export enum Category { Location = 'Location', LandUse = 'Land Use', Type = 'Type', Age = 'Age', SizeShape = 'Size & Shape', Construction = 'Construction', Streetscape = 'Streetscape', Team = 'Team', Sustainability = 'Sustainability', Community = 'Community', Planning = 'Planning', Like = 'Like Me!' } export const categoriesOrder: Category[] = [ Category.Location, Category.LandUse, Category.Type, Category.Age, Category.SizeShape, Category.Construction, Category.Streetscape, Category.Team, Category.Sustainability, Category.Community, Category.Planning, Category.Like, ]; export const dataFields = { date_year: { category: Category.Age, title: "Year built (best estimate)" }, date_lower : { category: Category.Age, title: "Earliest possible start date", tooltip: "This should be the earliest year in which building could have started." }, date_upper: { category: Category.Age, title: "Latest possible start year", tooltip: "This should be the latest year in which building could have started." }, facade_year: { category: Category.Age, title: "Facade year", tooltip: "Best estimate" }, date_source: { category: Category.Age, title: "Source of information", tooltip: "Source for the main start date" }, date_source_detail: { category: Category.Age, title: "Source details", tooltip: "References for date source (max 500 characters)" }, date_link: { category: Category.Age, title: "Text and Image Links", tooltip: "URL for age and date reference", }, likes_total: { category: Category.Like, title: "Total number of likes" } };