-- Create planning and controls fields -- Planning Portal ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_portal_link varchar DEFAULT ''; -- Conservation area (bool, name) ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_in_conservation_area boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_conservation_area_name varchar DEFAULT ''; -- Listed (bool, list id) -- e.g. https://historicengland.org.uk/listing/the-list/list-entry/1294614 ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_in_list boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_list_id int DEFAULT null; -- List category, one of: -- - Listed Building -- - Scheduled Monument -- - Wreck -- - Park and Garden -- - Battlefield -- - World Heritage Site -- - Certificate of Immunity -- - Building Preservation Notice CREATE TYPE planning_list_cat AS ENUM ( 'Listed Building', 'Scheduled Monument', 'Wreck', 'Park and Garden', 'Battlefield', 'World Heritage Site', 'Certificate of Immunity', 'Building Preservation Notice', 'None' ); ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_list_cat planning_list_cat DEFAULT 'None'; -- Listing grade, for Listed Building only, one of: -- - I -- - II* -- - II CREATE TYPE planning_list_grade AS ENUM ('I', 'II*', 'II', 'None'); ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_list_grade planning_list_grade DEFAULT 'None'; -- Heritage at risk (bool, at-risk id) -- e.g. https://historicengland.org.uk/advice/heritage-at-risk/search-register/list-entry/408684 ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_heritage_at_risk_id int DEFAULT null; -- World Heritage (id) -- e.g. http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/488/ -- full list for London: 426, 488, 795, 1084 ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_world_list_id int DEFAULT null; -- GLHER (bool, link) -- e.g. http://www.heritagegateway.org.uk/Gateway/Results_Single.aspx?uid=2822047&resourceID=272 ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_in_glher boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_glher_url varchar DEFAULT ''; -- Archaeological Priority Area (bool, name, tier 1-4) -- see https://historicengland.org.uk/services-skills/our-planning-services/greater-london-archaeology-advisory-service/greater-london-archaeological-priority-areas/ -- (APA reports contain PDF maps) ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_in_apa boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_apa_name varchar DEFAULT ''; ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_apa_tier smallint DEFAULT null; -- Locally listed -- not usually given id or URL per-building: -- e.g. https://lambeth.gov.uk/planning-and-building-control/building-conservation/find-out-if-an-asset-is-on-the-local-heritage -- e.g. https://www.hackney.gov.uk/locally-listed-buildings ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_in_local_list boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_local_list_url varchar DEFAULT ''; -- Historic Area Assessment (bool, URL) -- if building falls within area of report? -- see https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/understanding-place-historic-area-assessments/ -- e.g. https://www.eustonareaplan.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/827_130624_Euston-Historic-Assessment_Final-Report_email.pdf ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_in_historic_area_assessment boolean DEFAULT false; ALTER TABLE buildings ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS planning_historic_area_assessment_url varchar DEFAULT '';