2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Redirect, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom';
2021-04-26 14:19:06 -04:00
import loadable from '@loadable/component';
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
2021-08-22 21:26:58 -04:00
import { useRevisionId } from './api-data/use-revision';
import { useBuildingData } from './api-data/use-building-data';
import { useUserVerifiedData } from './api-data/use-user-verified-data';
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
import { useUrlBuildingParam } from './nav/use-url-building-param';
import { useUrlCategoryParam } from './nav/use-url-category-param';
import { useUrlModeParam } from './nav/use-url-mode-param';
2019-11-07 02:39:26 -05:00
import BuildingView from './building/building-view';
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
import Categories from './building/categories';
2019-11-07 02:39:26 -05:00
import { EditHistory } from './building/edit-history/edit-history';
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
import MultiEdit from './building/multi-edit';
2019-11-07 02:39:26 -05:00
import Sidebar from './building/sidebar';
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
import { Building, UserVerified } from './models/building';
2019-11-07 02:39:26 -05:00
import Welcome from './pages/welcome';
2021-02-08 11:03:30 -05:00
import { PrivateRoute } from './route';
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
import { useLastNotEmpty } from './hooks/use-last-not-empty';
import { Category } from './config/categories-config';
import { defaultMapCategory } from './config/category-maps-config';
import { useMultiEditData } from './hooks/use-multi-edit-data';
2021-08-22 21:26:58 -04:00
import { useAuth } from './auth-context';
import { sendBuildingUpdate } from './api-data/building-update';
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-04-26 14:19:06 -04:00
* Load and render ColouringMap component on client-side only.
* This is because leaflet and react-leaflet currently don't work on the server
* (leaflet assumes the presence of browser-specific global `window` variable).
* The previous solution involved installing react-leaflet-universal,
* but that doesn't work with latest react-leaflet.
* The limitation is that ColouringMap needs to be the single entry point in the whole app
* to all modules that import leaflet or react-leaflet.
const ColouringMap = loadable(
2021-10-01 08:30:03 -04:00
async () => (await import('./map/map')).ColouringMap,
{ ssr: false }
2021-04-26 14:19:06 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
interface MapAppProps {
2019-11-05 15:13:10 -05:00
building?: Building;
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
revisionId?: string;
2020-08-04 10:54:49 -04:00
user_verified?: object;
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
/** Returns first argument, unless it's equal to the second argument - then returns undefined */
function unless<V extends string, U extends V>(value: V, unlessValue: U): Exclude<V, U> {
return value === unlessValue ? undefined : value as Exclude<V, U>;
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
/** Returns the new value, unless it is equal to the current value - then returns undefined */
function setOrToggle<T>(currentValue: T, newValue: T): T {
if(newValue == undefined || newValue === currentValue){
return undefined;
} else {
return newValue;
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
export const MapApp: React.FC<MapAppProps> = props => {
2021-08-22 21:26:58 -04:00
const { user } = useAuth();
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
const [categoryUrlParam] = useUrlCategoryParam();
const [currentCategory, setCategory] = useState<Category>();
useEffect(() => setCategory(unless(categoryUrlParam, 'categories')), [categoryUrlParam]);
2021-02-24 02:48:09 -05:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
const displayCategory = useLastNotEmpty(currentCategory) ?? defaultMapCategory;
2021-02-24 02:48:09 -05:00
const [selectedBuildingId, setSelectedBuildingId] = useUrlBuildingParam('view', displayCategory);
2021-08-22 21:26:58 -04:00
const [building, updateBuilding, reloadBuilding] = useBuildingData(selectedBuildingId, props.building, user != undefined);
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
const [userVerified, updateUserVerified, reloadUserVerified] = useUserVerifiedData(selectedBuildingId, props.user_verified);
2021-02-24 02:48:09 -05:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
const [revisionId, updateRevisionId] = useRevisionId(props.revisionId);
useEffect(() => {
}, [building]);
2021-02-24 02:48:09 -05:00
const [mode] = useUrlModeParam();
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
const viewEditMode = unless(mode, 'multi-edit');
const [multiEditData, multiEditError] = useMultiEditData();
const selectBuilding = useCallback((selectedBuilding: Building) => {
2021-02-24 02:48:09 -05:00
const currentId = selectedBuildingId;
setSelectedBuildingId(setOrToggle(currentId, selectedBuilding?.building_id));
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
}, [selectedBuildingId, setSelectedBuildingId, updateBuilding, building]);
const colourBuilding = useCallback(async (building: Building) => {
const buildingId = building?.building_id;
if(buildingId != undefined && multiEditError == undefined) {
try {
2021-08-22 21:26:58 -04:00
const updatedBuilding = await sendBuildingUpdate(buildingId, multiEditData);
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
} catch(error) {
console.error({ error });
2019-11-14 10:25:19 -05:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
}, [multiEditError, multiEditData, currentCategory]);
2019-11-26 07:09:27 -05:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
const handleBuildingUpdate = useCallback((buildingId: number, updatedData: Building) => {
// only update current building data if the IDs match
if(buildingId === selectedBuildingId) {
updateBuilding(Object.assign({}, building, updatedData));
} else {
// otherwise, still update the latest revision ID
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
}, [selectedBuildingId, building, updateBuilding, updateRevisionId]);
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
const handleUserVerifiedUpdate = useCallback((buildingId: number, updatedData: UserVerified) => {
// only update current building data if the IDs match
if(buildingId === selectedBuildingId) {
updateUserVerified(Object.assign({}, userVerified, updatedData)); // quickly show added verifications
reloadUserVerified(); // but still reload from server to reflect removed verifications
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
}, [selectedBuildingId, updateUserVerified, reloadBuilding, userVerified]);
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
return (
<PrivateRoute path="/:mode(edit|multi-edit)" /> {/* empty private route to ensure auth for editing */}
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
<Route exact path="/">
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
<Welcome />
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
<Route exact path="/multi-edit/:cat">
<MultiEdit category={displayCategory} />
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
<Route path="/:mode/:cat">
<Categories mode={mode || 'view'} building_id={selectedBuildingId} />
<Route exact path="/:mode/:cat/:building/history">
<EditHistory building={building} />
<Route exact path="/:mode/:cat/:building?">
user_verified={userVerified ?? {}}
2019-10-24 07:20:48 -04:00
2019-10-15 09:53:01 -04:00
<Route exact path="/:mode(view|edit|multi-edit)"
2020-02-03 17:35:32 -05:00
render={props => (<Redirect to={`/${props.match.params.mode}/categories`} />)}
2019-10-15 09:53:01 -04:00
2019-09-08 20:09:05 -04:00
2021-02-22 01:59:24 -05:00
mode={mode || 'basic'}
onBuildingAction={mode === 'multi-edit' ? colourBuilding : selectBuilding}