add missing column

This commit is contained in:
Ed Chalstrey 2022-04-01 14:56:58 +01:00
parent 22f3773632
commit 239b1db0f0

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@ -23,13 +23,15 @@ echo "Loading Open TOID CSV(s) to temporary table..."
find $opentoid_dir -type f -name '*.csv' \
-printf "$opentoid_dir/%f\n" | \
parallel \
cat {} '|' psql -c "\"COPY open_toid ( toid, version_number, version_date, easting, northing ) FROM stdin WITH CSV HEADER;\""
cat {} '|' psql -c "\"COPY open_toid ( toid, version_number, version_date, source_product, easting, northing ) FROM stdin WITH CSV HEADER;\""
# Convert the northing/easting coordinates to latitude/longitute with PostGIS
psql -c "update open_toid set the_geom=GeomFromText('POINT('||easting||' '||northing||')',27700);"
psql -c "update open_toid set longitude=st_x(st_transform(the_geom,4326)), latitude=st_y(st_transform(the_geom,4326));"
# Update the buildings table with coordinates
# psql -c ""
# Delete the temporary table
# Delete the temporary table
# psql -c "DROP TABLE open_toid;"