Remove useless files
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function createWindow () {
nodeIntegration: true,
enableRemoteModule: true,
contextIsolation: false,
devTools: true,
devTools: false,
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'init.js')
@ -1 +0,0 @@
,guille,tensorbook,16.03.2022 12:44,file:///home/guille/.config/libreoffice/4;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
v 329238.00000000 5528272.00000000 0.00000000
v 329238.00000000 5528272.00000000 3.79999995
v 329254.12500000 5528263.00000000 0.00000000
v 329254.12500000 5528263.00000000 3.79999995
v 329245.12500000 5528267.50000000 4.93084002
v 329246.15625000 5528272.50000000 0.00000000
v 329246.15625000 5528272.50000000 3.79999995
v 329229.15625000 5528271.00000000 0.00000000
v 329229.15625000 5528271.00000000 3.79999995
v 329242.18750000 5528267.00000000 5.29822016
v 329238.31250000 5528266.50000000 4.68875980
v 329229.31250000 5528269.50000000 0.00000000
v 329229.31250000 5528269.50000000 3.79999995
v 329244.34375000 5528267.00000000 4.99910021
v 329242.34375000 5528267.00000000 5.30000019
v 329233.34375000 5528276.00000000 0.00000000
v 329233.34375000 5528276.00000000 3.79999995
v 329247.34375000 5528262.50000000 0.00000000
v 329247.34375000 5528262.50000000 3.79999995
v 329242.40625000 5528257.50000000 0.00000000
v 329242.40625000 5528257.50000000 3.79999995
v 329231.50000000 5528270.50000000 4.31147003
v 329253.53125000 5528273.00000000 0.00000000
v 329253.53125000 5528273.00000000 3.79999995
v 329241.71875000 5528276.50000000 0.00000000
v 329241.71875000 5528276.50000000 3.79999995
v 329233.81250000 5528270.50000000 4.68364000
v 329248.81250000 5528267.50000000 4.92572021
f 22 9 13
f 28 4 24
f 23 6 7
f 7 24 23
f 6 25 26
f 26 7 6
f 25 1 2
f 2 26 25
f 1 16 17
f 17 2 1
f 16 8 9
f 9 17 16
f 8 12 13
f 13 9 8
f 12 20 21
f 21 13 12
f 20 18 19
f 19 21 20
f 18 3 4
f 4 19 18
f 3 23 24
f 24 4 3
f 6 23 3
f 6 3 18
f 6 18 20
f 6 20 12
f 6 12 8
f 8 16 1
f 6 8 1
f 1 25 6
f 24 7 14
f 24 14 5
f 5 28 24
f 7 26 15
f 15 14 7
f 26 2 11
f 26 11 10
f 10 15 26
f 2 17 27
f 27 11 2
f 17 9 22
f 22 27 17
f 21 10 11
f 13 21 11
f 13 11 27
f 27 22 13
f 21 19 5
f 21 5 14
f 21 14 15
f 15 10 21
f 19 4 28
f 28 5 19
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
Processing Schedule Input -- Start
Processing Schedule Input -- Complete
MonthlyInputCount= 0
sizeMonthlyInput= 0
MonthlyFieldSetInputCount= 0
sizeMonthlyFieldSetInput= 0
MonthlyTablesCount= 0
MonthlyColumnsCount= 0
sizeReportName= 100
numReportName= 17
sizeSubTable= 100
numSubTable= 79
sizeColumnTag= 800
numColumnTag= 618
sizeTableEntry= 1600
numTableEntry= 1036
sizeCompSizeTableEntry= 0
numCompSizeTableEntry= 0
NumOfRVariable= 2280
NumOfRVariable(Total)= 2280
NumOfRVariable(Actual)= 14
NumOfRVariable(Summed)= 7
NumOfRVariable(Meter)= 7
NumOfIVariable= 157
NumOfIVariable(Total)= 157
NumOfIVariable(Actual)= 0
NumOfIVariable(Summed)= 0
MaxRVariable= 1000
MaxIVariable= 10
NumEnergyMeters= 19
NumVarMeterArrays= 7
maxUniqueKeyCount= 1500
maxNumberOfFigures= 5
MAXHCArrayBounds= 22
MaxVerticesPerSurface= 10
NumReportList= 500
InstMeterCacheSize= 1000
MonthlyFieldSetInputCount= 0
NumConsideredOutputVariables= 9
MaxConsideredOutputVariables= 10000
numActuatorsUsed= 0
numEMSActuatorsAvailable= 0
maxEMSActuatorsAvailable= 0
numInternalVariablesUsed= 0
numEMSInternalVarsAvailable= 0
maxEMSInternalVarsAvailable= 0
NumOfNodeConnections= 4
MaxNumOfNodeConnections= 1000
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.23 12:04
! This file shows details about the branches, nodes, and other
! elements of the flow connections.
! This file is intended for use in "debugging" potential problems
! that may also be detected by the program, but may be more easily
! identified by "eye".
! This file is also intended to support software which draws a
! schematic diagram of the HVAC system.
! ===============================================================
! #Nodes,<Number of Unique Nodes>
! <Node>,<NodeNumber>,<Node Name>,<Node Fluid Type>,<# Times Node Referenced After Definition>
Node,1,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 ZONE AIR NODE,Air,0
Node,2,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,Air,1
Node,3,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 RETURN OUTLET,Air,0
! ===============================================================
! Suspicious nodes have 0 references. It is normal for some nodes, however.
! Listing nodes with 0 references (culled from previous list):
! <Suspicious Node>,<NodeNumber>,<Node Name>,<Node Fluid Type>,<# Times Node Referenced After Definition>
Suspicious Node,1,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 ZONE AIR NODE,Air,0
Suspicious Node,3,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 RETURN OUTLET,Air,0
! ===============================================================
! <#Branch Lists>,<Number of Branch Lists>
#Branch Lists,0
! <Branch List>,<Branch List Count>,<Branch List Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Branches>
! <Branch>,<Branch Count>,<Branch Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Branch Inlet Node Name>,<Branch Outlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <#Supply Air Paths>,<Number of Supply Air Paths>
#Supply Air Paths,0
! <Supply Air Path>,<Supply Air Path Count>,<Supply Air Path Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Components on Supply Air Path>,<Number of Components>
! <Supply Air Path Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Outlet Nodes on Supply Air Path Component>,<Number of Nodes>
! <Supply Air Path Component Nodes>,<Node Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! ===============================================================
! <#Return Air Paths>,<Number of Return Air Paths>
#Return Air Paths,0
! <Return Air Path>,<Return Air Path Count>,<Return Air Path Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Components on Return Air Path>,<Number of Components>
! <Return Air Path Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Inlet Nodes on Return Air Path Component>,<Number of Nodes>
! <Return Air Path Component Nodes>,<Node Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! ===============================================================
! #Outdoor Air Nodes,<Number of Outdoor Air Nodes>
#Outdoor Air Nodes,0
! ===============================================================
! <#Component Sets>,<Number of Component Sets>
#Component Sets,0
! <Component Set>,<Component Set Count>,<Parent Object Type>,<Parent Object Name>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node ID>,<Outlet Node ID>,<Description>
! ===============================================================
! <# Plant Loops>,<Number of Plant Loops>
#Plant Loops,0
! <Plant Loop>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<Branch List>,<Connector List>
! <Plant Loop Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <Plant Loop Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Plant Loop Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Plant Loop Supply Connection>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Supply Side Outlet Node Name>,<Demand Side Inlet Node Name>
! <Plant Loop Return Connection>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Demand Side Outlet Node Name>,<Supply Side Inlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <# Condenser Loops>,<Number of Condenser Loops>
#Condenser Loops,0
! <Condenser Loop>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<Branch List>,<Connector List>
! <Condenser Loop Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <Condenser Loop Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Condenser Loop Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Condenser Loop Supply Connection>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Supply Side Outlet Node Name>,<Demand Side Inlet Node Name>
! <Condenser Loop Return Connection>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Demand Side Outlet Node Name>,<Supply Side Inlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <# Controlled Zones>,<Number of Controlled Zones>
#Controlled Zones,1
! <Controlled Zone>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Equip List Name>,<Control List Name>,<Zone Node Name>,<# Inlet Nodes>,<# Exhaust Nodes>,<# Return Nodes>
! <Controlled Zone Inlet>,<Inlet Node Count>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Supply Air Inlet Node Name>,<SD Sys:Cooling/Heating [DD:Cooling] Inlet Node Name>,<DD Sys:Heating Inlet Node Name>
! <Controlled Zone Exhaust>,<Exhaust Node Count>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Exhaust Air Node Name>
Controlled Zone,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 EQUIPMENT,,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 ZONE AIR NODE,1,0,1
Controlled Zone Inlet,1,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,Undefined,N/A
Controlled Zone Return,1,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 RETURN OUTLET
! ===============================================================
! <#Zone Equipment Lists>,<Number of Zone Equipment Lists>
#Zone Equipment Lists,1
! <Zone Equipment List>,<Zone Equipment List Count>,<Zone Equipment List Name>,<Zone Name>,<Number of Components>
! <Zone Equipment Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Zone Name>,<Heating Priority>,<Cooling Priority>
Zone Equipment List,1,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 EQUIPMENT,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,1
Zone Equipment Component,1,ZONEHVAC:IDEALLOADSAIRSYSTEM,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,1,1
! ===============================================================
! <#AirLoopHVACs>,<Number of AirLoopHVACs>
! <AirLoopHVAC>,<Air Loop Name>,<# Return Nodes>,<# Supply Nodes>,<# Zones Cooled>,<# Zones Heated>,<Outdoor Air Used>
! <AirLoop Return Connections>,<Connection Count>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>,<Zn Eqp Return Node #>,<Zn Eqp Return Node Name>,<AirLoop Return Node #>,<Air Loop Return Node Name>
! <AirLoop Supply Connections>,<Connection Count>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>,<Zn Eqp Supply Node #>,<Zn Eqp Supply Node Name>,<AirLoop Supply Node #>,<Air Loop Supply Node Name>
! <Cooled Zone Info>,<Cooled Zone Count>,<Cooled Zone Name>,<Cooled Zone Inlet Node #>,<Cooled Zone Inlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <Heated Zone Info>,<Heated Zone Count>,<Heated Zone Name>,<Heated Zone Inlet Node #>,<Heated Zone Inlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <Outdoor Air Connections>,<OA Inlet Node #>,<OA Return Air Inlet Node Name>,<OA Outlet Node #>,<OA Mixed Air Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! ===============================================================
! <#Parent Node Connections>,<Number of Parent Node Connections>
#Parent Node Connections,0
! <Parent Node Connection>,<Node Name>,<Node ObjectType>,<Node ObjectName>,<Node ConnectionType>,<Node FluidStream>
! ===============================================================
! <#Non-Parent Node Connections>,<Number of Non-Parent Node Connections>
#Non-Parent Node Connections,4
! <Non-Parent Node Connection>,<Node Name>,<Node ObjectType>,<Node ObjectName>,<Node ConnectionType>,<Node FluidStream>
Non-Parent Node Connection,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 ZONE AIR NODE,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,ZoneNode,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,ZoneInlet,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 RETURN OUTLET,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,ZoneReturn,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,ZONEHVAC:IDEALLOADSAIRSYSTEM,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM,Outlet,1
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.23 12:04
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, 9.5
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep {minutes}
Timesteps per Hour, 4, 15
! <System Convergence Limits>, Minimum System TimeStep {minutes}, Max HVAC Iterations, Minimum Plant Iterations, Maximum Plant Iterations
System Convergence Limits, 1, 20, 2, 8
! <Simulation Control>, Do Zone Sizing, Do System Sizing, Do Plant Sizing, Do Design Days, Do Weather Simulation, Do HVAC Sizing Simulation
Simulation Control, No, No, No, No, Yes, No
! <Performance Precision Tradeoffs>, Use Coil Direct Simulation, Zone Radiant Exchange Algorithm, Override Mode, Number of Timestep In Hour, Force Euler Method, Minimum Number of Warmup Days, Force Suppress All Begin Environment Resets, Minimum System Timestep, MaxZoneTempDiff, MaxAllowedDelTemp
Performance Precision Tradeoffs, No, ScriptF, Normal, 4, No, 1, No, 1.0, 0.300, 2.0000E-003
! <Output Reporting Tolerances>, Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met, Tolerance for Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time
Output Reporting Tolerances, 0.200, 0.200,
! <Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod, -1.50, -6.19, -7.46, -6.35, -0.03, 7.05, 13.71, 18.53, 19.94, 17.67, 12.21, 5.33
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Deep>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Deep, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00
! <Site:GroundReflectance>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier>, Normal, Daylighting {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier, 1.000, 1.000
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Environment:Weather Station>,Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient-Internal,Temperature Modifier Coefficient-Internal
Environment:Weather Station,10.000,0.140,270.000,1.500,1.586,9.750E-003
! <Site:Location>, Location Name, Latitude {N+/S- Deg}, Longitude {E+/W- Deg}, Time Zone Number {GMT+/-}, Elevation {m}, Standard Pressure at Elevation {Pa}, Standard RhoAir at Elevation
Site:Location,Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270,45.47,-73.75,-5.00,36.00,100893,1.1992
! <Site Water Mains Temperature Information>,Calculation Method{},Water Mains Temperature Schedule Name{},Annual Average Outdoor Air Temperature{C},Maximum Difference In Monthly Average Outdoor Air Temperatures{deltaC},Fixed Default Water Mains Temperature{C}
Site Water Mains Temperature Information,FixedDefault,NA,NA,NA,10.0
! <Building Information>, Building Name,North Axis {deg},Terrain, Loads Convergence Tolerance Value,Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value, Solar Distribution,Maximum Number of Warmup Days,Minimum Number of Warmup Days
Building Information,None,0.000,Suburbs,4.00000E-002,0.40000,FullInteriorAndExterior,25,6
! <Inside Convection Algorithm>, Algorithm {Simple | TARP | CeilingDiffuser | AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm}
Inside Convection Algorithm,TARP
! <Outside Convection Algorithm>, Algorithm {SimpleCombined | TARP | MoWitt | DOE-2 | AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm}
Outside Convection Algorithm,DOE-2
! <Sky Radiance Distribution>, Value {Anisotropic}
Sky Radiance Distribution,Anisotropic
! <Zone Air Solution Algorithm>, Value {ThirdOrderBackwardDifference | AnalyticalSolution | EulerMethod}
Zone Air Solution Algorithm, ThirdOrderBackwardDifference
! <Zone Air Carbon Dioxide Balance Simulation>, Simulation {Yes/No}, Carbon Dioxide Concentration
Zone Air Carbon Dioxide Balance Simulation, No,N/A
! <Zone Air Generic Contaminant Balance Simulation>, Simulation {Yes/No}, Generic Contaminant Concentration
Zone Air Generic Contaminant Balance Simulation, No,N/A
! <Zone Air Mass Flow Balance Simulation>, Enforce Mass Balance, Adjust Zone Mixing and Return {AdjustMixingOnly | AdjustReturnOnly | AdjustMixingThenReturn | AdjustReturnThenMixing | None}, Adjust Zone Infiltration {AddInfiltration | AdjustInfiltration | None}, Infiltration Zones {MixingSourceZonesOnly | AllZones}
Zone Air Mass Flow Balance Simulation, No,N/A,N/A,N/A
! <HVACSystemRootFindingAlgorithm>, Value {RegulaFalsi | Bisection | BisectionThenRegulaFalsi | RegulaFalsiThenBisection}
HVACSystemRootFindingAlgorithm, RegulaFalsi
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation,0.220,370.000,6.500000E-003
! <Surface Geometry>,Starting Corner,Vertex Input Direction,Coordinate System,Daylight Reference Point Coordinate System,Rectangular (Simple) Surface Coordinate System
Surface Geometry,UpperLeftCorner,Counterclockwise,WorldCoordinateSystem,RelativeCoordinateSystem,RelativeToZoneOrigin
! <Surface Heat Transfer Algorithm>, Value {CTF - ConductionTransferFunction | EMPD - MoisturePenetrationDepthConductionTransferFunction | CondFD - ConductionFiniteDifference | HAMT - CombinedHeatAndMoistureFiniteElement} - Description,Inside Surface Max Temperature Limit{C}, Surface Convection Coefficient Lower Limit {W/m2-K}, Surface Convection Coefficient Upper Limit {W/m2-K}
Surface Heat Transfer Algorithm, CTF - ConductionTransferFunction,200,0.10,1000.0
! <Shading Summary>, Number of Fixed Detached Shades, Number of Building Detached Shades, Number of Attached Shades
Shading Summary,0,0,0
! <Zone Summary>, Number of Zones, Number of Zone Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces
Zone Summary,1,21,0
! <Zone Information>,Zone Name,North Axis {deg},Origin X-Coordinate {m},Origin Y-Coordinate {m},Origin Z-Coordinate {m},Centroid X-Coordinate {m},Centroid Y-Coordinate {m},Centroid Z-Coordinate {m},Type,Zone Multiplier,Zone List Multiplier,Minimum X {m},Maximum X {m},Minimum Y {m},Maximum Y {m},Minimum Z {m},Maximum Z {m},Ceiling Height {m},Volume {m3},Zone Inside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-CeilingDiffuser-TrombeWall},Zone Outside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-Tarp-MoWitt-DOE-2-BLAST}, Floor Area {m2},Exterior Gross Wall Area {m2},Exterior Net Wall Area {m2},Exterior Window Area {m2}, Number of Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces, Number of Shading SubSurfaces, Part of Total Building Area
Zone Information, E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,0.0,0.00,0.00,0.00,3230.83,2220.21,3.72,1,1,1,3218.12,3243.08,2209.30,2227.89,1.60,6.90,4.45,1170.60,TARP,DOE-2,272.09,283.19,283.19,0.00,21,0,0,Yes
! <Zone Internal Gains Nominal>,Zone Name, Floor Area {m2},# Occupants,Area per Occupant {m2/person},Occupant per Area {person/m2},Interior Lighting {W/m2},Electric Load {W/m2},Gas Load {W/m2},Other Load {W/m2},Hot Water Eq {W/m2},Steam Equipment {W/m2},Sum Loads per Area {W/m2},Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat
Zone Internal Gains Nominal, E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,272.09,500.0,0.544,1.838,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,No
! <People Internal Gains Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {m2},# Zone Occupants,Number of People {},People/Floor Area {person/m2},Floor Area per person {m2/person},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,Sensible Fraction Calculation,Activity level,ASHRAE 55 Warnings,Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate,Nominal Minimum Number of People,Nominal Maximum Number of People
People Internal Gains Nominal, E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08_OCCUPANCY,OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES RESIDENTIAL,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,272.09,500.0,500.0,1.838,0.544,0.300,0.700,AutoCalculate,OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES RESIDENTIAL,No,3.8200E-008,125,500
! <Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations Annual Simulations>, Shading Calculation Method, Shading Calculation Update Frequency Method, Shading Calculation Update Frequency {days}, Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations {}, Polygon Clipping Algorithm, Pixel Counting Resolution, Sky Diffuse Modeling Algorithm, Output External Shading Calculation Results, Disable Self-Shading Within Shading Zone Groups, Disable Self-Shading From Shading Zone Groups to Other Zones
Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations Annual Simulations,PolygonClipping,Periodic,20,15000,SutherlandHodgman,512,SimpleSkyDiffuseModeling,No,No,No
! <ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s-m2},Volume Flow Rate/Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient {},Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C},Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}, Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats Nominal, E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08_INFILTRATION,INFILTRATION SCHEDULES RESIDENTIAL,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,272.09,500.0,0.114,4.183E-004,1.364E-004,0.350,0.606,3.636E-002,0.118,0.000
! <AirFlow Model>, Simple
AirFlow Model, Simple
! <RoomAir Model>, Zone Name, Mixing/Mundt/UCSDDV/UCSDCV/UCSDUFI/UCSDUFE/User Defined
RoomAir Model,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,Mixing/Well-Stirred
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Control>, No Multizone or Distribution/Multizone with Distribution/Multizone without Distribution/Multizone with Distribution only during Fan Operation
AirflowNetwork Model:Control,NoMultizoneOrDistribution
! <Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier>, Sensible Heat Capacity Multiplier, Moisture Capacity Multiplier, Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier, Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier
Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier, 1.000 , 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
! <Environment>,Environment Name,Environment Type, Start Date, End Date, Start DayOfWeek, Duration {#days}, Source:Start DayOfWeek, Use Daylight Saving, Use Holidays, Apply Weekend Holiday Rule, Use Rain Values, Use Snow Values, Sky Temperature Model
! <Environment:Special Days>, Special Day Name, Special Day Type, Source, Start Date, Duration {#days}
! <Environment:Daylight Saving>, Daylight Saving Indicator, Source, Start Date, End Date
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
Environment,RUN PERIOD 1,WeatherFileRunPeriod,01/01/2013,12/31/2013,Tuesday,365,Use RunPeriod Specified Day,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Clark and Allen
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,
Environment:WarmupDays, 6
! <Warmup Convergence Information>,Zone Name,Environment Type/Name,Average Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Std Dev Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Max Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Min Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Average Warmup Load Difference {W},Std Dev Warmup Load Difference {W},Heating Load Pass/Fail Convergence,Cooling Load Pass/Fail Convergence
Warmup Convergence Information,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08,RunPeriod: RUN PERIOD 1,2.2204460493E-015,2.3638453302E-015,Pass,Pass,1.3992500646E-002,1.0951282972E-002,Pass,Pass
! <Program Control Information:Threads/Parallel Sims>, Threading Supported,Maximum Number of Threads, Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS), EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS), IDF Set Threads, Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange), Number Nominal Surfaces, Number Parallel Sims
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, No,1, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
End of Data
@ -1 +0,0 @@
EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 7 Warning; 2 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 2.39sec
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.23 12:04,
** Warning ** Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object.
** ~~~ ** ..Location object=DENVER_STAPLETON_CO_USA_WMO_724690
** ~~~ ** ..Weather File Location=Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270
** ~~~ ** ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[5.70] degrees, Longitude difference=[31.12] degrees.
** ~~~ ** ..Time Zone difference=[2.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[97.77] percent, [1575.00] meters.
** Warning ** SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=83411 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=100893.
** ~~~ ** ...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER_STAPLETON ANN HTG 99.6% CONDNS DB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.
** Warning ** GetInternalHeatGains: People="E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08_OCCUPANCY", Activity Level Schedule Name values
** ~~~ ** fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting.
** ~~~ ** Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES RESIDENTIAL".
** ~~~ ** Entered min/max range=[0.3,] W/person.1.0
** Warning ** DetermineShadowingCombinations: There are 2 surfaces which are receiving surfaces and are non-convex.
** ~~~ ** ...Shadowing values may be inaccurate. Check .shd report file for more surface shading details
** ~~~ ** ...Add Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to see individual warnings for each surface.
** Severe ** DetermineShadowingCombinations: There are 2 surfaces which are casting surfaces and are non-convex.
** ~~~ ** ...Shadowing values may be inaccurate. Check .shd report file for more surface shading details
** ~~~ ** ...Add Output:Diagnostics,DisplayExtraWarnings; to see individual severes for each surface.
** Warning ** SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=83411 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=100893.
** ~~~ ** ...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER_STAPLETON ANN CLG .4% CONDNS DB=>MWB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.
************* Testing Individual Branch Integrity
************* All Branches passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity
************* All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity
************* All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* No node connection errors were found.
************* Beginning Simulation
************* Simulation Error Summary *************
** Warning ** The following schedule names are "Unused Schedules". These schedules are in the idf
** ~~~ ** file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used.
************* Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=LIGHTS SCHEDULES RESIDENTIAL
************* Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=REFRIGERATION SCHEDULES RESIDENTIAL
************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 7 Warning; 2 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 2.39sec
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.23 12:04,
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictHeating:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictHeating:HVAC [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictCooling:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictCooling:HVAC [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Zone,Meter,Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
Zone,Meter,CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
Meters for 14,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J]
OnMeter=Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
OnMeter=Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J]
OnMeter=General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 87,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J]
OnMeter=General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 124,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter=DistrictHeating:Facility [J]
OnMeter=DistrictHeating:HVAC [J]
OnMeter=Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
OnMeter=General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Meters for 173,E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
OnMeter=DistrictCooling:Facility [J]
OnMeter=DistrictCooling:HVAC [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
OnMeter=General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Meters for 222,Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
Meters for 247,Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
Meters for 248,Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, Group=Building, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, Group=Zone, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=Heating:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, Group=Zone, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, Group=Zone, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=DistrictHeating:Facility [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=DistrictHeating:HVAC [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, Group=HVAC, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=Heating:DistrictHeating [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=DistrictCooling:Facility [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=DistrictCooling:HVAC [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, Group=HVAC, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=Cooling:DistrictCooling [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
E5E4339C-8076-457C-9C08-ED991461AE08 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg], ResourceType=Carbon Equivalent, contents are:
Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
For Meter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg], ResourceType=Carbon Equivalent, EndUse=CarbonEquivalentEmissions, contents are:
Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.23 12:04,
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Barometric Pressure [Pa]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Sky Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Site Precipitation Depth [m]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Surface Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Deep Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Simple Factor Model Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Total Sky Cover []
Zone,Average,Site Opaque Sky Cover []
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Enthalpy [J/kg]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Density [kg/m3]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Azimuth Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Altitude Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Hour Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Rain Status []
Zone,Average,Site Snow on Ground Status []
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Horizontal Sky Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Horizontal Beam Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Beam Normal Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Sky Diffuse Solar Radiation Luminous Efficacy [lum/W]
Zone,Average,Site Beam Solar Radiation Luminous Efficacy [lum/W]
Zone,Average,Site Daylighting Model Sky Clearness []
Zone,Average,Site Daylighting Model Sky Brightness []
Zone,Average,Site Daylight Saving Time Status []
Zone,Average,Site Day Type Index []
Zone,Average,Site Mains Water Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,People Occupant Count []
Zone,Sum,People Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Sensible Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Sensible Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,People Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,People Air Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,Zone People Occupant Count []
Zone,Sum,Zone People Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Sensible Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Sensible Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Normal Azimuth Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Sunlit Area [m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Sunlit Fraction []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Ground Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Beam Solar Incident Angle Cosine Value []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Beam Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Diffuse Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Diffuse Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Anisotropic Sky Multiplier []
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Direction Number []
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Theta Angle [rad]
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Phi Angle [rad]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Absorbed Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Transmitted Out Window Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model DifShdgRatioIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model DifShdgRatioHoriz []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model WithShdgIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model WoShdgIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Movable Insulation Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Adjacent Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Air Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Sky Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Ground Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Air Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Heat Emission to Air Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Heat Storage Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Beam Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Classification Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Reference Air Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Classification Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Forced Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Natural Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Heat Source Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Heat Source Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Radiant Temperature [C]
Zone,Sum,Site Total Surface Heat Emission to Air [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Operative Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Dewpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Internal Convective Heat Gain Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Surface Convection Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Interzone Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Outdoor Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance System Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance System Convective Heat Gain Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Air Energy Storage Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Sensible Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Latent Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Sensible Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Latent Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Site Total Zone Exfiltration Heat Loss [J]
HVAC,Sum,Site Total Zone Exhaust Air Heat Loss [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Current Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Standard Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Mass [kg]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate [ach]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air System Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Humidity Ratio []
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Relative Humidity [%]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Heating Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Cooling Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Heating Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Cooling Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load to Humidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load to Dehumidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load to Humidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load to Dehumidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
Zone,Average,Zone Thermostat Control Type []
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Adaptive Comfort Operative Temperature Set Point [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load Room Air Correction Factor []
HVAC,Sum,HVAC System Solver Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Solver Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Relief Air Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,HVAC System Total Heat Rejection Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Economizer Active Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Active Time [hr]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Hybrid Ventilation Available Status []
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Mixed Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Mixed Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Sum,Air System Simulation Maximum Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Simulation Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Component Model Simulation Calls []
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures During Occupancy Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures in Deadband Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures During Occupancy Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures in Deadband Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer or Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer or Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Heating Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Average,Zone Heat Index [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Humidity Index []
Zone,Average,Schedule Value []
HVAC,Average,System Node Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint High Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Low Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Minimum Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Maximum Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Relative Humidity [%]
HVAC,Average,System Node Pressure [Pa]
HVAC,Average,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Current Density [kg/m3]
HVAC,Average,System Node Specific Heat [J/kg-K]
HVAC,Average,System Node Enthalpy [J/kg]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wetbulb Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Dewpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wind Speed [m/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wind Direction [deg]
HVAC,Average,System Node Quality []
HVAC,Average,System Node Height [m]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Removal Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Due to Overheating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Addition Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Due to Overcooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass [kg]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Current Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Air Changes per Hour [ach]
HVAC,Average,Zone Target Voz Ventilation Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation Below Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation At Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation Above Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation When Unoccupied Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation Below Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility All Zones Ventilation At Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation Above Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation When Unoccupied Time [hr]
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
input file:/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/Kelowna_out.eso
output file:/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/Kelowna_out.csv
getting all vars from:/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/Kelowna_out.eso
number variables requested for output= 9
ReadVars Run Time=00hr 00min 0.54sec
ReadVarsESO program completed successfully.
Requested ESO file=/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/
does not exist. ReadVarsESO program terminated.
ReadVarsESO program terminated.
@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
Shadowing Combinations
..Solar Distribution=FullInteriorAndExterior
..In the following, only the first 10 reference surfaces will be shown.
..But all surfaces are used in the calculations.
Surface=E7E646DB-4697-4ABA-9E33-99D0EDFFFA16 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=4
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=237AC736-4D5E-45E9-AF03-9DF49B0696C3 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=ABEC16E5-90E2-4C59-9702-F10FD0B7CDE7 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=B8746FD4-96EF-40A0-ACCA-883304E479B6 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=4
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=3279B9CF-81F6-4249-8C41-09AA5273F6C8 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=0E4B7956-BC07-4567-983B-4B0E002E2CD2 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=9C4D3ABA-9CC1-468A-A36D-16CB2B82965B is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=357B9822-599A-433A-9E7F-CEA300D6C272 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=AE28E156-090C-4B43-A60E-FCB53B74FDD1 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=E8BF37B2-2035-4920-8808-72F6232E1913 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=9FFBE23F-BF16-463B-9E4E-D000E54221BC is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=02DB29EE-8B0C-4950-8E6F-BC8CE8A344C3 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=C67D8AD9-3A3E-47D4-96CB-7F18F74486C7 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=69477F7F-31FA-4DE6-828B-8098D7A8E3A7 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is non-convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=3
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=770F5C7B-C1A3-4BE5-8BF7-054E9B3728EC is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=9C4C6417-21BE-4A75-8480-6C722B4E31F3 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=1
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=095F761B-4164-4F85-88BF-43D145353781 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=7DCDF9FD-A6AC-4C79-B32A-CCCF97A0DA22 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=096F4CE8-998B-4F78-8CBE-2A3E96205EDF is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is non-convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=7ED2E4E3-F84E-4084-8D46-31B4C05CFEF5 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is non-convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=6690B49A-09F9-43A9-818F-FB7E8E5366F9 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,952 +0,0 @@
v 298668.00000000 5039532.50000000 41.36651993
v 298683.00000000 5039496.50000000 55.43299866
v 298683.00000000 5039496.50000000 121.78900146
v 298683.00000000 5039496.50000000 59.47999954
v 298682.00000000 5039506.00000000 123.66950226
v 298681.00000000 5039521.00000000 126.03500366
v 298681.00000000 5039521.00000000 120.19499969
v 298683.03125000 5039521.00000000 126.03500366
v 298683.03125000 5039521.00000000 120.19499969
v 298671.03125000 5039526.00000000 121.78900146
v 298671.03125000 5039526.00000000 120.19499969
v 298680.06250000 5039522.50000000 126.03500366
v 298680.06250000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298702.06250000 5039484.00000000 59.47999954
v 298702.06250000 5039484.00000000 41.36651993
v 298699.06250000 5039519.00000000 114.89099884
v 298699.06250000 5039519.00000000 120.19499969
v 298678.09375000 5039557.50000000 60.00299835
v 298678.09375000 5039557.50000000 41.36651993
v 298678.09375000 5039522.50000000 126.09899902
v 298678.09375000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298652.09375000 5039516.00000000 83.98000336
v 298652.09375000 5039516.00000000 41.36651993
v 298684.09375000 5039505.50000000 123.43675232
v 298683.09375000 5039520.50000000 126.03500366
v 298683.09375000 5039520.50000000 120.19499969
v 298673.09375000 5039537.00000000 114.89099884
v 298673.09375000 5039537.00000000 120.19499969
v 298679.09375000 5039524.00000000 126.09899902
v 298679.09375000 5039524.00000000 120.19499969
v 298670.09375000 5039535.50000000 113.20099640
v 298670.09375000 5039535.50000000 114.89099884
v 298670.09375000 5039535.50000000 41.36651993
v 298678.12500000 5039504.50000000 122.05699921
v 298678.12500000 5039504.50000000 123.20400238
v 298702.12500000 5039523.50000000 114.89099884
v 298702.12500000 5039523.50000000 120.19499969
v 298681.15625000 5039522.00000000 126.03500366
v 298681.15625000 5039522.00000000 120.19499969
v 298678.15625000 5039524.00000000 126.09899902
v 298678.15625000 5039524.00000000 120.19499969
v 298653.15625000 5039516.00000000 41.36651993
v 298727.15625000 5039524.00000000 107.55999756
v 298727.15625000 5039524.00000000 41.67240143
v 298685.15625000 5039499.50000000 122.05699921
v 298685.15625000 5039499.50000000 123.20400238
v 298709.15625000 5039499.50000000 121.78900146
v 298709.15625000 5039499.50000000 108.97499847
v 298709.15625000 5039499.50000000 59.47999954
v 298725.15625000 5039512.00000000 55.75699997
v 298725.15625000 5039512.00000000 114.89099884
v 298685.18750000 5039503.00000000 123.90225220
v 298668.18750000 5039550.00000000 50.93427658
v 298668.18750000 5039550.00000000 52.24900055
v 298665.18750000 5039539.00000000 114.89099884
v 298665.18750000 5039539.00000000 41.36651993
v 298705.18750000 5039502.50000000 121.78900146
v 298705.18750000 5039502.50000000 120.19499969
v 298705.18750000 5039502.50000000 108.97499847
v 298681.25000000 5039521.50000000 126.03500366
v 298681.25000000 5039521.50000000 120.19499969
v 298713.25000000 5039496.00000000 122.05699921
v 298713.25000000 5039496.00000000 121.78900146
v 298679.25000000 5039523.00000000 126.09899902
v 298679.25000000 5039523.00000000 120.19499969
v 298702.25000000 5039484.00000000 59.47999954
v 298702.25000000 5039484.00000000 41.36651993
v 298726.25000000 5039521.50000000 55.75699997
v 298726.25000000 5039521.50000000 41.36651993
v 298726.25000000 5039521.50000000 92.76999664
v 298708.25000000 5039488.50000000 122.05699921
v 298708.25000000 5039488.50000000 121.78900146
v 298669.28125000 5039551.50000000 50.93399811
v 298669.28125000 5039551.50000000 52.24700165
v 298675.28125000 5039501.00000000 55.43299866
v 298675.28125000 5039501.00000000 83.98000336
v 298675.28125000 5039501.00000000 41.36651993
v 298681.28125000 5039522.00000000 126.03500366
v 298681.28125000 5039522.00000000 120.19499969
v 298680.28125000 5039521.00000000 126.03500366
v 298680.28125000 5039521.00000000 120.19499969
v 298679.28125000 5039523.50000000 126.09899902
v 298679.28125000 5039523.50000000 120.19499969
v 298717.31250000 5039538.50000000 101.56999969
v 298717.31250000 5039538.50000000 41.84114075
v 298667.31250000 5039545.00000000 50.93470764
v 298667.31250000 5039545.00000000 41.36651993
v 298708.31250000 5039480.00000000 41.36651993
v 298682.31250000 5039520.00000000 126.03500366
v 298682.31250000 5039520.00000000 120.19499969
v 298681.31250000 5039502.00000000 122.05699921
v 298713.31250000 5039533.00000000 101.56999969
v 298713.31250000 5039533.00000000 41.84114075
v 298671.31250000 5039549.00000000 41.36651993
v 298727.31250000 5039525.50000000 107.55999756
v 298727.31250000 5039525.50000000 41.67240143
v 298714.34375000 5039496.00000000 121.78900146
v 298714.34375000 5039496.00000000 59.47999954
v 298679.34375000 5039555.50000000 60.00299835
v 298679.34375000 5039555.50000000 41.36651993
v 298703.34375000 5039537.50000000 60.00299835
v 298703.34375000 5039537.50000000 41.36651993
v 298703.34375000 5039537.50000000 92.76999664
v 298667.34375000 5039528.50000000 113.20400238
v 298667.34375000 5039528.50000000 121.78900146
v 298667.34375000 5039528.50000000 120.19499969
v 298724.34375000 5039511.00000000 55.75699997
v 298724.34375000 5039511.00000000 114.89099884
v 298724.34375000 5039511.00000000 59.47999954
v 298682.34375000 5039506.50000000 123.43675232
v 298700.37500000 5039505.50000000 121.78900146
v 298700.37500000 5039505.50000000 120.19499969
v 298682.37500000 5039521.50000000 126.03500366
v 298682.37500000 5039521.50000000 120.19499969
v 298739.37500000 5039512.50000000 55.75699997
v 298739.37500000 5039512.50000000 41.36651993
v 298718.40625000 5039502.50000000 114.89099884
v 298718.40625000 5039502.50000000 59.47999954
v 298726.40625000 5039521.50000000 41.36651993
v 298714.40625000 5039476.00000000 59.47999954
v 298714.40625000 5039476.00000000 41.36651993
v 298680.40625000 5039522.50000000 126.03500366
v 298680.40625000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298713.40625000 5039505.50000000 114.89099884
v 298713.40625000 5039505.50000000 108.97499847
v 298713.40625000 5039505.50000000 59.47999954
v 298679.40625000 5039506.00000000 122.05699921
v 298710.40625000 5039543.00000000 101.56999969
v 298710.40625000 5039543.00000000 41.84114075
v 298652.40625000 5039516.00000000 41.36651993
v 298713.43750000 5039532.50000000 101.56999969
v 298713.43750000 5039532.50000000 41.84114075
v 298710.43750000 5039542.50000000 101.56999969
v 298710.43750000 5039542.50000000 41.84114075
v 298709.43750000 5039508.50000000 114.89099884
v 298709.43750000 5039508.50000000 120.19499969
v 298709.43750000 5039508.50000000 108.97499847
v 298683.43750000 5039496.00000000 121.78900146
v 298683.43750000 5039496.00000000 59.47999954
v 298683.43750000 5039504.50000000 123.90225220
v 298670.46875000 5039549.50000000 50.93390656
v 298678.46875000 5039554.00000000 60.00299835
v 298678.46875000 5039554.00000000 41.36651993
v 298678.46875000 5039554.00000000 50.93230820
v 298727.46875000 5039524.00000000 107.55999756
v 298727.46875000 5039524.00000000 41.67240143
v 298727.46875000 5039525.50000000 41.67240143
v 298677.50000000 5039523.00000000 126.09899902
v 298677.50000000 5039523.00000000 120.19499969
v 298698.50000000 5039530.50000000 60.00299835
v 298698.50000000 5039530.50000000 114.89099884
v 298698.50000000 5039530.50000000 92.76999664
v 298662.50000000 5039548.00000000 50.93531036
v 298662.50000000 5039548.00000000 41.36651993
v 298670.50000000 5039559.50000000 50.93331146
v 298670.50000000 5039559.50000000 41.36651993
v 298715.53125000 5039536.00000000 101.56999969
v 298715.53125000 5039536.00000000 41.84114075
v 298721.53125000 5039514.50000000 55.75699997
v 298721.53125000 5039514.50000000 114.89099884
v 298721.53125000 5039514.50000000 92.76999664
v 298671.53125000 5039534.50000000 114.89099884
v 298671.53125000 5039534.50000000 113.20200348
v 298671.53125000 5039534.50000000 120.19499969
v 298670.53125000 5039525.00000000 122.05699921
v 298670.53125000 5039525.00000000 121.78900146
v 298670.53125000 5039525.00000000 120.19499969
v 298678.53125000 5039522.50000000 126.09899902
v 298678.53125000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298677.53125000 5039523.50000000 126.09899902
v 298677.53125000 5039523.50000000 120.19499969
v 298685.53125000 5039503.50000000 123.66950226
v 298653.56250000 5039516.50000000 121.78900146
v 298653.56250000 5039516.50000000 83.98000336
v 298653.56250000 5039516.50000000 41.36651993
v 298708.56250000 5039487.50000000 121.78900146
v 298708.56250000 5039487.50000000 59.47999954
v 298706.56250000 5039537.50000000 101.56999969
v 298706.56250000 5039537.50000000 41.84114075
v 298681.56250000 5039520.50000000 126.03500366
v 298681.56250000 5039520.50000000 120.19499969
v 298661.59375000 5039532.50000000 121.78900146
v 298661.59375000 5039532.50000000 41.36651993
v 298727.59375000 5039525.00000000 107.55999756
v 298727.59375000 5039525.00000000 41.67240143
v 298702.59375000 5039538.00000000 60.00299835
v 298702.59375000 5039538.00000000 41.36651993
v 298726.59375000 5039525.00000000 107.55999756
v 298726.59375000 5039525.00000000 41.67240143
v 298726.59375000 5039522.00000000 41.36651993
v 298726.59375000 5039522.00000000 92.76999664
v 298668.59375000 5039544.00000000 41.36651993
v 298682.59375000 5039496.00000000 55.43299866
v 298682.59375000 5039496.00000000 59.47999954
v 298682.59375000 5039496.00000000 41.36651993
v 298679.59375000 5039506.50000000 124.13500214
v 298679.59375000 5039506.50000000 122.05699921
v 298703.59375000 5039538.00000000 41.36651993
v 298703.59375000 5039538.00000000 92.76999664
v 298656.62500000 5039525.00000000 41.36651993
v 298680.62500000 5039521.00000000 126.03500366
v 298680.62500000 5039521.00000000 120.19499969
v 298670.62500000 5039550.00000000 50.93386078
v 298670.62500000 5039550.50000000 50.93383026
v 298686.62500000 5039501.50000000 124.13500214
v 298686.62500000 5039501.50000000 122.05699921
v 298677.62500000 5039556.50000000 60.00299835
v 298677.62500000 5039556.50000000 41.36651993
v 298726.62500000 5039524.50000000 107.55999756
v 298726.62500000 5039524.50000000 41.67240143
v 298670.65625000 5039549.50000000 50.93387222
v 298670.65625000 5039549.50000000 41.36651993
v 298726.65625000 5039525.00000000 41.67240143
v 298651.65625000 5039518.00000000 121.78900146
v 298651.65625000 5039518.00000000 41.36651993
v 298682.65625000 5039520.00000000 126.03500366
v 298682.65625000 5039520.00000000 120.19499969
v 298681.65625000 5039520.00000000 126.03500366
v 298681.65625000 5039520.00000000 120.19499969
v 298678.68750000 5039524.00000000 126.09899902
v 298678.68750000 5039524.00000000 120.19499969
v 298726.68750000 5039525.00000000 107.55999756
v 298726.68750000 5039525.00000000 41.67240143
v 298683.68750000 5039497.00000000 122.05699921
v 298683.68750000 5039497.00000000 121.78900146
v 298715.68750000 5039536.00000000 101.56999969
v 298715.68750000 5039536.00000000 41.84114075
v 298681.68750000 5039521.00000000 126.03500366
v 298681.68750000 5039521.00000000 120.19499969
v 298681.68750000 5039505.50000000 123.90225220
v 298675.71875000 5039501.50000000 55.43299866
v 298675.71875000 5039501.50000000 121.78900146
v 298675.71875000 5039501.50000000 83.98000336
v 298714.71875000 5039535.00000000 101.56999969
v 298714.71875000 5039535.00000000 41.84114075
v 298713.71875000 5039540.50000000 41.84114075
v 298696.71875000 5039527.00000000 114.89099884
v 298696.71875000 5039527.00000000 120.19499969
v 298727.71875000 5039524.50000000 107.55999756
v 298727.71875000 5039524.50000000 41.67240143
v 298677.71875000 5039522.50000000 126.09899902
v 298677.71875000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298652.71875000 5039515.50000000 83.98000336
v 298652.71875000 5039515.50000000 41.36651993
v 298693.71875000 5039522.50000000 114.89099884
v 298693.71875000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298703.75000000 5039539.50000000 60.00299835
v 298703.75000000 5039539.50000000 41.36651993
v 298727.78125000 5039525.00000000 107.55999756
v 298727.78125000 5039525.00000000 41.67240143
v 298727.78125000 5039524.50000000 41.67240143
v 298669.78125000 5039548.50000000 52.24800110
v 298669.78125000 5039548.50000000 50.93407440
v 298677.78125000 5039524.00000000 126.09899902
v 298677.78125000 5039524.00000000 120.19499969
v 298683.78125000 5039505.00000000 123.66950226
v 298682.78125000 5039521.00000000 126.03500366
v 298682.78125000 5039521.00000000 120.19499969
v 298732.81250000 5039517.00000000 41.36651993
v 298680.81250000 5039522.50000000 126.03500366
v 298680.81250000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298679.81250000 5039521.50000000 126.03500366
v 298679.81250000 5039521.50000000 120.19499969
v 298661.81250000 5039531.00000000 122.05699921
v 298661.81250000 5039531.00000000 121.78900146
v 298673.84375000 5039547.50000000 60.00299835
v 298673.84375000 5039547.50000000 50.93347168
v 298673.84375000 5039547.50000000 114.89099884
v 298727.84375000 5039524.50000000 107.55999756
v 298727.84375000 5039524.50000000 41.67240143
v 298726.84375000 5039524.00000000 107.55999756
v 298726.84375000 5039524.00000000 41.67240143
v 298668.84375000 5039549.50000000 50.93419266
v 298733.84375000 5039504.50000000 55.75699997
v 298733.84375000 5039504.50000000 59.47999954
v 298733.84375000 5039504.50000000 41.36651993
v 298652.87500000 5039518.50000000 122.05699921
v 298652.87500000 5039518.50000000 121.78900146
v 298685.87500000 5039504.00000000 123.43675232
v 298651.87500000 5039516.00000000 83.98000336
v 298651.87500000 5039516.00000000 41.36651993
v 298706.87500000 5039537.50000000 101.56999969
v 298706.87500000 5039537.50000000 41.84114075
v 298679.87500000 5039522.00000000 126.03500366
v 298679.87500000 5039522.00000000 120.19499969
v 298664.90625000 5039546.50000000 41.36651993
v 298670.90625000 5039550.50000000 52.24800110
v 298670.90625000 5039550.50000000 50.93379211
v 298665.93750000 5039529.50000000 121.78900146
v 298665.93750000 5039529.50000000 113.20500183
v 298665.93750000 5039529.50000000 41.36651993
v 298681.93750000 5039520.00000000 126.03500366
v 298681.93750000 5039520.00000000 120.19499969
v 298714.93750000 5039535.00000000 101.56999969
v 298714.93750000 5039535.00000000 41.84114075
v 298680.93750000 5039508.50000000 122.05699921
v 298680.93750000 5039508.50000000 123.20400238
v 298678.93750000 5039498.50000000 41.36651993
v 298671.96875000 5039548.50000000 114.89099884
v 298671.96875000 5039548.50000000 50.93370819
v 298671.96875000 5039548.50000000 41.36651993
v 298679.96875000 5039521.50000000 126.03500366
v 298679.96875000 5039521.50000000 120.19499969
v 298687.96875000 5039503.50000000 122.05699921
v 298687.96875000 5039503.50000000 123.20400238
v 298678.96875000 5039522.50000000 126.09899902
v 298678.96875000 5039522.50000000 120.19499969
v 298710.96875000 5039510.50000000 114.89099884
v 298710.96875000 5039510.50000000 120.19499969
v 298726.96875000 5039525.50000000 107.55999756
v 298726.96875000 5039525.50000000 41.67240143
v 298668.96875000 5039547.50000000 41.36651993
v 298716.96875000 5039538.00000000 101.56999969
v 298716.96875000 5039538.00000000 41.84114075
v 298699.96875000 5039505.00000000 122.05699921
v 298699.96875000 5039505.00000000 121.78900146
v 298699.96875000 5039505.00000000 120.19499969
v 298682.96875000 5039520.00000000 126.03500366
v 298682.96875000 5039520.00000000 120.19499969
v 298681.96875000 5039521.00000000 126.03500366
v 298681.96875000 5039521.00000000 120.19499969
f 127 165 34
f 165 264 277
f 46 205 196
f 196 35 46
f 52 172 256
f 256 140 52
f 140 256 5
f 5 230 140
f 172 279 24
f 24 256 172
f 256 24 110
f 110 5 256
f 205 172 52
f 305 172 205
f 205 52 140
f 140 230 196
f 205 140 196
f 5 196 230
f 305 24 279
f 305 279 172
f 305 297 24
f 110 297 5
f 24 297 110
f 5 297 196
f 63 72 176
f 133 128 178
f 84 128 133
f 294 234 92
f 84 313 226
f 313 157 226
f 133 178 282
f 131 92 282
f 294 92 131
f 131 282 178
f 84 133 313
f 95 222 188
f 95 310 222
f 269 43 145
f 95 188 209
f 43 209 271
f 184 95 209
f 209 43 184
f 269 249 184
f 269 184 43
f 269 145 239
f 45 91 224
f 315 206 45
f 315 45 224
f 315 296 304
f 315 304 206
f 296 165 197
f 315 165 296
f 197 165 127
f 62 315 71
f 71 315 224
f 224 34 277
f 224 91 34
f 34 165 277
f 97 47 63
f 57 111 316
f 63 57 316
f 63 47 57
f 173 278 214
f 166 105 289
f 72 225 138
f 232 278 173
f 10 105 166
f 166 289 265
f 289 182 265
f 265 182 278
f 182 214 278
f 225 278 232
f 225 232 3
f 225 3 138
f 176 72 138
f 97 63 176
f 113 320 228
f 25 113 228
f 318 228 89
f 8 257 113
f 228 180 218
f 25 8 113
f 89 218 292
f 25 228 318
f 318 89 216
f 89 228 218
f 78 122 12
f 78 260 122
f 60 78 12
f 12 302 60
f 78 38 260
f 302 284 262
f 12 284 302
f 60 302 201
f 201 302 80
f 60 201 6
f 220 40 254
f 29 220 170
f 170 168 29
f 82 29 64
f 64 29 168
f 64 168 306
f 220 254 170
f 241 170 148
f 168 170 20
f 20 170 241
f 242 149 167
f 21 242 167
f 293 81 21
f 171 167 149
f 81 303 21
f 303 263 169
f 219 202 81
f 303 169 21
f 293 21 167
f 263 307 169
f 221 167 41
f 41 167 255
f 255 167 171
f 13 65 285
f 13 83 65
f 123 30 83
f 123 83 13
f 285 65 307
f 285 307 263
f 246 221 30
f 246 167 221
f 293 219 81
f 229 61 7
f 181 7 202
f 229 7 181
f 219 181 202
f 317 217 90
f 317 90 293
f 317 319 217
f 321 61 229
f 317 26 319
f 317 293 167
f 114 39 79
f 258 261 39
f 258 30 261
f 114 79 321
f 321 79 61
f 246 258 9
f 317 9 26
f 246 30 258
f 317 246 9
f 258 39 114
f 261 30 123
f 246 28 11
f 136 112 58
f 136 17 112
f 246 11 167
f 164 106 11
f 309 17 136
f 317 17 246
f 112 17 317
f 17 37 238
f 238 246 17
f 28 164 11
f 108 160 124
f 124 117 108
f 160 151 36
f 124 308 135
f 36 151 237
f 51 160 108
f 160 36 308
f 151 27 237
f 160 308 124
f 27 55 32
f 308 36 16
f 27 268 299
f 299 55 27
f 237 27 245
f 151 268 27
f 27 32 162
f 163 290 104
f 163 31 290
f 70 191 199
f 199 103 70
f 161 70 103
f 103 152 161
f 150 186 142
f 142 266 150
f 186 247 99
f 99 142 186
f 247 18 99
f 101 186 150
f 76 174 243
f 243 22 280
f 76 243 280
f 2 75 193
f 2 231 75
f 68 159 50
f 115 50 274
f 274 50 107
f 115 68 50
f 99 18 207
f 211 203 141
f 144 300 267
f 144 211 300
f 288 203 211
f 144 288 211
f 144 155 204
f 144 204 288
f 253 273 86
f 273 153 86
f 211 141 253
f 211 253 86
f 204 155 73
f 155 153 53
f 155 53 73
f 273 53 153
f 252 74 54
f 287 74 252
f 275 98 120
f 98 118 126
f 126 49 98
f 177 139 66
f 14 139 194
f 275 109 118
f 139 4 194
f 120 177 66
f 66 139 14
f 120 98 177
f 275 118 98
f 125 137 59
f 59 48 125
f 233 174 76
f 313 236 314
f 236 133 134
f 313 133 236
f 313 314 158
f 158 157 313
f 227 226 157
f 157 158 227
f 85 84 226
f 226 227 85
f 84 85 129
f 129 128 84
f 128 129 179
f 179 178 128
f 132 131 178
f 178 179 132
f 295 294 131
f 131 132 295
f 294 295 235
f 235 234 294
f 234 235 93
f 93 92 234
f 92 93 283
f 283 282 92
f 134 133 282
f 282 283 134
f 249 250 185
f 185 184 249
f 147 96 95
f 184 185 147
f 184 147 95
f 95 96 311
f 311 310 95
f 310 311 223
f 223 222 310
f 213 189 188
f 222 223 213
f 222 213 188
f 11 10 166
f 166 167 11
f 10 11 106
f 106 105 10
f 106 104 290
f 290 289 106
f 105 106 289
f 290 291 183
f 183 182 290
f 289 290 182
f 200 215 214
f 182 183 200
f 182 200 214
f 173 214 174
f 174 215 175
f 210 209 188
f 188 189 210
f 272 271 209
f 209 210 272
f 44 43 271
f 271 272 44
f 146 145 43
f 43 44 146
f 240 239 145
f 145 146 240
f 269 251 270
f 251 239 240
f 269 239 251
f 269 270 250
f 250 249 269
f 62 63 316
f 316 315 62
f 315 316 166
f 166 165 315
f 316 317 167
f 167 166 316
f 165 166 265
f 265 264 165
f 264 265 278
f 278 277 264
f 225 224 277
f 277 278 225
f 72 71 224
f 224 225 72
f 63 62 71
f 71 72 63
f 196 34 35
f 196 197 127
f 196 127 34
f 297 296 197
f 197 196 297
f 46 91 45
f 91 35 34
f 46 35 91
f 206 205 46
f 46 45 206
f 305 205 304
f 304 205 206
f 305 304 296
f 296 297 305
f 174 214 215
f 233 232 173
f 173 174 233
f 4 3 232
f 232 233 4
f 4 231 2
f 4 233 231
f 139 138 3
f 3 4 139
f 177 176 138
f 138 139 177
f 98 97 176
f 176 177 98
f 97 48 47
f 97 98 49
f 49 48 97
f 47 58 57
f 47 48 59
f 59 58 47
f 57 58 112
f 112 111 57
f 111 112 317
f 317 316 111
f 8 9 258
f 258 257 8
f 257 258 114
f 114 113 257
f 113 114 321
f 321 320 113
f 320 321 229
f 229 228 320
f 228 229 181
f 181 180 228
f 219 218 180
f 180 181 219
f 293 292 218
f 218 219 293
f 90 89 292
f 292 293 90
f 217 216 89
f 89 90 217
f 319 318 216
f 216 217 319
f 26 25 318
f 318 319 26
f 25 26 9
f 9 8 25
f 78 79 39
f 39 38 78
f 38 39 261
f 261 260 38
f 260 261 123
f 123 122 260
f 122 123 13
f 13 12 122
f 12 13 285
f 285 284 12
f 284 285 263
f 263 262 284
f 303 302 262
f 262 263 303
f 81 80 302
f 302 303 81
f 202 201 80
f 80 81 202
f 7 6 201
f 201 202 7
f 61 60 6
f 6 7 61
f 79 78 60
f 60 61 79
f 82 83 30
f 30 29 82
f 29 30 221
f 221 220 29
f 220 221 41
f 41 40 220
f 40 41 255
f 255 254 40
f 254 255 171
f 171 170 254
f 170 171 149
f 149 148 170
f 242 241 148
f 148 149 242
f 21 20 241
f 241 242 21
f 169 168 20
f 20 21 169
f 307 306 168
f 168 169 307
f 65 64 306
f 306 307 65
f 83 82 64
f 64 65 83
f 36 37 17
f 17 16 36
f 37 36 237
f 237 238 37
f 238 237 245
f 245 246 238
f 246 245 27
f 27 28 246
f 28 27 162
f 162 164 28
f 32 55 31
f 33 31 55
f 55 56 33
f 163 162 32
f 32 31 163
f 164 162 104
f 104 106 164
f 162 163 104
f 136 58 135
f 135 59 137
f 135 58 59
f 308 309 136
f 136 135 308
f 309 308 16
f 16 17 309
f 118 117 125
f 125 126 118
f 117 124 125
f 125 124 135
f 135 137 125
f 109 108 117
f 117 118 109
f 50 51 108
f 108 109 50
f 50 109 107
f 51 161 160
f 50 159 161
f 51 50 161
f 160 161 152
f 152 151 160
f 152 150 266
f 266 268 152
f 151 152 268
f 268 266 300
f 300 299 268
f 266 267 300
f 192 56 55
f 299 192 55
f 299 300 192
f 300 301 192
f 1 291 290
f 31 33 1
f 31 1 290
f 191 190 198
f 198 199 191
f 199 101 103
f 198 102 101
f 199 198 101
f 103 101 150
f 150 152 103
f 68 70 161
f 161 159 68
f 191 119 190
f 191 70 119
f 119 70 68
f 119 68 69
f 247 248 19
f 19 18 247
f 18 19 208
f 208 207 18
f 100 99 207
f 207 208 100
f 99 144 142
f 100 143 144
f 99 100 144
f 142 144 267
f 267 266 142
f 101 102 187
f 187 186 101
f 248 247 186
f 186 187 248
f 144 143 156
f 156 155 144
f 155 156 154
f 154 153 155
f 86 286 87
f 286 153 154
f 86 153 286
f 211 312 212
f 312 86 87
f 211 86 312
f 300 94 301
f 94 211 212
f 300 211 94
f 204 73 74
f 287 288 204
f 287 204 74
f 74 73 53
f 53 54 74
f 252 273 253
f 273 54 53
f 252 54 273
f 287 203 288
f 287 141 203
f 141 252 253
f 287 252 141
f 4 2 193
f 193 194 4
f 15 14 193
f 193 195 15
f 14 194 193
f 75 76 280
f 280 281 75
f 75 281 77
f 193 298 195
f 298 75 77
f 193 75 298
f 67 66 14
f 14 15 67
f 120 88 121
f 88 66 67
f 120 66 88
f 275 120 274
f 276 274 120
f 120 121 276
f 116 115 274
f 274 276 116
f 275 274 107
f 107 109 275
f 126 125 48
f 48 49 126
f 42 244 243
f 174 175 42
f 174 42 243
f 130 23 22
f 243 244 130
f 243 130 22
f 22 23 281
f 281 280 22
f 231 233 76
f 76 75 231
f 259 69 68
f 115 116 259
f 115 259 68
f 132 179 283
f 85 236 129
f 134 179 129
f 85 314 236
f 134 283 179
f 295 132 93
f 314 227 158
f 295 93 235
f 85 227 314
f 236 134 129
f 132 283 93
f 213 210 189
f 270 251 250
f 250 251 147
f 251 213 147
f 250 147 185
f 251 240 146
f 147 311 96
f 251 272 213
f 311 213 223
f 251 146 44
f 251 44 272
f 272 210 213
f 147 213 311
f 119 102 198
f 187 143 100
f 248 100 19
f 190 119 198
f 248 187 100
f 100 208 19
f 143 212 156
f 119 69 102
f 212 154 156
f 312 286 154
f 312 87 286
f 143 301 94
f 212 312 154
f 187 33 143
f 143 94 212
f 143 33 301
f 301 33 192
f 33 56 192
f 187 1 33
f 187 77 1
f 77 291 1
f 291 200 183
f 291 175 200
f 200 175 215
f 77 175 291
f 77 42 175
f 77 281 244
f 244 281 130
f 130 281 23
f 77 244 42
f 102 77 187
f 102 298 77
f 276 69 259
f 102 195 298
f 69 67 195
f 69 195 102
f 67 15 195
f 276 88 67
f 116 276 259
f 276 121 88
f 276 67 69
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
Processing Schedule Input -- Start
Processing Schedule Input -- Complete
MonthlyInputCount= 0
sizeMonthlyInput= 0
MonthlyFieldSetInputCount= 0
sizeMonthlyFieldSetInput= 0
MonthlyTablesCount= 0
MonthlyColumnsCount= 0
sizeReportName= 100
numReportName= 17
sizeSubTable= 100
numSubTable= 79
sizeColumnTag= 800
numColumnTag= 618
sizeTableEntry= 6400
numTableEntry= 5035
sizeCompSizeTableEntry= 0
numCompSizeTableEntry= 0
NumOfRVariable= 45526
NumOfRVariable(Total)= 45526
NumOfRVariable(Actual)= 14
NumOfRVariable(Summed)= 7
NumOfRVariable(Meter)= 7
NumOfIVariable= 3404
NumOfIVariable(Total)= 3404
NumOfIVariable(Actual)= 0
NumOfIVariable(Summed)= 0
MaxRVariable= 1000
MaxIVariable= 10
NumEnergyMeters= 19
NumVarMeterArrays= 7
maxUniqueKeyCount= 1500
maxNumberOfFigures= 418
MAXHCArrayBounds= 15
MaxVerticesPerSurface= 4
NumReportList= 500
InstMeterCacheSize= 1000
MonthlyFieldSetInputCount= 0
NumConsideredOutputVariables= 9
MaxConsideredOutputVariables= 10000
numActuatorsUsed= 0
numEMSActuatorsAvailable= 0
maxEMSActuatorsAvailable= 0
numInternalVariablesUsed= 0
numEMSInternalVarsAvailable= 0
maxEMSInternalVarsAvailable= 0
NumOfNodeConnections= 4
MaxNumOfNodeConnections= 1000
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.24 09:16
! This file shows details about the branches, nodes, and other
! elements of the flow connections.
! This file is intended for use in "debugging" potential problems
! that may also be detected by the program, but may be more easily
! identified by "eye".
! This file is also intended to support software which draws a
! schematic diagram of the HVAC system.
! ===============================================================
! #Nodes,<Number of Unique Nodes>
! <Node>,<NodeNumber>,<Node Name>,<Node Fluid Type>,<# Times Node Referenced After Definition>
Node,1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 ZONE AIR NODE,Air,0
Node,2,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,Air,1
Node,3,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 RETURN OUTLET,Air,0
! ===============================================================
! Suspicious nodes have 0 references. It is normal for some nodes, however.
! Listing nodes with 0 references (culled from previous list):
! <Suspicious Node>,<NodeNumber>,<Node Name>,<Node Fluid Type>,<# Times Node Referenced After Definition>
Suspicious Node,1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 ZONE AIR NODE,Air,0
Suspicious Node,3,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 RETURN OUTLET,Air,0
! ===============================================================
! <#Branch Lists>,<Number of Branch Lists>
#Branch Lists,0
! <Branch List>,<Branch List Count>,<Branch List Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Branches>
! <Branch>,<Branch Count>,<Branch Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Branch Inlet Node Name>,<Branch Outlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <#Supply Air Paths>,<Number of Supply Air Paths>
#Supply Air Paths,0
! <Supply Air Path>,<Supply Air Path Count>,<Supply Air Path Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Components on Supply Air Path>,<Number of Components>
! <Supply Air Path Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Outlet Nodes on Supply Air Path Component>,<Number of Nodes>
! <Supply Air Path Component Nodes>,<Node Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! ===============================================================
! <#Return Air Paths>,<Number of Return Air Paths>
#Return Air Paths,0
! <Return Air Path>,<Return Air Path Count>,<Return Air Path Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Components on Return Air Path>,<Number of Components>
! <Return Air Path Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Inlet Nodes on Return Air Path Component>,<Number of Nodes>
! <Return Air Path Component Nodes>,<Node Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! ===============================================================
! #Outdoor Air Nodes,<Number of Outdoor Air Nodes>
#Outdoor Air Nodes,0
! ===============================================================
! <#Component Sets>,<Number of Component Sets>
#Component Sets,0
! <Component Set>,<Component Set Count>,<Parent Object Type>,<Parent Object Name>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node ID>,<Outlet Node ID>,<Description>
! ===============================================================
! <# Plant Loops>,<Number of Plant Loops>
#Plant Loops,0
! <Plant Loop>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<Branch List>,<Connector List>
! <Plant Loop Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <Plant Loop Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Plant Loop Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Plant Loop Supply Connection>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Supply Side Outlet Node Name>,<Demand Side Inlet Node Name>
! <Plant Loop Return Connection>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Demand Side Outlet Node Name>,<Supply Side Inlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <# Condenser Loops>,<Number of Condenser Loops>
#Condenser Loops,0
! <Condenser Loop>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<Branch List>,<Connector List>
! <Condenser Loop Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <Condenser Loop Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Condenser Loop Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Condenser Loop Supply Connection>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Supply Side Outlet Node Name>,<Demand Side Inlet Node Name>
! <Condenser Loop Return Connection>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Demand Side Outlet Node Name>,<Supply Side Inlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <# Controlled Zones>,<Number of Controlled Zones>
#Controlled Zones,1
! <Controlled Zone>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Equip List Name>,<Control List Name>,<Zone Node Name>,<# Inlet Nodes>,<# Exhaust Nodes>,<# Return Nodes>
! <Controlled Zone Inlet>,<Inlet Node Count>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Supply Air Inlet Node Name>,<SD Sys:Cooling/Heating [DD:Cooling] Inlet Node Name>,<DD Sys:Heating Inlet Node Name>
! <Controlled Zone Exhaust>,<Exhaust Node Count>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Exhaust Air Node Name>
Controlled Zone,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 EQUIPMENT,,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 ZONE AIR NODE,1,0,1
Controlled Zone Inlet,1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,Undefined,N/A
Controlled Zone Return,1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 RETURN OUTLET
! ===============================================================
! <#Zone Equipment Lists>,<Number of Zone Equipment Lists>
#Zone Equipment Lists,1
! <Zone Equipment List>,<Zone Equipment List Count>,<Zone Equipment List Name>,<Zone Name>,<Number of Components>
! <Zone Equipment Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Zone Name>,<Heating Priority>,<Cooling Priority>
Zone Equipment List,1,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 EQUIPMENT,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,1
Zone Equipment Component,1,ZONEHVAC:IDEALLOADSAIRSYSTEM,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,1,1
! ===============================================================
! <#AirLoopHVACs>,<Number of AirLoopHVACs>
! <AirLoopHVAC>,<Air Loop Name>,<# Return Nodes>,<# Supply Nodes>,<# Zones Cooled>,<# Zones Heated>,<Outdoor Air Used>
! <AirLoop Return Connections>,<Connection Count>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>,<Zn Eqp Return Node #>,<Zn Eqp Return Node Name>,<AirLoop Return Node #>,<Air Loop Return Node Name>
! <AirLoop Supply Connections>,<Connection Count>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>,<Zn Eqp Supply Node #>,<Zn Eqp Supply Node Name>,<AirLoop Supply Node #>,<Air Loop Supply Node Name>
! <Cooled Zone Info>,<Cooled Zone Count>,<Cooled Zone Name>,<Cooled Zone Inlet Node #>,<Cooled Zone Inlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <Heated Zone Info>,<Heated Zone Count>,<Heated Zone Name>,<Heated Zone Inlet Node #>,<Heated Zone Inlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <Outdoor Air Connections>,<OA Inlet Node #>,<OA Return Air Inlet Node Name>,<OA Outlet Node #>,<OA Mixed Air Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! ===============================================================
! <#Parent Node Connections>,<Number of Parent Node Connections>
#Parent Node Connections,0
! <Parent Node Connection>,<Node Name>,<Node ObjectType>,<Node ObjectName>,<Node ConnectionType>,<Node FluidStream>
! ===============================================================
! <#Non-Parent Node Connections>,<Number of Non-Parent Node Connections>
#Non-Parent Node Connections,4
! <Non-Parent Node Connection>,<Node Name>,<Node ObjectType>,<Node ObjectName>,<Node ConnectionType>,<Node FluidStream>
Non-Parent Node Connection,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 ZONE AIR NODE,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,ZoneNode,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,ZoneInlet,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 RETURN OUTLET,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,ZoneReturn,1
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.24 09:16
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, 9.5
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep {minutes}
Timesteps per Hour, 4, 15
! <System Convergence Limits>, Minimum System TimeStep {minutes}, Max HVAC Iterations, Minimum Plant Iterations, Maximum Plant Iterations
System Convergence Limits, 1, 20, 2, 8
! <Simulation Control>, Do Zone Sizing, Do System Sizing, Do Plant Sizing, Do Design Days, Do Weather Simulation, Do HVAC Sizing Simulation
Simulation Control, No, No, No, No, Yes, No
! <Performance Precision Tradeoffs>, Use Coil Direct Simulation, Zone Radiant Exchange Algorithm, Override Mode, Number of Timestep In Hour, Force Euler Method, Minimum Number of Warmup Days, Force Suppress All Begin Environment Resets, Minimum System Timestep, MaxZoneTempDiff, MaxAllowedDelTemp
Performance Precision Tradeoffs, No, ScriptF, Normal, 4, No, 1, No, 1.0, 0.300, 2.0000E-003
! <Output Reporting Tolerances>, Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met, Tolerance for Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time
Output Reporting Tolerances, 0.200, 0.200,
! <Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod, -1.50, -6.19, -7.46, -6.35, -0.03, 7.05, 13.71, 18.53, 19.94, 17.67, 12.21, 5.33
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Deep>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Deep, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00
! <Site:GroundReflectance>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier>, Normal, Daylighting {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier, 1.000, 1.000
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Environment:Weather Station>,Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient-Internal,Temperature Modifier Coefficient-Internal
Environment:Weather Station,10.000,0.140,270.000,1.500,1.586,9.750E-003
! <Site:Location>, Location Name, Latitude {N+/S- Deg}, Longitude {E+/W- Deg}, Time Zone Number {GMT+/-}, Elevation {m}, Standard Pressure at Elevation {Pa}, Standard RhoAir at Elevation
Site:Location,Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270,45.47,-73.75,-5.00,36.00,100893,1.1992
! <Site Water Mains Temperature Information>,Calculation Method{},Water Mains Temperature Schedule Name{},Annual Average Outdoor Air Temperature{C},Maximum Difference In Monthly Average Outdoor Air Temperatures{deltaC},Fixed Default Water Mains Temperature{C}
Site Water Mains Temperature Information,FixedDefault,NA,NA,NA,10.0
! <Building Information>, Building Name,North Axis {deg},Terrain, Loads Convergence Tolerance Value,Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value, Solar Distribution,Maximum Number of Warmup Days,Minimum Number of Warmup Days
Building Information,None,0.000,Suburbs,4.00000E-002,0.40000,FullInteriorAndExterior,25,6
! <Inside Convection Algorithm>, Algorithm {Simple | TARP | CeilingDiffuser | AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm}
Inside Convection Algorithm,TARP
! <Outside Convection Algorithm>, Algorithm {SimpleCombined | TARP | MoWitt | DOE-2 | AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm}
Outside Convection Algorithm,DOE-2
! <Sky Radiance Distribution>, Value {Anisotropic}
Sky Radiance Distribution,Anisotropic
! <Zone Air Solution Algorithm>, Value {ThirdOrderBackwardDifference | AnalyticalSolution | EulerMethod}
Zone Air Solution Algorithm, ThirdOrderBackwardDifference
! <Zone Air Carbon Dioxide Balance Simulation>, Simulation {Yes/No}, Carbon Dioxide Concentration
Zone Air Carbon Dioxide Balance Simulation, No,N/A
! <Zone Air Generic Contaminant Balance Simulation>, Simulation {Yes/No}, Generic Contaminant Concentration
Zone Air Generic Contaminant Balance Simulation, No,N/A
! <Zone Air Mass Flow Balance Simulation>, Enforce Mass Balance, Adjust Zone Mixing and Return {AdjustMixingOnly | AdjustReturnOnly | AdjustMixingThenReturn | AdjustReturnThenMixing | None}, Adjust Zone Infiltration {AddInfiltration | AdjustInfiltration | None}, Infiltration Zones {MixingSourceZonesOnly | AllZones}
Zone Air Mass Flow Balance Simulation, No,N/A,N/A,N/A
! <HVACSystemRootFindingAlgorithm>, Value {RegulaFalsi | Bisection | BisectionThenRegulaFalsi | RegulaFalsiThenBisection}
HVACSystemRootFindingAlgorithm, RegulaFalsi
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation,0.220,370.000,6.500000E-003
! <Surface Geometry>,Starting Corner,Vertex Input Direction,Coordinate System,Daylight Reference Point Coordinate System,Rectangular (Simple) Surface Coordinate System
Surface Geometry,UpperLeftCorner,Counterclockwise,WorldCoordinateSystem,RelativeCoordinateSystem,RelativeToZoneOrigin
! <Surface Heat Transfer Algorithm>, Value {CTF - ConductionTransferFunction | EMPD - MoisturePenetrationDepthConductionTransferFunction | CondFD - ConductionFiniteDifference | HAMT - CombinedHeatAndMoistureFiniteElement} - Description,Inside Surface Max Temperature Limit{C}, Surface Convection Coefficient Lower Limit {W/m2-K}, Surface Convection Coefficient Upper Limit {W/m2-K}
Surface Heat Transfer Algorithm, CTF - ConductionTransferFunction,200,0.10,1000.0
! <Shading Summary>, Number of Fixed Detached Shades, Number of Building Detached Shades, Number of Attached Shades
Shading Summary,0,0,0
! <Zone Summary>, Number of Zones, Number of Zone Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces
Zone Summary,1,494,0
! <Zone Information>,Zone Name,North Axis {deg},Origin X-Coordinate {m},Origin Y-Coordinate {m},Origin Z-Coordinate {m},Centroid X-Coordinate {m},Centroid Y-Coordinate {m},Centroid Z-Coordinate {m},Type,Zone Multiplier,Zone List Multiplier,Minimum X {m},Maximum X {m},Minimum Y {m},Maximum Y {m},Minimum Z {m},Maximum Z {m},Ceiling Height {m},Volume {m3},Zone Inside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-CeilingDiffuser-TrombeWall},Zone Outside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-Tarp-MoWitt-DOE-2-BLAST}, Floor Area {m2},Exterior Gross Wall Area {m2},Exterior Net Wall Area {m2},Exterior Window Area {m2}, Number of Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces, Number of Shading SubSurfaces, Part of Total Building Area
Zone Information, 724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,0.0,0.00,0.00,0.00,42.13,43.73,34.90,1,1,1,3.30E-002,87.76,0.15,83.67,3.60E-006,84.73,56.84,204394.69,TARP,DOE-2,3597.43,23071.37,23071.37,0.00,494,0,0,Yes
! <Zone Internal Gains Nominal>,Zone Name, Floor Area {m2},# Occupants,Area per Occupant {m2/person},Occupant per Area {person/m2},Interior Lighting {W/m2},Electric Load {W/m2},Gas Load {W/m2},Other Load {W/m2},Hot Water Eq {W/m2},Steam Equipment {W/m2},Sum Loads per Area {W/m2},Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat
Zone Internal Gains Nominal, 724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,3597.43,500.0,7.195,0.139,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,No
! <People Internal Gains Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {m2},# Zone Occupants,Number of People {},People/Floor Area {person/m2},Floor Area per person {m2/person},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,Sensible Fraction Calculation,Activity level,ASHRAE 55 Warnings,Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate,Nominal Minimum Number of People,Nominal Maximum Number of People
People Internal Gains Nominal, 724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1_OCCUPANCY,OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,3597.43,500.0,500.0,0.139,7.195,0.300,0.700,AutoCalculate,OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION,No,3.8200E-008,19,292
! <Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations Annual Simulations>, Shading Calculation Method, Shading Calculation Update Frequency Method, Shading Calculation Update Frequency {days}, Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations {}, Polygon Clipping Algorithm, Pixel Counting Resolution, Sky Diffuse Modeling Algorithm, Output External Shading Calculation Results, Disable Self-Shading Within Shading Zone Groups, Disable Self-Shading From Shading Zone Groups to Other Zones
Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations Annual Simulations,PolygonClipping,Periodic,20,15000,SutherlandHodgman,512,SimpleSkyDiffuseModeling,No,No,No
! <ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s-m2},Volume Flow Rate/Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient {},Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C},Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}, Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats Nominal, 724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1_INFILTRATION,INFILTRATION SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,3597.43,500.0,19.872,5.524E-003,6.565E-004,0.350,0.606,3.636E-002,0.118,0.000
! <AirFlow Model>, Simple
AirFlow Model, Simple
! <RoomAir Model>, Zone Name, Mixing/Mundt/UCSDDV/UCSDCV/UCSDUFI/UCSDUFE/User Defined
RoomAir Model,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,Mixing/Well-Stirred
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Control>, No Multizone or Distribution/Multizone with Distribution/Multizone without Distribution/Multizone with Distribution only during Fan Operation
AirflowNetwork Model:Control,NoMultizoneOrDistribution
! <Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier>, Sensible Heat Capacity Multiplier, Moisture Capacity Multiplier, Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier, Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier
Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier, 1.000 , 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
! <Environment>,Environment Name,Environment Type, Start Date, End Date, Start DayOfWeek, Duration {#days}, Source:Start DayOfWeek, Use Daylight Saving, Use Holidays, Apply Weekend Holiday Rule, Use Rain Values, Use Snow Values, Sky Temperature Model
! <Environment:Special Days>, Special Day Name, Special Day Type, Source, Start Date, Duration {#days}
! <Environment:Daylight Saving>, Daylight Saving Indicator, Source, Start Date, End Date
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
Environment,RUN PERIOD 1,WeatherFileRunPeriod,01/01/2013,12/31/2013,Tuesday,365,Use RunPeriod Specified Day,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Clark and Allen
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,
Environment:WarmupDays, 6
! <Warmup Convergence Information>,Zone Name,Environment Type/Name,Average Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Std Dev Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Max Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Min Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Average Warmup Load Difference {W},Std Dev Warmup Load Difference {W},Heating Load Pass/Fail Convergence,Cooling Load Pass/Fail Convergence
Warmup Convergence Information,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1,RunPeriod: RUN PERIOD 1,0.3129769362,1.3644480832,Pass,Pass,2.9654615611E-002,0.1385832022,Pass,Pass
! <Program Control Information:Threads/Parallel Sims>, Threading Supported,Maximum Number of Threads, Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS), EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS), IDF Set Threads, Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange), Number Nominal Surfaces, Number Parallel Sims
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, No,1, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
End of Data
@ -1 +0,0 @@
EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 5 Warning; 0 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 01min 10.60sec
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.24 09:16,
** Warning ** Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object.
** ~~~ ** ..Location object=DENVER_STAPLETON_CO_USA_WMO_724690
** ~~~ ** ..Weather File Location=Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270
** ~~~ ** ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[5.70] degrees, Longitude difference=[31.12] degrees.
** ~~~ ** ..Time Zone difference=[2.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[97.77] percent, [1575.00] meters.
** Warning ** SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=83411 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=100893.
** ~~~ ** ...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER_STAPLETON ANN HTG 99.6% CONDNS DB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.
** Warning ** GetInternalHeatGains: People="724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1_OCCUPANCY", Activity Level Schedule Name values
** ~~~ ** fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting.
** ~~~ ** Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION".
** ~~~ ** Entered min/max range=[3.8E-002,] W/person.0.6
** Warning ** SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=83411 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=100893.
** ~~~ ** ...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER_STAPLETON ANN CLG .4% CONDNS DB=>MWB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.
************* Testing Individual Branch Integrity
************* All Branches passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity
************* All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity
************* All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* No node connection errors were found.
************* Beginning Simulation
************* Simulation Error Summary *************
** Warning ** The following schedule names are "Unused Schedules". These schedules are in the idf
** ~~~ ** file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used.
************* Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=LIGHTS SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION
************* Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=REFRIGERATION SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION
************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 5 Warning; 0 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 01min 10.60sec
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.24 09:16,
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictHeating:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictHeating:HVAC [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictCooling:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictCooling:HVAC [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Zone,Meter,Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
Zone,Meter,CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
Meters for 14,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J]
OnMeter=Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
OnMeter=Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J]
OnMeter=General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 87,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J]
OnMeter=General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 124,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter=DistrictHeating:Facility [J]
OnMeter=DistrictHeating:HVAC [J]
OnMeter=Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
OnMeter=General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Meters for 173,724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
OnMeter=DistrictCooling:Facility [J]
OnMeter=DistrictCooling:HVAC [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
OnMeter=General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Meters for 222,Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
Meters for 247,Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
Meters for 248,Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, Group=Building, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, Group=Zone, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=Heating:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, Group=Zone, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, Group=Zone, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=DistrictHeating:Facility [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=DistrictHeating:HVAC [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, Group=HVAC, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=Heating:DistrictHeating [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=DistrictCooling:Facility [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=DistrictCooling:HVAC [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, Group=HVAC, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=Cooling:DistrictCooling [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
724A5285-F823-480C-A7EB-240BBA15A5B1 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg], ResourceType=Carbon Equivalent, contents are:
Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
For Meter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg], ResourceType=Carbon Equivalent, EndUse=CarbonEquivalentEmissions, contents are:
Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.24 09:16,
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Barometric Pressure [Pa]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Sky Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Site Precipitation Depth [m]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Surface Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Deep Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Simple Factor Model Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Total Sky Cover []
Zone,Average,Site Opaque Sky Cover []
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Enthalpy [J/kg]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Density [kg/m3]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Azimuth Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Altitude Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Hour Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Rain Status []
Zone,Average,Site Snow on Ground Status []
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Horizontal Sky Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Horizontal Beam Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Beam Normal Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Sky Diffuse Solar Radiation Luminous Efficacy [lum/W]
Zone,Average,Site Beam Solar Radiation Luminous Efficacy [lum/W]
Zone,Average,Site Daylighting Model Sky Clearness []
Zone,Average,Site Daylighting Model Sky Brightness []
Zone,Average,Site Daylight Saving Time Status []
Zone,Average,Site Day Type Index []
Zone,Average,Site Mains Water Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,People Occupant Count []
Zone,Sum,People Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Sensible Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Sensible Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,People Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,People Air Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,Zone People Occupant Count []
Zone,Sum,Zone People Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Sensible Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Sensible Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Normal Azimuth Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Sunlit Area [m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Sunlit Fraction []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Ground Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Beam Solar Incident Angle Cosine Value []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Beam Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Diffuse Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Diffuse Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Anisotropic Sky Multiplier []
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Direction Number []
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Theta Angle [rad]
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Phi Angle [rad]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Absorbed Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Transmitted Out Window Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model DifShdgRatioIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model DifShdgRatioHoriz []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model WithShdgIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model WoShdgIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Movable Insulation Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Adjacent Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Air Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Sky Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Ground Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Air Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Heat Emission to Air Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Heat Storage Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Beam Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Classification Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Reference Air Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Classification Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Forced Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Natural Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Heat Source Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Heat Source Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Radiant Temperature [C]
Zone,Sum,Site Total Surface Heat Emission to Air [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Operative Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Dewpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Internal Convective Heat Gain Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Surface Convection Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Interzone Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Outdoor Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance System Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance System Convective Heat Gain Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Air Energy Storage Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Sensible Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Latent Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Sensible Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Latent Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Site Total Zone Exfiltration Heat Loss [J]
HVAC,Sum,Site Total Zone Exhaust Air Heat Loss [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Current Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Standard Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Mass [kg]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate [ach]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air System Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Humidity Ratio []
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Relative Humidity [%]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Heating Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Cooling Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Heating Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Cooling Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load to Humidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load to Dehumidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load to Humidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load to Dehumidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
Zone,Average,Zone Thermostat Control Type []
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Adaptive Comfort Operative Temperature Set Point [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load Room Air Correction Factor []
HVAC,Sum,HVAC System Solver Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Solver Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Relief Air Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,HVAC System Total Heat Rejection Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Economizer Active Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Active Time [hr]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Hybrid Ventilation Available Status []
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Mixed Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Mixed Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Sum,Air System Simulation Maximum Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Simulation Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Component Model Simulation Calls []
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures During Occupancy Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures in Deadband Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures During Occupancy Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures in Deadband Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer or Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer or Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Heating Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Average,Zone Heat Index [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Humidity Index []
Zone,Average,Schedule Value []
HVAC,Average,System Node Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint High Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Low Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Minimum Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Maximum Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Relative Humidity [%]
HVAC,Average,System Node Pressure [Pa]
HVAC,Average,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Current Density [kg/m3]
HVAC,Average,System Node Specific Heat [J/kg-K]
HVAC,Average,System Node Enthalpy [J/kg]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wetbulb Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Dewpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wind Speed [m/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wind Direction [deg]
HVAC,Average,System Node Quality []
HVAC,Average,System Node Height [m]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Removal Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Due to Overheating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Addition Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Due to Overcooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass [kg]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Current Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Air Changes per Hour [ach]
HVAC,Average,Zone Target Voz Ventilation Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation Below Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation At Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation Above Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation When Unoccupied Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation Below Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility All Zones Ventilation At Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation Above Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation When Unoccupied Time [hr]
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
input file:/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/Montréal_out.eso
output file:/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/Montréal_out.csv
getting all vars from:/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/Montréal_out.eso
number variables requested for output= 9
ReadVars Run Time=00hr 00min 0.55sec
ReadVarsESO program completed successfully.
Requested ESO file=/home/guille/Projects/Concordia/ep_workflow/out_files/Montré
does not exist. ReadVarsESO program terminated.
ReadVarsESO program terminated.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
Processing Schedule Input -- Start
Processing Schedule Input -- Complete
MonthlyInputCount= 0
sizeMonthlyInput= 0
MonthlyFieldSetInputCount= 0
sizeMonthlyFieldSetInput= 0
MonthlyTablesCount= 0
MonthlyColumnsCount= 0
sizeReportName= 100
numReportName= 17
sizeSubTable= 100
numSubTable= 79
sizeColumnTag= 800
numColumnTag= 618
sizeTableEntry= 6400
numTableEntry= 5035
sizeCompSizeTableEntry= 0
numCompSizeTableEntry= 0
NumOfRVariable= 45526
NumOfRVariable(Total)= 45526
NumOfRVariable(Actual)= 14
NumOfRVariable(Summed)= 7
NumOfRVariable(Meter)= 7
NumOfIVariable= 3404
NumOfIVariable(Total)= 3404
NumOfIVariable(Actual)= 0
NumOfIVariable(Summed)= 0
MaxRVariable= 1000
MaxIVariable= 10
NumEnergyMeters= 19
NumVarMeterArrays= 7
maxUniqueKeyCount= 1500
maxNumberOfFigures= 418
MAXHCArrayBounds= 15
MaxVerticesPerSurface= 4
NumReportList= 500
InstMeterCacheSize= 1000
MonthlyFieldSetInputCount= 0
NumConsideredOutputVariables= 9
MaxConsideredOutputVariables= 10000
numActuatorsUsed= 0
numEMSActuatorsAvailable= 0
maxEMSActuatorsAvailable= 0
numInternalVariablesUsed= 0
numEMSInternalVarsAvailable= 0
maxEMSInternalVarsAvailable= 0
NumOfNodeConnections= 4
MaxNumOfNodeConnections= 1000
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.18 11:50
! This file shows details about the branches, nodes, and other
! elements of the flow connections.
! This file is intended for use in "debugging" potential problems
! that may also be detected by the program, but may be more easily
! identified by "eye".
! This file is also intended to support software which draws a
! schematic diagram of the HVAC system.
! ===============================================================
! #Nodes,<Number of Unique Nodes>
! <Node>,<NodeNumber>,<Node Name>,<Node Fluid Type>,<# Times Node Referenced After Definition>
Node,1,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 ZONE AIR NODE,Air,0
Node,2,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,Air,1
Node,3,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 RETURN OUTLET,Air,0
! ===============================================================
! Suspicious nodes have 0 references. It is normal for some nodes, however.
! Listing nodes with 0 references (culled from previous list):
! <Suspicious Node>,<NodeNumber>,<Node Name>,<Node Fluid Type>,<# Times Node Referenced After Definition>
Suspicious Node,1,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 ZONE AIR NODE,Air,0
Suspicious Node,3,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 RETURN OUTLET,Air,0
! ===============================================================
! <#Branch Lists>,<Number of Branch Lists>
#Branch Lists,0
! <Branch List>,<Branch List Count>,<Branch List Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Branches>
! <Branch>,<Branch Count>,<Branch Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Branch Inlet Node Name>,<Branch Outlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <#Supply Air Paths>,<Number of Supply Air Paths>
#Supply Air Paths,0
! <Supply Air Path>,<Supply Air Path Count>,<Supply Air Path Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Components on Supply Air Path>,<Number of Components>
! <Supply Air Path Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Outlet Nodes on Supply Air Path Component>,<Number of Nodes>
! <Supply Air Path Component Nodes>,<Node Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! ===============================================================
! <#Return Air Paths>,<Number of Return Air Paths>
#Return Air Paths,0
! <Return Air Path>,<Return Air Path Count>,<Return Air Path Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Components on Return Air Path>,<Number of Components>
! <Return Air Path Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <#Inlet Nodes on Return Air Path Component>,<Number of Nodes>
! <Return Air Path Component Nodes>,<Node Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! ===============================================================
! #Outdoor Air Nodes,<Number of Outdoor Air Nodes>
#Outdoor Air Nodes,0
! ===============================================================
! <#Component Sets>,<Number of Component Sets>
#Component Sets,0
! <Component Set>,<Component Set Count>,<Parent Object Type>,<Parent Object Name>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Inlet Node ID>,<Outlet Node ID>,<Description>
! ===============================================================
! <# Plant Loops>,<Number of Plant Loops>
#Plant Loops,0
! <Plant Loop>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<Branch List>,<Connector List>
! <Plant Loop Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <Plant Loop Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Plant Loop Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Plant Loop Supply Connection>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Supply Side Outlet Node Name>,<Demand Side Inlet Node Name>
! <Plant Loop Return Connection>,<Plant Loop Name>,<Demand Side Outlet Node Name>,<Supply Side Inlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <# Condenser Loops>,<Number of Condenser Loops>
#Condenser Loops,0
! <Condenser Loop>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Inlet Node Name>,<Outlet Node Name>,<Branch List>,<Connector List>
! <Condenser Loop Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <Condenser Loop Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Condenser Loop Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <Condenser Loop Supply Connection>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Supply Side Outlet Node Name>,<Demand Side Inlet Node Name>
! <Condenser Loop Return Connection>,<Condenser Loop Name>,<Demand Side Outlet Node Name>,<Supply Side Inlet Node Name>
! ===============================================================
! <# Controlled Zones>,<Number of Controlled Zones>
#Controlled Zones,1
! <Controlled Zone>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Equip List Name>,<Control List Name>,<Zone Node Name>,<# Inlet Nodes>,<# Exhaust Nodes>,<# Return Nodes>
! <Controlled Zone Inlet>,<Inlet Node Count>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Supply Air Inlet Node Name>,<SD Sys:Cooling/Heating [DD:Cooling] Inlet Node Name>,<DD Sys:Heating Inlet Node Name>
! <Controlled Zone Exhaust>,<Exhaust Node Count>,<Controlled Zone Name>,<Exhaust Air Node Name>
Controlled Zone,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 EQUIPMENT,,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 ZONE AIR NODE,1,0,1
Controlled Zone Inlet,1,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,Undefined,N/A
Controlled Zone Return,1,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 RETURN OUTLET
! ===============================================================
! <#Zone Equipment Lists>,<Number of Zone Equipment Lists>
#Zone Equipment Lists,1
! <Zone Equipment List>,<Zone Equipment List Count>,<Zone Equipment List Name>,<Zone Name>,<Number of Components>
! <Zone Equipment Component>,<Component Count>,<Component Type>,<Component Name>,<Zone Name>,<Heating Priority>,<Cooling Priority>
Zone Equipment List,1,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 EQUIPMENT,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,1
Zone Equipment Component,1,ZONEHVAC:IDEALLOADSAIRSYSTEM,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,1,1
! ===============================================================
! <#AirLoopHVACs>,<Number of AirLoopHVACs>
! <AirLoopHVAC>,<Air Loop Name>,<# Return Nodes>,<# Supply Nodes>,<# Zones Cooled>,<# Zones Heated>,<Outdoor Air Used>
! <AirLoop Return Connections>,<Connection Count>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>,<Zn Eqp Return Node #>,<Zn Eqp Return Node Name>,<AirLoop Return Node #>,<Air Loop Return Node Name>
! <AirLoop Supply Connections>,<Connection Count>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>,<Zn Eqp Supply Node #>,<Zn Eqp Supply Node Name>,<AirLoop Supply Node #>,<Air Loop Supply Node Name>
! <Cooled Zone Info>,<Cooled Zone Count>,<Cooled Zone Name>,<Cooled Zone Inlet Node #>,<Cooled Zone Inlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <Heated Zone Info>,<Heated Zone Count>,<Heated Zone Name>,<Heated Zone Inlet Node #>,<Heated Zone Inlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <Outdoor Air Connections>,<OA Inlet Node #>,<OA Return Air Inlet Node Name>,<OA Outlet Node #>,<OA Mixed Air Outlet Node Name>,<AirLoopHVAC Name>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>,<Number of Inlets/Outlets>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector Branches>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Branch>,<Outlet Branch>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! <AirLoopHVAC Connector Nodes>,<Connector Node Count>,<Connector Type>,<Connector Name>,<Inlet Node>,<Outlet Node>,<Loop Name>,<Loop Type>
! ===============================================================
! <#Parent Node Connections>,<Number of Parent Node Connections>
#Parent Node Connections,0
! <Parent Node Connection>,<Node Name>,<Node ObjectType>,<Node ObjectName>,<Node ConnectionType>,<Node FluidStream>
! ===============================================================
! <#Non-Parent Node Connections>,<Number of Non-Parent Node Connections>
#Non-Parent Node Connections,4
! <Non-Parent Node Connection>,<Node Name>,<Node ObjectType>,<Node ObjectName>,<Node ConnectionType>,<Node FluidStream>
Non-Parent Node Connection,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 ZONE AIR NODE,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,ZoneNode,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,ZoneInlet,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 RETURN OUTLET,ZONEHVAC:EQUIPMENTCONNECTIONS,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,ZoneReturn,1
Non-Parent Node Connection,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS SUPPLY INLET,ZONEHVAC:IDEALLOADSAIRSYSTEM,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM,Outlet,1
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.18 11:50
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, 9.5
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep {minutes}
Timesteps per Hour, 4, 15
! <System Convergence Limits>, Minimum System TimeStep {minutes}, Max HVAC Iterations, Minimum Plant Iterations, Maximum Plant Iterations
System Convergence Limits, 1, 20, 2, 8
! <Simulation Control>, Do Zone Sizing, Do System Sizing, Do Plant Sizing, Do Design Days, Do Weather Simulation, Do HVAC Sizing Simulation
Simulation Control, No, No, No, No, Yes, No
! <Performance Precision Tradeoffs>, Use Coil Direct Simulation, Zone Radiant Exchange Algorithm, Override Mode, Number of Timestep In Hour, Force Euler Method, Minimum Number of Warmup Days, Force Suppress All Begin Environment Resets, Minimum System Timestep, MaxZoneTempDiff, MaxAllowedDelTemp
Performance Precision Tradeoffs, No, ScriptF, Normal, 4, No, 1, No, 1.0, 0.300, 2.0000E-003
! <Output Reporting Tolerances>, Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met, Tolerance for Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time
Output Reporting Tolerances, 0.200, 0.200,
! <Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00, 18.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:FCfactorMethod, -1.50, -6.19, -7.46, -6.35, -0.03, 7.05, 13.71, 18.53, 19.94, 17.67, 12.21, 5.33
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Shallow, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00, 13.00
! <Site:GroundTemperature:Deep>,Jan{C},Feb{C},Mar{C},Apr{C},May{C},Jun{C},Jul{C},Aug{C},Sep{C},Oct{C},Nov{C},Dec{C}
Site:GroundTemperature:Deep, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00, 16.00
! <Site:GroundReflectance>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier>, Normal, Daylighting {dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:SnowModifier, 1.000, 1.000
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting>,Jan{dimensionless},Feb{dimensionless},Mar{dimensionless},Apr{dimensionless},May{dimensionless},Jun{dimensionless},Jul{dimensionless},Aug{dimensionless},Sep{dimensionless},Oct{dimensionless},Nov{dimensionless},Dec{dimensionless}
Site:GroundReflectance:Snow:Daylighting, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20, 0.20
! <Environment:Weather Station>,Wind Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Sensor Height Above Ground {m},Wind Speed Modifier Coefficient-Internal,Temperature Modifier Coefficient-Internal
Environment:Weather Station,10.000,0.140,270.000,1.500,1.586,9.750E-003
! <Site:Location>, Location Name, Latitude {N+/S- Deg}, Longitude {E+/W- Deg}, Time Zone Number {GMT+/-}, Elevation {m}, Standard Pressure at Elevation {Pa}, Standard RhoAir at Elevation
Site:Location,Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270,45.47,-73.75,-5.00,36.00,100893,1.1992
! <Site Water Mains Temperature Information>,Calculation Method{},Water Mains Temperature Schedule Name{},Annual Average Outdoor Air Temperature{C},Maximum Difference In Monthly Average Outdoor Air Temperatures{deltaC},Fixed Default Water Mains Temperature{C}
Site Water Mains Temperature Information,FixedDefault,NA,NA,NA,10.0
! <Building Information>, Building Name,North Axis {deg},Terrain, Loads Convergence Tolerance Value,Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value, Solar Distribution,Maximum Number of Warmup Days,Minimum Number of Warmup Days
Building Information,None,0.000,Suburbs,4.00000E-002,0.40000,FullInteriorAndExterior,25,6
! <Inside Convection Algorithm>, Algorithm {Simple | TARP | CeilingDiffuser | AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm}
Inside Convection Algorithm,TARP
! <Outside Convection Algorithm>, Algorithm {SimpleCombined | TARP | MoWitt | DOE-2 | AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm}
Outside Convection Algorithm,DOE-2
! <Sky Radiance Distribution>, Value {Anisotropic}
Sky Radiance Distribution,Anisotropic
! <Zone Air Solution Algorithm>, Value {ThirdOrderBackwardDifference | AnalyticalSolution | EulerMethod}
Zone Air Solution Algorithm, ThirdOrderBackwardDifference
! <Zone Air Carbon Dioxide Balance Simulation>, Simulation {Yes/No}, Carbon Dioxide Concentration
Zone Air Carbon Dioxide Balance Simulation, No,N/A
! <Zone Air Generic Contaminant Balance Simulation>, Simulation {Yes/No}, Generic Contaminant Concentration
Zone Air Generic Contaminant Balance Simulation, No,N/A
! <Zone Air Mass Flow Balance Simulation>, Enforce Mass Balance, Adjust Zone Mixing and Return {AdjustMixingOnly | AdjustReturnOnly | AdjustMixingThenReturn | AdjustReturnThenMixing | None}, Adjust Zone Infiltration {AddInfiltration | AdjustInfiltration | None}, Infiltration Zones {MixingSourceZonesOnly | AllZones}
Zone Air Mass Flow Balance Simulation, No,N/A,N/A,N/A
! <HVACSystemRootFindingAlgorithm>, Value {RegulaFalsi | Bisection | BisectionThenRegulaFalsi | RegulaFalsiThenBisection}
HVACSystemRootFindingAlgorithm, RegulaFalsi
! <Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation>,Wind Speed Profile Exponent {},Wind Speed Profile Boundary Layer Thickness {m},Air Temperature Gradient Coefficient {K/m}
Environment:Site Atmospheric Variation,0.220,370.000,6.500000E-003
! <Surface Geometry>,Starting Corner,Vertex Input Direction,Coordinate System,Daylight Reference Point Coordinate System,Rectangular (Simple) Surface Coordinate System
Surface Geometry,UpperLeftCorner,Counterclockwise,WorldCoordinateSystem,RelativeCoordinateSystem,RelativeToZoneOrigin
! <Surface Heat Transfer Algorithm>, Value {CTF - ConductionTransferFunction | EMPD - MoisturePenetrationDepthConductionTransferFunction | CondFD - ConductionFiniteDifference | HAMT - CombinedHeatAndMoistureFiniteElement} - Description,Inside Surface Max Temperature Limit{C}, Surface Convection Coefficient Lower Limit {W/m2-K}, Surface Convection Coefficient Upper Limit {W/m2-K}
Surface Heat Transfer Algorithm, CTF - ConductionTransferFunction,200,0.10,1000.0
! <Shading Summary>, Number of Fixed Detached Shades, Number of Building Detached Shades, Number of Attached Shades
Shading Summary,0,0,0
! <Zone Summary>, Number of Zones, Number of Zone Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces
Zone Summary,1,494,0
! <Zone Information>,Zone Name,North Axis {deg},Origin X-Coordinate {m},Origin Y-Coordinate {m},Origin Z-Coordinate {m},Centroid X-Coordinate {m},Centroid Y-Coordinate {m},Centroid Z-Coordinate {m},Type,Zone Multiplier,Zone List Multiplier,Minimum X {m},Maximum X {m},Minimum Y {m},Maximum Y {m},Minimum Z {m},Maximum Z {m},Ceiling Height {m},Volume {m3},Zone Inside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-CeilingDiffuser-TrombeWall},Zone Outside Convection Algorithm {Simple-Detailed-Tarp-MoWitt-DOE-2-BLAST}, Floor Area {m2},Exterior Gross Wall Area {m2},Exterior Net Wall Area {m2},Exterior Window Area {m2}, Number of Surfaces, Number of SubSurfaces, Number of Shading SubSurfaces, Part of Total Building Area
Zone Information, B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,0.0,0.00,0.00,0.00,42.13,43.73,34.90,1,1,1,3.30E-002,87.76,0.15,83.67,3.60E-006,84.73,56.84,204394.69,TARP,DOE-2,3597.43,23071.37,23071.37,0.00,494,0,0,Yes
! <Zone Internal Gains Nominal>,Zone Name, Floor Area {m2},# Occupants,Area per Occupant {m2/person},Occupant per Area {person/m2},Interior Lighting {W/m2},Electric Load {W/m2},Gas Load {W/m2},Other Load {W/m2},Hot Water Eq {W/m2},Steam Equipment {W/m2},Sum Loads per Area {W/m2},Outdoor Controlled Baseboard Heat
Zone Internal Gains Nominal, B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,3597.43,500.0,7.195,0.139,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,0.000,No
! <People Internal Gains Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name,Zone Floor Area {m2},# Zone Occupants,Number of People {},People/Floor Area {person/m2},Floor Area per person {m2/person},Fraction Radiant,Fraction Convected,Sensible Fraction Calculation,Activity level,ASHRAE 55 Warnings,Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate,Nominal Minimum Number of People,Nominal Maximum Number of People
People Internal Gains Nominal, B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9_OCCUPANCY,OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,3597.43,500.0,500.0,0.139,7.195,0.300,0.700,AutoCalculate,OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION,No,3.8200E-008,19,292
! <Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations Annual Simulations>, Shading Calculation Method, Shading Calculation Update Frequency Method, Shading Calculation Update Frequency {days}, Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations {}, Polygon Clipping Algorithm, Pixel Counting Resolution, Sky Diffuse Modeling Algorithm, Output External Shading Calculation Results, Disable Self-Shading Within Shading Zone Groups, Disable Self-Shading From Shading Zone Groups to Other Zones
Shadowing/Sun Position Calculations Annual Simulations,PolygonClipping,Periodic,20,15000,SutherlandHodgman,512,SimpleSkyDiffuseModeling,No,No,No
! <ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats Nominal>,Name,Schedule Name,Zone Name, Zone Floor Area {m2}, # Zone Occupants,Design Volume Flow Rate {m3/s},Volume Flow Rate/Floor Area {m3/s-m2},Volume Flow Rate/Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2},ACH - Air Changes per Hour,Equation A - Constant Term Coefficient {},Equation B - Temperature Term Coefficient {1/C},Equation C - Velocity Term Coefficient {s/m}, Equation D - Velocity Squared Term Coefficient {s2/m2}
ZoneInfiltration Airflow Stats Nominal, B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9_INFILTRATION,INFILTRATION SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,3597.43,500.0,19.872,5.524E-003,6.565E-004,0.350,0.606,3.636E-002,0.118,0.000
! <AirFlow Model>, Simple
AirFlow Model, Simple
! <RoomAir Model>, Zone Name, Mixing/Mundt/UCSDDV/UCSDCV/UCSDUFI/UCSDUFE/User Defined
RoomAir Model,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,Mixing/Well-Stirred
! <AirflowNetwork Model:Control>, No Multizone or Distribution/Multizone with Distribution/Multizone without Distribution/Multizone with Distribution only during Fan Operation
AirflowNetwork Model:Control,NoMultizoneOrDistribution
! <Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier>, Sensible Heat Capacity Multiplier, Moisture Capacity Multiplier, Carbon Dioxide Capacity Multiplier, Generic Contaminant Capacity Multiplier
Zone Volume Capacitance Multiplier, 1.000 , 1.000, 1.000, 1.000
! <Environment>,Environment Name,Environment Type, Start Date, End Date, Start DayOfWeek, Duration {#days}, Source:Start DayOfWeek, Use Daylight Saving, Use Holidays, Apply Weekend Holiday Rule, Use Rain Values, Use Snow Values, Sky Temperature Model
! <Environment:Special Days>, Special Day Name, Special Day Type, Source, Start Date, Duration {#days}
! <Environment:Daylight Saving>, Daylight Saving Indicator, Source, Start Date, End Date
! <Environment:WarmupDays>, NumberofWarmupDays
Environment,RUN PERIOD 1,WeatherFileRunPeriod,01/01/2013,12/31/2013,Tuesday,365,Use RunPeriod Specified Day,Yes,Yes,No,Yes,Yes,Clark and Allen
Environment:Daylight Saving,No,
Environment:WarmupDays, 6
! <Warmup Convergence Information>,Zone Name,Environment Type/Name,Average Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Std Dev Warmup Temperature Difference {deltaC},Max Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Min Temperature Pass/Fail Convergence,Average Warmup Load Difference {W},Std Dev Warmup Load Difference {W},Heating Load Pass/Fail Convergence,Cooling Load Pass/Fail Convergence
Warmup Convergence Information,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9,RunPeriod: RUN PERIOD 1,0.3129769362,1.3644480832,Pass,Pass,2.9654615611E-002,0.1385832022,Pass,Pass
! <Program Control Information:Threads/Parallel Sims>, Threading Supported,Maximum Number of Threads, Env Set Threads (OMP_NUM_THREADS), EP Env Set Threads (EP_OMP_NUM_THREADS), IDF Set Threads, Number of Threads Used (Interior Radiant Exchange), Number Nominal Surfaces, Number Parallel Sims
Program Control:Threads/Parallel Sims, No,1, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A
End of Data
@ -1 +0,0 @@
EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 5 Warning; 0 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 01min 12.16sec
@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.18 11:50,
** Warning ** Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location object.
** ~~~ ** ..Location object=DENVER_STAPLETON_CO_USA_WMO_724690
** ~~~ ** ..Weather File Location=Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270
** ~~~ ** ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[5.70] degrees, Longitude difference=[31.12] degrees.
** ~~~ ** ..Time Zone difference=[2.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[97.77] percent, [1575.00] meters.
** Warning ** SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=83411 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=100893.
** ~~~ ** ...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER_STAPLETON ANN HTG 99.6% CONDNS DB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.
** Warning ** GetInternalHeatGains: People="B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9_OCCUPANCY", Activity Level Schedule Name values
** ~~~ ** fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting.
** ~~~ ** Odd comfort values may result; Schedule="OCCUPANCY SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION".
** ~~~ ** Entered min/max range=[3.8E-002,] W/person.0.6
** Warning ** SetUpDesignDay: Entered DesignDay Barometric Pressure=83411 differs by more than 10% from Standard Barometric Pressure=100893.
** ~~~ ** ...occurs in DesignDay=DENVER_STAPLETON ANN CLG .4% CONDNS DB=>MWB, Standard Pressure (based on elevation) will be used.
************* Testing Individual Branch Integrity
************* All Branches passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Supply Air Path Integrity
************* All Supply Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* Testing Individual Return Air Path Integrity
************* All Return Air Paths passed integrity testing
************* No node connection errors were found.
************* Beginning Simulation
************* Simulation Error Summary *************
** Warning ** The following schedule names are "Unused Schedules". These schedules are in the idf
** ~~~ ** file but are never obtained by the simulation and therefore are NOT used.
************* Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=LIGHTS SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION
************* Schedule:Year or Schedule:Compact or Schedule:File or Schedule:Constant=REFRIGERATION SCHEDULES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION
************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 5 Warning; 0 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 01min 12.16sec
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.18 11:50,
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
Zone,Meter,EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictHeating:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictHeating:HVAC [J]
Zone,Meter,Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictCooling:Facility [J]
Zone,Meter,DistrictCooling:HVAC [J]
Zone,Meter,Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Zone,Meter,General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Zone,Meter,Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
Zone,Meter,CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
Meters for 14,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J]
OnMeter=Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
OnMeter=Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J]
OnMeter=General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 87,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J]
OnMeter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J]
OnMeter=General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J]
Meters for 124,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy [J]
OnMeter=DistrictHeating:Facility [J]
OnMeter=DistrictHeating:HVAC [J]
OnMeter=Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
OnMeter=General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J]
Meters for 173,B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
OnMeter=DistrictCooling:Facility [J]
OnMeter=DistrictCooling:HVAC [J]
OnMeter=Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
OnMeter=General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J]
Meters for 222,Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
Meters for 247,Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
Meters for 248,Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
OnMeter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg]
OnMeter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg]
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Facility [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Building [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, Group=Building, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, Group=Zone, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=Heating:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=Heating:EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, Group=Zone, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=General:Heating:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy
For Meter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=Cooling:EnergyTransfer:Zone:B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, Group=Zone, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=General:Cooling:EnergyTransfer [J], ResourceType=EnergyTransfer, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9:Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy
For Meter=DistrictHeating:Facility [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=DistrictHeating:HVAC [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, Group=HVAC, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=Heating:DistrictHeating [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=General:Heating:DistrictHeating [J], ResourceType=DistrictHeating, EndUse=Heating, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy
For Meter=DistrictCooling:Facility [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=DistrictCooling:HVAC [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, Group=HVAC, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=Cooling:DistrictCooling [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=General:Cooling:DistrictCooling [J], ResourceType=DistrictCooling, EndUse=Cooling, contents are:
B196A414-5BD9-4F07-8897-D777B6E073F9 IDEAL LOADS AIR SYSTEM:Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy
For Meter=Carbon Equivalent:Facility [kg], ResourceType=Carbon Equivalent, contents are:
Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
For Meter=CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent [kg], ResourceType=Carbon Equivalent, EndUse=CarbonEquivalentEmissions, contents are:
Site:Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
Site:Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass
@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2022.03.18 11:50,
Var Type (reported time step),Var Report Type,Variable Name [Units]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Dewpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Barometric Pressure [Pa]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Site Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Sky Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Horizontal Infrared Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Direct Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Site Precipitation Depth [m]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Site Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Surface Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Deep Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Simple Factor Model Ground Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Site Total Sky Cover []
Zone,Average,Site Opaque Sky Cover []
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Enthalpy [J/kg]
Zone,Average,Site Outdoor Air Density [kg/m3]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Azimuth Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Altitude Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Solar Hour Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Site Rain Status []
Zone,Average,Site Snow on Ground Status []
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Horizontal Sky Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Horizontal Beam Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Exterior Beam Normal Illuminance [lux]
Zone,Average,Site Sky Diffuse Solar Radiation Luminous Efficacy [lum/W]
Zone,Average,Site Beam Solar Radiation Luminous Efficacy [lum/W]
Zone,Average,Site Daylighting Model Sky Clearness []
Zone,Average,Site Daylighting Model Sky Brightness []
Zone,Average,Site Daylight Saving Time Status []
Zone,Average,Site Day Type Index []
Zone,Average,Site Mains Water Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Zone Outdoor Air Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Visible Radiation Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Total Internal Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Total Internal Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,People Occupant Count []
Zone,Sum,People Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Sensible Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Sensible Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,People Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,People Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,People Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,People Air Relative Humidity [%]
Zone,Average,Zone People Occupant Count []
Zone,Sum,Zone People Radiant Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Radiant Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Convective Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Convective Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Sensible Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Sensible Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Latent Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Latent Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone People Total Heating Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Zone People Total Heating Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Transmitted Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Exterior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Interior Windows Total Transmitted Diffuse Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Zone Windows Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Normal Azimuth Angle [deg]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Sunlit Area [m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Sunlit Fraction []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Ground Diffuse Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Beam Solar Incident Angle Cosine Value []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Sky Diffuse Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Beam Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Diffuse Surface Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Incident Beam To Diffuse Ground Reflected Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Anisotropic Sky Multiplier []
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Direction Number []
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Theta Angle [rad]
Zone,Average,Surface Window BSDF Beam Phi Angle [rad]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Absorbed Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Initial Transmitted Diffuse Transmitted Out Window Solar Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Absorbed Shortwave Radiation Rate [W]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Exterior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Interior Windows Incident Beam Solar Radiation Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model DifShdgRatioIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model DifShdgRatioHoriz []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model WithShdgIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Debug Surface Solar Shading Model WoShdgIsoSky []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Interior Movable Insulation Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Adjacent Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Convection Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Net Surface Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Lights Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Internal Gains Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face System Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wetbulb Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wind Speed [m/s]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Outdoor Air Wind Direction [deg]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Net Thermal Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Air Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Sky Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Ground Heat Transfer Coefficient [W/m2-K]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Thermal Radiation to Air Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Heat Emission to Air Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Solar Radiation Heat Gain Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Inside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Outside Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Average Face Conduction Heat Transfer Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Loss Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Heat Storage Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Sum,Surface Heat Storage Energy [J]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Beam Solar Radiation Heat Gain Rate [W]
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Classification Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Convection Reference Air Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Convection Classification Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Forced Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Natural Convection Model Equation Index []
Zone,Average,Surface Inside Face Heat Source Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Surface Outside Face Heat Source Gain Rate per Area [W/m2]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Radiant Temperature [C]
Zone,Sum,Site Total Surface Heat Emission to Air [J]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Operative Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Dewpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Mean Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Internal Convective Heat Gain Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Surface Convection Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Interzone Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Outdoor Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance System Air Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance System Convective Heat Gain Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Heat Balance Air Energy Storage Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Sensible Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exfiltration Latent Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Sensible Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Exhaust Air Latent Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Site Total Zone Exfiltration Heat Loss [J]
HVAC,Sum,Site Total Zone Exhaust Air Heat Loss [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Sensible Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Latent Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Total Heat Gain Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Current Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Standard Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Infiltration Mass [kg]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Infiltration Air Change Rate [ach]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Air System Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air System Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air System Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Humidity Ratio []
HVAC,Average,Zone Air Relative Humidity [%]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Heating Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load to Cooling Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Heating Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Sensible Load to Cooling Setpoint Heat Transfer Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load to Humidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Moisture Load to Dehumidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load to Humidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone System Predicted Moisture Load to Dehumidifying Setpoint Moisture Transfer Rate [kgWater/s]
Zone,Average,Zone Thermostat Control Type []
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Heating Setpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Thermostat Cooling Setpoint Temperature [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Adaptive Comfort Operative Temperature Set Point [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Predicted Sensible Load Room Air Correction Factor []
HVAC,Sum,HVAC System Solver Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Solver Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Relief Air Total Heat Loss Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,HVAC System Total Heat Rejection Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Heating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Cooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Zone Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Heating Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Sensible Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Latent Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Total Cooling Rate [W]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Economizer Active Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ideal Loads Heat Recovery Active Time [hr]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Hybrid Ventilation Available Status []
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Outdoor Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Supply Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Mixed Air Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,Zone Ideal Loads Mixed Air Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Sum,Air System Simulation Maximum Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Simulation Iteration Count []
HVAC,Sum,Air System Component Model Simulation Calls []
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures During Occupancy Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Oscillating Temperatures in Deadband Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures During Occupancy Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Oscillating Temperatures in Deadband Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer or Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Thermal Comfort ASHRAE 55 Simple Model Summer or Winter Clothes Not Comfortable Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Zone Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Heating Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Cooling Setpoint Not Met Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Sum,Facility Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied Time [hr]
Zone,Average,Zone Heat Index [C]
Zone,Average,Zone Humidity Index []
Zone,Average,Schedule Value []
HVAC,Average,System Node Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint High Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Low Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Minimum Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Setpoint Maximum Humidity Ratio [kgWater/kgDryAir]
HVAC,Average,System Node Relative Humidity [%]
HVAC,Average,System Node Pressure [Pa]
HVAC,Average,System Node Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Current Density [kg/m3]
HVAC,Average,System Node Specific Heat [J/kg-K]
HVAC,Average,System Node Enthalpy [J/kg]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wetbulb Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Dewpoint Temperature [C]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wind Speed [m/s]
HVAC,Average,System Node Wind Direction [deg]
HVAC,Average,System Node Quality []
HVAC,Average,System Node Height [m]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total N2O Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CH4 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Environmental Impact Total CO2 Emissions Carbon Equivalent Mass [kg]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Removal Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Increase Due to Overheating Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Cooling Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation No Load Heat Addition Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Increase Due to Overcooling Energy [J]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Heating Load Decrease Energy [J]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass Flow Rate [kg/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Mass [kg]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Standard Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Current Density Volume Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Current Density Volume [m3]
HVAC,Average,Zone Mechanical Ventilation Air Changes per Hour [ach]
HVAC,Average,Zone Target Voz Ventilation Flow Rate [m3/s]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation Below Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation At Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation Above Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Zone Ventilation When Unoccupied Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation Below Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility All Zones Ventilation At Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation Above Target Voz Time [hr]
HVAC,Sum,Facility Any Zone Ventilation When Unoccupied Time [hr]
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
input file:eplusout.eso
output file:eplusout.csv
getting all vars from:eplusout.eso
number variables requested for output= 9
ReadVars Run Time=00hr 00min 0.58sec
ReadVarsESO program completed successfully.
Requested ESO
does not exist. ReadVarsESO program terminated.
ReadVarsESO program terminated.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ for building in city.buildings:
for usage in building.usage_zones:
if usage.cooling_setpoint is None:
print(f'set cooling for building {} to 23°')
usage.cooling_setpoint = 22.0
usage.cooling_setpoint = 23.0
if usage.heating_setpoint is None:
print(f'set heating for building {} to 23°')
usage.heating_setpoint = 22.0
usage.heating_setpoint = 23.0
area = 0
volume = 0
@ -1,25 +1,16 @@
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from imports.geometry_factory import GeometryFactory
from imports.construction_factory import ConstructionFactory
from imports.usage_factory import UsageFactory
from imports.schedules_factory import SchedulesFactory
from exports.exports_factory import ExportsFactory
gml_file = 'C:/Users/Pilar/PycharmProjects/libs/unittests/tests_data/one_building_in_kelowna.gml'
city = GeometryFactory('citygml', gml_file).city
city = GeometryFactory('citygml', '/home/guille/Documents/Concordia/EP_Workflow/one_building_in_kelowna.gml').city
ConstructionFactory('nrel', city).enrich()
UsageFactory('comnet', city).enrich()
SchedulesFactory('comnet', city).enrich()
for building in city.buildings:
for usage in building.usage_zones:
if usage.cooling_setpoint is None:
@ -27,7 +18,5 @@ for building in city.buildings:
if usage.heating_setpoint is None:
usage.heating_setpoint = 22.0
out_path = (Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'out_files')
_idf = ExportsFactory('idf', city, out_path).export()
_idf = ExportsFactory('idf', city, '/home/guille/Documents/Concordia/EP_Workflow/outputs/').export()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user