--Landuse is hierachical. Highest level is Order (ie. Residential) then Group (ie Residential-Dwelling) then Class (ie Residential-Dwelling-Detached house) --Interface will collected most detailed (class) but visualise highest level (order) --Landuse is a table as #358 -- Land use is table with 3 levels of hierachy (highest to lowest). order > group > class DROP TABLE IF EXISTS landuse_classifications; -- Land use class or classes, array object, client constrained. ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS current_landuse_class; -- Land use order, singular. Client and db constrained. ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS current_landuse_order; --Land use class, group and order will be stored in a new table DROP TABLE building_landuse IF EXISTS CASCADE; --=========================================== -- -- We also collect original landuse, structure & process is as current land use -- We don't currently collect intermediate historic uses -- --=========================================== -- Original Land use class or classes, array object, client constrained. ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS original_landuse_class; -- Land use order, singular. Client and db constrained. ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS original_landuse_order;