2024-08-08 10:53:32 -04:00
import os
2024-08-22 18:09:12 -04:00
from flask import jsonify, request
from sqlalchemy import inspect, func, text
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from shapely import wkb
2024-08-08 10:53:32 -04:00
def register_route(app,db):
def hello_world():
return "<p>Hello, World!</p>"
def list_table():
inspector = inspect(db.engine)
tables = inspector.get_table_names()
return jsonify(tables)
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@app.route('/find_points/', methods=['POST'])
def find_points():
data = request.json
coordinates = data.get('coordinates', [])
polygon_wkt = 'POLYGON(({}))'.format(', '.join(f'{lat} {lng}' for lat, lng in coordinates))
# Construct the query string
query = f"""
SELECT id, geom FROM agents
WHERE ST_Contains(
ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('{polygon_wkt}', 4326), 4326),
with db.engine.connect() as connection:
results = connection.execute(text(query)).fetchall()
# Convert results to a list of dictionaries for JSON serialization
results_list = [{"id": result.id, "geom": [wkb.loads(bytes.fromhex(result.geom)).x, wkb.loads(bytes.fromhex(result.geom)).y]} for result in results]
return jsonify(results_list)