modified the and related files to add the building list to be calculated with SRA.

This commit is contained in:
Pilar 2021-09-02 12:30:37 -04:00
parent f1f3b78d0a
commit a3482c5812
3 changed files with 27 additions and 170 deletions

View File

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
from helpers.library_codes import LibraryCodes
class MonthlyEnergyBalance:
def generate_meb_template(city_object, temperatures, outputs_path):
lc = LibraryCodes()
file = ""
file += "s 1 do\r\n"
file += "p 1 1 12 1\r\n"
file += "\r\n"
file += "s 4 d18599 1 20 21\r\n"
surfaces = city_object.surfaces
for i in range(1, len(surfaces) + 1):
file += str(100 + i) + ' % Radiation surface ' + str(i) + '\r\n'
file += 'p 4' + '\r\n'
file += str(city_object.heated_volume) + ' % BP(1) Heated Volume (vBrutto)\r\n'
file += str(city_object.average_storey_height) + ' % BP(2) Average storey height / m\r\n'
file += str(city_object.storeys_above_ground) + ' % BP(3) Number of storeys above ground\r\n'
file += str(city_object.attic_heated) + ' % BP(4) Attic heating type (0=no room, 1=unheated, 2=heated)\r\n'
file += str(city_object.basement_heated) + ' % BP(5) Cellar heating type (0=no room, 1=unheated, ' \
'2=heated, 99=invalid)\r\n'
# todo: this method and the insel model have to be reviewed for more than one thermal zone
thermal_zone = city_object.thermal_zones[0]
file += str(thermal_zone.indirectly_heated_area_ratio) + ' % BP(6) Indirectly heated area ratio\r\n'
file += str(thermal_zone.effective_thermal_capacity) + ' % BP(7) Effective heat capacity\r\n'
file += str(thermal_zone.additional_thermal_bridge_u_value) + ' % BP(8) Additional U-value for heat bridge\r\n'
# todo: ensure that this line is not needed
# file += str(usage_parameters().standard) + ' % BP(9) Usage type (0=standard, 1=IWU)\r\n'
file += str(len(city_object.thermal_zones)) + ' % BP(10) Number $z$ of zones\r\n'
i = 0
for usage_zone in city_object.usage_zones:
percentage_usage = 1
file += str(float(city_object.foot_print.area) * percentage_usage) + ' % BP(11) #1 Area of zone ' + \
str(i + 1) + ' (sqm)' + '\r\n'
total_internal_gains = 0
for ig in usage_zone.internal_gains:
total_internal_gains += float(ig.average_internal_gain) * \
(float(ig.convective_fraction) + float(ig.radiative_fraction))
file += str(total_internal_gains) + ' % BP(12) #2 Internal gains of zone ' + str(i + 1) + '\r\n'
file += str(usage_zone.heating_setpoint) + ' % BP(13) #3 Heating setpoint temperature zone ' + \
str(i + 1) + ' (tSetHeat)' + '\r\n'
file += str(usage_zone.heating_setback) + ' % BP(14) #4 Heating setback temperature zone ' + \
str(i + 1) + ' (tSetbackHeat)' + '\r\n'
file += str(usage_zone.cooling_setpoint) + ' % BP(15) #5 Cooling setpoint temperature zone ' + \
str(i + 1) + ' (tSetCool)' + '\r\n'
file += str(usage_zone.hours_day) + ' % BP(16) #6 Usage hours per day zone ' + str(i + 1) + '\r\n'
file += str(usage_zone.days_year) + ' % BP(17) #7 Usage days per year zone ' + str(i + 1) + '\r\n'
if usage_zone.min_air_change is None:
raise Exception('Ventilation air rate is not initialized')
file += str(usage_zone.min_air_change) + ' % BP(18) #8 Minimum air change rate zone ' + \
str(i + 1) + ' (h^-1)' + '\r\n'
i += 1
file += str(len(surfaces)) + ' % Number of surfaces = BP(11+8z)\r\n'
file += '% 1. Surface type (1=wall, 2=ground 3=roof, 4=flat roof)' + '\r\n'
file += '% 2. Areas above ground' + '\r\n'
file += '% 3. Areas below ground' + '\r\n'
file += '% 4. U-value' + '\r\n'
file += '% 5. Window area' + '\r\n'
file += '% 6. Window frame fraction' + '\r\n'
file += '% 7. Window U-value' + '\r\n'
file += '% 8. Window g-value' + '\r\n'
file += '% 9. Short-wave reflectance' + '\r\n'
file += '% #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9' + '\r\n'
# todo: this method has to be reviewed for more than one thermal opening per thermal boundary
for thermal_boundary in city_object.thermal_zones[0].bounded:
type_code = lc.construction_types_to_code(thermal_boundary.type)
string = type_code + ' ' + str(thermal_boundary.area_above_ground) + ' ' + \
str(thermal_boundary.area_below_ground) + ' ' + str(thermal_boundary.u_value) + ' ' + \
str(thermal_boundary.window_area) + ' '
if thermal_boundary.window_area <= 0.001:
string = string + '0 0 0 '
string = string + str(thermal_boundary.thermal_openings[0].frame_ratio) + ' ' + \
str(thermal_boundary.thermal_openings[0].u_value) + ' ' + \
str(thermal_boundary.thermal_openings[0].g_value) + ' '
if thermal_boundary.outside_solar_absorptance is not None:
string += str(thermal_boundary.shortwave_reflectance) + '\r\n'
string += '0 \r\n'
file += string
file += '\r\n'
file += 's 20 polyg 1\r\n'
file += 'p 20 12 % Monthly ambient temperature\r\n'
i = 1
for temperature in temperatures[['temperature']].to_numpy():
file += str(i) + ' ' + str(temperature[0]) + '\r\n'
i += 1
file += '\r\n'
file += 's 21 polyg 1\r\n'
file += 'p 21 12 % Monthly sky temperature\r\n'
i = 1
for temperature in temperatures[['sky temperature']].to_numpy():
file += str(i) + ' ' + str(temperature[0]) + '\r\n'
i += 1
i = 0
for surface in surfaces:
file += '\r\n'
file += 's ' + str(101 + i) + ' polyg 1 % Monthly surface radiation (W/sqm)\r\n'
file += 'p ' + str(101 + i) + ' 12 % Azimuth ' + str(surface.azimuth) + \
', inclination ' + str(surface.inclination) + ' degrees\r\n'
j = 1
for global_irradiance_month in surface.global_irradiance_month:
file += str(j) + ' ' + str(global_irradiance_month) + '\r\n'
j += 1
i += 1
file += '\r\n'
file += '% ONE YEAR\r\n'
file += 's 300 cum 4.1 4.2\r\n'
file += 's 303 atend 300.1 300.2\r\n'
file += 's 304 screen 303.1 303.2 4.5\r\n'
file += "p 304 '(''Yearly results: qh = '',F13.2,'' qc = ''F13.2,'' kWh a^-1 meanUvalue = '',F6.3)'\r\n"
file += '\r\n'
file += '% MONTHLY\r\n'
file += 's 305 screen 4.1 4.2\r\n'
file += "p 305 '(''qh = '',F13.2,'' qc = ''F13.2,'' kWh a^-1'')'\r\n"
file += '\r\n'
file += 's ' + str(310) + ' WRITE\r\n'
file += '4.1 4.2\r\n'
file += 'p ' + str(301) + '\r\n'
file += '1 % Mode\r\n'
file += '0 % Suppress FNQ inputs\r\n'
file += "'" + str(outputs_path) + "' % File name\r\n"
file += "'*' % Fortran format\r\n"
return file

View File

@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
# insel template
i_block = 0
new_file, pointers = self._general_blocks(i_block, self._building, self._outputs_paths, self._weather_path,
pointers = [i_block]
new_file, pointers = self._general_blocks(pointers, self._building, self._outputs_paths, self._weather_path,
self._ig_path, self._simulation_parameters)
file += new_file
@ -56,10 +57,13 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
new_file = self._surfaces_blocks(pointers, self._building)
file += new_file
return file
def _general_blocks(i_block, building, outputs_paths, weather_path, ig_path, simulation_parameters):
def _general_blocks(pointers, building, outputs_paths, weather_path, ig_path, simulation_parameters):
i_block = pointers[0]
# time blocks
i_block += 1
n_clock = i_block
@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
# internal gains and control blocks
i_block += 1
n_ig = i_block
n_records = number_usage_zones * 5
n_records = number_usage_zones * 6
inputs = [f"{n_hoy}.1"]
parameters = [f"{n_records} %[Nrec]",
f"{n_records * 12} %[RecLen]",
@ -169,14 +173,14 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
i_block += 1
inputs = [f"{n_hoy}.1"]
for i in range(0, number_usage_zones):
inputs.append(f"{n_w_temp + 8 + 10 * i}.2")
inputs.append(f"{n_w_temp + 8 + 10 * i}.3")
inputs.append(f"{n_w_temp + 8 + 9 * i}.2")
inputs.append(f"{n_w_temp + 8 + 9 * i}.3")
file = Insel.add_block(file, i_block, 'AVEC', inputs)
i_block += 1
inputs = [f"{n_hoy}.1"]
for i in range(0, number_usage_zones):
inputs.append(f"{n_w_temp + 8 + 10 * i}.1")
inputs.append(f"{n_w_temp + 8 + 9 * i}.1")
file = Insel.add_block(file, i_block, 'AVEC', inputs)
i_block += 1
@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
# Zones:
n_start_zones = i_block + 1
n_start_surfaces = n_start_zones + len(building.thermal_zones * 10)
n_start_surfaces = n_start_zones + len(building.thermal_zones * 9)
n_zone = []
number_of_windows = []
for i_zone, thermal_zone in enumerate(building.thermal_zones):
@ -251,12 +255,12 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
inputs = [f"{n_gain_moy}.1",
f"{n_ig}.{1 + 5 * i_zone}", # convective part of IG
f"{n_ig}.{1 + 6 * i_zone}", # convective part of IG
f"{n_weather}.1", # ambient temperature
f"{n_zone[i_zone] + 2}.1", # infiltration rate
f"{n_ig}." + str(4 + 5 * i_zone), # set point cooling
f"{n_ig}." + str(5 + 5 * i_zone), # set point heating
f"{n_ig}." + str(3 + 5 * i_zone), # ventilation rate
f"{n_ig}." + str(3 + 6 * i_zone), # infiltration rate
f"{n_ig}." + str(5 + 6 * i_zone), # set point cooling
f"{n_ig}." + str(6 + 6 * i_zone), # set point heating
f"{n_ig}." + str(4 + 6 * i_zone), # ventilation rate
f"{n_weather}.1", # ventilation temperature
f"{n_zone[i_zone] + 4}.1", # from chs
@ -288,11 +292,6 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
parameters = ["20 %[Tini]"]
file = Insel.add_block(file, i_block, 'DELAY', inputs, parameters)
# infiltration
i_block += 1
parameters = [f"{thermal_zone.infiltration_rate_system_off} %[InfiltrationRate]"]
file = Insel.add_block(file, i_block, 'CONST', parameters=parameters)
# SUM convection flux
i_block += 1
inputs = []
@ -431,7 +430,7 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
if (thermal_boundary.surface.type == cte.WALL) or (thermal_boundary.surface.type == cte.ROOF):
inputs.append(f"{n_zone[i_tz] + 8}.{i_surface}")
inputs.append(f"{n_zone[i_tz] + 6}.{i_surface}")
inputs.append(f"{n_ig}.{i_tz * 5 + 2}")
inputs.append(f"{n_ig}.{i_tz * 6 + 2}")
inputs.append(f"{i_block + 2}.1")
@ -468,7 +467,7 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
elif (thermal_boundary.surface.type == cte.GROUND) or (thermal_boundary.surface.type == cte.GROUND_WALL):
inputs.append(f"{n_zone[i_tz] + 8}.{i_surface}")
inputs.append(f"{n_zone[i_tz] + 6}.{i_surface}")
inputs.append(f"{n_ig}.{i_tz * 5 + 2}")
inputs.append(f"{n_ig}.{i_tz * 6 + 2}")
inputs.append(f"{n_zone[i_tz] + 1}.1")
parameters = [f"{thermal_boundary.hi} % [ConvCoefiW]",
@ -543,7 +542,7 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
file = Insel.add_block(file, i_block, 'GAIN', inputs=inputs, parameters=parameters)
i_block += 1
inputs = [f"{n_zone[i_tz] + 6}.{i_surface}",
f"{n_ig}.{i_tz * 5 + 2}"]
f"{n_ig}.{i_tz * 6 + 2}"]
file = Insel.add_block(file, i_block, 'SUM', inputs=inputs)
if len(thermal_boundary.thermal_openings) > 0:
i_weather_window += 5
@ -589,7 +588,6 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
ig_path = self._ig_path
content = pd.DataFrame()
zeros = np.zeros(8760)
# todo: to talk with @Sanam -> where does this information come from?
for i_uz, usage_zone in enumerate(building.usage_zones):
convective_part = 0
radiative_part = 0
@ -611,6 +609,7 @@ class ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation:
set_point_heating.append(value * usage_zone.cooling_setback)
content[f'convective_part_{i_uz}'] = zeros
content[f'radiative_part_{i_uz}'] = zeros
content[f'infiltration_rate_{i_uz}'] = zeros
content[f'ventilation_rate_{i_uz}'] = zeros
content[f'set_point_cooling_{i_uz}'] = zeros
content[f'set_point_heating_{i_uz}'] = zeros

View File

@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
import sys
from insel.insel import Insel
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
from helpers.enrich_city import EnrichCity
from simplified_radiosity_algorithm import SimplifiedRadiosityAlgorithm
from imports.weather_factory import WeatherFactory
from insel.templates.thermal_demand_dynamic_simulation import ThermalDemandDynamicSimulation as Templates
from helpers.simulation_parameters import SimulationParameters as Sp
import helpers.constants as cte
from imports.geometry_factory import GeometryFactory
from imports.geometry.helpers.geometry_helper import GeometryHelper
from import City
@ -25,15 +23,15 @@ full_path_gml = (example_path / 'tests' / 'tests_data' / name_gml).resolve()
outputs_path = (example_path / 'tests' / 'tests_outputs').resolve()
tmp_path = (example_path / 'tests' / 'tmp').resolve()
weather_path = (Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'libs' / 'data' / 'weather').resolve()
keep_sra_file = False
keep_sra_file = True
keep_insel_file = False
keep_weather_file = False
keep_ig_file = False
pickle_geometry = True
pickle_weather = True
pickle_construction = True
pickle_usage = True
pickle_schedules = True
pickle_geometry = False
pickle_weather = False
pickle_construction = False
pickle_usage = False
pickle_schedules = False
pickle_file = 'tests/tests_data/one_building_in_kelowna.pickle'
# Load geometry
@ -65,7 +63,7 @@ if not pickle_weather:
for building in city.buildings:
new_city = city.region(building.centroid, radius)
sra = SimplifiedRadiosityAlgorithm(new_city, path, weather_file_name)
sra.call_sra(weather_format, keep_files=keep_sra_file)
sra.call_sra(weather_format, keep_files=keep_sra_file, selected_buildings=[building])
sra.set_irradiance_surfaces(city, mode=1,
sra = SimplifiedRadiosityAlgorithm(city, path, weather_file_name)