""" Obj module parses obj files and import the geometry into the city model structure SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group Project Coder Pilar Monsalvete Alvarez de Uribarri pilar.monsalvete@concordia.ca """ import trimesh.exchange.load from trimesh import Scene import trimesh.geometry from city_model_structure.city import City from city_model_structure.building import Building from city_model_structure.building_demand.surface import Surface from city_model_structure.attributes.polygon import Polygon class Obj: """ Obj class """ def __init__(self, path): self._city = None with open(path, 'r') as file: self._scene = trimesh.exchange.load.load(file, file_type='obj', force='scene') self._corners = self._scene.bounds_corners _bound_corner_min = None _bound_corner_max = None for corner in self._corners: if _bound_corner_min is None: _bound_corner_min = corner elif _bound_corner_max is None: _bound_corner_max = corner else: _bound_corner_min[0] = min(_bound_corner_min[0], corner[0]) _bound_corner_min[1] = min(_bound_corner_min[1], corner[1]) _bound_corner_min[2] = min(_bound_corner_min[2], corner[2]) _bound_corner_max[0] = max(_bound_corner_max[0], corner[0]) _bound_corner_max[1] = max(_bound_corner_max[1], corner[1]) _bound_corner_max[2] = max(_bound_corner_max[2], corner[2]) self._lower_corner = _bound_corner_min self._upper_corner = _bound_corner_max @property def scene(self) -> Scene: """ Get obj scene """ return self._scene @property def city(self) -> City: """ Get city out of an obj file """ if self._city is None: # todo: refactor this method to clearly choose the obj type # todo: where do we get this information from? srs_name = 'EPSG:26911' self._city = City(self._lower_corner, self._upper_corner, srs_name) scene = self.scene.geometry keys = scene.keys() lod = 1 for key in keys: name = key # todo: where do we get this information from? year_of_construction = 0 function = '' obj = scene[key] surfaces = [] for face in obj.faces: # todo: review for obj with windows points = [] for vertex_index in face: points.append(obj.vertices[vertex_index]) solid_polygon = Polygon(points) perimeter_polygon = solid_polygon surface = Surface(solid_polygon, perimeter_polygon) surfaces.append(surface) building = Building(name, surfaces, year_of_construction, function, self._lower_corner, terrains=None) self._city.add_city_object(building) self._city.level_of_detail.geometry = lod return self._city