cleaning up the code and output folder
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
import os
import hub.helpers.constants as cte
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from matplotlib import cm
from report_creation import LatexReport
class EnergySystemAnalysisReport:
def __init__(self, city, output_path):
|||| = city
self.output_path = output_path
self.content = []
|||| = LatexReport('energy_system_analysis_report.tex')
def building_energy_info(self):
table_data = [
["Building Name", "Year of Construction", "function", "Yearly Heating Demand (MWh)",
"Yearly Cooling Demand (MWh)", "Yearly DHW Demand (MWh)", "Yearly Electricity Demand (MWh)"]
intensity_table_data = [["Building Name", "Total Floor Area m2", "Heating Demand Intensity kWh/m2",
"Cooling Demand Intensity kWh/m2", "Electricity Intensity kWh/m2"]]
for building in
total_floor_area = 0
for zone in building.thermal_zones_from_internal_zones:
total_floor_area += zone.total_floor_area
building_data = [
str(format(building.heating_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6, '.2f')),
str(format(building.cooling_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6, '.2f')),
str(format(building.domestic_hot_water_heat_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6, '.2f')),
str(format((building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] + building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0]) / 1e6, '.2f')),
intensity_data = [
str(format(total_floor_area, '.2f')),
str(format(building.heating_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / (1e3 * total_floor_area), '.2f')),
str(format(building.cooling_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / (1e3 * total_floor_area), '.2f')),
(building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] + building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0]) /
(1e3 * total_floor_area), '.2f'))
||||, caption='City Buildings Energy Demands')
||||, caption='Energy Intensity Information')
def base_case_charts(self):
save_directory = self.output_path
def autolabel(bars, ax):
for bar in bars:
height = bar.get_height()
xy=(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2, height),
xytext=(0, 3), # 3 points vertical offset
textcoords="offset points",
ha='center', va='bottom')
def create_hvac_demand_chart(building_names, yearly_heating_demand, yearly_cooling_demand):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bar_width = 0.35
index = range(len(building_names))
bars1 =, yearly_heating_demand, bar_width, label='Yearly Heating Demand (MWh)')
bars2 =[i + bar_width for i in index], yearly_cooling_demand, bar_width,
label='Yearly Cooling Demand (MWh)')
ax.set_xlabel('Building Name')
ax.set_ylabel('Energy Demand (MWh)')
ax.set_title('Yearly HVAC Demands')
ax.set_xticks([i + bar_width / 2 for i in index])
ax.set_xticklabels(building_names, rotation=45, ha='right')
autolabel(bars1, ax)
autolabel(bars2, ax)
plt.savefig(save_directory / 'hvac_demand_chart.jpg')
def create_bar_chart(title, ylabel, data, filename, bar_color=None):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bar_width = 0.35
index = range(len(building_names))
if bar_color is None:
# Generate a random color
bar_color = random.choice(list(mcolors.CSS4_COLORS.values()))
bars =, data, bar_width, label=ylabel, color=bar_color)
ax.set_xlabel('Building Name')
ax.set_ylabel('Energy Demand (MWh)')
ax.set_xticks([i + bar_width / 2 for i in index])
ax.set_xticklabels(building_names, rotation=45, ha='right')
autolabel(bars, ax)
plt.savefig(save_directory / filename)
building_names = [ for building in]
yearly_heating_demand = [building.heating_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6 for building in]
yearly_cooling_demand = [building.cooling_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6 for building in]
yearly_dhw_demand = [building.domestic_hot_water_heat_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6 for building in
yearly_electricity_demand = [(building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] +
building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0]) / 1e6 for building in
create_hvac_demand_chart(building_names, yearly_heating_demand, yearly_cooling_demand)
create_bar_chart('Yearly DHW Demands', 'Energy Demand (MWh)', yearly_dhw_demand, 'dhw_demand_chart.jpg', )
create_bar_chart('Yearly Electricity Demands', 'Energy Demand (MWh)', yearly_electricity_demand,
def maximum_monthly_hvac_chart(self):
save_directory = self.output_path
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
'November', 'December']
for building in
maximum_monthly_heating_load = []
maximum_monthly_cooling_load = []
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) # Create a figure with 2 subplots side by side
for demand in building.heating_peak_load[cte.MONTH]:
maximum_monthly_heating_load.append(demand / 3.6e6)
for demand in building.cooling_peak_load[cte.MONTH]:
maximum_monthly_cooling_load.append(demand / 3.6e6)
# Plot maximum monthly heating load
axs[0].bar(months, maximum_monthly_heating_load, color='red') # Plot on the first subplot
axs[0].set_title('Maximum Monthly Heating Load')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Load (kW)')
axs[0].tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
# Plot maximum monthly cooling load
axs[1].bar(months, maximum_monthly_cooling_load, color='blue') # Plot on the second subplot
axs[1].set_title('Maximum Monthly Cooling Load')
axs[1].set_ylabel('Load (kW)')
axs[1].tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
plt.tight_layout() # Adjust layout to prevent overlapping
plt.savefig(save_directory / f'{}_monthly_maximum_hvac_loads.jpg')
def load_duration_curves(self):
save_directory = self.output_path
for building in
heating_demand = [demand / 1000 for demand in building.heating_demand[cte.HOUR]]
cooling_demand = [demand / 1000 for demand in building.cooling_demand[cte.HOUR]]
heating_demand_sorted = sorted(heating_demand, reverse=True)
cooling_demand_sorted = sorted(cooling_demand, reverse=True)
# Create figure and axis objects with 1 row and 2 columns
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
# Plot sorted heating demand
axs[0].plot(heating_demand_sorted, color='red', linewidth=2, label='Heating Demand')
axs[0].set_xlabel('Hour', fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_ylabel('Heating Demand', fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_title('Heating Load Duration Curve', fontsize=16)
axs[0].legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12)
# Plot sorted cooling demand
axs[1].plot(cooling_demand_sorted, color='blue', linewidth=2, label='Cooling Demand')
axs[1].set_xlabel('Hour', fontsize=14)
axs[1].set_ylabel('Cooling Demand', fontsize=14)
axs[1].set_title('Cooling Load Duration Curve', fontsize=16)
axs[1].legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12)
# Adjust layout
# Save the plot
plt.savefig(save_directory / f'{}_load_duration_curve.jpg')
# Close the plot to release memory
def individual_building_info(self, building):
table_data = [
["Maximum Monthly HVAC Demands",
["Load Duration Curve", f"\\includegraphics[width=1\\linewidth]{{{}_load_duration_curve.jpg}}"],
||||, caption=f'{} Information', first_column_width=1.5)
def building_existing_system_info(self, building):
existing_archetype = building.energy_systems_archetype_name
fuels = []
system_schematic = "-"
heating_system = "-"
cooling_system = "-"
dhw = "-"
electricity = "Grid"
hvac_ec = format((building.heating_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] + building.cooling_consumption[cte.YEAR][0])/1e6, '.2f')
dhw_ec = format(building.domestic_hot_water_consumption[cte.YEAR][0]/1e6, '.2f')
on_site_generation = "-"
yearly_operational_cost = "-"
life_cycle_cost = "-"
for energy_system in building.energy_systems:
if cte.HEATING and cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER in energy_system.demand_types:
heating_system =
dhw =
elif cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER in energy_system.demand_types:
dhw =
elif cte.HEATING in energy_system.demand_types:
heating_system =
elif cte.COOLING in energy_system.demand_types:
cooling_system =
for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
if generation_system.system_type == cte.PHOTOVOLTAIC:
electricity = "Grid-tied PV"
energy_system_table_data = [
["Detail", "Existing System", "Proposed System"],
["Energy System Archetype", existing_archetype, "-"],
["System Schematic", system_schematic, system_schematic],
["Heating System", heating_system, "-"],
["Cooling System", cooling_system, "-"],
["DHW System", dhw, "-"],
["Electricity", electricity, "-"],
["Fuel(s)", str(fuels), "-"],
["HVAC Energy Consumption (MWh)", hvac_ec, "-"],
["DHW Energy Consumption (MWH)", dhw_ec, "-"],
["Yearly Operational Cost (CAD)", yearly_operational_cost, "-"],
["Life Cycle Cost (CAD)", life_cycle_cost, "-"]
||||, caption= f'Building {} Energy System Characteristics')
def building_fuel_consumption_breakdown(self, building):
save_directory = self.output_path
# Initialize variables to store fuel consumption breakdown
fuel_breakdown = {
"Heating": {"Gas": 0, "Electricity": 0},
"Domestic Hot Water": {"Gas": 0, "Electricity": 0},
"Cooling": {"Electricity": 0},
"Appliance": building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6,
"Lighting": building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
# Iterate through energy systems of the building
for energy_system in building.energy_systems:
for demand_type in energy_system.demand_types:
for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
consumption = 0
if demand_type == cte.HEATING:
consumption = building.heating_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
elif demand_type == cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER:
consumption = building.domestic_hot_water_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
elif demand_type == cte.COOLING:
consumption = building.cooling_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
if generation_system.fuel_type == cte.ELECTRICITY:
fuel_breakdown[demand_type]["Electricity"] += consumption
fuel_breakdown[demand_type]["Gas"] += consumption
electricity_labels = ['Appliance', 'Lighting']
electricity_sizes = [fuel_breakdown['Appliance'], fuel_breakdown['Lighting']]
if fuel_breakdown['Heating']['Electricity'] > 0:
if fuel_breakdown['Cooling']['Electricity'] > 0:
if fuel_breakdown['Domestic Hot Water']['Electricity'] > 0:
electricity_labels.append('Domestic Hot Water')
electricity_sizes.append(fuel_breakdown['Domestic Hot Water']['Electricity'])
# Data for bar chart
gas_labels = ['Heating', 'Domestic Hot Water']
gas_sizes = [fuel_breakdown['Heating']['Gas'], fuel_breakdown['Domestic Hot Water']['Gas']]
# Set the style
# Create plot grid
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
# Plot pie chart for electricity consumption breakdown
colors = cm.get_cmap('tab20c', len(electricity_labels))
axs[0].pie(electricity_sizes, labels=electricity_labels,
autopct=lambda pct: f"{pct:.1f}%\n({pct / 100 * sum(electricity_sizes):.2f})",
startangle=90, colors=[colors(i) for i in range(len(electricity_labels))])
axs[0].set_title('Electricity Consumption Breakdown')
# Plot bar chart for natural gas consumption breakdown
colors = cm.get_cmap('Paired', len(gas_labels))
axs[1].bar(gas_labels, gas_sizes, color=[colors(i) for i in range(len(gas_labels))])
axs[1].set_ylabel('Consumption (MWh)')
axs[1].set_title('Natural Gas Consumption Breakdown')
# Add grid to bar chart
axs[1].grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
# Add a title to the entire figure
plt.suptitle('Building Energy Consumption Breakdown', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
# Adjust layout
# Save the plot as a high-quality image
plt.savefig(save_directory / f'{}_energy_consumption_breakdown.png', dpi=300)
def create_report(self):
||||'Current Status')
||||'hvac_demand_chart.jpg', caption='Yearly HVAC Demands')
||||'dhw_demand_chart.jpg', caption='Yearly DHW Demands')
||||'electricity_demand_chart.jpg', caption='Yearly Electricity Demands')
for building in
caption=f'Building {} Consumption by source and sector breakdown')
@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ from hub.imports.usage_factory import UsageFactory
from hub.imports.weather_factory import WeatherFactory
from hub.imports.results_factory import ResultFactory
from hub.exports.exports_factory import ExportsFactory
from report_creation import EnergySystemAnalysisReport
from scripts import random_assignation
from hub.imports.energy_systems_factory import EnergySystemsFactory
from energy_system_analysis_report import EnergySystemAnalysisReport
# Specify the GeoJSON file path
geojson_file = process_geojson(x=-73.5681295982132, y=45.49218262677643, diff=0.0001)
file_path = (Path(__file__).parent.parent / 'input_files' / f'{geojson_file}')
@ -38,20 +38,4 @@ ResultFactory('sra', city, output_path).enrich()
random_assignation.call_random(city.buildings, random_assignation.residential_systems_percentage)
EnergySystemsFactory('montreal_custom', city).enrich()
report = EnergySystemAnalysisReport('energy_system_analysis_report.tex', city, output_path)
report.add_section('Current Status')
report.add_image('hvac_demand_chart.jpg', caption='Yearly HVAC Demands')
report.add_image('dhw_demand_chart.jpg', caption='Yearly DHW Demands')
report.add_image('electricity_demand_chart.jpg', caption='Yearly Electricity Demands')
for building in city.buildings:
report.add_image(f'{}_energy_consumption_breakdown.png', caption=f'Building {} Consumption by source and sector breakdown')
EnergySystemAnalysisReport(city, output_path).create_report()
@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ ZONE,
Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
37414c01-f83f-40f7-abbb-1a4bd1eeadb1, !- Name
4f44e600-8b0a-4202-a474-c466935ad40d, !- Name
floor, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
0; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
bc475804-6491-4c73-bbe8-9ecc5c99e85e, !- Name
ec230bb7-4e7b-43ff-9c5a-c034f2a03b64, !- Name
roof, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2176,7 +2176,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
cd522a6f-a651-4a05-aa32-2a97b1288015, !- Name
92fbe6e8-7a1f-4a25-8e21-00f2b73a8342, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2200,12 +2200,12 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e2312217-d742-4315-9d2f-8355d600baa5, !- Name
39e3f658-c1df-4843-ac8b-e9e23b17b644, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
e2312217-d742-4315-9d2f-8355d600baa5, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
39e3f658-c1df-4843-ac8b-e9e23b17b644, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e9950abd-2dde-492d-bd24-4385512a99e0, !- Name
1b10a51e-9541-4ac5-9e57-c6b6a13df78e, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
de37a6a0-dca1-48d2-a413-2c2d21977d42, !- Name
89eca84f-879a-4827-b4fd-cefd06540fb5, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
8321c8c0-5395-4d8c-bffc-875cfa2ea050, !- Name
2bc8eb4a-a3ae-4db2-884e-fba4afacaaf3, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2296,7 +2296,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
780bc4b4-29c5-4793-94c5-89dae42877ef, !- Name
957c5037-ad64-4af7-b9de-e4e72da15004, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
180f4d20-29a5-40f6-b6be-619af6990ac0, !- Name
16ce8f18-8880-490d-abde-717ce078480a, !- Name
floor, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
0; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
64cf60ff-0cc9-4e0b-af74-29785e91a48e, !- Name
90ab0834-e697-441f-be98-e45079e50297, !- Name
roof, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
bf8205cf-3f88-4676-899f-cc5fcd48f629, !- Name
00aa3d73-e5eb-48c7-96e8-192be9a63ca3, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2392,7 +2392,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e5f352a7-dbf1-42ec-8b90-00cda9677cb2, !- Name
b8e3fe50-871c-46c1-88e6-0ac34b5c9808, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
149e3c03-6635-4af0-b8b3-8ea49fe76cd8, !- Name
87fc8675-ee95-44c2-9ebb-18b41a960fe0, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2440,12 +2440,12 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cc35bd6a-6c99-442c-8804-597d20aa579a, !- Name
11a5a6d4-a15c-49c0-9ed5-84cd9abc6c47, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
cc35bd6a-6c99-442c-8804-597d20aa579a, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
11a5a6d4-a15c-49c0-9ed5-84cd9abc6c47, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
@ -2464,7 +2464,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
c8ffa30f-2df7-4535-a8bf-42d7cb10d16c, !- Name
f4f338e0-bc04-4052-afe1-36ab5930e213, !- Name
floor, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2494,7 +2494,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
0; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
3c93ea7d-ccb9-4352-9d91-a0a365573bf7, !- Name
4891b8f4-a0c0-40ca-b995-025a86109202, !- Name
roof, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2524,7 +2524,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
1629d8fb-9237-48bb-87c8-90c50b5617cd, !- Name
bdeeccdd-a13f-4f50-b159-6150f7121294, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
b4c42b55-15bb-4cb5-a634-56d0a6d20fec, !- Name
bfd722d6-aac4-43b9-84a4-5244dbee32a0, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2572,7 +2572,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
480a95f9-1e47-4547-afa7-036e42c1fe20, !- Name
ac7048ee-8c08-41ea-8fac-d4b41629a185, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2596,7 +2596,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e29b4a84-d67c-4c48-8d0d-2971a040af65, !- Name
6571d446-78f9-4cbe-a5a8-1189a0c37719, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2620,7 +2620,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cc9a9fe1-c3c1-43eb-8ab8-63daaacada7e, !- Name
d85dbe1f-e9b6-4890-a96e-70bfd35f66e6, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2644,7 +2644,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cf22d5c2-7c63-41d8-828c-727c0b394233, !- Name
c585bd5c-3020-47fa-b08a-5e53c3b954f7, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2668,10 +2668,10 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cd522a6f-a651-4a05-aa32-2a97b1288015 window, !- Name
92fbe6e8-7a1f-4a25-8e21-00f2b73a8342 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
cd522a6f-a651-4a05-aa32-2a97b1288015, !- Building Surface Name
92fbe6e8-7a1f-4a25-8e21-00f2b73a8342, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e9950abd-2dde-492d-bd24-4385512a99e0 window, !- Name
1b10a51e-9541-4ac5-9e57-c6b6a13df78e window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
e9950abd-2dde-492d-bd24-4385512a99e0, !- Building Surface Name
1b10a51e-9541-4ac5-9e57-c6b6a13df78e, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
de37a6a0-dca1-48d2-a413-2c2d21977d42 window, !- Name
89eca84f-879a-4827-b4fd-cefd06540fb5 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
de37a6a0-dca1-48d2-a413-2c2d21977d42, !- Building Surface Name
89eca84f-879a-4827-b4fd-cefd06540fb5, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
8321c8c0-5395-4d8c-bffc-875cfa2ea050 window, !- Name
2bc8eb4a-a3ae-4db2-884e-fba4afacaaf3 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
8321c8c0-5395-4d8c-bffc-875cfa2ea050, !- Building Surface Name
2bc8eb4a-a3ae-4db2-884e-fba4afacaaf3, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
780bc4b4-29c5-4793-94c5-89dae42877ef window, !- Name
957c5037-ad64-4af7-b9de-e4e72da15004 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
780bc4b4-29c5-4793-94c5-89dae42877ef, !- Building Surface Name
957c5037-ad64-4af7-b9de-e4e72da15004, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
bf8205cf-3f88-4676-899f-cc5fcd48f629 window, !- Name
00aa3d73-e5eb-48c7-96e8-192be9a63ca3 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
bf8205cf-3f88-4676-899f-cc5fcd48f629, !- Building Surface Name
00aa3d73-e5eb-48c7-96e8-192be9a63ca3, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e5f352a7-dbf1-42ec-8b90-00cda9677cb2 window, !- Name
b8e3fe50-871c-46c1-88e6-0ac34b5c9808 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
e5f352a7-dbf1-42ec-8b90-00cda9677cb2, !- Building Surface Name
b8e3fe50-871c-46c1-88e6-0ac34b5c9808, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
149e3c03-6635-4af0-b8b3-8ea49fe76cd8 window, !- Name
87fc8675-ee95-44c2-9ebb-18b41a960fe0 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
149e3c03-6635-4af0-b8b3-8ea49fe76cd8, !- Building Surface Name
87fc8675-ee95-44c2-9ebb-18b41a960fe0, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
1629d8fb-9237-48bb-87c8-90c50b5617cd window, !- Name
bdeeccdd-a13f-4f50-b159-6150f7121294 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
1629d8fb-9237-48bb-87c8-90c50b5617cd, !- Building Surface Name
bdeeccdd-a13f-4f50-b159-6150f7121294, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
b4c42b55-15bb-4cb5-a634-56d0a6d20fec window, !- Name
bfd722d6-aac4-43b9-84a4-5244dbee32a0 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
b4c42b55-15bb-4cb5-a634-56d0a6d20fec, !- Building Surface Name
bfd722d6-aac4-43b9-84a4-5244dbee32a0, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
480a95f9-1e47-4547-afa7-036e42c1fe20 window, !- Name
ac7048ee-8c08-41ea-8fac-d4b41629a185 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
480a95f9-1e47-4547-afa7-036e42c1fe20, !- Building Surface Name
ac7048ee-8c08-41ea-8fac-d4b41629a185, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e29b4a84-d67c-4c48-8d0d-2971a040af65 window, !- Name
6571d446-78f9-4cbe-a5a8-1189a0c37719 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
e29b4a84-d67c-4c48-8d0d-2971a040af65, !- Building Surface Name
6571d446-78f9-4cbe-a5a8-1189a0c37719, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cc9a9fe1-c3c1-43eb-8ab8-63daaacada7e window, !- Name
d85dbe1f-e9b6-4890-a96e-70bfd35f66e6 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
cc9a9fe1-c3c1-43eb-8ab8-63daaacada7e, !- Building Surface Name
d85dbe1f-e9b6-4890-a96e-70bfd35f66e6, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cf22d5c2-7c63-41d8-828c-727c0b394233 window, !- Name
c585bd5c-3020-47fa-b08a-5e53c3b954f7 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
cf22d5c2-7c63-41d8-828c-727c0b394233, !- Building Surface Name
c585bd5c-3020-47fa-b08a-5e53c3b954f7, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46
! This file shows details about the branches, nodes, and other
! elements of the flow connections.
! This file is intended for use in "debugging" potential problems
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46
! <Version>, Version ID
Version, 9.5
! <Timesteps per Hour>, #TimeSteps, Minutes per TimeStep {minutes}
@ -1 +1 @@
EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 26 Warning; 1 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 6.62sec
EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 26 Warning; 1 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 7.15sec
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55,
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46,
** Warning ** GetHTSurfaceData: Surfaces with interface to Ground found but no "Ground Temperatures" were input.
** ~~~ ** Found first in surface=37414C01-F83F-40F7-ABBB-1A4BD1EEADB1
** ~~~ ** Found first in surface=4F44E600-8B0A-4202-A474-C466935AD40D
** ~~~ ** Defaults, constant throughout the year of (18.0) will be used.
** Warning ** GetInternalHeatGains: People="175785_OCCUPANCY", Activity Level Schedule Name values
** ~~~ ** fall outside typical range [70,1000] W/person for Thermal Comfort Reporting.
@ -53,4 +53,4 @@ Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55,
************* Use Output:Diagnostics,DisplayUnusedObjects; to see them.
************* EnergyPlus Warmup Error Summary. During Warmup: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Sizing Error Summary. During Sizing: 0 Warning; 0 Severe Errors.
************* EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 26 Warning; 1 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 6.62sec
************* EnergyPlus Completed Successfully-- 26 Warning; 1 Severe Errors; Elapsed Time=00hr 00min 7.15sec
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46
1,5,Environment Title[],Latitude[deg],Longitude[deg],Time Zone[],Elevation[m]
2,8,Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1=yes 0=no],Hour[],StartMinute[],EndMinute[],DayType
3,5,Cumulative Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1=yes 0=no],DayType ! When Daily Report Variables Requested
@ -2116,7 +2116,7 @@ ZONE,
Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
37414c01-f83f-40f7-abbb-1a4bd1eeadb1, !- Name
4f44e600-8b0a-4202-a474-c466935ad40d, !- Name
floor, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2146,7 +2146,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
0; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
bc475804-6491-4c73-bbe8-9ecc5c99e85e, !- Name
ec230bb7-4e7b-43ff-9c5a-c034f2a03b64, !- Name
roof, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2176,7 +2176,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
cd522a6f-a651-4a05-aa32-2a97b1288015, !- Name
92fbe6e8-7a1f-4a25-8e21-00f2b73a8342, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2200,12 +2200,12 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e2312217-d742-4315-9d2f-8355d600baa5, !- Name
39e3f658-c1df-4843-ac8b-e9e23b17b644, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
e2312217-d742-4315-9d2f-8355d600baa5, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
39e3f658-c1df-4843-ac8b-e9e23b17b644, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
@ -2224,7 +2224,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e9950abd-2dde-492d-bd24-4385512a99e0, !- Name
1b10a51e-9541-4ac5-9e57-c6b6a13df78e, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
de37a6a0-dca1-48d2-a413-2c2d21977d42, !- Name
89eca84f-879a-4827-b4fd-cefd06540fb5, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2272,7 +2272,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
8321c8c0-5395-4d8c-bffc-875cfa2ea050, !- Name
2bc8eb4a-a3ae-4db2-884e-fba4afacaaf3, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2296,7 +2296,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
780bc4b4-29c5-4793-94c5-89dae42877ef, !- Name
957c5037-ad64-4af7-b9de-e4e72da15004, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
175785, !- Zone Name
@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
180f4d20-29a5-40f6-b6be-619af6990ac0, !- Name
16ce8f18-8880-490d-abde-717ce078480a, !- Name
floor, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2344,7 +2344,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
0; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
64cf60ff-0cc9-4e0b-af74-29785e91a48e, !- Name
90ab0834-e697-441f-be98-e45079e50297, !- Name
roof, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
bf8205cf-3f88-4676-899f-cc5fcd48f629, !- Name
00aa3d73-e5eb-48c7-96e8-192be9a63ca3, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2392,7 +2392,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e5f352a7-dbf1-42ec-8b90-00cda9677cb2, !- Name
b8e3fe50-871c-46c1-88e6-0ac34b5c9808, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2416,7 +2416,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
149e3c03-6635-4af0-b8b3-8ea49fe76cd8, !- Name
87fc8675-ee95-44c2-9ebb-18b41a960fe0, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
@ -2440,12 +2440,12 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cc35bd6a-6c99-442c-8804-597d20aa579a, !- Name
11a5a6d4-a15c-49c0-9ed5-84cd9abc6c47, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
176293, !- Zone Name
Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
cc35bd6a-6c99-442c-8804-597d20aa579a, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
11a5a6d4-a15c-49c0-9ed5-84cd9abc6c47, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
@ -2464,7 +2464,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
12; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
c8ffa30f-2df7-4535-a8bf-42d7cb10d16c, !- Name
f4f338e0-bc04-4052-afe1-36ab5930e213, !- Name
floor, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2494,7 +2494,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
0; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
3c93ea7d-ccb9-4352-9d91-a0a365573bf7, !- Name
4891b8f4-a0c0-40ca-b995-025a86109202, !- Name
roof, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2524,7 +2524,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 6 Zcoordinate
1629d8fb-9237-48bb-87c8-90c50b5617cd, !- Name
bdeeccdd-a13f-4f50-b159-6150f7121294, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
b4c42b55-15bb-4cb5-a634-56d0a6d20fec, !- Name
bfd722d6-aac4-43b9-84a4-5244dbee32a0, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2572,7 +2572,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
480a95f9-1e47-4547-afa7-036e42c1fe20, !- Name
ac7048ee-8c08-41ea-8fac-d4b41629a185, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2596,7 +2596,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e29b4a84-d67c-4c48-8d0d-2971a040af65, !- Name
6571d446-78f9-4cbe-a5a8-1189a0c37719, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2620,7 +2620,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cc9a9fe1-c3c1-43eb-8ab8-63daaacada7e, !- Name
d85dbe1f-e9b6-4890-a96e-70bfd35f66e6, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2644,7 +2644,7 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cf22d5c2-7c63-41d8-828c-727c0b394233, !- Name
c585bd5c-3020-47fa-b08a-5e53c3b954f7, !- Name
wall, !- Surface Type
1981_1990_6, !- Construction Name
182393, !- Zone Name
@ -2668,10 +2668,10 @@ BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED,
8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cd522a6f-a651-4a05-aa32-2a97b1288015 window, !- Name
92fbe6e8-7a1f-4a25-8e21-00f2b73a8342 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
cd522a6f-a651-4a05-aa32-2a97b1288015, !- Building Surface Name
92fbe6e8-7a1f-4a25-8e21-00f2b73a8342, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e9950abd-2dde-492d-bd24-4385512a99e0 window, !- Name
1b10a51e-9541-4ac5-9e57-c6b6a13df78e window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
e9950abd-2dde-492d-bd24-4385512a99e0, !- Building Surface Name
1b10a51e-9541-4ac5-9e57-c6b6a13df78e, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
de37a6a0-dca1-48d2-a413-2c2d21977d42 window, !- Name
89eca84f-879a-4827-b4fd-cefd06540fb5 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
de37a6a0-dca1-48d2-a413-2c2d21977d42, !- Building Surface Name
89eca84f-879a-4827-b4fd-cefd06540fb5, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
8321c8c0-5395-4d8c-bffc-875cfa2ea050 window, !- Name
2bc8eb4a-a3ae-4db2-884e-fba4afacaaf3 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
8321c8c0-5395-4d8c-bffc-875cfa2ea050, !- Building Surface Name
2bc8eb4a-a3ae-4db2-884e-fba4afacaaf3, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
780bc4b4-29c5-4793-94c5-89dae42877ef window, !- Name
957c5037-ad64-4af7-b9de-e4e72da15004 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
780bc4b4-29c5-4793-94c5-89dae42877ef, !- Building Surface Name
957c5037-ad64-4af7-b9de-e4e72da15004, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
bf8205cf-3f88-4676-899f-cc5fcd48f629 window, !- Name
00aa3d73-e5eb-48c7-96e8-192be9a63ca3 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
bf8205cf-3f88-4676-899f-cc5fcd48f629, !- Building Surface Name
00aa3d73-e5eb-48c7-96e8-192be9a63ca3, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e5f352a7-dbf1-42ec-8b90-00cda9677cb2 window, !- Name
b8e3fe50-871c-46c1-88e6-0ac34b5c9808 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
e5f352a7-dbf1-42ec-8b90-00cda9677cb2, !- Building Surface Name
b8e3fe50-871c-46c1-88e6-0ac34b5c9808, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
149e3c03-6635-4af0-b8b3-8ea49fe76cd8 window, !- Name
87fc8675-ee95-44c2-9ebb-18b41a960fe0 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
149e3c03-6635-4af0-b8b3-8ea49fe76cd8, !- Building Surface Name
87fc8675-ee95-44c2-9ebb-18b41a960fe0, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
7.2; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
1629d8fb-9237-48bb-87c8-90c50b5617cd window, !- Name
bdeeccdd-a13f-4f50-b159-6150f7121294 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
1629d8fb-9237-48bb-87c8-90c50b5617cd, !- Building Surface Name
bdeeccdd-a13f-4f50-b159-6150f7121294, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
b4c42b55-15bb-4cb5-a634-56d0a6d20fec window, !- Name
bfd722d6-aac4-43b9-84a4-5244dbee32a0 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
b4c42b55-15bb-4cb5-a634-56d0a6d20fec, !- Building Surface Name
bfd722d6-aac4-43b9-84a4-5244dbee32a0, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
480a95f9-1e47-4547-afa7-036e42c1fe20 window, !- Name
ac7048ee-8c08-41ea-8fac-d4b41629a185 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
480a95f9-1e47-4547-afa7-036e42c1fe20, !- Building Surface Name
ac7048ee-8c08-41ea-8fac-d4b41629a185, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
e29b4a84-d67c-4c48-8d0d-2971a040af65 window, !- Name
6571d446-78f9-4cbe-a5a8-1189a0c37719 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
e29b4a84-d67c-4c48-8d0d-2971a040af65, !- Building Surface Name
6571d446-78f9-4cbe-a5a8-1189a0c37719, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cc9a9fe1-c3c1-43eb-8ab8-63daaacada7e window, !- Name
d85dbe1f-e9b6-4890-a96e-70bfd35f66e6 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
cc9a9fe1-c3c1-43eb-8ab8-63daaacada7e, !- Building Surface Name
d85dbe1f-e9b6-4890-a96e-70bfd35f66e6, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
4.8; !- Vertex 4 Zcoordinate
cf22d5c2-7c63-41d8-828c-727c0b394233 window, !- Name
c585bd5c-3020-47fa-b08a-5e53c3b954f7 window, !- Name
Window, !- Surface Type
window_construction_1, !- Construction Name
cf22d5c2-7c63-41d8-828c-727c0b394233, !- Building Surface Name
c585bd5c-3020-47fa-b08a-5e53c3b954f7, !- Building Surface Name
, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
, !- Frame and Divider Name
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55
Program Version,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46
1,5,Environment Title[],Latitude[deg],Longitude[deg],Time Zone[],Elevation[m]
2,8,Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1=yes 0=no],Hour[],StartMinute[],EndMinute[],DayType
3,5,Cumulative Day of Simulation[],Month[],Day of Month[],DST Indicator[1=yes 0=no],DayType ! When Daily Meters Requested
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
input file:C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\Montreal_out.eso
output file:C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\Montreal_out.csv
getting all vars from:C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\Montreal_out.eso
number variables requested for output= 19
ReadVars Run Time=00hr 00min 0.53sec
ReadVars Run Time=00hr 00min 0.66sec
ReadVarsESO program completed successfully.
input file:C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\
output file:C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\Montreal_mtr.csv
getting all vars from:C:\Users\umroot\PycharmProjects\system_assignation\out_files\
number variables requested for output= 4
ReadVars Run Time=00hr 00min 0.16sec
ReadVars Run Time=00hr 00min 0.25sec
ReadVarsESO program completed successfully.
@ -3,219 +3,219 @@ Shadowing Combinations
..In the following, only the first 10 reference surfaces will be shown.
..But all surfaces are used in the calculations.
Surface=CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015 WINDOW
....Surface=92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342 WINDOW
Surface=CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=E2312217-D742-4315-9D2F-8355D600BAA5 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=39E3F658-C1DF-4843-AC8B-E9E23B17B644 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0 WINDOW
....Surface=1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E WINDOW
Surface=E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42 WINDOW
....Surface=89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5 WINDOW
Surface=DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=2BC8EB4A-A3AE-4DB2-884E-FBA4AFACAAF3 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050 WINDOW
Surface=8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=2BC8EB4A-A3AE-4DB2-884E-FBA4AFACAAF3 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=3
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF WINDOW
....Surface=957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004 WINDOW
Surface=780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=37414C01-F83F-40F7-ABBB-1A4BD1EEADB1 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=4F44E600-8B0A-4202-A474-C466935AD40D is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=BC475804-6491-4C73-BBE8-9ECC5C99E85E is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is non-convex.
Surface=EC230BB7-4E7B-43FF-9C5A-C034F2A03B64 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is non-convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629 WINDOW
....Surface=00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3 WINDOW
Surface=BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2 WINDOW
....Surface=B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808 WINDOW
Surface=E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=2
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8 WINDOW
....Surface=87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0 WINDOW
Surface=149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=CC35BD6A-6C99-442C-8804-597D20AA579A is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=11A5A6D4-A15C-49C0-9ED5-84CD9ABC6C47 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=180F4D20-29A5-40F6-B6BE-619AF6990AC0 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=16CE8F18-8880-490D-ABDE-717CE078480A is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=64CF60FF-0CC9-4E0B-AF74-29785E91A48E is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=90AB0834-E697-441F-BE98-E45079E50297 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=1
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD WINDOW
....Surface=BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294 WINDOW
Surface=1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=3
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC WINDOW
....Surface=BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0 WINDOW
Surface=B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=1
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20 WINDOW
....Surface=AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185 WINDOW
Surface=480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=1
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65 WINDOW
....Surface=6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719 WINDOW
Surface=E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E WINDOW
....Surface=D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6 WINDOW
Surface=CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Surface=C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=1
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=1
....Surface=CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233 WINDOW
....Surface=C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7 WINDOW
Surface=CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7 WINDOW is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=C8FFA30F-2DF7-4535-A8BF-42D7CB10D16C is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Surface=F4F338E0-BC04-4052-AFE1-36AB5930E213 is not used as Receiving Surface in calculations.
Number of general casting surfaces=0
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
Surface=3C93EA7D-CCB9-4352-9D91-A0A365573BF7 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is non-convex.
Surface=4891B8F4-A0C0-40CA-B995-025A86109202 is used as Receiving Surface in calculations and is non-convex.
Number of general casting surfaces=3
Number of back surfaces=0
Number of receiving sub surfaces=0
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Program Version:,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55
Program Version:,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46
Tabular Output Report in Format: ,Comma
Building:,Buildings in b'Montreal'
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ FOR:,Entire Facility
,Program Version and Build,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55
,Program Version and Build,EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46
,RunPeriod,RUN PERIOD 1
,Weather File,Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270
,Latitude [deg],45.47
@ -317,52 +317,52 @@ FOR:,Entire Facility
Opaque Exterior
,,Construction,Reflectance,U-Factor with Film [W/m2-K],U-Factor no Film [W/m2-K],Gross Area [m2],Net Area [m2],Azimuth [deg],Tilt [deg],Cardinal Direction
Opaque Interior
,,Construction,Reflectance,U-Factor with Film [W/m2-K],U-Factor no Film [W/m2-K],Gross Area [m2],Net Area [m2],Azimuth [deg],Tilt [deg],Cardinal Direction
Exterior Fenestration
,,Construction,Glass Area [m2],Frame Area [m2],Divider Area [m2],Area of One Opening [m2],Area of Multiplied Openings [m2],Glass U-Factor [W/m2-K],Glass SHGC,Glass Visible Transmittance,Frame Conductance [W/m2-K],Divider Conductance [W/m2-K],Shade Control,Parent Surface,Azimuth [deg],Tilt [deg],Cardinal Direction
,CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.85,0.00,0.00,15.85,15.85,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015,89.98,90.00,E
,E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,0.37,0.00,0.00,0.37,0.37,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0,270.07,90.00,W
,DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,7.70,0.00,0.00,7.70,7.70,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42,0.07,90.00,N
,8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.58,0.00,0.00,15.58,15.58,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050,269.91,90.00,W
,780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,42.43,0.00,0.00,42.43,42.43,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF,179.99,90.00,S
,BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.29,0.00,0.00,15.29,15.29,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629,89.98,90.00,E
,E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,34.73,0.00,0.00,34.73,34.73,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2,0.13,90.00,N
,149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.29,0.00,0.00,15.29,15.29,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8,270.04,90.00,W
,1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,0.64,0.00,0.00,0.64,0.64,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD,91.08,90.00,E
,B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,21.32,0.00,0.00,21.32,21.32,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC,2.33,90.00,N
,480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,1.59,0.00,0.00,1.59,1.59,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20,1.96,90.00,N
,E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,11.57,0.00,0.00,11.57,11.57,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65,270.12,90.00,W
,CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,22.83,0.00,0.00,22.83,22.83,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E,180.13,90.00,S
,CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,10.06,0.00,0.00,10.06,10.06,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233,90.40,90.00,E
,92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.85,0.00,0.00,15.85,15.85,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342,89.98,90.00,E
,1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,0.37,0.00,0.00,0.37,0.37,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E,270.07,90.00,W
,89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,7.70,0.00,0.00,7.70,7.70,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5,0.07,90.00,N
,2BC8EB4A-A3AE-4DB2-884E-FBA4AFACAAF3 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.58,0.00,0.00,15.58,15.58,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,2BC8EB4A-A3AE-4DB2-884E-FBA4AFACAAF3,269.91,90.00,W
,957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,42.43,0.00,0.00,42.43,42.43,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004,179.99,90.00,S
,00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.29,0.00,0.00,15.29,15.29,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3,89.98,90.00,E
,B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,34.73,0.00,0.00,34.73,34.73,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808,0.13,90.00,N
,87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,15.29,0.00,0.00,15.29,15.29,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0,270.04,90.00,W
,BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,0.64,0.00,0.00,0.64,0.64,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294,91.08,90.00,E
,BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,21.32,0.00,0.00,21.32,21.32,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0,2.33,90.00,N
,AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,1.59,0.00,0.00,1.59,1.59,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185,1.96,90.00,N
,6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,11.57,0.00,0.00,11.57,11.57,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719,270.12,90.00,W
,D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,22.83,0.00,0.00,22.83,22.83,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6,180.13,90.00,S
,C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7 WINDOW,WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1,10.06,0.00,0.00,10.06,10.06,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,No,C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7,90.40,90.00,E
,Total or Average,,,,,,215.26,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,,,,,
,North Total or Average,,,,,,65.34,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,,,,,
,Non-North Total or Average,,,,,,149.93,2.954,0.391,0.305,,,,,,,
@ -2,27 +2,27 @@
<title> Buildings in b'Montreal' RUN PERIOD 1 ** Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270
- EnergyPlus</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<p><a href="#toc" style="float: right">Table of Contents</a></p>
<a name=top></a>
<p>Program Version:<b>EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55</b></p>
<p>Program Version:<b>EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46</b></p>
<p>Tabular Output Report in Format: <b>HTML</b></p>
<p>Building: <b>Buildings in b'Montreal'</b></p>
<p>Environment: <b>RUN PERIOD 1 ** Montreal Int'l PQ CAN WYEC2-B-94792 WMO#=716270</b></p>
<p>Simulation Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Simulation Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<p><a href="#toc" style="float: right">Table of Contents</a></p>
<a name=AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Annual Building Utility Performance Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Values gathered over 8760.00 hours</b><br><br>
<b>Site and Source Energy</b><br><br>
@ -1203,8 +1203,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=InputVerificationandResultsSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Input Verification and Results Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<!-- FullName:Input Verification and Results Summary_Entire Facility_General-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">Program Version and Build</td>
<td align="right">EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.03.28 12:55</td>
<td align="right">EnergyPlus, Version 9.5.0-de239b2e5f, YMD=2024.04.03 14:46</td>
<td align="right">RunPeriod</td>
@ -1508,8 +1508,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=DemandEndUseComponentsSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Demand End Use Components Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>End Uses</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Demand End Use Components Summary_Entire Facility_End Uses-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -2168,15 +2168,15 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=ComponentSizingSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Component Sizing Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<p><a href="#toc" style="float: right">Table of Contents</a></p>
<a name=AdaptiveComfortSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Adaptive Comfort Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Time Not Meeting the Adaptive Comfort Models during Occupied Hours</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Adaptive Comfort Summary_Entire Facility_Time Not Meeting the Adaptive Comfort Models during Occupied Hours-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -2194,8 +2194,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=ClimaticDataSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Climatic Data Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<!-- FullName:Climatic Data Summary_Entire Facility_SizingPeriod:DesignDay-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -2235,8 +2235,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=EnvelopeSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Envelope Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Opaque Exterior</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Envelope Summary_Entire Facility_Opaque Exterior-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">Cardinal Direction</td>
<td align="right">CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015</td>
<td align="right">92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2264,7 +2264,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">E</td>
<td align="right">E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0</td>
<td align="right">1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2276,7 +2276,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42</td>
<td align="right">89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2288,7 +2288,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050</td>
<td align="right">2BC8EB4A-A3AE-4DB2-884E-FBA4AFACAAF3</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2300,7 +2300,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF</td>
<td align="right">957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2312,7 +2312,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">S</td>
<td align="right">37414C01-F83F-40F7-ABBB-1A4BD1EEADB1</td>
<td align="right">4F44E600-8B0A-4202-A474-C466935AD40D</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.639</td>
@ -2324,7 +2324,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">BC475804-6491-4C73-BBE8-9ECC5C99E85E</td>
<td align="right">EC230BB7-4E7B-43FF-9C5A-C034F2A03B64</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.649</td>
@ -2336,7 +2336,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629</td>
<td align="right">00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2348,7 +2348,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">E</td>
<td align="right">E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2</td>
<td align="right">B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2360,7 +2360,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8</td>
<td align="right">87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">180F4D20-29A5-40F6-B6BE-619AF6990AC0</td>
<td align="right">16CE8F18-8880-490D-ABDE-717CE078480A</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.639</td>
@ -2384,7 +2384,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">64CF60FF-0CC9-4E0B-AF74-29785E91A48E</td>
<td align="right">90AB0834-E697-441F-BE98-E45079E50297</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.649</td>
@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD</td>
<td align="right">BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2408,7 +2408,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">E</td>
<td align="right">B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC</td>
<td align="right">BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2420,7 +2420,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20</td>
<td align="right">AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2432,7 +2432,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65</td>
<td align="right">6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2444,7 +2444,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E</td>
<td align="right">D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2456,7 +2456,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">S</td>
<td align="right">CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233</td>
<td align="right">C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.644</td>
@ -2468,7 +2468,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">E</td>
<td align="right">C8FFA30F-2DF7-4535-A8BF-42D7CB10D16C</td>
<td align="right">F4F338E0-BC04-4052-AFE1-36AB5930E213</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.639</td>
@ -2480,7 +2480,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">3C93EA7D-CCB9-4352-9D91-A0A365573BF7</td>
<td align="right">4891B8F4-A0C0-40CA-B995-025A86109202</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.649</td>
@ -2508,7 +2508,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">Cardinal Direction</td>
<td align="right">E2312217-D742-4315-9D2F-8355D600BAA5</td>
<td align="right">39E3F658-C1DF-4843-AC8B-E9E23B17B644</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.609</td>
@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">CC35BD6A-6C99-442C-8804-597D20AA579A</td>
<td align="right">11A5A6D4-A15C-49C0-9ED5-84CD9ABC6C47</td>
<td align="right">1981_1990_6</td>
<td align="right"> 0.40</td>
<td align="right"> 0.609</td>
@ -2555,7 +2555,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right">Cardinal Direction</td>
<td align="right">CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 15.85</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2568,13 +2568,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">CD522A6F-A651-4A05-AA32-2A97B1288015</td>
<td align="right">92FBE6E8-7A1F-4A25-8E21-00F2B73A8342</td>
<td align="right"> 89.98</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">E</td>
<td align="right">E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 0.37</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2587,13 +2587,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">E9950ABD-2DDE-492D-BD24-4385512A99E0</td>
<td align="right">1B10A51E-9541-4AC5-9E57-C6B6A13DF78E</td>
<td align="right"> 270.07</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 7.70</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2606,13 +2606,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">DE37A6A0-DCA1-48D2-A413-2C2D21977D42</td>
<td align="right">89ECA84F-879A-4827-B4FD-CEFD06540FB5</td>
<td align="right"> 0.07</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">2BC8EB4A-A3AE-4DB2-884E-FBA4AFACAAF3 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 15.58</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2625,13 +2625,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">8321C8C0-5395-4D8C-BFFC-875CFA2EA050</td>
<td align="right">2BC8EB4A-A3AE-4DB2-884E-FBA4AFACAAF3</td>
<td align="right"> 269.91</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 42.43</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2644,13 +2644,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">780BC4B4-29C5-4793-94C5-89DAE42877EF</td>
<td align="right">957C5037-AD64-4AF7-B9DE-E4E72DA15004</td>
<td align="right"> 179.99</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">S</td>
<td align="right">BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 15.29</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2663,13 +2663,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">BF8205CF-3F88-4676-899F-CC5FCD48F629</td>
<td align="right">00AA3D73-E5EB-48C7-96E8-192BE9A63CA3</td>
<td align="right"> 89.98</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">E</td>
<td align="right">E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 34.73</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2682,13 +2682,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">E5F352A7-DBF1-42EC-8B90-00CDA9677CB2</td>
<td align="right">B8E3FE50-871C-46C1-88E6-0AC34B5C9808</td>
<td align="right"> 0.13</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 15.29</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2701,13 +2701,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">149E3C03-6635-4AF0-B8B3-8EA49FE76CD8</td>
<td align="right">87FC8675-EE95-44C2-9EBB-18B41A960FE0</td>
<td align="right"> 270.04</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 0.64</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2720,13 +2720,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">1629D8FB-9237-48BB-87C8-90C50B5617CD</td>
<td align="right">BDEECCDD-A13F-4F50-B159-6150F7121294</td>
<td align="right"> 91.08</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">E</td>
<td align="right">B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 21.32</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2739,13 +2739,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">B4C42B55-15BB-4CB5-A634-56D0A6D20FEC</td>
<td align="right">BFD722D6-AAC4-43B9-84A4-5244DBEE32A0</td>
<td align="right"> 2.33</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 1.59</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2758,13 +2758,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">480A95F9-1E47-4547-AFA7-036E42C1FE20</td>
<td align="right">AC7048EE-8C08-41EA-8FAC-D4B41629A185</td>
<td align="right"> 1.96</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">N</td>
<td align="right">E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 11.57</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2777,13 +2777,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">E29B4A84-D67C-4C48-8D0D-2971A040AF65</td>
<td align="right">6571D446-78F9-4CBE-A5A8-1189A0C37719</td>
<td align="right"> 270.12</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">W</td>
<td align="right">CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 22.83</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2796,13 +2796,13 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">CC9A9FE1-C3C1-43EB-8AB8-63DAAACADA7E</td>
<td align="right">D85DBE1F-E9B6-4890-A96E-70BFD35F66E6</td>
<td align="right"> 180.13</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">S</td>
<td align="right">CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7 WINDOW</td>
<td align="right">WINDOW_CONSTRUCTION_1</td>
<td align="right"> 10.06</td>
<td align="right"> 0.00</td>
@ -2815,7 +2815,7 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right"> </td>
<td align="right">No</td>
<td align="right">CF22D5C2-7C63-41D8-828C-727C0B394233</td>
<td align="right">C585BD5C-3020-47FA-B08A-5E53C3B954F7</td>
<td align="right"> 90.40</td>
<td align="right"> 90.00</td>
<td align="right">E</td>
@ -2948,8 +2948,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=LightingSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Lighting Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Interior Lighting</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Lighting Summary_Entire Facility_Interior Lighting-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -3082,8 +3082,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=EquipmentSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Equipment Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Central Plant</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Equipment Summary_Entire Facility_Central Plant-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -3307,8 +3307,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=HVACSizingSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> HVAC Sizing Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Zone Sensible Cooling</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:HVAC Sizing Summary_Entire Facility_Zone Sensible Cooling-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -3520,8 +3520,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=SystemSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> System Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<!-- FullName:System Summary_Entire Facility_Economizer-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -3656,8 +3656,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=OutdoorAirSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Outdoor Air Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Average Outdoor Air During Occupied Hours</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Outdoor Air Summary_Entire Facility_Average Outdoor Air During Occupied Hours-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -3753,8 +3753,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=ObjectCountSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Object Count Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Surfaces by Class</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Object Count Summary_Entire Facility_Surfaces by Class-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
@ -3903,8 +3903,8 @@ Note 1: An asterisk (*) indicates that the feature is not yet implemented.<br>
<a name=SensibleHeatGainSummary::EntireFacility></a>
<p>Report:<b> Sensible Heat Gain Summary</b></p>
<p>For:<b> Entire Facility</b></p>
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-03-28
<p>Timestamp: <b>2024-04-03
<b>Annual Building Sensible Heat Gain Components</b><br><br>
<!-- FullName:Sensible Heat Gain Summary_Entire Facility_Annual Building Sensible Heat Gain Components-->
<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
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Output written on energy_system_analysis_report.pdf (9 pages, 1021291 bytes).
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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
\title{Energy System Analysis Report - 2024-03-28 12:55:40}
\title{Energy System Analysis Report - 2024-04-03 14:46:42}
\author{Next-Generation Cities Institute}
@ -6,11 +6,9 @@ import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from matplotlib import cm
import datetime
class EnergySystemAnalysisReport:
def __init__(self, file_name, city, output_path):
|||| = city
class LatexReport:
def __init__(self, file_name):
self.file_name = file_name
self.output_path = output_path
self.content = []
self.content.append(r'\usepackage[margin=2.5cm]{geometry}') # Adjust page margins
@ -71,311 +69,6 @@ class EnergySystemAnalysisReport:
self.content.append(r'\includegraphics[width=0.8\textwidth]{' + image_path + r'}')
def building_energy_info(self):
table_data = [
["Building Name", "Year of Construction", "function", "Yearly Heating Demand (MWh)",
"Yearly Cooling Demand (MWh)", "Yearly DHW Demand (MWh)", "Yearly Electricity Demand (MWh)"]
intensity_table_data = [["Building Name", "Total Floor Area m2", "Heating Demand Intensity kWh/m2",
"Cooling Demand Intensity kWh/m2", "Electricity Intensity kWh/m2"]]
for building in
total_floor_area = 0
for zone in building.thermal_zones_from_internal_zones:
total_floor_area += zone.total_floor_area
building_data = [
str(format(building.heating_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6, '.2f')),
str(format(building.cooling_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6, '.2f')),
str(format(building.domestic_hot_water_heat_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6, '.2f')),
str(format((building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] + building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0]) / 1e6, '.2f')),
intensity_data = [
str(format(total_floor_area, '.2f')),
str(format(building.heating_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / (1e3 * total_floor_area), '.2f')),
str(format(building.cooling_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / (1e3 * total_floor_area), '.2f')),
(building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] + building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0]) /
(1e3 * total_floor_area), '.2f'))
self.add_table(table_data, caption='City Buildings Energy Demands')
self.add_table(intensity_table_data, caption='Energy Intensity Information')
def base_case_charts(self):
save_directory = self.output_path
def create_hvac_demand_chart(building_names, yearly_heating_demand, yearly_cooling_demand):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bar_width = 0.35
index = range(len(building_names))
bars1 =, yearly_heating_demand, bar_width, label='Yearly Heating Demand (MWh)')
bars2 =[i + bar_width for i in index], yearly_cooling_demand, bar_width,
label='Yearly Cooling Demand (MWh)')
ax.set_xlabel('Building Name')
ax.set_ylabel('Energy Demand (MWh)')
ax.set_title('Yearly HVAC Demands')
ax.set_xticks([i + bar_width / 2 for i in index])
ax.set_xticklabels(building_names, rotation=45, ha='right')
autolabel(bars1, ax)
autolabel(bars2, ax)
plt.savefig(save_directory / 'hvac_demand_chart.jpg')
def create_bar_chart(title, ylabel, data, filename, bar_color=None):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bar_width = 0.35
index = range(len(building_names))
if bar_color is None:
# Generate a random color
bar_color = random.choice(list(mcolors.CSS4_COLORS.values()))
bars =, data, bar_width, label=ylabel, color=bar_color)
ax.set_xlabel('Building Name')
ax.set_ylabel('Energy Demand (MWh)')
ax.set_xticks([i + bar_width / 2 for i in index])
ax.set_xticklabels(building_names, rotation=45, ha='right')
autolabel(bars, ax)
plt.savefig(save_directory / filename)
def autolabel(bars, ax):
for bar in bars:
height = bar.get_height()
xy=(bar.get_x() + bar.get_width() / 2, height),
xytext=(0, 3), # 3 points vertical offset
textcoords="offset points",
ha='center', va='bottom')
building_names = [ for building in]
yearly_heating_demand = [building.heating_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6 for building in]
yearly_cooling_demand = [building.cooling_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6 for building in]
yearly_dhw_demand = [building.domestic_hot_water_heat_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6 for building in
yearly_electricity_demand = [(building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] +
building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0]) / 1e6 for building in
create_hvac_demand_chart(building_names, yearly_heating_demand, yearly_cooling_demand)
create_bar_chart('Yearly DHW Demands', 'Energy Demand (MWh)', yearly_dhw_demand, 'dhw_demand_chart.jpg', )
create_bar_chart('Yearly Electricity Demands', 'Energy Demand (MWh)', yearly_electricity_demand,
def maximum_monthly_hvac_chart(self):
save_directory = self.output_path
months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
'November', 'December']
for building in
maximum_monthly_heating_load = []
maximum_monthly_cooling_load = []
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6)) # Create a figure with 2 subplots side by side
for demand in building.heating_peak_load[cte.MONTH]:
maximum_monthly_heating_load.append(demand / 3.6e6)
for demand in building.cooling_peak_load[cte.MONTH]:
maximum_monthly_cooling_load.append(demand / 3.6e6)
# Plot maximum monthly heating load
axs[0].bar(months, maximum_monthly_heating_load, color='red') # Plot on the first subplot
axs[0].set_title('Maximum Monthly Heating Load')
axs[0].set_ylabel('Load (kW)')
axs[0].tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
# Plot maximum monthly cooling load
axs[1].bar(months, maximum_monthly_cooling_load, color='blue') # Plot on the second subplot
axs[1].set_title('Maximum Monthly Cooling Load')
axs[1].set_ylabel('Load (kW)')
axs[1].tick_params(axis='x', rotation=45)
plt.tight_layout() # Adjust layout to prevent overlapping
plt.savefig(save_directory / f'{}_monthly_maximum_hvac_loads.jpg')
def load_duration_curves(self):
save_directory = self.output_path
for building in
heating_demand = [demand / 1000 for demand in building.heating_demand[cte.HOUR]]
cooling_demand = [demand / 1000 for demand in building.cooling_demand[cte.HOUR]]
heating_demand_sorted = sorted(heating_demand, reverse=True)
cooling_demand_sorted = sorted(cooling_demand, reverse=True)
# Create figure and axis objects with 1 row and 2 columns
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
# Plot sorted heating demand
axs[0].plot(heating_demand_sorted, color='red', linewidth=2, label='Heating Demand')
axs[0].set_xlabel('Hour', fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_ylabel('Heating Demand', fontsize=14)
axs[0].set_title('Heating Load Duration Curve', fontsize=16)
axs[0].legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12)
# Plot sorted cooling demand
axs[1].plot(cooling_demand_sorted, color='blue', linewidth=2, label='Cooling Demand')
axs[1].set_xlabel('Hour', fontsize=14)
axs[1].set_ylabel('Cooling Demand', fontsize=14)
axs[1].set_title('Cooling Load Duration Curve', fontsize=16)
axs[1].legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=12)
# Adjust layout
# Save the plot
plt.savefig(save_directory / f'{}_load_duration_curve.jpg')
# Close the plot to release memory
def individual_building_info(self, building):
table_data = [
["Maximum Monthly HVAC Demands",
["Load Duration Curve", f"\\includegraphics[width=1\\linewidth]{{{}_load_duration_curve.jpg}}"],
self.add_table(table_data, caption=f'{} Information', first_column_width=1.5)
def building_existing_system_info(self, building):
existing_archetype = building.energy_systems_archetype_name
fuels = []
system_schematic = "-"
heating_system = "-"
cooling_system = "-"
dhw = "-"
electricity = "Grid"
hvac_ec = format((building.heating_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] + building.cooling_consumption[cte.YEAR][0])/1e6, '.2f')
dhw_ec = format(building.domestic_hot_water_consumption[cte.YEAR][0]/1e6, '.2f')
on_site_generation = "-"
yearly_operational_cost = "-"
life_cycle_cost = "-"
for energy_system in building.energy_systems:
if cte.HEATING and cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER in energy_system.demand_types:
heating_system =
dhw =
elif cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER in energy_system.demand_types:
dhw =
elif cte.HEATING in energy_system.demand_types:
heating_system =
elif cte.COOLING in energy_system.demand_types:
cooling_system =
for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
if generation_system.system_type == cte.PHOTOVOLTAIC:
electricity = "Grid-tied PV"
energy_system_table_data = [
["Detail", "Existing System", "Proposed System"],
["Energy System Archetype", existing_archetype, "-"],
["System Schematic", system_schematic, system_schematic],
["Heating System", heating_system, "-"],
["Cooling System", cooling_system, "-"],
["DHW System", dhw, "-"],
["Electricity", electricity, "-"],
["Fuel(s)", str(fuels), "-"],
["HVAC Energy Consumption (MWh)", hvac_ec, "-"],
["DHW Energy Consumption (MWH)", dhw_ec, "-"],
["Yearly Operational Cost (CAD)", yearly_operational_cost, "-"],
["Life Cycle Cost (CAD)", life_cycle_cost, "-"]
self.add_table(energy_system_table_data, caption= f'Building {} Energy System Characteristics')
def building_fuel_consumption_breakdown(self, building):
save_directory = self.output_path
# Initialize variables to store fuel consumption breakdown
fuel_breakdown = {
"Heating": {"Gas": 0, "Electricity": 0},
"Domestic Hot Water": {"Gas": 0, "Electricity": 0},
"Cooling": {"Electricity": 0},
"Appliance": building.appliances_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6,
"Lighting": building.lighting_electrical_demand[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
# Iterate through energy systems of the building
for energy_system in building.energy_systems:
for demand_type in energy_system.demand_types:
for generation_system in energy_system.generation_systems:
consumption = 0
if demand_type == cte.HEATING:
consumption = building.heating_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
elif demand_type == cte.DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER:
consumption = building.domestic_hot_water_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
elif demand_type == cte.COOLING:
consumption = building.cooling_consumption[cte.YEAR][0] / 1e6
if generation_system.fuel_type == cte.ELECTRICITY:
fuel_breakdown[demand_type]["Electricity"] += consumption
fuel_breakdown[demand_type]["Gas"] += consumption
electricity_labels = ['Appliance', 'Lighting']
electricity_sizes = [fuel_breakdown['Appliance'], fuel_breakdown['Lighting']]
if fuel_breakdown['Heating']['Electricity'] > 0:
if fuel_breakdown['Cooling']['Electricity'] > 0:
if fuel_breakdown['Domestic Hot Water']['Electricity'] > 0:
electricity_labels.append('Domestic Hot Water')
electricity_sizes.append(fuel_breakdown['Domestic Hot Water']['Electricity'])
# Data for bar chart
gas_labels = ['Heating', 'Domestic Hot Water']
gas_sizes = [fuel_breakdown['Heating']['Gas'], fuel_breakdown['Domestic Hot Water']['Gas']]
# Set the style
# Create plot grid
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 6))
# Plot pie chart for electricity consumption breakdown
colors = cm.get_cmap('tab20c', len(electricity_labels))
axs[0].pie(electricity_sizes, labels=electricity_labels,
autopct=lambda pct: f"{pct:.1f}%\n({pct / 100 * sum(electricity_sizes):.2f})",
startangle=90, colors=[colors(i) for i in range(len(electricity_labels))])
axs[0].set_title('Electricity Consumption Breakdown')
# Plot bar chart for natural gas consumption breakdown
colors = cm.get_cmap('Paired', len(gas_labels))
axs[1].bar(gas_labels, gas_sizes, color=[colors(i) for i in range(len(gas_labels))])
axs[1].set_ylabel('Consumption (MWh)')
axs[1].set_title('Natural Gas Consumption Breakdown')
# Add grid to bar chart
axs[1].grid(axis='y', linestyle='--', alpha=0.7)
# Add a title to the entire figure
plt.suptitle('Building Energy Consumption Breakdown', fontsize=16, fontweight='bold')
# Adjust layout
# Save the plot as a high-quality image
plt.savefig(save_directory / f'{}_energy_consumption_breakdown.png', dpi=300)
def save_report(self):
self.content.append(r'\end{document}') # Add this line to close the document
with open(self.file_name, 'w') as f:
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