import React, { Component, Fragment } from 'react'; import { Map, TileLayer, ZoomControl, AttributionControl } from 'react-leaflet-universal'; import queryString from 'query-string'; import '../../node_modules/leaflet/dist/leaflet.css' import './map.css' import ThemeSwitcher from './theme-switcher'; const OS_API_KEY = 'NVUxtY5r8eA6eIfwrPTAGKrAAsoeI9E9'; /** * Map area */ class ColouringMap extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { theme: 'night', lat: 51.5245255, lng: -0.1338422, zoom: 16 }; this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this); this.themeSwitch = this.themeSwitch.bind(this); } handleClick(e) { if (this.props.match.url.match('edit')){ // don't navigate away from edit view return } var lat = var lng = e.latlng.lng const is_building = /building/.test(this.props.match.url); const new_cat = get_cat(is_building, this.props.location, this.props.match.url); fetch( '/buildings/locate?lat='+lat+'&lng='+lng ).then( (res) => res.json() ).then(function(data){ if (data && data.length){ const building = data[0]; this.props.selectBuilding(building); this.props.history.push(`/building/${building.building_id}.html`); } else { // deselect but keep/return to expected colour theme this.props.selectBuilding(undefined); const map_cat = new_cat || 'age'; this.props.history.push(`/map/${map_cat}.html`); } }.bind(this)).catch( (err) => console.error(err) ) } themeSwitch(e) { e.preventDefault(); const newTheme = (this.state.theme === 'light')? 'night' : 'light'; this.setState({theme: newTheme}); } render() { const position = [, this.state.lng]; // baselayer const key = OS_API_KEY const tilematrixSet = 'EPSG:3857' const layer = (this.state.theme === 'light')? 'Light 3857' : 'Night 3857'; const url = `${tilematrixSet}/${layer}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?key=${key}` const attribution = 'Building attribute data is © Colouring London contributors. Maps contain OS data © Crown copyright: OS Maps baselayers and building outlines.' // colour-data tiles const is_building = /building/.test(this.props.match.url); const cat = get_cat(is_building, this.props.location, this.props.match.url); const tileset_by_cat = { age: 'date_year', size: 'size_storeys', location: 'location', like: 'likes', } const data_tileset = tileset_by_cat[cat]; // pick revision id to bust browser cache const rev = this.props.building? this.props.building.revision_id : ''; const dataLayer = data_tileset? : null; // highlight const geometry_id = (this.props.building) ? this.props.building.geometry_id : undefined; const highlight = `/tiles/highlight/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?highlight=${geometry_id}` const highlightLayer = (is_building && this.props.building) ? : null; const base_layer_url = (this.state.theme === 'light')? `/tiles/base_light/{z}/{x}/{y}.png` : `/tiles/base_night/{z}/{x}/{y}.png` return ( { dataLayer } { highlightLayer } ); } }; function get_cat(is_building, location, url) { if (url === "/") { return "age" } const search = (location && queryString.parse( : {}; var cat, matches; if (is_building) { cat =; } else { matches = /\/map\/([^.]+).html/.exec(url); cat = (matches && matches.length > 1)? matches[1] : ""; } return cat; } export default ColouringMap;