Configuration module
SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later
Copyright © 2023 Project Coder Guille Gutierrez guillermo.gutierrezmorote@concordia.ca
Code contributor Pilar Monsalvete Alvarez de Uribarri pilar.monsalvete@concordia.ca
Code contributor Oriol Gavalda Torrellas oriol.gavalda@concordia.ca
from hub.catalog_factories.costs_catalog_factory import CostsCatalogFactory
from hub.catalog_factories.catalog import Catalog

class Configuration:
  Configuration class

  def __init__(self,
    self._number_of_years = number_of_years
    self._percentage_credit = percentage_credit
    self._interest_rate = interest_rate
    self._credit_years = credit_years
    self._consumer_price_index = consumer_price_index
    self._electricity_peak_index = electricity_peak_index
    self._electricity_price_index = electricity_price_index
    self._gas_price_index = gas_price_index
    self._discount_rate = discount_rate
    self._retrofitting_year_construction = retrofitting_year_construction
    self._factories_handler = factories_handler
    self._costs_catalog = CostsCatalogFactory(factories_handler).catalog
    self._retrofit_scenario = retrofit_scenario
    self._fuel_type = fuel_type
    self._dictionary = dictionary
    self._fuel_tariffs = fuel_tariffs

  def number_of_years(self):
    Get number of years
    return self._number_of_years

  def number_of_years(self, value):
    Set number of years
    self._number_of_years = value

  def percentage_credit(self):
    Get percentage credit
    return self._percentage_credit

  def percentage_credit(self, value):
    Set percentage credit
    self._percentage_credit = value

  def interest_rate(self):
    Get interest rate
    return self._interest_rate

  def interest_rate(self, value):
    Set interest rate
    self._interest_rate = value

  def credit_years(self):
    Get credit years
    return self._credit_years

  def credit_years(self, value):
    Set credit years
    self._credit_years = value

  def consumer_price_index(self):
    Get consumer price index
    return self._consumer_price_index

  def consumer_price_index(self, value):
    Set consumer price index
    self._consumer_price_index = value

  def electricity_peak_index(self):
    Get electricity peak index
    return self._electricity_peak_index

  def electricity_peak_index(self, value):
    Set electricity peak index
    self._electricity_peak_index = value

  def electricity_price_index(self):
    Get electricity price index
    return self._electricity_price_index

  def electricity_price_index(self, value):
    Set electricity price index
    self._electricity_price_index = value

  def gas_price_index(self):
    Get gas price index
    return self._gas_price_index

  def gas_price_index(self, value):
    Set gas price index
    self._gas_price_index = value

  def discount_rate(self):
    Get discount rate
    return self._discount_rate

  def discount_rate(self, value):
    Set discount rate
    self._discount_rate = value

  def retrofitting_year_construction(self):
    Get retrofitting year construction
    return self._retrofitting_year_construction

  def retrofitting_year_construction(self, value):
    Set retrofitting year construction
    self._retrofitting_year_construction = value

  def factories_handler(self):
    Get factories handler
    return self._factories_handler

  def factories_handler(self, value):
    Set factories handler
    self._factories_handler = value

  def costs_catalog(self) -> Catalog:
    Get costs catalog
    return self._costs_catalog

  def retrofit_scenario(self):
    Get retrofit scenario
    return self._retrofit_scenario

  def fuel_type(self):
    Get fuel type (0: Electricity, 1: Gas)
    return self._fuel_type

  def dictionary(self):
    Get hub function to cost function dictionary
    return self._dictionary

  def fuel_tariffs(self):
    Get fuel tariffs
    return self._fuel_tariffs