"""Load buildings from CSV to Postgres - create 'building' record with { geometry_id: , all_uprns: [, ...], uprn: } """ import csv import json import os import sys import psycopg2 def main(source_file, config_path): """Load config, read files and save features to the database """ conf = read_config(config_path) dbconf = conf['database'] conn = psycopg2.connect(**dbconf) with conn.cursor() as cur: with open(source_file, 'r') as source_fh: reader = csv.reader(source_fh) next(reader) for uprn, _, _, lat, lng in reader: geometry_id = find_geom(cur, float(lat), float(lng)) if geometry_id is not None: save_building(cur, int(uprn), geometry_id) else: print("No geometry for", uprn) conn.commit() conn.close() def find_geom(cur, lat, lng): """Find a building geometry """ cur.execute( """SELECT geometry_id FROM geometries WHERE ST_Within( ST_Transform( ST_SetSRID(ST_Point(%s, %s), 4326), 3857 ), geometry_geom ) """, ( lng, lat ) ) result = cur.fetchone() if result is not None: id_, = result return id_ else: return result def save_building(cur, uprn, geometry_id): """Save a building """ cur.execute( """SELECT building_id FROM buildings WHERE geometry_id = %s """, ( geometry_id, ) ) building = cur.fetchone() if building is None: cur.execute( """INSERT INTO buildings ( building_doc, geometry_id ) VALUES ( %s::jsonb, %s ) """, ( json.dumps({ 'uprns': [uprn] }), geometry_id ) ) else: building_id = building[0] cur.execute( """UPDATE buildings SET building_doc = jsonb_insert( building_doc, '{uprns, -1}', -- insert at end of 'uprns' array '%s'::jsonb, true -- insert after location ) WHERE building_id = %s """, ( uprn, building_id ) ) def read_config(config_path): """Read a JSON config file containing database connection details """ with open(config_path, 'r') as fh: conf = json.load(fh) return conf if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print("Usage: {} ./path/to/source/file.csv".format( os.path.basename(__file__) )) exit() main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])