
133 lines
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import math
import numpy as np
from trimesh import Trimesh
from trimesh import intersections
import open3d as o3d
class Geometry:
def __init__(self, delta=0.5):
self._delta = delta
def almost_equal(self, v1, v2):
delta = math.sqrt(pow((v1[0] - v2[0]), 2) + pow((v1[1] - v2[1]), 2) + pow((v1[2] - v2[2]), 2))
return delta <= self._delta
def is_almost_same_surface(self, s1, s2):
# delta is grads an need to be converted into radians
delta = np.rad2deg(self._delta)
difference = (s1.inclination - s2.inclination) % math.pi
if abs(difference) > delta:
return False
# s1 and s2 are at least almost parallel surfaces
# calculate distance point to plane using all the vertex
# select surface1 value for the point (X,Y,Z) where two of the values are 0
minimum_distance = self._delta + 1
parametric = s2.polygon.get_parametric()
n2 = s2.normal
for point in s1.points:
distance = abs(
(point[0] * parametric[0]) + (point[1] * parametric[1]) + (point[2] * parametric[2]) + parametric[3])
normal_module = math.sqrt(pow(n2[0], 2) + pow(n2[1], 2) + pow(n2[2], 2))
if normal_module == 0:
distance = distance / normal_module
if distance < minimum_distance:
minimum_distance = distance
if minimum_distance <= self._delta:
if minimum_distance > self._delta or s1.intersect(s2) is None:
return False
return True
def to_points_matrix(points, remove_last=False):
rows = points.size // 3
points = points.reshape(rows, 3)
if remove_last:
points = np.delete(points, rows - 1, 0)
return points
def _segment_list_to_point_cloud(segment_list):
point_list = np.asarray(segment_list[0])
for segment in segment_list:
for new_point in segment:
found = False
for point in point_list:
same_point = np.allclose(new_point, point)
if same_point:
found = True
if not found:
point_list = np.concatenate((point_list, [new_point]))
return point_list
def _point_cloud_to_mesh(point_list, normal_list):
# Return a mesh composed only by triangles
pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(point_list)
pcd.normals = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(normal_list)
distances = pcd.compute_nearest_neighbor_distance()
avg_dist = np.mean(distances)
radius = 3 * avg_dist
bpa_mesh = o3d.geometry.TriangleMesh().create_from_point_cloud_ball_pivoting(
pcd, o3d.utility.DoubleVector([radius, radius * 2]))
mesh_result = Trimesh(vertices=np.asarray(bpa_mesh.vertices), faces=np.asarray(bpa_mesh.triangles))
return mesh_result
def _merge_meshes(mesh1, mesh2):
v_1 = mesh1.vertices
f_1 = mesh1.faces
v_2 = mesh2.vertices
f_2 = mesh2.faces
length = len(v_1)
v_merge = np.concatenate((v_1, v_2))
f_merge = np.asarray(f_1)
for item in f_2:
point1 = item.item(0) + length
point2 = item.item(1) + length
point3 = item.item(2) + length
surface = np.asarray([point1, point2, point3])
f_merge = np.concatenate((f_merge, [surface]))
mesh_merge = Trimesh(vertices=v_merge, faces=f_merge)
return mesh_merge
def divide_mesh_by_plane(mesh, normal_plane, point_plane):
# The first mesh returns the positive side of the plane and the second the negative side.
# If the plane does not divide the mesh (i.e. it does not touch it or it is coplanar with one or more faces),
# then it returns only the original mesh.
normal_plane_opp = [None] * len(normal_plane)
for i in range(0, len(normal_plane)):
normal_plane_opp[i] = - normal_plane[i]
normal = [normal_plane, normal_plane_opp]
normal_opp = [normal_plane_opp, normal_plane]
mesh_final = []
for i in range(0, 2):
mesh_1 = intersections.slice_mesh_plane(mesh, normal[i], point_plane)
mesh_1_segments = intersections.mesh_plane(mesh, normal[i], point_plane)
boo = mesh.difference(mesh_1, engine='blender')
if len(mesh_1_segments) <= 0 or len(mesh_1.faces) == len(mesh.faces):
points = Geometry._segment_list_to_point_cloud(mesh_1_segments)
points_normals = [[None] * 3] * len(points)
for j in range(0, len(points_normals)):
points_normals[j] = normal_opp[i]
mesh_2 = Geometry._point_cloud_to_mesh(points, points_normals)
mesh_final.append(Geometry._merge_meshes(mesh_1, mesh_2))
return mesh_final