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synced 2025-02-18 10:13:45 -05:00
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@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license
document, but changing it is not allowed.
This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates the terms
and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public License, supplemented
by the additional permissions listed below.
0. Additional Definitions.
As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser General
Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public
"The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License, other than
an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided by the
Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library. Defining a subclass
of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode of using an interface provided
by the Library.
A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an Application
with the Library. The particular version of the Library with which the Combined
Work was made is also called the "Linked Version".
The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the Corresponding
Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code for portions of the
Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are based on the Application,
and not on the Linked Version.
The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the object
code and/or source code for the Application, including any data and utility
programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the Application, but
excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License without
being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
2. Conveying Modified Versions.
If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a facility
refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application that uses the
facility (other than as an argument passed when the facility is invoked),
then you may convey a copy of the modified version:
a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to ensure
that, in the event an Application does not supply the function or data, the
facility still operates, and performs whatever part of its purpose remains
meaningful, or
b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of this License
applicable to that copy.
3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from a header
file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object code under terms
of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated material is not limited
to numerical parameters, data structure layouts and accessors, or small macros,
inline functions and templates (ten or fewer lines in length), you do both
of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the Library
is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.
b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license document.
4. Combined Works.
You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that, taken together,
effectively do not restrict modification of the portions of the Library contained
in the Combined Work and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications,
if you also do each of the following:
a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that the Library
is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by this License.
b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during execution, include
the copyright notice for the Library among these notices, as well as a reference
directing the user to the copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
d) Do one of the following:
0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
and the Corresponding Application Code in a form suitable for, and under terms
that permit, the user to recombine or relink the Application with a modified
version of the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying Corresponding Source.
1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the Library. A
suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time a copy of the Library
already present on the user's computer system, and (b) will operate properly
with a modified version of the Library that is interface-compatible with the
Linked Version.
e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise be required
to provide such information under section 6 of the GNU GPL, and only to the
extent that such information is necessary to install and execute a modified
version of the Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the Application
with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If you use option 4d0, the
Installation Information must accompany the Minimal Corresponding Source and
Corresponding Application Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the
Installation Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
for conveying Corresponding Source.)
5. Combined Libraries.
You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side
by side in a single library together with other library facilities that are
not Applications and are not covered by this License, and convey such a combined
library under terms of your choice, if you do both of the following:
a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the
Library, uncombined with any other library facilities, conveyed under the
terms of this License.
b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it is a work
based on the Library, and explaining where to find the accompanying uncombined
form of the same work.
6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the
GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address
new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library as you
received it specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Lesser General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
following the terms and conditions either of that published version or of
any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library
as you received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser General
Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser General Public
License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide whether
future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall apply, that
proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is permanent authorization
for you to choose that version for the Library.
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
# CityModelStructure
Contains the City model classes and components use along with other simulation projects, this repository is intended to be used as a submodule
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
from city_model_structure.city_object import CityObject
from typing import List, Union
class City:
def __init__(self, lower_corner, upper_corner, city_objects, srs_name):
self._city_objects = None
self._name = None
self._lower_corner = lower_corner
self._upper_corner = upper_corner
self._city_objects = city_objects
self._srs_name = srs_name
def city_objects(self) -> List[CityObject]:
return self._city_objects
def lower_corner(self):
return self._lower_corner
def upper_corner(self):
return self._upper_corner
def city_object(self, name) -> Union[CityObject, None]:
for c in self.city_objects:
if c.name == name:
return c
return None
def srs_name(self):
return self._srs_name
def name(self):
return self._name
def name(self, value):
self._name = value
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
from matplotlib import pylab
from city_model_structure.polyhedron import Polyhedron
from city_model_structure.thermal_zone import ThermalZone
from city_model_structure.thermal_boundary import ThermalBoundary
from city_model_structure.surface import Surface
from shapely import ops
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from helpers.geometry import Geometry
from city_model_structure.usage_zone import UsageZone
from typing import Union, List
class CityObject:
def __init__(self, name, lod, surfaces, terrains, year_of_construction, function, attic_heated=0, basement_heated=0):
self._name = name
self._lod = lod
self._surfaces = surfaces
self._polyhedron = None
self._basement_heated = basement_heated
self._attic_heated = attic_heated
self._terrains = terrains
self._year_of_construction = year_of_construction
self._function = function
self._geometry = Geometry()
self._average_storey_height = None
self._storeys_above_ground = None
self._foot_print = None
self._usage_zones = []
# ToDo: Check this for LOD4
self._thermal_zones = []
if self.lod < 8:
# for lod under 4 is just one thermal zone
for t in self._thermal_zones:
t.bounded = [ThermalBoundary(s, [t]) for s in t.surfaces]
surface_id = 0
for s in self._surfaces:
s.parent(self, surface_id)
surface_id += 1
def usage_zones(self) -> List[UsageZone]:
return self._usage_zones
def usage_zones(self, value):
self._usage_zones = value
def terrains(self) -> List[Surface]:
return self._terrains
def attic_heated(self):
return self._attic_heated
def attic_heated(self, value):
self._attic_heated = value
def basement_heated(self):
return self._basement_heated
def basement_heated(self, value):
self._attic_heated = value
def name(self):
return self._name
def lod(self):
return self._lod
def surfaces(self) -> List[Surface]:
return self._surfaces
def surface(self, name) -> Union[Surface, None]:
for s in self.surfaces:
if s.name == name:
return s
return None
def thermal_zones(self) -> List[ThermalZone]:
return self._thermal_zones
def volume(self):
if self._polyhedron is None:
self._polyhedron = Polyhedron(self.surfaces)
return self._polyhedron.volume
def heated_volume(self):
if self._polyhedron is None:
self._polyhedron = Polyhedron(self.surfaces)
# ToDo: this need to be the calculated based on the basement and attic heated values
return self._polyhedron.volume
def stl_export(self, path):
if self._polyhedron is None:
self._polyhedron = Polyhedron(self.surfaces)
full_path = (Path(path) / (self._name + '.stl')).resolve()
def year_of_construction(self):
return self._year_of_construction
def function(self):
return self._function
def average_storey_height(self):
return self._average_storey_height
def average_storey_height(self, value):
self._average_storey_height = value
def storeys_above_ground(self):
return self._storeys_above_ground
def storeys_above_ground(self, value):
self._storeys_above_ground = value
def _tuple_to_point(xy_tuple):
return [xy_tuple[0], xy_tuple[1], 0.0]
def _plot(self, polygon):
points = ()
for point_tuple in polygon.exterior.coords:
almost_equal = False
for point in points:
p1 = CityObject._tuple_to_point(point)
p2 = CityObject._tuple_to_point(point_tuple)
if self._geometry.almost_equal(p1, p2):
almost_equal = True
if not almost_equal:
points = points + (point_tuple,)
points = points + (points[0],)
pylab.scatter([point[0] for point in points], [point[1] for point in points])
pylab.gca().add_patch(patches.Polygon(points, closed=True, fill=True))
def foot_print(self) -> Surface:
if self._foot_print is None:
shapelys = []
union = None
for surface in self.surfaces:
if surface.shapely.is_empty or not surface.shapely.is_valid:
union = ops.unary_union(shapelys)
shapelys = [union]
if type(union) == MultiPolygon:
Exception('foot print returns a multipolygon')
points_list = []
for point_tuple in union.exterior.coords:
# ToDo: should be Z 0.0 or min Z?
point = CityObject._tuple_to_point(point_tuple)
almost_equal = False
for existing_point in points_list:
if self._geometry.almost_equal(point, existing_point):
almost_equal = True
if not almost_equal:
points_list = np.reshape(points_list, len(points_list) * 3)
points = np.array_str(points_list).replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
self._foot_print = Surface(points, remove_last=False, is_projected=True)
return self._foot_print
def max_height(self):
if self._polyhedron is None:
self._polyhedron = Polyhedron(self.surfaces)
return self._polyhedron.max_z
@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
class InternalGains:
def __init__(self):
self._average_internal_gain_w_m2 = None
self._convective_fraction = None
self._radiative_fraction = None
self._latent_fraction = None
def average_internal_gain_w_m2(self):
return self._average_internal_gain_w_m2
def average_internal_gain_w_m2(self, value):
self._average_internal_gain_w_m2 = value
def convective_fraction(self):
return self._convective_fraction
def convective_fraction(self, value):
self._convective_fraction = value
def radiative_fraction(self):
return self._radiative_fraction
def radiative_fraction(self, value):
self._radiative_fraction = value
def latent_fraction(self):
return self._latent_fraction
def latent_fraction(self, value):
self._latent_fraction = value
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
from city_model_structure.material import Material
class Layer:
def __init__(self):
self._material = None
self._thickness_m = None
def material(self) -> Material:
return self._material
def material(self, value):
self._material = value
def thickness_m(self):
return self._thickness_m
def thickness_m(self, value):
self._thickness_m = value
@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
class Material:
def __init__(self):
# ToDo: construct this class
self._conductivity_wm_k = None
self._specific_heat_jkg_k = None
self._density_kg_m3 = None
self._solar_absorptance = None
self._thermal_absorptance = None
self._visible_absorptance = None
self._no_mass = False
self._thermal_resistance_m2k_w = None
def conductivity_wm_k(self):
return self._conductivity_wm_k
def conductivity_wm_k(self, value):
self._conductivity_wm_k = value
def specific_heat_jkg_k(self):
return self._specific_heat_jkg_k
def specific_heat_jkg_k(self, value):
self._specific_heat_jkg_k = value
def density_kg_m3(self):
return self._density_kg_m3
def density_kg_m3(self, value):
self._density_kg_m3 = value
def solar_absorptance(self):
return self._solar_absorptance
def solar_absorptance(self, value):
self._solar_absorptance = value
def thermal_absorptance(self):
return self._thermal_absorptance
def thermal_absorptance(self, value):
self._thermal_absorptance = value
def visible_absorptance(self):
return self._visible_absorptance
def visible_absorptance(self, value):
self._visible_absorptance = value
def no_mass(self):
return self._no_mass
def no_mass(self, value):
self._no_mass = value
def thermal_resistance_m2k_w(self):
return self._thermal_resistance_m2k_w
def thermal_resistance_m2k_w(self, value):
self._thermal_resistance_m2k_w = value
@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
import numpy as np
import stl
from helpers.geometry import Geometry
class Polyhedron:
def __init__(self, surfaces):
self._surfaces = [s for s in surfaces]
self._polygons = [s.polygon for s in surfaces]
self._polyhedron = None
self._volume = None
self._faces = None
self._vertices = None
self._mesh = None
self._geometry = Geometry()
def _position_of(self, point):
vertices = self.vertices
for i in range(len(vertices)):
if self._geometry.almost_equal(vertices[i], point):
return i
return -1
def vertices(self):
if self._vertices is None:
vertices, self._vertices = [], []
[vertices.extend(s.points) for s in self._surfaces]
for v1 in vertices:
found = False
for v2 in self._vertices:
found = False
if self._geometry.almost_equal(v1, v2):
found = True
if not found:
self._vertices = np.asarray(self._vertices)
return self._vertices
def faces(self):
if self._faces is None:
self._faces = []
for s in self._surfaces:
face = []
points = s.points
for p in points:
self._faces = np.asarray(self._faces)
return self._faces
def _polyhedron_mesh(self):
if self._mesh is None:
self._mesh = stl.mesh.Mesh(np.zeros(self.faces.shape[0], dtype=stl.mesh.Mesh.dtype))
for i, f in enumerate(self.faces):
for j in range(3):
self._mesh.vectors[i][j] = self.vertices[f[j], :]
return self._mesh
def volume(self):
if self._volume is None:
self._volume, cog, inertia = self._polyhedron_mesh.get_mass_properties()
return self._volume
def max_z(self):
return self._polyhedron_mesh.z.max()
def save(self, full_path):
@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
from __future__ import annotations
import numpy as np
import pyny3d.geoms as pn
from helpers.geometry import Geometry
class Surface:
def __init__(self, coordinates, surface_type=None, name=None, swr='0.2', remove_last=True, is_projected=False):
self._coordinates = coordinates
self._type = surface_type
self._name = name
self._swr = swr
self._remove_last = remove_last
self._is_projected = is_projected
self._geometry = Geometry()
self._polygon = None
self._area = None
self._points = None
self._points_list = None
self._normal = None
self._azimuth = None
self._inclination = None
self._area_above_ground = None
self._area_below_ground = None
self._parent = None
self._shapely = None
self._projected_surface = None
self._global_irradiance_hour = np.zeros(8760)
self._global_irradiance_month = np.zeros(12)
def parent(self, parent, surface_id):
self._parent = parent
self._name = str(surface_id)
def name(self):
if self._name is None:
raise Exception('surface has no name')
return self._name
def swr(self):
return self._swr
def swr(self, value):
self._swr = value
def points(self):
if self._points is None:
self._points = np.fromstring(self._coordinates, dtype=float, sep=' ')
self._points = Geometry.to_points_matrix(self._points, self._remove_last)
return self._points
def points_list(self):
if self._points_list is None:
s = self.points
self._points_list = np.reshape(s, len(s) * 3)
return self._points_list
def polygon(self):
if self._polygon is None:
self._polygon = pn.Polygon(self.points)
except ValueError:
# is not really a polygon but a line so just return none
self._polygon = None
return self._polygon
def area(self):
if self._area is None:
self._area = self.polygon.get_area()
return self._area
def is_almost_same_terrain(self, terrain_points, ground_points):
equal = 0
for t in terrain_points:
for g in ground_points:
if self._geometry.almost_equal(t, g):
equal += 1
return equal == len(terrain_points)
def is_terrain(self):
for t_points in self._parent.terrains:
if len(t_points) == len(self.points) and self.is_almost_same_terrain(t_points, self.points):
return True
return False
def area_above_ground(self):
if self._area_above_ground is None:
self._area_above_ground = self.area - self.area_below_ground
return self._area_above_ground
def area_below_ground(self):
if self._area_below_ground is None:
self._area_below_ground = 0.0
if self.is_terrain:
self._area_below_ground = self.area
return self._area_below_ground
def normal(self):
if self._normal is None:
points = self.points
n = np.cross(points[1] - points[0], points[2] - points[0])
self._normal = n / np.linalg.norm(n)
return self._normal
def azimuth(self):
if self._azimuth is None:
normal = self.normal
self._azimuth = np.arctan2(normal[1], normal[0])
return self._azimuth
def inclination(self):
if self._inclination is None:
self._inclination = np.arccos(self.normal[2])
return self._inclination
def type(self):
if self._type is None:
grad = np.rad2deg(self.inclination)
if 170 <= grad:
self._type = 'Ground'
elif 80 <= grad <= 100:
self._type = 'Wall'
self._type = 'Roof'
return self._type
def global_irradiance_hour(self):
return self._global_irradiance_hour
def global_irradiance_hour(self, value):
self._global_irradiance_hour = value
def global_irradiance_month(self):
return self._global_irradiance_month
def global_irradiance_month(self, value):
self._global_irradiance_month = value
def shapely(self):
if self.polygon is None:
return None
if self._shapely is None:
self._shapely = self.polygon.get_shapely()
return self._shapely
def projection(self) -> Surface:
if self._is_projected:
return self
if self._projected_surface is None:
coordinates = ''
for coordinate in self.shapely.exterior.coords:
if coordinates != '':
coordinates = coordinates + ' '
coordinates = coordinates + str(coordinate[0]) + ' ' + str(coordinate[1]) + ' 0.0'
self._projected_surface = Surface(coordinates)
return self._projected_surface
@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
from city_model_structure.thermal_opening import ThermalOpening
from city_model_structure.surface import Surface
from city_model_structure.layer import Layer
import helpers.assumptions as assumptions
from typing import List
class ThermalBoundary:
def __init__(self, surface, delimits):
self._surface = surface
self._delimits = delimits
# ToDo: up to at least LOD2 will be just one thermal opening per Thermal boundary, review for LOD3 and LOD4
self._thermal_openings = [ThermalOpening()]
self._layers = None
self._outside_solar_absorptance = None
self._outside_thermal_absorptance = None
self._outside_visible_absorptance = None
self._window_ratio = None
self._u_value = None
self._window_area = None
self._shortwave_reflectance = None
def delimits(self) -> List[Surface]:
return self._delimits
def azimuth(self):
return self._surface.azimuth
def inclination(self):
return self._surface.inclination
def area(self):
return self._surface.area
def area_above_ground(self):
return self._surface.area_above_ground
def area_below_ground(self):
return self._surface.area_below_ground
def outside_solar_absorptance(self):
return self._outside_solar_absorptance
def outside_solar_absorptance(self, value):
self._outside_solar_absorptance = value
def outside_thermal_absorptance(self):
return self._outside_thermal_absorptance
def outside_thermal_absorptance(self, value):
self._outside_thermal_absorptance = value
def outside_visible_absorptance(self):
return self._outside_visible_absorptance
def outside_visible_absorptance(self, value):
self._outside_visible_absorptance = value
def thermal_openings(self) -> List[ThermalOpening]:
return self._thermal_openings
def thermal_openings(self, value):
self._thermal_openings = value
def layers(self) -> List[Layer]:
return self._layers
def layers(self, value):
self._layers = value
def type(self):
return self._surface.type
def window_ratio(self):
return self._window_ratio
def window_ratio(self, value):
self._window_ratio = value
def window_area(self):
if self._window_area is None:
self._window_area = float(self._surface.area) * float(self.window_ratio)
except TypeError:
raise Exception('Window ratio is not defined or invalid surface area')
return self._window_area
def u_value(self):
if self._u_value is None:
h_i = assumptions.h_i
h_e = assumptions.h_e
r_value = 1.0/h_i + 1.0/h_e
for layer in self.layers:
if layer.material.no_mass:
r_value += float(layer.material.thermal_resistance_m2k_w)
r_value = r_value + float(layer.material.conductivity_wm_k)/float(layer.thickness_m)
self._u_value = 1.0/r_value
except TypeError:
raise Exception('Constructions layers are not initialized')
return self._u_value
def shortwave_reflectance(self):
if self._shortwave_reflectance is None:
self._shortwave_reflectance = 1.0 - float(self.outside_solar_absorptance)
except TypeError:
raise Exception('Outside solar absorptance is not initialized')
return self._shortwave_reflectance
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
import helpers.assumptions as assumptions
class ThermalOpening:
def __init__(self):
self._area = None
self._openable_ratio = None
self._conductivity_w_mk = None
self._frame_ratio = assumptions.frame_ratio
self._g_value = None
self._thickness_m = None
self._inside_reflectance = None
self._outside_reflectance = None
self._u_value = None
def area(self):
return self._area
def area(self, value):
self._area = value
def openable_ratio(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def openable_ratio(self, value):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def conductivity_w_mk(self):
return self._conductivity_w_mk
def conductivity_w_mk(self, value):
self._conductivity_w_mk = value
def frame_ratio(self):
return self._frame_ratio
def frame_ratio(self, value):
self._frame_ratio = value
def g_value(self):
return self._g_value
def g_value(self, value):
self._g_value = value
def thickness_m(self):
return self._thickness_m
def thickness_m(self, value):
self._thickness_m = value
def inside_reflectance(self):
return self._inside_reflectance
def inside_reflectance(self, value):
self._inside_reflectance = value
def outside_reflectance(self):
return self._outside_reflectance
def outside_reflectance(self, value):
self._outside_reflectance = value
def u_value(self):
if self._u_value is None:
h_i = assumptions.h_i
h_e = assumptions.h_e
r_value = 1 / h_i + 1 / h_e + float(self.conductivity_w_mk) / float(self.thickness_m)
self._u_value = 1 / r_value
except TypeError:
Exception('Thermal opening is not initialized')
return self._u_value
@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
from typing import List
from city_model_structure.thermal_boundary import ThermalBoundary
class ThermalZone:
def __init__(self, surfaces, heated=True, cooled=True):
self._surfaces = surfaces
self._floor_area = None
self._bounded = None
self._heated = heated
self._cooled = cooled
self._additional_thermal_bridge_u_value = None
self._effective_thermal_capacity = None
self._indirectly_heated_area_ratio = None
self._infiltration_rate_system_on = None
self._infiltration_rate_system_off = None
def heated(self):
return self._heated
def cooled(self):
return self._cooled
def floor_area(self):
if self._floor_area is None:
self._floor_area = 0
for s in self._surfaces:
if s.type == 'Ground':
self._floor_area += s.area
return self._floor_area
def bounded(self) -> List[ThermalBoundary]:
return self._bounded
def bounded(self, value):
self._bounded = value
def surfaces(self):
return self._surfaces
def additional_thermal_bridge_u_value(self):
return self._additional_thermal_bridge_u_value
def additional_thermal_bridge_u_value(self, value):
self._additional_thermal_bridge_u_value = value
def effective_thermal_capacity(self):
return self._effective_thermal_capacity
def effective_thermal_capacity(self, value):
self._effective_thermal_capacity = value
def indirectly_heated_area_ratio(self):
return self._indirectly_heated_area_ratio
def indirectly_heated_area_ratio(self, value):
self._indirectly_heated_area_ratio = value
def infiltration_rate_system_on(self):
return self._infiltration_rate_system_on
def infiltration_rate_system_on(self, value):
self._infiltration_rate_system_on = value
def infiltration_rate_system_off(self):
return self._infiltration_rate_system_off
def infiltration_rate_system_off(self, value):
self._infiltration_rate_system_off = value
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
from city_model_structure.internal_gains import InternalGains
from typing import List
class UsageZone:
def __init__(self):
self._usage = None
self._internal_gains = None
self._heating_setpoint = None
self._heating_setback = None
self._cooling_setpoint = None
self._hours_day = None
self._days_year = None
self._mechanical_air_change = None
def internal_gains(self) -> List[InternalGains]:
return self._internal_gains
def internal_gains(self, value):
self._internal_gains = value
def heating_setpoint(self):
return self._heating_setpoint
def heating_setpoint(self, value):
self._heating_setpoint = value
def heating_setback(self):
return self._heating_setback
def heating_setback(self, value):
self._heating_setback = value
def cooling_setpoint(self):
return self._cooling_setpoint
def cooling_setpoint(self, value):
self._cooling_setpoint = value
def hours_day(self):
return self._hours_day
def hours_day(self, value):
self._hours_day = value
def days_year(self):
return self._days_year
def days_year(self, value):
self._days_year = value
def mechanical_air_change(self):
return self._mechanical_air_change
def mechanical_air_change(self, value):
self._mechanical_air_change = value
def usage(self):
return self._usage
def usage(self, value):
self._usage = value
@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
class Window:
def __init__(self):
# ToDo: construct this class
self._conductivity_wm_k = None
self._solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence = None
self._front_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence = None
self._back_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence = None
self._frame_ratio = None
self._thickness_m = None
self._shgc = None
def conductivity_wm_k(self):
return self._conductivity_wm_k
def conductivity_wm_k(self, value):
self._conductivity_wm_k = value
def solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence(self):
return self._solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence
def solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence(self, value):
self._solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence = value
def front_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence(self):
return self._front_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence
def front_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence(self, value):
self._front_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence = value
def back_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence(self):
return self._back_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence
def back_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence(self, value):
self._back_side_solar_reflectance_at_normal_incidence = value
def frame_ratio(self):
return self._frame_ratio
def frame_ratio(self, value):
self._frame_ratio = value
def frame_ratio(self, value):
self._frame_ratio = value
def thickness_m(self):
return self._thickness_m
def thickness_m(self, value):
self._thickness_m = value
def shgc(self):
return self._shgc
def shgc(self, value):
self._shgc = value
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
from geometry.geometry_feeders.city_gml import CityGml
from city_model_structure.city import City
class GeometryFactory:
def __init__(self, file_type, path):
self._file_type = file_type.lower()
self._path = path
def citygml(self):
return CityGml(self._path).city
def geojson(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def bim(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def city(self) -> City:
return getattr(self, self._file_type, lambda: None)
@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
import xmltodict
import numpy as np
from city_model_structure.city import City
from city_model_structure.city_object import CityObject
from city_model_structure.surface import Surface
from helpers.geometry import Geometry
class CityGml:
def __init__(self, path):
self._city = None
with open(path) as gml:
# Clean the namespaces is an important task to prevent wrong ns:field due poor citygml implementations
self._gml = xmltodict.parse(gml.read(), process_namespaces=True, xml_attribs=True, namespaces={
'http://www.opengis.net/gml': None,
'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance': None,
'urn:oasis:names:tc:ciq:xsdschema:xAL:2.0': None,
'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink': None,
'http://www.opengis.net/citygml/relief/2.0': None,
'http://www.opengis.net/citygml/building/2.0': None,
'http://www.opengis.net/citygml/building/2.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/citygml/building/2.0/building.xsd '
'http://www.opengis.net/citygml/relief/2.0 http://schemas.opengis.net/citygml/relief/2.0/relief.xsd" '
'xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/citygml/2.0': None,
'http://www.opengis.net/citygml/2.0': None
}, force_list=('cityObjectMember', 'curveMember'))
self._cityObjects = None
self._geometry = Geometry()
envelope = self._gml['CityModel']['boundedBy']['Envelope']
if '#text' in envelope['lowerCorner']:
self._lower_corner = np.fromstring(envelope['lowerCorner']['#text'], dtype=float, sep=' ')
self._upper_corner = np.fromstring(envelope['upperCorner']['#text'], dtype=float, sep=' ')
self._lower_corner = np.fromstring(envelope['lowerCorner'], dtype=float, sep=' ')
self._upper_corner = np.fromstring(envelope['upperCorner'], dtype=float, sep=' ')
self._srs_name = envelope['@srsName']
def content(self):
return self._gml
def city(self):
if self._city is None:
city_objects = []
for o in self._gml['CityModel']['cityObjectMember']:
lod = 0
if 'lod1Solid' in o['Building']:
lod += 1
if 'lod2Solid' in o['Building']:
lod += 2
if 'lod3Solid' in o['Building']:
lod += 4
if 'lod4Solid' in o['Building']:
lod += 8
# ToDo: this is specific for Lod1 need to be modeled for higher lod's and lod combinations
name = o['Building']['@id']
lod_str = 'lod' + str(lod) + 'Solid'
lod_terrain_str = 'lod' + str(lod) + 'TerrainIntersection'
surfaces = [Surface(s['Polygon']['exterior']['LinearRing']['posList']['#text'])
for s in o['Building'][lod_str]['Solid']['exterior']['CompositeSurface']['surfaceMember']]
except TypeError:
surfaces = [Surface(s['Polygon']['exterior']['LinearRing']['posList'])
for s in o['Building'][lod_str]['Solid']['exterior']['CompositeSurface']['surfaceMember']]
if lod_terrain_str in o['Building']:
curves = [c['LineString']['posList']['#text']
for c in o['Building'][lod_terrain_str]['MultiCurve']['curveMember']]
except TypeError:
curves = [c['LineString']['posList']
for c in o['Building'][lod_terrain_str]['MultiCurve']['curveMember']]
terrains = []
for curve in curves:
curve_points = np.fromstring(curve, dtype=float, sep=' ')
curve_points = self._geometry.to_points_matrix(curve_points, True)
terrains = []
for s in surfaces:
ground = True
ground_points = []
for row in s.points:
# all surface vertex are in the lower z
ground_point = [row[0], row[1], self._lower_corner[2]]
ground_points = np.concatenate((ground_points, ground_point), axis=None)
ground = ground and self._geometry.almost_equal(row, ground_point)
if ground:
ground_points = self._geometry.to_points_matrix(ground_points)
# Do i need to remove the duplicated?
year_of_construction = None
function = None
if 'yearOfConstruction' in o['Building']:
year_of_construction = o['Building']['yearOfConstruction']
if 'function' in o['Building']:
function = o['Building']['function']
city_objects.append(CityObject(name, lod, surfaces, terrains, year_of_construction, function))
self._city = City(self._lower_corner, self._upper_corner, city_objects, self._srs_name)
return self._city
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
from physics.physics_feeders.us_new_york_city_physics_parameters import UsNewYorkCityPhysicsParameters
from physics.physics_feeders.us_physics_parameters import UsPhysicsParameters
class PhysicsFactory:
def __init__(self, handler, city):
self._handler = handler.lower().replace(' ', '_')
self._city = city
def us_new_york_city(self):
def us(self):
def ca(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def de(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def es(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def factory(self):
getattr(self, self._handler, lambda: None)()
@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
class PlutoToFunction:
building_function = {
'A0': 'single family house',
'A1': 'single family house',
'A2': 'single family house',
'A3': 'single family house',
'A4': 'single family house',
'A5': 'single family house',
'A6': 'single family house',
'A7': 'single family house',
'A8': 'single family house',
'A9': 'single family house',
'B1': 'multifamily house',
'B2': 'multifamily house',
'B3': 'multifamily house',
'B9': 'multifamily house',
'C0': 'residential',
'C1': 'residential',
'C2': 'residential',
'C3': 'residential',
'C4': 'residential',
'C5': 'residential',
'C6': 'residential',
'C7': 'residential',
'C8': 'residential',
'C9': 'residential',
'D0': 'residential',
'D1': 'residential',
'D2': 'residential',
'D3': 'residential',
'D4': 'residential',
'D5': 'residential',
'D6': 'residential',
'D7': 'residential',
'D8': 'residential',
'D9': 'residential',
'E1': 'warehouse',
'E3': 'warehouse',
'E4': 'warehouse',
'E5': 'warehouse',
'E7': 'warehouse',
'E9': 'warehouse',
'F1': 'warehouse',
'F2': 'warehouse',
'F4': 'warehouse',
'F5': 'warehouse',
'F8': 'warehouse',
'F9': 'warehouse',
'G0': 'office',
'G1': 'office',
'G2': 'office',
'G3': 'office',
'G4': 'office',
'G5': 'office',
'G6': 'office',
'G7': 'office',
'G8': 'office',
'G9': 'office',
'H1': 'hotel',
'H2': 'hotel',
'H3': 'hotel',
'H4': 'hotel',
'H5': 'hotel',
'H6': 'hotel',
'H7': 'hotel',
'H8': 'hotel',
'H9': 'hotel',
'HB': 'hotel',
'HH': 'hotel',
'HR': 'hotel',
'HS': 'hotel',
'I1': 'hospital',
'I2': 'outpatient',
'I3': 'outpatient',
'I4': 'residential',
'I5': 'outpatient',
'I6': 'outpatient',
'I7': 'outpatient',
'I9': 'outpatient',
'J1': 'large office',
'J2': 'large office',
'J3': 'large office',
'J4': 'large office',
'J5': 'large office',
'J6': 'large office',
'J7': 'large office',
'J8': 'large office',
'J9': 'large office',
'K1': 'strip mall',
'K2': 'strip mall',
'K3': 'strip mall',
'K4': 'residential',
'K5': 'restaurant',
'K6': 'commercial',
'K7': 'commercial',
'K8': 'commercial',
'K9': 'commercial',
'L1': 'residential',
'L2': 'residential',
'L3': 'residential',
'L8': 'residential',
'L9': 'residential',
'M1': 'large office',
'M2': 'large office',
'M3': 'large office',
'M4': 'large office',
'M9': 'large office',
'N1': 'residential',
'N2': 'residential',
'N3': 'residential',
'N4': 'residential',
'N9': 'residential',
'O1': 'office',
'O2': 'office',
'O3': 'office',
'O4': 'office',
'O5': 'office',
'O6': 'office',
'O7': 'office',
'O8': 'office',
'O9': 'office',
'P1': 'large office',
'P2': 'hotel',
'P3': 'office',
'P4': 'office',
'P5': 'office',
'P6': 'office',
'P7': 'large office',
'P8': 'large office',
'P9': 'office',
'Q0': 'office',
'Q1': 'office',
'Q2': 'office',
'Q3': 'office',
'Q4': 'office',
'Q5': 'office',
'Q6': 'office',
'Q7': 'office',
'Q8': 'office',
'Q9': 'office',
'R0': 'residential',
'R1': 'residential',
'R2': 'residential',
'R3': 'residential',
'R4': 'residential',
'R5': 'residential',
'R6': 'residential',
'R7': 'residential',
'R8': 'residential',
'R9': 'residential',
'RA': 'residential',
'RB': 'residential',
'RC': 'residential',
'RD': 'residential',
'RG': 'residential',
'RH': 'residential',
'RI': 'residential',
'RK': 'residential',
'RM': 'residential',
'RR': 'residential',
'RS': 'residential',
'RW': 'residential',
'RX': 'residential',
'RZ': 'residential',
'S0': 'residential',
'S1': 'residential',
'S2': 'residential',
'S3': 'residential',
'S4': 'residential',
'S5': 'residential',
'S9': 'residential',
'T1': 'na',
'T2': 'na',
'T9': 'na',
'U0': 'warehouse',
'U1': 'warehouse',
'U2': 'warehouse',
'U3': 'warehouse',
'U4': 'warehouse',
'U5': 'warehouse',
'U6': 'warehouse',
'U7': 'warehouse',
'U8': 'warehouse',
'U9': 'warehouse',
'V0': 'na',
'V1': 'na',
'V2': 'na',
'V3': 'na',
'V4': 'na',
'V5': 'na',
'V6': 'na',
'V7': 'na',
'V8': 'na',
'V9': 'na',
'W1': 'primary school',
'W2': 'primary school',
'W3': 'secondary school',
'W4': 'secondary school',
'W5': 'secondary school',
'W6': 'secondary school',
'W7': 'secondary school',
'W8': 'primary school',
'W9': 'secondary school',
'Y1': 'large office',
'Y2': 'large office',
'Y3': 'large office',
'Y4': 'large office',
'Y5': 'large office',
'Y6': 'large office',
'Y7': 'large office',
'Y8': 'large office',
'Y9': 'large office',
'Z0': 'na',
'Z1': 'large office',
'Z2': 'na',
'Z3': 'na',
'Z4': 'na',
'Z5': 'na',
'Z6': 'na',
'Z7': 'na',
'Z8': 'na',
'Z9': 'na'
def function(pluto):
return PlutoToFunction.building_function[pluto]
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
class UsToLibraryTypes(object):
standards = {
'ASHRAE Std189': 1,
'ASHRAE 90.1-2004': 2
reference_city_climate_zone = {
'Miami': 'ASHRAE_2004:1A',
'Houston': 'ASHRAE_2004:2A',
'Phoenix': 'ASHRAE_2004:2B',
'Atlanta': 'ASHRAE_2004:3A',
'Los Angeles': 'ASHRAE_2004:3B',
'Las Vegas': 'ASHRAE_2004:3B',
'San Francisco': 'ASHRAE_2004:3C',
'Baltimore': 'ASHRAE_2004:4A',
'Albuquerque': 'ASHRAE_2004:4B',
'Seattle': 'ASHRAE_2004:4C',
'Chicago': 'ASHRAE_2004:5A',
'Boulder': 'ASHRAE_2004:5B',
'Minneapolis': 'ASHRAE_2004:6A',
'Helena': 'ASHRAE_2004:6B',
'Duluth': 'ASHRAE_2004:7A',
'Fairbanks': 'ASHRAE_2004:8A'
window_types = ['window', 'door', 'skylight']
construction_types = {
'Wall': 'exterior wall',
'interior wall': 'interior wall',
'ground wall': 'ground wall',
'Ground': 'exterior slab',
'attic floor': 'attic floor',
'interior slab': 'interior slab',
'Roof': 'roof'
def yoc_to_standard(year_of_construction):
if int(year_of_construction) < 2009:
standard = 'ASHRAE 90.1_2004'
standard = 'ASHRAE 189.1_2009'
return standard
def city_to_reference_city(city):
# ToDo: Dummy function that need to be implemented
reference_city = 'Baltimore'
if city is not None:
reference_city = 'Baltimore'
return reference_city
def city_to_climate_zone(city):
reference_city = UsToLibraryTypes.city_to_reference_city(city)
return UsToLibraryTypes.reference_city_climate_zone[reference_city]
@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
import xmltodict
from city_model_structure.layer import Layer
from city_model_structure.material import Material
from pathlib import Path
from physics.physics_feeders.helpers.us_to_library_types import UsToLibraryTypes
class UsBasePhysicsParameters:
def __init__(self, climate_zone, city_objects, function_to_type):
self._climate_zone = climate_zone
self._city_objects = city_objects
# load US Library
path = str(Path.cwd() / 'data/physics/us_constructions.xml')
with open(path) as xml:
self._library = xmltodict.parse(xml.read(), force_list='layer')
# load US Archetypes
path = str(Path.cwd() / 'data/physics/us_archetypes.xml')
with open(path) as xml:
self._archetypes = xmltodict.parse(xml.read(), force_list='layer')
for city_object in self._city_objects:
building_type = function_to_type(city_object.function)
if building_type is None:
archetype = self.search_archetype(building_type,
# ToDo:remove this in the future
# ToDo: Raise WrongArchetype if not all the surface types are defined for the given city_object
if archetype is None:
print(building_type, UsToLibraryTypes.yoc_to_standard(city_object.year_of_construction),
raise Exception('Archetype not found for building')
city_object.average_storey_height = archetype['average_storey_height']['#text']
city_object.storeys_above_ground = archetype['number_of_storeys']['#text']
for thermal_zone in city_object.thermal_zones:
thermal_zone.effective_thermal_capacity = archetype['thermal_capacity']['#text']
thermal_zone.additional_thermal_bridge_u_value = archetype['extra_loses_due_to_thermal_bridges']['#text']
thermal_zone.indirectly_heated_area_ratio = archetype['indirect_heated_ratio']['#text']
thermal_zone.infiltration_rate_system_off = archetype['infiltration_rate_for_ventilation_system_off']['#text']
thermal_zone.infiltration_rate_system_on = archetype['infiltration_rate_for_ventilation_system_on']['#text']
for thermal_boundary in thermal_zone.bounded:
construction_type = UsToLibraryTypes.construction_types[thermal_boundary.type]
construction = UsBasePhysicsParameters.search_construction_in_archetype(archetype, construction_type)
construction_id = construction['@id']
c_lib = self.search_construction_type('construction', construction_id)
if 'outside_solar_absorptance' in c_lib:
thermal_boundary.outside_solar_absorptance = c_lib['outside_solar_absorptance']['#text']
thermal_boundary.outside_thermal_absorptance = c_lib['outside_thermal_absorptance']['#text']
thermal_boundary.outside_visible_absorptance = c_lib['outside_visible_absorptance']['#text']
thermal_boundary.window_ratio = construction['window_ratio']['#text']
thermal_boundary.layers = []
for current_layer in c_lib['layers']['layer']:
layer = Layer()
if 'thickness' in current_layer:
layer.thickness_m = current_layer['thickness']['#text']
material_lib = self.search_construction_type('material', current_layer['material'])
material = Material()
if 'conductivity' in material_lib:
material.conductivity_wm_k = material_lib['conductivity']['#text']
material.specific_heat_jkg_k = material_lib['specific_heat']['#text']
material.density_kg_m3 = material_lib['density']['#text']
material.solar_absorptance = material_lib['solar_absorptance']['#text']
material.thermal_absorptance = material_lib['thermal_absorptance']['#text']
material.visible_absorptance = material_lib['visible_absorptance']['#text']
material.no_mass = 'no_mass' in material_lib
if 'thermal_resistance' in material_lib:
material.thermal_resistance_m2k_w = material_lib['thermal_resistance']['#text']
material.thermal_resistance_m2k_w = None
layer.material = material
for opening in thermal_boundary.thermal_openings:
if construction['window'] is None:
w_lib = self.search_construction_type('window', construction['window'])
opening.area = '0.0'
opening.conductivity_w_mk = w_lib['conductivity']['#text']
opening.frame_ratio = w_lib['frame_ratio']['#text']
opening.g_value = w_lib['solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence']['#text']
opening.thickness_m = w_lib['thickness']['#text']
opening.inside_reflectance = 1.0-float(w_lib['back_side_solar_transmittance_at_normal_incidence']['#text'])
opening.outside_reflectance = \
def search_archetype(self, building_type, standard, climate_zone):
for archetype in self._archetypes['archetypes']['archetype']:
a_yc = str(archetype['@reference_standard'])
a_bt = str(archetype['@building_type'])
a_cz = str(archetype['@climate_zone'])
if (a_yc == str(standard)) and (a_bt == str(building_type)) and (a_cz == str(climate_zone)):
return archetype
return None
def search_construction_type(self, construction_type, construction_id):
for c_lib in self._library['library'][construction_type + 's'][construction_type]:
if construction_id == c_lib['@id']:
return c_lib
raise Exception('Archetype definition contains elements that does not exist in the library')
def search_construction_in_archetype(archetype, construction_type):
for construction in archetype['constructions']['construction']:
if construction['@type'] == construction_type:
return construction
raise Exception('Construction type not found')
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
from physics.physics_feeders.us_base_physics_parameters import UsBasePhysicsParameters
from physics.physics_feeders.helpers.pluto_to_function import PlutoToFunction as Pf
class UsNewYorkCityPhysicsParameters(UsBasePhysicsParameters):
def __init__(self, city):
self._city = city
climate_zone = 'ASHRAE_2004:4A'
super().__init__(climate_zone, self._city.city_objects, Pf.function)
@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
from physics.physics_feeders.us_base_physics_parameters import UsBasePhysicsParameters
from physics.physics_feeders.helpers.pluto_to_function import PlutoToFunction as Pf
from physics.physics_feeders.helpers.us_to_library_types import UsToLibraryTypes
class UsPhysicsParameters(UsBasePhysicsParameters):
def __init__(self, city):
self._city = city
self._climate_zone = UsToLibraryTypes.city_to_climate_zone(city.city_name)
super().__init__(self._climate_zone, self._city.city_objects, Pf.building_type_to_nrel)
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
from usage.usage_feeders.de_usage_parameters import DeUsageParameters
from usage.usage_feeders.us_new_york_city_usage_parameters import UsNewYorkCityUsageParameters
class UsageFactory:
def __init__(self, handler, city):
self._handler = handler.lower().replace(' ', '_')
self._city = city
def us_new_york_city(self):
def ca(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def de(self):
def es(self):
raise Exception('Not implemented')
def factory(self):
getattr(self, self._handler, lambda: None)()
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
import xmltodict
from pathlib import Path
from usage.usage_feeders.helpers.us_function_to_usage import UsFunctionToUsage
class DeUsageParameters:
def __init__(self, city_objects):
self._city_objects = city_objects
# load US Library
path = str(Path.cwd() / 'data/usage/de_library.xml')
with open(path) as xml:
self._library = xmltodict.parse(xml.read())
for city_object in city_objects:
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
class UsFunctionToUsage:
building_usage = {
'full service restaurant': 'restaurant',
'highrise apartment': 'residential',
'hospital': 'health care',
'large hotel': 'hotel',
'large office': 'office and administration',
'medium office': 'office and administration',
'midrise apartment': 'residential',
'outpatient healthcare': 'health care',
'primary school': 'education',
'quick service restaurant': 'restaurant',
'secondary school': 'education',
'small hotel': 'hotel',
'small office': 'office and administration',
'stand alone retail': 'retail',
'strip mall': 'hall',
'supermarket': 'retail',
'warehouse': 'industry'
building_function = {
'A0': 'single family house',
'A1': 'single family house',
'A2': 'single family house',
'A3': 'single family house',
'A4': 'single family house',
'A5': 'single family house',
'A6': 'single family house',
'A7': 'single family house',
'A8': 'single family house',
'A9': 'single family house',
'B1': 'multifamily house',
'B2': 'multifamily house',
'B3': 'multifamily house',
'B9': 'multifamily house',
'C0': 'residential',
'C1': 'residential',
'C2': 'residential',
'C3': 'residential',
'C4': 'residential',
'C5': 'residential',
'C6': 'residential',
'C7': 'residential',
'C8': 'residential',
'C9': 'residential',
'D0': 'residential',
'D1': 'residential',
'D2': 'residential',
'D3': 'residential',
'D4': 'residential',
'D5': 'residential',
'D6': 'residential',
'D7': 'residential',
'D8': 'residential',
'D9': 'residential',
'E1': 'warehouse',
'E3': 'warehouse',
'E4': 'warehouse',
'E5': 'warehouse',
'E7': 'warehouse',
'E9': 'warehouse',
'F1': 'warehouse',
'F2': 'warehouse',
'F4': 'warehouse',
'F5': 'warehouse',
'F8': 'warehouse',
'F9': 'warehouse',
'G0': 'office',
'G1': 'office',
'G2': 'office',
'G3': 'office',
'G4': 'office',
'G5': 'office',
'G6': 'office',
'G7': 'office',
'G8': 'office',
'G9': 'office',
'H1': 'hotel',
'H2': 'hotel',
'H3': 'hotel',
'H4': 'hotel',
'H5': 'hotel',
'H6': 'hotel',
'H7': 'hotel',
'H8': 'hotel',
'H9': 'hotel',
'HB': 'hotel',
'HH': 'hotel',
'HR': 'hotel',
'HS': 'hotel',
'I1': 'hospital',
'I2': 'outpatient',
'I3': 'outpatient',
'I4': 'residential',
'I5': 'outpatient',
'I6': 'outpatient',
'I7': 'outpatient',
'I9': 'outpatient',
'J1': 'large office',
'J2': 'large office',
'J3': 'large office',
'J4': 'large office',
'J5': 'large office',
'J6': 'large office',
'J7': 'large office',
'J8': 'large office',
'J9': 'large office',
'K1': 'strip mall',
'K2': 'strip mall',
'K3': 'strip mall',
'K4': 'residential',
'K5': 'restaurant',
'K6': 'commercial',
'K7': 'commercial',
'K8': 'commercial',
'K9': 'commercial',
'L1': 'residential',
'L2': 'residential',
'L3': 'residential',
'L8': 'residential',
'L9': 'residential',
'M1': 'large office',
'M2': 'large office',
'M3': 'large office',
'M4': 'large office',
'M9': 'large office',
'N1': 'residential',
'N2': 'residential',
'N3': 'residential',
'N4': 'residential',
'N9': 'residential',
'O1': 'office',
'O2': 'office',
'O3': 'office',
'O4': 'office',
'O5': 'office',
'O6': 'office',
'O7': 'office',
'O8': 'office',
'O9': 'office',
'P1': 'large office',
'P2': 'hotel',
'P3': 'office',
'P4': 'office',
'P5': 'office',
'P6': 'office',
'P7': 'large office',
'P8': 'large office',
'P9': 'office',
'Q0': 'office',
'Q1': 'office',
'Q2': 'office',
'Q3': 'office',
'Q4': 'office',
'Q5': 'office',
'Q6': 'office',
'Q7': 'office',
'Q8': 'office',
'Q9': 'office',
'R0': 'residential',
'R1': 'residential',
'R2': 'residential',
'R3': 'residential',
'R4': 'residential',
'R5': 'residential',
'R6': 'residential',
'R7': 'residential',
'R8': 'residential',
'R9': 'residential',
'RA': 'residential',
'RB': 'residential',
'RC': 'residential',
'RD': 'residential',
'RG': 'residential',
'RH': 'residential',
'RI': 'residential',
'RK': 'residential',
'RM': 'residential',
'RR': 'residential',
'RS': 'residential',
'RW': 'residential',
'RX': 'residential',
'RZ': 'residential',
'S0': 'residential',
'S1': 'residential',
'S2': 'residential',
'S3': 'residential',
'S4': 'residential',
'S5': 'residential',
'S9': 'residential',
'T1': 'na',
'T2': 'na',
'T9': 'na',
'U0': 'warehouse',
'U1': 'warehouse',
'U2': 'warehouse',
'U3': 'warehouse',
'U4': 'warehouse',
'U5': 'warehouse',
'U6': 'warehouse',
'U7': 'warehouse',
'U8': 'warehouse',
'U9': 'warehouse',
'V0': 'na',
'V1': 'na',
'V2': 'na',
'V3': 'na',
'V4': 'na',
'V5': 'na',
'V6': 'na',
'V7': 'na',
'V8': 'na',
'V9': 'na',
'W1': 'primary school',
'W2': 'primary school',
'W3': 'secondary school',
'W4': 'secondary school',
'W5': 'secondary school',
'W6': 'secondary school',
'W7': 'secondary school',
'W8': 'primary school',
'W9': 'secondary school',
'Y1': 'large office',
'Y2': 'large office',
'Y3': 'large office',
'Y4': 'large office',
'Y5': 'large office',
'Y6': 'large office',
'Y7': 'large office',
'Y8': 'large office',
'Y9': 'large office',
'Z0': 'na',
'Z1': 'large office',
'Z2': 'na',
'Z3': 'na',
'Z4': 'na',
'Z5': 'na',
'Z6': 'na',
'Z7': 'na',
'Z8': 'na',
'Z9': 'na'
def function_to_usage(building_function):
return UsFunctionToUsage.building_usage[building_function]
def pluto_to_function(pluto):
return UsFunctionToUsage.building_function[pluto]
@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
import xmltodict
from pathlib import Path
from city_model_structure.usage_zone import UsageZone
from city_model_structure.internal_gains import InternalGains
class UsBaseUsageParameters:
def __init__(self, city, function_to_usage):
self._city = city
# ToDo: this is using the german library as a temporary approach, need to use/define a library for US
path = str(Path.cwd() / 'data/usage/de_library.xml')
with open(path) as xml:
self._library = xmltodict.parse(xml.read(), force_list='zoneUsageVariant')
for city_object in self._city.city_objects:
#ToDo: Right now is just one usage zone but will be multiple in the future
usage_zone = UsageZone()
usage_zone.usage = function_to_usage(city_object.function)
for zone_usage_type in self._library['buildingUsageLibrary']['zoneUsageType']:
if zone_usage_type['id'] != usage_zone.usage:
if 'zoneUsageVariant' in zone_usage_type:
for usage_zone_variant in zone_usage_type['zoneUsageVariant']:
if usage_zone_variant['id'] == usage_zone.usage:
# pre-initialize the usage zone with the main type
usage_zone = UsBaseUsageParameters._parse_zone_usage_type(zone_usage_type, usage_zone)
usage_zone = UsBaseUsageParameters._parse_zone_usage_variant(usage_zone_variant, usage_zone)
city_object.usage_zone = [usage_zone]
city_object.usage_zone = [UsBaseUsageParameters._parse_zone_usage_type(zone_usage_type, usage_zone)]
if city_object.usage_zone is None:
raise Exception('Usage not found for building function')
def _parse_zone_usage_type(zone_usage_type, usage_zone):
usage_zone.hours_day = zone_usage_type['occupancy']['usageHoursPerDay']
usage_zone.days_year = zone_usage_type['occupancy']['usageDaysPerYear']
usage_zone.cooling_setpoint = zone_usage_type['endUses']['space_cooling']['coolingSetPointTemperature']
usage_zone.heating_setpoint = zone_usage_type['endUses']['space_heating']['heatingSetPointTemperature']
usage_zone.heating_setback = zone_usage_type['endUses']['space_heating']['heatingSetBackTemperature']
if 'ventilation' in zone_usage_type['endUses'] and zone_usage_type['endUses']['ventilation'] is not None:
usage_zone.mechanical_air_change = zone_usage_type['endUses']['ventilation']['mechanicalAirChangeRate']
int_gains = InternalGains()
int_gains.latent_fraction = zone_usage_type['occupancy']['internGains']['latentFraction']
int_gains.convective_fraction = zone_usage_type['occupancy']['internGains']['convectiveFraction']
int_gains.average_internal_gain_w_m2 = zone_usage_type['occupancy']['internGains']['averageInternGainPerSqm']
int_gains.radiative_fraction = zone_usage_type['occupancy']['internGains']['radiantFraction']
usage_zone.internal_gains = [int_gains]
return usage_zone
def _parse_zone_usage_variant(usage_zone_variant, usage_zone):
# for the variants all is optional because it mimics the inheritance concept from OOP
if 'usageHoursPerDay' in usage_zone_variant['occupancy']:
usage_zone.hours_day = usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['usageHoursPerDay']
if 'usageDaysPerYear' in usage_zone_variant['occupancy']:
usage_zone.days_year = usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['usageDaysPerYear']
if 'coolingSetPointTemperature' in usage_zone_variant['endUses']['space_cooling']:
usage_zone.cooling_setpoint = usage_zone_variant['endUses']['space_cooling']['coolingSetPointTemperature']
if 'heatingSetPointTemperature' in usage_zone_variant['endUses']['space_heating']:
usage_zone.heating_setpoint = usage_zone_variant['endUses']['space_heating']['heatingSetPointTemperature']
if 'heatingSetBackTemperature' in usage_zone_variant['endUses']['space_heating']:
usage_zone.heating_setback = usage_zone_variant['endUses']['space_heating']['heatingSetBackTemperature']
if 'ventilation' in usage_zone_variant['endUses'] and usage_zone_variant['endUses']['ventilation'] is not None:
usage_zone.mechanical_air_change = usage_zone_variant['endUses']['ventilation']['mechanicalAirChangeRate']
if 'latentFraction' in usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['internGains']:
usage_zone.int_gains[0].latent_fraction = usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['internGains']['latentFraction']
if 'convectiveFraction' in usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['internGains']:
usage_zone.int_gains[0].convective_fraction = usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['internGains']['convectiveFraction']
if 'averageInternGainPerSqm' in usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['internGains']:
usage_zone.int_gains[0].average_internal_gain_w_m2 = \
if 'radiantFraction' in usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['internGains']:
usage_zone.int_gains[0].radiative_fraction = usage_zone_variant['occupancy']['internGains']['radiantFraction']
return usage_zone
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
from usage.usage_feeders.us_base_usage_parameters import UsBaseUsageParameters
from usage.usage_feeders.helpers.us_function_to_usage import UsFunctionToUsage
class UsNewYorkCityUsageParameters(UsBaseUsageParameters):
def __init__(self, city):
super().__init__(city, UsFunctionToUsage.function)
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
from usage.usage_feeders.us_base_usage_parameters import UsBaseUsageParameters
from usage.usage_feeders.helpers.us_function_to_usage import UsFunctionToUsage
class UsUsageParameters(UsBaseUsageParameters):
def __init__(self, city):
super().__init__(city, UsFunctionToUsage.function_to_usage)
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
class UsageLibrary:
def __init__(self):
self.standard = 1
self.internal_gains = [4.2]
self.heating_setpoint = [20.0]
self.heating_setback = [16.0]
self.cooling_setpoint = [25.0]
self.hours_day = [17]
self.days_year = [365]
self.min_air_change = [0.34]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user