#!/usr/bin/env bash

psql -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS old_geometries;"

echo "Creating temporary table for geometries in the db not present in new data..."
psql -c "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS old_geometries (
    source_id varchar(30) PRIMARY KEY,
    geometry_geom geometry(GEOMETRY, 3857)

echo "Find geometries in the db not present in new data..."
psql -c "INSERT INTO old_geometries ( source_id, geometry_geom )
         SELECT source_id, geometry_geom
         FROM geometries AS g
         WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT source_id
                            FROM release_geometries AS r
                            WHERE g.source_id = r.source_id);"
echo "Set each building's latest_demolish_date for today if linked geometry in the db not present in new data..."
psql -c "UPDATE buildings
         SET latest_demolish_date = CURRENT_DATE
         FROM old_geometries AS og
         WHERE buildings.ref_toid = og.source_id;"