Update run_all etl script

This commit is contained in:
Tom Russell 2018-10-04 19:01:40 +01:00
parent 30086766db
commit a10e4bf5c6

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@ -14,13 +14,15 @@ script_dir=${0%/*}
# extract both datasets
$script_dir/extract_addressbase.sh $addressbase_dir
$script_dir/extract_mastermap.sh $mastermap_dir $boundary_file
$script_dir/extract_mastermap.sh $mastermap_dir
# filter mastermap ('building' polygons and any others referenced by addressbase)
$script_dir/filter_transform_mastermap_for_loading.sh $addressbase_dir $mastermap_dir
# load all building outlines
$script_dir/load_geometries.sh $mastermap_dir
# index geometries (should be faster after loading)
psql < $script_dir/../migrations/002.index-geometries.up.sql
$script_dir/drop_outside_limit.sh $boundary_file
# create a building record per outline
# add UPRNs where they match