/** * Cache tiles (PNG images generated from database) * * Frequency of change: * - base layer tiles change rarely - on changes to underlying geometry table * - visualisation layer tiles change frequently - with almost any edit to the buildings table * * Cost of generation and storage: * - low zoom tiles are more expensive to render, containing more features from the database * - high zoom tiles are cheaper to rerender, and changes are more visible * - there are many more high zoom tiles than low: 4 tiles at zoom level n+1 for each tile * at zoom level n * */ // Using node-fs package to patch fs // for node >10 we could drop this in favour of fs.mkdir (which has recursive option) // and then use stdlib `import fs from 'fs';` import { Image } from 'mapnik'; import fs from 'node-fs'; import { promisify } from 'util'; import { BoundingBox, TileParams } from './types'; import { formatParams, getXYZ } from './util'; // TODO: switch to modern node and use built-in fs with promise-based API const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile), writeFile = promisify(fs.writeFile), mkdir = promisify(fs.mkdir), unlink = promisify(fs.unlink); interface CacheLocation { /** * Cache file directory path */ dir: string; /** * Full path to cache file */ fname: string; } interface CacheDomain { /** * An array of tileset names to cache */ tilesets: string[]; /** * The lowest zoom level to cache */ minZoom: number; /** * The highest zoom level to cache */ maxZoom: number; /** * An array of scale factors to cache */ scales: number[]; } class TileCache { constructor( /** Base path in filesystem to store the cache */ private basePath: string, /** Domain definition for the cache */ private cacheDomain: CacheDomain, /** Function for defining custom caching rules (optional) */ private shouldCacheFn?: (TileParams) => boolean, /** Function for defining whether the tileset should be cleared when clearing cache for bounding box */ private shouldBulkClearTilesetFn?: (tileset: string) => boolean ) {} async get(tileParams: TileParams): Promise { if (!this.shouldUseCache(tileParams)) { throw new Error(`Skip cache get ${formatParams(tileParams)}`); } const location = this.cacheLocation(tileParams); return readFile(location.fname); } async put(im: Image, tileParams: TileParams): Promise { if (!this.shouldUseCache(tileParams)) { throw new Error(`Skip cache put ${formatParams(tileParams)}`); } const location = this.cacheLocation(tileParams); try { await writeFile(location.fname, im, 'binary'); } catch(err) { if(err.code === 'ENOENT') { await mkdir(location.dir, 0o755, true); await writeFile(location.fname, im, 'binary'); } else throw err; } } async remove(tileParams: TileParams): Promise { const location = this.cacheLocation(tileParams); try { await unlink(location.fname); } catch(err) {} console.log(`Expire cache ${formatParams(tileParams)}`); } async removeAllAtBbox(bbox: BoundingBox): Promise { const removePromises: Promise[] = []; for (const tileset of this.cacheDomain.tilesets) { if(!this.shouldBulkClearTileset(tileset)) continue; for (let z = this.cacheDomain.minZoom; z <= this.cacheDomain.maxZoom; z++) { let tileBounds = getXYZ(bbox, z); for (let x = tileBounds.minX; x <= tileBounds.maxX; x++) { for (let y = tileBounds.minY; y <= tileBounds.maxY; y++) { for (const scale of this.cacheDomain.scales) { removePromises.push(this.remove({tileset, z, x, y, scale})); } } } } } return Promise.all(removePromises); } private cacheLocation({tileset, z, x, y, scale}: TileParams): CacheLocation { const dir = `${this.basePath}/${tileset}/${z}/${x}`; const scaleSuffix = scale === 1 ? '' : `@${scale}x`; const fname = `${dir}/${y}${scaleSuffix}.png`; return { dir, fname }; } private shouldUseCache(tileParams: TileParams): boolean { return this.cacheDomain.tilesets.includes(tileParams.tileset) && this.cacheDomain.minZoom <= tileParams.z && this.cacheDomain.maxZoom >= tileParams.z && this.cacheDomain.scales.includes(tileParams.scale) && (this.shouldCacheFn == undefined || this.shouldCacheFn(tileParams)); } private shouldBulkClearTileset(tileset: string): boolean { return this.shouldCacheFn == undefined || this.shouldBulkClearTilesetFn(tileset); } } export { TileCache };