import React, { Fragment } from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import InfoBox from '../../components/info-box'; import CheckboxDataEntry from '../data-components/checkbox-data-entry'; import NumericDataEntryWithFormattedLink from '../data-components/numeric-data-entry-with-formatted-link'; import { buildingUserFields, dataFields } from '../../config/data-fields-config'; import NumericDataEntry from '../data-components/numeric-data-entry'; import UserOpinionEntry from '../data-components/user-opinion-data-entry'; import DataEntry from '../data-components/data-entry'; import { DataEntryGroup } from '../data-components/data-entry-group'; import SelectDataEntry from '../data-components/select-data-entry'; import Verification from '../data-components/verification'; import withCopyEdit from '../data-container'; import PlanningDataOfficialDataEntry from '../data-components/planning-data-entry'; import DataTitle from '../data-components/data-title'; import { CategoryViewProps } from './category-view-props'; import { Category } from '../../config/categories-config'; const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear(); const PlanningView: React.FunctionComponent = (props) => { const communityLinkUrl = `/${props.mode}/${Category.Community}/${props.building.building_id}`; return ( This section is under development as part of the project CLPV Tool. For more details and progress read here. { return "" + id + "?section=official-list-entry" } } linkDescriptionFunction={(id: String) => { return "ID Link" } } /> { return "" + id } } linkDescriptionFunction={(id: String) => { return "ID Link" } } /> )}; const PlanningContainer = withCopyEdit(PlanningView); export default PlanningContainer;