from HEMS import * m3 = py.ConcreteModel() # tranformer parameters m3.Transformer_Limit = py.Param(m1.t, initialize=dict(zip(sheet_data.time, sheet_data.Transformer_limit)), doc='Maximum power limit on transformer') m3.tran_life = py.Param(mutable=True, doc='Transformer life expectancy') m3.HST = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="windign hottest spot temp") m3.LOL = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="lost of life") # m3.FAA = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="HST") m3.DTOT = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="top oil rise temp") m3.DHST = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="winding HST rise over the top") m3.DTOTU = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="ultimate top-oil rise over the ambient temperature") m3.DHSTU = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="ultimate top-oil rise over the ambient") m3.Power_P_T = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="power from home to Transformer") m3.Power_T_P = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None), doc="power from transformer") m3.S_P_T = py.Var(m1.h, m1.t, within=py.Binary) m3.FAA = py.Var(m1.t, bounds=(0, None)) # The output of piecewise. Equivalent to model.y=piecewise(model.x) m3.n = py.Param(initialize=0.9, doc='top oil rise constant for transformer ') # 1, 0.9=ONOF tranformer, 0.8=ONON Transformer, it was 1 m3.m = py.Param(initialize=1.6, doc='winding constant for transformer') # 1, 0.8 , 0.8 so for 2m will 2, 1.6 , 1.6 it was 2 # m3.g1 = py.Param(initialize=0.1535, doc='time duration ') # i t was 0.4866, but 0.1535 if we consider delta t to 15 min if we consider 0.25 detla t then 0.0027 # m3.g1 = py.Param(initialize=0.0027,doc='time duration ') # i t was 0.4866, if we consider 0.25 detla t then 0.0027 m3.g2 = py.Param(initialize=0.8826, doc='time duration ') # it was 0.9998 but 0.8826 if we consider delta t to 15 min if we consider 0.25 detla t then 0.038 # m3.g2 = py.Param(initialize=0.038, doc='time duration ') # it was 0.9998 but if we consider 0.25 detla t then 0.038 m3.TR = py.Param(initialize=6, doc='Resistance ') m3.DTOR = py.Param(initialize=56, doc='e top-oil rise over ambient at the rated load ') # it was 56 m3.DHR = py.Param(initialize=80, doc='hottest-spot rise over top-oil at the rated load ') # 24 and 80 it was 24 m3.HSTL = py.Param(initialize=110, doc='time duration ') m3.t_TO = py.Param(initialize=180, doc=' in min ') # it was 90min in one paper and other paper 180 min m3.t_w = py.Param(initialize=48, doc=' in min ') # it was 7min in one paper and other paper 48 min m3.Ambient_Transformer = py.Param(m1.t, initialize=dict(zip(sheet_data.time, sheet_tr.celsius1)), mutable=True, doc='Buying Price') m3.P_Buy_extra = py.Param(m1.h, m1.t, initialize=0) m3.P_sell_extra = py.Param(m1.h, m1.t, initialize=0) delta_t = 15 # def HST_A(m3, i): return m3.HST[i] == m3.Ambient_Transformer[i] + m3.DTOT[i] + m3.DHST[i] m3.Const_Tr_a = py.Constraint(m1.t, rule=HST_A, doc='Hotest spot temperature') def HST_B(m3, i): # return m3.DTOT[i] == m3.DTOTU[i] * m3.g1 return m3.DTOT[i] == m3.DTOTU[i] * (1 - py.exp(-delta_t / m3.t_TO.value)) m3.Const_Tr_b = py.Constraint([m1.t_first.value], rule=HST_B, doc='Hotest spot temperature') def HST_C(m3, i): return m3.DTOT[i] == (m3.DTOTU[i] - m3.DTOT[i - 1]) * (1 - py.exp(-delta_t / m3.t_TO.value)) + m3.DTOT[i - 1] # return m3.DTOT[i] == (m3.DTOTU[i] - m3.DTOT[i - 1]) * m3.g1 + m3.DTOT[i - 1] m3.Const_Tr_c = py.Constraint(m1.t_second, rule=HST_C, doc='Hotest spot temperature') def HST_D(m3, i): return m3.DHST[i] == m3.DHSTU[i] * (1 - py.exp(-delta_t / m3.t_w.value)) # return m3.DHST[i] == m3.DHSTU[i] * m3.g2.value m3.Const_Tr_d = py.Constraint([m1.t_first.value], rule=HST_D, doc='Hotest spot temperature') def HST_E(m3, i): # return m3.DHST[i] == (m3.DHSTU[i] - m3.DHST[i - 1]) * m3.g2.value + m3.DHST[i - 1] return m3.DHST[i] == (m3.DHSTU[i] - m3.DHST[i - 1]) * (1 - py.exp(-delta_t / m3.t_w.value)) + m3.DHST[i - 1] m3.Const_Tr_e = py.Constraint(m1.t_second, rule=HST_E, doc='Hotest spot temperature') # m = 0.8, n =0.9 or .8 ,.8, or 1,1 def HST_F(m3, i): # return m3.DTOTU[i] == ( # m3.DTOR.value * ((m3.Power_P_T[i].value ** 2) * m3.TR.value + 1)) / ( # m3.TR.value + 1) return m3.DTOTU[i] == m3.DTOR.value * ( (((m1.Power_Total_power[i].value / m3.Transformer_Limit[i]) ** 2) * m3.TR.value + 1) / ( m3.TR.value + 1)) ** m3.n.value m3.Const_Tr_f = py.Constraint(m1.t, rule=HST_F, doc='Hotest spot temperature') def HST_G(m3, i): return m3.DHSTU[i] == m3.DHR.value * ( ((m1.Power_Total_power[i].value) / m3.Transformer_Limit[i]) ** m3.m.value) # was 2 , 2*0.8 = 1.6 m3.Const_Tr_g = py.Constraint(m1.t, rule=HST_G, doc='Hotest spot temperature') # def HSTL(m3, i): # return m3.HST[i] <= m3.HSTL.value # # # m3.Const_Tr_i = py.Constraint(m1.t, rule=HSTL, doc='Hotest upeer limit') # def Lol1(m3, i): return m3.FAA[i] == py.exp(15000 / 383 - (15000 / (m3.HST[i] + 273))) m3.Const_Tr_j = py.Constraint(m1.t, rule=Lol1, doc='Aging factor') def Lol(m3, i): return m3.LOL[i] == (sum(m3.FAA[y] for y in m1.t) * m1.time_d.value) / 180000 # it was m1.time_d.value # return m3.LOL[i] == (m3.FAA[i] * m1.time_d.value) / 180000 m3.Const_Tr_k = py.Constraint(m1.t, rule=Lol, doc='LOST OF LIFE transformer') # LDRv(t)=E= SUM(td, LDR(t,td)) ; # MP(t).. Ptot(t)=E= P(t)-LLC(t)-b*PNSS-SUM(td, LDR(t,td))+SUM(td, LDR(td,t)) ; # C_HST(t).. HST(t)=l=HSTL;# GAMS code # C_LC(t).. LLC(t)=l=Ptot(t)-LLC(t);# HST1(t).. HST(t)=e=AT(t)+DTOT(t)++(t); # OF .. Cost =E= SUM(t, LLC(t))*CLC + b*CSW + SUM(t, LDRv(t))*CDR ; def objective_rule(m3): return m3.LOL[i] # return m3.LOL[i] m3.obj_HEMS = py.Objective(rule=objective_rule, sense=py.minimize, doc='Definition of objective function') # # m3.write('mtr12.lp', io_options={'symbolic_solver_labels': True}) opt = py.SolverFactory('ipopt') # opt = py.SolverFactory('mindtpy').solve(m3, mip_solver='cplex', nlp_solver='ipopt', tee=True) # opt = py.SolverFactory('couenne ') # opt.options["mipgap"] = 1 # 0.155 for load and 0.8 for other load new one: 0.045 result = opt.solve(m3, tee=True) # result = opt.solve(m2) # this is for calling the neos # os.environ['NEOS_EMAIL'] = '' # opt = py.SolverManagerFactory('neos') # result = opt.solve(m2, opt='cplex') # m2.pprint() # print(result) # print( "results.solver.status =", result.solver.status) # print("results.solver.termination_condition =", result.solver.termination_condition ) # print("SolverStatus.warning =", result.warning) print(result) # # # # # # # # Plotting for automatic ploting time = [i for i in m1.t] HST = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this DHST = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this DTOT = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this Transformer_Limit = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this Power_P_T = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this Power_T_P = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this Load_Transformer = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this Ambient_Transformer = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this FAA = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this LOL = [] # cost = [i for i in m2.c.values()] <<< check this FAA_1 = [1] * 96 HST_ref = [110] * 96 for i in m3.LOL: LOL.append(py.value(m3.LOL[i])) for i in m3.FAA: FAA.append(py.value(m3.FAA[i])) for i in m3.Ambient_Transformer: Ambient_Transformer.append(py.value(m3.Ambient_Transformer[i])) for i in m3.HST: HST.append(py.value(m3.HST[i])) for i in m3.DTOT: DTOT.append(py.value(m3.DTOT[i])) for i in m3.DHST: DHST.append(py.value(m3.DHST[i])) # for i in m1.Power_P_T: # Power_P_T.append(py.value(m1.Power_P_T[i])) for i in m3.Transformer_Limit: Transformer_Limit.append(py.value(m3.Transformer_Limit[i])) for i in m1.Power_Total_power: Load_Transformer.append(py.value(m1.Power_Total_power[i])) fig_T1, ax = plt.subplots(3, constrained_layout=True, ) # , sharey='row' gs = fig_T1.add_gridspec(hspace=0, wspace=0) # ax[0].plot(time, Transformer_Limit, color="red") # ax[0].bar(time, Power_P_T, color="blue") # ax[0].legend(['Tranformer_limit']) ax[0].plot(time, Transformer_Limit, color="red",label="Transformer limit") ax[0].bar(time, Load_Transformer, color="blue",label="Load on Transformer") ax[0].legend() ax[1].plot(time, HST, label='HST', color="red") # ax[1].plot(time, DHST, label='DHST', color="blue") # ax[1].plot(time, DTOT, label='DTOT', color="green") ax[1].plot(time, HST_ref, label='HST_ref',linestyle=':', color="black") ax[1].legend() ax[0].set_ylabel('Load_Transformer(kW)') ax[2].plot(time, FAA, label='FAA', color="red") ax[2].plot(time, FAA_1, label='FAA=1',linestyle=':' ,color="black") ax[2].legend() # ax[3].plot(time, LOL, label='% LOL', color="blue") # ax[4].bar(HST, FAA, label='LOL', color="blue") # ax[5].bar(HST, LOL, label='LOL', color="blue") ax[0].set_ylabel('Load_Transformer (kW)') ax[1].set_ylabel('Temp') ax[2].set_ylabel('Acc aging factor') # ax[3].set_ylabel('LoL %') # ax[4].set_ylabel('HST Vs FAA') # ax[5].set_ylabel('HST Vs %LoL') fig_T1.suptitle('Transformer connected to HEMS', fontsize=16) # # # pl.tight_layout()