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32 lines
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-- Set up search table for text search over locations
-- uses extension: CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS search_locations (
-- internal unique id
search_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
-- string to match against in search (E1 0AB / Hackney / Commercial Road...)
search_str text,
-- search class for hint (postcode / borough / road name...)
search_class text,
-- geometry as EPSG:4326 (lat-long) to be used in front end directly
center geometry(POINT, 4326),
-- zoom level
zoom int
-- Index for fuzzy match
-- see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/pgtrgm.html
-- and https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/textsearch-indexes.html
-- Should support (I)LIKE or similarity searches:
-- - SELECT * FROM search_locations WHERE search_str ILIKE 'e1%'
-- - SELECT *, search_str <-> 'searchterm' AS dist FROM search_locations ORDER BY dist LIMIT 5;
-- - SELECT *, similarity(search_str, 'searchterm') AS dist FROM search_locations
-- WHERE t % 'searchterm' ORDER BY dist DESC, t LIMIT 5;
-- Docs suggest the second query will perform better than the third, when only a small number
-- of closest matches are desired, if combined with a GIST index (not GIN as below),
CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_search_str ON search_locations USING GIN (search_str gin_trgm_ops);