import sys from rich.table import Table from rich.console import Console from rich.console import Group from rich.padding import Padding from rich.panel import Panel from rich.syntax import Syntax def population_help(): line1 = ( "This CLI tool processes [yellow bold]MATSim population XML files[/yellow bold] and prepares " "the data for storage in either [green bold].csv[/green bold] files or a [blue bold]PostgreSQL[/blue bold] " "database with [blue bold]PostGIS[/blue bold] integration." ) line2 = ( "It extracts key data such as coordinates, converting them into a format ready for geospatial analysis.\n" "Use the available [underline bold]options[/underline bold] to modify the behavior, such as " "[underline bold]cleaning[/underline bold] the data by removing rows with missing values, or choosing to " "either [underline bold]replace[/underline bold] or [underline bold]append[/underline bold] data in the target table." ) line3 = "The expected format of the input MATSim population XML file is as follows:" code = ''' 30 ''' syntax = Padding(Syntax(code, "xml", theme="native", line_numbers=True),(1,0)) line4 = "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] Make sure the dividers (line [bold]2[/bold] and [bold]14[/bold]) are present in the file; One divider before the first person and one divider after every person there after.\n\nThe resulting table structure includes columns such as the following:" line5 = ( "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] Ensure PostgreSQL connection details are provided via a " "[underline bold bright_cyan].env[/underline bold bright_cyan] file.\n" "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] By default, if a [underline].log[/underline] file exists with the same name " "in the same directory as the input file, it will use that to process the file." ) table = Table( "id", "lon", "lat", "geom", "time", "age", "sex", "person_id", "economic_sector", "household_id", "household_income" ) table.add_row( "1", "45.89977111012078", "-73.26605847316777", "0101000020E61000005CED21B32BF3464013451E1A075152C0", "07:00:00", "30", "1", "1", "0", "1", "4", ) lines = f"{line1}\n{line2}\n\n{line3}" group_content = Group(lines, syntax, line4, Padding(table, (1, 0)), line5) panel = Padding(Panel(Padding(group_content, (1, 1)), title="About", title_align="left"),(1,0,0,0)) return panel def network_help(): line1 = ( "This CLI tool processes [yellow bold]MATSim network XML files[/yellow bold] and prepares " "the data for storage in either [green bold].csv[/green bold] files or a [blue bold]PostgreSQL[/blue bold] " "database with [blue bold]PostGIS[/blue bold] integration." ) line2 = ( "It extracts key data such as nodes and links, converting them into a format ready for geospatial analysis.\n" "Use the available [underline bold]options[/underline bold] to modify the behavior, such as " "[underline bold]cleaning[/underline bold] the data by removing rows with missing values, or choosing to " "either [underline bold]replace[/underline bold] or [underline bold]append[/underline bold] data in the target table." ) line3 = "The expected format of the input MATSim network XML file is as follows:" code = ''' ''' syntax = Padding(Syntax(code, "xml", theme="native", line_numbers=True), (1, 0)) line4 = ( "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] Make sure the dividers (lines [bold]3[/bold], [bold]9[/bold], and [bold]15[/bold]) are present in the file; " "One divider before the nodes section and one divider after the nodes and links sections.\n\n" "The resulting table structures include columns such as the following:" ) line5 = ( "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] Ensure PostgreSQL connection details are provided via a " "[underline bold bright_cyan].env[/underline bold bright_cyan] file.\n" "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] By default, if a [underline].log[/underline] file exists with the same name " "in the same directory as the input file, it will use that to process the file." ) # Table for 'links' table_links = Table( "id", "from", "to", "length", "freespeed", "capacity", "permlanes", "oneway", "modes" ) table_links.add_row( "1", "1761723297", "4407523214", "506.2083628326979", "13.88888888888889", "600.0", "1.0", "1", "car,car_passenger", ) table_links.add_row( "10", "6545227882", "300061322", "567.0835225729793", "19.444444444444443", "1000.0", "1.0", "1", "car,car_passenger", ) # Table for 'links_attr' table_links_attr = Table( "id", "osm_way_highway", "osm_way_id", "osm_way_lanes", "osm_way_name", "sidewalk", "osm_way_oneway" ) table_links_attr.add_row( "1", "unclassified", "164553215", "2", "Montée Cadot", "0.0", "yes", ) lines = f"{line1}\n{line2}\n\n{line3}" group_content = Group( lines, syntax, line4, "[bold]\nlinks:[/bold]", Padding(table_links, (1, 0)), "[bold]links_attr:[/bold]", Padding(table_links_attr, (1, 0)), line5, ) panel = Padding(Panel(Padding(group_content, (1, 1)), title="About", title_align="left"), (1, 0, 0, 0)) return panel def metro_help(): line1 = ( "This CLI tool processes [yellow bold]metro station and line shapefiles[/yellow bold] " "for a specified city and prepares the data for storage in either [green bold].csv[/green bold] " "files or a [blue bold]PostgreSQL[/blue bold] database with [blue bold]PostGIS[/blue bold] integration." ) line2 = ( "It extracts key data such as station locations and metro lines, converting them into a format " "ready for geospatial analysis.\n" "Use the available [underline bold]options[/underline bold] to modify the behavior, such as " "[underline bold]cleaning[/underline bold] the data by removing rows with missing values, or choosing to " "either [underline bold]replace[/underline bold] or [underline bold]append[/underline bold] data in the target table." ) line3 = ( "For [bold]Montréal[/bold], To obtain the required shapefiles, please visit the following link:\n" "[bright_cyan bold link=]" "[/bright_cyan bold link]\n" "Scroll down and find [bold]\"Download the Shapefile\"[/bold] button and download it.\n" "Extract the downloaded archive to obtain the [bold].shp[/bold] and other files.\n" "Use the relative path to [bold].shp[/bold] as your [bold]files[/bold] argument." ) line4 = "The resulting table structures include columns such as the following:\n" # Example table for 'metro-stations' table_stations = Table( "stop_code","stop_id","stop_name","stop_url","wheelchair","route_id","loc_type","shelter","service_id","coordinates" ) table_stations.add_row( "10118","43","Station Angrignon","","1","1","0","NaN","24S","POINT (296733.6694496935 5034064.601946615)" ) # Example table for 'metro-lines' table_lines = Table( "route_id","route_name","headsign","shape_id","ct","service_id","geometry" ) table_lines.add_row( "1","Ligne 1 - Verte","Station Angrignon","11072","0","24S","LINESTRING (302040.086988879 5050741.446280612...)" ) line5 = ( "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] Ensure PostgreSQL connection details are provided via a " "[underline bold bright_cyan].env[/underline bold bright_cyan] file.\n" ) lines = f"{line1}\n{line2}\n\n{line3}\n\n{line4}" group_content = Group( lines, "\n[bold]metro-stations:[/bold]", Padding(table_stations, (1, 0)), "[bold]metro-lines:[/bold]", Padding(table_lines, (1, 0)), line5, ) panel = Padding(Panel(Padding(group_content, (1, 1)), title="About", title_align="left"), (1, 0, 0, 0)) return panel def bus_help(): line1 = ( "This CLI tool processes [yellow bold]bus station and line shapefiles[/yellow bold] " "for a specified city and prepares the data for storage in either [green bold].csv[/green bold] " "files or a [blue bold]PostgreSQL[/blue bold] database with [blue bold]PostGIS[/blue bold] integration." ) line2 = ( "It extracts key data such as station locations and bus lines, converting them into a format " "ready for geospatial analysis.\n" "Use the available [underline bold]options[/underline bold] to modify the behavior, such as " "[underline bold]cleaning[/underline bold] the data by removing rows with missing values, or choosing to " "either [underline bold]replace[/underline bold] or [underline bold]append[/underline bold] data in the target table." ) line3 = ( "For [bold]Montréal[/bold], To obtain the required shapefiles, please visit the following link:\n" "[bright_cyan bold link=]" "[/bright_cyan bold link]\n" "Scroll down and find [bold]\"Download the Shapefile\"[/bold] button and download it.\n" "Extract the downloaded archive to obtain the [bold].shp[/bold] and related files.\n" "Use the relative path to [bold].shp[/bold] as your [bold]files[/bold] argument." ) line4 = "The resulting table structures include columns such as the following:\n" # Example table for 'bus-stations' table_stations = Table( "stop_code","stop_id","stop_name","stop_url","wheelchair","route_id","loc_type","shelter","service_id","coordinates" ) table_stations.add_row( "10282","66-01","Station Cartier - Terminus Cartier (A)","NaN","1","NaN","2","NaN","24S","POINT (290599.75509576086 5046736.8438161155)" ) # Example table for 'bus-lines' table_lines = Table( "route_id","route_name","headsign","shape_id","ct","service_id","geometry" ) table_lines.add_row( "767","La Ronde / Station Jean-Drapeau","Est","7670032","59","24S","LINESTRING (302272.2175821533 5041335.954894771, 302272.06122515834..." ) line5 = ( "[red bold]NOTE:[/red bold] Ensure PostgreSQL connection details are provided via a " "[underline bold bright_cyan].env[/underline bold bright_cyan] file.\n" ) lines = f"{line1}\n{line2}\n\n{line3}\n\n{line4}" group_content = Group( lines, "\n[bold]bus-stations:[/bold]", Padding(table_stations, (1, 0)), "[bold]bus-lines:[/bold]", Padding(table_lines, (1, 0)), line5, ) panel = Padding(Panel(Padding(group_content, (1, 1)), title="About", title_align="left"), (1, 0, 0, 0)) return panel def print_help(): console = Console() if "--help" in sys.argv or "-h" in sys.argv: if (sys.argv[1] == "population"): console.print(population_help()) elif (sys.argv[1] == "network"): console.print(network_help()) elif (sys.argv[1] == "metro"): console.print(metro_help()) elif (sys.argv[1] == "bus"): console.print(bus_help())