// Template for local development pm2 ecosystem file // Copy this file and edit to set up pm2 config // DO NOT COMMIT details to this file (publicly visible) // See https://pm2.io/doc/en/runtime/guide/ecosystem-file/ for docs module.exports = { apps : [ { name: "app", cwd: "./app", script: "npm", args: "start", env: { NODE_ENV: "development", TILECACHE_PATH: "./app/tilecache", // update these details in private copy PGHOST: "hostname", PGPORT: 5432, PGDATABASE: "databasename", PGUSER: "username", PGPASSWORD: "longrandomsecret", APP_COOKIE_SECRET: "longrandomsecret", MAIL_SERVER_HOST: "mail_hostname", MAIL_SERVER_PORT: 587, MAIL_SERVER_USER: "mail_username", MAIL_SERVER_PASSWORD: "longrandompassword", WEBAPP_ORIGIN: "http://localhost:3000", EXTRACTS_DIRECTORY: "/path/to/extracts", } } ] }