282 lines
9.5 KiB
282 lines
9.5 KiB
import itertools
import pyomo.environ as py
import pandas as pd
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# to ignore the warning for dividing by 0
np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore')
############################################################First Step#############################################
# impedance matrix
# importing the data from the excel for the bus
# <editor-fold desc="Reading the data from Excel file">
data = pd.ExcelFile('opf_data_time.xlsx')
databus = data.parse('bus')
datademand = data.parse('demand')
datacoeff = data.parse('coefficent')
datagen = data.parse('gen')
datatime = data.parse('time')
# </editor-fold>
dataimpedence = data.parse('impedance')
Imp_matrix = np.zeros((5, 5)).astype(complex)
for y in range(len(dataimpedence)):
Imp_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1] = dataimpedence.loc[y, "R"] + 1j * \
dataimpedence.loc[y, "X"]
Imp_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1] = Imp_matrix[
dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1]
# shunt admitance/ line charging
shunt_matrix = np.zeros((5, 5)).astype(complex)
for y in range(len(dataimpedence)):
shunt_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1] = 1j * dataimpedence.loc[y, "B"]
shunt_matrix[dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1] = shunt_matrix[
dataimpedence.loc[y, "From"] - 1, dataimpedence.loc[y, "To"] - 1]
# converting the impedance to admittance
yb = -1 / Imp_matrix
yb[np.isnan(yb)] = 0
# positive of yb
pyb = -(yb)
# sum the row of the shunt admittance to preparid for the diaginal element
shunt_matrix_sum = np.sum(shunt_matrix, axis=1)
# ist i make the diagonal matrix to zero and then add row wise
pyb[np.diag_indices_from(pyb)] = 0
y_offdiagonal = pyb
y_offdiagonal_sum = np.sum(y_offdiagonal, axis=1)
# print(y_offdiagonal_sum)
# now adding the y_offdiagonal_sum with shunt_matrix_sum for diagonal matrix
yii = np.add(shunt_matrix_sum, y_offdiagonal_sum) # get the diaginal matrix
# print(yii)
np.fill_diagonal(yb, yii)
ybus = yb
print('Y bus: ', ybus)
# calculating the magnitude and angle of ybus matrix
y_mag = abs(ybus)
print('Y bus magnitude : ', y_mag)
y_rad = np.angle(ybus)
print('Y bus angle (Rad) : ', y_rad)
y_ang = np.degrees(y_rad)
# convert the ybus matrix into real (Conductance) and imaginary ( substance) matrix
ybus_real = ybus.real
print('Conductance: ', ybus_real)
ybus_imag = ybus.imag
print('Susseptance: ', ybus_imag)
#########################################################Second Step###################################################
# optimal power flow
model = py.ConcreteModel()
# Set
# model.b = py.Set(initialize=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], doc='bus')
model.b = py.Set(initialize=databus.bus, doc='bus')
model.index_i = py.Set(initialize=databus.bus, doc='index i')
model.index_j = py.Set(initialize=databus.bus, doc='index j')
model.t = py.Set(initialize=datatime.time, doc='time')
# Parameter
# demand form the homes orginal
model.pdmand = py.Param(model.b, model.t, initialize=dict(
zip(list(itertools.product(range(1, len(databus.bus.values) + 1), range(1, len(model.t.data()) + 1))),
np.append(datademand.active_power.values, len(model.t.data())))),
doc='Active power demand')
model.qdmand = py.Param(model.b, model.t, initialize=dict(
zip(list(itertools.product(range(1, len(databus.bus.values) + 1), range(1, len(model.t.data()) + 1))),
np.append(datademand.reactive_power.values, len(model.t.data())))),
doc='Reactive power demand')
# Variable
model.v = py.Var(model.index_i, model.t, initialize=1, bounds=(0.9, 1.07))
model.v[1, :].fix(1.06)
model.v[2, :].fix(1.045)
model.v[3, :].fix(1.03)
model.theta = py.Var(model.index_i, model.t, initialize=0, bounds=(-np.pi, np.pi))
model.theta[1, :].fix(0)
# bounds for generator active power
model.plb = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus, datagen.pl)),
doc='active power lower bound')
model.pub = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus, datagen.pu)),
doc='active power upper bound')
def pgenbound(model, i, t):
return model.plb[i], model.pub[i]
# model.pgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t, bounds=pgenbound)
model.pgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t,bounds=(0, None))
model.pgen[4, :].fix(0)
model.pgen[5, :].fix(0)
# bounds for generator reactive power
model.qlb = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus, datagen.ql)), doc='reactive power lower bound')
model.qub = py.Param(model.b, initialize=dict(zip(databus.bus, datagen.qu)), doc='reactive power upper bound')
def qgenbound(model, i, t):
return model.qlb[i], model.qub[i]
# model.qgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t, bounds=qgenbound)
model.qgen = py.Var(model.b, model.t)
model.qgen[4, :].fix(0)
model.qgen[5, :].fix(0)
print('model data is ok')
# Constraints
def active_power(model, i, t):
return model.pgen[i, t] - model.pdmand[i, t]- sum(
[y_mag[i - 1, j - 1] * (model.v[i, t]) * (model.v[j, t]) * py.cos(
y_rad[i - 1, j - 1] + model.theta[j, t] - model.theta[i, t])
for j in model.index_j]) ==0
model.Const_Active_power = py.Constraint(model.index_i, model.t, rule=active_power, doc='active power injection')
# the plus sign is because of the P-Qj = .....
def reactive_power(model, i, t):
return model.qgen[i, t] - model.qdmand[i, t]+ sum(
[y_mag[i - 1, j - 1] * (model.v[i, t]) * (model.v[j, t]) * py.sin(
y_rad[i - 1, j - 1] + model.theta[j, t] - model.theta[i, t])
for j in model.index_j])==0
model.Const_Reactive_power = py.Constraint(model.index_i, model.t, rule=reactive_power,
doc='Reactive power injection')
print('model constraint are ok')
for k in model.index_i:
for l in model.index_j:
ybus_real[k - 1, l - 1] = (-(ybus_real[k - 1, l - 1]))
def objective_rule(model):
return sum(
sum(0.5 * (ybus_real[m - 1, n - 1]) * ((model.v[m, l]) ** 2 + (model.v[n, l]) ** 2 - 2 * (
(model.v[m, l]) * (model.v[n, l])) * py.cos(model.theta[n, l] - model.theta[m, l])) for m in
model.index_i for n in model.index_j if m != n) for l in model.t)
model.objective = py.Objective(rule=objective_rule, sense=py.minimize, doc='Definition of objective function')
# Solver
opt = py.SolverFactory('ipopt')
result = opt.solve(model)
model.write('model_opf.nl', io_options={'symbolic_solver_labels': True})
print('objective function = ', py.value(model.objective) * 100)
if (result.solver.status == py.SolverStatus.ok) and (
result.solver.termination_condition == py.TerminationCondition.optimal):
print('optimal solution') # Do something when the solution in optimal and feasible
elif result.solver.termination_condition == py.TerminationCondition.infeasible:
print('solution is not feasible') # Do something when model in infeasible
# Something else is wrong
print('Solver Status: ', result.solver.status)
# ploting:
pl_pdem = [[] for j in model.b]
pl_pgen = [[] for j in model.b]
time = [i for i in model.t]
pl_qdem = [[] for j in model.b]
pl_v = [[] for j in model.b]
pl_qgen = [[] for j in model.b]
pl_theta = [[] for j in model.b]
for j in model.b:
for k, v in model.pgen.items():
if k[0] == j:
pl_pgen[j - 1].append(py.value(v))
for j in model.b:
for k, v in model.qgen.items():
if k[0] == j:
pl_qgen[j - 1].append(py.value(v))
for j in model.b:
for k, v in model.v.items():
if k[0] == j:
pl_v[j - 1].append(py.value(v))
for j in model.b:
for k, v in model.theta.items():
if k[0] == j:
pl_theta[j - 1].append(py.value(v))
for j in model.b:
for k, v in model.pdmand.items():
if k[0] == j:
pl_pdem[j - 1].append(py.value(v))
for j in model.b:
for k, v in model.qdmand.items():
if k[0] == j:
pl_qdem[j - 1].append(py.value(v))
# width = 0.2
b = np.arange(len(model.b))
t = np.arange(len(model.t))
x = b # number of buss
y = t # time
z = pl_v # votlage
#3d voltage profile
# X, Y = np.meshgrid(y, x)
# Z = np.reshape(z, X.shape) # Z.shape must be equal to X.shape = Y.shape
# fig = plt.figure()
# # ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
# # fig = plt.figure()
# ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
# ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, cmap=cm.coolwarm)
# ax.set_xlabel('time')
# ax.set_ylabel('bus')
# ax.set_zlabel('voltage')
# plt.show()
# all graphs
fig2, ax = plt.subplots(5, len(model.b), constrained_layout=True, figsize=(10, 10))
for k in range(len(model.b)):
ax[0, k].plot(t, pl_v[k], color="blue")
# ax[1, k].plot(t, pl_theta[k], color="blue")
ax[1, k].bar(t, pl_pdem[k], color="green")
ax[2, k].bar(t, pl_qdem[k], color="black")
ax[3, k].bar(t, pl_pgen[k], color="red")
ax[4, k].bar(t, pl_qgen[k], color="brown")
ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('Voltage (PU)')
# ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('Angle')
ax[1, 0].set_ylabel('P_dem (PU)')
ax[2, 0].set_ylabel('Q_dem (PU)')
ax[3, 0].set_ylabel('P_gen (PU)')
ax[4, 0].set_ylabel('Q_gen (PU)')
ax[0, k].set_title(f"Bus {k + 1}")
fig2.suptitle('Grid Data', fontsize=10)
# ##