import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom'; import Tooltip from '../../components/tooltip'; interface LikeDataEntryProps { mode: 'view' | 'edit' | 'multi-edit'; userLike: boolean; totalLikes: number; onLike: (userLike: boolean) => void; } const LikeDataEntry: React.FunctionComponent = (props) => { const data_string = JSON.stringify({like: true}); return (
Like more

{ (props.totalLikes != null)? (props.totalLikes === 1)? `${props.totalLikes} person likes this building` : `${props.totalLikes} people like this building` : "0 people like this building so far - you could be the first!" }

); } export default LikeDataEntry;