import itertools import pyomo.environ as py import pandas as pd import pylab as pl import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # to ignore the warning for dividing by 0 np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') ############################################################First Step############################################# # impedance matrix # importing the data from the excel for the bus # data = pd.ExcelFile('opf_data_time.xlsx') databus = data.parse('bus') datademand = data.parse('demand') datacoeff = data.parse('coefficent') datagen = data.parse('gen') datatime = data.parse('time') # dataimpedence = data.parse('impedance') Imp_matrix = np.zeros((5, 5)).astype(complex) for y in range(len(dataimpedence)): Imp_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1] = dataimpedence.loc[y, "R"] + 1j * \ dataimpedence.loc[y, "X"] Imp_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1] = Imp_matrix[ dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1] print(Imp_matrix) # shunt admitance/ line charging shunt_matrix = np.zeros((5, 5)).astype(complex) for y in range(len(dataimpedence)): shunt_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1] = 1j * dataimpedence.loc[y, "B"] shunt_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1] = shunt_matrix[ dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1] print(shunt_matrix) # converting the impedance to admittance yb = -1 / Imp_matrix yb[np.isnan(yb)] = 0 # positive of yb pyb = -(yb) # sum the row of the shunt admittance to preparid for the diaginal element shunt_matrix_sum = np.sum(shunt_matrix, axis=1) # ist i make the diagonal matrix to zero and then add row wise pyb[np.diag_indices_from(pyb)] = 0 y_offdiagonal = pyb y_offdiagonal_sum = np.sum(y_offdiagonal, axis=1) # print(y_offdiagonal_sum) # now adding the y_offdiagonal_sum with shunt_matrix_sum for diagonal matrix yii = np.add(shunt_matrix_sum, y_offdiagonal_sum) # get the diaginal matrix # print(yii) np.fill_diagonal(yb, yii) ybus = yb print('Y bus: ', ybus) # calculating the magnitude and angle of ybus matrix y_mag = abs(ybus) print('Y bus magnitude : ', y_mag) y_rad = np.angle(ybus) print('Y bus angle (Rad) : ', y_rad) y_ang = np.degrees(y_rad) # convert the ybus matrix into real (Conductance) and imaginary ( substance) matrix ybus_real = ybus.real print('Conductance: ', ybus_real) ybus_imag = ybus.imag print('Susseptance: ', ybus_imag) #########################################################Second Step################################################### # optimal power flow model = py.ConcreteModel() # Set # model.b = py.Set(initialize=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], doc='bus') model.b = py.Set(initialize=databus.bus, doc='bus') model.index_i = py.Set(initialize=databus.bus, doc='index i') model.index_j = py.Set(initialize=databus.bus, doc='index j') model.t = py.Set(initialize=datatime.time, doc='time') # Parameter # demand form the homes orginal model.pdmand = py.Param(model.b, model.t, initialize=dict( zip(list(itertools.product(range(1, len(databus.bus.values) + 1), range(1, len( + 1))), np.append(datademand.active_power.values, len(, doc='Active power demand') model.qdmand = py.Param(model.b, model.t, initialize=dict( zip(list(itertools.product(range(1, len(databus.bus.values) + 1), range(1, len( + 1))), np.append(datademand.reactive_power.values, len(, doc='Reactive power demand') # Variable model.v = py.Var(model.index_i, model.t, initialize=1, bounds=(0.9, 1.07)) model.v[1, :].fix(1.06) model.v[2, :].fix(1.045) model.v[3, :].fix(1.03) model.theta = py.Var(model.index_i, model.t, initialize=0, bounds=(-np.pi, np.pi)) model.theta[1, :].fix(0) # bounds for generator active power model.plb = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus,, doc='active power lower bound') = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus, datagen.pu)), doc='active power upper bound') def pgenbound(model, i, t): return model.plb[i],[i] # model.pgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t, bounds=pgenbound) model.pgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t,bounds=(0, None)) model.pgen[4, :].fix(0) model.pgen[5, :].fix(0) # bounds for generator reactive power model.qlb = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus, datagen.ql)), doc='reactive power lower bound') model.qub = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus, datagen.qu)), doc='reactive power upper bound') def qgenbound(model, i, t): return model.qlb[i], model.qub[i] # model.qgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t, bounds=qgenbound) model.qgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t) model.qgen[4, :].fix(0) model.qgen[5, :].fix(0) print('model data is ok') # Constraints def active_power(model, i, t): return model.pgen[i, t] - model.pdmand[i, t]- sum( [y_mag[i - 1, j - 1] * (model.v[i, t]) * (model.v[j, t]) * py.cos( y_rad[i - 1, j - 1] + model.theta[j, t] - model.theta[i, t]) for j in model.index_j]) ==0 model.Const_Active_power = py.Constraint(model.index_i, model.t, rule=active_power, doc='active power injection') # the plus sign is because of the P-Qj = ..... def reactive_power(model, i, t): return model.qgen[i, t] - model.qdmand[i, t]+ sum( [y_mag[i - 1, j - 1] * (model.v[i, t]) * (model.v[j, t]) * py.sin( y_rad[i - 1, j - 1] + model.theta[j, t] - model.theta[i, t]) for j in model.index_j])==0 model.Const_Reactive_power = py.Constraint(model.index_i, model.t, rule=reactive_power, doc='Reactive power injection') print('model constraint are ok') for k in model.index_i: for l in model.index_j: ybus_real[k - 1, l - 1] = (-(ybus_real[k - 1, l - 1])) def objective_rule(model): return sum( sum(0.5 * (ybus_real[m - 1, n - 1]) * ((model.v[m, l]) ** 2 + (model.v[n, l]) ** 2 - 2 * ( (model.v[m, l]) * (model.v[n, l])) * py.cos(model.theta[n, l] - model.theta[m, l])) for m in model.index_i for n in model.index_j if m != n) for l in model.t) model.objective = py.Objective(rule=objective_rule, sense=py.minimize, doc='Definition of objective function') # Solver opt = py.SolverFactory('ipopt') result = opt.solve(model) model.write('', io_options={'symbolic_solver_labels': True}) print('objective function = ', py.value(model.objective) * 100) if (result.solver.status == py.SolverStatus.ok) and ( result.solver.termination_condition == py.TerminationCondition.optimal): print('optimal solution') # Do something when the solution in optimal and feasible elif result.solver.termination_condition == py.TerminationCondition.infeasible: print('solution is not feasible') # Do something when model in infeasible else: # Something else is wrong print('Solver Status: ', result.solver.status) # ploting: pl_pdem = [[] for j in model.b] pl_pgen = [[] for j in model.b] time = [i for i in model.t] pl_qdem = [[] for j in model.b] pl_v = [[] for j in model.b] pl_qgen = [[] for j in model.b] pl_theta = [[] for j in model.b] for j in model.b: for k, v in model.pgen.items(): if k[0] == j: pl_pgen[j - 1].append(py.value(v)) for j in model.b: for k, v in model.qgen.items(): if k[0] == j: pl_qgen[j - 1].append(py.value(v)) for j in model.b: for k, v in model.v.items(): if k[0] == j: pl_v[j - 1].append(py.value(v)) for j in model.b: for k, v in model.theta.items(): if k[0] == j: pl_theta[j - 1].append(py.value(v)) for j in model.b: for k, v in model.pdmand.items(): if k[0] == j: pl_pdem[j - 1].append(py.value(v)) for j in model.b: for k, v in model.qdmand.items(): if k[0] == j: pl_qdem[j - 1].append(py.value(v)) # width = 0.2 b = np.arange(len(model.b)) t = np.arange(len(model.t)) x = b # number of buss y = t # time z = pl_v # votlage #3d voltage profile # X, Y = np.meshgrid(y, x) # Z = np.reshape(z, X.shape) # Z.shape must be equal to X.shape = Y.shape # fig = plt.figure() # # ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') # # fig = plt.figure() # ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') # ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm) # ax.set_xlabel('time') # ax.set_ylabel('bus') # ax.set_zlabel('voltage') # # all graphs fig2, ax = plt.subplots(5, len(model.b), constrained_layout=True, figsize=(10, 10)) for k in range(len(model.b)): ax[0, k].plot(t, pl_v[k], color="blue") # ax[1, k].plot(t, pl_theta[k], color="blue") ax[1, k].bar(t, pl_pdem[k], color="green") ax[2, k].bar(t, pl_qdem[k], color="black") ax[3, k].bar(t, pl_pgen[k], color="red") ax[4, k].bar(t, pl_qgen[k], color="brown") ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('Voltage (PU)') # ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('Angle') ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('P_dem (PU)') ax[2, 0].set_ylabel('Q_dem (PU)') ax[3, 0].set_ylabel('P_gen (PU)') ax[4, 0].set_ylabel('Q_gen (PU)') ax[0, k].set_title(f"Bus {k + 1}") fig2.suptitle('Grid Data', fontsize=10) # ## #