-- Remove sustainability fields, update in parallel with adding new fields -- Last significant retrofit date YYYY -- Need to add a constraint to sust_retrofit_date -- Renewal technologies -- Constraint - Front end multi select back end ENUM -- Values: ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS sust_renewables_tech; --Has a building had a major renovation without extension (captured in form) --Boolean yes/no - links to the the DATE ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS sust_retrofitted; -- Generating capacity of those renewables, on selection of one of the above generate correspondening front end input for this. Pair values -- Constraint more than 0 less than?, integer only ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS sust_renewables_capax; -- Biodiversity -- Green roof, green wall, both -- Constrain drop down and enum ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS sust_biodiversity; -- Insulation, tool tip for glazing in construction to cross link -- Which components are insulated -- Cosntraint multi-entry and ENUM stored in josnb object -- Values; Wall, Roof, FLOOR ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS constrctn_insulation; -- Water recycling -- yes / no ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS sust_h2o_recyling; -- Rain water harvesting -- Does building store it's rainwater, helps combat flood risk -- yes / no ALTER TABLE buildings DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS sust_rainwater_harvest;