32 lines
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32 lines
953 B
varennes_io_paths module
The path to the QGIS installation is being put here.
Two dictionaries are being defined to accomodate the input and output paths
for the handle_varennes_ds_workflow.
Project Developer: Alireza Adli alireza.adli@concordia.ca
# Application's path
qgis_path = 'C:/Program Files/QGIS 3.34.1/apps/qgis'
# Gathering input data layers paths
input_paths = {
'Varennes Boundary':
# Defining a directory for all the output data layers
output_paths_dir = \
'C:/Users/a_adli/PycharmProjects/varennes_gis_oo/' \
# Preparing a bedding for output data layers paths
output_paths = {
'Fixed GeoIndex': '',
'Clipped Fixed GeoIndex': ''