINANTBALANCE =========== ZoneAirContaminantBalance, No; !- Carbon Dioxide Concentration !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONECAPACITANCEMULTIPLIER:RESEARCHSPECIAL =========== ZoneCapacitanceMultiplier:ResearchSpecial, Zone Capacitance Multiplier Research Special, !- Name , !- Zone or ZoneList Name , !- Temperature Capacity Multiplier , !- Humidity Capacity Multiplier , !- Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier ; !- Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: TIMESTEP =========== Timestep,6; !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONVERGENCELIMITS =========== ConvergenceLimits, 1; !- Minimum System Timestep {minutes} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SITE:LOCATION =========== Site:Location, Site 1, !- Name 0, !- Latitude {deg} 0, !- Longitude {deg} 0, !- Time Zone {hr} 0; !- Elevation {m} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZINGPERIOD:DESIGNDAY =========== SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Montreal Int'l Ann Clg .4% Condns DB=>MWB, !- Name 7, !- Month 21, !- Day of Month SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type 30, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C} 9.3, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC} DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name WetBulb, !- Humidity Condition Type 22.1, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C} , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir} , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg} , !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC} 100893, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa} 4.9, !- Wind Speed {m/s} 220, !- Wind Direction {deg} No, !- Rain Indicator No, !- Snow Indicator No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator ASHRAETau, !- Solar Model Indicator , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name 0.465, !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub) {dimensionless} 1.966; !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud) {dimensionless} SizingPeriod:DesignDay, Montreal Int'l Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB, !- Name 1, !- Month 21, !- Day of Month WinterDesignDay, !- Day Type -23.7, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C} 0, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC} DefaultMultipliers, !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name WetBulb, !- Humidity Condition Type -23.7, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C} , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir} , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg} , !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC} 100893, !- Barometric Pressure {Pa} 3.9, !- Wind Speed {m/s} 260, !- Wind Direction {deg} No, !- Rain Indicator No, !- Snow Indicator No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub) {dimensionless} , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud) {dimensionless} 0; !- Sky Clearness !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUNPERIOD =========== RunPeriod, Run Period 1, !- Name 1, !- Begin Month 1, !- Begin Day of Month 2009, !- Begin Year 12, !- End Month 31, !- End Day of Month 2009, !- End Year Thursday, !- Day of Week for Start Day No, !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days No, !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period No, !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule Yes, !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators Yes; !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULETYPELIMITS =========== ScheduleTypeLimits, Fractional, !- Name 0, !- Lower Limit Value 1, !- Upper Limit Value Continuous; !- Numeric Type ScheduleTypeLimits, Temperature, !- Name , !- Lower Limit Value , !- Upper Limit Value Continuous, !- Numeric Type temperature; !- Unit Type ScheduleTypeLimits, Watt, !- Name , !- Lower Limit Value , !- Upper Limit Value Continuous, !- Numeric Type ActivityLevel; !- Unit Type !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:DAY:INTERVAL =========== Schedule:Day:Interval, WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 0.05; !- Value Until Time 1 Schedule:Day:Interval, WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Name Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 48.8888888888889; !- Value Until Time 1 Schedule:Day:Interval, WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 0.2; !- Value Until Time 1 Schedule:Day:Interval, Light_day_sch, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 0.5; !- Value Until Time 1 Schedule:Day:Interval, Equip_day_sch, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 0.3; !- Value Until Time 1 Schedule:Day:Interval, Activity_day_sch, !- Name Watt, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 100; !- Value Until Time 1 Schedule:Day:Interval, People_day_sch, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 0.4; !- Value Until Time 1 Schedule:Day:Interval, Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Name Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name No, !- Interpolate to Timestep 24:00, !- Time 1 20; !- Value Until Time 1 !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:WEEK:DAILY =========== Schedule:Week:Daily, WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Week Rule - Jan1-Dec31, !- Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Day; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name Schedule:Week:Daily, WaterUse Schedule 120F Week Rule - Jan1-Dec31, !- Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Day; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name Schedule:Week:Daily, WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Week Rule - Jan1-Dec31, !- Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Day; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name Schedule:Week:Daily, Light_week_sch, !- Name Light_day_sch, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name Light_day_sch; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name Schedule:Week:Daily, Equip_week_sch, !- Name Equip_day_sch, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name Equip_day_sch; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name Schedule:Week:Daily, Activity_week_sch, !- Name Activity_day_sch, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name Activity_day_sch; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name Schedule:Week:Daily, People_week_sch, !- Name People_day_sch, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name People_day_sch; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name Schedule:Week:Daily, Heating_setpoint_week, !- Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Sunday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Monday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Tuesday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Wednesday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Thursday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Friday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Saturday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- Holiday Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- SummerDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- WinterDesignDay Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day, !- CustomDay1 Schedule:Day Name Heating_Setpoint_day; !- CustomDay2 Schedule:Day Name !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:YEAR =========== Schedule:Year, WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name WaterUse Latent Fraction Schedule 5p Week Rule - Jan1-Dec31, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 Schedule:Year, WaterUse Schedule 120F, !- Name Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name WaterUse Schedule 120F Week Rule - Jan1-Dec31, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 Schedule:Year, WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name WaterUse Sensible Fraction Schedule 20p Week Rule - Jan1-Dec31, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 Schedule:Year, Light_year_sch, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Light_week_sch, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 Schedule:Year, Equip_year_sch, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Equip_week_sch, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 Schedule:Year, Activity_year_sch, !- Name Watt, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Activity_week_sch, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 Schedule:Year, People_year_sch, !- Name Fractional, !- Schedule Type Limits Name People_week_sch, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 Schedule:Year, Heating_setpoint_year, !- Name Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name Heating_setpoint_week, !- Schedule:Week Name 1 1, !- Start Month 1 1, !- Start Day 1 12, !- End Month 1 31; !- End Day 1 !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:CONSTANT =========== Schedule:Constant,Always On,Fractional,1; Schedule:Constant,Always Heating,Temperature,20; Schedule:Constant,Always Cooling,Temperature,30; !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL =========== Material, 1/2IN Gypsum, !- Name Smooth, !- Roughness 0.0127, !- Thickness {m} 0.16, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 784.9, !- Density {kg/m3} 830.000000000001, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.4, !- Solar Absorptance 0.4; !- Visible Absorptance Material, 1IN Stucco, !- Name Smooth, !- Roughness 0.0253, !- Thickness {m} 0.691799999999999, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 1858, !- Density {kg/m3} 836.999999999999, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.92, !- Solar Absorptance 0.92; !- Visible Absorptance Material, 8IN Concrete HW, !- Name MediumRough, !- Roughness 0.2033, !- Thickness {m} 1.72959999999999, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 2242.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3} 836.999999999999, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.65, !- Solar Absorptance 0.65; !- Visible Absorptance Material, F08 Metal surface, !- Name Smooth, !- Roughness 0.0008, !- Thickness {m} 45.2800000000001, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 7823.99999999999, !- Density {kg/m3} 500, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance Material, F16 Acoustic tile, !- Name MediumSmooth, !- Roughness 0.0191, !- Thickness {m} 0.06, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 368, !- Density {kg/m3} 590.000000000002, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.3, !- Solar Absorptance 0.3; !- Visible Absorptance Material, G01a 19mm gypsum board, !- Name MediumSmooth, !- Roughness 0.019, !- Thickness {m} 0.16, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 800, !- Density {kg/m3} 1090, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.4, !- Solar Absorptance 0.4; !- Visible Absorptance Material, G05 25mm wood, !- Name MediumSmooth, !- Roughness 0.0254, !- Thickness {m} 0.15, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 608, !- Density {kg/m3} 1630, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.5, !- Solar Absorptance 0.5; !- Visible Absorptance Material, I01 25mm insulation board, !- Name MediumRough, !- Roughness 0.0254, !- Thickness {m} 0.03, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 43, !- Density {kg/m3} 1210, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.6, !- Solar Absorptance 0.6; !- Visible Absorptance Material, M11 100mm lightweight concrete, !- Name MediumRough, !- Roughness 0.1016, !- Thickness {m} 0.53, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 1280, !- Density {kg/m3} 840.000000000002, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.5, !- Solar Absorptance 0.5; !- Visible Absorptance Material, MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE, !- Name Rough, !- Roughness 0.1016, !- Thickness {m} 1.311, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 2240, !- Density {kg/m3} 836.800000000001, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.85, !- Solar Absorptance 0.85; !- Visible Absorptance Material, Metal Decking, !- Name MediumSmooth, !- Roughness 0.0015, !- Thickness {m} 45.006, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 7680, !- Density {kg/m3} 418.4, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.6, !- Solar Absorptance 0.6; !- Visible Absorptance Material, Metal Roofing, !- Name MediumSmooth, !- Roughness 0.0015, !- Thickness {m} 45.006, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 7680, !- Density {kg/m3} 418.4, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.6, !- Solar Absorptance 0.6; !- Visible Absorptance Material, Roof Insulation [25], !- Name MediumRough, !- Roughness 0.263, !- Thickness {m} 0.049, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 265, !- Density {kg/m3} 836.800000000001, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.7, !- Solar Absorptance 0.7; !- Visible Absorptance Material, Wall Insulation [42], !- Name MediumRough, !- Roughness 0.0913999999999999, !- Thickness {m} 0.0432, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 91, !- Density {kg/m3} 836.999999999999, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.5, !- Solar Absorptance 0.5; !- Visible Absorptance !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:NOMASS =========== Material:NoMass, CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Name Smooth, !- Roughness 0.1, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W} 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance 0.8, !- Solar Absorptance 0.8; !- Visible Absorptance !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:AIRGAP =========== Material:AirGap, F04 Wall air space resistance, !- Name 0.15; !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W} Material:AirGap, F05 Ceiling air space resistance, !- Name 0.18; !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: WINDOWMATERIAL:SIMPLEGLAZINGSYSTEM =========== WindowMaterial:SimpleGlazingSystem, _2_WSV_3_Air, !- Name 1.62, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K} 0.64, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient 0.8; !- Visible Transmittance !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: WINDOWMATERIAL:GLAZING =========== WindowMaterial:Glazing, Theoretical Glass [216], !- Name SpectralAverage, !- Optical Data Type , !- Window Glass Spectral Data Set Name 0.00299999999999999, !- Thickness {m} 0.3801, !- Solar Transmittance at Normal Incidence 0.5699, !- Front Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence 0, !- Back Side Solar Reflectance at Normal Incidence 0.5079, !- Visible Transmittance at Normal Incidence 0.4421, !- Front Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence 0, !- Back Side Visible Reflectance at Normal Incidence 0, !- Infrared Transmittance at Normal Incidence 0.9, !- Front Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity 0.9, !- Back Side Infrared Hemispherical Emissivity 0.0133, !- Conductivity {W/m-K} 1, !- Dirt Correction Factor for Solar and Visible Transmittance No; !- Solar Diffusing !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONSTRUCTION =========== Construction, _2_WSV_3_Air, !- Name _2_WSV_3_Air; !- Outside Layer Construction, ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtRoof Metal ClimateZone 6, !- Name Metal Roofing, !- Outside Layer Roof Insulation [25], !- Layer 2 Metal Decking; !- Layer 3 Construction, ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 6, !- Name 1IN Stucco, !- Outside Layer 8IN Concrete HW, !- Layer 2 Wall Insulation [42], !- Layer 3 1/2IN Gypsum; !- Layer 4 Construction, ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 7, !- Name 1IN Stucco, !- Outside Layer 8IN Concrete HW, !- Layer 2 Wall Insulation [42], !- Layer 3 1/2IN Gypsum; !- Layer 4 Construction, ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWindow ClimateZone 6, !- Name Theoretical Glass [216]; !- Outside Layer Construction, ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWindow ClimateZone 7, !- Name Theoretical Glass [216]; !- Outside Layer Construction, ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWindow ClimateZone 8, !- Name Theoretical Glass [216]; !- Outside Layer Construction, Exterior Door, !- Name F08 Metal surface, !- Outside Layer I01 25mm insulation board; !- Layer 2 Construction, ExtSlabCarpet 4in ClimateZone 1-8, !- Name MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE, !- Outside Layer CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2 Construction, ExtSlabCarpet 4in ClimateZone 1-8 1, !- Name MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE, !- Outside Layer CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2 Construction, Interior Ceiling, !- Name M11 100mm lightweight concrete, !- Outside Layer F05 Ceiling air space resistance, !- Layer 2 F16 Acoustic tile; !- Layer 3 Construction, Interior Ceiling 1, !- Name M11 100mm lightweight concrete, !- Outside Layer F05 Ceiling air space resistance, !- Layer 2 F16 Acoustic tile; !- Layer 3 Construction, Interior Floor, !- Name F16 Acoustic tile, !- Outside Layer F05 Ceiling air space resistance, !- Layer 2 M11 100mm lightweight concrete; !- Layer 3 Construction, Interior Floor 1, !- Name F16 Acoustic tile, !- Outside Layer F05 Ceiling air space resistance, !- Layer 2 M11 100mm lightweight concrete; !- Layer 3 Construction, Interior Partition, !- Name G05 25mm wood; !- Outside Layer Construction, Interior Wall, !- Name G01a 19mm gypsum board, !- Outside Layer F04 Wall air space resistance, !- Layer 2 G01a 19mm gypsum board; !- Layer 3 !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: GLOBALGEOMETRYRULES =========== GlobalGeometryRules, UpperLeftCorner, !- Starting Vertex Position Counterclockwise, !- Vertex Entry Direction Relative, !- Coordinate System Relative, !- Daylighting Reference Point Coordinate System Relative; !- Rectangular Surface Coordinate System !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE =========== Zone, Thermal Zone 1, !- Name , !- Direction of Relative North {deg} , !- X Origin {m} , !- Y Origin {m} , !- Z Origin {m} , !- Type 1; !- Multiplier Zone, Thermal Zone 2, !- Name , !- Direction of Relative North {deg} , !- X Origin {m} , !- Y Origin {m} , !- Z Origin {m} , !- Type 1; !- Multiplier !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONELIST =========== ZoneList, Space Type 1, !- Name Thermal Zone 1; !- Zone 1 Name ZoneList, Space Type 2, !- Name Thermal Zone 2; !- Zone 1 Name ZoneList, All_zones, !- Name Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone 1 Name Thermal Zone 2; !- Zone 2 Name !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED =========== BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 0, !- Name Floor, !- Surface Type ExtSlabCarpet 4in ClimateZone 1-8 1, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone Name Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object NoSun, !- Sun Exposure NoWind, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices 5,225,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 5,220,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} -5,220,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} -5,225,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 1, !- Name Roof, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtRoof Metal ClimateZone 6, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices -5,225,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} -5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 5,225,2.4384; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 12, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 7, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices -5,225,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 5,225,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 5,225,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} -5,225,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 2, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 7, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices 5,225,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 5,220,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 5,225,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 3, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type Interior Wall, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone Name Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition Face 13, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object NoSun, !- Sun Exposure NoWind, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices 5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} -5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} -5,220,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 5,220,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 5, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 7, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices -5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} -5,225,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} -5,225,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} -5,220,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 10, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 7, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 2, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices 5,215,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} -5,215,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} -5,215,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 5,215,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 11, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 7, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 2, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices -5,215,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} -5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} -5,220,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} -5,215,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 13, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type Interior Wall, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 2, !- Zone Name Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition Face 3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object NoSun, !- Sun Exposure NoWind, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices -5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 5,220,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} -5,220,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 7, !- Name Floor, !- Surface Type ExtSlabCarpet 4in ClimateZone 1-8 1, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 2, !- Zone Name Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object NoSun, !- Sun Exposure NoWind, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices 5,220,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 5,215,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} -5,215,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} -5,220,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 8, !- Name Roof, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtRoof Metal ClimateZone 6, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 2, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices -5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} -5,215,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 5,215,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 5,220,2.4384; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} BuildingSurface:Detailed, Face 9, !- Name Wall, !- Surface Type ASHRAE 189.1-2009 ExtWall Mass ClimateZone 7, !- Construction Name Thermal Zone 2, !- Zone Name Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Number of Vertices 5,220,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 5,215,2.4384, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 5,215,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 5,220,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: FENESTRATIONSURFACE:DETAILED =========== FenestrationSurface:Detailed, Face 101, !- Name Window, !- Surface Type _2_WSV_3_Air, !- Construction Name Face 2, !- Building Surface Name , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object , !- View Factor to Ground , !- Frame and Divider Name , !- Multiplier , !- Number of Vertices 5,217,0.5, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m} 5,217,2, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m} 5,215.5,2, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m} 5,215.5,0.5; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PEOPLE =========== People, People 1, !- Name Space Type 1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name People_year_sch, !- Number of People Schedule Name People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method , !- Number of People 0.02, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2} , !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person} 0.3, !- Fraction Radiant , !- Sensible Heat Fraction Activity_year_sch; !- Activity Level Schedule Name People, People 2, !- Name Space Type 2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name People_year_sch, !- Number of People Schedule Name People/Area, !- Number of People Calculation Method , !- Number of People 0.02, !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2} , !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person} 0.3, !- Fraction Radiant , !- Sensible Heat Fraction Activity_year_sch; !- Activity Level Schedule Name !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIGHTS =========== Lights, Lights 1, !- Name Space Type 1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name Light_year_sch, !- Schedule Name Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method , !- Lighting Level {W} 9, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2} , !- Watts per Person {W/person} , !- Return Air Fraction 0.5, !- Fraction Radiant 0.3, !- Fraction Visible 1, !- Fraction Replaceable General; !- End-Use Subcategory Lights, Lights 2, !- Name Space Type 2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name Equip_year_sch, !- Schedule Name Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method , !- Lighting Level {W} 9, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2} , !- Watts per Person {W/person} , !- Return Air Fraction 0.5, !- Fraction Radiant 0.3, !- Fraction Visible 1, !- Fraction Replaceable General; !- End-Use Subcategory !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ELECTRICEQUIPMENT =========== ElectricEquipment, Electric Equipment 1, !- Name Space Type 1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name Equip_year_sch, !- Schedule Name Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method , !- Design Level {W} 15, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2} , !- Watts per Person {W/person} 0.5, !- Fraction Latent 0.5, !- Fraction Radiant , !- Fraction Lost General; !- End-Use Subcategory ElectricEquipment, Electric Equipment 2, !- Name Space Type 2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name Equip_year_sch, !- Schedule Name Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method , !- Design Level {W} 15, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2} , !- Watts per Person {W/person} 0.5, !- Fraction Latent 0.5, !- Fraction Radiant , !- Fraction Lost General; !- End-Use Subcategory !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONEINFILTRATION:DESIGNFLOWRATE =========== ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate, Infilt, !- Name All_zones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name Always On, !- Schedule Name AirChanges/Hour, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s} , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2} , !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2} 0.5, !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr} 0, !- Constant Term Coefficient , !- Temperature Term Coefficient 0.224, !- Velocity Term Coefficient ; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: HVACTEMPLATE:THERMOSTAT =========== HVACTemplate:Thermostat, Thermostat, !- Name Always Heating, !- Heating Setpoint Schedule Name 20, !- Constant Heating Setpoint {C} Always Cooling, !- Cooling Setpoint Schedule Name 30; !- Constant Cooling Setpoint {C} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: HVACTEMPLATE:ZONE:BASEBOARDHEAT =========== HVACTemplate:Zone:BaseboardHeat, Thermal Zone 1, !- Zone Name Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name 1, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor Electric, !- Baseboard Heating Type Heating_setpoint_year, !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W} , !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method 0, !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s} , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2} ; !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s} HVACTemplate:Zone:BaseboardHeat, Thermal Zone 2, !- Zone Name Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name 1, !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor Electric, !- Baseboard Heating Type Heating_setpoint_year, !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W} , !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method 0, !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s} , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2} ; !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:PARAMETERS =========== Sizing:Parameters, 1.25, !- Heating Sizing Factor 1.15; !- Cooling Sizing Factor !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTDOORAIR:NODE =========== OutdoorAir:Node, Model Outdoor Air Node; !- Name !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIFECYCLECOST:PARAMETERS =========== LifeCycleCost:Parameters, Life Cycle Cost Parameters, !- Name EndOfYear, !- Discounting Convention ConstantDollar, !- Inflation Approach 0.03, !- Real Discount Rate , !- Nominal Discount Rate , !- Inflation , !- Base Date Month 2011, !- Base Date Year , !- Service Date Month 2011, !- Service Date Year 25, !- Length of Study Period in Years , !- Tax rate None; !- Depreciation Method !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIFECYCLECOST:NONRECURRINGCOST =========== LifeCycleCost:NonrecurringCost, Default Cost, !- Name Construction, !- Category 0, !- Cost ServicePeriod; !- Start of Costs !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIFECYCLECOST:USEPRICEESCALATION =========== LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation, U.S. Avg Commercial-Electricity, !- LCC Price Escalation Name Electricity, !- Resource 2011, !- Escalation Start Year January, !- Escalation Start Month 0.9838, !- Year 1 Escalation 0.9730, !- Year 2 Escalation 0.9632, !- Year 3 Escalation 0.9611, !- Year 4 Escalation 0.9571, !- Year 5 Escalation 0.9553, !- Year 6 Escalation 0.9539, !- Year 7 Escalation 0.9521, !- Year 8 Escalation 0.9546, !- Year 9 Escalation 0.9550, !- <none> 0.9553, !- <none> 0.9564, !- <none> 0.9575, !- <none> 0.9596, !- <none> 0.9618, !- <none> 0.9614, !- <none> 0.9618, !- <none> 0.9618, !- <none> 0.9593, !- <none> 0.9589, !- <none> 0.9607, !- <none> 0.9625, !- <none> 0.9650, !- <none> 0.9708, !- <none> 0.9751, !- <none> 0.9762, !- <none> 0.9766, !- <none> 0.9766, !- <none> 0.9769, !- <none> 0.9773; !- <none> LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation, U.S. Avg Commercial-Distillate Oil, !- LCC Price Escalation Name FuelOil#1, !- Resource 2011, !- Escalation Start Year January, !- Escalation Start Month 0.9714, !- Year 1 Escalation 0.9730, !- Year 2 Escalation 0.9942, !- Year 3 Escalation 1.0164, !- Year 4 Escalation 1.0541, !- Year 5 Escalation 1.0928, !- Year 6 Escalation 1.1267, !- Year 7 Escalation 1.1580, !- Year 8 Escalation 1.1792, !- Year 9 Escalation 1.1967, !- <none> 1.2200, !- <none> 1.2333, !- <none> 1.2566, !- <none> 1.2709, !- <none> 1.2826, !- <none> 1.2985, !- <none> 1.3102, !- <none> 1.3250, !- <none> 1.3261, !- <none> 1.3282, !- <none> 1.3324, !- <none> 1.3356, !- <none> 1.3431, !- <none> 1.3510, !- <none> 1.3568, !- <none> 1.3606, !- <none> 1.3637, !- <none> 1.3674, !- <none> 1.3706, !- <none> 1.3743; !- <none> LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation, U.S. Avg Commercial-Residual Oil, !- LCC Price Escalation Name FuelOil#2, !- Resource 2011, !- Escalation Start Year January, !- Escalation Start Month 0.8469, !- Year 1 Escalation 0.8257, !- Year 2 Escalation 0.8681, !- Year 3 Escalation 0.8988, !- Year 4 Escalation 0.9289, !- Year 5 Escalation 0.9604, !- Year 6 Escalation 0.9897, !- Year 7 Escalation 1.0075, !- Year 8 Escalation 1.0314, !- Year 9 Escalation 1.0554, !- <none> 1.0861, !- <none> 1.1278, !- <none> 1.1497, !- <none> 1.1620, !- <none> 1.1743, !- <none> 1.1852, !- <none> 1.1948, !- <none> 1.2037, !- <none> 1.2071, !- <none> 1.2119, !- <none> 1.2139, !- <none> 1.2194, !- <none> 1.2276, !- <none> 1.2365, !- <none> 1.2420, !- <none> 1.2461, !- <none> 1.2509, !- <none> 1.2550, !- <none> 1.2591, !- <none> 1.2638; !- <none> LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation, U.S. Avg Commercial-Natural gas, !- LCC Price Escalation Name NaturalGas, !- Resource 2011, !- Escalation Start Year January, !- Escalation Start Month 0.9823, !- Year 1 Escalation 0.9557, !- Year 2 Escalation 0.9279, !- Year 3 Escalation 0.9257, !- Year 4 Escalation 0.9346, !- Year 5 Escalation 0.9412, !- Year 6 Escalation 0.9512, !- Year 7 Escalation 0.9645, !- Year 8 Escalation 0.9856, !- Year 9 Escalation 1.0067, !- <none> 1.0222, !- <none> 1.0410, !- <none> 1.0610, !- <none> 1.0787, !- <none> 1.0942, !- <none> 1.1098, !- <none> 1.1220, !- <none> 1.1308, !- <none> 1.1386, !- <none> 1.1486, !- <none> 1.1619, !- <none> 1.1763, !- <none> 1.1918, !- <none> 1.2118, !- <none> 1.2284, !- <none> 1.2439, !- <none> 1.2605, !- <none> 1.2772, !- <none> 1.2938, !- <none> 1.3115; !- <none> LifeCycleCost:UsePriceEscalation, U.S. Avg Commercial-Coal, !- LCC Price Escalation Name Coal, !- Resource 2011, !- Escalation Start Year January, !- Escalation Start Month 0.9970, !- Year 1 Escalation 1.0089, !- Year 2 Escalation 1.0089, !- Year 3 Escalation 0.9941, !- Year 4 Escalation 0.9941, !- Year 5 Escalation 1.0000, !- Year 6 Escalation 1.0030, !- Year 7 Escalation 1.0059, !- Year 8 Escalation 1.0089, !- Year 9 Escalation 1.0119, !- <none> 1.0148, !- <none> 1.0178, !- <none> 1.0208, !- <none> 1.0267, !- <none> 1.0297, !- <none> 1.0356, !- <none> 1.0415, !- <none> 1.0534, !- <none> 1.0564, !- <none> 1.0593, !- <none> 1.0653, !- <none> 1.0712, !- <none> 1.0742, !- <none> 1.0801, !- <none> 1.0831, !- <none> 1.0831, !- <none> 1.0861, !- <none> 1.0890, !- <none> 1.0920, !- <none> 1.0950; !- <none> !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:VARIABLEDICTIONARY =========== Output:VariableDictionary,IDF,Unsorted; !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:TABLE:SUMMARYREPORTS =========== Output:Table:SummaryReports, AllSummary; !- Report 1 Name !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUTCONTROL:TABLE:STYLE =========== OutputControl:Table:Style, HTML; !- Column Separator !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUTCONTROL:REPORTINGTOLERANCES =========== OutputControl:ReportingTolerances, 0.2, !- Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met {deltaC} 0.2; !- Tolerance for Time Cooling Setpoint Not Met {deltaC} !- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:SQLITE =========== Output:SQLite, SimpleAndTabular; !- Option Type