
121 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Rhino module parses rhino files and import the geometry into the city model structure
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2020 Project Author Guille Gutierrez
from numpy import inf
from rhino3dm import *
from rhino3dm._rhino3dm import MeshType
from city_model_structure.attributes.point import Point
import numpy as np
from helpers.configuration_helper import ConfigurationHelper
from city_model_structure.attributes.polygon import Polygon
from city_model_structure.building import Building
from import City
from city_model_structure.building_demand.surface import Surface as LibsSurface
from helpers.constants import EPSILON
from imports.geometry.helpers.geometry_helper import GeometryHelper
class Rhino:
def __init__(self, path):
self._model = File3dm.Read(str(path))
max_float = float(ConfigurationHelper().max_coordinate)
min_float = float(ConfigurationHelper().min_coordinate)
self._min_x = self._min_y = self._min_z = max_float
self._max_x = self._max_y = self._max_z = min_float
def _in_perimeter(wall, corner):
res = wall.contains_point(Point(corner))
print(f'belong: {res} wall:({wall.coordinates}) corner: ({corner})')
return res
def _add_hole(solid_polygon, hole):
first = solid_polygon.points[0]
points = first + hole.points + solid_polygon.points
return Polygon(points)
def _solid_points(coordinates) -> np.ndarray:
solid_points = np.fromstring(coordinates, dtype=float, sep=' ')
solid_points = GeometryHelper.to_points_matrix(solid_points)
return solid_points
def _lower_corner(self, x, y, z):
if x < self._min_x:
self._min_x = x
if y < self._min_y:
self._min_y = y
if z < self._min_z:
self._min_z = z
if x > self._max_x:
self._max_x = x
if y > self._max_y:
self._max_y = y
if z > self._max_z:
self._max_z = z
def city(self) -> City:
rhino_objects = []
buildings = []
windows = []
holes = []
for obj in self._model.Objects:
name = obj.Attributes.Id
surfaces = []
for face in obj.Geometry.Faces:
if face is None:
_mesh = face.GetMesh(MeshType.Default)
polygon_points = None
for i in range(0, len(_mesh.Faces)):
faces = _mesh.Faces[i]
_points = ''
for index in faces:
self._lower_corner(_mesh.Vertices[index].X, _mesh.Vertices[index].Y, _mesh.Vertices[index].Z)
_points = _points + f'{_mesh.Vertices[index].X} {_mesh.Vertices[index].Y} {_mesh.Vertices[index].Z} '
polygon_points = Rhino._solid_points(_points.strip())
surfaces.append(LibsSurface(Polygon(polygon_points), Polygon(polygon_points)))
except AttributeError:
rhino_objects.append(Building(name, 3, surfaces, 'unknown', 'unknown', (self._min_x, self._min_y, self._min_z), []))
lower_corner = (self._min_x, self._min_y, self._min_z)
upper_corner = (self._max_x, self._max_y, self._max_z)
city = City(lower_corner, upper_corner, 'EPSG:26918')
for rhino_object in rhino_objects:
if rhino_object.volume is inf:
# is not a building but a window!
for surface in rhino_object.surfaces:
# add to windows the "hole" with the normal inverted
print(f'windows: {len(windows)}')
# todo: this method will be pretty inefficient
for hole in windows:
corner = hole.coordinates[0]
for building in buildings:
for surface in building.surfaces:
plane = surface.perimeter_polygon.plane
# todo: this is a hack for dompark project it should not be done this way windows should be correctly modeled
# if the distance between the wall plane and the window is less than 2m
# and the window Z coordinate it's between the wall Z, it's a window of that wall
if plane.distance(corner) <= 2:
# check if the window is in the right high.
if surface.upper_corner[2] >= corner[2] >= surface.lower_corner[2]:
if surface.holes_polygons is None:
surface.holes_polygons = []
for building in buildings:
return city