import { strictParseInt } from "../parse"; import { DataConfig } from "./types"; const LAYER_QUERIES = { base_light: ` SELECT geometry_id FROM buildings`, base_night: ` SELECT geometry_id FROM buildings`, number_labels:` SELECT geometry_id, location_number FROM buildings`, highlight: ` SELECT geometry_id FROM buildings WHERE building_id = !@highlight!`, date_year: ` SELECT geometry_id, date_year FROM buildings WHERE date_year IS NOT NULL`, size_storeys: ` SELECT geometry_id, ( coalesce(size_storeys_attic, 0) + coalesce(size_storeys_core, 0) ) AS size_storeys FROM buildings WHERE size_storeys_attic IS NOT NULL OR size_storeys_core IS NOT NULL`, size_height: ` SELECT geometry_id, size_height_apex AS size_height FROM buildings WHERE size_height_apex IS NOT NULL`, construction_core_material: ` SELECT geometry_id, construction_core_material::text AS construction_core_material FROM buildings WHERE construction_core_material IS NOT NULL`, location: ` SELECT geometry_id, ( case when location_name IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when location_number IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when location_street IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when location_line_two IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when location_town IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when location_postcode IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when location_latitude IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when location_longitude IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when ref_toid IS NULL then 0 else 1 end + case when ref_osm_id IS NULL then 0 else 1 end ) AS location_info_count FROM buildings`, likes: ` SELECT geometry_id, likes_total AS likes FROM buildings WHERE likes_total > 0`, community_local_significance_total: ` SELECT geometry_id, community_local_significance_total FROM buildings WHERE community_local_significance_total > 0 `, community_in_public_ownership: ` SELECT geometry_id, CASE WHEN community_public_ownership = 'Not in public/community ownership' THEN false ELSE true END AS in_public_ownership FROM buildings WHERE community_public_ownership IS NOT NULL `, planning_combined: ` SELECT geometry_id, ( CASE WHEN planning_list_cat = 'Listed Building' and planning_list_grade = 'I' THEN 'Grade I Listed' WHEN planning_list_cat = 'Listed Building' and planning_list_grade = 'II*' THEN 'Grade II* Listed' WHEN planning_list_cat = 'Listed Building' and planning_list_grade = 'II' THEN 'Grade II Listed' WHEN planning_in_local_list THEN 'Locally Listed' ELSE 'None' END ) AS listing_type, planning_in_conservation_area FROM buildings WHERE planning_in_conservation_area OR planning_in_local_list OR planning_list_cat IS NOT NULL`, conservation_area: ` SELECT geometry_id FROM buildings WHERE planning_in_conservation_area = true`, sust_dec: ` SELECT geometry_id, sust_dec::text AS sust_dec FROM buildings WHERE sust_dec IS NOT NULL`, building_attachment_form: ` SELECT geometry_id, building_attachment_form::text AS building_attachment_form FROM buildings WHERE building_attachment_form IS NOT NULL`, landuse: ` SELECT geometry_id, current_landuse_order, current_landuse_group[1] as current_landuse_group, current_landuse_verified FROM buildings WHERE current_landuse_order IS NOT NULL`, dynamics_demolished_count: ` SELECT geometry_id, jsonb_array_length(demolished_buildings) as demolished_buildings_count, dynamics_has_demolished_buildings FROM buildings WHERE jsonb_array_length(demolished_buildings) > 0 OR dynamics_has_demolished_buildings = FALSE`, }; const GEOMETRY_FIELD = 'geometry_geom'; function getBuildingLayerNames() { return Object.keys(LAYER_QUERIES); } function getAllLayerNames() { return ['highlight', ...getBuildingLayerNames()]; } function getDataConfig(tileset: string): DataConfig { const table = LAYER_QUERIES[tileset]; if(table == undefined) { throw new Error('Invalid tileset requested'); } const query = `( SELECT d.*, g.geometry_geom FROM ( ${table} ) AS d JOIN geometries AS g ON d.geometry_id = g.geometry_id JOIN buildings AS b ON d.geometry_id = b.geometry_id WHERE b.latest_demolish_date IS NULL ) AS data `; return { geometry_field: GEOMETRY_FIELD, table: query }; } function getLayerVariables(tileset: string, dataParams: any): object { if(tileset == 'highlight') { let { highlight, base } = dataParams; highlight = strictParseInt(highlight); base = base || 'default'; if(isNaN(highlight) || base.match(/^\w+$/) == undefined) { throw new Error('Bad parameters for highlight layer'); } return { highlight, base_data_layer: base }; } return {}; } export { getBuildingLayerNames, getAllLayerNames, getDataConfig, getLayerVariables };