Following scripts should be scheduled to run regularly to load livestream data into database. ``` # querying API to obtain data python3 > all_data.json # loading data into Colouring database python3 load_into_database # removing tile cache for planning_applications_status layer - note that location of cache depends on your configuration rm /srv/colouring-london/tilecache/planning_applications_status/* -rf ``` As loading into databases expects environment variables to be set, one option to actually schedule it in a cron is something like ``` export $(cat ~/scripts/.env | xargs) && /usr/bin/python3 ~/colouring-london/etl/planning_data/ ``` with ``` ~/scripts/.env ``` being in following format ``` PGHOST=localhost PGDATABASE=colouringlondondb PGUSER=cldbadmin PGPASSWORD=actualpassword ```