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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.4}FuelCell}{5}{subsection.2.4}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.5}MicrobialSystemWorkflow}{5}{subsection.2.5}\protected@file@percent }
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\textbf{\fontsize{22}{18}\selectfont MICROBIAL SYSTEMS} \\
\put(30, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Written by:\hspace{0.6cm} Alireza Adli}
\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Project Reseacher: \hspace{0.01cm} Narges Rahimi
\put(-1, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Supervisor: \hspace{1.25cm} Professor Ursula Eicker}
\put(-1, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Project Integrator: \hspace{0.04cm} Alireza Adli}
%\put(-1, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Supervisors: Professor Ursula Eicker}
\put(-20,-2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Next-Generation Cities Institute (NGCI)}
\put(330,-2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont September 2022}
This project is a part of The NGCI's Urban Simulation Platform project. The platform has integrated the application of NGCI's research projects in Python programming language. These projects are developed by graduate students and researchers of the institute towards urban sustainable development in six main areas: energy systems, building, transportation, vegetation, waste and recycling, liveability. \\
The integration of a project refers to further development of a research project in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm following the coding style of the platform. This is done in order to employ multiple projects in a single workflow.
For more information about this piece of software and documentation, contact Alireza Adli (\href{}{\textcolor{blue}{}})
For detailed technical information of the project read Narges Rahimi Master's thesis report on the same subject (Link).
\section{Model Description}
\hspace{0.9cm} A microbial system for wastewater treatment and energy recovery produces hydrogen and power from wastewater.\\
In this project, three microbial systems have been studied and implemented in Python programming: Single Chamber Microbial Electrolysis Cell (SCMEC), Dual Chamber Microbial Electrolysis Cell (DCMEC) and Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC). The project considers the treatment of one litre wastewater. But given the number of inhabitants and water consumption, the system can output results based on the corresponding amount of water.\\
In the first step, the wastewater should be collected from urban areas such as residential buildings. Then, collected wastewater will be injected into the bio-electrochemical systems, including SCMEC, DCMEC, and MFC to treat wastewater and generate hydrogen and electricity. In the first scenario power output of MFC can be used in two different applications such as providing energy for electric vehicle charging stations or urban areas electricity demand. In the second scenario, as the main product of SCMEC and DCMEC, hydrogen can be considered as a type of energy or to feed MFCs to generate power. It should be noted that to run the MECs, the applied voltage can be covered by renewable sources of green electricity such as solar panels and wind turbines.
\section{The Project Structure}
This project consists of five classes: four classes for modelling different microbial systems and one work-flow class to carry out different simulations.
This class has been developed in microbial\_systems\ module.
This is an abstract base class (ABC) which has been defined as a template for developing any microbial system models. ABCs cannot be instantiated but they are being developed as the parent of other classes. This is being done when modelling different types of the same system. In this way, the parent class will be used as a template with attributes that are common in different types and main functionalities. These main functionalities are being defined as abstract methods. Any other sub system (different types) should define (override) all the abstract methods of the parent class otherwise, that subclass cannot be instantiated. ABCs raise the control of the main developer over the project.
For example, in this project all new child classes should include a mass\_balance(t, values) method with the mentioned parameters. Otherwise, they cannot be instantiated.
This is the interface (abstract method) of this Abstract Base Class. This rule is not applied to DualChamberElectrolysisCell class because it inherits from the SingleChamberElectrolysisCell class.
This class has been developed in single\_chamber\_electrolysis\ module.
SingleChamberElectrolysisCell simulates the system by inheriting constants and
abstract methods (interfaces) of the MicrobialSystem class of microbial\_system\_abc module.
So the former should be imported for this module to work.
To instantiate this class, it is only needed to assign the class to a variable.
single = SingleChamberElectrolysisCell()
This class has been developed in dual\_chamber\_electrolysis\ module.
A dual chamber electrolysis cell is very similar to a single chamber one, so in this project, the DualChamberElectrolysisCell inherits from the SingleChamberElectrolysisCell class for constants and some functionalities. So the SingleChamberElectrolysisCell class of single\_chamber\_electrolysis\ module should be imported in dual\_chamber\_electrolysis\
To instantiate this class, it is only needed to assign the class to a variable.
dual = DualChamberElectrolysisCell()
This class has been developed in microbial\_fuel\ module.
FuelCell simulates this microbial system by inheriting constants and
abstract methods (interfaces) of the MicrobialSystem class of microbial\_system\_abc.
So the former should be imported for this module to work.
To instantiate this class, it is only needed to assign the class to a variable.
microbial\_fuel\_cell = FuelCell()
This class has been developed in microbial\_system\ module. The module is accessible through below Gitlab link: \\
This class simulate desirable microbial system (currently three systems are available which have been mentioned in previous subsections).
There are two parameters needed to instantiate this class:
Name of the microbial system (its class should be instantiated either directly or by assigning it to a variable beforehand.) and the time-step.
workflow\_1 = MicrobialSystemWorkflow(SingleChamberElectrolysisCell(), (0, 152))
In above example, a single chamber microbial system with time-steps in range zero and 152 has been simulated.
There are different outputs available: CSV file or a Pandas dataframe. It is only needed to call the method.
The above example put out a CSV file including the resulted dataset.
The plotting() method can be called and used in different ways. The program will ask the user about the desirable plot. The plot can be saved if True has been assigned to the save\_plot keyword argument. The default value is False.
\section{3rd Party Software}
\hspace{0.9cm} Following Python packages have been used to develop the project, and are needed to run the project's program:
\item \textbf{pandas}
\item \textbf{numpy}
\item \textbf{scipy}
\item \textbf{matplotlib}
Python packages are free and accessible from \href{}{}. They can be also installed directly from pycharm, pip or Anaconda prompt.
\section{Input Data}
\hspace{0.9cm} All the three systems have been designed based on one litre of wastewater as input, by default. But they can be also run with any other amount of wastewater. In this case number of inhabitants and water consumption should be input when instantiating a system. \\
Influent flow is computed by multiplying number of inhabitants by the amount of water consumption. This has been developed as a method of the project's workflow (workflow will be explained in the XXX section).
Below table shows project's parameters and their corresponding names in the Python program.
\begin{longtable}{p{.45\textwidth} p{.25\textwidth}}
\caption{Input parameters and their corresponding data members and/or method in the Python program.}\\
Parameter (unit) &Python\\
Number of inhabitants&number\_of\_inhabitants\\
Water consumption (litre)&water\_consumption\\
Influent flow (litre)&influent\_flow\\
%% fixed tables:
%\caption{Input parameters and their corresponding data members and/or method in the Python program.}
%Parameter (unit) &Python\\
%Number of inhabitants&number\_of\_inhabitants\\
%Water consumption (litre)&water\_consumption\\
%Influent flow (litre)&influent\_flow\\
\hspace{0.9cm} The systems are working at their best performance with a number of constants (based on the conducted research project). These constants are represented in four following tables: constants which are common among the three systems with same values (table \ref{tab:consts_1}), constants which are common among the systems but with different values (table \ref{tab:consts_2}), constants which are specific to microbial electrolysis systems (table \ref{tab:consts_3}), and constants which are specific to the microbial fuel cell (table \ref{tab:consts_4}).
\begin{longtable}{p{.5\textwidth} p{.4\textwidth}}
\caption{Common constants between the three microbial systems (which have the same values), along with their corresponding data members in the Python program.}\\
Constant (unit) &Python\\
$F$ $(C/mole)$&faraday\\
$R_{1}$ $(J/mole.K)$&ideal\_gas\\
$m$ $(mole\; e^-/mole\; H_{2})$&electrons\_per\_mole\\
$K_{MEC}$ $(mg\; M/L)$&mediator\_half\\
$K_{d,a}$ $(1/d)$&andophilic\_decay\\
$K_{s,a}$ $(mg\; S/L)$&andophilic\_half\\
$K_{s,m}$ $(mg\; S/L)$&methanogenic\_half\\
$X_{max,1}$ $(mg\; S/L)$&andophilic\_limitation\\
$\mu_{max,a}$ $(1/d)$&andophilic\_max\_growth\\
$\gamma$ $(mg\; M/mole\; M^{-1})$&mediator\_molar\_mass\\
$\alpha_{1}$ &andophilic\_biofilm\_retention\\
$\alpha_{2}$ &methanogenic\_biofilm\_retention \\
$S_{A}$ $(m^2)$&anode\_surface\_area \\
\begin{longtable}{p{.5\textwidth} p{.4\textwidth}}
\caption{Common constants between the three microbial systems (which have different values), along with their corresponding data members in the Python program.}\\
Constant (unit) &Python\\
$M_{T}$ $(mg\; M /mg\; X^{-1})$&mediator\_fraction\\
$K_{d,m}$ $(1/d)$&methanogenic\_decay\\
$K_{R}$ $(L/ mg\; X)$&curve\_slope\\
$q_{max,a}$ $(mg\; S/mg\; X\; d)$&andophilic\_reaction\_max\\
$q_{max,m}$ $(mg\; S/mg\; X\; d)$&methanogenic\_reaction\_max\\
$R_{min}$ (\SI{}{\ohm})&resistance\_min\\
$R_{max}$ (\SI{}{\ohm})&resistance\_max\\
$V_{r}$ $(L)$&reactor\_volume\\
$Y_{h}$ $(ml\; H_{2}/mg \; X)$&hydrogen\_yield\\
$Y_{M}$ $(mg\; M/mole\; A^{-1})$&mediator\_yield\\
$\mu_{max,m}$ $(1/d)$ &methanogenic\_max\_growth\\
$M_{Ox_0}$ &oxidized\_mediator\_initial \\
$X_{a0}$ $(mg/L)$&andophilic\_population\_initial \\
$X_{m0}$ $(mg/L)$&methanogenic\_population\_initial \\
$I_{MEC} \& I_{MFC}$ $(A)$&initial\_current\_density \\
$F_{inlet}$ &influent\_flow\_initial \\
\begin{longtable}{p{.5\textwidth} p{.4\textwidth}}
\caption{Microbial Electrolysis Cell systems' constants and their corresponding data members in the Python program.}\\
Constant (unit) &Python\\
$F_{1}$ $(A.d/mole)$&faraday\_ec\\
$R_{1}$ $(J/mole.K)$&ideal\_gas\_ec\\
$H_{2}$ $(mg\; A /L)$&hydrogen\_2\_saturation \\
$E_{app}$ $(V)$&applied\_potential\\
$E_{CEF}$ $(V)$&counter\_electromotive\_force\\
$[H_{2}]$ $(mg/L)$ &hydrogen\_2\_dissolved\\
$K_{h}$ $(mg/L)$ &hydrogenotrophic\_half\\
$K_{d,h}$ $(1/d)$&hydrogenotrophic\_decay\\
$X_{max,2}$ $(mg\; X /L)$&max\_biomass\\
$Y_{h}$ $(ml\; H2/ mg\; X)$&hydrogen\_yield\_methanogenic\\
$Y_{H_{2}}$ &hydrogen\_yield\\
$S_{0}$ $(mg/L)$&acetate\_initial\\
$X_{h0}$ $mg/L$&hydrogenotrophic\_population\_initial\\
\begin{longtable}{p{.5\textwidth} p{.4\textwidth}}
\caption{Constants and their corresponding data members in the Python program Python program Python program.}\\
Constant (unit) &Python\\
$E_{min}$ $(V)$&e\_ocv\_min\\
$E_{max}$ $(V)$&e\_ocv\_max\\
$K_{X}$ $(L/mg\; X)$&steepness \\
$X_{max,m}$ $(mg\; X/L)$&biofilm\_space\_limitation\\
$E_{CEF}$ $(V)$&counter\_electromotive\_force\\
$[H_{2}]$ $(mg/L)$ &hydrogen\_2\_dissolved\\
$K_{h}$ $(mg/L)$ &hydrogenotrophic\_half\\
$K_{d,h}$ $(1/d)$&hydrogenotrophic\_decay\\
$X_{max,2}$ $(mg\; X /L)$&max\_biomass\\
$Y_{h}$ $(ml\; H2/ mg\; X)$&hydrogen\_yield\_methanogenic\\
$Y_{H_{2}}$ &hydrogen\_yield\\
$S_{0}$ $(mg/L)$&acetate\_initial\\
$X_{h0}$ $mg/L$&hydrogenotrophic\_population\_initial\\
\section{Output Data}
%\item A list and description of all the types of data that are output by the model.
%\item Information on the format of each type of output data.
%\item Links to any use-case or test output data that you have.
The output of each system can be reached either through a pandas dataframe or a Comma Separated Value (CSV). After instantiating MicrobialSystemWorkflow class, below methods return the corresponding system's output pandas dataframe:
\item single\_chamber\_dataframe()
\item dual\_chamber\_dataframe()
\item fuel\_cell\_dataframe()
system\_output\_csv() return output CSV file, based on the system model that has been chosen in instantiation.
Table \ref{tab:output} shows output data names as in the pandas dataframe and CSV files with their corresponding data members in Python and parameter names in the project report. It should be mentioned that, for all the three systems, acetate has been considered as the main substrate. This has been referred in the report's formulas with 'S'. Time is also a timestep from the whole number of iterations.
\caption{Output data of a single chamber microbial electrolysis system}
Parameter (unit) &Python &CSV\\
t &time &Time\\
$(S)$ $(mg_{s}/L)$ &acetate &Acetate (mg\_s/L)\\
$(X_{a})$ $(mg_{x}/L)$ &andophilic\_population &Andophilic Population (mg\_x/L)\\
$S$ $(mg/L)$ &methanogenic\_popoulation &Methanogenic Popoulation (1/d)\\
$S$ $(mg/L)$ &acetate &Acetate (mg\_s/L)\\
Limitations have not been defined for the project.
\section{Technical Performance}
The output will be achieved almost less than five seconds. The performance can be slightly different based on different inputs for time intervals.
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\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Model Description}{3}{section.1}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}The Project Structure}{3}{section.2}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}MicrobialSystem}{3}{subsection.2.1}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2}SingleChamberElectrolysisCell}{4}{subsection.2.2}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}DualChamberElectrolysisCell}{4}{subsection.2.3}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.4}FuelCell}{5}{subsection.2.4}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.5}MicrobialSystemWorkflow}{5}{subsection.2.5}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}3rd Party Software}{6}{section.3}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Input Data}{6}{section.4}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Constants}{7}{section.5}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Output Data}{10}{section.6}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Limitations}{11}{section.7}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8}Technical Performance}{11}{section.8}%
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}ClassWorkflow}{3}{subsection.2.3}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}3rd Party Software}{3}{section.3}\protected@file@percent }
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\BOOKMARK [1][-]{section.1}{\376\377\000M\000o\000d\000e\000l\000\040\000D\000e\000s\000c\000r\000i\000p\000t\000i\000o\000n}{}% 1
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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 8in}]{geometry}
% Below codes prepare the coding parts of the document.
% Python has been chosen as the coding language
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frame=tb % Add a frame around the code
% Define a style for displaying file names
%% I haven't used the \lstinline[style=filename]|filename.txt| for showing file names but I put it here as an example.
\author{Alireza Adli}
% Insert university logo in top-left corner
\put(-70, 35){\includegraphics[width=8cm]{images/concordia.png}}
\put(30, -1){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Urban Simulation Platform Projects}
% Title
\textbf{\fontsize{22}{18}\selectfont [Title of the Research Project]} \\
%\put(30, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Written by:\hspace{0.6cm} Alireza Adli}
% You can change the \hspace value to align the names vertically
\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Student/Researcher: \hspace{0.01cm} [name]
\put(-1, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Supervisor: \hspace{1.25cm} [name]}
\put(-1, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Project Integrator: \hspace{0.04cm} [name]}
%\put(-1, -2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Supervisors: Professor Ursula Eicker}
\put(-20,-2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont Next-Generation Cities Institute (NGCI)}
\put(330,-2){\fontsize{12}{18}\selectfont [date]}
This project is a part of The NGCI's Urban Simulation Platform project. The platform has integrated the application of NGCI's research projects in Python programming language. These projects are developed by graduate students and researchers of the institute towards urban sustainable development in six main areas: energy systems, building, transportation, vegetation, waste and recycling, liveability. \\
The integration of a project refers to further development of a research project in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm following the coding style of the platform. This is done in order to employ multiple projects in a single workflow.
For more information about this piece of software and documentation, contact [Name of the integrator] (\href{mailto:[actual email address}{\textcolor{blue}{what you want to show as the email address}})
For detailed technical information of the project read [Researcher's name] [degree]'s thesis report on the same subject [code for the link to the research paper/report: (\href{mailto:[the link}{\textcolor{blue}{what you want to show as the link's title}})].
\section{Model Description}
\hspace{0.9cm} Here is what can be covered in the section:
%(I recommend starting each section with a horizontal space of 0.9 cm, as demonstrated in the code.)
\item A brief overview of what problem(s) the model is trying to solve.
\item The methodologies or algorithms used.
\section{The Project Structure}
\hspace{0.9cm} Provide a general description of the software integration project.
Subsection titling the names of classes/coding files if you would like to provide more details.
Include an example of instantiating the class for clarity.
You can also include links to the GitTea or other repositories of the research project.
\section{3rd Party Software}
\item A list and brief description of any 3rd party software your model uses (EG SUMO or Energy Plus)
\item Any licence requirements
\item Link to where to find the software
\section{Input Data}
\hspace{0.9cm} Table samples can be found in the example project (Microbial Systems). The code includes units for easier copy/pasting ;-)
\item A list and description of all the types of data needed as inputs to the model.
\item Information on what format each type of data needs to be in.
\item Description of any pre-processing that needs to be applied to the data
\item Any other information that someone would need if they were trying to source their own dataset for your model.
\item Links to any use-case or test data that you have.
\item Information on where to source any of the data.
\item Any fixed values built into your model plus rationale for why you have chosen them.
\item Any other assumptions made by your model that are not apparent from the input data or constants in the code.
\section{Output Data}
\item A list and description of all the types of data that are output by the model.
\item Information on the format of each type of output data.
\item Links to any use-case or test output data that you have.
\item Brief description of any constraints on how the model may be used.
\item For example, it may only be valid in certain climatic conditions.
\item For example, it might require a minimum sized input data set to be statistically meaningful
\section{Technical Performance}
\item Any notes relating to things like:
\item The time taken for the model to run on large data sets (eg takes over 100 hours to process 10 small family dwellings)
\item Any very large runtime memory requirements
\item Any very large output data files.
\section{More sections...}
\hspace{0.9cm} Feel free to add new sections that you feel are missing or specific to your project.
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1}Model Description}{3}{section.1}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {2}The Project Structure}{3}{section.2}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.1}ClassName1}{3}{subsection.2.1}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.2}ClassName2}{3}{subsection.2.2}%
\contentsline {subsection}{\numberline {2.3}ClassWorkflow}{3}{subsection.2.3}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {3}3rd Party Software}{3}{section.3}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {4}Input Data}{4}{section.4}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {5}Constants}{4}{section.5}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {6}Output Data}{4}{section.6}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {7}Limitations}{5}{section.7}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {8}Technical Performance}{5}{section.8}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {9}More sections...}{5}{section.9}%
Reference in New Issue
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