""" Geojson module parses geojson files and import the geometry into the city model structure SPDX - License - Identifier: LGPL - 3.0 - or -later Copyright © 2022 Concordia CERC group Project Coder Guillermo Gutierrez Guillermo.GutierrezMorote@concordia.ca """ import json import trimesh.creation from pyproj import Transformer from shapely.geometry import Polygon as ShapelyPolygon import hub.helpers.constants as cte from hub.imports.geometry.helpers.geometry_helper import GeometryHelper from hub.city_model_structure.attributes.polygon import Polygon from hub.city_model_structure.building import Building from hub.city_model_structure.building_demand.surface import Surface from hub.city_model_structure.city import City class Geojson: """ Geojson class """ X = 0 Y = 1 def __init__(self, path, extrusion_height_field=None, year_of_construction_field=None, function_field=None): # todo: destination epsg should change according actual the location self._transformer = Transformer.from_crs('epsg:4326', 'epsg:26911') self._min_x = cte.MAX_FLOAT self._min_y = cte.MAX_FLOAT self._max_x = cte.MIN_FLOAT self._max_y = cte.MIN_FLOAT self._max_z = 0 self._city = None self._extrusion_height_field = extrusion_height_field self._year_of_construction_field = year_of_construction_field self._function_field = function_field with open(path) as json_file: self._geojson = json.loads(json_file.read()) def _save_bounds(self, x, y): if x > self._max_x: self._max_x = x if x < self._min_x: self._min_x = x if y > self._max_y: self._max_y = y if y < self._min_y: self._min_y = y @staticmethod def _create_buildings_lod0(name, year_of_construction, function, surfaces_coordinates): surfaces = [] buildings = [] for zone, surface_coordinates in enumerate(surfaces_coordinates): points = GeometryHelper.points_from_string(GeometryHelper.remove_last_point_from_string(surface_coordinates)) polygon = Polygon(points) surfaces.append(Surface(polygon, polygon)) buildings.append(Building(f'{name}_zone_{zone}', surfaces, year_of_construction, function)) return buildings @staticmethod def _create_buildings_lod1(name, year_of_construction, function, height, surface_coordinates): lod0_buildings = Geojson._create_buildings_lod0(name, year_of_construction, function, surface_coordinates) surfaces = [] buildings = [] for zone, lod0_building in enumerate(lod0_buildings): for surface in lod0_building.surfaces: shapely_polygon = ShapelyPolygon(surface.solid_polygon.coordinates) if not shapely_polygon.is_valid: print(surface.solid_polygon.area) print('error?', name, surface_coordinates) continue mesh = trimesh.creation.extrude_polygon(shapely_polygon, height) for face in mesh.faces: points = [] for vertex_index in face: points.append(mesh.vertices[vertex_index]) polygon = Polygon(points) surface = Surface(polygon, polygon) surfaces.append(surface) buildings.append(Building(f'{name}_zone_{zone}', surfaces, year_of_construction, function)) return buildings def _get_polygons(self, polygons, coordinates): if type(coordinates[0][self.X]) != float: polygons = [] for element in coordinates: polygons = self._get_polygons(polygons, element) return polygons else: transformed_coordinates = '' for coordinate in coordinates: transformed = self._transformer.transform(coordinate[self.Y], coordinate[self.X]) self._save_bounds(transformed[self.X], transformed[self.Y]) transformed_coordinates = f'{transformed_coordinates} {transformed[self.X]} {transformed[self.Y]} 0.0' polygons.append(transformed_coordinates.lstrip(' ')) return polygons @property def city(self) -> City: """ Get city out of a Geojson file """ if self._city is None: buildings = [] building_id = 0 for feature in self._geojson['features']: extrusion_height = 0 if self._extrusion_height_field is not None: extrusion_height = float(feature['properties'][self._extrusion_height_field]) year_of_construction = None if self._year_of_construction_field is not None: year_of_construction = int(feature['properties'][self._year_of_construction_field]) function = None if self._function_field is not None: function = feature['properties'][self._function_field] geometry = feature['geometry'] if 'id' in feature: building_name = feature['id'] else: building_name = f'building_{building_id}' building_id += 1 polygons = [] for part, coordinates in enumerate(geometry['coordinates']): polygons = self._get_polygons(polygons, coordinates) for zone, polygon in enumerate(polygons): if extrusion_height == 0: buildings = buildings + Geojson._create_buildings_lod0(f'{building_name}_part_{part}_zone{zone}', year_of_construction, function, [polygon]) else: if self._max_z < extrusion_height: self._max_z = extrusion_height buildings = buildings + Geojson._create_buildings_lod1(f'{building_name}_part_{part}', year_of_construction, function, extrusion_height, [polygon]) self._city = City([self._min_x, self._min_y, 0.0], [self._max_x, self._max_y, self._max_z], 'epsg:26911') for building in buildings: self._city.add_city_object(building) return self._city